I have been writing this blog for 9 years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever seen. So, there is something I must find out.
The attack began with little things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we are being shadow banned very insidiously.
For instance, the blog I posted early this morning has now been shared 1,200 times. If a blog is shared over a thousand times—even on a slow day—it will average between 7,000 and 10,000 reads. To the time of this writing, the site claims it has had only 1,800 views, not 7 to 10 thousand. I ask you, how can 1,200 different people share a blog, and yet that blog gets only 1800 views?
Why is Facebook throttling the true statistics? They are no doubt emboldened by their victory in bringing us the puppet government of Biden.
But are they threatened by the blog’s momentum? It was approaching 16 million total views. 3 million view in 2021 until they began to censor us. I guess I should be flattered by their attack, but, no—I am enraged.
That is the point I must get across to you. Please forget for the moment that Mario Murillo has anything to do with this blog. Look at the blog itself.
God used it to introduce an era of preachers speaking out against political tyranny. It awakened and informed the people of God about the evil of the Democrat Party, when that was extremely unpopular.
A vast number of believers railed against these daily messages. Then the tide turned. Why? Because Democrats lived up to every threat and dark deed the blog predicted. And then some.
That is when the blog caught fire. Many Christian leaders began to make it their daily habit to read it to gain understanding about what is going on and how to defeat it. My conclusion is that the blog is being targeted because of that effectiveness.
This is not a self-serving statement: this blog still has an urgent role to play in our struggle against tyranny. Why do Satan and the social media giant want this blog to go away?

Because it is a threat and speaks the truth about this illegitimate administration and its agenda!
So here is the deal. The devil knows how I am spread thin by so many amazing breakthroughs we are having in the tent and in the media. On other fronts, our audience has exploded. Because of that, most of the time, I do not begin writing the blog until the end of my workday.
Sometimes the enemy says, “You are exhausted, don’t write tonight. The audience is shrinking anyway.” That last part is the most relevant. Is the audience for the blog dwindling, or are we being cancelled?
But there is a side of me that says that, if they do this to this blog and we do not fight…where will it end? That is why I am enraged.
No matter how obvious it is to me that the devil is attacking this blog, I must consider the other extremely remote possibility. If this blog has run its course, then I must be prudent to place my focus elsewhere. I need to know.
I personally believe that this blog’s greatest days are still ahead. But again, I must know.
The cancelling/censorship has become so bad that I cannot ignore the question any longer. This blog cannot survive having its audience stolen. At this rate, I will have to shut it down soon.
However, there is something you should know. Something that is absolutely worth a try. The social media giant has a big weakness—a weakness we must try to exploit, at least once. The algorithm backs off when there is a sudden ground swell of support. If enough people read this blog, share this blog, and like it, all at one time, FB will back off.
If you believe this blog has run its course, then just sit this out. I will totally understand. If there is no major uptick in response after laying it out so clearly that will show me that this is not just Facebook.
But, if you believe the blog is worth saving, then I am asking you this one time—and this one time only—to let me know that you are fighting with me against this tyranny. I need you to talk with others and let them know what is at stake in this. Here are 3 additional things you can do on Facebook:
Read it. Share it. Like it.
After 9 years of writing this blog, I will be watching for my answer with great anticipation.
Jesus said, “You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.”
Thank you, my brothers and sisters!
In Christ.

It will change your life. Use this link to volunteer https://forms.gle/3CUhD1PEVNU5XNHf8
Every week between now and August 8th something important and wonderful will happen on the streets of Sacramento. Our teams from Mario Murillo Ministries and Inner City Action are in the neighborhoods, and parks.
We are handing out thousands of pounds of groceries door to door. We are leading souls to Jesus. We are praying for the sick to be healed. We are bringing hope to oppressed families.
We are stunned at the hunger of the people. They pray with us at their front door. Crowds form in the parks and listen to our unfiltered Gospel message.
Volunteer, it will change your life. See why Highway 99 is a corridor of the Glory of God. Our training will reduce fear. You will surprise yourself by how bold you can really be. And how much joy comes from doing this. Do not wait. Again, use this link to voluteer. https://forms.gle/3CUhD1PEVNU5XNHf8
We support your blog.
Mario, I am a New Zealander. I cancelled Face Book years ago, I read all your blogs through email, I love to hear you on FlashPoint. You are valuable, your words hit the spot. I am praying for your next big crusade in Sacramento.
Same here, except I’m in the USA. Read the email and share through text messages.
Your blogs have opened my eyes and shown me truth I read and share them each day thank you good and faithful servant! Also, I have received a fake friend request from Mario Murillo. I wonder if other followers are getting these as well just FYI
I, too, cancelled Facebook years ago and now read your blogs via email. And I am also praying for the Sacramento revival and am thankful for your unwearying devotion to speaking the truth, no matter the cost.
I agree with you completely and have also cancelled my fb account. Am praying for Sacramento. I appreciate your view of what is going on in the States.
Believer in Belgium
I am very encouraged of reading the blog. Keep up the truth & work. Im from Ohio. Thank you
I also forward your blog to all my friends and associates, including several folks in Kyiv, Ukraine!!!
I’m not on Facebook, but I get your emails. Keep blogging!
MARIO…….I am not a fb gal……..rather i receive your blog by email. i can’t tell you the COUNTLESS times i have passed it along! i am SO DEEPLY GRATEFUL for your strong commitment and FIERY BOLDNESS with which you have presented and challenged us with truth. may our God continue to bless you in this hour and give you the direction you seek. YOU ARE A VOICE RICHLY VALUED! BLESSIGNS
I read your blog daily and love it, but I access it via your website from Safari browser, not FaceBook.
I often share your blog with friends both saved and non saved. I very much hope you continue doing this blog. I think it is an awesome way to get the truth out!!!!
Mario, both I and my wife, read your blog every day on https://mariomurilloministries.wordpress.com
I quit facebook one week after the election and have never gone back.
I hope you keep it going.
God bless,
Mike Gerardi
Yes thank you so much I always read your blog ! Stand strong many are with you ??
Some of us access The Blog through your website. Stay strong!!!! We’re with you! Praise God for your diligence!!!
yes, FB cancelled me last Oct before the election. I have not tried to go back to FB. I think ALL CHRISTIANS SHOULD CANCEL FB. The same with Yahoo email. I stopped following Mario via Yahoo. Only go onto his website.
I love this blog. Facebook does not thrive on truth because it exposes their liberal, Godless agenda. I have re-posted many of the things you write here and so many people have been blessed. I pray that you will be able to continue it.
Stay strong we love this blog and support you all the way
I stand with you. I read your blog daily on your website.
Thank you!
Pastor Danny Smith
Dear Brother Mario,
We love your blog! We support your blog.
Please keep up the truth telling! I am not on Facebook but get your emails. They try and silence the truth, do not let them win. We are in a spiritual battle of the greatest magnitude!
Thank you for all you are doing!
You must not stop speaking out the truth. This is the time when the “lions must ROAR!”
You, dear Mario, are one of the few lions who are bold enough to roar. If we do not speak up, evil will prevail. The remnant – as well as the sheep who haven’t yet awakened to be transformed into lions – NEED you! I’m a member of Regeneration Church Nashville. I love and appreciate you and all you are doing for the ekklesia and the Kingdom of God! Abundant grace and blessings to you!
We need you brother keep going I will be praying
Because of your blog I know the truth not some watered down story telling me how I must blindly obey what I know is not God’s will. Thank you for your courage to speak the truth and your words of hope. Thank you for encouraging your readers to do our part as members of God’s army to fight the good fight of faith. Thank you for being a voice of leadership in this battle to save our country from the insane tidal wave of the Democrats who are trying to force feed the American people their garbage. Please keep up the good work!
Vicky from NC
I am so thankful for your encouragement and power you impart through God’s Holy truths. God Bless you. I look forward to these words daily.
I love, love, love your blog and read it daily! It encourages me greatly and motivates me to pray for our country. I am not on social media. I read it from your website and recently signed up to receive your emails. I share your blog via email with friends and family on a regular basis. I hope you continue to write and post!
This blog encourages me two ways: 1.It encourages me knowing The Church is going forth in other areas of USA. 2.It encourages me knowing what TheLORD is saying in the Murillo Ministry Camp because I can compare it to what I hear and also compare it to other Christian leaders’ reportings. Church unity is important.
Your blogs are so right on. We look forward to reading it daily. Please be encouraged! You are right on target.
We so remember you from our Melodyland days! Thank you for being so faithful over all these years. You are in our prayers. Jerry & Wilma
I too used to go to Melodyland for services.
I wholeheartedly support your blog!! Never miss a day of reading it.
I always look forward to your words and knowing how you are spreading the good news of Jesus!
Truth hurts…and it’s hurting them. Your words are encouraging and one of the few blogs I read because of truth in content. It is not a waste of time. Your words are helping the people and lifting the hope we need to continue. I pray you have the strength and desire to continue. Perhaps only eternity will tell you how many you have reached…
I read you in email. Fb is so unreliable I hardly get posts from friends and family on it!
Keep up the fight! There are more with you than are against you!
Never stop blogging! So full of truth, and inspiring!
Please Mario don’t give up the fight. We all need your encouragement, we all need to hear what you have to say. Thank you for keeping up the fight I am right with you and praying ?? you continue.
Laguna Niguel, CA
Your ministry is God blessed. Your blog is truth, promoting action. Keep up the lifeline of truth!
I avoid Facebook. I receive your daily email.
Thanks for all you do!
I love this blog and I share it with friends and family. I appreciate your way of stating how I feel and keeping it biblical. Please do not stop!
We look forward to your anointed, powerful blogs and appearances on Flashpoint and support you completely.
In a time of ubiquitous compromise; watered-down, twisted truth; and widely applauded apostasy, your blog and contributions on Flashpoint are like the proverbial breaths (plural) of fresh air in a tainted, decadent culture. I left Facebook some time ago and stopped watching the “news” channels (e.g., CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, etc.) in 2008. Your words are one of the remaining sources of pure and absolute truth.
Gough P. Mahlon
I have been reading your daily blog for quite a long time. It’s my favorite. It keeps me encouraged because the Holy Spirit within me agrees with your posts. I stand with you. Please never stop. I order, in the name of Jesus, all hindrances and interruptions to your blog to be removed.
We support your blog. Keep telling the world about God. His name be praised.
Yes, I am in the fight with you continue with the blogging. Thank you much.
I love your blog Mario and read it every day and so does my family. We love you and are fighting with you and will continue to share all the good things God is giving you. Praying for all your crusades as well. Please keep it going. I appreciate all that you’re doing for the Lord. May God‘s favor, peace, strength and refreshment rest over you daily.???
Yes please keep your blog! It greatly blessed the body of Christ!
Mario, I look forward to reading your blog every day! If we could get thousands of pastors to speak out like you it would make a great difference! I hope that the real President Mr. Trump will get to read some of your blogs. It’s been great to watch you on Flashpoint! Please keep speaking out in your blogs!
Randy Dulworth
It is so hard to share your messages because facebook, etc. seem to be blocking it. My computer freezes up every time I try to share your messages. Keep trying, you are being led of the Lord.
I read your blog daily directly from your website – not playing along with FB!
YOU ARE AWESOME AND I SUPPORT WHAT YOU ARE DOING WHOLE HEARTEDLY! Your blog is where I first found you and you have been a light in a very dark place.
Your boldness is a welcome and really needed today. Your stand and steady march into California with the gospel has been very encouraging. We need more people to be obedient to what God is telling them to do. Your example by itself is again what the Body of Christ needs.
I also do not do Facebook but I get your blog in my email.
God bless you my brother,
I read your blog daily. For the most part they are really good brother. Especially when you speak about what happens in the tent.
Thank you for your honesty. ?? I read your blog’s here in the UK
Mario, Thank you for speaking boldly and not compromising the truth! Keep it up brother!
I personally believe that I heard from God that what you are doing is a primer or fuse so to speak for this nation. The greatest move of God that we have ever seen is at our door dont let up dont back down dont stop press on hold the line push through for the glory of God is at hand
Thank you for sharing truth. It has deeply impacted my daily walk. Like so many though, I don’t have a fb account or any other social media account. I think many have dropped those accounts but still have access on your actual blog site????Shalom my brother ??????
I read your blog at https://mariomurilloministries.wordpress.com most everyday.
Your incites and strong words are always encouraging. Keep it up!
We support your blog and sometimes share via texts, but cancelled FB in 2020. Also watch Flashpoint
I read it daily from your website
Dear folks,
I am asking permission to reprint the June 12 blog post about wolves pretending to be Christians in my Christian newsletter for singles. Singles Scene/Spirit & Life, publishing since 1981. I will certainly give proper credit.
You previously gave me permission to reprint an earlier post.
My readers are mostly age 60 up and do not have or use the internet.
I distribute 700 to 1000 copies bi monthly, nationwide.
Please reply. I have sent messages through the FB messenger with no reply.
I have never signed up for Facebook. I do read, and am very INFORMED as well as ENCOURAGED by your blogs Mario. Do not quit Brother, I see the summit.
Mario, I so look forward to reading your blog. I love it!! You are TRUTH teller and I am encouraged by your words and insights. You uncompromising stance is beautiful, powerful, and refreshing. May the Lord bless you and keep you on your journey as you follow His voice and leading. Thank you for all you have been obedient to do!
Of course I’m in my friend, I listen or watch you often and God is using you mightily.
Thank you, Mario, for being upfront and honest. I am thankful you do not back down.
Keep working. Lord bless
Mario, A friend shared your writings with me early on when covid began. I then began reading your blog months ago via email because FB began “canceling” even the “least of us”. (I have just a small group of FB friends but have found that even my posts are not being seen. My daughter has also said she no longer sees my posts in her feed.) Therefore, I have used FB less and less and know my friends are as well…because what’s the point when our voices are continually canceled, or we’re shadow banned?
That said, you are a VITAL voice of Godly wisdom that we need! I have shared various writings of yours via email or text because I believe you have the spiritual gift of wisdom and your writings have been a consistent solid voice of TRUTH without compromise, which I have desperately needed and have been able to grab hold of in this most turbulent and trying season our country and Christians have ever experienced. And at a time when I have felt extremely frustrated by the lack of courage, strength and shepherding (which the Church has greatly needed) from the men God has placed in our lives to Pastor and lead us to Him, your voice has challenged, encouraged and steadied me when I have felt lost and empty and hopeless. Your voice is needed!
As a side note, may I suggest exploring the idea of using the social media platform called GAB? The founder Andrew Torba, is a Believer and allows free speech on the platform; there is no censorship (except that which is illegal). And I believe as GAB’s founder has said, that Christians must band together and form their own “economy” because we need one another. If nothing else, I believe the lockdowns and all that’s transpired with FB, Twitter, and YouTube censoring Christians and Conservatives — censoring Truth — we must have a place and ways to come together where we can unite. This will prove to be even more true and vital as time goes on.
I am not on Facebook, but I receive your blogs via email. Please do not stop your blogs! I appreciate your honesty and boldness!
I live in Taiwan and I am an American citizen. I am a missionary/pastor. These blogs are very meaningful and helpful. It gives me more specifics on what to pray about and for. Keep going my brother in the mighty power of Jesus and by the influence and direction of the Holy Spirit.
I support your blog!! We must stand up to censorship!!! It must stop!!
I LOVE reading your blogs… although mine comes in an email… not Facebook. PLEASE do not shut down these blogs. I depend on them, everyday!!
I with Victoria! Love ’em. Maybe Mario you a ‘migration’ strategy to other platforms needs developing and implementing. In the meantime, keep ’em coming. You’re a throw back to the American revolutionary preachers…for such a time as this.
I agree with this post! Mario, you are an inspiration! Be encouraged and may God bless you with good health, energy, and safety! You are a true warrior for the Kingdom!
I read it by email, not Facebook. PLEASE KEEP IT UP! Praying for you!
So do I .. I get blog through email and forward as text msg…forward through another source.
. And they forward… please don’t think FB is the only platform that this blog is seen!
You are waking the ppl of America up!
Their eyes and brains ? are coming out of the coma of deception that has lulled them to sleep. Amen
I also connect with your blog by email and look forward to receiving it. Keep up the good fight Brother Murillo. May God continue to use you.
To Mario and your wonderful staff: this blog is a breath of fresh air. When we know the truth it will set us free.
Keep going, ignore the devil and his schemes, keep sharing truth. We live you.
I an not on Fake book.
Thank you kindly and many bless us to you.
Please keep the blog going. It really blesses me and helps me understand. God bless you abundantly.
I am not on Facebook. I receive your e-mails and read all of them. I watch you on FlashPoint every time you are there. You are a great encouragement to all of us. Be encouraged and be blessed! Thank you for your faithfulness to the great commission. I can only imagine how proud of you our Father is. I certainly am!
Reading your blog is the first thing I do every morning. It’s a life line in all this chaos!
