We are at the tipping point–and that is terrible news for Democrats. A majority of our citizens no longer believe the battle is between Democrats and Republicans. They believe it is Democrats versus America. This is a game-changer.
We’ve lived through too many misfires and inaccurate breakthroughs, which is why I have been careful not to announce a false victory. This time, victory is within reach, and I believe it will be earthshaking.
Many of our citizens do not trust either party. That is one reason there is a stalemate. Now, people on both sides of the political spectrum realize there is a Democrat in the middle of every national crisis.
The final firewall that Democrats trust to keep them in power, is their illegal control of our elections. Money lords, such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to pay for vote counters and voting machines. And every time, the media has buried this dirty little secret. That is, they did until Time Magazine slipped up and bragged about how they and others manipulated the results of the last election.
Many of our citizens do not trust either party. That is one reason there is a stalemate. Now, people on both sides of the political spectrum have come to realize that, in every national crisis, a Democrat has caused it.
This same web of deceit, bought and paid for by the Marxist Left. That is why we may never see proof of election fraud. But there is another way of convicting a murderer without an eyewitness…by circumstantial evidence. That is what we are seeing in the court of public opinion.
On Monday, October 11th, a new survey came out from Rasmussen Reports. It showed that people who are likely to vote in the next election overwhelmingly believe two things: First, by a margin of 66% to 28%, they believe mail-in voting will cause more fraud in the election process. The second is the best news. Americans, by a whopping 56% over 39%, believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election!
Americans, by a whopping 56% over 39%, believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
Again, too many people believe that there was fraud in the 2020 election, for this to just ‘go away’. Those who believe this are not just Republicans, they are now a wide spectrum of Americans. And, they are rising up to demand answers. Their call for answers will intensify. If Democrats stonewall the public, it will unleash a firestorm.
A growing number of Americans believe Democrats are a threat to freedom, prosperity, and morality. And they are not just alarmed by voter fraud—they are enraged because the Left hates the middle class. They are enraged because the FBI has declared that moms who go to school board meetings are domestic terrorists.
A growing number of Americans believe Democrats are a threat to freedom, prosperity, and morality. And they are not just alarmed by voter fraud—they are enraged because the Left hates the middle class. They are enraged because the FBI has declared that moms who go to school board meetings are domestic terrorists.
Most Americans are opposed to gender-bending. They do not want open borders. They are angry that Democrats are mandating the vaccination. Like the mark of the beast in Rev. 13, the Left wants to make it illegal for people to buy or sell unless they allow this experimental drug to be placed in their bodies. You will be forced out, segregated, fired, or shamed unless you toe the Party line.
When vast numbers of liberal bloggers, pundits, and YouTube stars share the same concerns as conservatives and Christians, you know that the ground has shifted dramatically. And when you see entire sports stadiums and universities filled with people yelling right to Biden’s face, the mock-obscenity, “Let’s go Brandon,” you know that Americans of all walks of life see him as a fraud. I don’t agree with the mockery, but it is becoming clear that most Americans see Biden as an illegitimate president.
These are all symptoms of a dramatic change in America.
It is an answer to prayer. It is a breakthrough that we must embrace. A majority of Americans no longer believe the battle is between two political parties. They believe it is between Americans and their freedom, on one side, and the Democrats and their evil agenda, on the other side.
MARIO, when I think back about the November 3, 2020 election—and now realize “in part” the scheming and fraud that was brought against President Donald John Trump…..Even after almost a year—it all seems “stranger than fiction….”
But as Americans eyes are beginning to Really be opened—And They Are—WE ARE AS YOU HAVE SAID: “At a tipping point.” Americans can no long turn their heads and look the other way…….It is a matter of survival for All Americans—and our OLD WAY OF LIFE. We can’t lose it…….even though it was far from perfect…….it was Better than any other country in our world.
I have listened many times to General Douglas MacArthur’s last speech at West Point Academy in 1962 (two years before he died)…..HIS WORDS play over and over in my mind and my heart:
HE was a true man of HONOR. My father said (who knew General MacArthur and served with him) “The Powers that Be—following World War II—and the Korean War—were afraid that THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WOULD ELECT GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. General MacArthur was a type of President Donald John Trump……HE THOUGHT FOR HIMSELF, Daddy said—-and General MacArthur would Not have been Anybody’s Puppet!!!!
May Each and Every American Very Soon reach the point that they learn to think for themselves——–and NO LONGER BE ANYONE ELSE’S PUPPET. THE TIME IS NOW……………..
