by | Jul 8, 2021 | Spiritual Warfare | 87 comments

It has never been so urgent or so clear. As a Christian, you must totally oppose the agenda of the Democrat Party. Their plan is the greatest threat there is to your children and grandchildren.

Let me ask you: What part of leftist depravity, racism, and tyranny is still unclear to you? Their evil is so out in the open that there should be zero doubt that it is our duty to stop them. And yet…

The devil is trying a new and subtle tactic to coax warriors off the frontline, right when they are most needed. This tactic oddly recommends that you need to ease out of your involvement in the culture war so you won’t be discouraged and worn out.

It comes off as a seemingly spiritual, loving, and tantalizing morsel of advice—comfort food for the soldier who is vulnerable

Here’s the quote: “If you feel it is your sole role as a believer to stop the spiritual and moral decline of society, you’ll quickly become discouraged and worn out. But if you concentrate on advancing God’s kingdom purposes by positively impacting one life at a time, you’ll be encouraged and renewed.”

On the surface, it sounds reasonable, and no one believes more in advancing God’s kingdom than I do. Our tent crusades and our training programs are aggressively winning souls and training others to do so. But, as Jesus said, “This you ought to have done without leaving the other undone.” I can never quit winning souls. But I also must not quit fighting for the freedom of my child and my grandchild.

Moreover, I do not know any believer who feels their sole role is to stop the spiritual and moral decline of society.

Ironically, over the past few decades, it has been the overemphasis on encouragement and renewal that has kept the church from seeing what was happening in our public schools, in the halls of power, and in the media. It was this focus on consolation that let us look the other way from the holocaust of abortion.

Are Christian leaders actually coaxing warriors off the frontline by encouraging them to feel sorry for themselves and take a break from the culture war? I pray not!

Can we permit the puppet-masters who control Biden and Harris to prevail because we did not know how to stop them? Or, even worse, because we felt sorry for ourselves and came to believe the battle was too hard?

And, sadly, there is a hint in the quote above that resistance to evil is good―so long as the price does not become too great or impair our ‘wellbeing’. What an insult to those who have died as martyrs!

By the way, do I detect the odor of entitlement stinking up the American Body of Christ? Do we think we have earned a weekend pass from the war? What I have seen in churches across America smacks of the idea that American Christians are too good to ever have to face what the underground churches on other continents are facing. God help us if we think we are better than they are, just because we are American. Or worse, that it could never happen to us.

In contrast to the quote above, let me share with you a note written by John Wesley to William Wilberforce. It was the last letter he ever wrote. Wilberforce was a man of God who served in the British Parliament. When he took a stand against slavery, many in the church felt he should drop his political involvement. They warned him that the cost was too high.

John Wesley wrote to Wilberforce:

“Unless the divine power has raised you up to be as ‘Athanasius against the world,’ I see not how you can go through your glorious enterprise in opposing that execrable villainy, which is the scandal of religion, of England, and of human nature. Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them stronger than God? O be not weary of well-doing! Go on, in the name of God and in the power of His might, till even American slavery (the vilest that ever saw the sun) shall vanish away before it.”

Wesley understood that evil is fought not just in pulpits. He also recognized that fatigue and discouragement were no match for the might of God . Wesley’s note takes direct aim at the fallacy of ignoring cultural evil!

If you fight, empowered by the Holy Spirit, you will prevail. Paul wrote, “And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in doing what is right, for in due time we shall reap, if we do not lose our courage and faint” (Galatians 6:9).

We can and we must go on, in the power of His might, until we have eradicated the threat posed by the forces of evil to our children and grandchildren.






  1. NickT

    Ok people comment, they won’t show your email.

