Sunday at the Super Bowl, the eyes and ears of the whole world were on California. The half-time show was unintelligible. It is probably merciful that most of those who endured it could not understand one word they said.
The commercials were uncreative, which is shocking when you consider the available technology and the vast pool of talent. The messages tried to find a hook with which to grab your emotions, but they possessed no redeeming quality.
Dolly Parton opened her commercial as if she was starting a spiritual movement. Turned out, she was peddling phones.
It is clear that California media and technology have the power to make humanity sit up and listen.
The problem is that California has absolutely nothing to say, and no answers for a hurting world.
Lots of glitz, but no substance. Untold power, but none of it for good. Why? Because the California elite has declared war on God. It is a godless State with great power, but only power for evil. For everyone’s sake, something desperately needs to happen in California.
Here it is.
I received the following note, “Mario, I’m flying out from Missouri on a mission to get my homeless son in Visalia and get him to the Tent. Believing for a radical encounter, deliverance from bondage of addictions. God has commissioned me to do this. Can’t wait!! Prodigal son coming home!”
There are thousands of other stories like this. People are on a pilgrimage to Hanford, and they are bringing loved ones to be saved, delivered, and healed. Emails, letters, and phone messages are filled with declarations: “I am going to get my miracle!” “My loved one is going to be saved!” “I am a pastor and I am coming to get the fire and glory of God to take back to my congregation!”
Can you imagine the sobering weight on my heart for this crusade, which is just a few days away? Something is happening here that is far beyond me. Mario Murillo is not the focus. These people are coming with their eyes fixed on Christ. Meanwhile, outside the Tent, there is misery.
Mario Murillo is not the focus. These people are coming with their eyes fixed on Christ.
A deep and inexpressible desperation is crushing millions in California. The Bible says, Matthew 9:36-38, “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
Did you ever consider how helpless sheep are, out alone in the wilderness? It is a pitiful and terrifying picture. The animal soon just sits down in hopeless resignation to accept its fate.
That is the atmosphere in California. Not what you see on television. Not the coddled and protected billionaires, movie stars and celebrities. No, it’s everyday people who have had everything taken from them by a Leftist regime. The pandemic was an excuse to steal their future. Their neighborhoods are ravaged by violence and decadence. They are the sheep in the wilderness who are just accepting their fate, and the fate of their children.
Our workers are dispersed over several square miles around the Tent. They are wading into the gangland killing-fields; the homeless camps; and they are reaching out to regular people, who open their doors to receive food, clothing, and a message of hope! But there is something more.
Satan’s big mistake was to make the people of the State of California miserable. Now they are open to Christ, and no longer spurn the Gospel. Our team has never seen such a wide open field. But there is something greater still.
The power of people bringing people.
I am hearing stories of great sacrifices that people are making to bring the sick to the Tent. I now realize that, long before they even get to the Tent, they are exercising faith. Miracle faith.
Miracle faith in action: Mark 2:3-5, “Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So, when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying. When Jesus saw their faith, (emphasis mine) He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”
Christ saw the roof coming off and called their actions faith! I can’t count the number of times that great healings in our Tent were connected to stories of groups of people who went to great lengths to get someone into the Tent.
That is what I am saying, right now! Please bring the sick to be healed. Do not let the enemy convince you that it is ‘just too hard.’ Let faith dictate your actions!
I can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to do. Praying for my family who is in Virginia to be touched by some of that anointing. We are in desperate need of a miracle!
Glory to God🙏🏻 Mario, we join in prayer with u for u and your wife , your team and the workers going out. I just Thank You Father, for Loving us!♥️Can’t wait to hear the testimony of 10 leprosy, coming Back Praising God. Alabama, joins in with Jesus, and u Mario . We just Thank u Father!📖🛐✝️🕊🔥🛡💕
I would love to be there, but we can sure pray. Sadly, how many times did The LORD’s people have to suffer such severe judgement before turning back to HIM. Then, how quickly they started whining. We aren’t any different and I pray that not every state has to sink so low before the people turn to the LORD. HE has been waiting for us to turn our faces to HIM. These marvelous movements of the LORD should be taking place through-out the world and there are many places where they are. Always – look up and out to the LORD fornHE is with us.
