by | Sep 6, 2021 | Revival in America | 72 comments

I was on Flashpoint with Gene Bailey when one of the most supernatural things that has happened to me occurred. It was February 11th, 2021. The power of the Lord on the program was so strong that they extended it. And that is when it happened. At the 1 hour and 13-minute mark, for two minutes, Billy Burke began to speak these words to me:

“David had strategies that he flowed in, pretty regularly; he was fearless, he would lead the charge, raise his sword and shield, and come back with all the victories. But he said that this one battle was amazingly different. He did everything the same. There wasn’t anything different that he did. But he said, ‘When I raised my sword, it was as though there were many waters behind me.’

1 Samuel 5: 20 So David went to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there; and he said, “The Lord has broken through my enemies before me, like a breakthrough of water.”

“An amazing story. In other words, whatever you have been doing, you have been doing so excellently and so effectively for so many years. But I believe that what you are tapping into right now, it’s going to seem like you are doing the same thing. It seems like you are in the tent, doing things the same way, with no variation or difference, but the difference isn’t you. The difference is the power that is going to show up behind you.

“Remember this night. There is going to be a furious, and the word is “furious,” anointing. It is even going to amaze you―what you are going to see happen in these meetings.

“You are going to have a greater second half than you did the first half. Look that up: “He raised the sword and there were many, many waters behind it.”” – Billy Burke

This prophecy was not about Mario Murillo. This was a prophecy that made no sense until this moment. In some of the tent meetings, we have had flashes of partial fulfillment of those promises, but not the full manifestation. The burning question since last February has always been, “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE RUSH OF WATER?”


That was when it dawned on me that Batavia is near Niagara Falls. That is the water that Billy Burke saw!

And yes, I can tell you that the rush of water has already begun. We have done leadership breakfasts for decades. But we have never seen the rush to a meeting like we did on Saturday, August 21st, in Batavia. The reservations rushed in like a mighty river.

The day of the event, they poured into the hall. Everything about it was a surge—a torrent! The power behind the meeting was what Billy Burke was describing. We did not do anything differently, but everything was different. The unity. The fire. The yearning for a move of God in leaders. It truly was a rush of water!

“Remember this night. There is going to be a furious, and the word is “furious,” anointing. It is even going to amaze you―what you are going to see happen in these meetings.”

At this moment, a spirit of cooperation that has not been seen in decades is flooding the churches of Western New York. The cascading momentum is not of man. It was not created by our labor. It is not the result of any new thing we are doing. It is precisely what Billy Burke prophesied, “The difference is the power that is going to show up behind you.”

Try to imagine the explosion in my spirit when I realized that no other area in America could fit the description of a rush of water like Niagara Falls! Try to take in my excitement over what is unfolding right before our eyes!

Do you have any idea what it took for me to take the Living Proof Tent out of California? It was because the rush of water is here, now, in New York. And only God knows how powerful this rush of water is going to be.

Is a Niagara of Glory coming to Western New York? God has spoken, and that settles it!



  1. Susan Gomez

    Amen and Hallelujah brother Mario! God bless you and your team as you step into His commands, direction, appointment and anointed time for His people, state and cities!

    • tallman1948

      2 samuel, not 1 samuel

    • megagenius

      Acts 2:2 “And suddenly a noise like a FURIOUS RUSHING wind came from heaven”. What does this mean? It can not be contained or controlled by men or devils. “When the enemy comes in, LIKE A FLOOD the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him!” This is the Ezekiel 47:5 season: “but now it was a river I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in—a river that no one could cross”!

      • Rose A. Wood

        Mario what would we do without you! God bless you. Thank you for all you did in. California. So glad I was able to attend.

    • mrsbmp

      Praise the Lord Brother Mario. May this anointing cover the whole earth! God bless you,

    • Barbara Barnish

      On the last day, that great day of the feast(Feast of Tabernacles) Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water: Praise God, the Holy Spirit is here!!

      • zmattman2

        Niagara Falls in the house. Thank you Lord for answered prayer! Who shall we send? Here I am Lord, send me. 🙌

  2. Julie

    Glory to God our Amazing Father! You are a true man of God and an inspiration to all of us to go out and spread the word of Jesus in scripture! His words change hearts and minds everywhere!
    Praying for you always! 🙏

    • Collin R Williams

      Thank you Jesus. May the mighty holy spirit fall upon all your works.

