They stood in their pulpits and insulted, rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now they insist that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden.
They are joining the ranks of Facebook and YouTube, calling for censorship and criminal charges against Christians who question the validity of Biden’s election.
These pastors were wrong before, and they are wrong now.
No one should be guilting Christians into accepting Joe Biden. And yes, there are sound Biblical reasons for rejecting him.
But before I show you what the Bible instructs us to do in this situation, we need to address the biggest lie. The biggest lie says we need to accept the election and settle the issue of Biden’s presidency, once and for all, so that we can get back to normal and the nation can heal.
Let me ask you. How can we get back to normal while Biden is plunging the nation into chaos and glorifying things God hates? And how can we heal when, every day, Biden tears the nation apart with insulting rhetoric and inflammatory actions aimed at the Church?
The American church must confront all the Leftist leaders: Biden, Harris, Newsom, Whitmer, and Cuomo, et al., the same way that Jesus confronted Herod. The American church must say, “You will not close our doors or stop the miracles of God that flow from our ministries!”
Every American Christian must see that Biden is a puppet for a sinister cabal. He is the ailing mouthpiece of a dark and destructive agenda; an agenda that no Christian can support.
Biden is a weak Herod, but a Herod, nonetheless. I could cite many examples, but here are just a few:
-He wants to make it a criminal act to question his election. He wants to label anyone who still believes that Trump won as homegrown terrorists and he wants to close down their businesses. Glenn Kirschner, a DOJ operative launched a campaign to force “every business in America” to take a pledge that states, in part, that “The 2020 presidential election was free and fair, and produced accurate, reliable results.”
-He locks down Americans in the name of stopping infections, but he allows illegals who are sick with a new strain of Covid to freely enter and then roam our nation. Untold numbers of potentially sick people have been released into our communities.
-Here is a list of his goals: to use tax money to fund abortions, up to, and after birth; eliminate capital punishment; confiscate firearms and shut down gun manufacturers; defund the police; pay reparations to African-Americans; raise taxes up to 70%; push the green agenda, close down coal and oil projects, spend trillions on ‘clean energy’, and increase the national debt; stop building the wall at the border and give billions to illegals; allow them to vote; pack the courts; change voter laws; eliminate the Electoral College; undo all that Trump accomplished; divide Israel and Jerusalem into two nations; give billions to Palestinians; reinstate the Iran Nuclear deal; allow transgenders in the military and in women’s sports; allow transgender men into women’s restrooms and locker rooms; support gay marriage; legalize hard drugs; alter international trade agreements so they favor other nations and drive businesses out of America overseas; expand Obama-care; force religious organizations to hire LGBTQs; tax churches; brainwash students; persecute the church; demand vaccination passports; and many, many more failed and dangerous policies.
Biden’s actions reside outside the law of man and God. Therefore, we must relate to him as a rogue president, and we must therefore relate to God as our Leader at this moment.
And we must continue the work of God, without interruption―no matter what. Now you know why we must stop guilting Christians into accepting Joe Biden.
I thank God the Father of our Lord Jesus for your ministry! You have posted so MANY outstandingly excellent blogs that come straight from Him. This is one of your (His) very best!
Just had to tell you.
Love in Christ, Nancy Crenshaw
On Mon, Apr 12, 2021, 2:42 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” They stood in their pulpits and insulted, > rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now they insist > that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. They are > joining the ranks of Facebook and YouTube, calling for censors” >
Brother Mario, PLEASE name names of these “church” leaders!!! We need to KNOW, WHO our enemies are, within what is called the Church. I have been asked many a time if I KNEW who these leaders are. Some I have heard of…………but others may need to be exposed. Thanks.
Mario has just DEMOLISHED HITLER BIDEN, and revealed what limp wrist preachers we have in America who go along to get along, bowing to Beastly Biden! I totally reject this Biden Clown. He was not elected and must be ejected ASAP!
And He will be ejected, and the fake government along with him. God is not done. It’ll be sudden and decisive. Whooosh!
Brother Mario, you are right on target. Charles G. Finney…In his book “Principles of Discipleship”…in Chap 7…WRITTEN IN 1840…tried to get Pastors attention with his writings. He said: “Is not the Church amazingly inefficient, so much so, that in many places where that are hundreds of professors of religion, the whole of them will not, by their instrumentality, effect the conversion of ten sinners in a year? Lastly, is not the Church in its present state a standing, public, perpetual denial of the gospel? Do its members not stand out before the world as a living , unanswerable contradiction of the gospel and do more to harden sinners and lead them into a spirit of hypercriticism and infidelity than all the efforts of professed infidels from the beginning of the world to the present day?” Finney would be stoned today…in many local churches…for telling the truth.
