Let me ask you a question. How is it possible for Biden to do and say the things he does, with little or no backlash from America? We are watching the single fastest decline in the history of this nation, ever, and it is all a result of its current leader.
Biden makes everything about race. He blurts out lies with impunity. Yet, for all of the catastrophic decisions that have come from the evil that resides in the White House, there is seemingly no consequence to him or his team.
The same lack of accountability applies to the media that is acting in concert with Biden. As are the ‘woke’ corporations that regularly commit grievous crimes against innocent people, and Silicon Valley which is obliterating decency. The inmates are running the asylum.
I saw a taste of this under Obama’s sad presidency, but it was nothing like what we see to today.

Sky News Australia reported this: “President Joe Biden’s administration is keeping the “racial narrative” going because it is the “biggest smoke screen” to all its policies, according to US political commentator Benji Irby. Mr. Irby told Sky News the country under Joe Biden at the moment is “absolutely horrible”. “The country is way more racialized than usual; everything’s about race,” he said. “Everybody’s concerned about all types of slights and micro aggressions and the left are really taking over everything. “We’re in really bad straits here, it’s not very good”.
Mr. Irby went on to say, “The left and the Biden administration are fueling racial tensions and using it as a smokescreen. No one’s ask asking about Hunter Biden and this new gun scandal, no one’s asking about Joe Biden being bought and sold by China. ‘No one’s talking about the fact that China now has a larger navy than the US, and that China is making moves towards Taiwan, and is taking over our country as far as business is concerned. ‘We’re so busy enthralled in race, enthralled in fighting one another.’”
I had to go to God to ask for help. I write almost every day to warn people. I explain to leaders what we must do to counteract the bombardment of filth and falsehood that is showering down on us. But, most of all, I prayed.
I knew there was something more that I could do. I knew I had to learn a better way to fight back against this indefinable evil. Then I got my answer from the Lord, “I want you to change the way you pray.”

The Holy Spirit let me see the demonic hedge of protection around Biden and the leftist agenda. This hedge is what is blinding millions. It is dulling the natural sense of danger and outrage that America should be feeling right now.
The America we once knew is under a spell. The focus of our prayers must shift to a declaration of war against those devils. We must cast them down. The Bible says we can. We can do it by preaching. We can do it by casting out devils. But our greatest weapon is to tear down this hedge with intercessory warfare.
Here are our key verses: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, “For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)”
I took those verses as a direct promise that the body of Christ has authority over the Biden hedge of protection. I felt a strange confidence and I felt faith rising within me. I found myself asking and declaring specific things. I raised my hands to heaven and began to say, “The weapons I am using now will tear down strongholds!” I believe the power of God will move through prayer—mighty prayer:
1. To confuse the media. Just as God came down and confused the languages at the tower of Babel, I declare that confusion and division will come between the leftist powers in the media and government.
2. To derail the agenda of the Democrats, ‘woke’ billionaires, and China. According to 2 Chronicles 20:22-23, “Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated. For the people of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir to utterly kill and destroy them. And when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, they helped to destroy one another.”
3. To bring greater fire into the hearts of vessels of God as well as terrifying conviction upon lukewarm preachers, until the church rises as one voice to rebuke the workers of iniquity for their depravity.

Will this kind of prayer work? In Exodus 17, we see the model. Joshua went down to the battle, while Moses went up to the heights over the battle and raised the rod of God. Aaron and Hur helped to hold up his arms, until the battle was won.
Moses was cutting off the demonic confidence of the Amalekites, just as cutting off the hedge of protection of the ongoing evil is how my prayer is now targeted.
This is no time to cave in to fear and anger. This is not time to fret about the future of our nation. This is the time to remember an old familiar friend: prayer. And not only that, but to see anew the power that resides in prayer. Let us unlock the power of this old friend to tear down impossible strongholds. We must funnel all the energy that you used to expend worrying and being angry over the evil in our nation, into a new way to pray for America.
Join me in prayer and, together with Lord of the Armies of Heaven, let’s tear down these strongholds!

Amen. Praying with you!
