by | Oct 7, 2021 | Mario Murillo, Revival in America | 100 comments



If you ask anyone who was there, “Will the flames and fire of God die down after this week?” They will give you a strange stare. Then suggest to them that what has happened over these past four nights is not real, and they will burst out laughing.

Go ahead and ask them to define these past four days. You will not hear them call this just a ‘good crusade.’ They will not tell you these were ‘wonderful services.’ No, they will tell you with firm conviction, “THIS IS THE DAWN OF A MOVEMENT!”

Then suggest to them that what has happened over these past four nights is not real, and they will burst out laughing.

This group of people—who now number in the thousands—have seen too much. They know this was the most challenging start to any crusade. To begin with, the tent went up in a city that is known for rejecting these kinds of events.  This is the blue State of New York!

Next, the rain came down for days. None of the locals can remember this many people braving this kind of rain to attend a tent meeting. The city was taken back for God by the hunger of thousands of people—a hunger that none of them even knew existed.

God had begun ruining the people for regular life and regular religion. First, by startling healings. Who can forget that moment when the word came forth:

“Would you please stand? You are in excruciating pain in your back, shoulder blades, hips, and ribs. You were in a car accident, right?”

“Yes, I was. My car rolled over, 4 times. My pain has been extreme for 15 years. But now it is totally gone!”

She then proceeded to jump straight up and down. The power of God was so intense that she began to violently wave her arms, bending down and finally running in place.

But it was the astonishing harvest of souls last night that pushed these people past the point of no return.

But it was the astonishing harvest of souls last night that pushed these people past the point of no return. They believed that a bright future was impossible for those living in this region, but then at least 500 souls came to Jesus. It was not just the quantity that hit them—it was the intensity of conversions. They witnessed open weeping and deep remorse for sin.

God had done too much for these people for them to now return to business as usual. They absolutely refuse to let go of what God has given them. This is not the end of a crusade—it is the dawn of a movement that will now spread across America! Glory to God!



  1. Donna McDonald

    Are tickets required for attendance at you November 13,14, and 15 crusade at Church in Roseville/

    • Mario Murillo

      Donna, we do not ever charge admission, but we have had to move our next visit to Roseville to January. Details soon. God bless you.

      • Steven & Connie Coy

        Thank you brother Mario for being on the front lines for God, and breaking trail for the rest of His warriors to move into the fire and carry forth revival for His glory!

      • Cynthia Franklin

        Desperate for HOLY SPIRIT TOUCH for healing of several illnesses, digestive, toxins leaking, , MS symptoms, Dementia, heavy metals , right arm severe pain, age 62, run small farm. About to be fired due to fed. Vaccine mandate, need prayer and help. Got on website to give. And saw your post. Thank you for your faith. Jesus is my life. Cynthia Franklin.

        • Liz

          Just prayed for you Cynthia – complete healing in Jesus’ Name and breakthrough /victory with regards to your job/vaccine mandate. Stand strong dear Cynthia. Our God is faithful!!!

      • Nora Campbell

        God bless you Mario. Columbus, Ohio needs God.

      • ydnic0112gmailcom

        Is this Roseville in Ca.?

        • Mario Murillo


      • Steven W. Honeycutt

        Dear Brother Mario, I am excited about the good news in N.Y. for it was a miracle, Glad to hear about the saving of the lost souls standing in the rain with expectancy, hunger, desperation, I am excited about the miracles’ that Almighty God performed, and an awakening, NOW” I am asking you to Pray for ( Joyce McClain) Who is on a ventilator with covid pneumonia, She is in an a coma! Also Brother Mario” Please Pray for my wife(Doris) heal for congestive heart failure and breathing problem, and last of all? Please” Pray for me Brother Mario” for a Healing and Deliverance! from Diabetes, Hypertension, Generational curses and totally operate in the Kingdom of God” and to become a greater Blessing to your Ministry with Favor of the Lord and to walk in the fulness there of, and with opportunity to Aguirre finances to Bless you with Sincerely, I AGREE WITH YOU Brother Mario” In THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! The Name Given about all NAMES!

