by | May 7, 2021 | Christianity Today | 97 comments

Pride is a strange kind of poison. Under its influence, you are the last to know when your star is fading. I chuckle when I think of the council meeting over at Facebook. They met to decide whether Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook.

I am sure the air was charged with arrogance. Never have a group of people so overestimated their importance to the real world. Never, have such small people felt so big.

It’s not like they lacked information about themselves. They banned Trump and, shockingly, he did not die. He did not even miss a beat. His popularity not only remained strong—it grew!

They thought they were lobbing grenades at a tottering shack when, in reality, they were shooting spitballs at a battleship. Instead of going, “boom-boom,” their ammunition made a pathetic “doink-doink.”

Clearly, the brains of the staff over at Facebook work differently than yours or mine. For instance, they can shrink 1.9 billion dollars of damage, rioting, and death perpetrated by Antifa and BLM, which is still ongoing, into acts of justifiable protest. Then, turn around and make the protest on January 6th at the Capitol, which was nothing in comparison, into the most violent act in history.

But their buffoonery does not end there: They believe that Trump incited the riots, even though there is not one scintilla of evidence that he did.

Then they outdid themselves.

They voted to uphold the ban on Donald Trump, claiming it was for your safety. How hilarious is that! They are protecting us! That is like hiring a weasel to guard the chicken coop.

The hand of God is still heavy on Donald Trump. That is why his enemies falter and their schemes backfire. On the other hand—there is an inexorable fate ahead for Facebook and Twitter. They are rapidly approaching the trash heap of history, yet they are the last to realize it.

Trump launched his social platform. Sure, it’s a glorified blog—but what a blog! The numbers of supporters who are currently in contact with Trump through this new outlet are staggering. That means only one thing—his influence in America is growing.

Yet, many Christians are disheartened by the election fraud that took place on Nov. 3rd. They wonder, “What good does Trump’s popularity do if our elections are rigged?” And that is a legitimate question. But here are some even more pertinent questions: How did Trump beat Hillary? Answer: A miracle. How is it that Trump is getting more powerful when everything is seemingly against him? Another miracle.

So how will the stolen election ever be exposed? That may be just one more miracle away. And the most important part about miracles, is that God does not need our help.

Just like Donald Trump does not need Facebook.

The FIREPOWER master class is Free but you must register. Register now.

“I have always yearned to train the remnant on firepower—the power that damages the enemy and moves the army of God to meaningful breakthroughs against sickness, and demonic strongholds. This weekend of classes will skip the fluff. You will find the weapons that tear down strongholds. I am really excited to be teaching all the classes with you.We do not just need an army—we need an army that can defeat the new threats and win a nation back to God.”-Mario Murillo

Register now

Date and Time

Fri, May 21, 2021, 6:30 PM –Sat May 22 11 AM/ 6:30PMSun, May 23, 2021, 6:30 PM PDT Location: Cornerstone Church / The Historic Wilson Theater / Main Auditorium1445 Fulton Street Fresno, CA 93721


  1. C. Jones

    Facebook is desperate for their 15 minutes of fame which will lead to a lifetime of endless shame! What a bunch of jackasses! The real motivation behind Facebook’s childish rants against PRESIDENT TRUMP is simple: ENVY! . Behind their envy is hateful murder. They need to feel important, and are driven to be in control! The more it backfires on them the more angry they get! Facebook is imploding on itself!

    • Jim

      Well said! I completely agree! I can’t wait to see their final humiliation and defeat.

    • Karyn


    • Wordforworld

      CJones, bro! ??
      What do u expect from brains that go “doink, doink?”
      The clowns actually did set up a carnie near the election audit venue!
      It has been a circus, ample supply of clowns and their clown-speak.

      • Linda C

        Just as Psalm 2 says!

  2. Petro

    God is in control. He is the King of Kings! Holy Spirit rain on the World. Refresh the remnant
    Bless you Mario Murillo! We are praying!!!!

    • C. Jones

      God is Sovereign. He is the LORD of lords! Restore the Remnant! Pray without ceasing! Rejoice evermore!

    • Bernard Soh

      Amen to that Mario. God bless you and your Ministry.

  3. Lauraine Meyer

    I’m in Ontario, can I attend on line?

    Sent from my iPad


  4. Josephine Tarantino

    Amen and amen

    Sent from my iPhone


  5. Sandra

    Good one!