Amen-from Australia – These words have power to create God’s will an purposes We will not grow weary or allow our hands to hang down or our knees to be feeble – but rather march to the sound of the Victory-What God has ordained in His Word will come to pass- Let us not be slack in fervour or purpose but His Great Grace upon us to align from today for as long as the LORD gives us breath to declare Jesus is Victorious LORD and KING over our Nation His Purposes will not be restrained or thwarted and with resolve we declare We will accept No other than Our Great and Mighty God to rule Amen
Praying in agreement with you .
There’s POWER in AGREEMENT when the body of Christ pray together in the NAME OF JESUS! I agree with God’s Word that says “NO WEAPON formed against God’s people shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against us, we shall condemn. Because we are the heritage of God and His righteousness is ours!”
Thank you for your leadership and teaching. My wife and I are praying with you with the prayers you listed.
I can’t tell you how encouraging this message is to me! Our prayer team has been praying these very things for our nation! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Teresa. I am glad it was a blessing to you.
I have been praying for Yehovah to expose the wickedness in the government and having them removed. I am also asking for the media to be exposed of treason and coverup and everyone in the government who has sold America to the communist countries to be removed and judged by some of the righteous judges that are left. Yehoshua has said that we still have some righteous judges.. Everyone who has sold us to the enemy to be arrested and removed from office. Then to give us a person who listens to Him and obeys Him. I take authority over lying spirit and every wicked demon in the White House. I also pray that all those people who will be found guilty and arrested and put away, that they will be saved and repent of the wickedness. They have sold themselves for a piece of bread and want us to become their slaves. I also pray the church that is compromising and is not obeying Yehovah to love and serve Him with all their heart. They also need to fall on their knees. I am speaking of well known ministries, and mostly international ministries. they have to preach the true gospel and not a wash up gospel without power. They need to preach the truth gospel as Yeshua preached. They want the money to come in instead of the souls to come in. Yehovah is also exposing them.
Amen. My prayer is the same. Exposures, swift justice for all criminals but to be given a chance to hear the Word of God and a chance for repentance of sins, and to be saved. A choice they have to make.
I stand in agreement with every thing Pastor Mario Murillo said. The strongholds shall be dismantled in Jesus’s name.
Powerful blog Absolutely agree. Time to go into battle and pray.
Absolutely. It’s time for battle in the heavenlies
Praying with you.
HEAVENLY FATHER, IN THE NAME OF JESUS LORD OF THE ARMIES OF HEAVEN—Tear Down these Strongholds!!!! We are calling on YOUR Name to drain the demonic strength from these evil ones—and to Remove the blinders that are over the eyes of the American People “of All Persuasions!”
HEAVENLY FATHER, YOU Declare in YOUR WORD that “whatever we Bind on Earth is Bound in Heaven.” WE NOW “Bind All the forces of Darkness that are holding the United States of America hostage”—and “WE LOSE YOUR MIGHTY RIGHT HAND OF POWER OVER AMERICA!”
HEAVENLY FATHER, we know the power of fervent prayer…..YOU HEAR US AND YOU ARE MOVED WITH COMPASSION AND RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT over these evil ones.
Amen and Amen!!!
Amen! and Yes Lord!!!
Marsha, Thank you so much for this powerful prayer. I am using it to pray every morning I can’t add anything to it and I can’t take anything away. Thank you Jesus for giving her these words for this powerful prayer.
Amen brother, we, “I” am one who is and have been tearing down
strongholds through prayer, but, we do need “all hands on deck” to
continue fighting this battle.
Blessings to you & yours.
From my computer, you links are not functioning.
I was having same problem. Try pressing on the three-line icon at top right. It brings up a many — click on BLOG. God Bless.
I totally agree, however, most of the church is under the spell also. We have invited this witchcraft into the church. I fear the judgement has begun ….. I pray fir the remnant……
Thank you, thank you,Mario, fir this brilliant post. You have given me a new model for prayer for our nation, and I will be using it. May God answer our combined prayers!!
