by | Feb 6, 2022 | Mario Murillo, Mario Murillo Ministries | 106 comments

It had many things going against it. I broke a personal rule to do it. There was little time to advertise. The leaders wondered if they had even gotten the word out. But then something bigger than anyone could have predicted happened.

We are mounting the greatest invasion ever in California: Living Proof Hanford. My standing rule is to postpone all speaking engagements and prepare myself for the Tent.

My friend Ron Mcintosh from Tulsa is closely tied to James and Tracy Boyd at Grow Church in Naples, Florida. He wanted them to experience our tent crusade in Batavia last October because he believed that Grow Church was on the verge of a great awakening.

It was after they saw what God did in New York that they believed I should come to Naples. They knew that many of the churches in that area would join together at the two thousand seat outdoor meeting place known as the Barn.

The Barn is a famous semi-outdoor meeting hall that was just purchased by Destiny Church, led by Greg and Bobbie Ball.

For months we went back and forth. When it became clear that Hanford was going to happen, I knew I could not add a one-night miracle rally in Naples. Still, I had a nagging feeling about it.

I had heard a credible prophetic word years ago about a visitation of God beginning in that very region of Florida that would rush north across that state. Questions abounded. “Is this it? And, how much promotion is actually needed when there is a sovereign outpouring of the Holy Spirit?”

And, how much promotion is actually needed when there is a sovereign outpouring of the Holy Spirit?”

It kept growing on me. I could not shake the conviction that this trip was important. I had to pray and ask the big question, “Is God opening the door to Florida?”
So it was, with very limited promotion, that tonight happened. And what happened was supernatural. Local leaders could not explain it. We drove up to the venue and saw three parking lots were filled. People were walking along the Boulevard from many blocks away.
The crowd overflowed to the point that the fire marshal told us we were way beyond the limit. Still, we persevered. The worship electrified. The Glory of God dropped on the people.
I can count on one hand the number of times that a sermon set a crowd on fire like it did tonight. The fire marshal was concerned about the wrong kind of fire! This crowd was famished for the Bible and the moving of the Holy Spirit.

This crowd was famished for the Bible and the moving of the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit of God stopped me at a certain moment in my message. He told me that souls were ready to be saved. This was one of the most shocking and unexpected things I have ever seen. Hundreds and hundreds poured out of their seats to be saved. I stopped them because there were so many coming forward that I needed to clarify that this was for souls to be saved, not rededicated. Some went back to their seats, but the majority kept coming and would not be dissuaded.
Only God knows the real number of souls who were saved tonight. But that was not the end, and because I am rushing to get this news to you, I cannot tell you about the multitudes of people who were healed of every imaginable sickness. What a display of the power of the Lord!
Obviously, I am now coming to California with even more fire and expectancy. This is a double win! Not only did we see a mighty and utterly unexpected breakthrough in Naples, Florida, but I was given a very special surprise. What I thought was a distraction from getting prepared for California, turned out to be the very best way to get ready for our greatest tent crusade ever!!



  1. tony

    May Christ alone be honored , Keep the faith !


      God is sandwiching in the nation between Florida and California.

      • Linda linde


      • Suzette van Rooyen

        How we long fir a supernatural move if God in South Africa. Our country is deteriorating at such a rapid pace and we are not seeing signs and wonders like we did years ago.

        • Dana


    • Lisa

      Absolutely love pouring down like rain from the Holy Spirit!! Gif bless all who believe without seeing ! Jesus is Love!

    • Wms

      These reports make my heart sing. I can’t wait to see what God does next. Blessings MMM 🙏❤️

      • Rev. Rita Kay Chaffin

        I was there Sunday night and had not seen a response like that since the Brownsville Outpouring! I have been in deep intercession, travail all day and the Holy Spirit said, it started here on the South Shore, then to the West Shore, then to the East Shore, then the North Shore of Chicago!! A Sovereign move that no man can take the Glory…the fire 🔥 starts NOW!!

    • Tammy McIntosh

      Mario, God is moving in power! We are also seeing a great outpouring but In Snohomish Wa. Last night we had a Revival Meeting in a very old church in Seattle and I personally experienced praying for 18 people out of a couple hundred who crying out to Jesus. I saw 3 people radically receive their prayer language in tongues, healings, the fire of God come on many, suicidal be delivered, salvation. I was only 1 of 50 who where ministering and hundreds where touched. People in their seats where touched by the Holy Spirit. We are calling Seattle back to life and we are starting in Ballard. People are giving it all.. keep us in your prayers!