It is in many ways a “Flight 93” Moment.
I believe that the Democrats have done lots of evil but so have certain republicans. The Bush family is not what appears. There has been decades of evil in the US. What people have to look at is the folks sitting in the senate. Some have literally been there for decades and that is a law you should look at. Your president can only have 8 years but your senators can sit there for ever. They have knit together evil and extortion. Been forcefully against Gods people. Manipulated and forced their agenda.
Your congress needs reformation
I agree 100%!!!!! We are already at war against the enemy! But I know who wins!! And who is laughing at the mess this fake administration is up too, HE is about to expose them!!!!!
Beautifully stated. Thank you
Thank you, we have to stand for the truth no matter what. We do not what to lose are freedom or are speech to share G-d words to the people who need to here it the most. We need to keep are eyes on Jesus and pray for all the lost in America and the World.
Thank you, Mario! Flashpoint has become my go too… I never miss a program! So encouraged from all you guys discuss. I know I’m not the only one – there are 100s, 1000s – who have gotten word from their employers that they have to be jabbed by Dec 8th… do you think that is something Flashpoint can talk about soon… if nothing else, to pray for all of us who have to make a decision, for all of us who don’t know what the heck we’re going to do on dec 9th… if maybe Victory could develop a resource for companies that are hiring that don’t follow mandates? I know it’s not up to you guys or Flashpoint or KCM to solve all the problems – God is our source & we have to seek & trust Him to tell us what to do… but this is something none of us have ever faced in America, and I don’t hear alot of pastors even mentioning it much less offering any kind of help. I know you did in an earlier blog that I’ve shared multiple times (I share many of your posts. HAHA!)… anyway… just on my heart to ask… Thank you Mario for ALL you are doing to be obedient to God’s call!! I’m praying praying praying for you & your ministry & the tent meetings!! (SO EXCITING!)
Laurie, like you I love Mario Murillo and the Flashpoint guys, and thank God for them and never miss a program. I’ve been so strengthened by them! I also understand you, and feel we individual Americans look for leadership that will help unite us with the issuing of a clear call of resistance – and physically standing with us – alongside us – because there is strength in numbers. “If the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?” (1 Cor. 14:8) I want to see leaders rally the troops of Jesus believers and fellow Americans who believe in keeping America America with clear calls of participation together to resist evil – and standing with those on the front lines. oh I pray for you, Laurie, and all Americans facing this attack on your faith, freedom, morality, and health consciousness. You are the first foot soldiers on the front line. Please – even in weakness and trembling – remain strong in faith and courage in Jesus our LORD – and proclaim His Gospel. Submit to God, resist the devil. You are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Grow strong, stronger, strongest today and every day throwing off fear and praising, thanking, and trusting our always present warm loving Jesus. Laurie, I will pray for you every day now till December 9. And if you will consider this, may Jesus use y-o-u to rally numbers of people now till Dec. 8th to stand united strong against this evil mandate.
Hi Lori. Clay Clark has a website called called thrive time show. com. He has a tab on there that says find jobs that don’t require the covid 19 vaccines. Try and look this up. Good luck and God-bless
I agree
by-by-by Biden! I stutter when I say the name. But, it is not just him, but those who are promoting, prompting, and pushing him into leadership. The wickedness of the anti-God, anti-morality, anti-Bible, and anti-Christ crowd is building on a foundation of sand that will crumble in the storm they have caused! “The wicked plots against the Godly and viciously attacks them. But the LORD laughs at them because He sees their day of judgment coming.” Psalm 37:12-13
Great article! You said “… Time Magazine slipped up and bragged about how they and others manipulated the results of the last election.”
My opinion is Time didn’t slip up. There’s just something about being a Satanist that impedes a person from being quiet or humble… they just HAVE TO brag and shout their sins from the rooftops! It’s part of their personality to let you know what mischief they’ve been up to, or what they’re going to do in the future (hence the predictive programming in so many movies and TV shows).
God is keeping score and will exact His vengeance on these evil doers some day soon.
God Bless You Mario. I am honored to support you in your ministry. Getting away with election fraud has emboldened the left to do the same in future elections. The CA recall was most likely altered as well. I believe conservative voters need to assemble after elections to be publicly counted. We must fight back!
At some point, citizens of the United States are going to go unload those containers themselves. The trucks sit idle, the cranes are not moving. There are people that know HOW to unload those containers. They will unload them and get the items moving around the country while others form a line of protection for them. People won’t sit idly by forever.