When I was a new believer in 1977 I found a pamphlet called “Why Demons Tremble” using this passage. We use the spiritual armor passage all. day. long. This passage needs to be applied in concert with the warfare. It’s vital!
In 2015 or so I tried to start a group with a specific purpose, calling it MPP: Media Prayer Project. I have a broad base of serious Christians. NOT ONE friend responded. Thanks for bringing this out.
God bless you brother
Thank you, THANK YOU, Mario…you are SO “spot on” with this timely blog! I sincerely appreciate the examples you gave! The tower of Babel is such a RICH illustration of God’s Divine Intervention in “casting down” political strongholds that are pursuing satan’s evil agenda. The deception & smokescreen are profound & insidious “But for God”!!! I am going to forward this to my Prayer Warrior Friends as well as make copies to distribute at my Ekklesia. This Word you received from the Lord, the verses from 2 Corinthians 4 AND your biblical illustrations are the framework for our spiritual warfare & MOST important weapon of Intercessory Prayer! I shall be using this blog in my daily prayer life as well as passing it on to others, including pastors that I am acquainted with. Thank you for the witness that you & your ministry are & you are also in my prayers as you advance the Gospel through your ministry & amazing outreach. May GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU & your ministry with His continuing Awesome Power & may your encouragement surge through the Body of Christ, strengthening the Remnant “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).
“We are watching the single fast decline in the history of this nation…”. Well said Mario and so true — as much as it pains me to see this transpire under this horrible President.
Biden is clearly in cognitive decline and getting worse with each passing day. The real power in the White House rests in the hands of far-left progressives who are pushing this evil “woke” culture that is dividing our nation.
My prayer is this woke cancel culture will collapse under the weight of its own hypocrisy. In the wacky world of woke enlightenment, one cannot be woke enough. Eventually, they will eat their own. And there are signs it’s already taking place.
Praying for our nation. God bless America.
100% on target, we have a political party inhabited by demons, we are going to have to change the way we pray! the Socialist/Marxist democratic party!
This is an answer to prayer. I have been asking the Holy Spirit what to pray for. HIS TARGET. Thank you Holy Spirit and thank you Brother Murillo. This post is the weapon of the day. God’s word of power that will not return void and fulfill it’s purpose. Praying in unity will.destroy the works of the devil.
Thank you Mario for being a leader and the voice calling out from the wilderness! Courage begats courage and you are a shining example of that for many! We love you.
Thanks for teaching us how to pray differently than we have been.
The “pulling down strongholds” theme was placed in my heart about a week ago… the realization we’re in an intense spiritual battle. The battle David had with Goliath keeps coming to mind.
Goliath was a huge obstacle that had to be eliminated for Israel to have victory. All it took was one stone in the hand of someone ready, willing and able to use it. We need to cast our spiritual “stones” at the stronghold until it topples over, just like Goliath. We can then cut off the head of this creature!
Amen and amen!!!
This explains why no one sees the truth. I have prayed for the truth to be exposed, but what does it matter if no one can receive it. We must attack the hedge, and then pray for confusion on its minions. Only then will we succeed.
Thank you for continuing your blog. By the way, I do not use the share button to share your post. I use the old fashion email forward. Forwarded this email to 28 people. Some will probably also forward it. I have already received replies that they will use your article as a guide for praying for our nation.
Thank you Mario for leading us to pray during these evil and difficult times. Prayers are the invisible weapon we have to defeating the enemy. We also need to shuffle our feet and open our mouths to support our constitution. Gather with others in our community. There’s strength in numbers and we have that along with the power of Prayer and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
God bless our beloved country,
Yet Marxists conveniently forget that they were the greatest colonisers of the twentieth century under the Soviet Union annexing Eastern Europe and crushing their own people into a Marxist slavery. What is China’s history, before and after Mao.
All throughout history colonization in one form or another has been going on, especially inter-tribal colonisation and warfare. How did Africans end up as slaves in America? They were often sold into slavery by other Africans who already had their own historical slave practices in place, (Shaka Zulu comes to mind) as a ‘right of conquest’ as was the case for all races throughout history. Name one that didn’t take slaves in one form or another?