  3. Pat Stewart

    Hallelujah! May what you started in California also continue to cover that state with a mighty flood of his spirit. Let the church arise!

    • Kinga Paur

      Hallelujah amen and amen ! I found it in 2 Samuel 5:20 . So grateful for your ministry Evangelist Mario & Mechelle and everyone at Mario Murillo Ministries .

  4. Beverly Drum

    Thank you for sharing Mario! May God give you His supernaturally furious anointing, strength, wisdom & power! I was healed of COPD Aug 8, 2021 while watching the tent meeting in Sacramento, CA on my phone in Las Cruces, NM! No more inhaler! I can breathe! I was examined by my Veterans Administration nurse practitioner & told her Jesus healed me! She said she was happy for me! Thank You Jesus for Your stripes You bore for me & Your precious Blood! Jesus is Lord! God bless you & your family Mario! Sincerely, Beverly Drum

    • Linda Kidder

      I too was healed the last night of the tent meeting in Sacramento of neuropathy in my feet while Mario prayed. watched on my phone from El Paso TX. Praise God for HIs mercy endures forever as He comes and meets us right where we are!!!!

  5. Dawn & Randy Sumner

    Do you need volunteers we live in Glens Falla and would love to join yous .

    • Barbara Coyle

      Yes, I know they need volunteers, thank you!! I live in Buffalo NY and attended the leaders breakfast. It was INCREDIBLE how God is unifying His Body to be used by Him…let the harvesting of souls continue!! ❤️

    • Grace

      You can contact Cornerstone Church in Batavia. 585-343-8020

  6. Stephanie McMurry

    So happy about the move of God in NY. We lived there two different times. The ppl are lovely but very cold to the gospel. I’m hoping we can drive up there from TN to participate in the tent revival.

  7. Judy Campbell

    Even so—AMEN!!

  8. Vivian McCartney

    Praise God! 🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    The flow and the power of the Holy Spirit will magnify.

    We will stand in awe of what God does!

    (All around us! 😊)

  9. Mary Alward

    Just wanted to tell you that the falls in Niagara Falls Ontario is Bigger and the desperation for a Move of the Holy Sprit in Canada is Huge🇨🇦🇨🇦🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  10. Barbara Johnson

    This is What God has been showing me for months! Murillo, bring it out of California! I knew your heart was only there, but Gid has changed your heart FOR THE NATION.

  11. Barbara

    I attended and we signed up to volunteer but we have not heard anything back yet. So on fire & excited for what God will do.. we’ve waitef & cried out to Him for so long.. His timing is perfect!! Praise You LORD!!!

  12. Denise

    Many years ago I had a dream/vision where I saw a huge churning white tsunami wave that started in California and along the whole West Coast. It was not threatening at all and I did not sense any evil spirit involved. It then moved methodically across the whole United States to the East Coast. I thought it was unusual to be going from West to East; growing up it seemed most things, trends, ideas, etc., in the U.S. usually started in the East and then went West. I never knew what this dream meant, but I now believe it confirms Mario’s blog today. It’s a Holy Spirit move of the Light, Life, Love and Truth of Jesus Christ!!

    • NewHeavenOnEarth

      I had a very vivid dream around 2005 where I was on the top floor of a hospital and a huge tsunami wave came, I watched it come crashing over the top of the hospital and through the windows and I found myself under water, but to my surprise I realized I could breathe and the water took me safely to land.
      I was nurse for twenty years before switching to spiritual care at a huge hospital system in California, and I hope this dream portends the washing, regeneration, and renewal of both medicine and outpouring of Holy Spirit upon all flesh, so all may dream dreams of Jesus, have visions of Jesus, and prophesy the testimony of Jesus to a hungry, thirsty world who can take the River of Water of Life from the throne without price!
      I pray the recall of Gov Newsom in California is voted “yes” on Sept. 14 and God’s choice, an anointed and appointed new Gov is put into place to see California go RED! in the Blood of the Lamb! the finished work of the Cross, spreading across America from the west coast to east coast, to the north and to the south, a tsunami of God’s grace, glory, Holy Spirit and fire River of Life, so all may be saved, healed, delivered, set free, redeemed, washed, cleansed, cleared, purified, refined, and made whiter than snow in the Blood, Water and Spirit of God our Father and his Lamb. Abba Father we ask for a great revival and outpouring of Your Spirit and Your glory like water to cover America, radiating to the whole earth!

