by | Oct 4, 2021 | Revival in America | 181 comments

First the headlines:

-Over 3,000 people came out during a rainstorm! The largest attendance we have ever seen in a tent happened in the worst possible weather.

-We had to start the meeting an hour and fifteen minutes early!  By 5:15 p.m. the Tent was packed and people were sitting outside in the rain. This was the earliest any crowd has ever arrived in our history.

-So many people came forward to receive Jesus that we could not count them. It was by far the largest harvest we have ever seen in any of our Tents.

-We had to turn hundreds of cars away. Three main roads became gridlocked. Every possible parking place was taken. It took hours to get all those cars sorted out. There is no way of knowing how many people actually tried to get to the Tent tonight.

This day began quite differently. It was a very dark and heartbreaking one for me. As we were driving from Buffalo to Batavia, all I could think about was how low the attendance might be because the rain never let up. I was going over to the site much earlier than normal when I received a call, in the car, from Frank Saldana that was impossible for me to believe.

Frank sent me pictures of the record crowds in the Tent which showed the large number of people already there. That is when I realized a miracle was taking place.

In my 52 years of ministry, I have never seen God punch the devil in the face like He did last night.

I am struggling for words right now. I am trying to impress upon you how much more explosive last night’s meeting was than anything we have ever seen. The fire in the atmosphere—the hunger in the people—the power of God in the tent, all of it was indescribable.

The worship led by Gary Chapman and Friends reached a crescendo that was amazing. There was a moment in their rendition of the old hymn ‘There is a Fountain Filled with Blood’ when I thought the heavens were about to open and reveal the Glory of God.

In my 52 years of ministry, I have never seen God punch the devil in the face like He did last night. The vengeance of God was more powerful and unstoppable than I have ever felt.

God warned us there would be a harvest of souls in Western New York but, truly, nothing could have prepared us for what happened at the end of my message. It resembled a mass prisonbreak more than an altar call.

Under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, souls were openly weeping. They advanced to the front of the Tent, and it soon became clear that this would be the largest single harvest of any Living Proof Crusade. They came forward and they would just not stop coming. It looked like a tidal wave, but only God knows how many came and were saved.

If you are coming Monday to the Tent

Tomorrow night, we will open the main sanctuary of the church to accommodate the overflow of those who are unable to find seating in the Tent. We advise everyone who wants to attend: arrive as early as you can.

This will be a miracle service. Please bring those who need Christ, and those who need a healing miracle.

Western New York is being visited by God. Pray for this fire to spread across our nation! Glory to God!




  1. Sara Nelson

    Blessed be the name of The Lord Almighty! Jesus is King! Come Holy Spirit and do what no evil can stop!! Amen

  2. Lorie Monaco

    Praise God for your ministry! A group of us came early, right from our church, which is in Hamburg, NY, just south of Buffalo. Tonight my brother in law got saved!!! The rest of us sat in our seats weeping with Joy!!! I got saved 48 years ago, when I was a young teenager during the Jesus Movement, and have been praying for decades for Revival to come to our area again. Thank you for your obedience!!! REVIVAL IS HERE!!!

    • Mirian Montalvo

      Blessed by my Pastor Randy/Tammie Anson from LIFE FOR THE NATIONS CHURCH! We were able to take Church Van after services on Sunday, gas and tolls included! PTL! Yes we we’re part of the caravan waiting to park, waited about 20 or more minutes. And yes it was pouring cars and dogs! Got wet andmuddy, and yes Church Van got stuck in that mud! Thanks to all the brave, wet, men of God that pushed, and pushed with no results.We were going to leave Monday afternoon, but the sick gentlemen and his wife decided they wanted to stay also for Monday night. So we made car line for the 2nd time. Blessed we were! We were in a thick Presence of the Most High King of kings! Many stood for salvation, and many stood for healing! Glory to God in the Highest! HALLELUJAH!!!


        wow, i sure wish we could have been there, i love hearing about GOD getting all the GLORY.

    • David Pilch

      So glad you went
      I’ll let Nancy know

  3. Laurie

    To God be ALL the Glory, Mario!! You blog is the biggest “pick-me-up” I’ve heard since Jan 21st! THANK YOU JESUS!!! Thank you Mario for being a willing vessel!! Praying praying praying for you & this crusade for the flood to continue & the dam to break!! (God’s sense of humor, too, having it rain on the first night!) GLORY GLORY GLORY and ALL PRAISE to You, Lord God Almighty!!

  4. Petro

    Glory to God Almighty! Bless you Mario Murillo. Bless the team and the Local Church for all they’re doing. Come Holy Spirit!

