These are images of the scene tonight at the Tent in Batavia, NY. The question is: “Why is this happening?” And, though we may never know exactly why, what we do know is that it has all the makings of a long-term spiritual breakthrough.
Six days before the crusade, crowds have already begun gathering to pray and expect miracles—a full 6 days before the crusade! They are acting as if the crusade has already begun. Maybe it has. Maybe God is doing something new in Western New York.
They are acting as if the crusade has already begun.
450 volunteers are making their way, from all over America and from Canada, to be where they believe the fire of God will fall. Soon those numbers will combine with the core group that is already there.
Is this the cultural backlash we have anticipated? Is this the tipping point? Are these the voices of a people who have been pushed too far and “will never allow themselves to be slaves again?” Have wokeness, perversion and tyranny, at last, gone too far? By all appearances, these people are fed up and are rising up!
Some deep inner fire, long muffled by fear and censorship, has finally found its voice. It is gushing forth in a torrent of prayer. You do not want to stand in front of this locomotive.
Pastors are unifying. They are dropping differences and reaching out to each other in a passionate and sincere unity. Has persecution herded them close together? Do they sense the urgency of the hour?
Matthew Henry said that when God is about to send revival, “He sets His Church to praying.” Prayer and repentance are becoming regional here, and the spirit of prayer is intensifying.
People are making their way to the Tent to pray for souls to be saved. Hundreds are using Operation Andrew cards—these cards have the name of ten people they expect to bring to the crusade and to see them saved by Christ.
The watchfires are not just burning in Batavia, but in churches 90 minutes away, where pastors have allowed our team to lead their services. Frank Saldana and the team are spreading revival fire and miracle expectancy across the region. In fact, this Friday night there will be a prayer meeting in a 1,200- seat church in Rochester, NY. What will that be like!?
And imagine this honest reporting!
Pastors are unifying. They are dropping differences and reaching out to each other in a passionate and sincere unity.
But the army here in Western New York is not just rejecting wokeness and perversion—they are equally done with dead religion and compromise. They are finished with the idea that the church should be silent in the face of our national evil. They do not want emotional gatherings that are harmless to the powers of darkness.
They yearn for real power, real truth, and real results—results that will be permanent.
After telling you all of this, how can I not invite you to come? I do not shrink from telling you that it may be God Who wants you to come to Batavia, even if it means traveling from the other side of the nation. At the very least, pray for Living Proof Western New York. Pray that we will fully obey God. Pray that miracles will flow like a mighty river. Pray that what God is doing in New York will sweep across our nation.
I do not yet know all the details about the work the Lord is beginning to do here, but I do know that it is already something wonderful. You don’t want to miss being a part of it!
Amen and amen! Praying for a Holy Spirit outpouring that has never been seen before! Signs and Wonders! Healing! Souls; souls; souls for the Kingdom of God!
Praying for a mighty of GOD and HIS Glory to show her and burn away the evil going on there! HE is master of these United Staes and we decree HE shows up and shoes up for HIS children! This is a ripe time for revival and expectancy is about to explode! May GOD’S WILL BE DONE in JESUS NAME! HE did not die for evil to prevail but that all that will repent may be saved! Looking for HIM to show up any day for HIS children! Ready and looking with joy unspeakable!
Prayer opens the door continued prayer keeps the heavens open and prayer maintains and lights the fire that keeps Revival burning!
Can’t wait to be there and pray. I’m in PA now but lived in Rochester for years. Expecting God to show up with fire!!!
Please pray about coming to New Hampshire
Praying for a River of Revival to flood the area in Jesus’ name!
Sherry praying for Mario and the tent meeting,
Believing for salvations, Restoration, miracles,
Protection and binding the enemy from any evil destruction…. mercy on safe travels..May the Holy Spirit Spirit hover over the tent meeting and the Anointing flow and empower Mario
In Jesus Name above every name
Mario, please come to Oshkosh, WI
I will continue to pray. I am praying for all the Great Lakes Area. Amen
May the God, our Father, bring his spirit like never before. Amen and amen
Amen! Please come to Michigan!
Prayers for Batavia!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Can’t wait to be a part of what God is doing! I am so excited to live today!!
God is moving and the gates of hell will NOT prevail.