  13. Sharon Petersen

    So excited LORD for what you are about to do in our region.

  14. R. D. Maddux

    This is great news. My prayer is that it will replicated around America.

  15. Sheila Price

    Yes and Amen! Father, make it SO! In Yeshua’s Holy name.

  16. ali

    Amen, and AMEN. Let it be LORD according to Your Word. Let God arise, HIS enemies be scattered.

  17. Suzanne Roberts

    A few months ago, the Lord gave me Ephesians 1:7
    Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellation of our sins—all because of the cascading riches of his grace.
    Since that day, I have had “pictures” of waterfalls everywhere I look. My screen saver on AT&T is Niagara Falls. I have prayed over and over that His gave would cascade over the edges of heaven like a power fall waterfall. Imagine my joy when I read your blog. God is working everywhere all at the same time. He didn’t send a flood to destroy the earth, He is sending a waterfall of grace to restore it.

    • Lorinda Briesacher


  18. Doug Lee Spurling

    AND all while you were at your weakest, due to an attack by the invisible enemy…
    Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit, says the LORD

  19. Roger Culwell

    amen thats wonderful sir

  20. Gloria

    Glad you are doing better Mario. When you prayed for those with Covid I raised my hand and asked for Gods healing power. I am now healed and well, Praise God for his healing power.
    I believe he is moving and doing great and mighty things and I pray to be a part of that, so excited.

    • Tanner from Louisiana


      Build the 🏕tents🏕 Fill the 🏟stadiums 🏟

  21. Mickey Holiday

    Come to Pinellas County Florida

  22. Suzanne

    You do realize where the water that makes Niagara Falls flows from and where it flows to (and through) right? We so need to be reminded of the presence, power and love of our Lord and Savior. So glad you are here in NY. Our prayers have been answered!! Bring it on Mario!

  23. Sharron Wesberry

    Praise God! I believe that Miracles will happen in this great Rush of Waters! Prayers for your strength Brother Mario. Supernatural strength coming upon you!
    God Bless You Mightily…

  24. Christine Ambrose

    I live in the Buffalo area and would love to be involved in any small way … so Awesome your coming to
    NY. I’ve followed your ministry for many many years…God Bless you coming here 🙌🏻✝️🙌🏻✝️🙌🏻✝️🙌🏻✝️🙌🏻

  25. Sandra

    So exciting! Hallelujah!

  26. Penny

    We need you in Seattle too, Mario. I pray God leads you here.

  27. chrispecherzewski0290Chris

    we have been waiting for the move in WNY for a looong loong time !!!! Finally God is moving someone like you to minister here we live about 2 hours away and we are believing for my daughter’s healing!!

  28. Marietta W.

    Hallelujah! I have seen a similar thing – in the form of a tidal wave! It is upon us! The Lord’s been showing me for some time the flood of His Glory that is coming! But I think I’ve grossly underestimated and not fully understood the magnitude of what we are about to experience! Praise His Holy Name and hang on to the King of Glory because we are about to have the most Glorious white water adventure this world has ever known! 🙌🌊

  29. RAFO

    Niagara Falls… tremendous power! Nothing can stop it… it mows over every opposition. It rushes into every crevice and cranny! It CLEANSES… it washes what is dirty… clean. You can’t stand up to or stop the flow… you just have to go with it, wherever it leads! Same with the Holy Spirit!

  30. Julie K.

    Brother Mario, I affirm this word. In 2017, the Lord told me, “BELIEVE IN WATERFALLS.” I do. God is faithful and He will do it! Hallelujah and may God continue to pour out torrents of blessings on your ministry and on our world which so desperately needs Him! Revival is here, amen!

  31. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD…. I have cousins who live in Rochester, New York. I have prayed for them for many years, and they have had no desire for JESUS. They have “good hearts”—But no desire for JESUS.