  6. Sieglinda

    Definitely God Is At Work, Question Is Are We Ready For The Explosion Of The Truth Of All The Evil Exposed♥️

  7. Vern & Carole Heeren

    It occurs to us that, in writing this post, you are activating the blessing of Psalm 40: 4.
    Thank you for responding to God’s call to summon our hearts to a new Great Awakening, up the central valley of California, across the nation, and around the world. We take great joy in participating online. Perhaps God will bring us to one of your crusades in person.

    Love in Christ,

    Vern & Carole

  8. Jim

    This is one of the all time best posts that I have read from Brother Marillo! Thanks! Some comments: or any of those other “social media” wastes of time. I never will.
    – I love the “doink koink” illustration. It wonderfully expresses the silliness and uselessness of the “media giants” presence.
    – You are so right that President Trump “Needs” facebook, etc about like we need a hole in the head. Those clowns are mightily deceived and don’t even know it.
    I could go on expressing my contempt and disdain for them and their delusion but I think you get my drift. And Mario’s drift .
    Praise God for His coming victory! It will be wonderful! Hallelujah.
    – I have never had a facebook page, a twitter account,

  9. Audrey

    Excellent! Amen and Amen!!!

  10. esther blansett

    thank you sir, amen and amen and it is great that you are encouraging the body of Christ and also God is using you to bring truth to all so we keep praying and keeping our eyes and faith in Jesus…thank you and God bless you

  11. archaios6

    another great warrior who has started a platform is Mike Lindell. all these prayer warriors need to link together so then can defeat satan’s war on Christians. Lindell’s can be reached at ( He is having a mega rally in S. Dakota on Monday May 10 th Gen. Flynn will be there amonf other warriors. Bless them all in their fight for all people and not just a few.

    • Karyn

      Where is the rally going to be?

  12. Freda Crump

    Thank you!

    Sent from my iPhone


  13. Norma B

    On Sat, May 8, 2021 at 2:13 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pride is a strange kind of poison. Under > its influence, you are the last to know when your star is fading. I chuckle > when I think of the council meeting over at Facebook. They met to decide > whether Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook. I am ” >

  14. jbjlee

    Please let me know if I his is available for online participation as I live in another state and am unable to attend in person. I’m hoping you will or are making this a possibility, Thank you! Brenda Lee in Alabama!

    Sent from my iPhone


    • Deidre

      I also live in another state and cannot attend in person. Can we attend online?

  15. Krista

    How do I find Donald Trump’s nee blog?

    Sent from my iPhone


  16. yizreal789

    Mario, I may have needlessly registered for FIREPOWER. I’m not able to come in person, only via Livestream.
    Should I cancel the registration?
    Thank you, sincere apologies,
    Teresa Hiatt

  17. Jean White

    For sure Mario. He does not need face book and neither do we.

    Sent from my iPad

  18. Nancy

    “doink-doink” from this day forward will be my mind-picture of facebook. Excellent post, but I am still smiling!

  19. mrsbmp

    We could all live without Facebook and Twitter. Thank God He is coming up with a new network to keep us connected that helps build the Kingdom of God and not the kingdom of this world. Exciting days we live in for those who belong to Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory forever and ever, Amen.

    • n9nwo

      someone will have something that it is as easy to use, as familiar, as FB or Twitter. It is coming.

      • Karyn


  20. Lonnie Frock

    Right after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor would reportedly write in his diary, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”


  21. Shirley Securro

    Mario, we love your comedic remarks. Got my laugh for the day with the ammunition making a “doink-doink” and the Buffoonery? Dictionary words or Mario words? Laughed out loud with hiring a weasel to guard a chicken coup! You are a Holy Ghost Comedian in addition to being a Holy Ghost Genius! We thank God for you and all the work that you are doing to inform everyone! God Bless you and Family!

    • C. Jones

      YES, Mario is definitely a gifted Holy Ghost Genius! He is a Holy Ghost Battle axe in the hand of God! He skillfully cuts through the Left like a hot sword through butter! He is skillful in the word of righteousness.

  22. n9nwo

    The left has a mindset. They use a pattern started in the Russian revolution. Destabilize society using sex, especially homosexuality, civil unrest (riots) then once in power purge those who helped you destabilize society. They look for a society that is weak, like having economic issues.

    They tried it again in the 1930s Weimar Republic but the German people rebelled and sought a strong man in Hitler. Thus the left sees now as their opportunity in the US. And saw Trump as the strong man. Once Trump was defeated they now see themselves as unstoppable. Especially against a weak establishment republican senate.

    What the left does not understand is that the US is far more godly than Russia or German were. That the first colonies were established by godly people and for two hundred years before we were a nation we were ruled by pastors. That even in the forming of the constitution were elements of a covenant with G-D. And between 1750 and 1940 the US had periodic revivals and great awakenings.