I believe he is owned and operated by the PRC rulers in Beijing.
Amen! Let’s call a spade a spade.
It’s amazing to me that many Christians do not see that Biden is a person who is not for this nation, but against it. His actions speak very loud.
Awesome – thank you!
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Joe Biden will never be my president but I will continue to pray for his soul.
That’s nice of you, but do reprobate minds like Biden ever repent? 😉
God decides who is reprobate. Intercessional prayer can accomplish much.
Lauren, it’s true that we usually cannot know 100%. But the Bible offers some clues. 🙂
Here are five warning signs, and it seems that Biden meets them all:
Now, there are plenty of folks whose salvation I pray for. But I’ll be honest—the only thing I pray for concerning Biden is that God will remove him from office and bring vengeance on him and all the other evildoers. 😉
I’m glad that, unlike so many Christian “leaders,” Mario doesn’t refer to Biden as “President Biden.” Yes, he’s living in the White House, and the world accepts him as president, but that doesn’t mean that God does, or that we as Christians should.
I steer clear of any “leaders” who call this criminal “President Biden.” 😛
I have never and will never call him by that title.
I like to think of him as the squatter in America’s house. Or, the cognomen I ran across a few days ago — China’s American viceroy, Mr. Zhou Bei-den. ,
Go Mario!!
Amen Mario
On Mon, Apr 12, 2021, 3:37 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” They stood in their pulpits and insulted, > rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now they insist > that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. They are > joining the ranks of Facebook and YouTube, calling for censors” >
Re-posted on Facebook, of course. 🙂
Only God can save a Nation, and only The Church exercising 2 Chronicles 7:14 can convince God to do so…
The problem with bi-conditional promises is that there is always that part which is our responsibility.
Amen! Well said!!
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WOW !!! Now that was Biblical and challenging. Thanks! Jo Jean
God is cleaning house,
and looking for dedicated people who will help Him restore His laws that have been corrupted by man’s laws The church, man has built is no longer sanctified by the blessings of honor and respect. Instead, the people adorn the temple with idols of meaningless virtue, while clinging to lies dressed to deceive people searching for truth. Truth, where art thou, discarded in the garbage heap of trash created by man’s lust for power. The multitudes have been blinded by the darkness that lingers in their soul. The “light of the spirit” has been dimmed; only a remnant struggle to keep it lit, beckoning others to help spread the anointing oil of compassion.
Here’s an interesting four-part interview with Sidney Powell, who ain’t backin’ down on her claims of election fraud. ?
She says that not only was the GOP complicit in the fraud, but some of Trump’s campaign was as well. Sadly, she also states that Trump didn’t listen to her advice, and failed to do everything he could have to prevent what happened. 🙁
Anyway, after listening to this interview, you come away realizing that our hope is in God alone.
Sam, appreciate the links to the 4 vids with Ms Powell & Mr DSouza.
Sure appears to be discouraging info.
Might it be that she was removed from actively representing Pres Trump BECAUSE ongoing (but no longer critical) election issues would interfere w/the larger Picture, such the destruction of humanity?
You’re most welcome, Wordforworld. 🙂 Thanks for watching it.
As for your question, I really have no idea.
Thank God my Apostle and pastors are preaching Truth! I get to hear the Word of God, worship every night for hours and witness on the streets to my hearts desire. Praise Jesus! Praying for all the states which are not open yet. Jesus loves you guys! Keep standing with the sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith raised up! “But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.”- Romans 8: 37
Joe Biden is not my, not my uh, well you know you know the thing!
Amen Pastor.
On Mon, Apr 12, 2021, 2:40 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” They stood in their pulpits and insulted, > rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now they insist > that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. They are > joining the ranks of Facebook and YouTube, calling for censors” >
is there a list of these individuals?
all we need to know is scripture and most Pastors do not teach the whole Word of God. Anyone who voted for the anti-God Dem platform is complicit and guilty of baby murder and every evil thing in the Dem platform. All we need to know is there are only 2 kingdoms on earth. God’s and satan’s. The Dems are in satan’s kingdom
Come on man,
Joe Biden and the cabal stole the 2020 election. The left is running the country into the ground. God is our leader and I believe President Trump will be put back in the oval office if good prevails and only God can do this.
Mario, that was an awesome message you gave on Sunday, as well as the others speakers.
We really wanted to go as it was only 155 miles to Nashville, Tn. but the event was sold out.
Anyway we saw it on youtube last nignt.
Amen!! We also watched this last evening and Praise The Lord for the truth that was delivered. God’s anointing is on Pastor Murillo and Pastor Christmas. Praise the Lord for spirit-filled pastors who feed members of the body of Christ and boldly speak His Word and truth. Prayers going up for us all to stand strong in the Lord. His work for America is going to prosper. Let’s be deligient and continue to pray and fight the good fight.