    Their grandmother, who lived her entire life in South Georgia was a godly woman. She prayed for her son until she died. To my best knowledge he never accepted CHRIST JESUS. His wife came to the saving knowledge of JESUS the last few years that she lived, and JESUS CHANGED HER LIFE. She and I talked on the phone regularly those last years and it was always about JESUS and her children. She tried to talk with them about JESUS and they did not want to hear it.

    She said to me: “Dusty” (my nickname) I have failed my children in raising them, and now I am crying out for JESUS to save them and they want no part of it.

    MARIO, It just might be that all of this is to bring MY FAMILY TO THE LORD. Their grandmother who was a widow all of her life (her husband died when she was 4 months pregnant) THIS COULD VERY WELL BE THE ANSWER TO HER PRAYERS FOR HER GRANDCHILDREN—-AND HER GREAT GRANDCHILDREN.


  32. Cheryl Deletti

    Please come to cold, dark Massachusetts!!!!!

  33. Audrey

    What an Amazing Testimony! Thank you for sharing it. I love Flashpoint and I love the prophetic word given and you receiving and acting on it by going to NY. All I can say is You Go God! Like a Mighty Flood! I am so excited to see such an Amazing Revival take place ! GLORY GLORY GLORY Be To JESUS!,,

  34. JEANNE

    I am happy for you and may I say this is just the beginning. Maybe I should say this is just the “foretaste” of the full manifestation of the Holy Spirit Outpouring. God allowed me to see the revival many decades ago. He woke me up at the famous hour of 3:am to tell me about it. I have attempted in vain, over the years, to describe it to other believers, but “yes” mighty waters literally knocking people off their feet were involved. Even the air was different and as a young believer, I had no words to describe what God in His grace showed me. I didn’t know to describe the “glow” as “glory” but that glow was upon EVERYTHING. So much to tell, but then again I can’t tell it. I hope all believers will be prepared to participate in this final outpouring.

  35. prayinginok

    Can’t wait to see what God does! Woohoo!

  36. Sandra

    The Remnant are being called The Holy remnant.We are to preach the gospel to all Fire and Glory healings will be given Then Jesus will be coming back Mario I see a Map of America with Holy Tents in each state There are young people ready to work for the Lord Just ask and it shall be given We are praying for the Supernatural shift in American churches and the rising up of the Remnant Time is of essence Praying for Revival and Fire and Glory

  37. Wordforworld

    Psalm 94 says
    (3)the floods have lifted up, O LORD, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves.


    Sounds like you can expect the HOLY GHOST DELUGE OF LIVING WATER, Mario! We believe and receive it, in Jesus’ Mighty Name! Amen!

    (Slosh, slosh!)

  38. Stephen Wilson

    Maybe the rush of water is 2Kings3 when Elisha gave the word of the lord that from the Spirit of the Lord he promised water and also victory over Moab. In the morning, the water came from the way of Edom, a great plenty.

  39. Donna Hale

    We have been saying that at our church in WNY for a few years now !

  40. Laura Wedemeyer

    Wish I could find the Flashpoint broadcast you are speaking of on February 11, 2021. I have looked on Youtube?

    • NickT

      Amen Mario!


      Flashpoint is great…If you have direct tv look for all the channels in Direct TV look for it under Victory channel…Tues and Thursday 7pm CT. If you don’t have that… download on your computer or phone this app. “Rumble app” and search Victory Flashpoint. You tube took them down because they censor anything the Christian believes in! If you have a computer or phone with wifi you can also enter their website at below in browser or click on it.


      Flashpoint is one of the Christian’s greatest media shows. It’s our favorite! You will be blessed.

    • Grace

      YouTube took the shows off of the feed. If you have a Fire Stick, you can download the GoVictory App and watch Flashpoint and Victory News.

  41. n9nwo

    G-D is striking deep into the strongholds of the adversary. Often these democrat party strongholds as well. Very dark places

  42. kingskid48

    What a thrilling word, Pastor Mario. My husband has relatives in that area and some of them are not saved. I will be praying that they get to the tent, and bring their coworkers and associates with them! Praise God, He is on the move!

