Michigan attorney, Matthew DePerno, broke the news that it was possible for the Antrim County tabulator machines to be reopened after the election was officially over. The machines could then run more ballots through the tabulator, print off a new tabulator tape that showed as many new ballots as they wished, and then backdate that tape to November 3rd, 2020.
It is not hard to figure out what that means.
DePerno then began a Twitter thread with these four tweets:
1. “We have been lied to. The Antrim County election management system (EMS) was REMOTELY and successfully logged into, anonymously, on 11/05/2020 at 5:55 PM and again on 11/17/2020 at 5:16 PM. Yes, that is correct . . . REMOTELY.”
2. “Those dates are significant because they correspond directly to the dates the county and the SOS (Secretary of State) were trying to correct the intentional computer problems that subverted the election. These logons appear to have escalated privileges at the time of logon. Again . . . REMOTELY.”
3. “But we were told there was no internet connection. In an accredited system, an anonymous user should not be authorized by the accreditation authority, but would instead be required to enter a specific username and password to utilize the system.”
4. “We were told there was no internet connection. We were told there was no remote access. We were told this was human error. All lies. This is fraud. This decertifies the Antrim County election. SOS Benson should resign or be impeached.”
Now take a deep breath and let me speak to your heart. This is good news, but take this news with the proverbial grain of salt. I have no doubt about the facts in this report but, in the past, we have been too quick to declare victory, only to be let down later.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe there will be a magic bullet in this war. For starters, the leftist social and legacy media will bury this story. Even if it happens to get out, it will ignite a towering firestorm of criticism and denial. But that does not mean that God is not at work. He is!
We must be patient with the small victories that will come through skirmishes which gain us just a few feet of enemy territory at a time.
Nevertheless, this is wonderful news. And we can expect more victories. The momentum has been slow, but now it is accelerating. For example, more state leaders are headed to Arizona to examine the audit going on there.
The election fraud story is staying alive. The dominoes are beginning to fall. The pressure on the evildoers is intensifying. It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to unite in prayer so that all the election fraud in all the swing states will be exposed and judged.
Make no mistake, God is at work!
Will you join me on the frontlines? Volunteer for Living Proof Sacramento! Use this link to sign up now,
Amen and Amen!
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Amen amen amen!
Continue to pray unceasingly!
One thing I can say about the devil: he is a persistent cuss!
The church needs to be more Persistent!!
I saw how the votes were changed to Biden. The proof is out there. God is at work indeed.
Yes and amen! God is in control!
Incredibly comforting: “God is in control”.
Nothing else needs be said.
Amen and amen. Maranatha.
Thank you for those encouraging words and truth Mario. Still munching on the words from your last blog. There is more with us than against us. As i was reading the Holy Spirit moved on me and said this is true a Greater number is out there. The appearance of every body is believing what satan through the left is saying is a lie. Yet we don’t know how many still believe in God and America if we don’t speak out and come together as one. 20/60 principle, 20% has made up there minds to rebel against God, 20% are still believing in our Father, 40% have not made up their minds (hearts) which way to go. Pray, pray, pray, for the fence riders. That they will hear the truth about out Lord as we unashamedly Harold it out. If we don’t start standing up and speaking out the way of the Kingdom who will?
I was just listening to a Charles Capps podcast. He passed away to Heaven in 2004. I don’t know the year of the preaching. He prophesied that the wicked would pull together to keep corruption in the government(more than once) but that it would be pulled apart. Then he said this: “But the unity of the faith will bring together a unity for a common cause for righteousness in the earth that will vote together, will walk together, will come together for a common cause and you will see great and mighty manifestations of God’s power in the earth in the latter days, so lift up your head and rejoice…it’s time to praise Me for that time is already near saith the Lord.”
—from “Jesus Our Intercessor”
Correction: Charles Capps passed away in 2014.
Do you have a link to this podcast you were listening to?
What is done in the darkness will be exposed in the light. Praise the Lord for a small victory to gain ground. ? for the evil to be exposed completely and dealt with accordingly
Praise God!!