      • Jerry Hopkins

        Mario-please consider coming to the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area! I enjoy so much watching you on Flashpoint. I believe God has begun the 3rd Great Awakening and am looking forward to signs and wonders and thousands upon thousands to be saved!! God Bless you and strengthen you to do all that you do!

    • Christina

      I was delivered from an unholy spirit on October 3.
      God bless YOU

      • hitumhardlove

        I Pray you have peace and are led by Lord.

    • Marleen

      The gravity of what the Lord is doing in this hour of history is humbling and exciting. I read these blogs and I cry with thankfulness and pleading for the Holy Spirit to do more…save more…heal more…fill and empower us all for the glory of God!

      • Petro

        To God be the Glory! We honor you Mario Murillo for your faithfulness to The Lord God Almighty!

      • Helen Wilcox

        Many stand fully in agreement with the cry of your heart! Thank you.

    • mrsbmp

      To God be the Glory. This Glory Movement that God spoke about is finally here. We worship you LORD!!!

    • Marylee

      PRAISE GOD !!!

  2. Roberta Burckardt

    Thank You Mario! God has annointed and appointed you! Revival is here! Luv u and God bless!

    • Collin R Williams

      Praise the name above all names. Thank you Jesus for your love and mercy.

    • Osher Charis

      Praise the LORD JESUS for using Evangelist Mario mightily, confirming His Word with signs, wonders and miracles!

    • Steve Zarley

      Praise you Jesus. Do it here!

    • Jolie

      Are you coming to the Kansas City area?

  3. Tewanta loprz

    Continued prayers for you and your team! God bless you with even greater miracles and salvations! Amen!

  4. Beverly Gentry

    Praise God!! Father God, thank You for using Evangelist Mario to ignite this fire!!! Let it spread to every corner of the Eagle Nation and the world! Use the remnant to rise up and spread the Gospel! Holy Spirit, fill the land! In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen!

    • Jan Niehouse


  5. Jane furqueron

    So excited for the way God is using you. Can’t wait until your ministry comes close to me

  6. Paul J Pratt

    Amen Mario.

    • Ron Lenz

      This is Awesome!! San Francisco is in definite need of one of your upcoming Living Proof Revivals!!

  7. D Garvin

    I was present in 1973 or 74 at Resurrection City in Berkeley, CA when Mario was “attacking” UC Berkeley with the Gospel. Many of the Baptist young men from our church were getting baptized in the Holy Spirit! Much to the chagrin of the elders of the church. Great years of the Jesus movement in Northern California. I FOUND IT bumper stickers everywhere!!! Praise God He is doing it again, only bigger and better!!!

    • lcwemple

      I had one of those stickers too, in the New York suburbs.

    • Julie A Maldonado

      It would be great if you could come preach at our church in galt, Real Life Church, the city of galt needs you, revival, healing, god needs to move and take the city of galt, ca. And lodi, ca.

  8. Kelly

    Greatest Event I’ve witnessed. Praise be to God for all the people saved, and now who will be paying it forward.

  9. Patti Payne

    Praise God! God is moving in our Nation, and you are helping give people hope! Please pray for the Fire in the Field Tent Revival that is happening in Georgetown, DE on October 10-14, 7:00 p.m. each night. The tent is able to hold almost 2,000 people. As far as I know, we’ve never had an event like this in our state before. I’m so thankful it’s happening in Delaware, and especially in my town. I pray the same thing happens here as what just happened in New York. Thank you Mario! God bless you!

    • Darla

      Oh Patti, I just saw your post. Putting that on our prayer wall to pray this weekend as you get ready and then for the days ahead! halleluYAH
      May God grant the desires of your/His heart to overflow your cup! Praise the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

    • Beverly

      Patti, We are formerly from Delaware and I saw your post on Mario’s Site. and we will be praying for fire in the field we know a lot of people there some are going !we asked God to pour out the same fire to continue the testimony of what he is doing in our nation and in millions of lives let the harvest begin again again again praise God and thank you Patti for sharing this!Also for Fire in the Field meeting in Cambridge Md Oct 24-28!Fire from Heaven fall!

  10. Tracy Lewis

    I am so encouraged by this. God had me move to NY 20 yrs ago and I have been praying for this state since. I am in Binghamton and this is the closest a move of God has been demonstrated in this magnitude! Pressing in and claiming territory for the LORD!