    There are still millions who have not bowed their knee to Ba’al.

    • C. Jones

      (n9nwo) Greg Dean, President Trump was not defeated, is not defeated, and never will be defeated because GOD is with President Trump! GOD is standing with President Trump and strengthening him! GOD is watching over President Trump! Our Good GOD is giving us total Victory!

  23. Andra Lynn

    Will this class also be a webinar?

    On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 10:45 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pride is a strange kind of poison. Under > its influence, you are the last to know when your star is fading. I chuckle > when I think of the council meeting over at Facebook. They met to decide > whether Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook. I am ” >

  24. Andrea Willis

    Hi, Everyone who has talked about Trump’s new social media site neglects to provide a link for it. How can I find it?


    • C. Jones

      Andrea, look it up on the internet. It’s very simple.

  25. Deborah

    Mario we can’t all get to the firepower class but we all need it, please make it available on DVD if you can, so we can purchase and learn, also to help support your ministry, this blog was so true, your work is inspiring, keep standing strong, thank you

  26. Heather

    Donald Trumps platform is;

  27. Karen Y. Vancamp

    Thank you for your common sense comments on Facebook. None of us need Facebook, including President Trump. We are strong and will not give in to the corruption in Washington. With God in charge, America will return to its Christian roots.

  28. Regan Walker

    Great post, Mario. Thanks so much. Keep it up!

  29. Greg Nichols

    Right Mario. Compare their offense at Jan 6 to Facebook selling ads to the Cartel to smuggle and human traffic people over the border. Very disgusting.

  30. Norman Dusanek

    Way to go Mario

    On Sat, May 8, 2021, 12:44 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pride is a strange kind of poison. Under > its influence, you are the last to know when your star is fading. I chuckle > when I think of the council meeting over at Facebook. They met to decide > whether Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook. I am ” >

  31. katamanti61

    I was so disappointed, when Trump said the LORD’s name in vain, twice, at a rally in North Carolina, last year a few month before the 2020 election! He said G*d D**n and thousands cheered and laughed!! At that point, I became very skeptical. Yes, I voted for Trump, because I didn’t want Biden to win, but Trump FAILED to drain the swamp, and the swamp drained him. Trump FAILED to humble himself, and the LORD allowed Trump to NOT win this election. I was so depressed over the outcome of the election, but a few days after the election, the LORD gave me John 6:20, “it is I, be not afraid”. People, especially, Christians, we are in this boat together!! Let Jesus in the boat, and STOP putting your hope in a politician. Politicians are NOT the answer! Trump is NOT our hope! Our faith and hope MUST be in Jesus Christ, exclusively!! ♥ † ♥

    • C. Jones

      katamanti61, Where are you getting the idiotic idea that any one said President Trump is our hope? The swamp drained President Trump? Baloney! Please list YOUR sins in the last year. Jesus told Peter to forgive 70×7. Read Matthew 18:21-35. Your whining self righteous attitude toward President Trump is worse! WAKE UP cry baby!

    • kingskid48

      I didn’t like it either, any more than I like anyone, including so-called, “Christians”, using profanity. But I understood that Trump has been a man of the world all his life, and there is still a lot of the world left in him. He needs prayer, not condemnation. He needs us to pray for him to be discipled by those who he can connect with and with whom he can identify.

      I’ve lived long enough and seen enough of life and how God works with all kinds of people to know better than to fail to discern how He is using certain people. I know better than to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

      I hope that I am not judged by the moments when I disappoint God and others. And I will go with the old sinner who is still rough around the edges, rather than the smooth-talking leftist who carries his Bible and goes to church nearly every day but his life is one of total corruption and lies. And the woods is full of those.

      A Donal Trump comes along once in a lifetime.

      • C. Jones

        kingskid48, PRECISELY. Thank you very much.

      • fromanislandinnewhampshire

        Well said, both of you. If God threw us out every time we messed up, we’d be sunk.

      • Linda C

        So true. Christians tend to turn on their own at the first sign of weakness. I don’t understand why we are more judgmental of each other than the world is. Why do we expect absolute perfection from other Christians? We will only ever be disappointed doing that. God used flawed people to do His will all through the Bible. Just look at David, for one.