Amen and will be praying
Amen! Already the embers of Revival are being fanned into flames as testified by the impromptu gatherings of large crowds to pray before the crusade even begins! O Lord God You said America shall be saved and we want to be a sheep nation again!! Let Your Word run swiftly thru our nation and Your Holy Spirit bring the spiritual rains of revival, reformation, and renewal! We agree in prayer it has already begun and will continue to manifest!! Bless Mario and his team, Lord! Please come to the southeast!
praise God.. HIS Faithful Remnant Arises as he stated in His timeless Word
We continue to believe for a spirit filled meeting, as you continue to fully give yourself to hearing the voice of the Lord, and no other. God be with you, strengthen you, and your entire team.
Thank you Lord for beginning at each end of our Nation. Come to Nevada Mario! Come to Las Vegas…where sin abounds, that much more the Grace of God! Standing for Batavia!!
Heard you Mario at Opening the Heavens. Will pray hard for you all. I love to see God moving!
Praying for Batavia, and that this will be the spark that ignites the biggest revival in history.
Like never before, America needs revival! If Jesus Christ isn’t the answer to all of the problems we face today, then there is no answer!!!
To God be the Glory for the things He is doing and for what’s going to come.
What a great awakening.
Let’s pray and lift up Western NY.
God loves you all and he has his arms open.
Miracles, Wonders, and the fire of revival burning.
God will answer with fire fron the Holy Ghost.
Lift up Mario and his ministry team. Protection from all the arrows of the enemy.
I’m so excited you are in New York -Mario.. I’m from Poughkeepsie New York though I live in Northern California now.. New York will always be my home.
They need revival…. I pray a profound awaking takes place through the Holy Spirit.
There will be a sweeping in salvation, healings and Gods name will be made known through out the land.. God Bless Your obedience. God keep you, and hold you strong!
In Christ Strength,
Lisa McDaniel
Yuba City, California ..
God Bless…and continuing to pray for the outpouring with signs and wonders.
Mario, will be praying for the ministry there in New York state, but a word of warning. Be on the lookout for shady characters Satan will send in to disrupt your services. Beef up your security. Be particularly vigilant during the service on October 4th (Monday night). God bless and keep!
So excited for you and your team. I am praying for an explosion of salvations and miracles. New York will be changed!!!!
Praying for Arkansas and Batavia for the fire of the Holy Spirit to come
This. Is. Awesome. Prayers that God reigns in the evil while saving souls!
Can’t wait!
HALLELUJAH…Glory to God, Come Holy Spirit Come…Let this be the Time for Revival, In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen
Exciting Mario. I’ve been to Las Vegas in the tent and Stockton. This has my Spirit rejoicing. Thank you Lord.
Why is word press censoring all of your blogs there? Before they wouldn’t let me comment and now yours and ONLY your blog keeps flashing to where I cannot even click on it there. Didn’t realize they were as bad as fakebook.
praying for all the areas of westeren ny to be healed saved , delivered set free fresh fire on the church,, come on Lord Jesus . do it again expecting ..
Very exciting. Will continue to pray. God is moving!!!
Agreeing in prayer, brother.
Why not arrange to get Flashpoint or Lindell-TV to televise Living Proof Western New York? Now that would be a nation-wide Living Proof!
We have a carload of praying women ready to stand in agreement for a powerful move of God that will set us ablaze with the fire of the Holy Spirit and that revival spread across this nation. Salvation, restoration, healing & a stronger commitment to Kingdom living. Thank you to the Mario Ministries.
Praying in Amarillo, Texas.
Come Holy Spirit and bring Glory to Jesus and set N.Y. state on fire with such a burning light that it descends upon New York City and they come running into your Arms!
So excited to hear and see what God is doing. Mario, please pray about coming to Oregon. We are in serious need of Revival throughout Oregon. Thank you for being a General in the Army of God, drawing people to Jesus. May the power of God fall throughout the state of New York and beyond. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Come Holy Spirit!
A warrior for Christ. The harvest is indeed great. God bless your work
Sooooooo exciting and wonderful! Brings tears to my eyes! The Enemy will not be able to stop what God has begun!
Awesome! Thank you, Lord!
Let your redeeming fire revive and consume again! Let your Kingdom come!
We believe for great things from you!
Let your glory fall in Batavia and spread through ALL of New York!
Let this fire pour out into Canada….I wish I could go…God Bless.
This is the good news of the gospel and it is a blessing to see people waking up and being drawn to Jesus.He is our only way.Could this be the beginnings of the Great Awakening?
