by | May 9, 2021 | Mario Murillo Ministries | 60 comments

Everything we have done in California has been a buildup to this. All the miracles. All the conversions. All the breakthroughs have been a rehearsal for this: A massive event in Sacramento: LIVING PROOF CALIFORNIA.

You may remember the dream that launched the amazing Living Proof Crusades. In my dream, I was hovering over California and could see the 400 mile length of Highway 99. It turned into a river and God said “this is a corridor of MY GLORY.”

What else could we call it—now that we have seen the Glory of God cover almost the entire length of that highway.

The breakthroughs of 2021 began in Bakersfield. Then it moved to Modesto, and the river jumped its banks. And how can we describe the results at William Jessup University in Rocklin CA?

They sat outside the tent in 45 degree weather in Bakersfield.

But during all of these massive breakthroughs the target on God’s mind was Sacramento. That alone is stunning. But, it is the magnitude of what God has ordered me to do in Sacramento that is overwhelming.

-I am to call this Living Proof California. Every other tent crusade has been named for the host city. Not this time. This time it is for all of California. This time we asking for people to come from all over the West Coast. This is a crusade for the very soul of California.

-I am to put 1,000 workers on the streets of Sacramento. Not only that, our outreach to Sacramento will begin nearly 100 days before the event begins. From late May until the first week of September. We are literally spending all summer in Sacramento.

-We are to prepare for crowds that are much larger than what we saw in the tent. Everything we do here will be 5 times more than anything we have done before. This time we are heading into a harvest that can transform a region. And not just any region.

-We are targeting the seat of power not only for California, but for all of America. We will launch a massive media campaign that I believe will tell the entire city that we are here and why we are here.

The leftist machine that is driving America away from God is centered here. Every leftist policy that you can think of has been birthed here and exported from here. We are literally going into the lion’s den.

The Holy Spirit has commanded me to pull out all of the stops and treat this outreach as if it is the last crusade of my ministry.

That is why I am writing you this urgent blog. I am not asking for money. I am asking for prayer warriors and volunteers. We will begin by organizing zoom calls for prayer. Then we will be saturating every church we know, and rallying every Christian we know to pray for Sacramento.

-Soon you will see announcements for volunteers and a link to sign up to join us on the front line.

-Soon you will hear about a luncheon for all pastors and leaders in the whole of California to meet me in Sacramento.

No matter what…you can begin by praying. What if this is the great strike against the enemy that we have yearned for? If so, it deserves our all. Come with me on this astounding endeavor for the Glory of Jesus Christ! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY FOR SACRAMENTO.

DO NOT HESISTATE FIREPOWER REGISTRATION IS FILLING UP FAST! It is free but you must register. Register now!

Date And Time
Fri, May 21, 2021, 6:30 PM –
Sat May 22 11 AM/ 6:30PM
Sun, May 23, 2021, 6:30 PM PDT

Cornerstone Church / The Historic Wilson Theater / Main Auditorium
1445 Fulton Street
Fresno, CA 93721


Firepower measures three elements of any army. 1. The amount of weapons and ammunition. 2. The amount of damage those weapons can inflict on the enemy. 3. The skill level of those who man those weapons.

The American Church had buildings, programs and resources but little firepower against evil culture. She lost her firepower and thus lost the nation. The Holy Spirit is rebuilding firepower in willing vessels.

My master class condenses 50+years of frontline ministry into a course that will—if you are serious—greatly increase your firepower.

Again, the class is Free but you must register. Register now.


  1. bettyandpip

    Mario you are heading toward my birth place. My Japanese family live in that area. Vacaville. I was born at Travis Air Force base. Some are christian. Others dont know. Thank God for his Mercies. God dont forget OHIO. thank you betty

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    • C. Jones

      Critical Mass in Sacramento where the masses will be dynamited into the kingdom of God. Let this be the meeting place that goes nuclear, and Jesus shows himself alive by many infallible proofs! Let the seat of satan in Sacramento be torn down once and for all in the Name of Jesus, the name with all power and authority in heaven and on earth! Sacramento means “Most Holy Sacrament”. Let the broken body and shed blood of Jesus through the preaching of the cross, saturate California and all of America! Let the Spirit of the Lord lift up a standard against the devil and put him to flight! Jesus is Lord over America!

      • Wordforworld

        A hearty “AMEN” CJones!!! Excellent foundational prayer for warriors! Thanks!

        Blessings to all Mothers this day, for those with us; and beautiful memories for those whose Mommas have gone on to glory!!

      • Brenda

        AMEN! I am standing in agreement with you!

