The locomotive is barreling down the tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in California.
I began wondering what Satan was going to do. Sure enough, right on schedule, it came from a “news” agency—I won’t say their name, but it is an agency that makes news weak.
They did the classic hit piece, lies and all.
My flesh yearned to retaliate, because I had them dead to rights. Then something absolutely amazing happened. I remembered the Modesto Manifesto. I couldn’t believe how perfect this was, and I began to roar with laughter.
Billy Graham came to Modesto, California, early in his ministry. While there, the national press launched a blistering attack on Graham and his entourage. He gathered his team together and created a policy which they called the Modesto Manifesto. Among other things, they agreed that they would never respond in anger to the press.

How hilarious that this attack also came right before we are about to go to Modesto! I thought, “Devil, you are stuck in such a rut!”
But in this current environment, I find I must take it a step further than the Graham organization did. I will not just refuse to respond in anger to the press―I will not even talk to any Left-leaning news outlet or publication.
The world of 2021 is light-years from the world of 1948, when the Modesto Manifesto came into being. Back then, there were real journalists, but now, there are only paid defenders of the Democrat Party. Among those of the leftist media, there are no journalists, only mouthpieces, all following the same pre-written scripts.
Decades ago, in a normal interview for either a newspaper or a magazine, the questioner would ask to hear your side of the argument and then interview someone else who takes the other side of that argument, to be fair and balanced.
But now, when they interview you for television, it is very different. They are not there as an impartial host; they are there to call you a liar and to impose their truth. They themselves embody the opposing argument, because their minds are already made up.
Look closely at this utterly dishonest question that George Stephanopoulos asked Rand Paul: “This election was not stolen—do you accept that fact?”

Rand Paul’s retort was correct, “George, you’re not so much a “journalist” as “a fool.” Adding, “Well, what I would say is that the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur. We never had any presentation in court. Most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, a procedural way of not hearing it,” Breitbart noted.
He went on to say, “George, where you make a mistake is people coming from the liberal side like you — you immediately say everything’s a lie instead of saying there’s two sides to everything. Historically, what would happen is, I said I thought there was fraud, you would interview someone who said there wasn’t. Now you insert yourself in the middle and say the absolute fact is that everything I’m saying is a lie.”
The publication that did the hatchet job on MMM did exactly the same thing. They said I staunchly opposed the LGBTQ community having any rights. They had no quote where I ever said that. They relied solely on the fact that I take a Biblical stand on morality. To them it is settled science—a fact—that if you believe the Bible, you believe the LGBTQ community should have zero rights. See how it works?
There is simply no way to talk to the leftist media. They are not after the truth. They are only concerned with advancing their lies and crushing anyone who gets in their way.
My energy must be spent winning souls and seeing God heal the sick. Our momentum is too important to slow it down and become entangled in their nonsense.
The same applies to liberal churches who think we are being too direct with our message of salvation and healing, and believe that we are premature in having the tent wide open to the public. Again, I cannot slow down to answer their objections.

Nehemiah also refused to slow down and talk to the opposition: “So I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?” (Nehemiah 6:3)
Not only will the train not slow down―it is gaining speed. Thousands are praying for this miraculous open door. Hundreds are working hard to get lost souls and the sick to the tent. Every Saturday morning a rapidly growing Zoom Call bombards heaven with prayer.
The locomotive is charging toward John Thurman Field, in Modesto. We are 13 days away from opening the Living Proof Modesto crusade! I am announcing what I know to be true: this tent will be the site of great miracles. Do not miss a single night, if at all possible. I look forward to seeing you there!
California is on the verge of a statewide visitation. That is why I will never slow the train to throw rocks at the barking dogs.

P.S. A message to those who support Mario Murillo’s mission to America.
John Wesley started 700 churches on three continents. One of his edicts to his young preachers was this: Always bring books for the people that will help them to grow.
We found a way to both do that and win souls. As you can imagine, a blog with this much traffic can sell advertising—something we refuse to do. What we do, is offer you materials that are chosen because they can make you armed and dangerous for Christ. The proceeds from the book and flash drive go to soul winning.
Some are offended that we offer books at all. We hope they will try to understand the two-fold blessing of offering this material. Thank you.
Our current special offer features our two most popular items: Treasury flash drive and Vessels of Fire and Glory together plus a free surprise gift from Mario Murillo Ministries.
Free shipping! And again, the proceeds go to soul winning. Order now…/treasury-vessels-bundle…/


praise God bro
<> Haha! Love this – very clever signal. God’s blessings and peace on you, your family, and staff. Thank you for standing strong and firm, and caring for souls.
