Voices that are posturing as moral agents are asking you and me to lay down our resistance to the ongoing tyranny in America. They say that the moral and loving thing to do is accept Joe Biden and his administration. The awesome of thing about America and the Bible is that there is a huge case for not caving in.
How then, should we as Christians, relate to Joe Biden? We will know how to relate to Biden when we answer these two questions:
A. What is Joe Biden? B. What does the Bible say about relating to what he is?
1. What is Joe Biden? It sounds funny to ask what instead of who. However, it makes total sense. It is what Joe Biden is that is affecting us, more than who he is. It is what he is that is the force behind his actions. Coming to grips with these questions will bring us resolution, and then we will not feel guilty or hesitant to do what the Bible says.
Joe Biden is a tyrant. Here are the facts:
He wants to make it a criminal act to question his election. Joe Biden led the charge back in 2016 to question the validity of Trump’s election. He felt that he and all Trump-haters had the right to question that election, but now, no one has the right to question the validity of his election. Joe Biden is against free speech when it threatens him.
I believe Biden is working with the DOJ to identify anyone who still believes that Trump won, and not only identify them as homegrown terrorists—but to close down their businesses. As I wrote in a recent blog, Glenn Kirschner, a Biden operative has launched a campaign to force “every business in America” to take a pledge that states, in part, that “The 2020 presidential election was free and fair, and produced accurate, reliable results.”https://mariomurilloministries.wordpress.com/2021/03/24/the-latest-tyranny/
If Joe Biden honestly believed he was elected legitimately—if he was an American who is truly looking out for you and me—he would demand a full investigation of the election and settle the doubts of the American people once and for all.
He would want every voter in the U.S. to have confidence in the election process. He certainly would not be using his office to smother anything that challenges his power. He certainly would not be fanning the flames of division and slander toward what is likely a majority of Americans.
Joe Biden has exhibited a depraved indifference toward the welfare of Americans. By throwing open the door to the southern border and welcoming illegals, he has allowed undocumented aliens to bring in a variant strain of the coronavirus. Untold numbers of potentially sick people have been released into our communities. That is a simple fact.
Why is he locking down Americans on the one hand, while releasing new viruses on the other hand? The answer is a coldblooded need by the Left to hold on to power. The lives lost by a new wave of infections is not as important as repopulating America with fresh Democrat voters.

Joe Biden believes he, and not the Constitution guarantees our liberty. He said this in his speech, “By July the 4th, there’s a good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day,” But Biden and his health experts have added some major caveats: that the gatherings would need to be small, and that there should be no “large events with lots of people together.” He is saying, that our freedom comes by his permission.
Jesus will provide us with the true example of how to behave at this dark moment in American history. Luke 13:31-32, “At that very hour some Pharisees came up and said to Him, ‘Go away from here, for Herod is determined to kill You.’ And He said to them, ‘Go and tell that fox [sly and crafty, skulking and cowardly], Behold, I drive out demons and perform healings today and tomorrow, and on the third day I finish My course.’”

Jesus is saying what Herod is—a fox. Then he is saying I am not concerned about your threats. I will finish my course.
Albert Barnes said in his commentary, “Tell that fox—A fox is an emblem of slyness, of cunning, and of artful mischief. The word is also used to denote a dissembler. Herod was a wicked man, but the “particular thing” to which Jesus here alludes, is not his “vices,” but his “cunning, his artifice,” in endeavoring to remove (Jesus) out of his territory. (Herod) had endeavored to do it by stratagem – by sending these (Pharisees) who pretended great friendship for his life.
“”Behold, I cast out devils”—(Jesus is saying), Announce to him the fact that I am working miracles in his territory, and that I shall continue to do it. I am not afraid of his art or his enmity. I am engaged in my appropriate work, and shall continue to be, as long as is proper, in spite of his arts and his threats.”

How then should we as Christians relate to Biden? Biden has ignored science to keep ungodly control over America and the Church. He has demonstrated that his actions are outside the law of man and God. We must relate to him as a rogue president, and we must therefore relate to God as our Leader at this moment.
We are not to be violent or riotous. We are not to engage in wild conspiracies or railing accusations. We are, however, to tell Biden we are going to be the Church. We are going to believe what the Bible says about sexual sin and gender. Biden cannot tell us to stop meeting, while at the same time allowing BLM, Antifa, and illegal aliens to overrun our nation.
We are going to continue the work of God, without interruption. No matter what.