Native American Indians warred against one another as did all ‘indigenous’ people, resulting in something called death, a permanent ‘slave type’ condition.
And now another ‘coloniser’ is weaving its deception of divide and conquer to put in place the ultimate slavery system – the ‘Globalist New Word Order’, where first of all we are depopulated and then those that remain will then be part of a ‘new slave class’ to serve their ‘lords and masters’, and be entertainment for their predilections and proclivities, often of a perverse nature.
The Left use the system to the extent they need to use it to tear it down and replace it with their totalitarian, authoritarian nightmare, where there will be no recourse nor later ‘reparations’ for their slaves, which is the rest of us.
It’s time to invoke 1776, the ‘Declaration of Independence’, because shortly we won’t be able to fight back.
Remember who the ‘black robe regiment’ were.
Democracy has failed us, as ultimately God’s Kingdom is a kingdom not a Republic nor a Democracy.
Jesus said, “Seek first God’s Kingdom”. Is that what we were doing? Now we must, because democracy has gone. One way or another, that was going to happen.
Good words of encouragement and we must stay steadfast in our prayers. The context of the scripture is talking about the church and what was happening in the church.
We must be sure we are believing in truth God’s Word and not some past man’s hand me down tradition of men. We are to express love by being used of God to tell all about His Kingdom to come with Jesus as ruler, not another failed man’s idea of what that should look like or be.
Prayer for the lost and helping others see the way of Christ, is our only hope, not only for our country but for all nations.
This country loves its sins and is reflected in the course chosen. We must remain in His word so that we will deceived by the evil one.
Standing and believing with you for USA ?? and Canada ??!
Thank you for your blogs!
Thank you for your words of truth to a world that has been blinded from the truth of God and been blinded by the lies of the enemy. I pray God will continue to use you and your ministry to open up the minds and hearts of those coming to your tent meetings. May God continue to bless the words of your month and also put his protection around you and your family and ministry. Bey
Forwarded Blog to Prayer partner and am forwarding to more prayer partners, family, friends, acquaintances.
Binding our heart with your heart and the heart of the Remnant, The Body, The Bride of Christ in agreement with you in prayer.
Printing for manual distribution.
AMEN AND AMEN MARIO!! Terrific message, and SO needed!!
Thank you !! Standing with you !!????????
This is so good, a powerful example of how to pray.
I am SAVING THIS… And will pray this DAILY. Thank you MMM!
Standing in agreement with you for the tearing down and destruction of this demonic stronghold. That demonic lines of communication be severed and that finances dry up. Praying that we as the Body of Christ would realize our authority and who we are in Christ Jesus. Jesus paid a price for us that we need to understand.
Thank you for these practical, teachable step by step scriptural references that present us with a “how to” strategy against the principalities we war against. I am fired up afresh for the spiritual battle.
I’ve started praying for the spirit of Elijah over the prophets of Bail.
Elijah is a type who was taken up to heaven, the church will also, leaving Elisha’s double anointing, Jewish 144,000.
I freely admit I could be wrong about this, so needs to be judged by the body
Thank you Mario. Praying these prayers for the United under God States of America and the United under God Kingdom. God be glorified in these nation’s.
I praise our Lord for your ministry and the souls saved daily. Our fight is definitely against the invisible Satanic realm. Our grandson was a relatively calm, outgoing young man and as a young teenager gave his life to Christ. He moved in with us in November past to save money while attending technical training. As the months pass his perspective on Christianity is changing to doubts, his views more worldly. Though he doesn’t like what Biden’s administration stands for, he is also doubting what my husband and I proclaim about God’s path for us. He has an intense rage regarding issues as small as marijuana use possibly leading to harder substances. I believe that Satan is fighting us for this young man’s soul. Prayers are requested to strengthen us in guidance of this young man whose name is Logan. God Bless you all!
I agree with what you say but I think that the churches will never rise up together against the oppression and lies. Too many of them are bought out, sold out, in bed with, etc the powers that be in our government in order to keep their non-profit status. Also, unfortunately, many of them are actually supportive of left wing ideals, such as LGBT&the rest of the alphabet and abortion.