Lord, is it time for a Mt. Carmel showdown with the false prophets and voices of Baal?!! Lord I ask and declare that Your fire fall on Modesto and God’s people will see Your works of incredible signs of thousand of lives be transformed: saved, healed and delivered. Incredible miracles, creative, undeniable wonders, And like that day on Mt. Carmel God’s people will shout, “the Lord He is God”. Let Your holy, redeeming fire fall. In Jesus name.
Lord, I agree with Brother Ralph!! Thank you for him and for thousands of others who are praying fervently for complete transformation of these souls.
Superb message Mario! Onward March to the great out pouring of Holy Spirit
and thousands of souls saved and the sick healed during the most Miraculous crusade California has ever experienced!! And it all happens in Modesto
April 18 – 23 !! Hallelujah!!
I’m one of the thousands praying for a huge Miraculous Crusade !!
Thank you for taking a stand, for your passion to win souls and for the great words of encouragement you bring every day. Your unwavering voice, call to action and leadership during these unprecedented times mean more than you’ll ever know. We’re praying from Ohio!!!!
Mario, I stand with you in prayer for a mighty revival to pour out of this crusade, and I stand with you as well in opposition to the liberal media. May no weapon formed against you prosper!! To God alone be all glory, honor, and praise!!
Keep that Train a going.. many await God’s salvation, and healing touch. As the barking dogs lie, people are hurting and searching for Truth in this time of darkness.
Thank you for keeping us informed with your daily blog. I am interceding for you and your ministry. California shall be saved, healed and delivered.. Mary Anne, Virginia
Reblogged this on nuggets4u.
Blessings on you and your team for making an impact in CA where I was born and want to stay put. Father, give them boldness, strength, wisdom, and Your love as they plow the land and usher thousands into Your Kingdom! All glory, honor and power to You, Lord!!!
Thank you Mario. You are Amazing! Thank you for not taking the bait of Satan which would open the door to strife and all manner of evil. The wisdom of God prevailed because you walked in obedience to the Holy Spirit and thus did not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Your obedience in passing this test will bring such Glory to God .I believe that obedience opens wide the doors of Heaven. I believe that this meeting is going to be Heaven on Earth! But to this one will I look, to he who is of a Humble and Contrite Spirit and who Trembles at My Word. Jesus Eyes are upon You and this Amazing Gathering!
When a person’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Keep going Mario, a lot of us are on the train and fueling the
fire of the Holy Ghost with our prayers & support for you and ministry.
Amen we won’t slow down.
Wont say the news agencies name WHY NOT ??
They intent and carte blanche say and do what they like to destroy us yet you wont say their name â SHAAAAME ON YOU MARIO
glenlea (Keith) The shame is definitely on YOU! Just another little barking dog full of fury signifying nothing. Just another poisonous bitter root that defiles many. Just another hate filled hater who has nothing better to do than make a complete ass of himself. Your wokeness has flushed you down the toilet. You have been marked and named.
Get a grip, Keith. You’re confusing belligerence with righteous confrontation; reminds me of my four year old yelling “Nanny nanny boo boo…”
Is it being in S. Africa that makes you so angry, Keith?
Go back and read his post again, Keith. He actually did identify the nattering nitwits who savaged him. Making the “news weak” — Newsweek.
Don’t be distracted by nonsense on the left. They will never change. Thank you for exposing the trap of the enemy. Praying for great things out of Modesto!
Watch This:
April 18, 1906. San Francisco earthquake destroys 75% of the city leaving nearly 4000 dead.
April 18, 1906. Los Angeles Daily Times reports on the birth of the Pentecostal experience. This turns into a worldwide experience beginning at Azusa Street.
April 18, 2021 Modesto experience begins and the Holy Spirit moves on people hungry and thirsty for more of God.
Keep Praying!
God moves when all else is falling apart — then human hearts are ready to receive from Him.
Have been praying for God to expose all that is false and reveal the real truth.
The pall of darkness is shaking and beginning to retreat as the Light of the Lord shines through!