      • Carol Wilson

        God is moving , by His Spirit
        Moving in all the earth
        Signs and wonders, when God moveth
        Moving in all the earth.
        Praise the Lord, even in Washington State.🙏🙏🙏

      • ardisanelson

        Praise be to God. I am in Seattle area too. This gives me much hope for our region! Thank you Jesus!

      • Lauren Milian

        I feel the Lord has control and is blessing all of these people. God Bless you Mario and your wife. you are true disciple of God. God loves you very much. Praise the Lord of Lords King of King .

    • Sandra Stewart

      You heard the call and went. Blessings to you and the Ministry.

    • gege4god


    • Randy Carmichael

      Prayers for you, family, friends and your ministry. May God give all a double portion of His Love and power to complete His will to declare the Gospel.

  2. Maria Davis


    • Jeannie ONeill


      • Lisa L Thomas

        This brought tears toy eyes, what glory there is!

    • Pat Moulton

      Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!!! To Yahweh be the glory! With high praise and thanksgiving.

    • Diane Tulga

      So amazing! May you continue to be electrified by the Holy Spirit. May God keep His hedge of protection around you and your meetings! Looking forward to having you back in New York State!

    • Glynis

      I live in Wales – even so Lord do it again!! Just get so excited to read your posts of what the Lord is doing 🙏🏾

  3. Rev Jeanne Iles

    Praise God come to Toledo ohio

    • Christine Paulson

      This message over flows my heart with so much JOY as I want everyone on this planet to accept Jesus into their hearts and be SAVED to experience and Taste and See the goodness of all God has to offer them. Praise God!

    • Jadean

      Praise be to ourLORD,and for you for listening to the HOLY SPIRiT

  4. Pieter Swart

    God bless you Sir! God bless your Ministry!

  5. Colleen

    Hallelujah brother! Glory be to God! Apparently, He has primed the pump for HIs outpouring of Living Water in Hanford. This is going to be awesome!

  6. Beverly Campbell

    Lord .. we. Your People stand amazed as You poured out Your Goodness in Healing & saving so many people in Florida. More Lord! More Fire 🔥 More love More deliverance & heal Our Land!! Bev. Csmpbell.

  7. Ginny Brown

    Praise the Lord! The Great Awakening has arrived! Thanks Mario for your obedience!

  8. Cindy Cline

    Last weekend I was at The Gathering in Orlando Florida with Dennis and Delora Obrian. We saw a great out poring of the Holy Spirit there as well. 🔥🙏🙌

    The Lord seems to be calling us to the same places. We were in New York at the same time you were last October,

  9. Tanner from Louisiana

    “The fire marshal was concerned about the wrong kind of fire!”
    The God train 🇺🇸🚂 is coming through, Hallelujah!

    Build the 🏕 tents ⛺️ and Fill the 🏟stadiums 🏟

    • Francine

      It was a Gloriest night last night!!! The Lord was in the Room!!!

  10. Kim Barrett

    This is Marvelous!! Hallelujah!!

  11. Diane

    Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. Praying for you , and thanking our Lord for your humility, obedience and love for our God. It is awesome what is happening!

  12. Mary Hughes


  13. Jessica

    Praise God

  14. Sheri Zillmer

    Praise the Lord

  15. Jeff Wiegand

    GOD is good He’s better then we think!
    Thanks for your boldness

  16. Kathy Gleason

    This is so exciting! On September 9,2020 I woke up at 3am hearing “ He will pour out water of His Glory “ that sentence changed the direction of my life. The Lord has taken me on a journey with Him and has been my teacher, my counselor and my constant guide. I have beef anticipating His Glory being poured out, these are exciting times and I am thankful He is allowing me to see and be apart of what He is doing in the earth. He deserves all the Glory!

  17. Bonnie Adams

    Thank you for caring enough to travel around the United States having these meetings. Please come to Michigan, I would love to go to one of your services.

  18. Misti

    awesome! wish I’d have known i would have invited people who live in Naples who aren’t saved.

  19. Bob Clay

    Praise God for the mighty breakthrough in Naples! A great awaking is happening! I expected Grow Church to lead in Naples, but this was a surprise!