    • jeanne grier

      I was absolutely thrilled to see a Mario Murillo message in my email. It has been about 6 months since I last read or commented on the blog. In fact I stopped my subscription to this and many other christian and conservative news sources simply because it took up a great deal of my time to read and share the information with others. I agree wholeheartedly with what Mr. Murillo has stated. Truthfully I believe most of the opposition to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the patriotic movement to restore America has, is and will come from “false brethren”. I thought that any thinking person with common sense would know by now what is happening in the nation and in the world. I assumed (perhaps wrongly) that believers would know to abandon the false prophet of mainline media and seek God in His word. The reputable, credible prophets are absolutely correct (we need them) and their messages are easily verified by the Word of God. Sadly my assumptions were wrong. Regardless I have repeatedly stated since last year that the return of Pres. Trump to office, the restoration of the nation and the Holy Ghost end times outpouring are all related. I believe that. I will share the blog.

      • Susan Sharp

        Well said, Jeanne Grier!

        • Dailydontgiveup

          Agreed! Very well said indeed.

        • Sharon Main

          Standing with you.

          ” Who will stand up for me against evil doers who will take a stand for me who will take a stand for me against those who do wickedness?”
          Ps. 94:16

        • Carol Craik

          The reference to Wesley and Wilberforce is timely and pertinent!
          We, as Christians need to be vocal in the public square and not timid.

      • Noel

        Back after a long hiatus also from this blog but never from my secret place. Standing with my fellow warriors always by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

        • Petro

          I’m so glad to share my support here. I found that there are people “liking” so of my remarks asking me to become FB friends or taking about Investments.
          Mario Murillo Ministry, I’ve been praying fervently for the work you’re doing! God is in control. God bless you! God bless America!

      • Tina Willis

        Amen. We are to be His. Heart, mind, spirit and soul. Warriors. This world is not our home. We are contending for spirits which would be in hell for eternity! What are we thinking! We Must be about our Father’s business. The Word says we must count the cost. He gave all for me-to His blood. How can I do less?

        • Brian T.

          Well said, Tina!

      • Arlene

        Amen to that!!

      • Linda Bagley

        Yes, well said , thanks , we have to “hold the line” God has got this!

      • Sandra

        I believe with you! The christian does not seem to want to fight for the right? I can not even get them to gather in homes for prayer? Why? Satan is very good at his game but I choose Heaven eternally over hell! And I am the only one I know that states I am willing to die to stand against the vaccine or any thing GOD does not direct to do! I believe GOD over man and I believe Brother Mario is one standing also and the 2 in Canada! This evil shall be revealed and stopped! Heard one if the human trafficking slaves speak and I am disgusted at the evil ones she met, the Bushes and Dr Fauci who experimented on her and others! GOD is greater than any so called blood line or demonic coven or riches!

      • Sandra

        Tried to reply but they would not post? Not sure why but don’t like that!

    • Ray Holm

      Yes we do all heartily as unto the Lord for He is our inheritance/ co heirs. His strength and energy prevents me from growing weary. For its my relationship with Father, through Christ in me by Holy Spirit that gives me my identity. Standing and spreading the Kingdom. On earth as it is in Heaven. A warrior in His army. Humbled to be a son and member of Father Gods Family united -moving forward by His word, way and will.

    • Brenda

      I tried to leave a comment and it wouldn’t let me earlier. I haven’t been able to leave a comment since the last one I made.
      Then, I checked my email and actually received one about the blog, and now I can comment again.

      • Sandra

        Sounds lime the evil has penetrated his blogs! But GOD!

    • Joyce Eisenbeisz

      I have missed reading your emails. I’m so happy to see it made it to my inbox. Thanks Mario for all of your insight.

    • Harold Butler

      We are going to win this battle. Your ministry is proof that as long as we do it the way the LORD says to do it, we will be victorious. The LORD is a man of war: YAHUAH is HIS name , (Exodus 15:3). I am praying for you and your ministry. It is a fixed fight. …for the battle is the LORD’S …(1 Samuel 17:47b).

    • Sally Ann (aka) “SAM” Milavec

      I was also so excited to see Mario’s email in my box. And I know the Lord has sent him each and every time because his words speak to my troubled heart. Today, I found myself discouraged with the seemiingly endless barage of insane comments and attempts to discredit, discourage and deconstruct America the Beautiful and the Ekklesia. Your words, Mario, give me just the boost I need to keep rising, speaking and YES fighting for what I know is God’s will for this country, our people and our children. God bless you, please don’t stop.