On Thu, Jun 10, 2021, 2:17 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Michigan attorney, Matthew DePerno, broke > the news that it was possible for the Antrim County tabulator machines to > be reopened after the election was officially over. The machines could then > run more ballots through the tabulator, print off a ” >
Amen! God is working.He never sleeps.He works the night shift while we mortals need rest. “HIS HAND IS STRETCHED OUT” OVER AMERICA. AMERICA will be saved. Praying for Sacramento.
Truth is like light. You cannot hide it. Eventually it comes out. And it makes the ones who tried to fool the people look even worse than what they already do. But the best part is God will get the victory because people will know for certain they were lied to and will want to join forces with those who exposed the lies. Hopefully the evil ones who did this will be held accountable. And those who fought them will be rewarded.
American Friends, please pray for Canadians. We are being segregated here, ID vaccinated passport has started in Manitoba, Canada. Help us Lord!! We all know President Donald Trump won the election!!!
Ginette, we will pray for you all!!
Something to keep in mind: God works on Sunday.
Yay, God !!! Thanks. Jo Jean
Thank you again for your blog, Mario. Some of us are far behind enemy lines and your blog provides encouragement and hope and lets us know there are solid like minded warriors. We may be alone but we are connected by the Holy Spirit.
amen Mario we all know they lied and cheated. From COVID-19, the media, the left, the SOS from many states. The GOP is weak and wimps and will not fight for the truth. reflective of many who are running “churches”. That God for those who have stood up and spoke out as Peter did
Those of us still “standing for justice” know God is going to SHOW everyone the truth, lies, and His power. Will everyone be offended by the Democrat party lies? Probably not.
> WordPress.com
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Watch God work!
Yes! This is good news!
Mario- we all believe it happened. Question is, what will be done after it’s proven?
In these crazy days only God knows the answer to that.Let hope for victory for the real President to be put back in the Oval Office,
Posted to Facebook… I haven’t been kicked off… Yet. 🙂
But, they can limit the distribution of my posts at their whim…
When I read this post from Mario Murillo this morning I began to weep because the scripture that we prayed so strongly for so long last year was Luke 12; 1-3 one where Jesus said beware of Hypocrisy. Then he went into the fact that everything done in secret will be brought to light everything done hidden would be revealed. And everything spoken in the secret places would be shouted on the rooftops.
I was overwhelmed this morning by the spirit of God that the momentum of exposing this evil fraud that has crippled this country will be grow as we continue to pray.
So Ekklesia…Let’s agree and pray as we have seen in the Scriptures where even 2 agree it shall be done! He said in Luke 18:8 “will I find faith on the earth?”
Let’s give him a resounding yes we will agree that America is being saved and that all the fraud and evil masquerading as good will be revealed and brought down and that what I saw this morning was that people who have been caught in the deception of the enemy would repent ..that we would see massive repentance across the land as this fraud and evil is revealed!
So what I saw was the love of God being revealed even as judgment against evil is coming against the evil one; and God will pour his love and mercy on people and we will see people with pit like we’ve never seen before
God is exposing and will bring justice. God bless you Mario and your ministry.
Thank you for this report, Pastor Mario. It is encouraging for sure. But like you say, we can’t get ahead of ourselves. We’ve been disappointed so many times. The Enemy and his minions are not giving up their territory without a fight. Snakes don’t like being cornered.
Keep praying, Saints!
Thank you for these updates & encouragement. They help me stand & keep me praying for the issues & you.
On Wed, Jun 9, 2021, 11:19 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Michigan attorney, Matthew DePerno, broke > the news that it was possible for the Antrim County tabulator machines to > be reopened after the election was officially over. The machines could then > run more ballots through the tabulator, print off a ” >
Praise Yahweh! Our God is moving. Hold the line. Shout victory!!
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Amen, brother Mario! I so agree, God is at work! Steve and Jeanette Lamb
Yes . HE IS at work. Amen.
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This is all great news! BUT, I will never give up believing President Trump will be back until the whole term is up. God said it and that makes it so. Call me crazy.
Patiently waiting—-Holding FAST—-AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!
Awesome! I pray that God blesses you today! Sue O’Rourke
Amen Mario! I agree with you! We have to be patient and let God roll everything out when and where in His timing. God rewards patience! To God be the Glory!???????