  5. Karen Cupit

    PRAISE GOD!! My husband and best friend with her husband are headed there this afternoon from central CT. The devil is trying to take her husband down with an incurable disease, but he doesn’t stand a chance under that tent! I have already seen it leave in a vision- HALLELUJAH!!

  6. Timberly Chissom

    It was incredible we were lucky enough to get the last row in the tent

  7. Tammy Stanek

    I was in attendance and live in Western New York and have never seen anything like this! There were so many poor souls, many disabled, standing in the pouring rain, hungry to feel the touch of God. We arrived at 6pm, leaving our car by the side of the road while others were still circling the area roads hoping for a chance to get in. God bless you Mario for ministering to us! There is something great about to happen in this Western New York area! The Spirit of God is moving!

  8. Janet Crane

    Glory to the Living Lord!! Praise Him and thank you, Mario and team.

  9. Beverly

    I pray for ever soul there who needs Jesus will receive. Everyone who wants to be there will find parking and a seat for this great revival. Please pray for All Souls Anglican church in Jacksonville to begin a revival.

  10. Paulette J Rothstein

    We’ve prayed for this. God is so faithful.

  11. Amma

    O, Praise the Lord! Let this Fire fall all over New York, and burn across our country. Lord, empower Mario as he ministers night after night. Give him strength in his physical body as he speaks life to thousands. Cause salvations and extraordinary miracles to appear beyond what You have done through him before. We give You, our Heavenly Father, ALL glory and praise for this visitation!

  12. CS1

    Praise the Lord

  13. Jacqueline Smith

    My friends and I so wanted to come, we are an hour away , however we live in what is becoming communist Canada and aren’t allowed to cross the border. We choose not to be vaccinated. Although we’re not physically there, our prayers are with you and we also are crying out for God’s glory to be known.

  14. Beverly LaBahn

    My eyes are tearing! Thank you Lord Jesus for this great and increasing harvest!!!

  15. Christine Russ

    As I read this I started to cry, in thankfulness to our Lord! I live in western NY, but was unable to come. I have been praying for a “tidal wave ” to come across all of western NY and beyond! New York needs revival in the churches! I pray you would broadcast the service. Thank You Jesus for Your servant Mario Murrillo and all those serving in ministry during this crusade! To God be the glory! NOTHING CAN STOP THE MOVE OF GOD!

  16. Karen Roberts

    My husband and I couldn’t even get close to the church in the traffic and turned around to go back to our hotel. We will get there much earlier today. So happy to hear of all of the people going forward last night.

  17. NickT

    Praise the Lord…God is moving

  18. Pat Stewart


  19. Casimir

    Attended the opening meeting on Sunday night. It was amazing and filled with the presence of God! I made a public declaration of my salvation and growing faith in Christ. As I sit here this Monday morning the fullness of what I witnessed last night is finally hitting me and I sit her with tears of joy in my eyes. Praise God that this tent meeting came to the East Coast!!!

  20. Kerstin Wiklund

    Thank you Jesus!

  21. Sally

    Praise God !!!! Help us Lord to keep the momentum and walk in Your Word, that truth would saturate this nation and we would truly be One Nation Under God !!!! We pray those that are confused, lost, lonely and struggling would answer Your invitation and surrender all to You. Thank You Lord for answered prayer. Praying for protection, direction and strength for Your servants Lord.

  22. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    Blessed be the name of the LORD. Praise YOUR HOLY NAME LORD JESUS CHRIST. Thank you LORD.

    All of the prayers we have been praying for this Crusade—and are Praying—and THE GLORY OF GOD IS MANIFESTING…….Thank You LORD for the souls being saved—-the healings—and the Deliverances!!!

    And LORD—touch my Family that lives in Rochester. In JESUS HOLY NAME I PRAY. Amen

  23. Judy

    Praise the Lord!

  24. Daniel Kitterman

    We drove three hours to come to Sunday’s event, but can’t make it back for the rest. Where can we live stream the rest?

  25. James Dudek

    I am a native Western New Yorker from the small Hamlet of Gasport.
    In May of 2012 my wife and I moved to Mechanicsburg, PA. to be closer to family
    When I heard your ministry was coming to Batavia I knew that our Father God was going was going to visit Western New York in a HUGE
    OUTPOURING of His Holy Spirit and that the Family of Faith longed for GOD to visit His people. When I read what you put out on your website I broke out with tears of Joy and Celebration. Thank you FATHER for this outpouring of your HOLY SPIRIT!!! AMEN 🙏!!!!

