Preachers stood in their pulpits and insulted, rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now they insist that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden.
Even if they do not know it, they are siding with Facebook and YouTube–who calling for censorship and criminal charges against Christians who question the validity of Biden’s election.
These preachers were wrong before, and they are wrong now.
Still other high profile evangelical leaders are much more gentle in their advice that we at least commend Joe if he does something right. The issue with that is that it denies the reality of what is really going on: a puppet and a rogue government.

No one should be guilting Christians into accepting Joe Biden. And yes, there are sound Biblical reasons for rejecting him.
But before I show you what the Bible instructs us to do in this situation, we need to address the biggest lie. The biggest lie says we need to accept the election and settle the issue of Biden’s presidency, once and for all, so that we can get back to normal and the nation can heal.
Let me ask you. How can we get back to normal while Biden is plunging the nation into chaos and glorifying things God hates? And how can we heal when, every day, Biden tears the nation apart with insulting rhetoric and inflammatory actions aimed at the Church?

God and His Word tell us what to do about Biden. Luke 13:31-32, “At that very hour some Pharisees came up and said to Him, ‘Go away from here, for Herod is determined to kill You.’ And He said to them, ‘Go and tell that fox [sly and crafty, skulking and cowardly], Behold, I drive out demons and perform healings today and tomorrow, and on the third day I finish My course.’”
Herod had crossed a line that made it appropriate to label him a fox—a label that we will expand on later. But Jesus is loving. Why is He disrespecting the office of King by calling him names? And more importantly, why is He refusing to obey the King?
Albert Barnes said in his commentary, “Tell that fox—A fox is an emblem of slyness, of cunning, and of artful mischief. The word is also used to denote a dissembler. Herod was a wicked man, but the “particular thing” to which Jesus here alludes, is not his “vices,” but his “cunning, his artifice,” in endeavoring to remove (Jesus) out of his territory. (Herod) had endeavored to do it by stratagem – by sending these (Pharisees) who pretended great friendship for his life“” Behold, I cast out devils”—(Jesus is saying), Announce to him the fact that I am working miracles in his territory, and that I shall continue to do it. I am not afraid of his art or his enmity. I am engaged in My appropriate work, and shall continue to be, as long as is proper, in spite of his arts and his threats.

The American church must confront all the Leftist leaders: Biden, Harris, Newsom, Whitmer, and Cuomo, et al., the same way that Jesus confronted Herod. The American church must say, “You will not close our doors or stop the miracles of God that flow from our ministries!”
Every American Christian must see that Biden is a puppet for a sinister cabal. He is the ailing mouthpiece of a dark and destructive agenda; an agenda that no Christian can support.
Biden is a weak Herod, but a Herod, nonetheless. I could cite many examples, but here are just a few:
-He wants to make it a criminal act to question his election. He wants to label anyone who still believes that Trump won as homegrown terrorists and he wants to close down their businesses. Glenn Kirschner, a DOJ operative launched a campaign to force “every business in America” to take a pledge that states, in part, that “The 2020 presidential election was free and fair, and produced accurate, reliable results.”
-He locks down Americans in the name of stopping infections, but he allows illegals who are sick with a new strain of Covid to freely enter and then roam our nation. Untold numbers of potentially sick people have been released into our communities.
-Here is a list of his goals: to use tax money to fund abortions, up to, and after birth; eliminate capital punishment; confiscate firearms and shut down gun manufacturers; defund the police; pay reparations to African-Americans; raise taxes up to 70%; push the green agenda, close down coal and oil projects, spend trillions on ‘clean energy’, and increase the national debt; stop building the wall at the border and give billions to illegals; allow them to vote; pack the courts; change voter laws; eliminate the Electoral College; undo all that Trump accomplished; divide Israel and Jerusalem into two nations; give billions to Palestinians; reinstate the Iran Nuclear deal; allow transgenders in the military and in women’s sports; allow transgender men into women’s restrooms and locker rooms; support gay marriage; legalize hard drugs; alter international trade agreements so they favor other nations and drive businesses out of America overseas; expand Obama-care; force religious organizations to hire LGBTQs; tax churches; brainwash students; persecute the church; demand vaccination passports; and many, many more failed and dangerous policies.