Amen hard to talk to a hostile one sided enemy, when everything has been decided to be right in your own mind, by what ever you chose to believe, not based on fact and the bible, then the fact is your more than likely wrong, God is the creator and what he says goes, no matter what, or how we feel on it, [I got called a Narcissist the other day on Twitter by a Psychiatrist, for saying that its what God says that matter’s, no matter how we feel about it ] but it seems not to many care today what God thinks and thats why we have what we have, but the enemy programmed people to attack, its not a difference in opinion its a brainwashing thing you have to believe like them, or your an enemy, like we are not people and can’t think and do on our own, sadly it seems like many can’t today, but we grew up in a time you learned things, and you learned who to trust and who not to, and yopu never trust a con- artist or a crook, and Congress is full of them, and the Dems and satan have brainwashed many, BHO signed in a bill that allows the news to push propaganda, knowing its nothing but lie’s, and the press are paid assiassins so to speak, not to interview you but to assissinate you and anything to do with God or goes against there agenda of destruction, but we are suppose to be good submittive little robots, I was banned for stating the real truth about Covid and the woke preachers didn’t, like us preaching under the influence of the Holy Spirit instead of Dr. degrees, so they silenced me there and tried to make me say I lied, but I didn’t like and I will not retract, just ask what was the shots good for, and cure and what harm do they do, and bam gone from Twitter, and the whole problem is they want us gone to try and kill the real move and power of the Holy Spirit, and we don’t stop we can only tell what we know, but it takes a high and mighty something to tell the Holy Spirit they know more than he does, they have degrees, so does hell and there hot, but things are different and we I guess are going to have to try and over look some things as much as is possible and not compromise, but we will tell the truth and preach with fire and that God still heals, deliver’s and set’s free, and he is more than enough no matter what some liars say, we just have a dictator spirit against us, you will do as we say and preach as we say, I will Preach as the Holy Spirit fill’s my mouth and I let him do as he please’s not what man says, man today even in the church wants to kill the fire, we are in a different day than, a lot of others faced as far the demand you believe and do as we do, no we believe and do as the word and or Lord and the Holy Spirit says do, they have tried on fb and now Twitter to tell me I was going to have to preach as the HC church of today I had to change, and doing many other things by the POB, and if we do as they say we no longer preach the word of God or with the fire of the Holy Spirit, but the compromised woke church of today, and I will not preach a lie, the word is truth and I will p[reach truth as long as there is life in this body, it’s a different day though we are targeted because we can’t be bought and will not sell out, but stay true to our God, they don’t want to give us a chance or hear another side of the story its you believe what we say you can believe, and the bible is not there favorite book. we are not robots. God Bless sir praying
It’s the”Glory Train”. It cannot slow down because it is not running by natural means BUT it is powered by the Spirit of God. NOTHING absolutely Nothing can stop what God has purposed for Modesto, then Calif. America, the world. The glory train will hit the world. Prayers are being answered. What God has purposed it cannot be annulled. Just stay on the train , the media is just out to derail, but it can’t. Blessings! Blessings! Blessings!
Really! With: Sean Feucht up north in Oregon, then south to Arizona; Mario Murillo from the west in California then out east to Washington DC, we can “see” the flight plan of the SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD, the sign of the CROSS over our nation. ✝️
And outwardly to the world!
Blessings indeed!
Praying for your Ministry. Blood of Christ cover you and your minisyry!
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Thank you for your stand!
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Praying for the Angels in Heaven to rejoice on a continual basis with all the people that will accept Jesus as Lord and Savior!!??
WONDERFUL!!!! Jesus bless this incredible blog and ministry! Thank you thank you.
Can I join the Saturday morning prayer zoom?
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Well you know you are stirring things up when the dogs are barking!!!! HAHAHAHAHA You cannot stop what God ordained!!!!!!!!!
Morning Mario,
As we know, the devil is the “father of all lies.” His tactics are:
1) to get us to sin with our own mouths against ourselves, and loved ones 2) he “baits” us so that we will “justify” our actions, words, etc.
Therefore, I was glad to see you benefiting from the sound wisdom and teachings of America’s beloved Pastor Billy Graham!
Know this, in 1975 Senator Frank Church (D Idaho) found the intelligence community guilty in arranging both foreign and domestic “agents” in the media to prevent the critical dissemination of information to the masses. When the “agency” was taken over by George Bush Sr. he said that “all was well.” (This is why it is critical to know history – as it does repeat itself, if we are not knowledgeable.) Today’s “Ministry of Truth” desires to re-write history according to their “agenda”, but it shall not prevail in Jesus’ mighty name!
Legacy media aka “False Prophets of Baal” are therefore, not operating alone. In 1950, The Washington Post was the first to be “recruited” — not a surprise. CBS was also embroiled, as we’re others.
However, let us not fear! Our Supreme Commander (Lord of Hosts) has taken up position (Joshua 5:13-14) in America and we will see an overturn of this entire fraudulent affair across all areas of our government, corporations, Wall Street, Hollywood, Social Media, Tech and of course, the Church.