  26. Jesse oszust

    How are you live streaming batavia’s livestream today and Tomorrow?

  27. fredtot

    Answer to many prayers! PTL! More Lord, more!!! And overflow to Canada!!!!!

  28. Valerie French

    God rewarding your lifelong faith and diligence to do as He asks! Hallelujah 💗

  29. LisaFlanigan

    Praise God!

  30. Jeff B

    Praise the Lord!!!

  31. Cappadonia Family

    Bringing our son, who has SEVERE epilepsy (5-12 seizure PER HOUR) .

    We were there last night, literally in the last row under the tent

    Look for the handsome young Sicilian man wearing an amazing smile and bike helmet.

    OH, how he loves JESUS!!

  32. dougiemnicol

    As I read Mario’s account of yesterday’s Crusade Meeting in Western New York I began to sob deeply like those who cascaded forward to get saved. I, myself, was saved at a Crusade Meeting in May 1977, in the Tent Hall in Glasgow, Scotland, through the ministry of Arthur Blessitt. Is anyone else experiencing this deep sobbing as they read Mario’s account? I sense that God is saying something through the opening of this deep well of emotion in my spirit.

    • Jeannie Tyson

      Yes Dougie, I was sobbing heavily while reading this. I was born and raised in western New York , now live out west and have been praying for years for breakthrough in this region.

  33. Lare Mitchell

    Beautiful. Many blessings to all of God’s children

  34. audreyandcaroline139

    Praise the lord!! pray for more people to be saved God Bless all the workers and also a humble preacher who gives God all the glory!

  35. Lynne Armishaw

    We’re absolutely overwhelmed with what God is doing and rejoice with you from New Zealand. May His fire reach us too.

  36. Roger D. Culwell

    Praise God in the highest, thats wonderful, been praying let your presence flood that place like a tidal way, heal, save, deliver, set free save a thousands more souls for what they enemy has done, and then start binding and pray it again and again, thank God for what he is doing, God bless you sir

  37. Robin

    AMEN! THANK YOU, THANK YOU JESUS, for this Awesome Harvest. God bless Mario and ministry, all the Glory goes to God, Thank you Heavenly Father.

  38. Claudia MacPhee


  39. Marleen T

    Thank you for Day 1 update. I was thinking we would have to wait until Flashpoint to get a report.

    Praise God! I have been praying about the weather since last week.

    Believing for greater things tonight and many more souls to be set free from sin and bondage, in Jesus’ Almighty Name!

  40. Roxanne Rice

    My heart is so full with joy! God,s answers to prayer, far beyond all we could ever ask or think! Praying that this same fire will fall in Michigan!

  41. Judy Jarret

    Please come to Atlanta, GA. We need a revival.
    Thank you

  42. Dick Taylor

    Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!

  43. Sandra Stewart

    Praising God with you and the angels.

  44. Judy Pink

    So encouraging! Our God is on the move!! Father, let the vision I had many years ago come to pass. Little fires all across the United States, starting in the east and moving across the country until it was ablaze with the fire of God!

    • Adelin Schauer

      I, too, have had a vision of small fire across our country coming together to form a huge wildfire moving across our land.

  45. Becky S.

    Please please please live stream for those of us who really want to be there but can’t!!!!

  46. Hove and Joanne

    Glory to GOD, the father is so faithful.
    Mario, be blessed to know how grateful we are that you have come east , bringing HIS increase to the body.
    His LIVING PROOF, HIS glory is being seen !
    How can we thank you….continued strength to you our brother in your assignment. In this hour.

  47. talinahoff

    All I can say is Wow! Go Team Jesus!!!

  48. Melodie VanAlstyne

    Come to Fonda NY!


    Incredible, God is on the move in a mighty way.

  50. Peggy Zide

    I simply cannot stop weeping since reading this! I was trying to tell my husband about it and was so choked up I could hardly speak. Go Jesus! This nation is the Lord God Most High’s!

  51. Debra Vaughn

    I praise our heavenly Father show us your will on earth as it is in heaven. I praise you Lord, I am blessed, forgive us of our sins. I turn my whole prayer life on Satan and thank you for your binding authority. I pray for Holly Fire from our heavenly Father to spread across the globe to each and everyone of us. All Praise and Glory belongs to you forever Heavenly Father.

  52. Carolyn A Benda

    Praise God!!!!!

  53. Sandra

    Oh yes! Thank You Jesus! Our God reigns!