Mario I read your blog through email and forward the email each day to three others. I do not tead it on Facebook
I too receive your messages via email. Thoroughly enjoy you stance, enthusiasm, dedication and determination against Satan and his demonic horde which influences each and every demon-crat and even possesses many of them!!! Locked & loaded for the battle for this Republic!!! CD Gentry
Same here…I left Facebook years ago.
I support you blog and get it directly from your website. It is posted on my Facebook page as well. Your blog for me has been the central location for concise updates on what is happening in America. Thank you for the effort you put into making it available each day.
Mario I read your blog through email and forward the email each day to three others. I do not tead it on Facebook
The devil is a liar! We are fighting with you in this battle! It’s time that we as God’s army, take a firm stand and not give up ANY ground!
Your blog posts are important!
Mine comes by email too. How can I help?
Mario, so glad you made the decision to continue the blogs with even more determination and persistence. You are an amazingly strong voice that needs to be heard. You are a voice that needs to be followed and discussed. Many are out in the fields saving souls but most can not start holy warfare.
Please keep posting. God bless you and your family.
I read your blog daily – you hit things on the mark. I know what you write comes from the heart of God. Please don’t stop. Victory is on the way.
I keep you and your crusades in my prayers and ask for God’s blessings and protection upon you at the end of reading each of your articles.
P.S. the enemy works in the shadows – his works must be exposed and destroyed. The battle is the Lord’s – we are his servants and intercessors in this war.
Continue your blog/ thank you for it!
I no longer have Facebook. I get it through my email. I look forward from the truth you give with Authority.
Thank you for your due diligence.
Mario, I get your blog through e-mail and your website. Before and after the election last year, I would forward it, sometimes several times a week, to my e-mail lists. I appreciate your thinking and the work you’ve done to pull all this information together for us. I know the Lord will lead you and that’s what’s important. God bless and take care.
Keep the blog, Mario.
Facebook will not allow me to post this column by Mario Murillo.
Dear Brother in Christ,
Thank you so much in writing this blog! I share it with my friends and family as it is so honest and full of the Spirit of our Lord! I love and live the encouragement, truth, and hope it brings to all of us! I am praying for you to know the blessing of the constant presence and will of the Lord moment by moment in the days ahead.
Sincerely, in Him,
Doreen Larson
Please, Mario, Keep telling us the truth and what The Lord is doing in California.
I wake early in the night — usually around 2 or 3 am, EST, just to read your email. As far as I know, you are the lone man of God crying in the wilderness — REPENT — and then engage in the battle.
Well, my home church and I have been in the battle for many years and will continue until we have fulfilled the perfect plan of God.
Please, weary soldier, do not retreat now. We’re so close!
However, please listen to the Holy Spirit, as I know you always do.
My group and I survived 25 years at the White House. I worked there for 35+ years and had Bible study there every Tuesday. From 1999 until I retired in 2009, we would meet in my office every Wednesday night to pray over our nation. We fought many many demons. We prayed on the top of the White House building and Old Executive building prophesying to the nations that Jesus Christ is Lord. We anointed the furniture in the Oval Office, the theater in the Residence, the bowling alley, the press soon seats and everything we could touch, with oil.
Yes, it was exhausting, but it was commissioned of God.
So, my dear friend, you are not alone. I value the anointing that I read every morning and you are highly favored of God and man.
Please don’t stop now with the pen — unless otherwise directed!
We love and appreciate you so much!
Lynn! All of us here and MMM, we are so grateful to know God’s people ARE all over!! What a blessing to know of your “mission field.” Thank you so much.
What an encouragement to us all!
Sharing the blog, even to President Trump! However, never had fakebook.
Glory to the Lamb of God!
Glory to the Lamb of God!
There is none holy as the Lord.
How thankful to God we are for you, and your faithfulness!
We love you, pray for you and your beloved wife, and the entire arena of your influence for the gospel of Christ.
There is no other life than Jesus. He is the Victor over all.
We support you, and are humbled by your commitment to truth, AND ALL OF YOUR LABOR.
It will be worth it all when the final battle is over, and when we see our beloved savior.
Until then, we fight the powers of hell.
We don’t fight a losing battle.
We win. There is no tie. We win.
The devil loses. Everything.
Onward we move towards final victory, with pure hearts, entire submission, humility, love, and with the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, living in us.
Holy is the Lord God Almighty!
We don’t do Facebook or social media, but share this blog with others via email.
Thank you SO much for what you are doing.
I read this every morning! I shared! And I pray for you and your ministry. Never give up!
I would like for you to keep the blog! I just found it!
I shared it on my Facebook and I was telling my mom and she said “I haven’t seen it” so I went in her phone on her Facebook and through that went to my page and sure enough not to be found or seen!!! I went in my phone directly to my page and there it was!! Clearly FB is suppressing posts!!
Ps. Mario,
In 1987 a mate and I sat under your teaching at the United Charismatic Convention in Adelaide Australia.
I was delighted to find your WordPress site a few months ago and read the fire of God in your posts. I am not on social media so can’t help much.
FB just canceled an Aussie Christian commentator, Bill Muhlenberg, your experiences are part of a bigger FB purge I suspect.
Is it possible to mirror to Gab?
Yes Mario, I agree with this blog and tell everyone that you 100% on the mark. You’re right about the political area and about how and what to preach. I’ve always thought that. I tell everyone to read it. I used to follow Pat Robertson and Franklin Graham. My favorite was David Wilkerson. You’ve taken his place on the national scene.
The blog is the first thing I read in the morning. It is truly uplifting to me and I look forward to it every day. Please keep it going as it is such a blessing to me. I am 75 and it’s the only email I get during the day and I love reading it so much. It is a very important part of my day; Please keep up the good fight!
In His love,
I have found the blog to be worth reading … and have been thankful for it.
I think your blog is vital. Don’t stop.
Hi: I follow you, but I don’t have FB. And I don’t want it. God Bless. Helen Garvey
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you Mario!
Please don’t stop writing the blog… it is so important for us to be Well informed and strengthened in faith by the Truth you share so heartfelt and generously!
I personally am so much strengthened in my standing for The Truth hearing what you have to say.
I receive blog in my email and look forward everyday to read it!!! (eventhough I live in Australia)
I greatly appreciate your courageous voice at a time when the politically correct tiptoe around. Please keep it up.
It also reveals the enemy’s tactics there, which helps us here in Australia. May the Lord abundantly bless despite the enemy’s attempts to thwart.
Mario,por favor, don’t quit writing the blog, I translate It from English into Spanish to share It With my prayer group every single day. And ,we daily pray for USA based on what you explain on your blogs among others faithful believers. You are a blessing,And God is using you to encourage many believers here including people in ministry like me. At some point, Facebook And all of those demonic plataform Will vanish. We pray for you! Dios le bendiga grandemente! Thank you so very much for your ministry Blessings from Spain!
Mario, my husband and I love to read your blog. It has truly been a great blessing to us especially these past few years. Thank you for making time to reach out to all of us out here that are greatly blessed by your blog!
This blog is the main reason I open my email every day. I absolutely love your articles. They encourage me and keep me going in the battle we are in. I pray that you continue.
Your daily posting/email I get is one email I read everyday. I do think there is censorship and misrepresentation of the numbers by social media. Please continue to post and fight on in Jesus name.
Respectfully, Joshua >
I enjoy the truth and boldness of your blogs. I get encouraged as I know we still have those who are willing to stand for the truth and refuse to shut up, sit down or back off.
God bless you Mario, you are such a blessing.
Please do NOT end the blog. I started receiving this blog since last year and have shared it many times. Let’s stay in the FIGHT.
Keep the PRESS!
Sent from my iPad
Love your blog! And so does the Lord! Keep writing and preaching truth. We need to hear it!
I love getting your blogs! How can I help you if I deleted my Facebook account due to all the politics? I share your blogs with many people and they love them. You speak truth and that’s what we need in this world that doesn’t believe in objective truth. Keep writing please!
I believe Facebook is stopping people from seeing many things and only allow certain content a few likes here and there. This happens to many posts. I know your reaching people, I would continue to post, some tech tyrant may turn around.
California here, and we need all your prayers and recruitment.
I’m praying for you brother and fighting with you in the spirit. I don’t use face book but I get this blog through my emails, it’s always encouraging to read and I’m glad your headed to Sacramento, Gods gonna use you in a huge way and He already has! I believe
Dear Brother Murillo,
I answer you from far away Germany. Here we face this kind of censorship via Facebook too.
That is the reason, why I personally left FB as a private person. And soon enough I asked to get your letter via email.
I‘m so very thankful to get it frequantely and share it here in Germany as well.
Please be encouraged and continue to do, what you do. It is very precious and important for us here in Europe as well.
God bless you all and the United States of America.
Carmen Schmidt
Von meinem iPhone gesendet
This blog is very important to me. It helps strengthen me, and helps me to keep on going in the Spiritual Warfare battlefield. This is all Spiritual Warfare, played out on several different fields. We each have different means and methods by which we can do our part. Your blog is edifying to me. I look forward to reading it every day. I believe God has annointed you to write this blog so we can learn how to be Spiritual Warriors.
hello from Canada. i receive your blog by email and read it daily. i don’t know how to ‘like’ or share it from my email page. i’m not very ‘techie’. Sorry that i couldn’t be more helpful. i’ve shared your blog with my husband, we are praying for you and California.
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 2:36 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Mario, this is my favorite blog of all time. Every night before I read my Bible I check to see if you have a new post. You speak my heart and I know you speak God’s. Please don’t stop!!!!!
Keep going. I’ve stopped doing FB. Would it help you if I went back on ? ✝️?????????
We anticipate eagerly your faithfilled words to be a Word from our Lord in these times. A helpful daily focus.
God Bless you. We are with you.
Mario, you have to remember all stats on views of Christian media are being skewed. You are not special. And also stop talking like some kind of martyr. “Oh, I am so tired, I can’t write my blog….”. Give me a break dude. Muscle up. You are not the end all. You are everything to central California but please don’t let it get it to your head. You act like you have just made it to the water hole and have been without water for 5 days. Stop being so melodramatic. We don’t win by emotional antagonism. Meaning, Jesus does not want you to get people all emotional so they do what you want. You are being a little manipulative. Well, more than a little but keep your head on straight. Your ego is seemingly getting a little big due to what God has been doing through you. But maybe that is what God wants you do to. Just keep a clear head. If God does not want you to sensationalize then do or don’t. But don’t pretend to fool yourself. I can see your manipulation a mile away. Only if Jesus tells you it is ok to manipulate then it is ok to manipulate. But if He is not giving you the go ahead, you better walk softly my brother.
And there it is! The phony Christian attack! Proof positive this blog is a threat. They’re sending in their troll clown operatives now.
Nothing you said, “MIKE,” makes any sense. I hope they didn’t send in their best phony Christian troll with you, because that disjointed diatribe was horribly transparent.
Amen Jeff!! Mike reminds me of that “Bible Answer Man” guy. What a joke! The enemy ALWAYS overplays his hand. ie Mike.
What a lot of twaddle, right here is an attack, right back at you Mike, what a fake you are.
Mike and your ego is out of mind and you don’t know God
Mike Beieky, you liked saying that WAY too much.
Stay the course. I am 100% out of all social[ist] media, so I don’t have any avenue for sharing, but I have read every post you have made since I found your blog in April 2018 (and many posted before that time). The blog is in its most critical hour.
Please continue this blog you are doing a great job . It is very in formative and it helps guide my prayers for you, Lance W and Flash point topics and presenters.
Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to lead.
Dear Mario, your blogs have been a tremendous source of encouragement to me since I discovered them in the past year. Please don’t stop! I am an older lady who doesn’t do much social media so I don’t do much sharing. But I will commit right now to praying for you every day that God will multiply your time and strength so you will be able to write it every day and get enough rest. (I have a prayer book and I just wrote it down. Y
ou are the first entry for Saturday 6/19/21). I love you even though I don’t know you. Love in Jesus, Bonnie S. England
Satan wants you shut down. You are doing great things for the Kingdom of God. Never give up. I believe the turn around is just ahead. So don’t quit.
Mario, I read your blog however I get it in an email and hope and pray you stay strong in doing God’s work and God’s will. May God and guide you as only He can
I think it could be a combination. In other words FB blocks some of the content and even the email service is blocking/diverting/censoring some of the thing people do with email. I have had things come back saying the address didn’t exist or was undeliverable. Sometimes my emails are coming in blank or no content showing. Occasionally the service says that the content is not up to their “community standards”.
I am with you!!
ABSOLUTELY stand with you and read your blogs and watch , like and will share to more people. But even more PRAYING into this situation, JESUS CHRIST OUR MIGHTY WARRIOR GOD, THUNDERS FROM THE HEAVEN’S AND THE WORDS OF HIS VESSELS, SERVING HIM FOR HIS GLORY CAN NEVER BE SILENCED. AMEN
I forward them to 4-5 others who also love them!!
Your blogs are a lifeline for me during this crazy twisted time we are living
through, most especially since the devil took up residence in the White House!!
I am with you every day. All the best.
I don’t see your posts very often anymore, but when I do, I share them.
I am shadow banned as well. I hear crickets, when there should be sirens.
Mario, time is being shortened before our eyes!
Jesus will be here any moment!
Remember the time, when David was overthrown and the temple utensils were used in orgies!
We are there again.
The stench of the abominations has reached God’s nostrils!
Be blessed my brother,
Ron Jones
Well said!
Maybe it’s time to cross to Telegram and dump FB. Why support FB anyway?
Lovw your blogs, by the way! Blessings from Australia
My friend sends this to me every day! I read it and share it with many other friends via email! Please keep writing, your insight and words are so helpful and encouraging to me and so many others! The Lord is using you in a mighty way!!
We are not on Facebook but read this via email. Your words encourage and empower. I gave quoted and shared your posts repeatedly. Keep going and may God strengthen your resolve
Sent from my iPhone
Shalom Dear Brother Mario,
I read your blog every day on my email and forward it to others. It is one of the spiritual highlights of my day! You have always been on the cutting edge of what the Lord is doing and your God given gift of communicating it to others is without equal. It spurs me on every time I read it! I’m so grateful that you continue to pour you heart into this as difficult as it must be to continue at times.
Please continue to stand in this arena that the Lord has given you. We, your brothers and sisters in Christ, will be your Aaron and Hur. “And having done all to stand, stand therefore”
I read your blog daily. Please do not stop writing it – the truth must be told!!
Keep on writing. Nobody does it better!
Mario, My wife introduced your ministry to me in the past 3 months and I just signed up for the blog a couple of weeks ago. Please continue writing! God has given you wisdom and clear perspective that needs to wake up many more believers. I don’t have a FB account so I cannot share in that platform but I will share your website and blog with my neighbor. Walking His path with you, Tim Jordan
Sent from my iPhone
I read your blog (via email) every day. I consider your writings the #1 leading voice for Christians fighting this battle. For me it would be a great loss if you stopped writing. I thank God for you and the huge impact you are having for the kingdom of God and in the war!
I am not connected to Facebook. All of your blogs comes through my emails. I love it and we need it.
I have heard from others that Facebook and YouTube both played with the numbers they have gone down thousands.
I read and share your blog daily via e-mail. I no longer trust facebook. It is a wealth of information, inspiration and comfort to know that we do have at least one Christian leader in our remks with the courage to tell the truth.
Please don’t use FACEBOOK as a benchmark or indicator. As most of these replies indicate, we’ve abandoned its use for obvious reasons; it is destined for the trash heap of history anyway.
KEEP THE BLOG. It is one of the few things I read every day consistently for the insight and perspective that you share. YOU ARE APPRECIATED. Don’t give in to the false narrative that rankings on FB matter.
I read your blog every day — some days several times! It gives me great strength and comfort. I access via your WordPress site because I don’t use Facebook.
I read it! There is no place for like or share This is in my email
Sent from my iPhone
Keep going, Mario. I was introduced to your blog just after January 6 this year. I am a traditional Catholic, and I look forward to your blog everyday. I receive it by email. I have passed it to several friends also by email. I read nothing on FB. There are so few people who give practical advice on what to do and how to pray. Keep it up! We need your public voice! Some people may leave just as they left Jesus following the Bread of Life Discourse (John 6). These are hard things and they demand much. But those who remain are being strengthened and sharpened for the battle. God bless you!
My husband and I receive your blog through our e-mail. We read it and usually discuss your message. It is a blessing. Ava Hall
Dear Mario
I am not on Facebook. Thank you so much for the blog.. I read it with big interest to be informed about your Great Nation!
Brother Murillo, keep doing what God has called you to do and please continue writing these posts. You certainly keep us all informed.
Remember, YOU ARE making a difference.
Receive the Love of Christ.
Mario, I’m not on Facebook…. But keep writing. Can you move to Signal or a different site? God bless you!!!