JESUS instructed his disciples to practice much prayer and fasting to overcome SATAN and witness GOD’s miracles.
May these dry bone rise up and walk again, and bring GLORY to GOD for the great things He has done!!!
MARIO, I AM SO EXCITED! I have been praying about this crusade ever since you first mentioned it. I believe somehow there is going to be a “shattering” of the hindrances that have for so long held back the masses. The anticipation of this Crusade is THRILLING! I wish I was able to travel to be there. I believe all of Heaven is Rejoicing!!!!!
God bless Mario Murillo for demonstrating the Spirit of Holy Boldness in ways that glorify God. Because he is fully committed to the God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the spirit of fear and intimidation does not phase him. Let’s join him in Making America GODLY Again.
I’m praying and believing with you, brother Mario, and everyone for a great move of the Holy Spirit! Lord save souls and be glorified!
I have had several dreams in the past few years about the dead “church” and the true church.
Also about a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on people of all ages and from all walks of life.
The last dream was a woman giving birth and a doctor assisting her. The doctor cared for the baby and laid the baby in a crib and and turned back to care for the woman. I was in the shadows then was drawn up close to the baby. As I watched the newborn, the baby began to speak in tongues! I stood there in amazement watching and listening.
When I woke up, I couldn’t describe what I felt, but then the word “Awestruck” came to me. I was awestruck by the power of God and what man would say is an impossibility, was not!
There is something new birthing out of the true church that will leave people awestruck, to the Glory of God!
I will pray that Our Lord will continue to hold Mario up and give him the strength he will be needing as he continues the Shepherds work, Sure wish I could be there … Love and Healing to all in attendence. Amen and Joy …
I will be attending and looking forward to the fire God will be sending to my city of Buffalo and the rest of Western New York.
“Some deep inner fire, long muffled by fear and censorship, has finally found its voice. It is gushing forth in a torrent of prayer. You do not want to stand in front of this locomotive.”
This is my favourite paragraph!
Monday night at our church FamilyNaz in Goodrich MI we will be on our knees praying for God to move
Have been praying for open heavens over the New York area, good weather, unity among churches and pastors, provision, annointing upon Mario and the workers and divine protection. Asking the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Jesus name. amen
Amen Mario and your Ministry. All the Glory to God!! Praying for the Holy Spirit to take New York in one big swoop, bring em to the Tent Mario !!! Love your Ministry and Crusades, Blessings to your Ministry !!!
Yes I will be praying too. Souls saved and healed..people in D.C. removed..who need to be!!!
I’m from New York and never thought Mario would ever make it to this state!!! But I’m sure pumped. Our little church has prayer every Wednesday, and we’ve been praying for this. Wonderful news. I’m not doubting that meetings will be powerful.
Arizona needs you. Please put us on your list for a tent revival. God is alive and well here. Love listening to you on Flashpoint, you are an inspiration to us all. God bless you and your staff.
Whohoo! Praying for fire and healing and the works!
@4:15 Lennox Gastaut Syndrome over here. Intractable seizures. Horrifying falls leading to multiple hospitalizations this summer alone. Doctors recorded our son having 5-12 seizures PER HOUR over a six day period in August.
Nicky takes SEVEN different anti- seizure medications DAILY. He has a VNS device surgically implanted in his chest. And still the seizures come.
He is God’s ambassador and he will preach to the nations.
God bless all who attend these services. I wish I could attend. I grew up in a church in Batavia. I’ll be praying that the Presence of God will explode across the world. Love from Houston.
Take back what the enemy has stolen Hallelujah!
🌬🌊🌊🌊Apostolic’s change Atmospheres 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🌲🚂🚂🚂🚂
Build the 🏕 tents ⛺️
Fill the 🏟stadiums 🏟
Born and raised in Western NY. My hearts desire to see this land filled with the Glory of God!
Believing for your meeting on Flashpoint I always knew that somehow contact between you and 45 would happen.
I live in Rochester. Can you provide me with info on where the Friday meeting in Rochester will be and what time?
Please call 775 238 3473 right now to get details about the prayer meeting tonight.
So wonderful to see what God is doing! We were at the Sunday night tent meeting. We know the Niagara of Glory the Fresh Fire is falling now in WNY.
Weeks ago we witnessed His Glory touch down in our town and now the wave is spreading.
I would love to share this with you because I am sure it’s part of what God is doing.