      • Linda C


    • dstevens55

      So your dad must have been in the Air Force? So was mine. I was born in Enid, Oklahoma, near Vance Air Force Base in 1955. We went to Travis Air Force Base when Dad was transferred to Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1961 and when we came back to the mainland in 1964. I flew to Sacramento Airport for a conference in March 2020 right before covid hit. The conference was in Turlock. I remember seeing Modesto during the drive to Turlock and back to the airport. I live near Columbus, Ohio.

  2. raywardell

    Praying in England ??????? , U.K. ??

    P.S. please pray for us.


    • Pamela McCarty


  3. Petro

    I know there is a Cloud of Glory spread over that Area! God’s Army is preparing the way! Praise God Almighty for the open doors! All the helpers, servants, Pastors! Above all, Holy Spirit fall on every action taken! In the Name of Jesus I pray
    Bless you Mario Murillo Ministry and team. Bless your wife’s powerful input! All Glory to God

  4. Anne Kellar

    Also praying from England. This is wonderful news.

  5. John Blaylock

    Mario, thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit. It is an encouragement to all. We here in Tennessee are praying with you. Believing for the outpouring of the Spirit, were lives are changed. The Lord Jesus is exalted.

  6. lordswarrior111

    Dear Mario: Please post the times and arrangements for the Zoom prayer meetings. I would like to participate if possible. Thank you, Clint Cheshire, Hickory, North Carolina.

  7. Tanner from Louisiana

    Gods Remnant is here and continue to rise up with Armies of Angels assigned to protect the followers of Jesus. Get Ready The shaking has started, God is still Merciful and provides Grace for those who have FAITH in him. He is not looking for perfect just a litttle FAITH in him. Praying for a new old school revival Brother Mario, people are going to receive the Holy Ghost fire ? from the North to South and East to West ???⚡️?

    Hebrews 13:2
    2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

    Build the ? tents ⛺️
    Get aboard that train ?

    As One brothers and sisters, keep fighting don’t give up. Look to him for strength and wisdom.

    Change history, you will.

  8. Tanner from Louisiana

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms. ????Thanks for the prayers, love and support, a group of moms praying brings change and supernatural power. God hears those praying moms, very powerful, you can’t run from those prayers when they sent out, kept many of us alive because they had FAITH And believed God can do anything.

    As one☝?
    Build the ? tents ⛺️

  9. Mary J.

    Amen! We will be praying!!

  10. Kathleen Coupland

    Got up this morning with the song Fire, Fire, Fall on us. Hebrides revival had two women praying. We will see the Fire of God. Ohio is praying. Blessings. The power of God is on all of us. It is done.

  11. Ty Bragg

    I will be in playful agreement with you. May the favor you have been granted extent eastward to us. There is much territory to be claimed for the Kingdom.

  12. addedperspective2020

    Mario, please let us know in the call for prayer warriors, post the times and arrangements for the Zoom prayer meetings. Attend them in our community and gasp the real value of Zoom meetings in today’s world. I may live on the other side of America but praying to God for a common goal closes that gap. Praying for that revival that God has started in California to spread like a wildfire across America. Remember the TV show Bonanza, our pastor we serve, used that picture that started the show, as an illustration in one of his sermons. Gods power starting in one spot and spreading across the country.

  13. peggy Borst

    I am from Florida, I know that you Mario know a friend of mine Dr. Robert Montgomery, and his wife Sue. He is with Jesus now and she is here in Florida. I met them in 1981 at ORU. I am praying for you and I am sure that Sue is too. In fact, my church “Orlando House of Prayer has also been praying for you, the prophets, our nation, and especially for the lost, the sick, and the hurting. We are praying for this evangelistic movement. I personally believe that this is the beginning of the great awakening for the USA. If I could be there to help I would be. If I could support you financially I would. I will continue to pray. We serve a mighty, living, loving God. I thank God for all you and the prophets, and other evangelists and for the work, He [Jesus] is doing through all of you. Keep your eyes on Jesus, kee[up the good work.

  14. peggy Borst

    Please post the zoom prayer meetings. I would like to join. I think my pastor [Carlos Sarmiento from Orlando House of Prayer] might like that too.


    Hallelujah! You have been raised up for such a time as this, Mario (and all involved)! Praise the Lord!

  16. Victoria Ferris

    This is SO VERY exciting and PRAISE JESUS for this REVIVAL and all those coming to Him!! I pray ? and wish I lived or could visit California.. but I believe there will be a Revival throughout!! What an exciting time. Your inspiring messages go far beyond this state!!

  17. Benjamin

    Yes I’m all in, will begin to pray starting today! LORD THANK YOU FOR VISION, AMERICA WILL BE SAVED!!!

  18. Marrion

    Praying from BC Canada! Prayer is powerful – I am alive today because of the power of prayer. There is nothing He can’t do! ??