  11. lordswarrior111

    Thank God these people didn’t miss their day of salvation! Glory to God and thank you for your faithfulness, Mario and Team Jesus.

  12. Trisha Sims

    My husband and I were at the tent in Batavia the first night. A spirit-filled experience we will never forget! Wish we could have been there every night! Thank you, Mario, for your dedication to the Lord’s calling on your life to bring in the harvest! We love you and pray God’s blessings on you and your ministry team. God’s angels charge over you!🙏✝️❤️

  13. Susan

    Glory to God!!!

  14. Jane Levering

    Any other East coast events planned. I live in Baltimore, Maryland

  15. Linda

    Wowowow-praise God for His goodness and for you His servant. It would be awesome for you to come to Ontario Canada but maybe in the future! You are doing much work in USA.
    We are believing and seeing the same in our services. It’s just the tip of the iceberg here but much much more to come! Thank You Jesus!
    Thank you for sharing Mario, it’s so very encouraging. God continue to give you strength and bless every step in Him.
    PS – a watcher of Flashpoint also.

  16. Mary J.

    Awesome and inspiring! Thank you Jesus!! Thank you Mario for your example of meek power and authority in Christ!!

  17. Grace Gonzales

    Wow!!! This excites my soul. See the movement of God within these tent meetings. It has been stirring up in my spirit to visit one of these tent and that day will come. I’m in tears to see so many come to Jesus. What Heaven starts hell can’t not stop!! Jesus is so beautiful!! 😭😭😭 Mario God bless you and keep going!!! Keeping this tent meetings in prayer.

  18. Roger Culwell

    Big amen thats wonderful, thats what we want to hear, and thats what it is all about, Glory to God in the Highest.

  19. Claudia MacPhee

    Thank God, thank God, thank God!! I’ve been waiting for this update with great expectancy! There aren’t words enough to express the great praise and thanksgiving for this message!! God NEVER fails and we must not quit! Thank you all you front line Warriors and please, all of us who aren’t always on the front line, don’t stop the supply line by forgetting to stand, pray support, reach out where ever the Lord leads and continue to GOOD fight of VICTORY! JESUS is LORD!

  20. Lorraine Maillie

    This was an amazing time this week in Batavia Mario. Our lives will never be the same. There is a hunger that can’t be quenched with a fervor for the Lord Jesus and sharing His good news to the lost. I am just starting a church in the next few months near Rochester NY and this is the electric charge I needed to be sure that the Lord is ready to move in the Revival we have been praying for years. Thank you for your faithfulness and uncompromising love and devotion to the Lord. You are a fire cracker! Also great blessings to Pastor Paul and his church Cornerstone and their laid down service to the Lord to see this great spark turn into a flaming fire!

  21. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    Praise GOD! and to HIM be All the GLORY, HONOR AND POWER FOREVER. Amen

  22. Phyllis

    All I can say is Praise God!

  23. Ruth

    Thank you Mario.
    Please, please come to Florida. We need you.

  24. Mary Lou

    This is awesome. God is moving mightily and bringing these truths and fire of God to the lost and hurting as he is using you Mario. I trust and pray that what happened in California and New York will never stop the move of God to bring in the Harvest until Yeshua’s return. Glory to God.
    I watch you on Flashpoint. I love that program; all you precious men and women of God speaking truth and encouragement. In your older book, Fresh Fire, you have a chapter “Flashpoints of the Future” and mention flashpoints in other places in the book… so you kinda named the program long before it was brought forth. 😉 Blessings and may His anointing flow even more powerfully in you to others as the days go forth.

  25. Bri H Loftis

    Praise God!!! I am continuing to pray for the biggest revival Great Awakening in the history of the world! No one, particularly satan, will be able to stop it!

  26. Lenard & Joanie

    We have been with you every step or the way Mario in the Holy Spirit. Even if we are in Wyoming !!

    • joanie

      yay!! Mario we love you! And Jesus is Lord !

  27. Lisa Tolar

    So exciting to read these blogs. May God keep showing up & bring His fire & conviction in the name of Yeshua

  28. Sandra

    Amen and amen! Let the movement sweep in all directions!