Biden’s actions reside outside the law of man and God. Therefore, we must relate to him as a rogue president, and we must therefore relate to God as our Leader at this moment.
And we must continue the work of God, without interruption―no matter what. Now you know why we must stop guilting Christians into accepting Joe Biden.
Ty Sir.
Amen Mario. Thank you for making it clear! We except God’s ways and HIS ways only!!!!
Truth spoken boldly. Thanks for the fight you are leading
Lord increase the anointing on Brother Mario your servant, and protect him from all adversaries.
? Exactly!
On Thu, Jun 17, 2021, 11:25 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Preachers stood in their pulpits and > insulted, rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now > they insist that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. > Even if they do not know it, they are siding with Facebook and Yo” >
I will NEVER accept Biden and his evil administration. God, deliver us from this evil.
FEAR NOT WHAT MAN CAN DO TRUST THE LORD DO GOOD.because the lord is not mocked what ever a man sews he will reap.
I agree with you on this!!! But I don’t trust Trump either! I am putting my trust in God Alone???♥️?
Sent from my iPhone
I agree with you
Excellent article! Pastors and Christians everywhere are siding with the party of death and urging others to do the same… it is disgusting to watch! We must stand against all that the fake president and his minions are trying to do to our country. And believe God’s many prophets that are, right now, exposing evil and foretelling of the return of the rightful president. May God’s will be done swiftly and the criminals who stole our election be exposed and punished!!!
Thank you for your insight into the fraud and corruption that is presently being forced on the United States by the illegitimate and criminal Biden administration who stole the 2020 election. But this is not just about American politics and government. God is working His purpose and will out now through America and the beginning of the Third Great Awakening! Praying in North Carolina.
What response to Costi Hinn that the prosperity gospel is a group like a mafia stealing from the poor so they can support their life style ?
God bless you Mario Murillo for preaching the truths!! May our Heavenly FATHER protect you & your families & workers as you keep exposing these evil people & their evil wicked ways!! ???♥️
Very well stated!!
On Thu, Jun 17, 2021, 10:20 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Preachers stood in their pulpits and > insulted, rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now > they insist that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. > Even if they do not know it, they are siding with Facebook and Yo” >
AMEN and Amen ?
On Thu, Jun 17, 2021, 11:20 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Preachers stood in their pulpits and > insulted, rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now > they insist that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. > Even if they do not know it, they are siding with Facebook and Yo” >
WOW always thanking God for you .
Amen brother well said again we are on the same page, just put up a post on fb and Twitter saying much of the verything you are saying here, he took me to Neh 2 first few verses, and gave me a message we must rebuild for we are saddened by what has happened to our nation, and to rebuild, but we mention much of the same thing, one Spirit, and I just now read yours, good word sir God bless
Articulate and informative.
God bless you, and His Angels keep you safe.
Those Preachers who spoke out against President Trump are a disgrace to the American Spirit and to
any Christians. President did more for the American people and those around the world than any other President! Why do the preachers accept this illegitimate president Joe and
(no idea what I’m doing) Kamala? Their goals are set by the radical left and are demonically inspired. MAGA – President Trump.
Matthew 15:14 KJV
Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
I honestly cannot understand the love fest people have with liberalism or “wokeness”. To me these are the most blinded and irresponsible generation ever. They do not see the consequences of their decisions and actions. As for the ministers in the pulpit they obviously do not realize they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. God help us. As I write this the Lord is saying “My people perish from lack of knowledge”. The flock is being fleeced spiritually by nothing more than second rate conmen. They believe and trust what they hear from the pulpit but do not search out the truth for themselves. Like Paul said I thank God what I learned, I learned from no man but from the Lord. 1 Peter 4:17-19 KJV
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? [18] And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? [19] Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator. I do not want to be in their spiritual shoes on judgement day
Yes – thank you!