  54. Frances E. Swiers

    This makes us rejoice deep in our spirit as we celebrate how God Almighty is moving through your ministry.
    Awesome! Incredible! We are celebration God’s victory! Love Elaine and Tom

  55. Sally

    Awesome.! Praise God from whom all blessings flow ! To God be the Glory, great things He has done and is doing !!!!!

  56. Audrey Burk

    Hallelujah! We are continuing to pray for all of you and for the revival to continue to spread like wildfire across this nation.

  57. Fran

    Hi Mario,
    My husband and I are on our way to Batavia at 2 pm Monday afternoon. I got on your site for the address to put in GPS and saw this article. I started reading it to my husband and broke down crying as I read your account. The very next sentence I read after I pulled myself together was about all the people weeping. I expect this to be a charged night. I just hope we can get in….

    Funny story – watching Flash Point as you talked about your crusades in Cali (always a favorite part of the show to be honest), one night Dom said too bad you would never be in New York. 2 minutes later you announced you were coming to Batavia! We knew then we had to come.

    We are so blessed by your humble spirit that becomes so bold and strong when the Lord speaks through you. Never lose that connection. The world needs your message and example badly. Thank you so much for your faithfulness all these years. Bless you dear brother. Hope to see you live in person SOON.

    In Jesus,

  58. Paul Fletcher

    My Wife and I attended last evening. Thank you Lord Jesus for sending Mario to save all the lost souls in Western New York. The alter call was living proof that the fire of God was ignited in the western part of the state of New York last evening. I spoke with individuals from central and upstate NY, Ohio and New England. God is Great!

  59. Franslaine Dortilus

    Glory to God!! This is the good news. People is after it. Not religion but the good news of the kingdom of God. I am so proud of my Heavenly Daddy and proud of you and your Staff Mario.

  60. Shirley Estep

    Praise God!!! REVIVAL IS HERE!!!

  61. Diane Purvis Tulga

    We were there! It was truly amazing! We stood outside and it really didn’t matter that you weren’t in the tent! You could see the hunger in people’s hearts! I pray that your remaining nights are equally dynamic. I pray that the out pouring is a huge blessing and encouragement to you and other spiritual leaders that the harvest is ripe!! We love you brother Mario and your fearless stand on the truth of the word of God!! Stand and see the deliverance of the LORD!

  62. Phyllis Marie Carvalho


  63. Deb Scyoc

    Praise God for the miracles in New York. I have been praying for this tent revival. I live in Pa. would love to be there but my husband can not walk very far. He needs a miracle only 30% of his lungs function. Please pray for him. I am believing God for this miracle. God already heeled his heart of A fib the beginning of I know he will heal his lungs. God Bless you Mario and your ministry.

  64. Bob Kruger

    Wish they hadn’t started early. We got there just after the posted starting time and seemed to have missed most of it. We did get to see the amazing altar call, and that’s what it’s all about. Can’t wait to see what God does through him in the rest of New York!

  65. Brian T.


    Thank you Mario, for this inspiring message, and may the Lord bless you and your ministry with thousands more saved, and God willing, a restorative revival!!

  66. Norma Patricia Molkenthin

    Hallelujah! Glory to God! Praise Jesus! Let the harvest continue, we had the honor of see you at the Opening the Heavens conference, and that day for no reason my right hand was very painful and when you prayed over healing, miraculously got healed! Praise God! Thank you for your ministry!

  67. Pam Jordan

    Hallelujah! Bring it on!!!!

  68. mlmoore1818

    Praise God!!!!

    May the earth be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

  69. Frances Hamilton

    Absolutely awesome move of our Lord! People are so hungry for TRUTH and our only hope for our beloved nation is The Good News of the Gospel! Praying for all on your team , Mario! 🇺🇸☦️🙏🕊🙏🥰🕊

  70. Mary Lou Groll


  71. Diane Tulga

    Amazing turnout! I pray this is an encouragement to Mario for his fearless stand on the truth! The harvest is ripe! Stand and see the deliverance of the LORD!

  72. Nancy Chadwick

    Praise the Lord! Let this be just the beginning of the Latter Rain prophesied so long ago!

  73. Mickey Holiday

    When can I watch it online? YOUTUBE?

  74. Dennis Ray


  75. Judith lowe

    Dave n Judy Lowe from Eldred, Pa were there!!! Great Message!!!

  76. Beverly Howell

    Thank you Jesus and Glory to the God most high.
    God bless you Mario!



  78. Michele bollinger

    Jane came back tonight after the five prayer warriors prayed so hard for her last night !