    • Marilyn Ling

      God bless you Brother Mario for coming to Destiny Church’s new property in Naples last night! God showed up and showed off, and everyone there will be forever changed because of it. For such a time as this!

  20. Ramona Hofer

    Harvest time!!!!

  21. Mary Allen

    Feeling it in Venice this am.

  22. Holly Torres

    Thank you Mario you are a Man of God setting Fires 🔥 all over the United States. I attended the prayer fire meeting in Naples and it was supernatural move of God. Fanning the Flame 🔥 of God to spread to all the high places and hidden places to bring salvation and deliverance to many many souls…..hallelujah praise God send me!!!!

  23. Barbara - Perez

    Thank You, Lord Jesus for moving upon hearts in this event. I pray that Your grace continues to draw those who submitted to You last night in Naples, Florida. May they be warmly welcomed into Your church by Your people. And may this be only a beginning. Our nation needs a supernatural move of the Holy Spirit from coast to coast!

  24. Chayil

    I am glad Jesus had His way, I am sorry I was unable to be there in person due to the rules of the security of staff at the church there not permitting service animals because of personal fears of others being allergic when they lost sight of the wounded soul standing in front of them.

    • Scott

      Jesus is your answer and always will be. Read the New Testament starting with John and receive your healing by faith in Christ Jesus call on him now ask and you shall receive his healing hand on your life, soul and body.

    • Chris Eden

      We are in the last days and God is pouring out his Holly spirit like he promised, praise be to our wonderfull Lord because his word will not return unto him void.

    • Bernie

      Chayil, Thank you for mentioning this. Please consider making a call to the Barn to change their policy and make accommodations for all. Surely anyone with allergies could have kept their distance.

  25. Kay

    To God be all the glory!

  26. Tommie leamon

    Let it begin!

  27. Judy Page

    Wow!! God on the move!! The harvest is truly ripe!!

    • David Mastel

      I am so looking forward to the Hanford tent meeting with all of your people!
      I have been praying for a couple months for a breaking of chains, bondages, and stale relationships with God that we might see restoration, healing, sanctification and freedom.
      That there would be an outpouring of praise from these meeting that would even become free worship due Almighty God and the Lamb, who was and is and is to come!

  28. Nancy

    I watch your videos… would love to see you here in Michigan…

  29. Margaret

    A fantastic event hosted by our Grow Church and Destiny Church last evening. Crowds waiting for over 3-4 hours in advance to hear Mario Murillo speak, bringing eternal salvation to the unsaved and healing the afflicted.

    Arise! “Christianity will survive without America, but America can not survive without Christianity”. Seek ye truth as written by God’s Word in scripture for the Bible is the only instruction manual you will ever need in life. Rebuke the evil, dark demonic forces attacking and afflicting the 7 mountains currently influencing our modern day culture: Religion, Government, Arts, Education, Economy, Media and Family. Revival in Naples will migrate northward and throughout our nation.

    Glory to God in the highest. God bless you and your ministry Mario!

  30. Maureen

    From Sea to Shining Sea. Oh Beautiful!

  31. Susan

    Amen! God is Absolutely Good!!!

  32. Gloria J Alvarez

    To God be the Glory, Great things He is doing! Amen!

  33. Darcy Roberts

    I think Mario is excited!

    • Sandra

      He has all right to be! So am I! I ha r family all over Floria and in California and across the states as well as friends, praying no one leaves their body without repenting! Just went to a funeral where my sister- law’s Aunt died! And found she had lived a fruitless life due to trauma that left her lonely and sad but GOD while she was in ICU she asked GOD to forgive her!! Praise GOD. Her sister wanted a picture of her not smiling because she never did but she lost it from her phone when she was giving it to the funeral director so has to use one with a slight smile! I told her that was her way of letting her know she was smiling now! God is soo good!!! Praying relatives pay off!

  34. Liz Neely

    My heart is full of joy for Naples, FL.
    I lived there many years ago. Please bring a tent Crusade to Virginia!

  35. Pamela Bakker

    My sister and her husband were there in Naples when you spoke! I have you on my intercession list. You have a fleet of mighty men around you!

  36. Collin R Williams

    Praise God. Thank you for listening to the Spirit.