This isn’t about blm mobsters, this is the locked and loaded American people. The same ones who follow the constitution, who sent their loved ones to the wars or were enlisted themselves.
Do not underestimate the American people at large. The ones that ‘do things legally’ and aren’t a Kathy Griffin type.
‘Don’t mess with a mother bear’. Young, older, male and female, we’re all becoming ‘mother bears’. With God’s outstretched arm, we WILL take back our country.
Like a crack of thunder on silent, it’s coming. Fill your canteens, keep your powder and your feet dry, America won’t stay down for much longer.
Mario, I do agree we are at a tipping point. We have allowed evil to control our schools and colleges. We have allowed hateful people with a destroy America agenda in our Senate and Congress. We have a criminal as Speaker of the House. We have so many criminal issues on behalf of the Congress and Senate it sends us reeling. We have a fake president who smirks when we shout our support for the Americans left behind in Afghanistan. This same criminal President of fakery and deceit works with our enemies to steal the assets of America and bring hardship upon us. He has even worked to allow China to send Bio-Weapons (COVID-19) to our shores to further diminish us and make mountains of money on our deaths and suffering. Biden continues to engage in warfare upon the innocents through his murderous abortion stance and behind the scenes programs to remove body parts of these children to sell on the market like farm raised chickens. When will the righteous gather and oust these evil and disgusting people from their positions of power? Dear Jesus we ask for you Lord to reveal all the wrong doing, and send all evil out and back to the fires of hell never to return. Amen
awesome / pray
Dear Mario
May we all who trust in our Jesus, stand tall in fervent prayer against the tyranny of Satan himself – keep praying, Saints, & keep holding up our faithful leaders of our Faith – Thankyou, Mario!!
Excellent! Keep on praying for America and the World! Stand strong against the enemy in the Name of Jesus Christ! God bless you Mario Murillo!
Love this! Can’t wait to see the left fall – all of them!
HE. Is the God who hears and answers.
Amen the church needs to be very assertive and take a stand
In the battle between good and evil, light and dark we know who wins. Keep up the fight for honesty, integrity, justice, and righteousness.
Yes I agree with this blog. We are victorious because good always wins.
Thank you Mario for your blog and for the tent meetings. We have watched them on YouTube. May Jesus continue to bless your efforts. We really need a man of God like you in these times. You have awakened my heart to more prayer 🙏
for our nation. God Bless you and your family!
Thank you for taking the time to write such an important commentary! God bless you and keep keeping us informed.
Right on Mario!
Wow this is great news. Cannot happen too soon. Trump needs to take over the White House now. Don’t waist any more predictions time. Or America will be invaded. Millions there now waiting to form groups to start all the bombings. Came in illegally through Biden opening the borders. Take these people out of piwer now. God would do it I’m sure.
First of all, I believe Trump set records never heard of in the last election. He got people to come out and vote for him. And because of that, everyone saw the fraud that happened. Now, some were totally happy that the fraud happened because they are died in the wool democrats. But, the average American who loves what Trump did with our country see what the democrats really want to do and they pushed harder because of the way Trump highlighted what they were doing. This push has exposed who they really are. God has removed the curtain. The big problem is we have got to fix the elections so they cannot commit fraud or rig the system. My hope is in Jesus to help us. Fraud is being exposed. They lies told by the media are being exposed. People are finding a way to get the truth. And other than our hope in Jesus, our hope is that the truth wins. God bless the USA and God bless those of us willing to stand up for the truth.
So true. Thanks for being bold enough to speak the truth. America shall be saved.
I’m always happy to read your blogs, Mario! You are always right on target and you never use scare tactics, you use truth….Gods truth! Thank you for loving America, but more than that, thank you for loving Jesus!
That’s the way I see it! And I am taking a hard look at those who profess to be ready to fight the treasonous powered!
When key workers lose their jobs over non compliance and their services are welcomed by other States it will make the blue States vulnerable and open to lawlessness. It will be interesting to see which way those States will vote.
Mario I am very inspired by your preaching. Thank you.
I have left this comment in a few places because I really feel this is where the prayers need to be focused
I believe that the Democrats have done lots of evil but so have certain republicans. The Bush family is not what appears. There has been decades of evil in the US. What people have to look at is the folks sitting in the senate. Some have literally been there for decades and that is a law you should look at. Your president can only have 8 years but your senators can sit there for ever. They have knit together evil and extortion. Been forcefully against Gods people. Manipulated and forced their agenda.
Your congress needs reformation