  29. RAFO

    First, the West coast… now the East coast… soon a movement of God will break out in the Central part (Oklahoma?)… these movements will spread and merge as hungry people are drawn to Christ through the preaching of the true gospel. A high level social media personality will soon come to know Christ. This will spark change in that area. A high level military person will soon find Christ and begin instituting much needed changes in that area. Bankers, lawyers, doctors… all coming to Christ that will begin a tidal wave in their respective areas. Look for changes coming as God gets hold of hearts in all areas of society!

  30. tito g stewart

    heaveno my brother mario murillo IN JESUS NAME i am pleased tu be a partner within yur ministry i trust dat yu recieved my package wen i expressed tu be a partner i hope YU ENJOYED its contents of GODS BUSINESS PLEASE SHARE in JESUS NAME

  31. Judy Fortner

    Were these events recorded so we can see????

  32. Ross Stonehouse

    awesome to have confirmation that God is still in control and is certainly on the move

  33. Joe Pileggi

    My wife and I called the Batavia area home for 16 years and labored in ministry there with very little results. Although now in Alabama, I wept with tears of joy as I have seen the crowds and reports of salvations and healings. Praise God! Maybe all our efforts of plowing the “fallow ground” were not in vain after all! Thank you for your obedience to Holy Spirit, Mario. Hope to see you on Flashpoint tonight with an update!

  34. Rick Holz

    Pastor Mario I served as an usher at the Batavia revival and I was moved to tears when a young man stepped forward the last night to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. This young man at first ran away from the tent and was not coming back. But God had a different plan!!!! I am willing to serve and help where ever and when ever to advance the revival!

  35. pdrgrc

    All the Glory to God!

  36. Jim

    God was there.
    I sensed His peace come down and flood all around me.
    Others could also sense Him too.

  37. Michelle

    I was weeping so hard while reading the last two blogs that I had to stop numerous times to praise Jesus!!! I had been praying that this fire would burn after you left!! I prayed “ Father, these people are not coming to see a man they are coming to meet YOU!!” Praise GOD!!! He came down and met the people there!!! On election night I saw the map of red and blue and I declared out loud that California and NY would belong to Jesus again and turn RED!!!

  38. Diane N.

    Fabulous times – praise be to God! Any plans to come to Oregon, really hoping for Central Oregon! Believers here are rising up, standing for the freedoms God gave us, and desiring to see our unbelieving neighbors and friends and family find Jesus and His tremendous love!

  39. Adelin Schauer


  40. Deborah MacMaster

    Mario, I was there on the first night and as I entered the tent, I could feel the Holy Spirit very strongly. I flew from Atlanta to meet my sister and her grandchild who is in a wheel chair to be part of the miracles. Thank you for all you are doing. The experience is indescribable. Love you.

  41. beneorika

    Thank God! And thank God for you, Mario! Please come to North Carolina!

  42. Brian T

    PRAISE GOD!! I LOVE this information, and God bless you Mario for not only sharing it, but IGNITING THE FIRE!! May your words go straight to God’s ears, and may this be the start of a renaissance crusade to last a lifetime!!

    Thank you Mario, and God bless you.

  43. Lisa

    I am a 61 yr old Registered Nurse who worked full time and chose not to comply with the NYS and hospital mandate so, I lost my job that I loved. This wasn’t part of my plan and thought, “where do I go from here”? I was sad, depressed, hopeless, and felt like an outcast even with my own family and friends. I saw Mario Murillo on Flashpoint and knew that he would be in Batavia for 4 nights. So, I said to myself “I’m going” and I invited a friend and we traveled 3 hrs (one way) to Batavia. Then, I couldn’t just stay and not go on Monday and Tuesday so, I traveled alone to see Mario again. I felt compelled to go and couldn’t get enough of what he had to say, he is an AMAZING man of God. Then, my friend and I went back yesterday for the last day in the am and pm. I met some wonderful people who have impacted my life already. My life will be forever changed because of you Mario and for that I am so blessed, grateful and thankful. Today was my first day of Peace since leaving the hospital. I thought to myself that I never would have been able to go to Batavia if I was working. Satan stole my job that I loved and had such a passion for but now I know that God has something else planned for me. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and with God on my side everything will be OK. The line has been drawn and I am on the side of righteousness and justice, God’s side. Mario, may God continue to bless you and your wonderful crew. Keep saving and winning souls like mine!!!