This morning I received this scripture reading – “He will strike the head from the House of the wicked, by laying bare from foundation to neck.” (Habakkuk 3:13) What does this mean exactly? It means complete devastation upon the “enemies of the Lord”!
Therefore, let us keep our focus on the Lord, as the battle is His and the Victory is ours!
Every blessing, Caroline
On Tue, 6 Apr 2021, 07:31 Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The locomotive is barreling down the > tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. > The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of > pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in Califo” >
This train is bound for glory . No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Out of your mouth you just keep speaking truth and life. Jesus said I am the way and the truth and the life. There is an army of true believers rising up . We have the Lord God himself on our side because it’s the side of what is right . Right thinking leads to right believing . Psalms 91 is your truth concerning what you and your team are doing in Modesto . You are more than a conqueror thru Jesus and all things work together for the good to those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. At the end of broken dreams people need the Lord. Do not look to the right or left, but stay focused only on obeying the Lord . Stay on track . Keep your eyes on Jesus and look into his wonderful face and the things of this world will grow so dim in the light of his glory and grace. Let the people know that God is really real and he can lift them up from out of sin where they have fallen with his true love ❤️ May the Lord show up and do what He is famous for. Praying for you all !
Thank you Mario!!!
Praying for you & for Living Proof Modesto, standing with you & planning to bring a group of 8-10 to Modesto from the East Coast to help in any way we can. Are there any particular times when the most help is needed?
We are praying for you !!! God surrounds you. Do not slow down!!!! Full blast ahead!!!!
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On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 1:31 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The locomotive is barreling down the > tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. > The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of > pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in Califo” >
Amen, Mario, cry aloud and spare not! I was on the prayer call last Saturday.
On Mon, Apr 5, 2021, 10:53 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The locomotive is barreling down the > tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. > The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of > pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in Califo” >
Amen Mario amen – excellent and don’t let the lying media aka demon crap media try and derail you – plow ahead
May God be you and guide you.
WTG Mario. God bless you for standing up.
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This is absolute truth. This is where I stand. You can’t speak reason to brainwashed people. You have to deprogram them first.
Keep eyes on the Kingdom straight ahead!!
Stay obedient to God always. You are not part of the world anymore….nor are His followers.
The liberal media has been our enemy since they swung the election of Bill Clinton. Their coverage thn was 95% for Clinton and every little for HW Bush. They have tried EVERY election since to get a Dem elected. LIBERAL Hollywood is also our enemy
While running the race, don’t stop to argue with the spectators. ???
Jean Elizabeth Brown Charis Bible Study Seasoned Group Leader ??
1 Timothy 1:5 NASBS But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
Amen and Amen and Amen!!
Way to go, Mario, you can’t talk with these one-sided demon puppets who can only twist the truth and
tell lies, always lying.
Thank you God for our Marillo who is giving hope to the weary and answers to the world about what God wants . Jesus continue to bring the open hearts to your healing and cause your spirit to flow out like a river to heal these masses that seek your comfort and peace .God bless and keep all who serve the Mario Murillo Ministries.Thank you again for answering the call and for having courage to stand .I am standing with you. Kathleen Roth Rexford Mt.
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I Agree! Blessed!
Thank you, your posts are always encouraging!
On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 1:50 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The locomotive is barreling down the > tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. > The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of > pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in Califo” >
Mario, I love your book “Vessels of Fire and Glory”! Your insight in God’s individual assignment for us really ministered to me. God’s assignment for me is being an intercessor and a prayer warrior. That is what I am doing now to be part of your Modesto tent revival. I can’t be there because I live in upstate New York but I will be with you in spirit – praying for God’s angels charge over you and preparing the hearts of many to be saved and healed. Sure do appreciate your faith and your determination to do God’s work!
Praise God! Praying for your ministry, the outpouring of Holy Spirit ACROSS THE NATION!Though it is difficult not to respond to lies, God’s got this, too! Taking the HIGH road!!!! (literally and spiritually)God bless you and your entire ministry!
I pray that God blesses you today! Sue O’Rourke
When you’re running a combine, you don’t stop to argue with a field mouse.
Oh…what a great statement. Love it!!! ‘Stand’ brothers and sisters in Christ. Praise be to our Lord and King Jesus Christ!!! IT IS FINISHED!! ????
Boots on the ground in Texas.