    On Sun, May 9, 2021 at 12:59 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Everything we have done in California has > been a buildup to this. All the miracles. All the conversions. All the > breakthroughs have been a rehearsal for this: A massive event in > Sacramento: LIVING PROOF CALIFORNIA. You may remember the dream that laun” >

  20. Bill Beaty


    Sent from my iPhone


  21. Ron Giovanetti

    Yesssssss ?????⚡️???

    Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  22. Sheila Price

    I consider praise to be the highest form of prayer…. I am praising God for what He is doing in the peoples hearts, minds and souls, drawing them to Himself, bringing in volunteers to sweep the land of California and bring the Truth of Who the True Leader is. I praise Yehovah God for what His Son conquered at The Whipping Post and at The Altar of The Cross, and how more and more people are becoming aware of This Truth through the power of the Holy Spirit. I praise Him for The Glory that He is now and will continue to release in California and Texas and Florida and will spread across this nation to become The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA one again. I praise His Holy Name, Yeshua ben Yehovah!

    On Sun, May 9, 2021, 3:56 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Everything we have done in California has > been a buildup to this. All the miracles. All the conversions. All the > breakthroughs have been a rehearsal for this: A massive event in > Sacramento: LIVING PROOF CALIFORNIA. You may remember the dream that laun” >

    • C. Jones

      Matthew 1:20-21. The angel sent by God to Joseph in a dream, instructed him to name the child conceived by the Holy Ghost in Mary’s womb, Jesus, for He will save his people from their sins. Jesus means The Lord saves, rescued by his ransom.

  23. Doug

    Zoom Me In, from Florida – use my email as shown. I have prayed for Living Proof aline, now led to be part of a Zoom prayer time.

  24. Michelle Lusby

    Mario you can count Freddie and I in to pray and help. The Lord just moved us here to Sacramento. We have been here for two weeks. I didn’t understand why, now I know why ? May the Lord bless and keep you and Mechelle and your families, always. I am so excited to see what the Lord does through MMM ???♥️??

  25. kingskid48

    I can barely wait to see how God uses you, Pastor Mario, to shake Sacramento to its core. Now is the time. It’s now or never to save California, and then the nation. I can’t help on the streets, but count me in for prayers and donations.

  26. David Enns

    Yes we will be praying for you ,, God is on the move!
    David and Jeralyn Enns

  27. Carol Judith

    Wonderful!! We surely need that in Seattle/Everett hwy 99!! Desperately in need of God Carol (Brandvold)Judith

    Sent from my iPhone

    • M. Morgan

      Yes, Highway 99 is the old highway from San Diego to the Canadian Border and across into Vancouver BC. Don’t stop, oh, Spirit of the Living God, don’t stop! The land cries out. May awakening to the One True God and cleansing from sin through the sacrifice of His beloved Son, true repentance, and renewed life in Him spread the length of that highway. May it spill over to the El Camino Real, the path that was trod by the Mission Fathers, reclaiming it and calling it “a highway of holiness” where “the redeemed will walk and the ransomed of the Lord will return, and come with joyful shouting to Zion, with everlasting joy upon their heads. They will find gladness and joy and sorrow and sighing will flee away.” Is. 35:8, 9 & 10. Oh Lord, let it be.

  28. Tricia Sims

    You can count on my husband and I to be praying for Sacramento. I have a heart for Sacramento because I lived there 12 years. Here in another, leftist state – NY!?. We will be joining you in the zoom prayer time. All God’s blessings and angels charge over you and your ministry!?✝️

  29. faridaldenson

    Hallelujah! I volunteered at the Modesto tent revival. What an amazing move of God. Super excited to see God’s great move in California and around the world. Psalm 145 “One generation shall praise Your works to another and shall DECLARE Your mighty acts”!

  30. pamelajpowell

    Praying for you and the crusade from Texas!

    Sent from my iPhone


  31. yesua7

    you go bro

  32. wannablog2

    Thank you Lord!! Our capital needs a miracle. Theres a good man, his nsme is diego martinez and he is running for governor. He supports God back in our schools, the family , law enforcement and fixing whats broken. Please keep him in your prayers. He is self funding and has to pay 6000.oo to refile his intfnt to run in the recall. ( against ungodly bruce jenner who has$$$ and people that dont know better with stars in their eyes over him) On Sunday, May 9, 2021, Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Everything we have done in California has > been a buildup to this. All the miracles. All the conversions. All the > breakthroughs have been a rehearsal for this: A massive event in > Sacramento: LIVING PROOF CALIFORNIA. You may remember the dream that laun” >

  33. Ambassador Financial


    Continuing to pray for you and ministry. We are on the winning side.

    Warner Rivière
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    Expect your miracle this day

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  34. Rose Heinrichs

    Praying from Canada. So glad to pray with you. Will the sessions on Firepower be available online after the the conference. I would love to be able to access them.