    • Delia Kronk

      I’m reading your comments from over here in Australia. Thankyou for sharing your story. Mario is helping me as well cannot go to sleep unless I hear Mario speaking. Gives me peace in my heart. Thing are really horrible over here. I really wish Mario could start a movement in Australia. As I know our churches are just ignoring what is happening. There are a few. Good ones of course. But nobody wants to be brave enough to speak out. Stay strong and I’m sure God will find you another Job where you do not have to comply with these evil mandates Our body’s are the temple of the Lord. We know these poisons are toxic , why would we knowing everything we do about them put or be forced to comply and have them injected into our body. They are deadly. Cancer causing, kills off your immune systems. God has given us a strong immune system and we trust God

  44. Angela

    God Bless you, Mario…Hallelujah! God is saving so many souls through you!

  45. Cathy Haig

    I was there in Batavia and words fail me of how to describe this incredible event!!! It was a privilege to be there to say the least

  46. Jacquelyln Aldana

    Praise God for people like you who are obedient to God’s call on your life. Although to God goes all the glory, I want to personally acknowledge that your spirit of holy boldness provides a blueprint for breakthroughs wherever you go.

  47. Virginia

    So thankful you are coming to Rochester in 2022. God is on the move! Praise the Lord!

  48. Valerie J. Hoffman

    I am so thankful you came to New York. Many of us love the Lord here, and we are in need of revival. We do not want anything less than to know God’s heart and move in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. My sister, my cousin, and I were only able to attend one night. That was Monday, October 4. My sister’s husband could not come, but we were thrilled when you said even the one at home you are praying for would be healed. I am joyful to report that his blood test on his kidneys reveal the best they have been in years. I am believing for their total restoration. More than anything, I desire for the Lord’s Kingdom to increase with souls being saved by the millions and more. I am from a small city called Binghamton, NY, located in the Southern Tier of New York. We would love for you to come. Thank you for your teaching, for your heart, for your courage, for your love for Jesus Christ.
    Valerie Hoffman

  49. NewHeavenOnEarth

    From sea to shining sea, California to New York, let the glory wave continue, “Awake O sleepers, and arise from the dead, and Christ gives you Light.” Let God pour his Spirit upon all flesh; let all have dreams and visions and prophesy Jesus! overcoming in the Blood of the Lamb, the words of our testimony, and not loving our old life, but dying to sin and coming alive to righteousness in Christ, from the east to the west, from the north to the south, let preaching the Kingdom and teaching Christ, and worshiping in Spirit and Truth bring the King of Glory, mighty and strong in battle, defeating, conquering, overcoming, triumphing in every soul! “Behold, I make all things new!” Yes Lord, we ask and receive! seek first the kingdom of God and your righteousness and all things of Christ are given to us! knock and the Door opens to access the Throne of grace and glory! thank you Jesus for MMM and all your tents of meeting and witness and tabernacle-ing! thank you for salvation, healing, deliverance, freedom, redemption, and regeneration in Your Pure Blood, Water, and Spirit!

  50. kingskid48

    When I read your reports, I cry. The Power of Almighty God is beginning to sweep over this land. The Enemy knows is and is angry, but he cannot stop what God has begun…we love you and praise God for your family, crew, and volunteers, Pastor Mario. Continue on, Great Man of God!

  51. Beverly Chick

    This is so exciting! I’m loving this!

  52. Sandie

    Your book has risen in Fire and Glory literally I have watched Renee’s videos and two other people has filmed the Power of God’s Grace ❤️ his love for all who attended Where next?.Australia requires hunger for Divine movement We are praying for Miracle here Blocked with COVID 19 I am positive God will make a path for his mission here

  53. NickT

    May God continue this move around our nation and around the world. We need him desperately…now is the time!

  54. Gretchen

    Praise Jesus! I am praying Connecticut will be soon on the tent list, specifically Norwich, CT.

  55. heat

    I was there Sun, Mon, and Tuesday and it was totally awesome!

  56. Fritz Klein

    this makes me weep with desire to see it explode everywhere! let His fire fall!!

  57. Cheryl

    This is so awesome!