  43. DumbDonkey SpeaksOut

    It IS Great that Gods Water Will Flow Mario
    And I am all for that & you

    But How Shall They Be Trained?
    By Their Leaders?

    And how shall their leaders be trained?
    By God?

    And How Shall God Train them?

    Find that Answer in part @

    Which Includes In Gods Sight –

    Gods Songs – God Wrote Them – Not Me –

    Gods Teachings – How God Can Take America Back & How We Have Thought To Little of How Big God Really Is –

    A Knights Musings – Repentance for Christians & Those Who Are Not –

    The Coming Podcast – Oy Vey will people be surprised at Gods Topics that will be Raised in These Podcast …

    Such as:

    Christians Don’t Go To Heaven When They Die –
    We Are Not Christ Bride –
    The Real Holy Mother –
    What Really Led to Pauls’ Conversion –
    The 12 Mountains –

    With many more Topics All Proven by Gods Word & The Holy Spirit –

    Check them ALL Out @

  44. DumbDonkey SpeaksOut

    Mario How shall They Be Trained

    Mario I am all for you and for your Tent Meetings & Pastoral Gatherings
    So that God Can Take America By Storm

    By Bringing American people to a Real Walk & Relationship with God
    And With One Another

    But How Shall They Be Trained?
    By Their Leaders?

    How shall their leaders be trained?
    By God?

    How Shall God Train them?

    Find that Answer in part @

    Which Includes Gods Insights Through –

    Gods Songs – God Wrote Them – Not Me –

    Gods Teachings – How God Can Take America Back & How We Have Thought To Little of How Big God Really Is –

    A Knights Musings – Repentance for Christians & Those Who Are Not –

    The Coming Podcast –
    Oy Vey will people be surprised at Gods Topics
    That will be Raised by God in These Podcast …

    Such as:

    Christians Don’t Go To Heaven When They Die –
    We Are Not Christ Bride –
    The Real Holy Mother –
    What Really Led to Pauls’ Conversion –
    The 12 Mountains –

    With many more Topics All Proven by Abba Gods Word & The Holy Spirit –

    Check them ALL Out @

  45. Mary zann Fuller

    Been praying for years!

  46. Vee Oxendine

    Yesss!!! I am coming into agreement with MMM for this rushing water and power movement. It SHALL happen

  47. Ducks 'n a Row (@SineaPies)

    We have prayed for so many years that the Lord would finish what the Finney revivals started. NOW is the time!
    And you are not alone. Evangelist Ted Shuttlesworth is holding 10 Days of Glory at Faith Church in Rochester NY from tonight through Sept 16 and undoubtedly there will be others called into the harvest fields of Western NY. Interestingly, the hometown of our new Governor is in Western NY.

  48. Marie Eisbrenner

    You are a blessing to the CHURCH for such a time as this, brother! Stand strong, knowing that the Lord’s mighty hand is upon you to bring about the great and mighty harvest of souls that will sweep across America! Thank you for your sacrifice and obedience, and may the Lord bless you abundantly in the powerful name of our Creator King!

  49. Robyn Spradlin

    Brother Mario, we are standing in faith, agreement and prayer!
    Lord, open the heavens, fill the earth with your glory. Release a storm of the Holy Ghost across the United States of America and the world.

    • Maritza

      HURRAY!! Dear brother Mario, this is so exciting!! NY is KEY for this present REVIVAL! I’m so thankful for your obedience to His calling!! SHALOM!!

  50. Mj

    Praise the Lord! Going to one of the first states to repeal bans on abortion. Hallelujah!
    Praying for a great harvest of souls and the Fire of the Holy Spirit to engulf NY.

  51. Sandy Mace Price

    Mario, God bless you, Brother. You are doing a GREAT WORK for our Lord and Savior. Your reward will be GREAT in heaven too. In the interim, I have been convicted to support your ministry as I want to be a part of the Harvest! Nothing brings me greater joy. I appreciate your being God’s voice to those who are so desperate to hear the Good News of the Gospel of Grace. I’ll be praying over New York. But I hope and pray God will send you elsewhere, like the East Coast and also Florida.

  52. karenrob

    Hallelujah! We will be there!



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