Reform, restoration, our father is Abel, we claim abba fathers creation back to him and him ALONE, on earth as it is in heaven.
Very much wanted to be there,
See you in Tulsa Mario,
Iam an ALL IN Warrior so my prayers will be with you,
LET IT RAIN Holy Spirit a fresh and anew,
Let your glory pour out,
Praying from Oklahoma
Many of us can’t go to California but are in desperate need to God’s healing remember us and pray for us as well. Praising and thanking God for this universal anointing.
Need special healing in my body. 4th time with cancer and ready to be healed completely NO MORE ever agai. In my body
Hopefully I can make it. I’ve volunteered in Modesto. It was such a blessing to be under the tent helping out. I need healing big time! I am expecting to be healed, in Jesus name!
I’m praying for you all for miraculous glory to come upon that tent and do amazing Healing’s! So then you can come to Bellingham Washington that is equally as influenced as California and New York and is quiet under the radar however there is really strong either here But lots of hidden ones praying and making differences in the territory. I am an intercessor and I am been praying that you will come here!
Praying for a mighty move of God for California.
Prayers for Hanford California from Lacombe Louisiana
Show each of us where You want to use us in this new awakening, Father God! We are READY TO SERVE FOR YOU!
Mario, As I was reading this I began to weep and the spirit of intercession came upon me! I am a 65 year old native Californian living in The OC and it horrifies me, what the Left has done to our beautiful state! I can’t be there but I can pray and will also give a donation to your good work in Christ. May Jesus be glorified in your meetings!!
Praying from Pennsylvania! I can’t wait to hear and see all that the Lord will do!
Waiting for your return to Batavia, NY. To God be the GLORY. Thank you very much Mario
May ABBA Father continue to bless you and your workers of the Great harvest that awaits you.
I wish I could be there. I have been sick from Covid pneumonia since August 15, 2021. I am on oxygen 24/7 and when I stand my 02 stats drop drastically sometimes in the low 70s. So because of this I can’t take but a few steps. At 72 years of age I had never been sick and didn’t take any kind of medication to where now I am almost bed ridden. Please pray that God would heal me. I have loved Him dearly since I was 12 years old! I am praying for God’s glory and great power to be revealed across America! Thank you, Mario for being His instrument! May God continue to embolden you and demonstrate His great power through you!
The One who calls you by name knows what you need Cathy! Seek Him with all of your heart and have a bold expectation by faith that His healing touch is ready to be made manifest in your body! Praise Him!! Thank you Father for your miracle working power. The battle belongs to the Lord, but the victory is yours! Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God for those in Christ Jesus. May the precious blood of Jesus cleanse you today! Amen
I’m thirst for the revival, prayed that I can see and experience it myself on this coming Sunday.
Praying from Washington state and hoping you or someone is called to come to us and Oregon, to “tent” us, maybe someone out of Hanford meetings will arise.
Mario, Do you have any plans in the future, to come to Missouri? We would love for God to send you to Nevada Missouri. A town where there used to be around 8,000 in mental hospitals. About 2 years ago, it is our understanding the mental hospital closed and they let all of those people out in society. We haver hundreds of people here that need the Lord’s healing touch, and your ministry. We are not a large city – a town of close to 9,000. I don’t know where all of those people ended up – we have lived here for around 9 months, and not every one is like that:). We pray for Gods’ mercy and grace to come on this community.
Eventually tents will not be big enough.
Since all the stadiums are sponsored by woke corporations prayer needs to start now concerning the hurdles to come.