Sent from my iPhone
Please keep your blog going, Mario! I read it first thing every morning while having my coffee. SO encouraging and needed! However, I get it through email, as I cancelled my Facebook account years ago. Other than by making my donations and praying for you, how can I help??? -John
Please dont stop
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021, 2:34 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Mario don’t stop we need the truth; you know the more enemy fight you; is the more God getting ready to do something powerful.
Please dont stop writing this blog. Thank you betty
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Mario, I read your blog in my e mail , and forward it to 7 others. Thank you for writing the blog, I look forward to reading it every day. You are a man after Gods own heart.
It is the truth and they don’t want the truth known, they have risen to a place they think they can tell us what truth is and we have to buy it, and can only say what they say is truth, 5 years ago they jumped me at three in the morning, telling me I had to change, I had to accept gay marriage and the new system the church of HC, and I had to preach what they said I could, AND I SAID I PREACH THE TRUTH OF THE WORD AND WHAT THE HOLY SPIRIT SAYS, IWILL NOT BOW TO YOU TYRANTS, AND YOU DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO PREACH, WE PREACH TRUTH AND ARE LED BY GOD NOT MAN, and they went on for a good while about a 100 you will do these things and I said I will not bow, and now more thean ever they are trying to shut you down because you reach so many more, and people need to hear what you are saying preaching has drifted so far from the word and many will not read the word for guidence but other books man wrote, instead of the one written and inspired by the Holy spirit under his influence, and they still get what is given under his influence here, and the people know it, where all could hear from him if they just one, they seem to trust you greatly to get a word from the Holy Spirit and know the truth will be preached and that is a threat to a Tyranical government that Big Tech calls the shots for, telling the truth about the vaccine got me ban 11 days on Twitter because it was truth and they all shadow ban us try to keep us from reaching many, because they do not want the truth known, just like they stole the election, they will steal the rest of our freedoms, I am to strict for a lot of the church, but just look what they are doing to us silencing us, putting us under a draconian leadership, where we can only say what they say we can, Biden gave a order to tell on the radical people, while they spread their lies, the vaccine now killing many, and is known now to be a toxin in the body that will kill no telling how many in 2 to 5 years, and its all coming out because of the one’s who will not bow to these devils. Keep preaching us truth sir very few doing it, congress will not repeal sec 230 and take power away from big Tech, but I can put a word on Twitter and a few hours later they get in their video say almost exactly the same words I did a few hours before, because it makes them look good, but they neglect to say you said, they take credit the same as they take Revelation you give and write their books, we have a stealing bunch of people today, I guess the Ten Commandments do mean mean a lot more than some think, because there sure is a lot of crooks now in government and church, they still from you more than congress or its close, while don’t they try stealing some truth from the word, we are outlaws to a the draconian lawless, and sadly to a lot of the church. But continue writting sir we love it, for we want truth not fairy tales, the world wants fairy tales. God Bless You Sir
I don’t do the FaceBook thing but via email I read it everyday and learn from it. I, also, forward many of them to friends. Keep it up as long as possible.
Mario Murillo Ministries wrote on 6/19/2021 1:39 AM: > WordPress.com > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have > ever seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began > with little things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly > obvious that we ” >
I am not on Facebook but I read your blog EVERY DAY. I LOVE IT!
In the current times when lies prevail and truth is deleted, your blog is an anchor to hold on to.
Please don’t stop writing it. We need your blog.
Be blessed.
Sydney, Australia
Sent from my iPhone
Do not have Facebook anymore, but I read your messages in my email. Please don’t give up, your are a bright light in this dark time. GOD bless you!!
There is no icon on my phone that lets me share this send this to Facebook
I use to get it the same day on Facebook and u would share there but no longer do I blogs come thru to me on Facebook
The only way I can share this is by email. They can’t stop email the way they do Facebook.
We need u on face book
Sent from my iPhone
Mario they don’t like you because you are giving hell a nervous breakdown. They didn’t like Jesus either, so you are in good company. Have you come to torment us before our time? As a matter of fact, yes!Ha! You have reached so many souls through this blog. People are joining you in prayer as you keep us posted on issues and your evangelistic crusades in California. I also love watching you on Flashpoint and I pray that they never back down. Hold the line and push them back, way back.Souls are at stake and the Lord of the Harvest is counting on you to fight the Good fight and Finish the course. Praying for a second wind for you my brother that’s even Greater than the first. Run harder, Run faster. God bless you. Great will be your reward. Thank you. Praying for you.
Bro. Mario,
You are the voice crying out in the wilderness, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near”. [Matt. 3:1-3]. You and this blog were born for such a time as this. I declare Psalm 91: 3-4 over you, your family, and MMM. Stay the course standing on Phil 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.”
PLEASE don’t stop writing this blog! I read it everyday you are able to post it. The truth you write is so needed today. I have always gone directly to your website and the email I receive and AVOID FACEBOOK.
Keep it coming! I’m new to your blog, but I’ve been watching you on Flash Point. Also with Lance, l support what you are doing.
Please keep writing your blog. i look forward to it every morning. If it is not in my in box I am very disappointed. I find your insights very encouraging. We are in a tremendous fight against the forces of evil and for the most part the church is still sound asleep. The church needs leaders to speak the truth and unfortunately most do not have the courage to confront the evil we are facing. Please keep going. We need it.
Gary Edwards
Hi I read this blog every day. I receive it via email not Facebook and love that you take the time to write it. Please don’t stop. Thankyou, Sandi
On Sat, 19 Jun 2021, 4:38 pm Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
I find more truth from your emails than anywhere else. They use to come up in my Facebook and I would share there. . No longer there.
Sent from my iPhone
Mario I’m from Tampa-FL. I read your blog through email every day and forward to 2 others. I do not have Facebook. Do not stop your blog. God Bless you Brother.
Keep going, Mario.
Mario I stand with you 100% and thanks for all you do and may His protection continue to cover you.
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Keep going. I don’t have Facebook because I got tired of the censorship. You’re honest and you speak the truth. It needs to be heard. I pray Psalm 91 over you, that you are protected. Thanks for all that you do.
Keep fighting Mario…we support you…God bless you
> >
Brother Mario
I am not on FB and I believe the blog is worth saving,!! Please please please continue I am fighting with you against this tyranny. I forward it to others daily and you bring clarity hope and the true word of God WE STAND WITH YOU BROTHER MARIO AND WE BLESS YOU! Onward with full armor in the name of Jesus we continue the fight against evil!
Thank you for all you do and Bless You!
“Jesus said, “You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.”
Keep going. Read it everyday.
Am grateful for this daily word by email!! You do and say things that encourage us as we try to do what we can. We are all in this together!!
I look forward to your blog every morning. Keep writing. If God is for us who can stand against us. The enemy hates hearing the truth. I support you Mario 100%. Blessings
I read this blog the first thing everyday. I also forward it to others. Several of them have now set up to receive it directly from you. I also watch Flashpoint to hear your comments. Bless you!
Keep it coming please! I devour every word and was upset a few weeks ago when I didn’t find Gods words through u for a few days. I can count on u to keep exposing the lies and junk so that I can keep my focus on praying and speaking out about the freedoms that we must defend in this beautiful nation He and so many left for us. Thanks so much.
Don’t stop!! I need the strength of this blog to know that I a not the only one with the same thoughts. The blog gives me hope and fire to keep going
Dear MMM Team,
Thank you and may the God of all graces fill you with joy and every fruit of Holy Spirit!
In Christ, Dave
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021, 3:05 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Good morning Mario, I would just like a moment to tell you how important and amazing your blog is in my life. In this day when truth is hard to find this blog has provided truth, it has provided inspiration, and most of all it has provided wisdom. Thank you for being obedient in writing this. It means so much to me and many others. Now it’s official, you know your doing something right because FB is worried!
Please do not shut down. Like many others, I depend on this “manna” every day. I can’t imagine the enemy/enemies winning. We must not bow or give up at this point, or ever. I pray a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit on this blog and His protection as we all ban together as the Body of Christ in one accord.
I am with you Mario.
I read this on email. I try to do as little as possible on fb. Your blog inspires, informs and centers me. Thanks so much! May God continue to bless you and your ministry??
Mario, I am not on Facebook, so I can’t comply with your request. I can only reply and say I love your blog and will pray on your behalf continually. God will prevail to keep this going. In Jesus name ✝️✝️✝️✝️
John T. Cento Overseer Mission WildfireInternational 407-619-4015 cell Email: missionwildfire .org Website: missionwildfire.org I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know Him through your deepening intimacy with Him.” (Ephesians 1:17 TPT)
You took a stand and led the charge. Keep going and do not stop. Your platform will continue to enlarge. Any bubble of trouble will eventually pop.
Where the River meets the sky,
There the Eagle does fly high,
Where the Root touches the Ground,
There The Word can be found.
You, your ministry, and your blog are a blessing Mario. May God continue to bless and move as you stand in Him. Jesus Christ we partner with You as we stand. In You Jesus, we move and have our being. As for me and my house we serve The Lord. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do!!! Such an encouragement and you instill a backbone of hope and faith in us toward Our God!
Please, please keep writing, Mario. This truth is cool water to our thirsty souls.
On Sat, 19 Jun 2021, 08:01 Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
We need this blog. You and Lance keep me strong with your blogs. The truth must w
I read this blog in my email every morning. I’m not on Facebook. This blog inspires me to pray and praise Father, Son, and Holy Spirit… heaven down to earth… for the saving work prepared for Sacramento and our nation. I only started reading this blog one month ago. Please keep sharing what the Lord puts on your heart, Mario, and don’t pay attention to the data. It’s cooked and irrelevant.
Kathy My iPhone
I read this blog everyday at 5:30 am. Please continue. Itâs a lie that it is not effective. Your blog gave me the words to fight back with. God bless my hero
Sent from my iPhone
I’m not on Facebook, but I get your emails. I pray that the blog continues. It has blessed me. God bless you.
Your Blog is a daily blessing to me. Keep them coming. Maybe get on other platforms – Rumble, Telegram, Brighteon.com to get your message out more?
I get this blog on email, I do not use Facebook
Brother Mario, You have become the 21st Century C W Spurgeon. God has a heavy hand on you.
Please do not quit writing your blog. Truth and courage by Yah’s prophets is crucial to encourage the body of Messiah. You are doing a great work like the prophet Nehemiah so don’t let the enemy dissuade or discourage you! The biggest wheat harvest of souls comes at summer’s end during the fall “Feasts of the Lord” in the biblical calendar known as…. ” Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot”.
I’m not on any social media anymore, so I can’t “like” your blog on FB, but I read your messages always and sometimes forward them to friends. You have impacted my life and my husband’s life in a special way with your messages and your book, Vessels of Fire and Glory. NOTHING matters anymore except doing “…the work of him who sent me…” (John 9:4) THANK YOU, Mario, for being obedient to the Holy Spirit. Glory to God.
Don’t stop !!! Your blog is a blessing to me every day !!!
We are loving your blog, defiantly keep writing please.
We are fighting with you!
Do not stop the blog we need you and the blog desperately!
Praying for you!
Thank you, Mario for boldly standing for truth! I have shared your blog many, many times – don’t let the father of lies steal your voice or rob you of what God has for you!
I appreciate this as a source for truth and encouragement and challenge to likewise stand for truth myself.
I start my day reading your blog everyday and have for over a year now. Love it.
Dear Brother in Christ,
I receive your blog via email. I read it each and every day!
You are vital to the body of Christ.
I know you fight what seems to be an endless battle against the evil that has permeated this world, but know this; you dont fight alone!
With God on your side and the vast number of your brothers and sisters all in one mind and one accord, this battle will be won!
In the mighty Name of Jesus!
Be encouraged this day Mario.
Prayers surround you.
God Bless and keep you!
Weary not in well doing!!
Continue steadfast and immovable!
Keep writing! I read these messages daily on your email, and then I forward to others! Agree with Truman Kemp above – get on another platform if you need to, but we want your messages – they are TRUTH!
Dear Mario
I get your blog by email and I send it to others by email. I am NOT on Facebook and have NEVER BEEN registered on Facebook. I have viewed some things on Facebook including you once when it was not required to be a part of that group but I have never wanted to be a Facebook user and now I can see why this was a good thing for me!
So why can’t Christians get a Facebook like program so we don’t have to depend on Facebook to communicate. Don’t we have intelligent believers with money who could get together and create a type of Facebook communication or is Mr. Zuckerberg the only person who could invent a communication tool. Where is God in all this communications lockdown cancel culture?
Just some thoughts!
Thank you for your blog and I will be praying you are able to see this & know that Facebook has no part in my viewing your blog!
In Christ our Lord
PS I first started to see you on Flashpoint in the fall of 2020 and that is where I became interested in your daily blog. So Facebook had NOTHING to do with me finding you and then signing up for your blog!!! It was a Christian TV outlet called the Victory Channel which I started to get on DISH Network that got me to look you up on line and sign up on your website to get your blog & again FACEBOOK HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH MY INTEREST IN YOUR BLOG!!!
Gayle A Saksa
5 Elm Court
East Haven, CT 06512
T. 203 468.5232
C. 203 305.8813
E. gaidyannie@outlook.com
I tried to reply but it won’t let me. Says my email address doesn’t exist. Funny since I receive them daily. Love your blog. Thank you for taking the stand that you do. Keep them coming and be encouraged that God is using you in a big way. God bless your ministry.
I don’t do Facebook. We need this blog…please don’t stop.
Please do not stop your blog, I talked about you so much my sister has started reading your blogs, she even signed up for your emails. I read you every morning to start my day… please Do not stop… God blesses a lot of people thru your writing… I am with you Mario…
Linda Hughes lhughes4749@gmail.com
Sent from my iPhone
Don’t give up.
Thank you for persevering, Mario! God is using you mightily to encourage, challenge and equip the body of Christ. I read your blog often, but this is the first time I have ever commented. Forgive me for not encouraging you more. God bless you X 100!!
On ward Christian Soldiers, brings to mind this song to start the morning. With the Cross of Jesus. STAND
I receive your blog via email and look for it each morning. .
I’m so thankful for the information and update about what God is doing through your ministry. It strengthens and encourages.
Very supportive of the blog and share it. Many times I have people tell me they read what I post but they don’t comment or like although they do. Maybe fear? Please keep blogging.
I support you 100% and look forward to reading your blog everyday. Keep on going.
Mario, please keep writing this blog. It’s a light in the darkness. People recognize TRUTH.
Don’t give up! I read your blog every day in my email. We are winning, God has called you for this time. You have inspired me to do similar tent meetings where I am. May God Bless you and give you strength to endure the battle we are in. Thank you, Ken
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Keep going Mario. We’re supporting you in prayer. This blog is important and read daily by so many. God bless you and your team
Do not stop writing! In conversation with people I don’t know I ask them if they have heard of you and I hear YES over and over. People are excited to see what is happening in your ministry. It is refreshing to know that there is a man that SPEAKS truth BOLDING. We are tired of the weak
spineless pastors that bow to this evil interloper in the white house. Your blog in my email and on Facebook. I will commit to share your blog on FB more then I have done in the past. You are a
Welcome Fresh Breathe to this nation. Be blessed.
Hi Mario, I’m a reader of your blog from the UK also follow you on flashpoint. I greatly support your cause MAGA and my husband and I pray for you. DON’T STOP THE BLOGShalom & BlessingsWendy
Please continue to write these! I love reading what our Lord has given you!!
Sent from my iPhone
Mario, Please continue your blog. I receive it by email every day and it gives me great encouragement and comfort to hear the move of God and His people against the evil that exists in our govenment today. May God continue to Bless your ministry.
Keep the blog alive, Mario. I and many of my friends read it daily. It comes in my email, not facebook.
You have an army of people with you in prayer as well as evangelism. Be strong in the Lord and the Power of His might.
Fighting with you, my Friend. NEVER STOPPING
Jan Sharpe .
Sent from my iPhone
Keep on keeping on
With God all things are possible
Keep standing, Mario!!! My husband and are not on Facebook, but I read your blog daily on my emails and forward it daily to my husband. We need pure, unadulterated Truth from the meat of the Word, not baby food. Keep preaching, Brother Mario!
Please continue your amazing message, I cannot wait in the morning to get it in my inbox
God Bless your powerful work
I thank God for you. I am praying for you. I am fighting with you. I am sharing your blog. God is the victor. No weapon formed against you, Gid’s servant, will prosper. Good bless you mightily. Bettina King;
We treasure the voices of men of God who won’t back down and give in to the tyranny of the times. We need you, dont EVER stop speaking truth!!
We look forward each day to your blog. Thank you for all you are doing to keep the Body of Christ informed. We battle with you.
Please continue your blog!!!! I read it and share it every day inspires me to stay in the battle.?
I read your blog by email. I do not trust Facebook. I share it with many of my friends. Many of them have signed up to receive them! The Lord has me pray for
you and Sean Feucht daily. Keep writing, standing and encouraging the remnant!