      • Pam Morrison

        So grateful for your blogs and passionate leadership. Yes, we must build the kingdom and contend against the evil at the same time without wavering. Holy Spirit enables us to do so. Thank you Lord.

    • Melvyn Powell-Rees

      The battle is not just in the USA. Political corruption is the same all over the Western World. In many countries like here in the UK, it is far worse and the church is fast asleep.

      • Ellen Minto

        I agree Melvyn. And we don’t have a Mario over here to help us.

      • June Johnson

        I am in the UK too, and the corruption in government is bad, but be assured, the whole church is not asleep a remnant is standing. The problem here is the fact that our main stream media lies and when it comes to reporting on anything to do with the US election only what American media says is believed. God told me on 3rd Nov that the election would be stolen. There are many Christians who have believed the lies and are going to be shocked when the truth is revealed and sadly some of those shocked Christians are Church leaders.

    • Kina Pearce

      Yes! Thank you for this Truthful Word of Encouragement!

    • Marilyn Atkins

      sadly, my church does not appear to have awakened. I sent my pastor one of Mario’s thumb drives directly ,nothing seems to have changed. I have donated to Mario’s crusade and now I tithe to KCM

    • Jan

      Mario’s blogs breathe life back into my convictions. Reading comments last night on FB under a Fredric Douglas quote was a fearful thing. The strength of opinion for this “ moderate” government is shocking! Those who expressed what Mario has stated here were cornered to explain what they mean by their words; whose speech is being squelched? What liberties are being taken and by whom, and so on…The comments I typed about preferring tweets over blood soaking the nation from murdering our future never showed up! I left the scene feeling I had not well represented the Lord or those who fought to establish this Republic. Study to show yourselves approved and doing all we know to do stand! If they come to my door to forcibly jab me they’ll have a fight, until that time speak up! Pray!
      Join with other believers in battle and Armor up!

    • Bryan Moon


    • Margo

      Lazy Christians are part of the problem today.
      Glad the first church people, and the apostles didn’t
      Feel this way.

    • Daniel Skillings

      Hate is not a Christian tenet but Murillo and his followers would like to make it seem that was more likely Christ’s message. Embracing Trump, treating people on the other side of the border as inhuman trash, demonizing the opposition rather than engage in work that will benefit humanity, and denying climate change that is endangering all life on the planet is the hypocrisy that Murillo and his followers spew forth. Hate is all they represent. I am saddened to see so many otherwise good people lose their minds to these lies.

    • carolyn montague

      Thank you for your blog in my E Mail. Will continue to pray for your ministry.God Bless You.

    • carolyn montague

      Thank you for your blog. Praying for you and your ministry.

    • Mrs. Susan Seifert

      I love the articles on this blog. This one is great too. I do see some more specific problems in the church that are hindering believers from participating in the battle. One of them is, I honestly do not think that many believers actually believe what is going on. This applies to the world at large as well. When they hear horrible reports of things going on, like abortion activities, or even unjust criminal activity, they either think it is fanciful, a conspiracy theory, or just something to make news. I don’t think people are taking this stuff seriously.
      Another problem I see is the lie of ‘social justice’ that has crept into the church. CRT came disguised before it was made known. People who know the Lord got sucked into this because of compassion for the oppressed, the poor, those who are suffering, etc. A big result of this though is that today, people believe that the issue of oppressing Black people is equal to the horror of abortion. They would call themselves ‘Pro-lifers’ because they are coming to the defense of the Black people who they have been led to believe, are still under slavery by whites. They also would criticize those opposing abortion because the same amount of concern for killing babies should be given to the oppressed, which are the Black people mainly, followed by the supposed ‘Refugees’ who are looking for a better life by coming into our country illegally. The same people who still believe Blacks are oppressed by whites today are the same ones fighting for no Border Wall to be built. These are the same Christians who opposed Donald Trump. They consider him a racist because of his stance on the Border Wall.
      These are two reasons why I think the church is not participating in this spiritual battle at this time.

  2. Janice D. Green

    Agreeing with you. As Christians we must stand and be outspoken. This isn’t a time for shrinking back, even if we must face persecution to stand.