Regardless we must keep praying. Our God is bigger than any forces of evil. Thanks for all you do! God bless you!
Hear the shout of support, Mario! WE Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and will not again be entangled in any yoke of bondage.
Our Great High Priest, JESUS, told us, “I say what Father said to say. Father in Me does the works.”
In another verse He said, “he that believes in Me, greater works than I do shall he do for I go to the Father.”
Yet another: And these signs shall follow them that believe: In MY NAME, they SHALL cast out devils; speak with new tongues; if they take up deadly serpents or drink any deadly thing, they’ll NOT BE HARMED; lay hands on sick & they SHALL RECOVER. (And)
You’re so right on, Mario!
The LORD HIMSELF said He destroyed the enemy & has put out their name forever.
Says: whatever you bind/or loose in earth is bound/or loosed in heaven.
Says: in last day You will be held accountable to Me, for every idle (useless to Me) Word you speak.
He is our Great High Priest!
We are finally giving HIM His own words to execute!!!
This is great news!
LORD said to say, “In the Name of Jesus we take up this proverb agst the king of Babylon, AND SAY, “how the oppressor is CEASED! the golden city CEASED!
The LORD has broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of rulers!!”
Speak out loud, saints, in the Name of Jesus Christ::
The house of the wicked is overthrown! Their defenses are torn down!
The throne of iniquity is CUT OFF. Their platform has crashed!
Those workers of iniquity are confounded…and scattered.
All to the glory of God! To the praise of His Name, JESUS!
Thank you, Mario!
I agree with your prayer, and am praying like wise.
Amen>so be it in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth ! I agree with this declaration !
Praying against the spirits of jezebel and mammon – May their grip over the Federal government and the USA be loosened and all the evil spirits with them as well be cast down to hell in the Name of Jesus.
By God’s Grace – May the illegitimate be replaced by the legitimate administration in Washington DC. Through the Holy Spirit – who moved at least 10 million voters – to vote for the most pro life president. In Jesus Name —Amen
Thank God for these instructions to the Body of Christ about our prayer strategy.
I am locking arms with you in prayer, Mario! God, forgive me for not praying up to now! I love the way you choose your words, Mario!
Thank you so much Mario for the confirmation of what I, myself, have been feeling in my spirit.
What the church desperately needs, is some good old fashioned prayer warriors to bind together, in unity, to combat these forces of evil! People of God, who know how to approach the throne, to pick up their swords and fight with the Word! It is no longer time for weak, pacifist prayers! We have to get down and dirty!
You can most certainly count on my voice being raised to the Lord of Heaven’s armies!
PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY! Yes Mario, I stand and pray with you in this way. Thank you for standing and proclaiming even when others run an hide. God Bless you and your wife and ministry. Amen! I love your books. I have them abs share them with others.
Keep Preaching and writing Brother Mario, the Remnant is praying. We are winning, we are taking back what the enemy has stolen.
“Exodus 17, we see the model. Joshua went down to the battle, while Moses went up to the heights over the battle and raised the rod of God. Aaron and Hur helped to hold up his arms, until the battle was won.”
Fill the stadiums ??? ? ?????⚡️??⚡️
Get ready for Gods fireworks and the God train? ??????
Thank you thank you thank you. I thank my Lord for you. HE has given you The strength the knowhow the good knowledge the faith and the platform to spread HIS
word far wide. You are a true blessing thank you for your hard work God Bless You
AMEN!!! I Agree , in Jesus name!
I appreciate the message each day from Mario Murillo. This one hits home to pray without ceasing for America.
One thing I see in comments is the lack of the NAME OF JESUS. Has anyone had any teaching on how to use the NAME OF JESUS? Kenneth E Hagin has a book on it and recorded teaching. Christ is not the NAME OF JESUS. Christ means the anointing.
I have copied down those 3 points you mentioned in this blog and will pray this way.
We have a counterfeit President that Satan has put in by his puppets who were not elected and also, the willing demonic news media to cover up these evil people.
