The Easter Morning sun rises on a devastated nation. The day that carries the best message mankind has ever heard, is greeted by scenes of chaos. Easter sees the cruel hand of government breaking the heart of patriots. Resurrection morning arrives to see America praising porn and parading perversion.
Easter 2021 witnesses America digging up her heroes from the very moral bottom of society—stifling truth, yet imposing lies on children. The morning sun finds mothers crying and the souls of the free and the brave sitting among the ashes in the prison yard of a ‘woke’ penitentiary.
In a prior blog, we investigated Mary Magdalene on the day Jesus died. Then we relived Peter’s agony on the day after Jesus died.
Now we get personal. We will talk about you, on this Easter Sunday Morning, in 2021.
You are trying to love God, raise your children, and eke out a life in this American Armageddon. And now the enemies of God have turned their weapons on the Church. They are hell-bent on driving Christianity out of our nation.

So, Easter stands up and boldly reminds you, “This is nothing new. It was like this the first time. I know you cannot imagine America coming back from this. I know you cannot see a way for freedom, decency, justice, truth and love to pour down our streets like a river—but I can. The first time was total blackness and despair. Even those closest to Jesus could not imagine how resurrection power was about to turn the tables, flip the script, and deliver the blow to evil.”
Easter, in 2021, is neither apologetic nor soft. Easter is acting like a general instilling courage into a beleaguered army. Easter roars: “WE HAVE THE PROOF! AND THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS!”
Easter is grabbing preachers by their lapels and shouting, “DON’T YOU DARE APOLOGIZE! I SAID WE HAVE THE PROOF—AND THE PROOF IS ALL THAT MATTERS!”
Easter is not an inspirational analogy. It is not an anecdote to be preached in a wispy voice, reminding us, “The long winter will eventually give way to spring.” That’s like talking about the atomic bomb as if it were a disposable lighter.

Today, our programs do not make Easter better. The world can get better entertainment in many other places, under many other banners. The idea that organizational-hype or stage-dazzle, can improve the resurrection, is pure foolishness.
Easter is not polite. It is fire! It is not about bunnies or eggs, and it has no place among the other harmless religious holidays.
On this day of all days, Easter demands we remember what separates the claims of Jesus from all religions on earth.
The difference is laid out in Acts 17:31, “For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the Man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising Him from the dead.”
The difference is that He has given proof. The resurrection of Jesus is an imposing, unmatched event. It didn’t just happen; it is happening now. Its evidence won’t go away. Its power never dissipated. Its blast radius has yet to be measured.

Opposition only increases its power. The more man tries to bury news of the Resurrection, the more it spreads. Just when the enemies of the Cross feel secure in debunking Easter, some new wrinkle is found that pushes atheism back to square one.
The Resurrection rips away your excuses. God has set a Day of Judgment—a day where everyone reading this, yea, every descendant of Adam, will stand before God to be judged. And, He will do it with JUSTICE.
To do it with justice—to justify such a day, God would first commit an act—an act so undeniable it destroys every excuse for rejecting Christ.
Gospel preachers should never apologize at Easter. They should proclaim! The proof demands it! It calls for all who hear to repent on the spot. There is nothing to mull over or go home and think about.
The difference is the proof and the proof is the difference. That proof is why we know the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. That proof is why we raise our heads, because our redemption draws nigh.
And, because He is risen indeed, that proof is about to be seen as we cast off the lies and the threats, take up the weapons of God, and reclaim our nation!

Like we used to say in the Army “HOORAH” Preach on brotherman
“And with GREAT POWER gave the apostles witness of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and GREAT GRACE was upon them all.” Let the GREAT SHAKING begin in America that will blanket all the people with GREAT FEAR of the Lord. Acts 4:33
Hearty Amen, CJones!
Recall when Mario said: we’re the ones the enemy fears? Mario prepped us for 4 yrs, taught us to repent. For such a time as THIS!
This is OUR RESURRECTION YEAR, going forward!
God Bless you Mario. Your words are so spot on that they read sharper than a two edged sword. Those words are full of hope in the midst of the all helplessness. Keep that Fire alive Mario for the whole world is watching. You and your ministry is like a breath of fresh air. Have a blessed Easter.
Thank you Mario for your daily reminders while we are still here for God’s truth and what we as HIS church are called to do. May Our Lord Bless you and your family!??????✝️✝️✝️
Bravo! Happy Easter! And please don’t ever give up. We need you! He is risen indeed! May God Bless you. Thank you:)
On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 10:20 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The Easter Morning sun rises on a > devastated nation. The day that carries the best message mankind has ever > heard, is greeted by scenes of chaos. Easter sees the cruel hand of > government breaking the heart of patriots. Resurrection morning arrives to > see” >
Yes Jesus IS RISEN from the dead…..The DEMS, LIBS< COMMIES have to bow to our King of Kings Our Lord Jesus REIGNS on Earth and in heaven!