  3. Mary Ellen

    Right on Mario!!

    • Susie Garza

      Mario, Thank You! I am always amazed at how the strength of your words inspire me to keep going. I truly believe that they are filled with the Holy Spirit. You and all the people who work with you remain in my prayers daily. Go get Sacramento, my brother!!

  4. Patricia Shisler

    At 87, I’m ready for the battle!! I was born for such a time as this….and so were you!

    • Jannene

      I’m with you!

    • Betty Monroe

      I am 91 and I agree wholeheartedly. We cannot allow our children and grandchildren be subjected to what is planned for them.. Time to encourage and support those who hold our values, to run for School Boards and Local, State and Federal, offices. Thank you Mario!!

    • Butterfly n

      I am 87 also…. Trusting God! We must stand!

    • Sheila

      I agree, I’m 66, but praising God every day for birthing me into this country for such a time as this ❣

  5. Patty Roloff

    We stand on the Lords side therefore we will fight. Blessef be the name of the Lord.

  6. Gretchen

    Amen brother! See you in Sacramento!

  7. Darlene

    We keep fighting right up to the finish line. Thank you Mario for what you are doing in California. ????????????????????????✝️✝️

  8. Paula White

    Amen Brother Mario! We will not give up, cave in or quit!! We will see the end of our faith!

  9. GG

    I frequently sense a call to passivity from those I consider Godly. I remind myself of the the Dutch Resistance and of the old song “Onward Christian Soldiers.” Why would we be called to put on the Gospel Armor if we weren’t supposed to engage in the battle? I do fear missteps in the fight against the culture of the day, but sweat and tears and wounds are part of war. I thank the Lord for new mercies every morning! We need to be so close to God and His Word that we can tell when it’s God and when it’s the Devil is whispering in our ear. Satan is an accuser, the father of lies!

  10. Christie Olafusi

    I totally agreed! If we look at how far this destructions have been, we want to give up! But I choose to keep praying and pushing back. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds…..2 Corinthians 10:3-6.

    • Maria Tufts

      Greetings n Jesus Yahshuwah Name…I am a Shofar Intecessor who walks alone, but I do what Wayne Anderson n Henry Gruver have done as many times I literally see visions of my feet walking in/on a land in particular state or city..I have no church building for all have refused me to come out n walk t land walk t streets with SHOFAR n hand decreeing asking AVI ADH to remit the sins n bloodsheds n pagantries embedded n t land n then asking for AVI ADH to loose blessings of salvation repentance n REVIVAL n t land. I can see shadows in divers places ….If you’d like t know more then plz email here…mariatufts12@protonmail.com TY n remember ONLY AVI ADH CAN REMOVE THE VIELS OVER THE LAODICEAN CHURCH. EAR VIELS. HE IS STILL KNOCKING ON THE DOOR ..some r tares some r wheat…this shall never change. Amein

  11. NickT

    Never giving in to the leftist and will not be silent…not even at church.
    Yes we know politics is ugly but we are on the right side in the good verses evil with God and he has given us a voice.

    Remember Bonhoeffer.

    “Silence in the face of evil is itself Evil:
    God will not hold us guiltless.
    Not to speak is to Speak.
    Not to act is to Act.”

    Wow to think my German mother went thru all of the evil in Germany
    When Hitler demons took over. I wish my mom would have been apart of the confessing church their but she was catholic.

    That was a great service in Nashville on the 4th of July. We were in Nashville but the event was sold out…visiting my son and his family. We saw it on Kent Christmas’s webpage…awesome…!!

    • Adelin Schauer

      So glad you’re back. Missed your encouraging words. I’m almost 89 and still fighting and believing. Loved the gathering in Nashville the 4th.
      Wish I could be in Sacramento but will be praying. Good to see all the people around my age standing firm.