Sent from my iPhone
I praise the Lord for Mario Murillo and his wisdom and mission to not only heal and save lost souls, but also to inspire all of us during this unhappy time in our country.
Of all the preachers out there, Mario has way of cutting through the clutter and hits all the right notes that have an impact in my heart, my soul and my conscience. His message is clear as a bell and he is the reason I’ve come back to my Christian roots.
God Bless Mario with much success as he continues to inspire Christians and helping to save our country and MAGA
Amen sister
For the previous four years we heard about President Trump – “Not my president!” But now, when we say the same thing about Biden, it’s wrong!
I put together an Excel spreadsheet to compare the 2020 election with the previous three (you can too, if you want to) and it shows that the average number of votes in the previous elections was 128,378,160. But in 2020 there were 155,485,078 votes (not necessarily voters!) and I find this statistically impossible. Further, in 2008, Obama received 69,498,516 votes, but in 2020 Biden got 81,268,924 votes. How could Biden be that much more popular than Obama, especially considering the fact that he barely campaigned at all? This doesn’t make sense at all, and I cannot accept that he won the election. I am praying that this fraud will be exposed and the truth will come out before it’s too late to save this country.
Good work, Glen.
Amen and I agree.
On Thu, Jun 17, 2021, 10:28 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Preachers stood in their pulpits and > insulted, rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now > they insist that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. > Even if they do not know it, they are siding with Facebook and Yo” >
Yes! The Herod analogy is spot on and a God-given piece of prophetic information. Our King, Jesus, called him a “fox” and as he said as a twelve year old preacher, He was busy doing His Father’s work—as all of His church body should be doing!
Amen ??, God grant you and all His body boldness to speak His way His truth His life in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth ??
make America godly again!
There doesn’t exist enough guilt in all of humanity for me to feel guilty for not accepting Biden.
Every time I hear of the massive fraud, every time I look at the news and see what this administration and the jokers he appointed, when I see reports of what’s happening at the border, and everything else he is doing to destroy us, to destroy this nation-it makes me that much more determined to continue to pray daily that God will remove all of the corrupt liars, cheats, traitors, and frauds, and that those who have committed crimes will come to justice.
And our real President, President Donald J. Trump, will be reinstated where he belongs. And I have seen no reason whatsover for us not to trust him.
Wow! Said so much better than I could ever have. Sending out to all my friends. Penny Tesch
On Thu, Jun 17, 2021, 8:21 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Preachers stood in their pulpits and > insulted, rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now > they insist that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. > Even if they do not know it, they are siding with Facebook and Yo” >
Amen Mario Amen.
Mario, we love and support your ministry and see you as a sort of John the Baptist type! Please don’t cut down other ministers that love the Lord. I think there is sufficient Biblical evidence to prove that not only did Paul visit the third heaven but many of the old prophets saw incredible things today that we might think were UFO’s (which are scams in reality.) But they experienced genuine revelatory and supernatural experiences that nobody questions who is in Christ. It would be wrong to say that the people of the Bible went to heaven to visit at will and wrong of ministers to say so. We all become citizens of heaven with full citizenship when we are born again and our names written in the book of Life. One very pink haired minister has claimed to have been taken, not visited at her own request, on numerous biblical tours. I have no reason to doubt her claims until and unless they prove anti biblical. So far, they have not. Who is to say whether God sent her to reveal heaven to earth as Mary Baxter was sent to heaven and hell to reveal them? God alone is their judge but until something comes out of their mouths that denies or defies the Word of God, I think we should not reject them as brothers and sisters.
I truly say, that any Christian who promotes Biden, better look at their faith. Are they true to the Lord? Or are they of themselves, false.
It’s becoming increasingly obvious that Obama is using Biden as his mouthpiece. All of these policies are Obama’s darling wish list to remake America into a socialist nightmare society.
Amen my brother! Keep up the good work you are doing . Your words of encouragement are so helpful. Thank you.
AMEN AND AMEN MARIO!! Exactly on point!! Keep pounding away with the truth and facts…some are beginning to listen!!..Praise God !
Many blessings to You, Mechelle and family ..(.Grampa❤️?)