  79. Connie Carpenter

    PRAISE BE TO GOD!! He has done and is doing greater than we can think or even imagine !!
    Let your Glory fall on every person and houses for miles around we pray! 🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥✝️

  80. Deborah M.

    We’ve been experiencing some of the worst rains here in Pennsylvania which I have described all summer and just last week as “deluges.” I can understand the depression that came over you. Some of the downpours have seemed downright “evil” to me. After awhile I began to think they were man-made and started praying, “If this is not from you, God, then please break these HAARP machines or whatever is causing this ungodly rain.” Thank God Satan got punched in the face last night!!😃😃 People are hungry for God and a real move of God! This is definitely proof of how hungry we are. Praying for you and your team, Mario, and every person seeking the Lord for a great outpouring of His Spirit, with healings and deliverances. God bless you!

  81. Linda LeMaster

    praise God

  82. Jerry Wood

    PTL, I set n weep as I read what God is doing there n pray with all my heart He will do the same, or more, all across America. Blessings on you and the ministry.

  83. Dale Sipple

    Praise the lord praise the Lord! I prayed yesterday and I will pray tonight! God Give you everything you need I praise Holy Spirit would be pulled out again tonight like never before!!

  84. Carol Stone

    This is so exciting! I pray you will come to Maine as well!

  85. Kathryn Mullins

    Please come to the Texas border!!

    Let’s rescue these poor souls for Jesus!!!!

    Let’s bolster the ministries already in the front lines!!!!!


  86. Helen

    I order the book,do you have it in print?

  87. Kevan

    Our God is an awesome God! Praise Him!

  88. Beverly Lewey

    HALLELUJAH TO OUR SAVIOR & KING!!! Is there any way to watch a video? Praying for continued crowds & blessings!

  89. Paul Vojt

    is the batavia, ny revival being televised

  90. Aunt Lynn

    Any attack is there to distract! You have to mean it before you see it! Rejection is God’s protection! God has gone before you in the hearts of men and women and children in that area .HE WILL GHVE HIS WAY!! IN YESHUA’S NAME!!

  91. Gary Kayser

    Praise God Thank you Jesus

  92. Sandie

    Praise the Lord Tenant over America

  93. Barry

    Wow, Mario, just WOW. I am so happy for you and your ministry. Glory be to God. My wife and I wanted so badly to be there but it just didn’t work out because her mother is staying with us for about a week and she doesn’t get around very well. She could never make the 4 hour trip from our house to Batavia. My wife has bone cancer, and I want so badly to get her to one of your awesome tent meetings. We believe in God’s power through the Holy Spirit and the healing it brings. We also believe that you are a very special person because we’re certain God sees the work you do to win souls for the Kingdom. There’s a reason he chooses to work through you. We’ll come see you soon. Mario, we are huge fans of yours and all that you do. If you ever come to northeastern PA please get in touch as I would be happy to volunteer, pick up folks at the airport, provide a place to stay, whatever. Just let me know. God bless.

  94. Larry Franklin

    Praise the Lord!! Keep praying for Mario’s ministry and for all the other church leaders to be bold and preach the Truth. The only hope our world and country has is Jesus.

  95. Jayne Farrell

    So Wonderful!!!!! Praise Jesus! Praise Almighty God!

  96. bryansandberg

    Wow! This makes God happy, as well as me and thousands of others watching the results of your tent crusades. Keep on keeping on.

  97. Mike Symonds

    Praise The Lord Jesus.

  98. gege4god


  99. Thomas Carter

    Praise the Lord for urgently-needed Spiritual Awakening in America! …. Thom

  100. Ann F Johnson

    I’m so blessed with what God is doing in Batavia, NY. Praise the Lord. I know He is not stopping with Batavia , but will go on keep filling church and Tent meeting across the USA.I remember back 30-40 years ago we had tent mtgs. in Bergen NY and the Tent was always full , they went on for on maybe 10+ years. So many growing in faith and so many excepting the Lord. god is so good! Amen!

  101. Kelli

    Praise God! This is the most exciting news this year for everyone who has prayed for revival. This is just the beginning!

  102. Linda

    God Bless You Mario Murillo Keeping You and All With You in Our Prayers
    Thank You For Coming To New York. 🙏❤️🙏

  103. Christine

    Praise be to God. God be the Glory! God’s not dead He’s surely Alive and Moving! Amen

  104. Lucia Alvarez

    Praise the Lord. This is what we have been waiting for!

  105. sonia gutierrez

    I weep for this Ministity and the display of Gods glory across this nation as I pray in agreement. Bless you in Jesus name amen

  106. Melinda

    Praise God!!!!!

  107. kingskid48

    All I can say, is I am weeping….