  35. Michel Desjardins Québec Canada

    Thank you Lord Jesus for ministry like this one. There is so many lost souls out there and the only
    thing they need is to heard your Word. I pray that their hearts be receptive to Your message my Lord.
    I also pray for the workers who will invest their time and work hard for the advancement of Your Kingdom.
    Thank you for these people and may many others will join them to make Your name be glorified and worship in such a manner that the entire region might be shaken by Your power. Amen

  36. RAFO

    We pray in Jesus’ blessed name for these meetings in Sacramento to go Nuclear! May the spiritual fallout flow out of California and cover this land! We need a great spiritual awakening of the likes which hasn’t been seen in at least a hundred years… we bind all hindering spirits right now in the name of Jesus and proclaim spiritual freedom from sin, sickness and bondage!

    • Susan


  37. Susan

    God protect and Bless You MMM-
    In Jesus Name. Amen

  38. Naomi Seabourne

    Not able to do the street ministry but will be praying fervently for a mighty out pouring of the Holy Spirit in Sacramento & regions beyond. I will be attending as many nights as possible. So excited to see what God will do. God bless you Mario & every worker, prayer team worker, worship team & street workers. May this revival spread across our nation & around the world in Jesus name. Come Holy Spirit we need you!!!!

  39. diane20201gmailcom

    Amen! Pray! Pray! Pray a thousand fold! I have ARROWS in my hand and will not stop until the complete Victory is WON! Here comes The REDEEMING BLOOD TO FILL THE LAND, The Rushing Water from the Thrown of God to build up an Army to speak; not being into BEING and Holy Fire to burn up all that is NOT HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS! LET THE TRI-FECTA BEGIN! Yes and Amen

  40. Ann Harper

    I commit to pray for and intercede for this ministry and great move of God. Expecting great things. The Awakening is upon us. PRAISE GOD.

  41. Bri H Loftis


  42. nancy2c

    I will pray. I live in Texas. Your crusades are definitely a large part of the revival of the last days bringing in a great harvest for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    Nancy Crenshaw

    On Sun, May 9, 2021, 2:59 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Everything we have done in California has > been a buildup to this. All the miracles. All the conversions. All the > breakthroughs have been a rehearsal for this: A massive event in > Sacramento: LIVING PROOF CALIFORNIA. You may remember the dream that laun” >

  43. Marilyn Lacey

    ❤️??❤️??I will definitely be praying for you and your team, and for a releasing of the Holy Spirit in California and throughout this country.

  44. mark Dubois

    Thank You brother Mario.
    I am and have been praying and sending your blogs to my Pastor & friends in Christ.
    Blessings and Hallelujah!!!

  45. Doris Martinez


  46. Ruth Buck

    For many years I prayed on Saturdays for California with the Capitol Imtercessors within a room given by Senator Shannon Grove for this purpose. This group still worships and intercedes every month under the leadership of Bessy Rocci who also implements the reading of the entire Bible every year in the hallways and byways of the Capitol building. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was given an extension vision of Mario’s Highway 99 Glory River dream . This Glory River flowed West to East-from Sacramento through Eastern Tennessee and then continued around the world.


    Wow The Spirit of the Lord is powerful and moving! We were at the Rocklin events and when the Mighty God of the Universe covered the place with healing and salvation!
    Amazing time and watching hundreds come to Christ!! Mario you are a vessel that GOD has made shine in this dark time in California! Praise GOD!!

  48. SanDiegoLinda

    Mario, God is using you mightily bc you have proven to be a faithful, humble true servant!!! I am a native Californian and for many decades have sadly seen our GOLDEN STATE deteriorate seemingly without hope. What you are doing for the Kingdom and CA is beyond words. May God continue to bless you and bring you great favor as you continue on the journey/destiney HE has for you. Praying for clear paths and open doors for you and those working with you to turn CA back to HIM in greater measure than ever before. Light dispels darkness. Let your light so shine as you go, Mario!!! Praying for strength, wisdom, anointing and all provisions met to proceed ahead. Let this continue all the way to SoCal and may Hollywood to be known as HOLYwood. Let us witness CA being changed into a state known as the GLORY state for others to replicate…

  49. fromanislandinnewhampshire

    Praying and backing you up; this is wonderful, God’s fire burning and catching everywhere. The Left has nothing to match this!

    • kingskid48

      The worldly think they are the ones having fun, enjoying life. They have nothing compared to seeing God move and feeling the Power and Presence of the Holy Spirit of the Living God.


    I will be praying for fallow ground for be broken up. Christ will rain righteousness down . Hearts of stones becomes heart of flesh,

    In Christ,




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