    • Victoria

      Mario you are a strong humble warrior doing work for our Lord. I also love to hear your words, as well as the words of Hank, Gene, and Lance on Flashpoint. Praise the Lord.

      Where can I write to for consideration of anointing healing for my mom and daughter?

      Is there a way to watch your revivals?

  58. Grover Pierce

    How can I watch the tent services. I have not been able to find them anywhere online. We watch Flash Point all the time. I was surprised that Mario was not on Flash Point tonight, Oct 7, 21. I worked in the Chaplain’s Office in the US Army as a Chaplain Assistant for 28 Years. God is going to turn America around.

  59. Julie T

    Praise God in the highest. May it spread to the entire world.

  60. Karen Finken

    All Glory to God !! Still, a thank you for your obedience to the call Mario! Can’t wait for the Vegas Tent Meeting, the desert could sure use some living water!!! Standing with you in prayer for every city on your map and beyond! Rejoice, again I say Rejoice!!

  61. Jennifer

    Mario around 2001 I saw in the spirit the earth 🌏🌊with a Gigantic Tsunami wave hitting the East Towards the West I really believe it wasn’t just a natural Tsunami but a Spiriitual one recently the Lord put on my heart a Gigantic wave again and I felt like He was saying it’s going to be Huge but I’m going to show my people how to ride my wave of the spirit like a skilled surfer knows how to in the natural he put that on my Heart ❤️ before coming this week
    Thanks for riding on Gods Wave 🏄🏻
    I’m praying about helping you all out in Rochester He’s doing such awesome things
    God bless you and your family.

  62. Delia Kronk

    Love what your doing in this troubled ,love watch flashpoint and any sermon that you give. I really would love for you to come to Australia to help us all out over here. Your a blessing. So filled with the Holy Spirit. When I am down. Which is a lot lately. I try and find you online and listen. I here your talking on power and push back with Pat Mesiti. Here in Australia. Looking forward to watching. Anyways Gods Blessings. To all of you in America as well. God will save us. I’m sure.

  63. Dawn L. Wood

    Hallelujah for the amazing opportunity to serve as an usher all four nights… The Glory of God was so evident and what has begun will not be able to be stopped! Jesus- thank You for Your presence!! I am taking the passion for revival back home to Wisconsin! Thank you, Mario!

  64. Lori Snook

    When will you come to the Midwest? Would love to be a part of this move of God!


    Pastor Mario great is the LORD and greatly to be praised. Thank you for allowing me to be a very small partner and quite remotely of all God does through you.

  66. desireeragas73gmailcom

    We truly have an amazing God. He deserves the highest honour and the greatest praise. He does not only shows up to the cry of His people but He shows up with a greater manifestation of His power, glory and His awesome presence. Our God is an awesome, mighty, Omnipotent God. Hail to the King Of Glory, the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that here in Oxford, UK that once again God will step down and convict this nation and His glory will manifest in power and might. Every knee will bow, every tongue confess that Jesus is the Lord of all. HALLELUJAH!!!

  67. Kasma

    “Armies of heaven speak…’who can change His Plans?'” That is being revealed more than ever- Halleluiah! I put that verse, to music, as you once asked a band in Martinez. God surely has answered prayers and I continue to pray the Holy Spirit, along with our invitations, will lead unsaved friends and acquaintances to these great moves of the Spirit My list is long.


    What a witness in my Spirit in regards to it being “The Dawn of a Movement”. I believe it is a movement of God and I can’t wait till it gets to us in the Midwest. Hallelujah. God bless you Brother Mario for your obedience to Holy Spirit. We are so blessed to live in this time. It’s scary, it’s crazy but none the less It’s God. He will have his way and I want to be in the middle of his will. I am interceding for us all.

  69. Jolyne

    We are trying to start a movement in Arkansas to stand up for our rights and freedom while promoting non violence. Would you be willing to come and speak?

  70. Heather

    Mario in October: “…BRAVING THE RAIN…”

    Batavia in December: ” Braving the RAIN?????? LOL ! HOLD MY SNOW SHOVEL”

    LOL! This life long Upstate New Yorker from the CUSE got a chuckle out of this. OF COURSE revival is going to start here. We can weather ALL KINDS of STORMS!!!!




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