  32. genie153

    What I love about Mario Murillo is that is is both spiritual (not religious) and has a great sense of humor! LIke when he was talking about the interesting combination of Dutch Sheets, My Pillow Mike and now all we need is the Comforter. This is hilarious, along with this article about the self-important buffoons that are censoring Trump! Like that’s going to really hurt him…….NOT……it just makes people more supportive and bolder in a good way. Keep it up Facebook, as long as you’re still alive. Genie Brown

    On Sat, May 8, 2021 at 1:45 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pride is a strange kind of poison. Under > its influence, you are the last to know when your star is fading. I chuckle > when I think of the council meeting over at Facebook. They met to decide > whether Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook. I am ” >

    • Lisa & Bob Regan

      Thank you for your continued work in mobilizing believers. We are one of those who have created a brand new social media platform called Pictalk, where there is no censorship of ideologies, no ads and no selling of user data and it’s free. What’s unique about it incorporates the features of FB, Twitter, Instagram etc. is all in one platform with three feeds. We are among those who want to make a difference. or Pictalk Mobile

  33. Mary

    THANKYOU for the encouraging reminders that God does not need our help to show us a Miracle.
    We know He holds The future and it’s a Win-Win!
    We ask You,Father, show us Your glory !? as You always do .
    THANKYOU God For blessing this ministry,as it continues to humbly with love ,introduce all to the Kingdom.
    In prayer with you for This world to change its selfish,Narcissistic ways.
    ?? Mary

  34. kingskid48

    Thank you , Pastor Mario, once again, for keeping our focus on the right things. Thank you for your faithfulness is praying for, and adhering to, the discernment you have from the Holy Spirit.

    It truly is comical to watch the Big Tech, Media, “Entertainment”, Academia, and Big Business fools, who are so convinced of their own importance, continue to make utter fools of themselves while they profess themselves to be wise.

    Their day is coming.

  35. C. Jones

    Heather, President Trump did not fall into any trap. The Lord will hold you accountable for your unforgiving attitude toward President Trump. I’m skeptical about you and katamanti61. Read Ephesians 4:32 / Mark 11:25 and obey it, or shut your pie hole.

  36. Joe Ventura

    Hello Mario. Michigan needs prayer. This Monday the ANTRIM COUNTY election fraud court case will decided by a judge if it can continue or not. God bless you brother.

    • Gunnar


  37. Sam

    How did Trump beat Hillary? Answer: A miracle.

    Well, they cheated in 2016 too, but greatly underestimated how much cheating was necessary. I’m sure the blinders were the result of our prayers. 🙂

    This time (2020), they didn’t take anything for granted—and pulled out all the stops. Even if Donald Trump had won the vote of every single American, with all their cheating, he probably still wouldn’t have been allowed to win. 😛

    Just like Donald Trump does not need Facebook.

    Indeed. And guess what—the rest of us don’t need Facebook either!! ?

    I don’t understand why so many people have such an unhealthy attachment to that Web site. Actually, for many, I’d say it’s idolatry.

    If you’re a Christian or conservative, then you should get off Facebook—a corrupt, ungodly site that helps rig elections and that censors truth. And if you really need your social media, there are plenty of alternative sites out there that don’t censor the truth. 😉

    • Wordforworld

      Agreed, Sam, I get a lot of news, editorials, commentaries, Truth, God’s Word, humor, hope & a network of support from MMM, and Victory.

      This, I would miss!

      Thanks, everyone!

      • Sam


    • C. Jones

      Sam, Facebook is now StankFaceCrooks!

      • Sam

        C. Jones,

        That’s about the size of it! ??

    • Gunnar

      No one needs fakebook; under givingpsychologyaway he has fake book under “sociopath” and his article “To My Friends on FacistBook” January 23, 2021 is excellent. “WE THE PEOPLE” need to take our Country back! Why does anyone need to do “Facebook”? Did people research who really founded and funded as it was a way of gathering information on you. Lot’s of reads on that subject.

  38. Ramona Hyatt

    I really wish I could come to the Master Class on warfare because we are deep in it here in Idaho. I understand why you cannot put it on the net. However, I just wanted to share my desire to be there. I am in a group of intercessors that pray for you all the time.
    Thank you for your obedience to the Lord.

  39. Sam

    After reading this blog post, I visited Trump’s new platform. Right now it’s pretty basic, but looks encouraging.

    But what really disappointed me is that he has links to both Facebook and Twitter all over the Web site. So, both sites ban him, yet he’s still going to link to those sites?? ?

    It’s kind of like this: Your girlfriend dumps you, and then you put up links to her site all over your own Web site?? Sorry, that makes no sense. ?‍♂️

    • C. Jones

      Sam, it torments them?

      • Sam

        C. Jones,

        Well, that’s an interesting theory. Hope you’re right. 😉

    • Linda C

      Those links are to share his post to FB, etc. That will definitely get under their skin if millions of people start sharing his posts to those platforms!!