Thank you Mario ! Praise God !
On Thu, Jun 10, 2021, 12:26 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Michigan attorney, Matthew DePerno, broke > the news that it was possible for the Antrim County tabulator machines to > be reopened after the election was officially over. The machines could then > run more ballots through the tabulator, print off a ” >
Thank you, Thank you, for honest & up to date REAL news! God Bless you and your staff!
Helen M.
Holy Spirit please continue to shine your light on the darkness in the USA and what happened in 2020 with the election. Protect all those who are working so hard to get the truth out. Expose this faux administration. May Donald J. Trump soon be running the country, as we all know he won by a landslide. May this never happen again.
It’s coming, mom. You should check out ElijahStreams on YouTube.
On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 2:17 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Michigan attorney, Matthew DePerno, broke > the news that it was possible for the Antrim County tabulator machines to > be reopened after the election was officially over. The machines could then > run more ballots through the tabulator, print off a ” >
My prayer is that all evil, treachery and fraud will be exposed and dealt with according to the will of God; that those who have been deceived will seek salvation and forgiveness and the body of Christ will join together in unity under their head, Jesus Christ our Lord.
My prayer is that truth prevail in America, that the fraudulent November 2020 election be exposed and dealt with, and that the body of Christ come into the unity of the Holy Spirit.
Amen pray that God will continue to expose completely these evil doers.
NOT in my county. Reported the night of election not able to change ANYTHING. People check with your Supervisor of Elections.
praise God
Thank you ❣️We live in Michigan and no one told this. Blessings to you and your family ❤️????
Yes HE is working for us and evil beware! Just so glad that what the enemy meant for victory instead opened the eyes of most Americans to the evil in our government and my prayer is that our government gets an overhaul and it goes back to we the people!! Isn’t it funny how politicians get wealthy? But evilly gained will come back to the people! Open our eyes Father to the ugly truth of our Presidents and leaders. And I pray every evil curse spoken against our elected president (Trump) his family and staff returns to the sender! So don’t be surprised when people die or get impeached from offices!!!!! Only Trump and Reagan had balls enough not to bow to evil! And where are the leaders of the Church? You are mightily blessed but I’m afraid some big ones are considered backsliders according to the prophets in the BIBLE! If the word is from GOD it is still true today! Prayers for much success in your ministry! And to GOD be the glory!
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Thank you Pastor Mario for always keeping us informed! And never giving up!!!
thank you Pastor, for your loyalty to God and country and to true Christians. Just want you to know that I have been and presently now praying for this next endeavor at Sacramento, Calif. You are right in all you have said, and it is all about Souls! In my prayers, Fran
thanks for the update… very important info. God Bless Carol Weiler
On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 11:29 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Michigan attorney, Matthew DePerno, broke > the news that it was possible for the Antrim County tabulator machines to > be reopened after the election was officially over. The machines could then > run more ballots through the tabulator, print off a ” >
Dearest Pastor Mario, deepest thx for your inspired. 1. I am consecrating to God my breath – breath in is LIGHT FILLING ALL THAT IS; breath out is EVIL & DARKNESS IS TOTALLY DELETED; I am saying often ‘Jesus, Mary, Joseph’ as Bishop Fulton J. Sheen always wrote on his chalkboard, meaning – Jesus: our true President D. J. Trump returns to loving power VERY SOON, Like Aug. 2021; Mary: P. Trump has ALL THE SUPPORT HE NEEDS, GLOBALLY; Joseph: ALL the victims of horrific human trafficking ARE RESCUED, The USA border wall is completed w no more criminal illegals allowed, the ‘not a vaxx, lethal covid jab’ is globally banned & safely destroyed, ALL the Vaxxed Sheep still in physical are brought, by our true President, to MED BEDS For total healing & rejuvenation. IT IS SO! IT IS SO! IT IS SO! YAY PRECIOUS GOD!!! IN GOD WE TRUST AND REST!
Please note the new email address.
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Hello Jane, thanks for reading the blog. The way to update your email address is same way that you registered. Thanks for your help, MMM