Praying for the anointing to break the yoke of all bondage! Set them free, Jesus! Hallelujah!
great message,,, am praying for a great harvest in Calif. God bless
Hallelujah Lord Jesus!! Together we bind attempts of the enemy to keep those in need away, and we loose the power of the blood, the cross and the Resurrection to bring everyone who needs your healing touch! More workers Lord Jesus! Fulfill your perfect plans and release your GLORY!!! Amen! Amen!!!!
Praying the Power of the Presence of the Lord to heal is there, that He will do extraordinary miracles to save heal and deliver.
I am praying for such a heavy anointing for you, Mario, that it would reach all the churches of Jesus Christ and restore families and their faith in Jesus. I pray for protection and multiple blessings upon you, your family and your ministry.
So grateful for you and your wife. Also the great workers you have. It’s going to be an explosion of His glory and of miracles, signs and wonders. I’m declaring. Thankfully, along with this the political evil ones are going down and soon. Wouldn’t it be great if they were exposed and removed right after this mtg. But it’s God’s timing. He knows best when He will get ALL THE GLORY.
I believe this is the start to God’s healing of America. The Pacific North West is in dire need of these healing tent meetings. Satan is having a free for all up here. I believe we can stop him in his tracks. Please come to the PNW soon.
I rejoice when I get to see the healing videos. Everytime Brother Mario talks either on Flashpoint or any other page I feel the anointing. My only wish is for this ministry to make a visit to Laredo, TX. 😁
I’m the Missouri Moma that KNOWS my God is able to deliver … my son in awe of me coming therefore willing to go with me. I’m shouting from the roof tops for through my sons testimony many will come to SEE the power of God. I have prayer warriors agreeing with me!
You go girl! And the Spirit of the Living God will go with you! Amen!
Thank you Mario for your obedience and sacrifice and thank you for not asking for money in this post.
Mario incredibly MIRACULOUS…! God Strengthen You, and Your Wife for this truly wonderful Event about to take place! And usher in Lord God, a “burden” destroying anointing for the people, healing, deliverance and beyond… in Jesus Mighty Name..!!
Please pray for my wayward granddaughter,Anna.She is somewhere in California.She is on drugs and living with a man she is not married to. I claim her soul in the name that is above every name, Jesus Christ.
Bring them all Lord. Bring them to this glorious river of God’s glory and outpouring of miracles. This is what we all long to see. A manifestation of God’s power and love.God and humanity.
I pray for Mario that the tent revival will be successful, the enemy will be defeated through Christ’s love❤️ Glory to God in the highest!!!!!!!!
prayers for the Manifestation and demonstration of the Power Of God, from Ohio
What will be needed after words is for the people to learn how to be Filled with The Holy Presence of God so as to Walk Like Jesus’ did when He was 1st here …
Now what is needed Mario is for people to learn to walk like Jesus’
Praying ❣️
Help! Salinas California needa your tent revival here ISalinas within the last month we had a double homicide Jesus arias villa 22 years old and his girlfriwnd Karina Vargas 23 years of age. Please bring ur tent revival to Salinas we need to stopm the devil out of our city.
I would be happy to volunteer and will bring many other volunteers to save the youth in this city.
Prayers from Michigan
Mario, there is a granddaughter (I’ll call her Mary but that is not her real name) of our very close friends who has been suffering from a disease for almost two years which doctors cannot even identify. Most of their diagnosis involves experimental surgeries with no real idea if this will bring her healing. They have tried to offer hope but not knowing what malady is attacking her and receiving no healing (thus far) is driving her crazy. She loves the Lord, as does her new husband, and part of her array of medical advice will come from visits to southern California. While I know that God uses the medical establishment through which He performs many healings, my belief is that this young lady needs to be present at the Hanford tent meeting where she would receive a miraculous healing from Jesus. I am sending this blog to the grandparents and asking them to persuade Mary, before she keeps her California doctor’s appointment, to make a side trip to your meeting. That’s two miracles I am asking of the Lord: the first is for Mary to get to Hanford and the second is for her to receive her healing that night along with the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I covet your prayers for her as well.