We love you!
Please continue your blog !!!! It inspires me , and I look forward to reading it and sharing it every day!?
Mario, I love you brother and what the Lord has done in you and the gift He put in you must continue! I have shared your comments many times and you must not be silenced ! You are absolutely correct it is greater than you it is about our freedom which is slowly eroding with lies and deceptions which you counter with truth daily. These giant heroes
(In their own minds), will not prevail because of the true warriors of the Most High who He has raised up for this time to be giant slayers.Our weapons are mighty in Him for the pulling down of these strong holds. The Word of God is greater in us than he that is in the world. Thank you sir for stirring up the gift that is in you and us!
Lord bless and keep you and yours,
John Robertson
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You already know the answer so why trifle with us?
I love you, bro Murillo. You hear Father and fearlessly speak what HE says to say. This post is NOT that. Please, if Father says to keep writing, do it. If not HE has other things for you to do. You already have my email.
I so look forward to your blog , it is the first one I go to in the morning. It is so encouraging. Thank you from Michigan and May the Lord strengthen and encourage you for all your efforts, in Jesus Name.
Never, never give up by God’s grace, mercy and enablement!!!
I don’t have Facebook, but love receiving your daily emails. Don’t let them win!
I will not be part of Facebook because of what they have done and are doing. I pray you blow up their algorithm!
I’m truly grieved at your frustration. Although I can understand it. I deleted my FB account because of it. You write the blog at the end of your day….. the “cool of the day”. Until recently I thought God ‘poked Adam in the ribs’ as a ‘wake up, let’s go for a walk’. Recent reading stated the opposite, God wanted to hear Adam’s day. Kind of a, ‘ just checking in, did everything go OK? Can I get you anything?’ While I’m not on social media much at all, and can’t, ‘share or like’ know this, I’ll definitely be holding you in prayer, especially in the ‘cool of the day’.
Please Mario, keep standing firm! I’m not on Facebook nor my husband, but your blog and the Word of God are my greatest source of encouragement. I live in a lawless, God forsaken place in the northeast – Maine.
I get your blog by email. I read it daily and share it with friends. Thank you for your insight into the corruption in our government. Thank you for standing on God’s word. I am in NC and praying for all your revival meetings in California. God bless
I love your Blog. It is informative and I then this helps me how to pray. Thank you and God Bless you mightily.
We read this everyday by email. We are not on Facebook. Wont waste my time with those bozos. We are encouraged, enriched, enlightened, and motivated by what you post. Please don’t give up!
Please continue to do what Holy Spirit wants you to do. He knows best-not man. If it is writing this blog then continue to obey your Commander-in Chief, Jesus the Christ.
God bless you and your family and ministry for Jesus .
I read your blog daily by email. Maybe the email readership has taken the place of Facebook. Do you have a way of knowing how many read the email message over the Facebook one?
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021, 2:34 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Keep doing this blog. I’m not on Facebook, so I can’t help on that front. But I share these almost every day.
Please don’t give up. I live in a rural area with very little access to Truth preaching and teaching. I am not on social media. You speak clearly and truthfully. There are those of us, scattered throughout this nation, that have not bowed their knee to Baal. Your voice is clear and encouraging. And we need to hear it! Don’t give up, Don’t give in. I share you posts by email.
Please keep the blog coming!
I share it with friends.
Mario = I urge you to NOT stop this blog. I read it every day without fail. Many, if not all, of the members of my church do also. I do NOT read it on facebook…. It comes to my email. But I will go find it on facebook and do what you ask to help.
Mario, Please do not stop, and may God continue to bless all you do
Stan Beattie 0408234251
Please do not stop this blog. It is a huge key for the war/fight against this evil agenda. We love and appreciate your honesty and that truth is what we are partnering with you on.
Thank you so very much. We enjoy seeing you on Flashpoint. God bless you!
God is absolutely in this blog and it is an amazing tool being used to expose satan and his evil plans for this nation. I pray for God’s encouragement and wisdom for you. Please continue the good fight, I am so blessed to read and share your blog.
I deleted fakebook some time ago. I get this blog in an email & forward to share with family. Keep up the great work Mario. We love you!
I currently can’t share or comment or post on Facebook. I am in Facebook “jail” for 30 days for sharing an article where Fauci wrote himself in 2005 that Hydrochloriquine worked to cure Coronavirus. Fascistbook didn’t like that. I wish you would create a page at Facebook alternative usa.life. That was created by Pastor Steven Andrew. I know it doesn’t have the audience Facebook has but you won’t be censored. Pastor Andrew worked in Silicon Valley. He is also working on developing a search engine.
Mario and team, this is when it gets tough. People like “Mike” who call themselves a Christian, start criticizing, who most likely have never been in ministry before or even part of one, do not understand the depth of spiritual warfare involved. Yes Mario, the very reason your question arises in this blog is that you ARE making a huge difference in dismantling the demonic machine. You and your team are frontline warriors. I and others pray for you, share your blogs and give. DON’T STOP! If the Americans would have stopped on the beach at Normandy and not fought through, if Washington would have stopped in freezing winter weather and not crossed the Delaware, etc, where would we be?? I also do not use Fakebook, but I do subscribe to your emails. Maybe it is time to leave Fakebook, I do not know, that is your ministry decision. Whatever you decide I know Holy Spirit will guide you for the best. Scripture says in Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” And Hebrews 12:3 “Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Take courage Mario, you have been brought forth for such a time as this.
Shoulder to shoulder, Mary Clark from Ohio
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021, 2:34 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Bless you and your writings! I know you are the voice of Holy Spirit in a time such as these. I read the blog every morning and look forward to what you are seeing and saying.
I get it through email too, and share it. May God renew and restore and gird up your mind as we stand with you in this!
You are not alone! I am so much lesser, but even my Spiritual Posts are being “Shadow banned”.
Now in my case, some of it is my fault because I get “Fact-Checked” rather regularly and they promised to move my posts further down in the news feeds the more I am Fact-Checked.
The sad fact is, is we do not own Facebook, they do. And, only God can fix that.
What will change it? Instead of complaining and getting up in arms, pray for them! sic The Holy Spirit on them for their Salvation. 🙂 that will fix them.
As hard as it is to believe, what would happen if Revival overtook the leadership of Facebook?
That alone should scare them into better behavior!
Mario and friends Keep fighting the good fight. Post and keep on posting. Please note that some of us never joined FB and many who did join it have walked away from it. Your blog – your message reaches beyond that platform.
Daniel Stibolt, Sent from my iPhone
Brother Mario, we read your blog everyday, and if you have not posted anything new, we reread the old ones. We pray for you, and for the lives that are being reached in California and across the nation through your tent ministry and Flash Point. Do not grow weary in well doing. We know the battle is heating up and that battle fatigue is real. Don’t believe the enemiy’s lies. He is just raging because your ministry is waking up the churches, starting Holy Spirit fires all over the country and abroad that cannot be put out. We send you our blessings, and looking forward to you being here in Omaha in September. God speed!
i am reading, i am sharing, i stand with you.
I have only discovered this blog in the last few months. It has become a life line of truth to me. It has encouraged me to keep fighting on. Please do not stop. We are on the winning side. People are waking up. How do I know that? I am one of them. I was ready to relax and enjoy my “golden years” until God opened my eyes. Thank you and may God give you daily strength to endure and pursue.
My husband forwards your blog everyday to me and our kids. I read it and forward It to a group of 24 people. So that’s almost 30 of us reading it from one subscription. Please keep encouraging us and keeping us in the truth. I appreciate you so much.
DON’T GIVE UP! KEEP FIGHTING THE BATTLE! Microsoft prevents forwarding too!
Ezekiel 33 shares the responsibility of the watchman who sees danger approaching to sound the warning trumpet. You are fulfilling this very effectively. Continue to share because some are listening.
I support you and this blog. Bless you for standing!
I pray that you continue the good fight, you must continue because so many of us need to hear what God has to say through you.
They probably don’t count emails.
I read everyday!!
The audience, much like myself have also been censored (perhaps?) and have left FB, Twitter & Instagram etc.
The only way I would be receiving your blog is somehow someway I receive by email. ( my email was also hacked but now recovered).
Your blog and your voice is more needed now and into the future more than ever!
Don’t stop, keep blogging!
In Him
Don’t let Satan steal our truth and freedom
Do NOT let the enemy win~ Your Bog speaks truth and those who know and love truth – we NEED you to stay in the fight!!! God has and will continue to give you a VOICE to reach many. Lean on HIM when discouraged, but keep fighting and educating many to the real evil in this world. Be the spirit of Elijah we need in these times.
Thank you for everything you do and may God continue to bless your work!!!!! THINK OF THE SOULS YOU ARE SAVING FOR ETERNITY!!!!! May that provide you added strength and endurance!! God has to be pleased!!!!
It’s called “over the target” God Bless!
PLEASE, keep sharing. You’re one of the few voices left! I read your email blog EVERYDAY!
I don’t do Facebook!
Your blog is vital. Reading your blog is part of my devotional time each morning. I also share it with family members each day. Stop your blogging only if God tells you to do so.
Mario and team, this is when it gets really tough. When people who call themselves Christians start to criticize and call you out, so-called Christians who most likely have never been in ministry before or even part of one, do not understand the depth of spiritual warfare involved.
Yes, Mario, the very reason your question arises in this blog is that you ARE making a huge difference in dismantling the demonic machine. You and your team are frontline warriors. I and others pray for you, share your blogs and give. DON’T STOP!! PLEASE DO NOT STOP!! If the Americans would have stopped on the beach at Normandy and not fought through, if Washington would have stopped in the freezing winter weather and not crossed the Delaware, etc, where would we be??
I do not use Fakebook, but I do subscribe to your emails. Maybe it is time to leave Fakebook, I do not know, that is your ministry decision. Whatever you decide I know Holy Spirit will guide you for the best. Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Hebrews 12:3 ” Consider Him who endures such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lost heart.” Take courage Mario, you have been brought forth for such a time as this. Your voice IS being heard and we are arising.
Shoulder to Shoulder,
Mary from Ohio
I don’t do fake book. But I fully support and share your email blogs.
God bless the work you do for the Lord!
I believe the enemy is mad He’s trying to stop everything that is godly and I believe you are doing what God has called you to do you are a great defender of the things of God and the enemy’s mad but he can get sad and glad all one time keep up the good work and I share your message with a lot of people also I read this every morning just like I read Dutch sheets every morning please do not take this off let me know what I can do to help cuz I’m willing to help and know God’s calling all of us to fight and keep fighting and don’t let the enemy win God bless you your sister and our Lord Sheryl
I read your blog everyday and find it so helpful for the daily battle. But I receive it via email and do not use Facebook.
Mario, please keep your voice strong! We are with you!
Your blog is one of the things I look forward to reading everyday. I pray you get the answer you need.
God bless you and your ministry. You are making a huge difference.
Not quite sure how to share. Couldn’t find a “like” button to click on. But I do read this and sometimes forward the blog to those I think might wish to read it. Hope this is helpful. Please do not shut down this blog. Marie
Dearest Mario, This probably isn’t the answer you’re looking for, but here goes… The answer you’re looking for lies within you… this blog you write & share with the world is a gift God has given you. Are you saying you no longer want it? I myself am not on Facebook anymore. Facebook is an addiction & I say this because when I deleted the site, I picked up my phone numerous times a day for almost a year with the thought I’d give it one more try. That, in my opinion, was an addiction for me. My point is, if you touch just one soul on there, that just might be the one that God was after & he is using you to get it… All in all the choice is yours… Blessings❣ Deb
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021, 1:36 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Sorry I got off FAKE BOOK i get your blog via email – your blog is one of the first things I read in the morning – it is relevant and I do pass it on to others and they feel it is relevant – KEEP POSTING!
Thank You Pastor, I read Your blog first thing every morning, I look forward to it, Keep up the Great work.
I don’t have Facebook but daily read your blog and forward it to various family members and friends. Please keep it going as there is nothing like it to encourage and build faith in today’s secular society. May God richly bless you and your ministry. Garth GREENHALGH. Australia.
I support this blog and read it daily. Please don’t Mario
I get your emails and normally read your blog that way. These days I have to go looking for it on Facebook otherwise I don’t usually see it in my feed. I think it is more important now than ever as a source of information and inspiration. The Lord is definitely using it.
I too get your blog via email. Please continue!!!!
Dear Pastor Mario, I have this blog email to me so it won’t be canceled by Facebook. This is an essential blog that I share with family and friends. It’s one of the sources I use to find out the truth of what’s really going on so I can pray. You can’t trust any of the news out there except maybe Victory Channel.
I pray the Lord will continue to have you blog. I live in a blue state that we’re fighting for the truth here. I also know you need to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. We continue to pray for you and lift you up and support you.
Together we are strong and in the Lord we are victorious.
Please do NOT stop these messages
I don’t have FB so I get it thru email
It’s the first email I look for & read every morning
God bless you for all you are doing in the name of Jesus
Please ignore the moronic comments like Mike has written No true Christian would have written that
I am forwarding it to my Christian friends. Thank you again for all you are doing
The Lord has strengthened you for such a time as this. We need your leadership and discernment. You, your family & your staff are in my prayers.
Yes I am all for you and this blog. I get it through e-mail and notice I can’t forward it so I copy paste so others may see.
I’ll go on facebook and share with all I know.
Please be encouraged, we are there for you and your ministry and praying!
Cath Kable
God is with you. Do not discontinue this post. I don’t do social media or Facebook but you must know that Satan is enraged at the darkness. The Silent majority will stand. God will prevail. Silence is not an option.
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you for the blog that is posted daily. I do read from your web site and is one of the first things I read in the morning.
I couldn’t figure out how to do what you’ve asked so I’m writing to say I love your blog! I look forward to reading it every day and am always encouraged and agree with what you have to say. Please don’t stop! I pray for you and will continue to. May God continue to use you mightily for His kingdom!
Dear Brother Mario,
My wife and I ready your blog EVERY morning the blog is there. This is usually the first thing we do each morning. It is very common in our house to hear one of us say to the other, “Did you read Mario this morning, it’s really good” Having said that, we both deleted our FB and Twitter accounts earlier this year. We receive your blog by e-mail and do forward to others on occasion, and we are always excited to see you on Flashpoint. God bless you brother, we are praying into you and your ministry.
del nuss
Keep up the good work
Many of us are no longer on Facebook because of their constant anti-Christian
and anti-conservative views. (Just like we left Fox News in droves). I get this via email. Don’t give up, you are making a difference. You are one of the few voices I trust! May God strengthen and preserve you! Sue Crook, Bay City, MI
Sent from my iPhone
I read it and share it. God bless
From: Mario Murillo Ministries Reply-To: Mario Murillo Ministries Date: Saturday, June 19, 2021 at 2:36 AM To: Tim JW Simmons Subject: [New post] I MUST HAVE AN ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION.
mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we “
Brother Mario I read your blogs from my email and will reply on occasion. They are Always and inspiration and filled with faith filled words. I closed my facebook (yes small f) account since this election issues started since I was never on it anyway. I’m praying for another platform to arise were opposing views are welcomed. Please continue the blogs and I will reply to them more often – now that I know what is happening. I will also become a monthly giver – starting this month! You are a true gift to the body of Christ and we need you blogging now more than ever! Love you Brother Mario!!
I appreciate the boldness with which you speak of what our God shows you. Please continue. I receive it on FB and through email.
Write the vision. Make it plain on the tablet. Please continue this blog.
I read everyone!
Sent from my iPhone
We appreciate your writings. Do not stop regarding questions of volume or being censored. To be quite honest, it really does not matter how many people read this. Does it really matter how many people subscribe? Its not a matter of numbers but impressing God’s will and understanding of the times to God’s people. Now, if its a matter of financial support to pay for the web usage that is another issue….and if this is the concern, this can be solved by openly announcing your need in this arena. Those who daily drink from the fountain should be able to pony up to it and provide your needs. thank you and keep up the good work. AFishman
Past Time to use other platforms
Sent from my iPhone
Mine comes through via e mail. I have forwarded it to friends. The truth will prevail. Continue on. Haven’t watched TV news for over a year. Please continue to keep us informed.
‘Sounding an alarm in Zion’. Excellent blog, sound doctrine, factual, extremely clear and very challenging.
We’re reading. Keep going. I’m not on fb. I read from email and forward them to friends and family.
Your posts are a bright spot of my mornings, you are one of the first things I read each day, most of my friends check you out each day also. Please keep your blog going . I believe the skewed numbers are a tool of the left to discourage you!
I look forward to reading your blog every morning. After reading it, I uphold in prayer – you, your ministry and the issue you target in each blog. I pray for funding and against the attacks of the enemy.
I praise God for truth-speakers like you. May you continue to reveal the truth to the body of Christ.
Thank you and God bless!