  40. Pam Loomis


    On Sat, May 8, 2021, 1:46 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pride is a strange kind of poison. Under > its influence, you are the last to know when your star is fading. I chuckle > when I think of the council meeting over at Facebook. They met to decide > whether Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook. I am ” >

  41. Nick Bobish

    Read this one Joyce

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  42. gege4god

    Amen! Trump is Still President! Biden is a pethetic, pitiful phoney!God is in control!!

  43. Phylllis

    Very true, Mario! Maga rallies said to begin soon!

  44. parrillaturi

    These prideful, foolish, and clueless pundits, will feel the wrath of God, when they least expected. Woe unto them. All their blatant attacks, just tend to backfire. They think they are untouchable, but God……. You do the math.

  45. C. Jones

    Don’t dare leave Heather a comment. The weather will get stormy. How do I know this ? Trust me.

  46. Susan

    Amen amen amen!

    It takes only one person to change history. Not a mob called social media.

    • NickT


  47. NickT

    Praying for that one more miracle that the true our President Trump will be restored back into his rightful place in the Oval Office. He was overwhelmingly voted in by “we the people “.

  48. yesua7


  49. C H

    You are such a Blessing!! This was so encouraging, Thank you, Totally agree, the miracle is coming!!!

  50. Linda C

    And I am praying VERY hard for that miracle that brings our President back!!! We need him more than ever -and so does Israel!! (I am not implying by this that we need Donald Trump more than we need God – of course!)

  51. C. Jones

    What does it demonstrate when President Trump stands by Christians and Israel? It SHOUTS WE WANT AND NEED GOD IN THE AFFAIRS OF HUMAN BEINGS ABOVE ALL ELSE!

  52. Patricia A Rowland

    How do we connect to Donald Trump’s Social Media site?

  53. babybluesntn

    I would love to be a part of the master class on spiritual warfare but am taking care of my elderly parents in NC and won’t be able to fly there. PLEASE reconsider streaming it online.

    God has given me a vision to take back my state of Tennessee. We, the buckle of the Bible Belt, are controlled by a religious spirit among others and I would appreciate any guidance in that direction Blessings, Karen Snyder

    Sent from my iPhone


  54. Geraldine Walter

    Mario, I am praying God’s protection over you as you stand bold and courageous over all. The Body of Christ needs you! As the Apostle Paul said, ”follow me as I follow Christ”. You are an incredible example of a true ‘CHRIST FOLLOWER’, and we, who love our Lord, are following close behind you.



  55. soljerblue

    Instead of ‘doink-doink’, I would use ‘oink-oink’. For such people are swine — greedy for power. and wallowing in the mud of their delusion of it. They, along with the rest of their ‘woke’ mob, have been losing control of the narrative. Once that becomes fact, it matters not how much power they have. They have lost.

  56. 1nation4God

    Well said, Mario!!

  57. Retha


  58. bjshoe1417

    Hi Mario!

    Thank you for being obedient to what God is calling you to do. You are like the William Wilberforce of our day! There must be a reason that you are not going to steam this event on May 21-23 but for those of us who cannot come, will there be any other way to access the information? It seems far too valuable to miss.

    God bless you for your boldness. You are truly an inspiration to me.

    On Sat, May 8, 2021 at 1:44 AM, Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pride is a strange kind of poison. Under > its influence, you are the last to know when your star is fading. I chuckle > when I think of the council meeting over at Facebook. They met to decide > whether Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook. I am ” >

  59. Judith Makinson

    This is so good…..He said it so well !!

    On Sat, May 8, 2021 at 12:47 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pride is a strange kind of poison. Under > its influence, you are the last to know when your star is fading. I chuckle > when I think of the council meeting over at Facebook. They met to decide > whether Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook. I am ” >

  60. Lori

    I wish Mario Murillo Ministries did some tent revivals in New York.

  61. Dorrance Hoffman

    Thank You for your post and Pray for Israel!!!

    On Sat, May 8, 2021, 12:46 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pride is a strange kind of poison. Under > its influence, you are the last to know when your star is fading. I chuckle > when I think of the council meeting over at Facebook. They met to decide > whether Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook. I am ” >

    • katamanti61

      We need to put our faith in the LORD Jesus Christ, not a man, or politician. Trump failed to drain the swamp. The GOP failed to defend our election. The democrats won by cheating, and now they control, the house, the senate, and we have a man with dementia as a President. BUT God is still in control. The church needs to put our hope in GOD not a man.

  62. Sonja R Jackson

    I pray you will offer the class online, Please! I yearn to know how to be more! #MoreGod. #MoreHolySpirit




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