Ever since you started the revivals in Modesto I thought & thought of how in the world could I get my 83 yr old friend, helen, & her disabled granddaughter 33 yr old, heather, (whom she’s raised) onto an airplane. And how I could get my friend, Carla, who’s quadriplegic (from car accident), & her 79 yr old father, James, (who had a stroke) to revival. Neither carla nor heathers special wheelchairs would fit on an airplane & neither of them are able to endure a drive that far. But then one day the Lord spoke to me & said, But you can go. So I’m coming on the 20th to help work it & to be in the Glory so I can bring it home to helen & heather, & then we’ll drive from Tx to NM to take it to Carla & James. Amen 🙏🙏
Will be praying everyday for miracles. and at the tent pray for me and healing of my knees and basck. Thanks and God Blss
Thank you Rev Murillo for your messages and thoughts you share on Flash Point. I pray for you snd the outpouring of God’s Glory over Hanford
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they SHALL BE FILLED. And bless your single-mindedness, Mario, to concentrate on the HARVEST. May the Lord answer the heart cries of the people of California!!!
GOD Bless You Evangelist Murillo. I have been praying for You, your family and those who are working in the vineyard. Thank You for your obedience to the Lord. I hope one day You can come to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Love You my Brother in Christ.
GLORY TO GOD keep on going California needs Jesus I was saved off the streets of Merced homeless and lost, now living in Portland OR. Still Gods kid preaching to homeless people under bridges under Evangelist Eric Larsen and helping when we can With God all things are possible Glory.
Praise God, Praise God for his heart for his people and for keeping your ministry for such a time as this. Your calling and his faithful keeping have now come into fruition. Wonderful to hear but oh how I want to see those things happen here in my town of Florence, Alabama! Thank you Mario for your witness of God’s grace, truth and power!
I am in California with the team doing street work and each one of us is praying over every chair under the tent for all the souls that will be reached. Praying for God’s Glory to fill the tent with His PROMISES! Our LORD’s will is every one healed everyone saved…the Spirit quickened me as I read about the pastor’s child a prodigal son reunited with God and family. I pray into this and declare it is so! Praise God for all already happening as we prepare for a great revival! God bless all of God’s people and those who will call Him LORD OF THEIR LIVES!
I’m going to be there to volunteer & see the supernatural power of God move
May God be glorified! “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18, 19.
Praying from Nelson New Zealand. Bless you Mario and your team, and can’t wait to hear the great news on Flash Point.
Jesus healed me. I was in a car accident, pronounced “dead on arrival”. A minister was mowing his lawn when he heard the noise. They had already sent three ambulances away. I was covered up waiting for the coroner’s. He pick up the cover over my face to give me my last rites, that’s when I opened my eyes and he yelled “my God she’s alive”. We serve a God of miracles! Supernatural miracles! Thank you Jesus!
Blessed be those who bring The Harvest Rain.The Lord is limitless in his healings.We are praying for America and the world as souls are healed in his name Jesus the redeemer.Mario Australia will pray and fast for a wave of revival worldwide.
The warfare I am encountering right now to get to the tent crusade in Hanford on Feb 20 ; last Friday my spiritual son Mark had a mental breakdown and was admitted to a behavioral unit . It is now Wednesday and believing the Lord to have him out by Friday because we fly out on Saturday Feb 19th.
I really don’t want to travel alone but if I have to I will. Mark needs to be at that tent crusade. Agree with me he will be discharged by Friday; Feb 18th. Mark birthday is 2-22-22. he wants to be there .🔥🔥🔥
Hi Mario,
Came up to help with the tent set up and will be there for the meeting.
I am trusting God for a real breakthrough move there where the dividing walls are broken and the chains of the enemy shattered from any and every apendage, He is more than able to much more than we can ask or think, and I am asking and thinking a lot!
Blessings in Him,
Praying all satans evil is reversed in the mighty and powerful name of JESUS! The way to be saved and united with the FATHER! The ONLY way! Praise GOD for reversing the evil and bringing in a great harvest before HIS teturn!