Praying for Sacramento “ LIVING PROOF” !
oh yeah
Thank you.
On Thu, Jun 17, 2021, 10:36 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Preachers stood in their pulpits and > insulted, rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now > they insist that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. > Even if they do not know it, they are siding with Facebook and Yo” >
I love the fact that the Holy Spirit has you for a mouth piece to broadcast the truth from God’s word! I get amazed, excited, stirred and can’t quit smiling all the way through your blogs. Thank you for being sensitive to the Spirits leading. God bless and protect you!
Thank you Jim! Very encouraging.
No one else could say this any better brother.
Keep up the truth news!
Short answer, Amen. Longer answer, the Normal that they speak of was corrupt and immoral, why would we want to get back to that?
On Thu, Jun 17, 2021, 23:27 Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Preachers stood in their pulpits and > insulted, rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now > they insist that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. > Even if they do not know it, they are siding with Facebook and Yo” >
Mr Buyden is NOT my President. He was bought and paid for by the CCP. He is NOT the Legit President of the USA
Praising God got Truth and the knowing that He indeed IS GOD and IS Sovereign
And in charge!!!!thank you Mario for boldness in a namby pamby world Of cowardly lions …
Praising God got Truth and the knowing that He indeed IS GOD and IS Sovereign
And in charge!!!!thank you Mario for boldness in a namby pamby world Of cowardly lions …
Justice and Truth will prevail, so it is written, so let it be done.
Thank you, Evangelist Murillo, for being bold as a lion. I too am appalled at how so many “Christian pastors” are willing to bend the knee to the tyrannical, lawless, unconstitutional edicts of bureaucrats at every level and as soon as the lockdowns were ended, sought to just resume business as usual.
Everything has changed and nothing can be allowed to remain the same, dull, seeker friendly, half asleep church that it had become. Thank you again for speaking as the Holy Spirit directs!
Have you ever addressed the subject of christians being pressured into taking the vaccine? Sorry I’m off topic.
Thank you Pastor Mario, This is spot on. God bless you and thank you for your blogs, for me they validate my inner discernment and they are an encouragement despite the negativity and warfare in our Nation. Blessings Laura Donnelly
I post every one of your comments on FACEBOOK. I just pray people will read your messages as this country needs God so badly.
People who question the validity of Biden’s election are part of the problem. Biden may be a Herod, but he is a duly elected Herod, irregardless of whether you accept him as such. Reflect on that before you attack evangelical leaders who don’t want to see American democracy fall because you didn’t get your election preference for one election cycle.
And no, I do not prefer Biden. And I don’t like Trump. But I prayed for Trump and pray for Bolden, as the Bible tells us to. You are to pray for your leaders, even those you don’t like.
Pastor Mario, with all due respect, your use of the phrase “gay marriage”, as if such a thing actually exists, contributes to the problem. We Christians have no business calling a same-sex partnership a marriage. The phrase is inherently false. It is like talking about flying penguins.
We cannot stop the secularists from changing their language, but it is a sin against God if we follow them and start lying.
I pray for this ministry
Even Perry Stone has fallen!! Where are true men of GOD? I will die standing strong for GOD and good and totally against all form of evil. I believe GOD wants to remove the evil but HE is trying the church first to see who will stand on HIS side! We can’t have revival until the true church is known because the tares will fall with the goats!!!! I believe break through is near at hand so do not back down, do not give up but look up! Our help is on the way!!!!!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
You wrote that Joe Biden “wants to make it a criminal act to question his election.” When did he do this? What law or executive order did Joe Biden sign to make questioning an illegal act? The byline to these posts says “MMMinistries” but who are the people who write these posts?
Action over words President Trump did for the church what not POTUS has ever done while being attacked by the left. YET many Pastors who are wimps have compromised God’s word because Presidents Trump’s policies were in direct contrast to the left’s ideology.
That being said, President Trump SCJ are utter failures. AS was POTUS G.W Bush.
they allowed transgender into the girl’s restroom, and many “Pastors” are very silent on this ruling. as they are on trafficking and a whole host of other things.