  12. Roger D Culwell

    They have more ways and idea’s on how to silence us who are fighting than carter has liver pills, I have never seen such a bunch who call themselves the Church, you warn and they tell you to shut up, and you fight and you need peace with God, like we are not to fight anything or stir up a stink, so holler don’t add fuel to the fire, I want to burn the devils play house down, my Spirit can not shut up and allow evil to go on with out trying to stop it some way, and most of the so called body thinks something bad is wrong with me, I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH YOU THAT YOU CAN ALLOW EVIL TO PREVAIL, WE HAVE A MESSED UP SO CALLED BODY, and we need to get right with God we have a heart problem if evil and the destruction of this nation doesn’t bother us enough, that we would give our lives to change it, the apostles did, like you said we think we are to good to9 suffer as they6 did, or we say some one some where else isn’t doing right because they gave their life for the Gospel, we need to repent, for its the church in America with the big problem, and satan doesn’t bother who he already ghas. Great word sir you are so right on it. God Bless you this is the first post I have gotten in a while, but we better wake up and man our battle stations, and learn to fight even if to death or we will not like what will come, we are the change of evil in this world and we have not changed it but let it prevail.

  13. Aaron Jackson

    If only 10% of born again believers would lead one person to Jesus and disciple that person into a healthy walk with The Lord.
    Do the math.

    • Aaron Jackson

      Fighting the culture war and discipleship are synonymous with fulfilling the great commission

  14. Natalie G

    Mario, I pray for you and yours, and I thank God for you! Your blog is so uplifting and encouraging each and every day.

  15. Debi

    The Battle belongs to the Lord! I stand with you Mario Marilo! And with The Living God who rules and reigns in the lives of His people!

  16. Susan Sharp

    Well said, Jeanne Grier!

  17. Stephen

    Jesus’ exhortation was to “Seek first God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness” and disciple nations, meaning governance.

    Should America be governed by God’s people or by Satan’s people. God raised up America to be a nation not only founded in Christianity, but stewarded in Christianity, hence discipled in God’s Laws and His love. Mt 28:19-20

    The warning of not doing so is found in Lk 12:42-48 and throughout the Old Testament with warnings and judgment coming on Israel for disobeying God.

    So I also don’t see how Christians or Americans can get off the hook for also being disobedient.

    Well we won’t. Just take a look around you, as ‘the Assyrians are sharpening their swords and shoeing their horses’.

    Christians must obey Jesus’ prayer in Jn 17:20-23, God’s Word, or in the day we don’t we shall surely die as with both Adam and Eve who rejected the Commandment. Who is Jesus ? He is the Commandment, the Word in the flesh.

    So if Christians disobey Jesus, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sin. Heb 10:26-31.

    The sin of omission is also disobeying God. So consider all the things we haven’t been doing that we should be doing, as Mario quoted, “This you ought to have done without leaving the other undone”.

    God’s grace is predicated on repentance, it is not unconditional as Heb 10:26-31 explains.

    We were not given license to sin, disobeying Jesus and not keeping his word.

    Christians must now pick up their cross and lay down their lives for God’s Will, and take back America which has gradually devolved into Sodom and Gomorrah, and finally Satan stole, even claimed America because Christians had not set the condition of stewarding God’s nation and attending Jesus correctly and keeping his word. Jn 14:23

    Therefore Satan invaded, and took America, as he took Abrahams offering after failing to divide the turtle doves having fallen asleep during the offering.

    Abraham also didn’t attend God’s Word, instructions with a sincere heart, so then he was called upon to offer up his beloved son Isaac.

    Are we prepared to offer up our Isaac?

    Christians must repent for failing to attend God’s House, God’s Nation, with the heart of attending the Temple, meaning the Messiah, Jesus.

    Believing in Jesus is a grave responsibility, not a ‘ticket to heaven’ as Jesus warned in Mt 7:21-23.

    Furthermore: James 2:14-26 – ‘Faith without works/action is dead’

    Christians must now act together as one body, the body of Christ.

  18. June Criner

    Every pastor should read this to his congregation. There are so many in the pews that are oblivious. They are safe as far as they can see. They do not understand that the left WILL NOT STOP until we are all in slavery to the government. Sooo agree with you!

    Saw the Nashville gathering! So powerful and encouraging!!!! Praying for you and all those on the front lines!!!