I love your blog!! I look forward to reading it every night before I go to sleep! I stand with you in all you’re doing! Don’t stop!! God bless you!!
I can not wait to read your blog each day. God is using you mightily. May God encourage you and strengthen you and increase your influence. I read you on my email every day. Keep on fighting the good fight. You are a source of Truth in a dark world.
Keep going with the blogs! God is using you (and them) mightily!!!!
I read your blog everyday and look forward to seeing you on Flashpoint!
Standing with you! ?
Dear Pastor Mario, Please keep up the great work! I look forward to the blog every day…keep speaking the truth, sharing the truth in this format…you are a bold, courageous mouthpiece for Christ, each day you inspire me to be the same. We must fight!!!! Count me in! Blessings, Susan Roberts Prescott Valley, AZ
On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 11:34 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
FB is over, at least as we know it. There is enormous pressure, lawsuits, ramifications from other social media sites and groups all furious with cancel culture trampling on free speech, freedom of religious beliefs, and political “appropriateness”. My thought is that there are more with us than it appears. Nazi tactics from preWW2 are only as good as the church being silence. So, CHURCH, shout! Do what is right, regardless. Psalm 37
Mario’s blog is my morning encouragement. Although that sounds weak it is not. With all that is going on in the US and over the world I need direction for effective prayer. Fight the good fight, know that your efforts are effective and needed. Thank you, keep it up.
Mario……….I am standing with you with this blog, and I appreciate all that you do to get the TRUTH out God Bless you, brother in CHRIST ! I am praying for you and your team ! Sharon Brgant
I LOVE YOUR BLOG and I read it every day. I receive it via forwarded email from my friend.
I CANCELLED MY FACEBOOK so I don’t read anything on Facebook.
Please don’t stop, we need your insight and admonition! You are the light in a darkened world.
Our Precious brother… we have enjoyed and NEEDED greatly this blog that GOD called you to do all those years ago!! It is MUCH MORE NEEDED this day than before maybe!! I pray for the PEACE but STRENGTH OF HOLYSPIRIT to cover your ministry and all family. Hoping to get to be with with you all in service someday, or forever together with our SAVIOR in Heaven. Thank you again for your sacrifices and obedience to our Father GOD. Please KEEP UP THE FIGHT > there are more with you than there be against you !!!!
Praying for and standing with the Believers! We don’t have time to let the devil get us down! Spread the WORD, in season and out of season.
Blessings, Kathy ________________________________
Off of FB since election. Never be silenced. I look forward to reading your blog everytime there is a new one. You are right on Mario.
Love you Brother.
I forward you blogs often.
Thank you for your hard work and God bless you! ?❤???
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021, 2:41 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Keep writing, Mario. You are blessed to be a blessing, Kingdom Warrior.
I read it every day, please continue! America needs it.
Pastor, I stopped using facebook, twitter and social media once they started censorship. I do however forward your daily letters to friends. This may be one thing you will not receive a notification or have a way to number who is reading. I will pray the Holy Spirit will encourage you and direct your path. Stay at Peace in Christ. Blessings, Kay
I need this blog every morning! Please don’t quit! I’m not on Facebook so I can only comment here
I read, like and share daily via Facebook and email.
I am standing with you and sharing every day! Do not give in to the evil that speaks garbage! Keep this going for the sake of even the one!!
Joanne Coolbaugh Pennsylvania Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Mario, God has given you a gift of Love to share with all mankind. You share this so generously to protect us and keep us in His Love, which is Forever. Stand proud, and strong as you carry His Message. He will be with us always as will you as you share His gift.
This blog is a blessing for all who are able to read it. Mario is transparent ,courageous and honest. Would that the numbers of readers increase to millions.
May your message resound throughout the world.
please keep the blog going I read it all the time and share all the time thank you amen
This blog matters and we need it around, Pastor Murillo!
Hi Mario, I read your blogs through both facebook and my emails. I also watch you on Flashpoint. Although I have gone to church my entire life, I am new to the truths that are being uncovered in government and appreciate your teachings. I am part of the prayer army rising up! Tami
I am not on Facebook. But I do read and share your blog that I get on my email. Thanks and my prayers are with you.
I do not have facebook – but support this blog whole-heartedly. We need this to continue the fight – your blog is helping us keep focused and bringing wisdom against the tyranny and cancel culture. We need to stay united for the ground swell of information getting ready to flood this country. I read this every day and support you and my brothers and sisters. We need to hear your voice as God is speaking through you to us.
Keep your blog going we need to hear the truth. Thanks for standing up. It’s been good seeing you on Flashpoint as well!
Mario I read your blog every morning and I believe God is using it to wake up not only pastors but Christians who are asleep and think that this will all blow over. This is a war against evil, not just against those who are doing evil. I share your emails with 3 people.
In my emails from you there is no way to say I “like” your blog. But if your emails are your blog then I give it a “really essential”. I want you to know that you are giving me hope that my family of God is out there and that more are being added each time you do a tent meeting. Your courage gives me courage to listen to God and do what he asks me to do to help save our country from this evil.
Please don’t let the numbers bother you. God is not about numbers. Keep speaking what God has and is showing you. Many are listening. I am praying for you. I pray for your protection and for courage to continue. Many need to see your courage to come against this giant of evil.
Dear Brother Mario, I get your blog by e-mail and it is greatly appreciated. You are an inspiration and a true warrior for the Kingdom. The focused information that you are bringing forth to help guide the troops is indeed inspirational and needed. Yahweh has raised you up as a leader for such a time as this. DO NOT BACK DOWN. You are an inspiration and a true blessing dear brother. Your Brother in Messiah Yeshua, Daniel Sanders
Word Press “Like” is broken or designed to frustrate.
Love what you’re doing Mario.
Please don’t stop sending the blogs. I read them every morning and it keeps me fired up. I love that a man of God is telling the truth and not pretending that as long as Christians keep silent that all is well. I also love hearing about the tent meetings because it makes me hungry to be a part or having tent meetings where I live. God bless you Brother Mario and keep up the good fight.
Mario, your daily statements are more than a blog. They are providing leadership to a vast group of Christians, including pastors, that are looking for the leading of the Holy Spirit. Don’t back down, don’t compromise, don’t stop, don’t listen to the dead spies network!!!!
Dear brother Mario, we are with you 100% but, more importantly, God is with YOU… and He’s with us! We rejoice in all that’s happening because we have “read the back of the book” – God’s Holy Word, The Bible. Hence, we are well aware of the current events and of the tragic end for His enemies. Hallelujah… WE WIN!!!
God bless you mightily. Total victory is at hand for His faithful followers!
I had a very difficult time logging in on WordPress to leave a comment. I have never done Facebook as far as I’m concerned no Christian should ever be on Facebook for any reason. So Mario, we love you and support you, but get off of Facebook.
We get your blog directly from your website and have shared many of them. Appreciate your ministry. Praying for the meeting in Sacramento. We are not on FB.
I read this first thing every morning on this site. I don’t see it on fb anymore. Please don’t stop if you don’t have to. It’s so informative with the truth. Thank you so much Mario. God bless you. Praying for you and your ministry
I read and will share your blog. Dont give it up!
I read your blog daily through e-mail, not Facebook. Please continue.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Please don’t stop writing it! Gail
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
What a blessing your daily blog is. I have learned so much about the battles going on in the spirit realm, and pray constantly, doing warfare with the enemy within and without. I am convinced it is not lack of dedicated followers, but the works of the devil in facebook and social media hindering your site.
Why do you not duplicate your blog over onto Frank Speech.com
Please, I implore you , keep the blog going. The enemy is causing this, you can be sure. I am in Canada and I get the blog daily, however have noticed in the last 2 weeks ever prophet I try to listen to has been taken down and the latest on You Tube is Timothy Dixon. I will forward this immediately to all that I can and know that I am holding you up in your exhaustive fight for the Lord Jesus Christ and we WILL win.
Sent from my iPad
Dear Pastor Mario,
Please keep up the great work! I look forward to the blog every day…keep speaking the truth, sharing the truth in this format…you are a bold, courageous mouthpiece for Christ, each day you inspire me to be the same.
We must fight!!!! Count me in!
Susan Roberts
Prescott Valley, AZ
Please keep up the good work! You are having an impact! The truth is always unwelcomed to those who are in deception. I pray your strength and boldness to continue and for you to stand strong. We need so many more like you who love the Lord and His people and want the truth to be known!
Don’t stop this blog. We need to hear the truth in this battle. I read it daily. Don’t let evil win. Keep in the battle and FIGHT
Sent from my iPhone. Claudette Bish
I am not on Facebook. I receive your posts via email. I look for them every day and also share them via email. I thank God for giving you the courage, strength and wisdom for what you do. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you. In Jesus I pray. Judy Champagne Metairie, Louisiana
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021, 1:41 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Stay strong, stay the course.
Brother Mario,
I read this blog daily thru email and share with others. I purposely said “Brother” because we are Family. You, your family, and your staff are in our prayers. You are not alone and you and yours are being held up in prayer. God is Greater!!
Pastor Mario, LOVE YOUR BLOG!!
1. Ditch Faces-of-Death Book. They are Satan’s tool… you don’t need them! Rely solely on email distribution.
2. Stop letting Satan’s tool tell you your readership is down. Lie, Lie, LIE! If Satan is telling you your blog if failing, the opposite is true as he can’t tell the truth.
3. Perhaps switch to writing the blog early in your day, when you’re fresh and not exhausted. Try it for a week to see how it goes. You might also consider a blog two or three times a week instead of every day.
Again, we LOVE your blog as it speaks TRUTH! Keep up the good work!
Wow! What a rant!
1. Ditch Faces-of-Death Book. They are Satan’s tool… you don’t need them! Rely solely on email distribution.
While I do not like what the Fact-Checkers and Facebook are doing they are still allowing us to post on a forum where unbelievers may possibly see and believe.
“Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world.” 1 Cor 5:10
If we did as you direct we would only be seen/read by believers. Granted I do not repost all of Mario’s blog post because, IMHO, some of them have tactical planning that I am not sure we need to be giving the lords of this world on a public forum.
I get your blog through email and look forward to reading it every morning. God spoke to me that Mario Murillo speaks Truth! Please continue and God bless and strengthen you!
I read each blog and forward them via email. I’m not on Facebook much so please continue the words given to keep encouraging others. Thank you and may God continue to give us strength during these days. God bless all you do.
Good Morning Pastor Murillo! I read everything you post either by e-mail or on Facebook. we’re in this together as God’s people so “Don’t grow weary in well-doing”!
Keep the Blog!!! Such a blessing and need in the Kingdom!!! Thank You brother!!!
Sent from my iPhone: Russell Marino
I’m not on Facebook but I read in email and on WordPress. I love your blogs, Mario! Keep speaking the truth.
I read every blog you put out! I especially look forward to seeing you on FlashPoint because you are were the real life is taking place….in the tent meetings and in the inner cities where the needs are dire and few know how to reach them. Keep keeping us informed and don’t hesitate to speak the truth. God has given you a unique perspective and clear vision. May God strengthen you day by day, as you carry out the commission He has given you.
If you give up now the enemy wins. Stand firm. Having done all, stand firm.
Since I learned about you, I have gotten several of your books to read and got some extras which have given away and shared your blogs by forwarding. My husband and I started supporting the ministry, watch you on “Flashpoint” almost every time it is on, watch on YouTube especially when with Lance and pray for you and the work you do. We are not social media folks and frankly I do not understand how Facebook works. I have figured what the algorithm is but not how it is manipulated. I signed up once and almost immediately cancelled it as immediately started being inundated with posts from people I didn’t even know. It was difficult getting it cancelled. I didn’t think much more about it until being appointed mayor of our small very small town (that is a story in itself) and have experienced the misinformation, gossip, and outright lies that go on through it. It is a very divisive form of media which has caused a lot of what could be considered almost hatred among the people who are served by our small city.
I used to watch the local news and Fox while I ate my breakfast but sometime before the election could not longer start the day with that so began reading your blog “for breakfast”. My husband watches Fox quite a bit still, but makes sure he watches the 2 news programs each weekday on Victory Channel and much of their other programing. My husband is 87 and I am almost 84 but we are both still VERY active and being mayor for almost 6 ½ years has been quite an experience for someone who knew nothing about being a mayor. God, does provide where He guides and so far it has been very successful in terms of improving a town which at one time was thriving to being almost dead. It would seem that it is back on the track to becoming a viable city as the favor of God is definitely over it. My story is only one of many where God is working with anyone who is willing to be a “Vessel of Fire & Glory”.
Thank you for your willingness and obedience to do what you do and to your wife and family for standing with you. Please do not quit the blog.
Glenda Wiseman, Mayor City of Big Flat, AR.
Seek peace and well being for the city where I have sent you and pray to the Lord on its behalf for in its peace and well being you will have peace and well being. Jer. 29:7 (Amp.)
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
I absolutely love this blog, brother! But I left Facebook long ago. Please keep that in mind, many of us out here no longer use FB.
Pastor Mario. Your Blog is so important to let us, the remnant know what is going on daily. I praise GOD for your ministry in California, but it also helps all of us around the world. Your wisdom & teaching is something we can’t afford to lose. May GOD help you with your decision, & continue to favor & bless your ministries & your teams. Thank you for everything. Blessins. Jim from Florida.
I read this blog every day. It’s very informative and encouraging! I’m not on social media, I receive this via email. But I often share your posts! Keep up the great work!
PRAISE GOD for your BOLDNESS to serve as a TRUE Shepherd ! ! !
YES we support you in prayer
I came off Facebook awhile ago but I receive your blogs via my email. I look forward every day to these blogs and forward each blog so please continue to write! Your God given words are such an encouragement to throngs of people across America and around the world.
I wonder if it’s because so many of us read it in email and not directly from the blog itself? ? I don’t know if reading it in email gives view numbers.
Sorry Mario, I do not do social media (facebook). Many of us have quit facebook due to its evil operations. I (we) will return to social media when a solid christian based platform becomes available, I have been told by an extremely reliable source (Rick Joyner) that is in the very near future.
Meanwhile I read your blog every morning through my email, it’s the second thing (actually the third thing if I count getting a cup of coffee) on my daily morning list, Give Him 15 with Dutch Sheets is my first (just the order that they come in).
Dont grow weary my friend, Im always encouraged by your words and by what God is doing through you in California and soon in Western New York. I pray for you and your ministry and this country based on what I read in your blog as do many of my friends. I encourage you my friend to continue the course that you have you have steered so magnificently by the leading of the Holy Spirit. “DO NOT BE IN AWE! For those who are with us are more than those with them”. 2 Kings 6:16, ONMB. Gods remnant always prevails.
Being a retired military man I am well aware of the increasing intensity of the battles as the end of the war approaches. Stand firm my friend, we have got this. “And they will fight against you, But they will not prevail against you, for I AM with you says the LORD, to deliver you”. Jeremiah 1:19 ONMB.
Numbers don’t make it relevant, the remnant makes it relevant. You are an encouragement to us all.
Be blessed my friend. Thomas Walz “Seeker of Truth”
Sent from my iPad
Really enjoyed your blog post today Mario! Jesus wins every time because He is the TRUTH! Thank you for your perseverance!
I read your blog every morning on your website. I don’t go on Facebook to read it. When Facebook started censoring, I decided to find ways to go around them.
Your blog is very important to me. I believe God is speaking through you. If you stop, you will be cutting off people from what God is saying through you. This isn’t about Facebook, it’s about shining a light on truth for God. God wants us to wake up and realize what is happening right in front of us. He wants us to rise up and stand for him. You are helping God get that message out.
Instead of gaging whether you should continue with the blog by our response, you should ask God what he wants. Don’t lose sight about what God has called you to do.
Likes and shares are a sort of big screens, skinny jeans and fog machines. Don’t fall for that. It isn’t your job to see how people react or even if they read this blog. That job belongs to Holy Spirit. Your job is to obey God. Let him worry about the rest.
Please Maria do not stop this blog I look forward to your emails every day and enjoy them very much!I forward them to friends and family as a source of truth in a time where truth is very hard to find these daysPraying for you and your teamCathy
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
I read your blog almost daily. Please continue no!
Please continue this blog. I receive via email and forward to family. Your Godly words are needed more than ever!
Thank you Brother for leading the victory march.
What the enemy meant for evil, God uses for good.
All Glory to GOD.??
Mario, please keep up the great work. Praying for you daily!
Thank you Mario. Don’t give up. I plead the blood of Jesus over you and this online ministry. I will share it with everyone I know.
Let it roll Mario, let it Roll.
I am with you victory is at hand. May the peace of Jesus be with you!
Thank you for being bold and not backing down, I like to start my day watching Dutch Sheets give him 15 and reading your blog. I get encouraged when I see the articles on the tent revivals and seeing how God is moving in them, thanks for always letting us know what the left is doing so we know what to pray about, keep the truth coming brother
I get your blog through my email and I forward it to others. You are one of the very few preachers who are standing up against this illegitimate administration and it’s demonic activities, so please, DO NOT STOP! We need this blog now more than ever before! We pray for strength and grace for you to continue to expose the works of darkness.