God Bless you Mario….Your words are FIRE and TRUTH! Do NOT back to ANYONE! God is using your blog to shout that Jesus is Lord of ALL! Halleljuh! Let FREEDOM Ring!
Hallelujah…wonderful message!! Hallelujah HE IS RISEN!! The only proof we need!! Hallelujah we will not be defeated, we rise to the occasion!! Looking up for our redemption draws nigh !! HALLELUJAH!!
Thank you Mario for such a vision of victory for the CHURCH!!
He is risen and they can’t silence that, no matter how hard they try, I was ban from Twitter yesterday for putting this up, spreading lie’s they said here is what I put up:[ Still TWO big question, WHAT DO THOSE VACCINE’S PREVENT OR CURE? & WHAT HARM DO THEY DO TO YOUR BODY? and I will add a third & fourth, WHY DO YOU WANT PEOPLE TO TAKE THEM SO BAD, TO KILL SPERM CELL OR THE ACTUAL PEOPLE, OR CRIPPLE THEM TO WHERE THEY HAVE TO DEPEND ON YOU? OR ALL] We don’t have free speech we are free to say what they say we can say, when I see Gods people or any one being abused and lied to I can’t be quite, its just something in me, I despise bullying, and people being taken advantage of, and thats what is being done to the church and the people in America, those shots cure nothing and prevent nothing, research says they hurt you down the road, maybe even cripple you, then the people who want control have you depending on them, I tell the truth and lie not, and we are being abused, by Big Tech, Big G. Big Preachers who want there Philosophy taught more than the word. saying the Holy Spirit is not enough, you need there Philosophy and Theorphy, they sent there profilers on me again two nights before than ban me, saying I wasn’t wualified to preach and was a narcissist, because I said it doesn’t matter what you think of what I say or do, as long as I do what the Holy Spirit says, and they labeled me narcissist, so they are going after the Patriots, and Holy Spirit fillied preachers that preach truth, because they only put up with the one’s who back there lies, I was told to retract what I said and admit I lied, I didn’t lie it was all on youtube and video, why can they not answer the question I ask, because thats really why they ban me because I ask, WHAT GOOD THE SHOTS DO, AND WHAT DO THEY CURE? I though reasonable questions, but I guess we just submit and don’t ask questions, but when you order me to take a shot thats does nothing but harm you reposrts say Roger is going to say wait a minute here, JUST WANT ARE YOU PUSHING A SHOT THAT DOES NOTHING FOR, OR DOES IT DO SOMETHING YOU DON’T WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW, PEOPLE AS POWER HUNGRY AS THEY ARE WILL DO ANYTHING TO THE PEOPLE TO STAY IN POWER EVEN STEAL AN ELECTION, AND CAUSE A FALSE PANDEMIC. BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS HE IS RISEN AND SIT’S ON THE THRONE, TO MAKE INTERSESSION FOR US. GOD BLESS SIR GOOD WORD
He is Risen!
It will truly be an act of God! Amen have faith,Everyone be blessed! Happy Easter to all ?
Yes – thank you!
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I am grateful for your voice in this time. It fires me up and blesses my soul. What a treasure to hear your voice mixed with the patriarchs of the faith and the prophets.
God bless you and protect you.
Praise God! He is Risen! These past three blogs have been so powerful. I thank the Holy Spirit for empowering you with His Words that breathe life into our hearts and souls. God bless all you do and especially in Modesto. Let the Holy Spirit’s fire fall on our country and a lost and dying world.
1 Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Savior,
Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord!
Up from the grave He arose;
With a mighty triumph o’er His foes;
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
And He lives forever, with His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!
2 Vainly they watch His bed, Jesus my Savior,
Vainly they seal the dead, Jesus my Lord! [Refrain]
3 Death cannot keep its prey, Jesus my Savior;
He tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord! [Refrain]
I find myself singing that song a lot lately.
Thank you Brother I love you
Thank you, brother Mario. He is risen indeed and He is Lord of all!
AMEN ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Our Lord God has conquered all evil.
I see God’s people on the beach forming a rescue chain.
Jesus shouting orders to pull, the nets are full.
So grateful for this unapologetic inspiration in these blogs!! Thank you for all the encouraging and empowering words !!!
Amen! And Amen!
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Amen! So true Mario and Amen!
AMEN! Christ is risen and He reigns over evil! Victory is ours!✝️
Truth. Rise up Faithful Ones. Here is your Reminder. Do something. Praise Him and His Power and. ….Judgment.Thank you Rev. Murillo for lighting the Fire.
Hit my nail on the head…
[I know you cannot imagine America coming back from this.]
But, there is and His Name is Jehovah, Our Father and Father of Our Risen Lord Jesus.
That there is a point of no return cannot be denied.
But, there is a “Know Return” and it remains 2 Chronicles 7:14
We have massive churches here in Albany, GA. One has even got two of the most gifted Christian Movie script writers, and they just keep getting better and better.
But, how strong is the altar call?
They dress up nicely and look so pious, especially the two massive churches side by side on Old Dawson Road, then there is the ethnically focused church out by the Exchange Park. How are their altar calls?