  37. S. Stanhope

    Praise the LORD! Keep up the great commission and thank you to everyone involved. You are in my prayers!

    We need revival in Oregon!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  38. Michelle

    Jumping up and down for Jesus 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
    We love you Mario!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  39. Mickey Holiday

    Please come to Pinellas Park, Florida!

  40. Judy Lee

    Wow!!! Glory! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah to The Lamb of God!!!!

  41. Ross Hanby

    Thanks Mario keep it coming! Thank you Lord we need it so MUCH! MORE LORD!

  42. fran

    This is great news see what God is doing in such a lovely, and supernatural way because that is Who He Is. Thank you all especially you Mario, that you encourage Pastors and Ministers to continue strong in the Lord. God’s blessings always to all His people

    • Francine Danno

      It was Glorious night last night!! The Lord was in the room!!

  43. Wordforworld

    What??? You didn’t have to have a permit? Did you plant grass?? Hahahahaha, we take GREAT JOY IN FATHER’s WAY of doing things! ALL GLORY BELONGS TO HIM!

    Good news, Mario!

    Your obedience is remarkable, worthy of mention. The Lord is looking for whoever is available for His purpose. You emptied yourself, moved from your agenda and went cross-country!!!

    And the LORD SHOWED UP AND SHOWED OFF, confirming His Word that You spoke, with signs following.
    THAT’S THE PLAN, people!

    Awesome! Delightful!

    • SueinNC

      Yes, the Lord will be glorified in our country and across the world!!!

  44. parrillaturi

    Praise be to God. A great awakening is coming. Holy Spirit, invade this nation.

  45. Susanne

    Praying for you Mario & your ministry for strength, health, and wisdom to be led further by the Holy Spirit.

  46. RAFO

    We ARE hungry here in Florida for a REAL move of the Spirit! We’ve had our fill of “flash in the pan” evangelists that come with a lot of oratory but no power in their words. A real move of God is desired and will eventually come forth… birthed by legions of praying saints on their knees crying out for a CONTINUAL revival! Not just a few days or weeks, but continuous so that the revival Spirit becomes the norm, not the exception. Lord, grant us Your grace and presence in our state and country!

  47. Kathy Miller

    Praise God for the prompting of The Holy Spirit.

    • Dragica Little

      Praise the Lord! All Glory to God. Come to Vermont Mario

  48. Judy fishrr

    Thank you Lord. We are desperate to see you mighty power

  49. Mark Elliott

    ALL GLORY TO ALMIGHTY GOD,,,,,MARIO we Love you & your team,,,.Never Give-UP! GOD will protect & sustain you-all

  50. Mike Briglia

    God continue to bless you Mario.

  51. Jeneva

    Praise God! I am so excited! We will be there this February!

  52. Peter Tkaczyk

    Would you please pray that I would have a deeper revelation and anointing for prayer here in Bergen Norway and that Europe shall Be Saved

    • Aaron

      God answers prayer like that.
      Do not be surprised by the swiftness of the Holy Spirit to your request.

  53. Roxanne Rice

    Praying for the continuing fulfillment of the prophecy! Let the Spirit rush northward to Tampa area. I have family there that I am praying for. God bless you, Mario, and God bless the faithful saints who are taking the gospel into Florida!

  54. Melissa

    Beautiful, love seeing the spirit of Revival breaking out and you being obedient to voice of the Lord! I was in Batavia when you came. It was awesome to experience revival in our local area! Can’t wait until you come to Rochester! I want see a move of God like in Charles Finney days! Praying those wells of Revival fully open!!

  55. ali

    I do believe the 2022 revival will be the all-time greatest. As we are racing to the end of the age, our LORD is moving on the hearts and minds of men and women by the tens of thousands. The harvest is plentiful…labors. get ready and be prepared.!!!!!

  56. Sonja R Jackson

    Glory to Our Most High God! Hallelujah! Holy Spirit fan this flame of for Souls Saved, Miracle Healings, yearning for More of Your Presence! To God be the Glory! Use me to duplicate this Revival. In Jesus Name! Amen!

  57. Susan Claire Davidson

    Amazing!! Now it needs to move a little bit north to Largo, FL. This whole region needs Jesus!!

  58. KEN

    God bless America. God save America. I really needed to read this blog today — what a blessing and encouragement!