My husband and I receive your blogs daily and read them and watch you on FlashPoint. We have received your book and materials and donate to your ministry. I did forward your message to other friends of mine on Facebook and asked them to post.
God Bless,
Linda & Darrell
Cleveland Ohio
Please keep the messages coming!
Mario, I do not have Facebook. My husband & I read your blog each day. I share it via email. Please, please, please continue writing. God is using you in a most amazing way! L. ?
Sent from my iPad
Excellent post, yes there are many that do not touch Facebook, the hidden multiplier is those like Flowers and myself that resend the posts through email.
I get mine by email also. Keep on sending them. I don’t watch main stream media. I do watch Flash Points though . We need to know the truth. Thankyou for what you are doing. Bill
Dear Mario, I read this blog via email. Please don’t stop posting these!!! They are straight forward and tell God’s truth. I love how you backup the facts of what you say with God’s Word from the Bible! I’m 100% sure that your blog is encouraging more people than the numbers posted.
Please don’t cancel this blog!!! You’re the only pastor I know that has the balls to say what he says. I love it, do not stop. God is with you, I am with you. I send it to everybody I know that has a brain and cares about our country and God. Please do not stop this blog I look forward to reading it every day. Thank you for this blog and may God bless you to keep going. Amen
I absolutely love reading your blog and have shared it with friends and family. I was also attacked by one of my friends for sharing it. I am still sharing-just not with her. Your love for the Lord is powerful and it is very much worth sharing that love with others so they can also come into the body of Christ and with God’s help, we can defeat the evil that has invaded the world and have the true joy and peace that God intended for us. God bless your ministry and the church rise up and the Good News be spread across our beautiful America and be shared around the world!
I read this blog daily in my email. I am not on Facebook as I don’t support that trash. Your voice and blog are extremely important at this time in the US. I also forward this email to others and support your ministry. God gives this blog wings that no evil corporation can withstand. Keep fighting!
I receive your blog on email! Cannot forward to FB. Please continue the blog as it keeps us motivated and informed.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
So very blessed to have found your blog. I’m definitely reading it daily and will start sharing it with as many as I can. Blessings to you and everyone in your ministry. Praying daily for you.?
I look forward to reading your blogs as they come out and I share them when I believe they are relevant for my friends. I applaud your courage in sharing the truth with us all and know you are and will be under attack and I pray for your protection daily. Thank you again for your ministry and working to save our nation!
Mario, my husband and I are on your email list and read your blog faithfully, over and over again. We stand with you locking arms and decree “the counsel of the Lord, IT SHALL STAND (Prov 19:21)”. This blog IS THE COUNSEL OF THE LORD and has BLESSED so many that I know as we share it.
WE ARE WITH YOU AND WE WILL NEVER BOW TO THE DEMONIC AGENDA OF SOCIALISM (socialist media, socialist distancing, etc). The devil is a liar and we take authority over him in the name of Jesus…we command him to loose his grip on those that are blind and we call them out from under the power of darkness and to be translated into the kingdom of Jesus Christ (and this includes those who are behind the censoring, those in the church who need to be awakened, and those who are lost, in Jesus name AMEN)!!!
Brother Mario,
Your Blog is my first readin g in the morning after the Bible.
We need your voice, and the Wisdom Holy Spirit has given to you. The evil media will pass, but the Word of God remais forever. You are the John the Baptisi of the 21 century.
El Señor te proteje, guarda y bendice.
Your audience love you
Mario, please keep writing. I love your blog! I share it with others and they are blessed. You have a great gift that must be shared with many. God is using you mightily—-don’t stop!!
Mario, my wife and I read it and pass it on who don’t have FB or even access to a computer. We have a ministry the Lord told us to start in 2008. I talk about your blogs in our Bible studies and take it to the captives. My wife and I are Evangelists and are calling is to preach in the Maximum ladies prisons in Texas. May God bless all you do. Rev. Henry/Warrior of God ministries Nevada, Texas.
Mario and team,
I am responding to this e-mail as I have not ever, will not ever be on social media, thus I receive these wonderful messages via e-mail. I share them daily with my son, daughter-in-law, my Christians friends averaging from my sharing around 8 people every day. I love the messages and it keeps me focused on my prayers.
Brother hang in there! I know more people that read your blog than go to Church. We have had a lot of discussions with people and we turn them on to you as there is a lot that are not seeing God in so called church today. We tell every one it’s about relationship with God and not just getting together once a week!! God is blessing you and we will keep praying and trusting…….
I read it and share it. I too read it first thing in the morning. I have a brother-in-law who is an ordained minister and is so blinded by the left, a Trump hater, and it just boggles my mind. He was tutored by David Wilkerson!!!
I read your blog on email not on Facebook and I forward to others on email please keep writing it we love it are encouraged and inspired by it, also love watching you on Flashpoint. Thank you for your courage! Tammy
You keep me focused and encouraged. I often share this with seven others. DO NOT STOP!!
The blog is very encouraging to me and the words give me prayer fuel. I don’t know how all that Facebook stuff works. I’m not on there. But like when you share on Flashpoint too. Common sense. No nonsense. Clear sight from insight. Bless you and all concerning you.
I read your blog every day; you make the mistake however, of putting your question to FB users; I share your blog with my email contacts. I am not on FB, Twitter or any other social media platform. If you judge your success or your audience by FB’s standards, then you are sadly mistaken. FB and Twitter are vehicles of Satan; if all believers left those platforms, they would die an agonizing death.
Mario – we support you and your ministry because you are not afraid to speak the truth in love and with GOD inspired boldness. We pray for you and your team of laborers daily.Keep up the good work and rest assured that victory belongs to us through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit,What our Father has spoken will be done.
I am not surprised about this blog Mario- I love to read it because you really hit the enemy where hurts. They don’t like it one bit – just like they don’t like most other things that Christians are doing. They’re attacking everybody. But yes we must fight back. My way of fighting back is to continue to read your blogs!?❤️
Sent from my iPhone
I’ve been reading your blog for years and love it. Speaking truth is a rarity now days. Thank you for what you are doing SPEAKING TRUTH
Mario, my husband and I stand with you. Thank you for sharing the truth. Please don’t stop blogging. We need to know what’s going on and how to pray.
God bless you,
I read your blog everyday. Thank you for taking the time to share the insight that God gives you! I dumped FB 6 months ago because of their censorship.
As an example, I email each of your posts to 12 people, yes the real number of people that see each post is masked by Facebook which I also post it to Facebook many days. Its called “censorship”. Biden and his global government backers are anti-God, anti-American and anti-Israel. Keep it up God is using you in far more ways than you see!
Mario, I read and share this every day, would miss it, appreciate keeping up with what is going on in our beautiful nation.
KEEP IT GOING!!! Our precious brother, Mario, you are doing an invaluable service to the Body of Christ. Please know—I am certain that multitudes support your call. Stand valiantly and confidently in the Lord Jesus!! We stand with you!!
Mario please don’t give up this blog. I only found you in the last year during all the election fiasco but I have not missed a blog and I look forward every day to hearing your insight and your words from God. I quit watching all news except for victory channel after the election and so you and others who are speaking words of truth like you are my only source of what is going on. I pray God strengthen you and that this blog just blow up like the fire that is sweeping across this nation from Holy Spirit!!
My husband and I read your blog every single day. We have been following you for years. Decades! You have always told the truth and fought the good fight for Christ! Please continue your blog. It is so encouraging and important for everyone to read. You are being used so mightily by God!
We NEED your voice! PLEASE keep going! I do not do Facebook but I’ll continue to uphold & pass along your blogs!
I read your blog each time it appears in my inbox. I love your blog & I do share it at times via email with people. I don’t spend a lot of time in FB & had no idea this was on FB. I say keep writing the blog. I’ve recently heard of Xapit, you might try posting there as well. Keep doing what you are doing. I heard of you through Flashpoint.
Stay strong. You have made a difference in my Christian life and the world. Blessings and divine protection over you and your family.
I read your blog through email
Your blog means the world to me and several of my prayer warrior sisters in Christ Jesus. It inspires us and gives us comfort and hope in knowing that God is with us in this spiritual battle for our nation and planet.
I deleted FaKebook and its sister InstaHam after January this year and I have not for one second felt any loss. I look forward to reading your blog via email each morning and share it frequently.
We pray that our Mighty Father lift you up and give you peace, strength and continued Holy Spirit inspired messages.
God bless and keep you!
Your blogs provide hope and truth. Please keep blogging! We need your voice.
Please continue with the truth that comes through the blog!
Brother Mario,
I don’t use Facebook I get your blogs every day via e-mail. I look forward to your word to start my day and prayer time. We love you Mario please do not stop preaching the word of our Lord Jesus Christ! I will continue to pray for you and your ministry in the name of Jesus.
I get this blog via e-mail. I do not use facebook, although I do have an existing account. You are fighting the good fight; May God continue to Bless you and your ministry, along with that of Flashpoint.
I read it every day thru email and it helps me so much. I usually send it to several
People. I am less and less on FB, the polarization is just too much for me. Please be encouraged dear Mario, we need you to keep standing for us.
I read your blog everyday and share your message with many people. Your blog is a wittiness to how God is working in the heart of people and that their is still hope in his word when is preached with fire. I don’t do face book or any other social media. I will continue to pray for Gods work to be done.
Don’t stop! We read this blog first thing every day. We get it by email, not Facebook. God bless you and protect this blog. Satan, take your hands off Mario and his ministry, in the name of Jesus!
Stay the course! DO NOT STOP!!!
We are with you and need your voice. I’m not on social media, but need you to know I NEED this blog every day.
Thank you, Jamie Maxfield, MBA
Dear Mario,
I enjoy reading your blogs here at my email. God bless you for all you are doing to challenge us Christians, keeping us informed. We rejoice with you for the hundreds and thousands coming to Christ, receiving salvation, healings and deliverance!
Your reports are very encouraging to us, as we continue to share the Gospel of the Kingdom across the USA and around the world as the Lord leads us.
Stay strong Brother Mario!
In our Father’s Love, Sherry Nichols
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021, 1:57 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Keep doing what you are doing.love what you write and am sharing it every day. Satan is getting the message and working overtime. So are us bible believing Christian’s spreading the word and sharing what you write. God bless you
On Fri, Jun 18, 2021, 11:40 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Please do not grow weary in writing your blog. I believe it is one of the most on track with the truth of what is happening blogs in the world today. I share your blog with my friends and encourage them to sign up for it. You are a winner and “WINNERS WIN” Stay the course and comtinue to expose the truth to all who have an ear to hear and let God bring His desired results! If God is for you (and He is) then whoever is against you is powerless. Charge on my dear brother in Christ….The battle and the victory is in His hands.
Marcus D.
Mario you are God’s mouth and hands right here and now on this nation. Your words have the same words that John the Baptist had as he went forth before Jesus. Stand strong our brother stand strong. We will not let Facebook or YouTube win. I pray God will explode your blog in the days ahead that the algorithm used by these evil tech Giants will just ceased to work. Mario we need you more now than ever. I pray God’s grace and and strength rest upon you as Holy Spirit hovers above you over every blog and over every meeting over every publication and over every show you do on victory and other channels. In Jesus name
It is amazing to me How God works – I can’t believe you have had this for 9 years and I just found out about it a few months back & I am Partners with Andrew & Jamie Wommack – Jesse & Kathy Deplantis – now Kevin Zadai and a student of Warrior Notes School of Ministry – been connected with Kenneth Copeland Ministries since 2005 or so & it took Sid Roth & Flashpoint for me to know who Mario is – Never Stop the Blog unless of Course God says stop it but it blesses me daily – I am on FB but so glad to have the email group – Matthew 6:33
Your blog is the first thing I read every morning! DO. NOT. STOP!
Don’t stop this blog! I read it before anything else every morning. It so encourages me in our fight against the evil in our nation. Satan, take your hands off, in the name of Jesus!
Stay the course your faithful leadership and guidance is much needed.
God Speed my friend.
I am not a f/b fan and refuse to support them, so I read your messages by email. Perhap you may consider expanding to the social platform that Mike Lindell has. It is spreading worldwide like a spiritual fire where believers can read and share their thoughts without being censored. I make copies of some of your blogs and post them on bike trails where people go walking, who may not have access to social media. I post your messages and others, that share Christian values I post messages wherever it is allowed in my region. I live on the East coast and there are lots of bike trails that attract people who are looking for a quiet space to contemplate common struggles that affect everyone. Just a suggestion that could make a huge difference by reaching out and joining with others to spread the WORD.(www.frankspeech.com)
Mario please continue your blog! You are a voice of real truth! People need real truth as our nation continues to go through change. You are able to reach so many people!
Mario, please continue your blog, I receive it via email. I read your blog every day in the morning. I need and love the way you tell the truth. Thank you for encouraging your readers, you and we must be strong and courageous in these challenging days! Thank you!
Mario I love this blog. It is always one of those very bright lights that I look forward to every day. God is bigger than all this evil that is coming out against this ministry. I will continue to pray & support you in this. God Bless you & keep you strong. Ron Jones
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 2:36 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
We will stand with you against all forms of censorship and oppression of God’s word . Claiming wisdom and strength to gladly continue in your part of the body of Christianity
Don’t stop this blog! I read it before anything else every morning by email, not Facebook. It so encourages me in our fight against the evil in our nation. Satan, take your hands off, in the name of Jesus!
I am with you on the fight against this tyranny, I found your blog when you came on Lance Wallnua’s program back in March 2020 when furloughed because of covid. I think you are doing a great service informing the ignorant people out there. If Facebook can do it to the true President Trump and other good people your’s is not exempt. I quit Facebook over 1 1/2 years ago. I go directly to your blog daily and e-mail it to others.
We have other social platforms gaining speed…
MeWe – to catch (“And We Know” LT’s program) bit cute and others, and of course, my wife and I always watch on the religious channels (Victory channel – Flashpoint) – our favorite show. I think they try to ban it on youtube but if you have a TV you can watch it on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm.
We also catch Kent Christmas, Hank Kunnman, and Dutch Sheets on youtube – but go to their real sites not the bootlegger site with commercials. We need you all to keep up your good words and provoke we Christians and patriots to action. Thanks for all you are doing.
DON’T Stop the blog. I am not on fb. I cannot hit a like button.
I receive your blog through my email.
Yesterday alone I forwarded your blog to five other people that have never heard or read you!
My 32-year-old daughter read it and responded with wow!
Thank you for all you do, you are in our prayers!
Thank you so much for your Blog it is so informative and helpful with my walk with the Lord. You are so so courageous. I also share with others. God Bless you and your Ministry.
We stand with you Mario. Keep advancing. Your blog encourages & is used by God to speak truth & embolden us to live out our life to the glory of God no matter the persecution. Praying for you and yours & thanking God for you.
Keep it up!! I read this every day!! Your voice is essential! Love you, Brother Mario!!!
Sent from my iPhone
I don’t use Facebook, but just your email to me. You are accurate in your assessments and I praise our God for your assessments of our political systems. Thank you, brother Mario!
Keep on Mario.
Fight for the Lord!
I’m with you and praying.
?? Nancy
A daily read for me. Not on fb, but spread the word verbally.
I love your blog. I feel like you are writing to me. God has used your ministry to impact me in a big way. Because we are hearing from the same Holy Spirit, what you post is fuel to the fire inside of me. God has asked me to believe Him for some really really big things. There are action steps that He has given me. The action steps started in 2005 and lead us to move to Surprise AZ, St Louis MO, Redding Ca and this last August to Valley Mills TX (Waco). They have all been faith moves. We didn’t know what the Lord had for us in those places and only now is He showing me the “why”.
God has been doing so much! God called me to give Him 3 days in March where he gave me a word that it’s time to move forward in all that the Holy Spirit is putting in our hearts to do. He said that there was a spirit of Fear over the region that He removed. That spirit kept frustrating people’s processes. I don’t think that people were afraid but it was like a wall was put in their path. After running up against it so many times people stopped trying. He said it’s time to try again that wall has been removed. I saw in my spirit that He is calling people to run for office, from the highest level to the lowest level.
In April the Lord called to a long fast. During that fast I opened my Facebook one morning and you had just posted about the Firepower event. It was the first thing I saw. Adrenaline pumped through my body as I read about it and I knew I was supposed to go. I signed up immediately and then the Lord reminded me that He is calling my whole family to this, not just me. Lol I went back and signed my husband and three boys up for the firepower event. We drove from TX. My 13 year old had been asking to be baptized for a couple weeks. He kept asking so he got baptized in the bathtub of a hotel on the way to your event. Lol It just so happened that I found out that my extended family were having a family reunion in Fresno that weekend….crazy. They didn’t think we would be able to come but we were able to say high between services.