I get rebutted all the time why should we we’ve done nothing wrong. We go to church regularly, we sing a few hymns or other songs, we pay our tithes… We even pray for our nation…
How can 2 Chronicles 7:14 possibly apply to us? In a word Humility. They have none. They have a long list of successes to be proud of, and they can’t possibly be anything lacking.
We’ll write that on America’s Tombstone…
Amen Brother! We were told to “Go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to every creature”!
The Debbie Downers are a dime a dozen, and they are proud of their false humility, while they denigrate others with a self righteous disposition filled with bitter root judgments.They must be crucified before they can walk in resurrection power. Blah blah blah.?
The Second Great Awakening will not come from the establishment “church” but from the highways and byways of America as God’s Spirit moves upon the hearts of average men, women, and yes, even children! So great will be their witness, with signs and wonders following, that no one but the most hard hearted will be able to resist. Gone, gone GONE are the days of playing church! This group, the true bride of Christ, will present an uncompromising message of deliverance in Jesus… He will empower their witness and the fruit of their harvest will be bountiful! Have faith… pray… wait on the Lord… the almost dead corpse of these United States will be once again raised for a season as a testimony to His resurrection power!
This is an AWESOME WORD for all believers in this small wrinkle in time, a very small bump in the path of all who believe. The PROOF of our TOTAL VICTORY is our Resurrected Lord. Living Proof… Thank You for sharing this Wonderful Word.
AMEN AND AMEN AND AMEN!! Jesus gave us the keys to the kingdom and holds the keys to death and hell! America is filled with the Remnant who preaches the gospel, the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ, and Him Risen, to all the world! I think we need to get out the old hymn books and start singing the old hymns of our past – “HE LIVES, HE LIVES, Christ Jesus lives in me…”, “Oh the Blood of Jesus … it washes white as snow”…
Brother Mario, I cannot thank you enough for your encouraging words. Thank you for challenging pastors to stand up for Christ and the bodies they represent. My husband and I are standing firmly in our faith that God always has and always will be the Victor.
Keep proclaiming God’s Truth!!!
Powerful words: “Easter is not polite. It is fire! It is not about bunnies or eggs, and it has no place among the other harmless religious holidays.”
I normally don’t connect Easter with the Judgment. Now I do.
Wonderful words of encouragement!
He is risen indeed! God bless you ?
Happy Easter. Thank you for all you do!
Cheryl Wheeler 281-935-3452 Re/Max Cinco Ranch 2877 Commercial Center Blvd Katy, TX 77494
FRAUD ALERT: Online banking fraud is on the rise. If you receive an email containing WIRE TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS, call me immediately to verify the information prior to sending funds.
It’s Easter, which is all about the Resurrected Christ, and you are advertising for clients? What? EH?
*wow, wow! Amen!*
On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 11:19 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The Easter Morning sun rises on a > devastated nation. The day that carries the best message mankind has ever > heard, is greeted by scenes of chaos. Easter sees the cruel hand of > government breaking the heart of patriots. Resurrection morning arrives to > see” >
praise God for your messages Brother Mario!!! I thank God for you every day and am ensured and encouraged by your words. I, too, believe the truth will come to LIGHT and we as believers have to be bold (and I appreciate your boldness). May God extend His richest blessings to you on this Easter Day — He is Risen and He is among us!!! We need to be faithful and trust and unite as believers. Thank you again!!!!!
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Amen and Amen!
Yes and amen!
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Wow, just wow! Is this anointed or what! Indeed the “blast radius” is not known & still increases! You are doing your part, leading the church to victory over the pall over our great country! Thank you!
Amen and hallelujah and hallelujah
Excellent word Mario!
Amen Brother
On Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 12:19 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The Easter Morning sun rises on a > devastated nation. The day that carries the best message mankind has ever > heard, is greeted by scenes of chaos. Easter sees the cruel hand of > government breaking the heart of patriots. Resurrection morning arrives to > see” >
AMEN!!! I’ve asked mercy and forgiveness that we didn’t claim our nation decades ago. But the church – the REAL church, the virgins with the oil, are waking up and JESUS IS LORD and we will prove it!
praise God
Amen and amen!!
So true and we will stand!’
Yes, It is true indeed. He is Risen indeed!
All will see and know!
And today, we can ALL say how fortunate we are to have a bold needed preacher for the evil societies at a time such as this!
TY Mr. Mario for all you have been & are doing to WIN souls for Christ. I being ONE of them. Please, PRAY! For my husband to reach JESUS! It pains me much.
Reblogged this on El Noticiero de Alvarez Galloso.
Powerful message with truth !?? God Bless
Didn’t put those ?? Signs on my post!
Thank you Brother Mario! Once again you hit the nail on the head! I pray for the same boldness of the Canadian Pastor who kicked the police out of his church yesterday, to rise up in all the churches who claim Christ as their Savior!!
Hallelujah Jesus is risen and we rejoice as we have the victory in Jesus ?