  108. mrsbmp

    To God be all the Glory. May this continue all over the United States and across the world. In Jesus’ name I pray.

  109. Shirley Securro

    The power of God was all over me just reading about it!

  110. Rae

    This is amazing & I am so happy to hear this!! I planned on driving up from Syracuse tomorrow but afraid of not getting a parking spot. I’m just happy that God is on the move in New York! It has been very oppressed here for many years. God bless & thank you for coming our way!! Please come to Central NY … please please please!!

  111. Joy Otis

    Praise Jesus! Behold, He is doing a new thing in this very place. The miracle of God’s glory is falling on every single soul.

  112. Angie Cherochak

    Please have a crusade in NE Pennsylvania!!

  113. Zona Gatewood


  114. Anne Heilman

    I am so thrilled and in awe of God in hearing about Sunday night. I am so filled with joy, I can hardly contain myself! Thank You Lord.

  115. NL Appleby

    Praise God!! It’s all for His glory. When the rest of the world lacks hope, we have the HOPE, Our Lord God Almighty!!
    Praying for greater things to happen, Mario. Every knee shall bow, in heaven, on earth & under the earth & every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  116. Faye Pedersen

    Praise God! His power is tremendous! The governor and mayor of NYC must be astounded.

  117. Bri H Loftis

    Praise God!!!

  118. Lynne

    Jesus is…He is the Alpha and the Omega, He is the Beginning and the End, He is the Light in the dark, He is the Way, He is the Calm in the Storm, He is the King of Kings, He is the Way Maker, He is my Lord and Saviour, and He is Returning Soon
    Thank Mario Murillo for coming to NY and sharing the Gospel of Jesus

  119. wilberta

    I am truly blessed and moved by what the Holy Spirit is doing in the darkest places. Thank you Father for your mercy.

  120. Barbara Decker

    Tears of joy stream down my face hearing about the many saved. More Lord, more Lord.

  121. Linda Gamble

    Praise the Lord! I pray tonight is bigger. God has something to say and praise God for your heart and obedience Mario. God’s blessings.

  122. Jan

    PRAISE JESUS! Lord send an awakening across this nation. We long for you Jesus. Praying for NY, Mario & the Pastors

  123. Scott Curtis

    WAY TO GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  124. Avril

    Monday, people started arriving at 2pm. When I arrived 4:15 according to my GPS, there was already a line to getting in the main tent. Two smaller tents were starting to fill up. After I secured a seat for my daughter, pop-ups were going up and more chairs were being set up. Again, many went forward to receive Christ of all ages.

  125. cynthia

    Somebody!@! Please pray, that I arrive with all the drug addicts of Utica NY ….. in time. IF NOT., Please come, do a walk through on Genesee St utica ny,. Especially near the church next to Duncan Donu thete.

  126. Emily

    Why isn’t this being live streamed?

  127. Heather Klueppel

    Hallelujah! What glorious news!!!!

  128. Rhona Temple

    I am just crying at the goodness of God and how your heart sank at first Mario when you thought the rain would be a deterrent. I did not want you to be disappointed. Praise to our amazing God

  129. Dace Jansone

    Amazing God’s grace! Be blessed!

  130. Adella Spohr

    Thank you for hearing our hunger in New York and being willing to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  131. Deborah Anderson

    What a beautiful evening under the tent. I had tears as I saw all the people come to the altar to reclaim a new life with Christ, and experienced healing myself while I had the pleasure of praying for Thelma being healed from stage 4 cancer!
    God is on the move in Western New York. Thank you Jesus. We all appreciate you Mario! Deborah

  132. Mary Thompson

    May it be so in every town and city in America. Thank you God, and thank you Mario for hearing His voice.

  133. Diane Anthony

    Hallelujah I am so thankful! So very thankful. I am in awe of what God is doing. And thank you Brother Mario for obeying the Lord!

  134. Kitty

    Western Pennsylvania needs a miracle also. Please come and see.

  135. Janice Barr

    PraiseGod!!!! Thank you Mario!

  136. Lorraine Musgrave

    PTL!! To God be the glory!
    Praying for this last scheduled night of revival in NY, more Lord! Let the stream of Living Water swell into a River of Life that goes out from NY down the east coast across each of the 50 states! May Your Spirit Lord Jesus consume Your people and there will be a rippling effect of repentance and surrender to You Lord come across this nation!

  137. Linda Stewart

    I would love to see a revival come to Connecticut! I believe every state needs it.