P.S. A message to those who support Mario Murillo’s mission to America.
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It’s the Fake News with their Fake “President”! Little Biden Boy has no leadership skills! He just wants to feel important! There is no question about it: Biden is Demonized!
Sent from my iPhone
Amen Mario!! Great words of truth and guidance!! Thank you ! Praying for
Sacramento Crusade in August!!
Gods richest Blessings, double portion of Anointing and renewed strength every morning be upon you!!…????????❤️❤️
fight on bro
Amen we must continue being bold and committed to doing His will and not just
“hearing” what to do, but actually “doing” His word. Let’s have Revival for real, amen?
Blessings brother Mario.
Amen amen and amen?♥️
On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 10:28 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Voices that are posturing as moral agents > are asking you and me to lay down our resistance to the ongoing tyranny in > America. They say that the moral and loving thing to do is accept Joe Biden > and his administration. The awesome of thing about America an” >
The wound perpetrated on the American people over the stolen election of 2020 will never heal until we recount all the legal votes. Joe Biden will go down in history as a coward, a thief and a fraud. He and his wife Jill are nothing more than squatters living in the people’s White House.
So true. Whenever I see him I feel like I’m watching a performance, not something real, He is a puppet.
Thank you, Mario, for your strong and courageous words.
You are getting better and better! I know why GOD chose you! You are not afraid of the devil in any disguise! Praying for a mighty move of GOD for your steadfastness! We will not give in to satan and his emps but we will stand firm for CHRIST! We can move mountains!!!!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Amen, Amen my Brother thanks for the words of truth‼️Jesus Christ is Our Lord and Savior ??✝️??
On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 12:39 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Voices that are posturing as moral agents > are asking you and me to lay down our resistance to the ongoing tyranny in > America. They say that the moral and loving thing to do is accept Joe Biden > and his administration. The awesome of thing about America an” >
Amen Act 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. Act 4:29 And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, Act 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
The whole key and answer to the Problem is we just need to surrender to the Holy Spirit and let him have his say, and what ever come’s out will be of him, and be of God, and it doesn’t matter what men think or do, he will have his say, and if it cost us our lives then good, we just made the Gospel worthy to be slain for Christ sake list, better than to live a slave to evil Tyrants, if we surrender to the Holy We don’t have to worry about what to say when they threaten us for the Holy Spirit will speak.
Mat 10:17 But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;
Mat 10:18
And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.
Mat 10:19
But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.
Mat 10:20
For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
Again the whole key is who is in control, if the Holy has control them let him speak he will and he does not allow evil and sin, so if he has the chance he will rebuke even JB which he gave me a word to rebuke him the day he signed for more babies to be killed that his house would fall if he didn’t turn from that evil, I gave it knowing what I could face with these Tyrants, because it was from the Holy Spirit, we must give what he says even under this leadership, the question is who is in charge, for the Holy Spirit does not submit to evil and sin, and never will, no matter who is in charge. Good word sir God Bless
He tells it as it is. I do love people who will face the truth and not cringe away from it, don’t you?
Please never reference Biden as “President” Joe Biden – he is NOT the President. He was never voted in, Donald Trump won by a landslide, and the true prophets have verified that Trump will soon be back in the Office of the President.
Joe Biden is NOT a/the President. His demise is not far off.
Agreed. Sooner or later, likely sooner rather than later, Biden’s many sins will definitely be found out. That’s according to Numbers 32:23. Thank You and God Bless You.
Mario, you nailed the “what” of this person. Here is the “who” of Joe Biden in his own words, speaking to his own:
“We have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama’s administration before this, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
A puppet of the Chinese Communist Party. ?
And like Humpty Dumpty, someone’s who’s headed for a big fall. ?
Amen Sam
And the sooner the better, NickT. 🙂
Even Greg Kelley on Newsmax, who is an outspoken Believer and I like him a lot, said a couple of days ago that Biden IS our president. He was probably told to say that.
I looked at the tv and said out loud, “Well, no he isn’t.” I figure, if I stole the Crown Jewels , it still would not make me the Queen of England. it would mean I was a thief who needed to pay for my crimes.
The entire world may have to pay for what the dems have done to this country, forcing this guy in there. What a mess:
And I try to completely avoid “journalists”—and news “outlets”—like that. 😛 If enough of us do so, they won’t have an audience. 😉
Very well said about the Crown Jewels!
Re-posted, for as long as it lasts, on Facebook.
I have no doubts I’ll be on that DOJ watch list, even though I am a Patriotic Vietnam Era Veteran who *STILL* takes his oath of enlistment seriously, especially the part about defending the the US Constitution from *ALL* enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.
Only The Holy Spirit can fix this… I remember back in the 70’s when, I think it was the cult The Children of God, dressed in prophets cloaks and staves and pounded the pavement saying Woe, Woe, Woe.
I’ve wondered if such brave folks still exist today?
Amen Marsha. I agree with you. As far as I am concerned, Jesus is already our leader!! So we will always have the victory as we continue to worship and praise Him together. God bless you.
Here’s an encouraging story confirming that Biden is indeed just a “marionette.” ?
Incidentally, I tried posting this comment using the original story URL a couple of times, but it never showed up. It wasn’t until I changed the URL using TinyURL that things finally worked.
So, WordPress appears to be actively censoring certain URLs. 😛
Biden is not my president. Almost everybody knows they stole the election.Hopefully God and the righteous people will expose this great injustice!
Lying Joe is not running this country it’s the ultra left that will do anything to be in power. I still believe God will change this farce of a so called president, it’s just crazy watch is going on.?
Amen!! Joe is a joke! It’s an absolute pethetic mess!Trump won by a landslide! Biden is NOT the president!!!
My daughter lives in Rocklin…I certainly hope she has attended your crusades there. My granddaughter wants Jesus but has had problems with her dad allowing her to go to church. She believes in the “one true God”. ________________________________
keep up the good work !
On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 1:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Voices that are posturing as moral agents > are asking you and me to lay down our resistance to the ongoing tyranny in > America. They say that the moral and loving thing to do is accept Joe Biden > and his administration. The awesome of thing about America an” >
Thank you Mario for your courage to speak Truth when so many are afraid to. I’m holding onto the Fact that there are still ten righteous in every city in America. Heavenly Father, have mercy on us. Give us ALL wisdom and courage to put on the whole armor and go into battle against the powers of darkness. In The mighty name of Jesus!
AND this video reveals a lot about the subject: https://sorendreier.com/tucker-how-many-americans-have-died-after-taking-covid-vaccines/ listen to what biden says how sad.
?! SO TRUE!?
Joyce Bidwell
I’ve NEVER said or related that nitwit as a president. That, he is N?T!
All he is, is a lying thief occupying residency in the WH!
I still call ??POTUS: DONALD JOHN TRUMP he is still OUR. POTUS!
Truth being revealed.
On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 1:33 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Voices that are posturing as moral agents > are asking you and me to lay down our resistance to the ongoing tyranny in > America. They say that the moral and loving thing to do is accept Joe Biden > and his administration. The awesome of thing about America an” >