I got home and was invited to share at a gathering what the Lord had been doing. The people are hungry to hear.
After that the Lord started giving me vision of something so big here in Waco that I don’t even want to say it on here.
Your post about the people God is separating to Him spoke to me so much. When you write about the people who have been so hungry for revival and how they have felt alone and what God has been preparing them for I feel like you are speaking straight to me. You said God has been allowing a well of hunger to go so deep that nothing would compare to the real thing. I feel that inside.
After reading your blog about God Separating people to Him, the Holy Spirit gave me instructions to go volunteer for your crusade because He wants me to glean from your ministry. I am signed up and my children are coming too. They are all in their teens. Your blog has been so instrumental in all of this. Please don’t stop. I feel the fire of God when I read what the Holy Spirit is writing through you.
Whether you decide to stop or not just know that we all are so blessed by you. Do as the Holy Spirit guides you to do. You don’t need us to tell you, He will tell you. Much love and blessings to you and your team.
I have never read your blog on Facebook as I’m not on Facebook. Both my wife and I individually receive your blog by email and we read it everyday.
Bro. Mario, You are a blessing! We thank God for you and your ministry! Keep on keeping on. You are bold and courageous and we need to hear the Word of God. God’s Word sets us free! We also have read some of your books and flash drives and listen to the Victory Channel/Flashpoint. You are making an awesome difference. We pray for God’s continued blessing and protection over you and your Family. Thank you.
I don’t have a Facebook account, but I get your blog on my email. I send it out everyday to at least 7 people. I was sending it out to more people but found out that they were feckless and didn’t regard what you had to say so I stopped sending it to them. I gave them your contact info if they wanted to read your blog. I think every true servant of God is on the front lines now and we’re standing with you. We need the insight you bring everyday. I thank God for you and am praying for Sacramento and also Washington D.C. Be encouraged and know that we love you.
I pray for God’s covering over you, your volunteers, and your ministry!! I saw you first on Flashpoint and God spoke to my heart about you’re commitment to soul winning. I so love your blogs because I am updated by what God is doing through you in California. I pray a crushing blow to Satan and his minions that they will not be successful in destroying this blog in Jesus Name! I love you my brother and support you! I stand with you and pray the Holy Spirit will fill you and protect you. I am not on Facebook but will share your ministry with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Continue in the fight for we have a cause!
Sent from my iPad
Don’t give up! We love your blog! Every day it is an encouragement to your readers!
Mario, I love your email blog. I read all the time and get major encouragement from your words of truth. Hang in there, brother. We win! I have not lost faith in what God has said is happening right now. He is moving by His might. I’m like so many others who have given up on Facebook and You Tube. My husband changed our computers to not use Google to make it safer. I’m major excited about the revivals I hear about in CA and other states. I am in WV. They have lightened up on the mask mandate here. I’m very thankful. I only wore it when I went to the doctor. I actually went to the dentist and didn’t have to wear it.. We are winning. Trust what God is saying to You!!
love and God’s Blessings
I receive via e-mail also. Please continue. Each day I know the Lord will give true word. I also share with others. You and the ministry are being prayed for so be encouraged and strengthened in the Lord Jesus by His Holy Spirit. Thank you very much for your labor in the Lord to the body of Christ.
Love the blog.
Mario, your blog has become a big part of my day. I discovered it last year when I was introduced to you on Flashpoint. I remember how it felt thinking you were speaking directly to me. You words were pure and clearly delivered and felt I was destined to come to know you. You and Flashpoint are what keeps me focused on my relationship with the Holy Spirit….now more than ever.
Do not stop writing your blog. don’t let the evil doers and forces from hell control our right to free expression.
There are many in this country who are waking up (not woke) to the corruption that has swarmed our nation. Your words of truth are vital to keeping us centered on our mission to save our freedoms.
I believe we are starting to see there is a beam of light in this dark tunnel. The tide is turning and now more than ever we must continue to stand firm to stamp out blatant lies and injustices.
Mario, hold the line, we are right behind you holding on with you.
Please take care and God bless you.
I get your blog sent to me everyday and I read it in email. Keep up the good work! Also watch you on Flashpoint all the time.
I am not on Facebook, but I get this blog through my email. I do share it from time to time. I read it every day. There are things you write sometimes that I haven’t heard elsewhere that are important. I trust the Lord will give you clear direction as I’ve often wondered how you are able to keep going. The Lord bless you and keep you. And make His Face shine upon you.
I dont use FB but get your blog emailed to me every day. Your words inspire and encourage me as a member of the ecclesia that is rising up to fight for God and for what is right. Your words are clearly divinely inspired and are incredibly meaningful and true. When I read your words, they witness to my deepest spirit. Please know that what you are doing matters and that Christians who are taking a stand and fighting for the truth in our culture need what God gives us through you!
God bless you!
I first became familiar with your ministry from seeing you on FlashPoint. God is using you mightily and your voice shall not be silenced!
Keep telling the truth Bro. Mario. Never back off! Thank you for acting like Yeshua and loving all souls whether they are saved or not. Stay the course. Our jobs here are not done. We are just preparing for His return. Even after He sets His foot down on the Mount of Olives, there is work to be done in The Kingdom. On that day, many more talents will be distributed to you for your faithfulness. We are honored by your service for His Kingdom.
Rev. Fritz Brown
Jesse Duplantis Ministries &
Louisiana Christians United For Israel State Director
Please know that you are vital to what God is doing and wants to do for encouragement to Christians who desire to see the Holy Spirit do something more than just “church as usual”!!! I continue to pray for you that God will surround you, your family and those who are helping you in your outreaches to surround you with His Warring Angels!!! That all the demonic forces coming against you, through people, will be caught in their own web that they have set against you! May God renew your strength so you can mount up with wings like eagles, So you will run & not get tired & walk & not become weary. Is.40:31!!! Praying God’s Richest Blessings Upon You!!!
Please keep us informed. Love your blog.
See this blog thru e-mail….and I support it…Its been used by God to help my husband and I to know better what is truly happening in our world. We pray for you as we are aware of how God is using you . Thankyou for this blog.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Hey Brother Mario: I’m not on facebook but look forward to your email/blog everyday. You are RIGHT ON and a major Prophetic Voice for Jesus and His Body! Keep it up! Be encouraged and know you are loved!
Jesus Christ IS King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! He and HIS body will NEVER be stopped! Impossible! The Anti-Christ kingdoms of this world are destined to be exposed and fall and be destroyed!!
Mario, your blog is a blessing. But fb is useless. They shadow banned every thing to do with Jesus (I’m banned also from my ministry fb site Squid4, go to my website http://www.squid4.com. you must watch https://www.projectveritas.com/news/breaking-facebook-whistleblowers-expose-leaked-internal-docs-detailing-new. God bless you brother. You are an inspiration. Keep blogging. I am with you as the remnant.
Thanks, Jim. 214-577-3688
I got off facebook a long time ago. I’ve been going to your website and recently signed up for emails. You are making an impact, otherwise the enemy wouldn’t be playing games.
Your blog gives the raw facts from a Biblical perspective. You’re a jewel Brother Mario! Please don’t stop blogging. ???
> WordPress.com
I get your blog through email. Every morning I read two chapters of my bible, your blog, and watch Dutch Sheets Give Him 15. I’m not on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. The only social media I am connected to is telegram.
Please don’t stop this blog. You don’t need likes to know the truth.
My husband and I read your blog every morning in our email. We are in complete agreement with you and appreciate your insights,. I often fwd your blog to others. DON’T QUIT ! Unless the Lord leads, of course. Sounds like the work in CA is amazing! We’re on the other coast, but thank the Lord for your work and faithfulness. Keep it up! I’ll start looking up the blog on FB and sharing too.
Mario, Your daily blog is very valuable, as are you. But I cancelled FB long ago as well as any company (as best as I am able) that is censoring us or otherwise affecting our freedoms.
Blessings, Judy Beedy
Sent from my iPhone
Mario, please continue this blog! I look forward to reading it daily because you tell it like it is; you are never afraid to speak the truth. Blessings upon you and May our Lord continue to guide you!!
Hi Mario! I just wanted you to know that the blog is always encouraging and right on time for me. When they started censoring everything around the election, I deleted Facebook. I don’t have Twitter or Instagram either! Thank you for standing and being true to the call on your life! We are going to see great and mighty things. Walking in His Light! DeAnn Hicks
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Mariol PLEASE KEEP YOUR BLOG GOING!!! You help us to become warriors! Don’t stop!!!!
We need you!!!
We are with you Mario. Keep writing the blog!
I read and look forward to your message every day in my email.
Kept it going!
I love your blog. I get it on email and FB. You are DANGEROUS to the left!!
You encourage the remnant and you are you are messing with the enemy’s prisoners. Because you are going in the strength of the Lord. ???❤️
Mario…the battle is the Lord’s and you are His army bringing in His Kingdom Will, Plan and Purpose. You bring His marching orders to us. Im not on Facebook…but get your emails! Keep on!
Please don’t stop. I don’t do facebook but I receive via email. I look forward to reading your blog everyday and sometimes forward it to others. It is so refreshing to hear truth and it helps arm me in this ongoing battle. Sometimes I study your blog so I’m prepared to give an answer. There are times I’ve been able to give such answers and to open a few eyes and ears. Don’t let the enemies of our souls cancel you.
Keep up the blog—God is speaking through you and He will not be silenced by these Ahab-Jezebels who hate Jesus and His saving power, His atoning Blood!
His Word will not return without the purpose He has annointed.
Brother ..thanks for all you do. Idea for going direct…..I have in the last 3 years made business cards to pass out in my community ..and everywhere I go. 2 are seen below….. 2 more I did : Youtube : Jordan Petersons Greatest moment and 3 Sites for Real News: The Geller Report , MRC.org, Epoch Times newspaper
Lets talk one day.. Michael
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 2:36 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
PLEASE keep the blog coming!!! It is such an encouragement to be reading TRUTH!!! My husband and I pray daily for your ministry in in California. You are making a difference and we recognize the advancement of the Kingdom!! Continue to “speak the truth in love”.
Please keep the blog going. I read it every day. It is a strong voice of truth and we needit like never before! Thank you for your courage to speak the truth!! Robyn McAdoo
Mario, I read your blog every time it comes up on my email. You keep on doing it because it blesses me and I know it is God’s will for it to continue. May God give you strength and power to continue because it helps for people know how evil this administration is!!!!
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 1:37 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Please don’t stop!
Oh no!!! You are the Voice of Truth!! The light in the darkness…..a lifeline!! We need You!!
I really appreciate this blog. Please don’t stop. Excited to hear what the Lord is doing and it is so informative.
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 12:40 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Stay strong in the Lord, my brother. Some times when the situation seems the gloomiest, God shows an extra beam light to show you the path He wants you to walk. Walk it without fear. He is holding your hand and walking it with you. I pray to the almighty God not to let you stop.
Mario, the Lord is your Strength. We pray for you and also are encouraged with this blog. Don’t quit.
Keep this going, it’s informative and uplifting at the same time! God opens doors that no man… or devil can shut…. in Jesus’ name.. AMEN!
Brother Mario, I check your blog everyday. Please don’t stop!!
I don’t have FB. I refused.
Responding to you Mario
I love this blog and usually read it daily – I am so inspired by what is happening in the tent meetings. Please keep informing us as we cannot listen to many sources that report the truth anymore. We admire your courage conviction and boldness in speaking out with a passion to stir up and wake up true believers across the world. It’s time for change and to be following the leading of Holy Spirit
From Far North Queensland, Australia
I support you Mario. But I don’t understand why the Christian community supports Facebook. We feed the monster by using it, why because it is hard to find other avenue to communicate? If we as the residence of the kingdom of God would start to link together and stop using these ungodly tyrants like Facebook, google, Twitter what would happen? It would send a very loud message to the world. On earth as it is in heaven.
So true!
Mario telling the truth hurts FB they are truly a Fascist Book. When we fought back and went to Paler they shut it down. The GOP who have been wimps could not end Section 230. California continues to hold many hostages because no one wants to do what is needed. We will continue to post and pray.
I receive your blog as an email…I do not go to Facebook anymore…for about 6 months.
Keep on keeping on! Your daily blog is an encouragement and my wife and I look forward to it everyday. We need the truth in these perilous times and the work you are doing both with this blog the tent meetings and appearances on Flash Point and your books are greatly appreciated. We need your perspective and the battle plan if we are to win this war against the enemy. Our vote is in and keep up the encouraging words.
Shalom, Dan & Denise Kerupetski
Mario, I first started reading your blog about 6 months ago. I am not on facebook but I receive your blog directly by email.
I am constantly amazed at your spirit anointed insight and wisdom regarding what is going on today within the church, the government and society in general. In your blog you speak the truth with clarity, undeniable logic and great boldness. Do not be discouraged. Do not give up. Do not quit writing your blog. Your blog is needed now more than ever and I know that God is using it in a mighty way even when the evidence of that is not always clear to you. There are many of us joining with you in this great spiritual battle. Many Christians, like myself, have been awakened to what is going on in a much deeper way because of all the devastating events of the past year. God has gotten our attention. God has touched our lives, we are hungry from more of Him and we will never be the same. Our only desire is for God’s perfect will to be done on earth and for His kingdom to come in its fullness to this desperate broken world. Lynn
I read your blog on my email everyday and watch you on Flashpoint and have shared with others about your site. I am going to a Southern Baptist Church. It is a good bible believing church. I pray for you and your ministry . This blog is very important.
I’m w/you 100%. So please know that I am reading your message daily, praying wholeheartedly for you & am trying to support your ministry in every way possible. I’m not on facebook but share your blog w/family & friends. Take heart – God is still in control. Blessings!!!!!
Please don’t stop your blog. Your voice and message are crucial. I don’t believe that God is finished with using you in this way. Keep calling out the wavering pastors in America and keep shining the light on all that the enemy is doing. The church needs to hear what you’re saying.
I read your blog every day on my email. I do not use Facebook. Family members wanted me to use it a few years ago and I only tried it for a week and saw what a danger it was to be so time consuming and controlling. Another Satanic diversion to rob me of time I needed to study God’s Word.
I don’t know how to “like” this blog, and the only way I know to share it is to forward the email to someone, and I don’t use Facebook & can’t understand why anyone would support the big tech platforms like Facebook & Twitter. With that said, I like getting your blog by email, and I appreciate your insights. I do worry about you though, being under pressure to do it daily when you are so busy. I know I couldn’t stand that kind of pressure to come up with something profound every day. Maybe you could reduce the pressure and not stretch yourself so thin if you just did the blog when you had something burning on your heart to say. Or maybe that happens every day for you, so there isn’t the stress of trying to think something up. Anyway I appreciate the work you do & I read your emails & thank you for your revelations and insight. Yesterday’s email was particularly helpful in combatting the viewpoint that “we should always support our leaders because they are given to us by God”. I wouldn’t have known how to explain that on my own. Tanna
Please keep your blog going. I receive the email version of it. Thank you
Mario, I receive this blog in my email so I cannot like it or share it on Facebook. However, to me, this blog is revealing truth from a biblical view and is critical to our times. Thank you, Randell
Get Outlook for iOS ________________________________
Read your blog everyday a must read for me, I agree with you this blog needs to stay on the air.
I share this but I don’t read it on FB. I get it on email.
Please continue 2 write these blogs! U r a general in the faith & the wisdom God’s given u is needed now more than ever!
The devil is a liar…
Love ur passion my brother!
My husband & I love this blog! We read it each & every day. Mario is one of the few people who has the courage to speak the truth. I agree with you Mario that we must stand up to this tyranny
Linda Welsh
Mario, God has blessed us with your blog. We are informed and I in turn share it with others. I became a monthly partner with your ministry via this blog. And we totally enjoy watching you and the Fab Four on Flashpoint! Be encouraged and faint not!
Galations 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up
Please continue the blog. I enjoy reading it. Carolyn Levin
Sent from my iPhone
I depend on your blogs. Please don’t quit. We need you.
Please dont stop your blogs, I am not on any social media.
I discovered your blogs after this fraud election and covid started through praying to God where do I find true news? I discovered Flashpoint through Victory channel and heard you on there, went to your site and then your blogs. Your blogs keep me informed and connected to truth. But if GOD tells you to stop blogs I accept that, but only if God is telling you to.
Many of us no longer use facebook. We read your blog on email and forward it to everyone we think of forwarding it to. So you have a way bigger audience than you know about. Please keep on writing. God bless you with the anointing, time, energy and wisdom you need for your days.
Sent from my iPad
We agree with you that the blocking needs to end. The devil is a liar and all those who work for him. We command him to take his hands off of these blogs in Jesus name now! Ron and carol chandler
Sent from my iPhone
Do NOT stop! We need your voice.
I am a Christian artist and Facebook keeps “rejecting” my art off Facebook. We are all being attacked for Christian content.