  59. Susan Jones

    “BLES-SED be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle…”
    Hal-lê-lu-jah! (Psalm 144, NASB) @18:01 Pac

  60. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    There are no words to express my JOY over this Great, One Night Crusade in Naples, Florida…..GOD is so Amazing! Thank You, JESUS…..HOLY SPIRIT—-What a difference You’ve made in my life. The TIME is absolutely PERFECT! TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY FOREVER. Amen

  61. Priscilla Connell

    Praise be ,to God for what he is doing in California, New York and Florida! Read your report with tears in my eyes! Praying that God will fall on North Carolina and my family!

  62. Wendy

    The Awesomeness of God on display! Let the fire fall, let the people come to be vessels of His fire and glory! Praise God!

  63. prayinginok

    Hallelujah! God, You are sooo awesome! You are too, Mario! 🙂

  64. Carl Clark

    Praise the Lord!!

  65. Olinka Blevins

    Good morning Mario, I would like to add couple of thing to ur comments and shows that hand of God was in this meeting. First of all Thank you so much for being obedient to voice of God and not limiting What God wanted to do through you in that meeting. It goes above saving ppl souls which was wonderful and I was rejoicing cuz I was there. It was above even healing , as great as that was and as u said only God knows how many souls were saved or how many bodies were healed. Was way more than that.
    I am Iranian lady born and raised there. We are minority there ( Assyrian, Christian) but was saved by our savior at age of 13. Long story short. On our way to your meeting , my friend and I were talking about how Christian in Iran are like sheep that needs shepherds. And we did pray that God sent shepherds there. By divine appointment I met a beautiful lady who was sitting in our row and had connections with ppl helping Iranian and I knew that was God.
    In your meeting other then healing saving souls , God making ppl meet each others to save souls and heals bodies all the way even in Iran. I don’t know where And when and how God will use me to help Iranian ppl through this lady connection but just meeting her was blessing if God for me.
    Thanks you. I also like to mentioned that God made us known about ur meeting by accident. My husband found out about it by accident ( God’s way) and told me about it and I told my friend and even that was amazing cuz we spend whole day with her family and then we both came to your meeting. You are a blessing. The present of Lord was so tangible and anointing of your life is contagious:) THANK YOU, THANK YOU ,and THANK YOU.
    Olinka Blevins

  66. Donna Colon

    The Lord Bless you Sir, was so Blessed to hear your message! That’s it we must save the Constitution of United States of America Praying for you🙏🕊

  67. Steve

    I never heard of him before in Pennsylvania.

  68. kingskid48

    This is SO thrilling! How I wish I had been in that room. I needed to read this this morning. Thank you, thank you, Pastor Mario, for telling us about this. I believe God is beginning His move across the country from both directions! Oh, how badly we need it. Hearts are hungry.

  69. Grant Perry

    We almost went over from Boynton Beach Florida (east coast)…WITNESSED BATAVIA NY FOUR NIGHTS…YES NAPLES and North THRU THE STATE

  70. Desertstream

    Many are anticipating more signs of heavenly breakthrough across the world. Too many prayers over the centuries not to expect it. Yet in my corner of the u.s. do I see only one man, my brother Mario, as a sign of those things to come? We have an acute shortage of men like him! Amazing! Methinks there are a multitude of believers who are in a sort of captivity, wringing their hands, wondering what’s next on the world scene, focused on surviving. But thank God there is coming a time when Jesus will take that golden key, unlock the gate of bondage, and release the captives. Then the golden rain of the Spirit will come down upon this great multitude and they will go everywhere preaching the Word, the Lord working with them. We are thankful for forerunners like Mario Murillo, who is a great sign to us of things to come! Thanks Mario for your example. Amen

  71. Sandra

    So glad to hear of such a great revival in Florida! Thank God for this pandemic to get people ready to meet Him! Praying for your tent meetings to start the mighty flow of GODS’ glory! To GOD be all praise and honor and may HE richly bless your faithfulness! Let us stand for GOD and right!!

  72. Aaron

    I’m glad the reply buttons are not available on the last blog post.
    The person with the contrary spirit that posted the CNN talking points was about to get rebuked.

  73. Brian

    You have been to Florida, Southern California, the northwest (Seattle?). When are you coming to Maine the real northeast. (Batavia, NY doesn’t count as the northeast!)



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