These “pastors” are apostate!
Hallelujah Mario.
Cathy Bast
Two scriptures about Herod that parallel the illegitimacy of Biden’s Presidency are “But Herod the tetrarch, being rebuked by him (John the baptist) concerning Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, and for all the evils which Herod had done.” Luke 3:19. The other from Matt 14:3 says, “…Because John had said to him, ‘It is not lawful for you to have her.'” John was saying “Herod, your marriage is illegitimate.” We can say the same about Biden’s Presidency! Joe, Your presidency is unlawful! Otherwise prove it by forensic audit, etc.!
We need a list of pastors and religious leaders calling for the criminalization of believers.
Good Monday,
Nobody speaks the truth and the Word better than Mario. His voice is clear and his message is understood.
I wish Mario a great week in Modesto with his crusade and that Flashpoint will capture some of it.
God bless America and Mario,
Joyce B
Mario and team,
That was a great post, as usual.
I really like your list towards the end of what the illegitimate people in office are doing to us.
Now I implore you to name the people in the pulpits who are complicit. I suspect too many are unwittingly supporting them out of ignorance.
I, for one, am removing my contact info from any who use their platforms to support the demonic agendas, e.g., the vac, the masks and/or the 6 foot rule, any form of lockdown or slowdown or cowtowing to the tyrannical bureaucrats; who are FEMA stooges and money grabbers.
Mario and team,
That was a great post, as usual.
I really like your list towards the end of what the illegitimate people in office are doing to us.
Now I implore you to name the people in the pulpits who are complicit. I suspect too many are unwittingly supporting them out of ignorance. I, for one, am removing my contact info from any who use their platforms to support the demonic agendas, e.g., the vac, the masks and/or the 6 foot rule, FEMA stooges and money grubbers.
Keep telling the truth.
It amazes me how any Christian can support Biden.
Do they really believe in Jesus Christ and the Bible. Or are they faux Christians???
It is simply not possible that Biden could have received the phenomenal number of votes that is claimed. The average number of votes received in the previous three presidential elections was 128,378,160. Somehow in 2020 there were 155,485,078 votes cast. This is statistically impossible. When you consider the hundreds of thousands of people who turned out for Trump rallies, vs. the pitiful few to came to the few rallies for Biden (in Arizona, NOBODY showed up!) it is incomprehensible that he could have legally received over 81 million votes. Even Obama, in his best year, got 129,446,839 votes. So, I cannot and WILL NOT believe that our legally-elected president is Joe Bidet. (No, that’s not a typo.)
Yes! Good WORD, TY, Please stand with me for a favorable outcome at a Court hearing this morning, in Roseville CA for the Presence of the Lord, Be Lord over this hearing regarding Joseph’s legal situation! Praise God ??
I also recommend that we stop making fun of Pres Biden – and showing pictures of him looking foolish. The Lord tells us in scripture to pray for our leaders. We should be asking the Holy Spirit to draw Pres Biden to the Truth – to soften his heart to repentance – that the Lord would flood Biden with His fulfilling mercies and make him a new man in Christ Jesus. Thank you Treva Whichard,
On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 3:58 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” They stood in their pulpits and insulted, > rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now they insist > that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. They are > joining the ranks of Facebook and YouTube, calling for censors” >
I notice many have asked for a list of pastors who are calling for censorship and criminal charges against Christians who question the validity of Biden’s election.
Here’s a start – the pastors who signed the letter condemning what they call Christian nationalism and blaming the January 6 events at the Capitol on “radicalized Christians”:
Second try to get this posted. Why the delay??
Mario and team,
That was a great post, as usual.
I really like your list towards the end of what the illegitimate people in office are doing to us.
Now I implore you to name the people in the pulpits who are complicit. I suspect too many are unwittingly supporting them out of ignorance. I, for one, am removing my contact info from any who use their platforms to support the demonic agendas, e.g., the vac, the masks and/or the 6 foot rule, FEMA stooges and money grubbers.
God solution. If my people , who are called by Momy Name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.
AMEN Brother Mario!!! Very well said.. We must continue to fight against these luciferins. Joey Bribes Buy-den DID NOT win the election and I will NEVER accept him .. only accept him as a traitor and mouthpiece for the luciferin left. Thank you God for saving America and the World from these devil worshipping cabal! In Jesus name AMEN!
I read that Hunter Biden has taxpayer-paid security. That is outrageous, that such a corrupt individual is draining the coffers of taxpayer dollars while running around the country, going on talk shows, doing whatever he wants, being fawned on by the corrupt media, wandering around the White House and other government buildings. Nothing he does is bad enough for the media to report the truth about him, or seemingly, for him to face any consequences.