The Browns
FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!!!!!!JUDY BRALAND —- On Tue, 06 Apr 2021 05:40:55 +0000 wrote —-div.zm_2788007961416398949_parse_5106695356210864590 a:hover { color: red } div.zm_2788007961416398949_parse_5106695356210864590 a { text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(0, 136, 204) } div.zm_2788007961416398949_parse_5106695356210864590 a.x_-2084575284primaryactionlink:link, div.zm_2788007961416398949_parse_5106695356210864590 a.x_-2084575284primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: rgb(37, 133, 178); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) } div.zm_2788007961416398949_parse_5106695356210864590 a.x_-2084575284primaryactionlink:hover, div.zm_2788007961416398949_parse_5106695356210864590 a.x_-2084575284primaryactionlink:active { background-color: rgb(17, 114, 158); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) }
mariomurilloministries posted: ” The locomotive is barreling down the tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in Califo”
God bless you
Sent from my iPad
Amen, Mario we are with you!!
Rick & Wendy Thompson * * Rick 503-961-2351 Wendy 503-502-2918
On Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 10:59 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The locomotive is barreling down the > tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. > The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of > pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in Califo” >
We are so excited for this great out pouring, is there any way it could be televised on the Victory Channel so we could all participate?
Beverly, since Mario is a frequent guest on the program, I believe Victory News will be covering the event! It’s no coincidence that it will occur on the anniversary of Azusa Street revival. Like you, we’re also excited to see Living Proof Modesto!
MMM ministers must stay focused. As each of us should, true? One of the devices of the enemy is to hinder believers from their holy callings in Christ Jesus. The sheer numbers of distractions are proof the Body of Christ IS finally awake & a real threat to the ancient enemy of God.
“Keep the main thing the main thing.”
NO sidetracking, got a Divine Appointment to save the lost.
On Mon, Apr 5, 2021, 10:34 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The locomotive is barreling down the > tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. > The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of > pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in Califo” >
Amen brother Mario! You are listening to God for this is truly divine wisdom.
Let’s Go Angels Of God,,,Annointing and Sealing you Marrio and your ministry with the Blood of Jesus,So Be It !
All Glory Be To God
God Bless You Marrio
Yep, they did a slam job alright, enough out of context quotes to make Mario look bad but really nothing of substance. It’s best just to ignore them because, as Mario stated, they are just barking dogs bent on defending Biden no matter what he does. We have the greatest revival in the history of the world to tend to…our God is on the move and really, nothing the devil and his minions do will make any difference in a few months.
wow! yes and amen! the lying, antichristism left are under the spirit of leviathan who twists words; they no longer present the facts: what, where, who, when, why, but they parrot propaganda of indoctrination and conditioning to nudge, budge, more and more away from the saving grace of Christ to lucifer who is darkness MASKED as light; disguised darkness: woke to lucifer’s light that is great darkness. Thank you MMM for standing strong in salvation, righteousness, truth, gospel of peace, faith, and the Word of God: the sharp Sword of the Spirit! arise and shine the light and glory of Christ in Modesto!
Yes, from Canada, I have been praying and praying protection. Nehemiah is a perfect description on how the enemy works! Praise God that you are staying the course because I know that the victory belongs to God. Salvations will be multiplied to His glory!
Amen Haleluiah. My prayers are with you all.
On Mon, Apr 5, 2021, 11:50 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The locomotive is barreling down the > tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. > The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of > pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in Califo” >
We are praying with you for Jesus and the Holy Spirit to do what ONLY HE CAN DO in Modesto !
Amen! Give no place to the devil.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Good for you Mario—do not even give one breath to the quacking fools!
Mario, I keep praying that you will PLEASE find a way to have this April 18 to April 23 event on ZOOM, so that we all on the East Coast and everywhere else can watch it live I WOULD CERTAINLY CALL THAT A MIRACLE IF YOU COULD MAKE IT HAPPEN. IT’S IMPOSSIBLE FOR US TO BE THERE, BUT IF ON ZOOM, IT WOULD HAVE US THERE LIVE!!!!
On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 1:27 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The locomotive is barreling down the > tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. > The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of > pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in Califo” >
Bless you brother Mario! I’m praying for Modesto!
On Tue, Apr 6, 2021, 1:27 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The locomotive is barreling down the > tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. > The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of > pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in Califo” >
I was hoping for a response from you, Mario, regarding a possibility of listening to your event on ZOOM, if you could make it happen!
/I haven’t received emails from Marillo Ministries since 4/6/21. Is there a reason why? I still want to receive your daily emails.Thank you. /
/Carol Jackson/
We don’t know why but if the problem persists please consider resubscribing.