    • Linda Bates


  19. Irene

    We must get right withGOD through his powerful word

  20. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    MARIO, You laid it all out in a way that “we can understand the threat and traps that are set for the American People. And yes—at times, we grow weary and the different types of fatigue raise their ugly heads…..

    But, as You have walked us back through history—we see CLEARLY the “Handwriting on the Wall.” It is “not pretty”—no matter how the Democratic Party “applies make up” to their faces and their causes….They are “Death Traps” for THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HER PEOPLE.


    Heavenly Father, Awaken the Sleeping Giant in America, from sea to shining sea—and Empower Us—THE AMERICAN PEOPLE—that WE MAY PREVAIL……AND AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED. In the precious and holy name of JESUS CHRIST, OUR SAVIOR AND OUR LORD. Amen “So let it be written—So let it be DONE.”

  21. Autumn

    Amen!! Thank you, Mario.

  22. Richard Clarke

    The biggest problem is not having a personal relationship with Jesus/Yeshua. Ask Him what He would have you do and say! Lean not on your own understanding neither on anyone else’s.

  23. Kiki

    I haven’t received this blog since June 27th even though I’ve been subscribed for a long time. I tried resubscribing, but nothing yet.

  24. Linda Kidder

    we are called to be co-laborers with God and God the Father through His Son Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Sounds pretty clear to me. We are called to fight as He has fought and to overcome as He has already overcome.

  25. Lillian

    Thank you Bro Mario that you responded to your call as an evangelist. “You were born for such a time as this.” I to am a grandmother. I live in Canada, but my daughters and grandchildren live in the “United States”. So I am very much concerned with what is going on in the “United States”. Also, as has been stated, “As America goes, so goes the world.” So most definitely my prayers are for…. “United States.” Not only does God’s way for…. “United States” affect my children, grandchildren and future great-grandchildren, it also affects the future of billions more descendants, not only in Canada, the “United States,” but also other parts of the world. I sincerely believe that if we are praying and striving only for our personal situations, we are being selfish. Such a travesty, when we serve a God, that poured out Himself so totally and completely, because He desires that none should perish. My heart cries out for lost souls. Your impact on the multitudes of lost souls being saved will also impact the world. It is without a doubt that you have been anointed by our great God, for such a time as this. I appreciate your humility, courage and tenacity to stay with your God given assignment. The very least that I therefore can do, is to pray for you, your family and your ministry.

    With utmost sincerity, Lillian.

  26. Reed

    Amen Mario! Thank you Bro!
    Yep! As a follower of Jesus living in the USA, I’m deceived if I think I can skate through this life to the other side on a bed of ease, when most believers throughout history – and today in most other nations – aka Muslim nations – are severely persecuted and and a large number die brutal deaths for following Jesus. “Lord Jesus, help me to wake up and get free from the entitlement lie. Help me to stand for You and the TRUTH. I know this current SHAKING is designed to wake me up. Thank YOU for shaking me up. (You are NEVER the author of evil – and we are in a cesspool of evil here. But I’m part of the reason it exists. I’ve been a sleeping, entitlement minded baby.)”

  27. Paul

    Nehemiah 13:23-27
    Moreover, in those days I saw men of Judah who had married women from Ashdod, Ammon and Moab. Half of their children spoke the language of Ashdod or the language of one of the other peoples, and did not know how to speak the language of Judah. I rebuked them and called curses down on them. I beat some of the men and pulled out their hair. I made them take an oath in God’s name and said: “You are not to give your daughters in marriage to their sons, nor are you to take their daughters in marriage for your sons or for yourselves. Was it not because of marriages like these that Solomon king of Israel sinned? Among the many nations there was no king like him. He was loved by his God, and God made him king over all Israel, but even he was led into sin by foreign women. Must we hear now that you too are doing all this terrible wickedness and are being unfaithful to our God by marrying foreign women?”

  28. Linda

    Right on! We have to stay in the fight.

  29. Rochelle

    I have seen pastors preach about spiritual salvation and witnessing to neighbors, but not address what we need to do as disciples of Christ in our culture today.