  138. Jack Tweedie

    You referenced Finney on Sunday night. After reading some of his memoirs it appears he was denied access to revival in Albany NY. You my brother are 250 miles and some social media posts away from filling the NY State Capital lawn with thousands of Christians and conservatives. And so doing, making the ones that celebrate abortion, hate our constitutional rights and are forcing vaccinations like street corner dealers, nervous for a change. Even though this is NYS- this is still Gods country and you are a field general

  139. Carrie Baker

    Hallelujah!! Glory to God!! Do it again, Lord!!

  140. kay F. bond

    Praise God!!!! A glorious answer to prayer!!!! God keep this going all over the land!!!! II Chronicles 7:14

  141. ellen headlee

    glory be to God for his awsome power and kindness everyone everywhere should be on their knees in prayer for the powerful work that is being done in the kingdom of god hallelujah come to hearts Lord Jesus

  142. Sandra

    Praise GOD! Praying for people in New York! Not all financially able to leave the dictatorship of a so called state if a free nation! Thank GOD HE loves us all!!!

  143. Zoie Kern

    Have been attending all the meetings in Batavia. I am visiting from Topeka, Kansas and hoping to carry the fire back home!

  144. Ellie

    Praise God He is absolutely GOOD.

  145. David Hood

    Praise God!! I’m originally from WNY and now pastor a church in WV. I was planning on attending the Sun or Mon meeting but told my church Sun that I felt the right thing to do was to no go and leave more space for the lost and searching to attend. Good decision!! What a blessing is happening in WNY!
    Pastor Dave Hood
    Morgantown, WV

  146. Mark C Bressan

    I drove from Waynesboro, VA approximately 7.5 hours away. I was able to go to both Sunday and Monday services. I arrived and was up at the tent at 6:15 pm on Sunday. I had to be outside the tent(luckily I brought an umbrella)and it was truly inspiring. In my guesstimating, I believed I witnessed at least 250 people gives their lives to Christ. I was only going to go Sunday, but the Spirit was encouraging me to stay another day and by the grace of God my job allowed me to stay an extra day and night. I wanted to make sure I was up front so I got there at 11:45am and there was 1 open seat left in the front row(all others were already saved) I was able to help put up another tent and put hay down and help out. What a blessing working with other believers in unity and a spirit of pure joy! By around 3:30-4 ish the main tent was just about filled and there was a long line to start putting people in the overflow tents. I could go on forever but in summary of conclusion.. There were MIRACLES and the Holy Spirit was in charge! I would guesstimate at least 350 salvations The PRESENCE was there and was at work. Many many people had miracles. I received multiple healings. This man of God, Mario, is humble and obedient and is like Paul in the Bible if that’s okay to describe it. He is led by the Spirit of God and makes sure over and over that he is a nobody and that it is all Jesus. What a true example of Christ and a role model! I wish I could have stayed 2 more days(I had a hard time leaving, I didn’t want to leave) because I feel it’s just getting started over there. More is to come! I would encourage you to get over there. Don’t delay! GO!!

  147. Gail Rose

    I’m so glad and thankful for Brother Mario coming to Batavia, NY. I live in Rochester, NY and I was there and it was awesome! The presence and the power of God was under the tent. And the SOULS that came to know the Lord! How beautiful it is to see the hundreds coming to Jesus. I can’t wait to see how God moves in the State of New York and all over America!! May the Lord contiune to use you my brother and bless the work of your hands and all you do for the Kingdom of God! God Bless you and your family, Gail Rose Rochester, NY

  148. Elissa

    “From sea to shining sea, from New York to LA”

  149. Barbara Kay Underwood

    Praise God and PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME. God is on the Move So Let Us Move with Him! This is Marvelous and God is So Powerful! Thank You God in what You are Doing!

  150. Terry Girard

    I am so glad so many came to hear about the goodness of the Lord. Praying that the Lord sweeps over our great nation with a revival that turns hearts and eyes to Jesus. Thank you, Mario, and all your support staff and the many volunteers that make tent meetings possible. Will be praying for you all for safe travels, wisdom and discernment as you continue your evangelizing events.


    Praise the Lord!

  152. Ginnie Sandison

    The Amazing grace of God!

  153. Jennifer Thomas

    If you build it they will come!!! Praise GOD!!!

  154. JOY


  155. Terri Romo

    Glory to God! Thy Kingdom Come on earth as it is in heaven! May God bless you Mario and may God continue to use you mightily!

  156. Julie Youngman

    I’m from WNY & was at the Sunday & Monday Svc. Powerful, powerful, powerful! I came Monday believing God for my recreative miracle. It hasn’t manifested yet. But…… I receive by faith it’s done in the Mighty Name of Jesus!. TY Mario for coming to WNY!