Don’t stop.
Please continue with your blog and yes, I do share it. It is a ray of sunshine in a dark world.
Psalm 91 over you.
I will continue to read your blog, repost it on Facebook, and it is a source of encouragement for many of us who are in this battle. We do not back down, we go forth with joy and be lead forth with peace. We are an army and an army sticks together thru thick and thin. Keep going. Keep the blog going.
Don’t you DARE stop your post. Everyone I know follows and loves you! Don’t let satan fool you. I absolutely hate the censorship going on.
Hang in there, we love you
Mario, PLEASE don’t stop writing to us, the Church, the Remnant! We must have this information, so we can move forward, knowing how to pray and decree. Thank you dear friend for all you’re doing, and all who are laboring with you. You are impacting us personally, and on a state level, a national level, and a global level, and in every dimension of the spiritual realm. Your voice is absolutely imperative in this hour. I would not have known the depths of this evil, if it wasn’t for you…alerting me to look it up, and check it out, and then alert friends and family..and they in turn read your blog..a tremendous tidal wave of people standing with you and praying for you, supporting you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…you are bold and confident like a lion to stand up for what you know and you are bold to stand up for Jesus Christ.
Keep up the good work!! Gary A. Loftsgard, CFP Integrated Trust Systems (AZ) 602-377-9000
Mario I always read your blog ?? I often send it to 2 friends as I did today. Never Ever Stop……..!!! I Am Praying ?????? Believers Are Praying ?????? God Is Working ?????? As Dutch Sheets Said on Flashpoint God Is Arising, And Showing Up With MIRACLES, SIGNS AND WONDERS AMEN, AND HALLELUJAH TO THE LAMB ?????? GOD Is On A Roll……… AND We Are Going Home Soon ?? Love ?? To You And Yours……?? Johnna
Get Outlook for iOS ________________________________
This blog is so valuable. Please don’t set it aside. HOWEVER, we do not view it on Facebook, only through your daily emails. Could it be that thousands of others have left FB in an effort to disentangle themselves from the tech powers, and that is what you are experiencing? We will be praying for wisdom for you and your team. Mario, we love you.
I appreciate your posts and would like to see them continue. Your insight is much needed.
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021, 2:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Oh no, please continue your blog!. I’ve just recently discovered it and look forward to reading it every day. We need a ‘voice in the wilderness’.
Thank you Mario for you hard work and faithfulness. My husband and I love your blog! Our prayers are will you. Dee and Eric Motz.
Brother Mario: In this perilous time, even numbers lie; it’s all smoke and mirrors and deception from our very real enemy to discourage and isolate us. I do not do social media. Many have left Facebook for other social networks such as Rumble, Locals, Parler, etc. Please do not stop blogging. Your blog has been a source of hope for many. I regularly forward your words to friends, via email. Please do not stop being a voice in the wilderness. Praying for you!
I look forward to your blogs. Keep it up. God bless you!
Dear Mario, I read your blog every morning on your website. Please don’t stop writing it! Your boldness is what my heart has been longing for. I quit FB right after the the 2016 election. The hatred of Trump was so disrespectful and disheartening I couldn’t bear it any longer. I have friends also that that read your blog. We were so uplifted by your boldness we drove to Modesto to your Revival! What an awesome time it was! We were blessed! God bless you and your ministry.
Do you want us to share this particular blog to run your test or can I post any of your blogs of my choice?
I love your ministry and have shared several of your blogs on facebook.
Thank you, Nancy Crenshaw
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021, 1:36 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Do not give up..I read this in my email everyday. I do not have FB [fakebook]. I have been banned for my political views, mask views, shot views and more.
Add me to the list of readers. Don’t allow the enemy to dissuade you. Keep writing, keep sharing the TRUTH, keep on being courageous. I, like others here, do not do social media, so don’t pay any attention to their numbers, comments, false narratives.
Keep on, keeping on. I support you and thank you for what you are doing bringing the gospel to the lost and CALIFORNIA! That in itself is a miracle. God Bless.
Keep the blog post no matter what Facebook does with your blog.
Hope Rupp
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 2:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Mario, I am an avid reader of your blog daily…keep up the good work –you must continue!
Not only do I read and SAVE your writings, I forward DAILY to the Calvary Chapel that I have known for 25+ years, as well as a string of friends. YOUR writings are ALWAYS spot on and no matter what facebook or any of the social media leftists do, GOD WINS IN THE END. Thank you for ALWAYS stating the truth – the Biblical truth not man’s truth. KEEP WRITING as GOD speaks to and thru you!
Thank you,
Carlie Androus
Camp Verde, AZ
I am not on FB or Tw, but I share your blog on a different social media platform. The problem is not that your blog isn’t important, it’s that every one of us is hit with a barage of information from other blogs and influencers about covid and our rights and the jab and how to keep our jobs if we don’t get it. Your blog is very important because it keeps us focused on the Lord through it all. “Well done good and faithful servant.”
I follow via email, really enjoy and appreciate your writings. Your ministry is essential for the present day. So many “conservative evangelical” Christian leaders and followers are engaged in silly and foolish debate and comment and are fighting skirmishes and not the important battles we face today. Perhaps more importantly they seemingly do not even know what the battles are! They are so engaged in “Merchandising the Anointing” they have forgotten what the fundamental principles of our faith are what they are based upon. Keep the faith and keep doing what the Lord called you and prepared you to do. Don’ get discouraged the Lord has a remnant and He is doing a work and He has chosen you for a time such as this. Remember we win!!!!
Please do not stop writing this blog! It is one of just a few things I read because it is truth! I am praying for you Mario that you will be encouraged by the great amount of support that is being poured out in these comments.
Can you have someone from your organization contact me as I have called your number given in your blog as my family wishes to donate through our foundation to your cause and I have not received a reply. God bless yiu and your family and this blog today and everyday! ?????
Please Keep writing and informing us. We need you.
Go to mariomurillo.org
Dear Mario – I love your blog. I look forward to reading it every day and am disappointed when you don’t post one. I know you’re extremely busy with the tent revivals and I pray for you every day. I am not on facebook. I read you at WordPress. I had to stop playing the facebook game….I kept being put in facebook jail for my conservative and religious views. Stay on WordPress. Let our people know to find you there and tell facebook to shove it. I will continue to pray for you and for Mario Murillo Ministries. You are doing the Lord’s work.
Please don’t stop posting your blog. My husband & I follow it regularly. We are praying with you regarding the crusades. May our Father God continue to protect and strengthen you, your family and all who have been called to come along side of you. Blessings in Jesus ♡
On Jun 18, 2021 11:36 PM, “Mario Murillo Ministries” wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
We are not on FB, We get your blog via email. Look forward to it. You are a voice in this deep dark wilderness of evil. Please never give up.
Mario, don’t stop writing. We are with you 100%. I’m not savvy with technology so don’t know how to do some of the things mentioned, but I know that you are doing God’s work and you can’t stop. You probably have more of a following than you realize, but the tech people are squelching it to take away your hope. Stand strong. Blessings to you Kathy ?
Mario, Your blog on my email is the first thing I read every morning! I am so disappointed when you miss a day! The remnant has found you to be a ‘hero of faith’, a courageous man of God who speaks the truth boldly and unashamedly, encouraging us to do the same! I have just forwarded it to 3 Godly friends! God bless you and fill you with physical, supernatural strength and joy and power and anointing wherever you are, whatever you do!
I read you, agree with you, share your blog, and ‘like’ you , Mario…will pray for you! Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Keep up the good work, Mario! I believe your courage and commitment is an inspiration to all true (and want-to-be-enlightened) Christians who have become acquainted with your ministry. God’s truth and justice shall ultimately prevail in this land.
I read your blog posts everyday. I’m with you in this struggle.
I do not use face book,Twitter or any other corrupt social media. I enjoy your blog daily. I don’t understand why now, you above all people would doubt now, that you should not be posting this awesome news you give us daily. You have shared your heart and wisdom the Lord has shown you. If I lived closer to you, I would be helping out in your tent meetings(I live in N.Y.) It is not about numbers it is about doing His work until he comes. He has shown you how well pleased He is with your work by the lost souls that come to your tent meetings. Please continue to be that well and faithful servant.
Mario, keep the blog. God is using it for His glory and the edification of the body of Christ.
Why don’t all of you move to Xapit the social media platform that Steve Schultz from Elijah List created?
Pleeeeze do not stop..we get your your blog on email..but fight for Jesus against these evil people..his time is short never give up..standing with you ..Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life Amen and Amen
sorry their time is short meaning the evil one,,,
I read this blog just about every day. Other than the Bible it is usually the first thing I read. Please keep it up!
Sent from my iPhone
We are not on facebook Mario but will share the email who some use it.
DONT STOP the blog ! Please
Bro. Mario
I receive and share your blogs via email, not fb. You have a gifting, both in written word and
orally to paint word pictures.
I am praying for you and your family and your ministry team for
renewed strength and joy in the Holy Ghost to carry on!!!!
Shalom brother, I am totally in agreement with your blogs. I read, pass on, and pray for your ministry. However, I’m not on FarceBook.
Keep up the good work… … and keep the Good Work UP!!
Kerry Smith
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
I ❤️❤️❤️???❤️❤️❤️this blog. I’m a newcomer but I’m so excited about what is going on in California and to hear your honesty‼️‼️‼️Please keep posting?
Sent from my iPhone
Please don’t stop the blog. Seems to me that most are receiving it through email. I don’t have facebook. I rely on your email. Keep writing what God inspires and know that we all are here, mostly through email(WordPress), eagerly awaiting your next blog. You are making an impact or they wouldn’t be playing with your numbers.
I’m a Catholic who loves your blog and yearns to hear words as bold,
and true as yours from the pulpit.
I will continue to read/share and “like” your blogs as they come across my Facebook page.
Thank you for all that you do.
Love the blog and encouragement you let me know I am not crazy about what is happening to our country. The media keeps saying that everything is better than ever and we all know that is a lie.
I enjoy your post all the time, and are both challenged and informed by it. Please continue . We are not on Facebook any longer and this is the reason we are not!! We do not agree with anything that these individuals have done to shut down or censor the voice of America!! You keep blogging, and we will keep supporting it!!
Keep it up Mario
Mario, Thanks for your posts…please keep them coming! Romans says “how will they hear without a preacher?” You are loved and appreciated! Diane, Flashpoint fan from Vermont!!!!!
Sent from my iPad
Please do not stop Mario, we support you and need your daily encouragement, we will continue to stand and fight with you!
Get Outlook for iOS ________________________________
Keep up the good work. God knows your faithfulness and you are probably reaching more people than you realize. I have been praying for God to strengthen and renew you with a fresh anointing. I know I am not the only one praying for your ministry. Hang in there. We are all in this together as the body of Christ.
Hi Mario, I don’t get your blog on facebook because I do not subscribe to their evil efforts. Thank you for sending it to me via email. Please keep writing it!Bless youKaren FoustSent from my Galaxy Tab® S2
I went to FB and could not find your blog. I read it daily via email or directly through your website. Forget about FB statistics. They mean nothing because they are manipulated and we will never know how much. We love your blogs and your ministry. Keep it up!
Keep writing Brother…people are being changed…the word must get out.
I only have access to your blog via email. Unless the Lord is telling you otherwise keep up the great work sharing your truthful insights.
I love this blog and look for it daily first above all other breaking anything. Inspired and always what I need. Thank you for your faithfulness. Mountains have there valleys and God is in them both. Love you my brother be encouraged in all things.
Whatever you do Sir don’t let the enemy get the best of you, all of the enemies puppets will be taken down one day, you are doing what your doing for such a time as this. Keep fighting the good fight, the devils pawn will not close you down Simple because you are powered by the Holy Spirit, and backed by the Word made Flesh, JESUS.
Please don’t stop! I don’t go on Facebook anymore, but get this in my email. It’s my morning inspiration and I always forward it to others. You always give us the truth. God bless you.
Do not quit writing, i look forward to reading your blog everyday. Your blog helps me to know what to pray for. Jerusalem Pray Team has been shut down by facebook with 77 million followers. We need to know the truth as the truth is what we need not the lies of the media. I attended your Fire power meeting in Fresno, it was awesome. Keep up the great work. Heavenly Father keep your hand upon Mario Ministries and the light and truth that he is sharing with all of us.
Love your blog; receive it in my email inbox. If it’s beneficial for you if I follow you on Facebook please tell me how I get your blog on Facebook.
Thank you!
Holly Mayo Mobile: 604-226-5027
I don’t have a Facebook account but get your blog posts by email and forward them from there.
I consider your post a great inspiration, Christian news source and rare outlet for truth, Mario. Just shared your blog with my pastors, who were excited to hear about it. Please don’t stop blogging!
I believe in what your ministry is doing. Your tent meetings are so vital for reaching the lost—those who may have never met Jesus! I read your blog daily! I am encouraged and challenged by what you say! Thank You, jill
This blog is amazing! Love it! I’ve included this in my daily reading. Keep blogging. Please.
On Fri, Jun 18, 2021, 11:37 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Love ur blog ….God is in control! Evil will not win!!
I also get your blog posts by e-mail. It would certainly be disappointing to have them disappear. Your voice is an excellent one and much needed.
I read your blog every day. It comes to my email, not Facebook. You are speaking truth boldly and leading the fight of light vs. darkness! Your blog is so important!
I am thankful for your message every day. I get your message thru face book and my email. I pray that God keeps this door open. God bless you and keep you safe.
I get your blog by e-mail too. I read it everyday first thing. I find it informative and it stirs up my spirit. Thank you for it and please continue.
Your blog is a ‘must read’ if someone wants to be truly informed. I support you and I appreciate you. You are an important leader in God’s holy army.
My son and I read your blog every day. My son tends to share your words with people we are praying for.
This is the first time I have ever left a comment on any site. We do look forward to seeing you on Victory news and my son also shares that broadcast.
Hey, My husband and I read your blog EVERYDAY that you post. We do not want you to quit. I am not able to like you on Facebook, as Facebook is requiring us to have a Facebook account. We have closed out our account due to the censorship, so we are hoping that you get this email. We are definitely sharing your blog with as many people that we know will receive it. Keep up your blog. It is the few sources of truth!!!!!
—————————————–From: “Mario Murillo Ministries” To: ycox@hot.rr.com Cc: Sent: Saturday June 19 2021 1:36:17AM Subject: [New post] I MUST HAVE AN ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION.
mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we “
Bro. Murillo
I followed your blog and share it with others. I recently deleted my Facebook account because of the evilness they are propagating.
I continue to pray for you and your ministry as well as those of your Staffa d army of volunteers. Praying for a powerful breakthrough in Sacramento CA.
Be blessed my brother and please continue with your blog.
Keep the blog going. It is a blessing and encouragement. I receive it by email, not FB. But keep it going in every avenue possible!
Lorraine Stutzman,
Thank you for standing up for truth.
I read your blog and thank you for your boldness. Keep on speaking out. We need the truth revealed about the days we are living in. Thank you for taking a stand. I am praying for you.
I read your blog through emails daily. Thank you so much for sharing the truth which is so necessary for today. I look so forward to reading it everyday and would miss them terribly if you stopped. Please continue, Pastor Mario, God bless you for speaking up.
Mario, do not quit. Your message is making an impact on my life. I need your blog to help frame my thoughts so that I’m more effective in sharing with others. I need your blog to remind me to pray for revival. I need your blog to remind me God has sent gifts to the church for our edification and equipping. I need your blog for encouragement and perspective in this fight. Mario, we need what God has gifted you to do. Persevere in this, brother. God strengthen your resolve eveb more. Holy Spirit, help Your people to pray. Send Your angel armies to protect this man and his reach, for Your Kingdom and glory. He loves you Lord, and we love him!
Mario, I love your blogs and have shared them! God is using you to expose the left, and they do need to be exposed! I’m from MN and grew up in Mpls. I’ve watched in great sadness what the Left has done and continues to do to this area. I love hearing about all that you are doing to bring the gospel to many who would never hear it another way. Thank you! Marilyn Kirkwold (Don’t give up!)
On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 1:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have been writing this blog for 9 > years. But lately it has come under the most vicious attack I have ever > seen. So, there is something I must find out. The attack began with little > things. Then it got worse. And now, it is glaringly obvious that we ” >
Whatever you do don’t stop your blogs. I get them in my emails,read them every day and watch flashpoint. This is what helps keep me positive and helps me know what and whom to pray for
I love your blogs! Please do not stop!!!
I have never read your blog before–that I’m aware of. I am not on Facebook. A friend shared it on MeWe, and that’s where I found the link.
Please be aware that it isn’t just Facebook doing this. Google is also interfering with search results and using algorithms to hide content that they disagree with. I don’t know how you’re tracking views, but if you’re using Google’s tools, they could be actively using them to wage psychological war on you and your website. There are alternatives…