    James says, “Faith without works is dead.” He goes on to give an example of verbally blessing someone in need, but failing to provide for the physical need. A demonstration of our faith in God can be seen in acts of charity.

    What I had never noticed until recently was the example of Rahab who James highlights in this passage (James 2:14-26).

    Rahab disobeyed the order of the ruler of her city: hid the
    Israelite spies and then helped them escape. That was a courageous and dangerous political act. James commends the prostitute saying “who was found righteous in God’s eyes by her works!”

    It seems obvious that Corrie ten Boom and her family were doing what was right in God’s eyes when they hid Jews in their attic rather than obeying Hitler’s order to turn them in.

    In our current situation we need to seek the whole counsel of God, rather than just looking at Romans 13:1 and think we are pleasing God by obeying every law.

  30. Stephanie Staker

    I watched Tuesday night’s Flash Point and what you said Mario about boldness struck me. I know this sounds ridiculous but I am afraid to pray for boldness! But I know the Lord is calling me to do so. It’s time for this 76-year-old believer to be bold in sharing the Gospel and in sharing the truth about what the Democrats are doing to our nation. So, yes, I am praying for a new boldness!

  31. kristy

    Mario, I have watched you walk your walk & talk your talk for 6 months now, here & on https://flashpoint.govictory.com/ & I’ve seen your highs & lows and prayed for your strength to be God’s hand over your heart & Jesus’ words over your voice & the Holy Spirit’s healing grace over your ministry and you are all that Our Father God could ask for in a redeemed and renewed man’s mind & body. “Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s. (2 Chronicles 20:15 KJV) And it became so, brother Mario, when you got down on your knees & asked Him into your life, again & again as each challenge has confronted you. You are only asking us to do the same, while expecting the same blessings on God’s Army of Salvation Warriors. It is God who gave us ‘free will’ to do what we promised Him we would do on this earth- to “heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and to cast out demons ….” (Matt 10:8 KJV) Thank you for your service to this Republic, dedicated to God by our Founding Fathers, and for our world.

  32. Stephen Muzick

    Those who hate us will always try to silence us. That has always been true. God puts in us the light that attracts others to us. They want to know why we are different. Anyone who really knows the Lord will never cave to the devil’s desires. We will always be on the frontline. Listen to God’s voice and do his will. God bless America.

    • Brenda Schlafke

      Thank you for sharing that great link! People need to be reminded what we are fighting for. This gave me chills. I urge everyone to get on Telegram, be educated on the corruption fights that is going on and the wins. I can say that within my corrupt work arena, on daily on Telegram, my eyes are ‘awake’ to what is coming and Mario is so true and correct on what he says in his article. Thank you for your share.

  33. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    I’ve seen the same comfort and party atmosphere pretty much in every church I’ve visited locally…

    Reposted to Facebook with the following comment.

    “Salt” must “mix it up” with what it desires to be preserved, “Light” must pierce the darkness if it is to be of any use whatsoever.

    Remember, as a good friend shared long ago, darkness retreats from light at 300,000,000 meters per second, so let your light so shine!

  34. Thomas Walz

    Well said Mario!

    • Judy A Bauman

      Excellent blog, Mario. FYI, I have shared this on Facebook but it is still showing zero have shared there.

  35. RAFO

    The phrase “… your sole role” has the same sinister feel to it as what was said in the garden, “hath God said?”. You can almost hear the slithering slimy voice trying to manipulate people’s minds and emotions.

    To make a Christian feel like it’s only THEM fighting the battle is an old tactic our military enemies used to use against soldiers to discourage them from fighting. Sorry Devil… it won’t work! Your tactics are known and easily discernible by astute Christians.

  36. Dora

    Thankyou Brother Mario, Godspeed to you Michell and team. I’m with you in agreement as you go about our Father’s business ????????