  157. Sandie

    Praying for Victory in Holy Spirit for your team in this amazing Abba father movement across America .Praying from Australia Your remnant team are beautiful.souls repenting and coming to Yeshua Thanks Renee for your videos.

  158. zmattman2

    Thank you Mario Murillo, Pastor Frank, my man Morgan and all of MMM for coming to Western New York!
    A prophet might not be welcome in his own hometown. We not only welcome you MMM but I give thanks and am rejoicing that the Lord has heard our prayers. 🙌 Revival has come to New York!

  159. Terri

    I was there Tuesday night. amazing. we would love for you to come to Cayuga County (Locke ny). my prayers will be with you on your journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have done for me personally. In the name of Jesus

  160. Michael Kuhn

    Praise be the eternal living God of our salvation! Thank you Mario for being a clear and powerful voice for God in this hour and day.
    And yes and Amen-agree with you that this Fire of Revival will explode and burn across the country!!
    And we are praying for – you need a bigger tent.
    And take this to stadiums where 10 and 20 and 40 and 60000 people can come. Some stadiums can hold 100,000.!
    Isaiah 54:2,3
    Enlarge The place of of your/thy tent, … do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.
    For you will spread out… and your descendants will dispossess the nations and inhabit the desolate cities.

  161. Patricia Plato

    Thank you Mario for answering the call of God. New York and the east coast really needed this

  162. Pastor Howie Tiberend

    Was there and it was simply amazing! The presence of the Lord was very real, for such a time as this !! May the Empire State become the Kingdom of God State !! More Lord More !!

  163. Steven W. Honeycutt

    Praise God for he doing, I have heard of this coming back, for GREAT” shall be the latter Rain.

  164. Martha Sue Colburn

    I was there Sunday , Monday and Tuesday . I was in tears when I saw the line of people seeking their salvation. I could only imagine the joy in heaven . I didn’t receive an immediate healing but standing strong in faith that it is coming . God bless you Mario and your team . Looking forward to Rochesters tent meeting . ❤️🙏

  165. Paul Hollop

    Praise God. He has answered our prayers for souls to be saved. Fresh fire to fall. We are e cited. Bless you
    KAthy and Paul Hollop

  166. Mary Jo Johnson

    You are such a blessing to them and an obedient servant of our Lord.

  167. Jason Whalley

    Any word on whether that volunteer is OK? The one who was hit by a car Sunday night while directing traffic?

  168. Nancy Shope

    I was there Sunday and it was truly amazing! The presence of the Lord was there with a powerful and sweet anointing. So great to see so many of the Lord’s people on fire for Him!

  169. Jeanie Ruprecht

    Praise God Brother Mario! Thank you for giving to the Lord!
    We used to listen to you in the days of Paul & Jan.
    I had prayed for so long for Sacramento and then you came AFTER we moved to Florida! LOL! I lived in California for 46 years, but we decided to move. Anyway, please come to Florida!

    I talked to people all the time about Jesus and right now they are more hungry for the Gospel than at any other time I’ve seen because times are tough! So, yes, they have a listening ear and far more of an open heart than ever before.
    Praise God!

    Traveling mercies for you and your family!

  170. dougiemnicol

    As I read Mario’s account of Sunday’s Crusade Meeting in Western New York I began to sob deeply like those who cascaded forward to get saved. I, myself, was saved at a Crusade Meeting in May 1977, in the Tent Hall in Glasgow, Scotland, through the ministry of Arthur Blessitt. Is anyone else experiencing this deep sobbing as they read Mario’s account? I sense that God is saying something through the opening of this deep well of emotion in my spirit.

  171. MICHAEL QUINN (@MICHAEL56242215)

    let us all sing “the battle hymn of the republic” as Jesus is our banner when we break down the gates hell and take back our nation for THE LORD !

  172. Susan


  173. desireeragas73gmailcom

    To God be the glory forevermore. Seeing God moves mightily with you in West Batavia, New York, moves me so deeply. I believe and trust that God will pour His Spirit even more now than before. I have been praying for such a long time for this revival happen amongst the nations, especially in the US and UK. May the Lord turn the hearts of every Americans back to Him. And may you bring your nation back to God as you step into His glory. Rise up all ye S.A.I.N.T.S. of God and in Christ. God bless you, Mario Murillo and everyone in your team. God bless New York and the USA.
    From your sister in Christ across the pond – Oxford, UK.

  174. Carrie

    Wish I could have been there. Praise be to God.




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