Yes, we must pray and have faith that God will change this! Faith has legs also let’s keep speaking out about the injustice in our nation and pray for the restoration of goodness and mercy as Lord wants.
WOW! Amazing. Wonderful. Thank you, Father.
Mario I enjoy hearing the biblical teaching of grace and truth from your blog. Have you thought about using the website telegram to get the word out. Here you can speak the truth freely without being censor.
Praying with you, brother Mario!
I value your words! It is frightening to see so many in our nation that do not see, understand what is going on. But I will take the words you posted and add them to my decree!
Keep selling your books, keep speaking out, and continue your tent meetings.
I may not be able to physically join, but join you as a sister in the body of Christ.
I’ve thought long and hard about the lack of outrage in this country, and I’ve come to a few conclusions:
1. Where do we express it? Locked down for so long and censored by Facebook and its ilk, the only venue is within a circle of friends and family. Speaking for myself, those in my family who are in nearest physical proximity think I’m over-reacting, and of course, I think they’re under-reacting. I’m pretty sure that even though the vast majority of Americans don’t like the current administration or its policies, the outrage and true understanding of danger is rarer than most of us care to believe.
2. In the past, things have always turned around, and I believe people expect it again. After a disastrous Obama administration, we got Trump, who really did turn things around despite the leftists’ and globalists’ efforts to discredit and ruin him. After Carter’s weak presidency, we got Reagan, who really did inspire the American people and who served as a conservative. This cycle has been repeated many times in history, and I believe that many Americans think it will happen again.
3. I’m of the opinion that the election was stolen and that a cheater sits in the White House. I know many intelligent people who, despite not caring for Biden, don’t believe that the election was a sham. They believe that Biden won because of backlash against Trump’s personality. I don’t agree, but I know many people who think this way.
4. Until the election of 2020, I believed that my vote was the best expression of what I wanted in a federal government. I think many people have felt this way, and now that many of us are feeling disenfranchised, we are inexperienced as to how to fight because the only experience we have is fighting with our votes. Many of us simply don’t know what to do. I didn’t at first, but I am now declaring and fighting a spiritual war as suggested in this blog, and I’m also completely indifferent to what my more passive family members think of my opinions. I simply don’t care what they think, because they don’t think deeply enough to know what a critical time this is.
Mario, THANK YOU for sharing your wonderful fire and encouraging those of us who have your vision to burn, burn, burn – with love and trust in our beloved God and with the passion of God’s righteousness. I am currently without a good church – all of them in my vicinity and the one in California with whom I most closely identified all cooperated with lockdown because of their “love for others.” One of the leaders of these churches actually rescinded his prophetic declaration that Trump would win and congratulated Biden. In my opinion, fighting evil productively is a Christian mandate, and I know for a fact that God never once congratulated a cheater. Hearing your voice on a daily basis, Mario, is a clarion call to remain connected to the heart of God. Thank you, and God bless you and yours.
Hullo from Perth, Western Australia. Mario have been praying like this for quite sometime re USA, my own nation, Canada and Europe, Not only confusion, division re : Government, Media but also the Education Mountain, what we’re seeing in that area is horrific., sheer abuse of our children, it’s sickening, no wonder Jesus said to put a millstone around their necks and thrown into the sea then to harm our children.
I pray one of these days you might come back to our shores again, God bless you and the team for all the work you’re doing in California, and also touching many of us on Flashpoint. Bless you heaps brother.
Interesting, timely and confirming. Very similar to journaled prayers on July 1 over my city and especially over a particular church for which I continue to intercede. In my spirit I saw a “soft, light (pastel) colored fog” hovering over, dimming the Light from above. This fog was filled with demonic angels of deception – there were “Happy” angels, “Entertainment” angels, “easy-living” angels, ” rose-colored glasses” angels, “lying-distorting” angels, “Sweet-talk” angels, “ill-prepared and not- prepared” angels – the Holy Spirit called it “a fog of deception and unawares” (Luke 21:34).
As Bro. Mario said, I have now changed the way I’m praying.