  37. K Woo

    I think it is OK to rest and refresh awhile. Jesus did that. Mark 6:31. Yet Jesus
    did not cease to do the works the Father sent Him to do. Even though I am elderly, struggle from time to time with arthritis, am limited with a fixed income, I can do something. The Lord has guided me to a position of praying for others who are in the fight. Sometimes I pray throughout the night. God always makes it up to me any lost sleep with His sweet peace. The important thing, as you point out, is to be doing what God calls us to do. WE know we have many adversaries. Yet, there are also many like me behind the scenes, doing some “heavy lifting” in the Spirit and praying for you. Don’t heed the enemy’s voice to come down from that wall or stop building as the forces of darkness wish.(Nehemiah) For the gates of hell will NOT prevail against the true church of the living God. Mathew 18:18 and when He comes He will find our lights burning brightly and busy about our Father’s business.

    • Brenda Schlafke

      K Woo, I love what you posted! We do have many adversaries and your prayers for all those that are unnamed and fighting behind the scenes for truth, our country, over the evil spirt realm, the leftists evil deeds along with fake Republicans….strong prayers from you are needed! I tell you the truth, I work in a government state department and I’ve been fighting since ’04. It is now focused on me, but I am sure with all certainty that God put me where I am to do battle against the corrupt. With Gods prayers, I have been able to successfully survive in my day and keep my job because God provides me the ammo I need to fight the good fight.

  38. carolyn montague

    Thank you for your blog in my E Mail. Will continue to pray for your ministry.God Bless You.

  39. Janet Ammirato

    My prayer partner and I, and other prayer groups that I know of are interceding for America. We pray the news. We are prayer warriors and we are on the front lines. We stand with you, Mario. We won’t give in or give up. God is our Commander in Chief and we are warring against the powers of darkness that is trying to destroy the church. Christians need to come out of deception and complacency, and also the church needs to repent. When that happens, I believe God will more faster than the blink of an eye. Our God reigns!

  40. Patti G Perdue

    Mr Murillo, I love your blog, your directness and the work you are doing in California. I pray for you and your team. The quote you reference above is from Dr Michael Brown’s blog https://www.charismanews.com/opinion/in-the-line-of-fire/85700-not-enough-fingers-to-plug-up-all-the-holes-in-the-dike. When I read the source of the quote, I do not get the same conclusion that you drew, namely, that he is giving me a pass to take a break from the battle. Please read the entire article which sounds like you and he are actually on the same page. Perhaps you are drawing your conclusions from more than his tweet or this one article. If so, I apologize. I agree that the church culture tells Christians to stay out of politics, and out of the fight for our schools, media, govt, healthcare and society; that to love one’s country is not Christian. Again, thank you for your fight for this country and for the lost souls of the world.

  41. Patti G Perdue

    Mr Murillo, I love your blog, your directness and the work you are doing in California. I pray for you and your team. The quote you reference above is from Dr Michael Brown’s tweet and also detailed more fully in his blog charismanews.com/opinion/in-the-line-of-fire/85700-not-enough-fingers-to-plug-up-all-the-holes-in-the-dike. When I read the source of the quote, I do not get the same conclusion that you drew, namely, that he is giving me a pass to take a break from the battle. Please read the entire article which sounds like you and he are actually on the same page. Perhaps you are drawing your conclusions from more than his tweet or this one article. If so, I apologize. I agree that the church culture tells Christians to stay out of politics, and out of the fight for our schools, media, govt, healthcare and society; that to love one’s country is not Christian. Again, thank you for your fight for this country and for the lost souls of the world.

  42. Patti G Perdue

    Mr Murillo, I love your blog, your directness and the work you are doing in California. I pray for you and your team. The quote you reference above is from Dr Michael Brown’s tweet and also detailed more fully in his blog article in charismanews opinion titled “in-the-line-of-fire/85700-not-enough-fingers-to-plug-up-all-the-holes-in-the-dike.” When I read the source of the quote, I do not get the same conclusion that you drew, namely, that he is giving me a pass to take a break from the battle. Please read the entire article which sounds like you and he are actually on the same page. Perhaps you are drawing your conclusions from more than his tweet or this one article. If so, I apologize. I agree that the church culture tells Christians to stay out of politics, and out of the fight for our schools, media, govt, healthcare and society; that to love one’s country is not Christian. Again, thank you for your fight for this country and for the lost souls of the world.



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