Meanwhile, the Trump children are vilified daily, no matter how clean their lives have been or what they’ve done for charities, and their father worked for us for four years for free, while Joe is doing everything possible to destroy the country. It’s so bizarre.
Surely Rod Serling is conducting this train.
It’s very disheartening to think that any Christian leaders could possibly try to shame those of us who refuse to accept corruption in our government as the norm. No thanks.
yes and amen! I was led to Acts 12:20-24 this morning, “Herod” made an oration to the people and the people accepted him trying to be “god” and making ungodly executive orders and changing the laws and times to communism under lucifer instead of the Government of God under the King of kings and Lord of lords, and “an angel of the Lord smote him, because he did not give God the glory; and he was eaten by worms and died.” And in Revelation 18:23 I read that they are deceiving all the nations with sorcery and in Acts 13:6-12 I read about the magician using sorcery, a false Jewish prophet named Bar-Jesus, but Paul filled with the Holy Spirit said, ‘You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not STOP making crooked the straight Way of the Lord?’ and blinded him and immediately mist and darkness fell upon him. Then the people believed and were astonished at the teaching of the Lord” So why would “so-called” Christians accept and allow the ungodly, unrighteous orders of Biden and those who stole state, county, and city elections, and the house and senate and presidency, infiltrating the military branch, judicial branch, legislative branch and executive branch with luciferians and communists? God spewed lukewarm Christians out of his mouth; where are the fiery Christian men like Paul? Churches, read Revelation chapter 2-3, and warn and teach and help your people to CONQUER.
Harry Leonard
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On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 3:39 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” They stood in their pulpits and insulted, > rebuked, and rejected Donald Trump while he was President. Now they insist > that you are not a good Christian unless you accept Joe Biden. They are > joining the ranks of Facebook and YouTube, calling for censors” >
Reblogged this on free73735 and commented:
Sharing with others not following your blog, so more ppl are reached…
If you claim to be a believer in Christ and voted for Harris Biden you might want to check out your belief system very carefully.I would rather be around and do business with the hells angels and other outlaw biker gangs then nilly Willy christians
I will give you the BIG 100% AMEN! Nailed it!
Didn’t realize that Mike Lindell had a new documentary Scientific Proof out about a week ago, and then has another one, Absolute Interference, scheduled for April 20! ?
Here’s the trailer for the latter:
Incidentally, it seems that whenever I try to post a video from an alternative source like Rumble or BitChute, my comment never shows up. So, I have to resort to using TinyURL instead. Is WordPress censoring these sites?? ?
I’ll send it again
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AMEN!! Bro. Mario! As I have stated before, JESUS IS MY LORD & DONALD TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT!! End of story!!!! Phil Beatty
Thank you for standing strong in the midst of the lies and deception and for calling the church to wake up and stand up! In His service. Sylvia Keller
IF Christians can’t see the phony and evil Biden Administration, they are spiritually blind. I believe this is why we need a miracle from God to wake us up! We can’t have the blind leading the Blind! Thank you Mario for standing for us!
AMEN! Thank you for holy boldness! I stand in total agreement with you! God Bless You…Keep writing…you are speaking the Word of the Lord!
I will never accept Biden, and I don’t see how any true Christian could, given how truly evil his agenda is. This is the time when the sheep and the goats are separated.
Thank you Mario, for your consistent strong and uncompromising words. They give life when I get discouraged.
And then there’s the greatest of all oxymorons: “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden”. Really??????
Deep State Church. They’re either part of the swamp and they know it or they’re oblivious that they’re a part of the problem.
Brother Murillo, thank you for being bold and honest. I’m praying for you. Thank you for not being silent. I’m speaking up too calling and writing my U. S. Representatives and U.S. Senators in my state expressing my concerns for my state and my country. ?? Sadly, the Biden/Harris administration seems to me like a “theater play” with two characters on stage and a director telling them exactly where to stand, what to say and where to go.. it’s like a big performance! I pray to God that the truth will be exposed for all to see the truth of the Biden/Harris Administration. God bless you and the Mario Murillo Ministry Team. Mr. & Mrs. Majors Harlingen, Texas
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Mike Lindell is doing more for this country than leaders in church and state who have their heads buried in the cesspool of lies and deception. Mike and Mario are truly the Lord’s warriors as they share the truth they have found and share with people. Mike’s new social platform ( is sharing all the corruption the Lord wants people to be aware of so that they can make an informed decision to get involve and bring back Christian values that are being censored by demonic leaders. Mike and Mario are two witnesses who can only do so much, it is up to “we the people” to get involve before it is too late. The good ship “United States” is being attacked while people sit on their derriere complaining, instead of helping to defend the freedom we once had before the illegal figurehead moved into the White House