Missouri Moma on my way…. It’s going to be as Mario describes: indescribable supernatural manifestation of God in a chain breaking anointing tangible way!! Habakkuk 1:5 Look To the nations and see, be utterly astonished, amazed what God is going to do!
An open heaven beyond our understanding as we yield to HIS spirit. Standing in the gap for my son and others praying and believing for NEW life in Jesus Christ! Shalom
I have traveled from Massachusetts and have been praying for this event for months- I am bringing my son who stayed in CA after I moved to Texas 6 months ago. God has been sending me all across the country- from CA to TX; from TX across the Midwest and up and down the east coast Boston, then back again state by state through NY, PA, MD, VA, through the Carolina’s, ,down to the Gulf of Mexico in Florida, to Tennessee with Kent Christmas and back again. Now in CA All on Hod assignments. The Lord is giving me a birds eye view of the politics and spiritual climate around the country. I went into travail 3 weeks ago- The HS fell upon me and showed me the pain OUR MEN ARE SUFFERING- no one to turn to with their pain- no guidance or direction- no leaders around them. The pain was so dark and deep- an abyss of such aloneness and without anyone to bear the load. Lord I am praying for our country our men and young men and boys – as Mary knelt at the cross watching her son bleed out- your daughters are tired and hurting and are praying and laboring/ warring in the spirit. We are expecting your presence to be in Hanford this week. We are believing for the promises you’ve given to us. This is our harvest. Ravish every soul and lead us all into your presence. Job 36:16
Writers in Hollywood are so obviously perplexed because of the forced indulgence of wok mess that the Fraser reboot has taken 3 years to get off the ground and filming still has not begun.
Kelsey Grammar is supposedly a conservative so I can’t imagine the banter over latte inspired soy drinks someplace off cold water canyon😳
I was at the tent meeting on Sunday, I came from Bakersfield CA. I felt so at home. Being with people I have never meant but yet felt like family. That’s how it is in the family of God and I so love being around them. Mario mentioned early in the evening of a woman having problems sleeping, sleeping very little, some times not at all, stomach pain and problems with their feet. My heart was just racing and I knew he was speaking to me but I didn’t stand. I have had trouble sleeping since I was a child. My feet and stomach are due to work related issues. After the service I went up to one of the workers wanting them to let Mario know I was the one he was speaking of. God is wonderfully great, there are no words on this earth that can justify the magnitude of His Glory within our hearts. Mario, I know you have connections with churches here in Bakersfield and would ask for a list of the churches I may reach out to. You spoke of the Pastors that are not speaking as they ought and boldness have left them. I am a witness of it personally by five people confronting me about my beliefs of praying in tongues in my time with the Lord and of miracles, of which I have had personnally. They said I was welcome in the church as long as I do not go into leadership, keep quiet and not cause trouble. I somewhat chuckled to myself, It isn’t me they are afraid of but the Holy Spirit. I told them I will not deny what God has done for me nor will I deny the power of the Holy Spirit nor give up my tongue. This was a Baptist Church. I have been on a hunt for many years looking for the right church and let me say how right you are, churches are not the same. Even the very church I raised my children up has changed. I told them I am looking for the Church that beliefs from the very beginning to the very end of this book, The Bible no less and no more. I asked them where is this real church of God. Alot of churches have even stopped offering alter calls, man that just griefs the Holy Spirit. I just want to scream… I just weep alot and cry out for Gods help to forgive what once was. But you know they can’t take it from our hearts and we will not SHUT UP but GET LOUDER
I am about the TRUTH! Thank you for all of your team, for all the hard work you guys do for our Lord. I will continue in lifting all you and your team in prayer. May God grant all a good nights rest and sound sleep for the up coming days. Cindy Cotta
Greetings brothers and sisters from the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic. Love this ministry. Are the meeting live on the net. Can I please have a link. God bless Mario and his family and staff.