First, he screamed and he kept screaming until he could scream no more. Then he fell off a cliff into the abyss of broken souls. He crashed with a force that could have moved the earth. Around him lay fragments—the new and hideous replacements of his former self. Shame replaced love. Cowardice replaced faith. Hope was driven out to make room for the mocking predator. Worst of all was the deep despair he felt as he saw his destiny plunge into a black hole of regret.
This all happened the day after Jesus died.
To survive, Peter virtually became a robot. He reverted to fishing. It’s what he was programmed to do. It’s what he knew best. He went through the motions to avoid every feeling, suppressing every emotion.
The difference between Peter and Judas Iscariot is razor thin. The fever of despair and regret raged in Peter every bit as hot as it had in Judas. It drove Judas to suicide. Why not Peter? Why didn’t he do what the other traitor did? It was because Jesus had prayed for him.
Satan told Peter a lie. Peter not only believed that lie, he now embodied it. And, it is the same lie that Satan is telling America right now—the lie that all the important things are gone forever.
Whenever those who hate God and America try to enforce a change, they call it ‘THE NEW NORMAL.’ They sold us on ‘THE NEW NORMAL’ of abortion, same sex marriage, and godless education. Their latest excuse for seizing control is the coronavirus. Something to remember: ‘the new normal’ is always nothing other than the old abnormal.
Peter was tortured by memories. Though he tried to fight it with all his might, it was impossible not to relive those days. Two mistakes haunted him the most. Thinking he could save Jesus, he had taken a sword and had swung it at the head of the high priest’s servant, Malchus, who, fortunately had moved just in time, losing only an ear. But his greatest horror was his discovery that he was a coward, and that he had denied Jesus three times. The rooster was still crowing in his spirit.
The hardest thing for Peter to forget was the day he met Jesus. Peter had been minding his own business when Jesus interrupted his entire life. After fishing all night, Peter had caught nothing. His hands were red and sore from handling the heavy nets. Every muscle ached. He had nothing to show for a brutal night out on the water.
Then the strange Teacher said, “Let your nets down again for a catch.” Peter half-heartedly did as he was asked, and the catch was so enormous that it terrified him. He begged Jesus to keep His distance, “I am a sinful man!” Peter cried.
That’s when he heard the words about his destiny. “Follow Me and I will make you a fisher of men.”
There is no doubt that Peter was convinced that now, after his failure and denial, it was too late. That fact must be clearly understood or you will not get the impact of the lesson I am about to relate.
It’s dawn on Resurrection Sunday. Peter couldn’t know that at that very moment, an angel was talking about him. Mark 16:7, “But go, tell His disciples—and Peter—that (Jesus) is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He told to you.” The angel added the words “and Peter.” Why? Because God knew Peter would have disqualified himself if the invitation was “for disciples only.”
Peter grabbed the messenger who related this to him and demanded: “Are you certain the angel said my name?!” “Yes, the words were, “Tell the disciples, and Peter.”” At that moment, Peter came back from the dead. He knew he was not rejected. He knew the unmatched glory of a true second chance.
Satan had worked hard to prevent Peter’s apostleship, because he knew this man would shake the gates of hell. The first shaking came on the Day of Pentecost. The wind and fire of the Holy Spirit’s baptism transformed Peter
The coward, who had denied his Lord three times, was lovingly restored by the resurrected Jesus. He appeared to Peter, giving him three new chances to affirm his love. Jesus even provided a charcoal fire similar to the one near which Peter had experienced failure. Peter was completely transformed. He was now a lion carrying a devastating witness. He roared, “This is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel!”
In the days after Jesus died, evil exerted a crushing blow on the entire city. All the Christians hid in their homes behind locked doors, and it’s like that today. Satan wishes to crush our hopes and dreams. Evil men would sell us the lie that we must adapt to a grim, cold, and dark lesser vision of America, the church, and our futures.
Those who are marked by God are unstoppable. When the doors reopen for America, God will fully restore our destiny.
But there is one miracle that remains to be explored. Cutting off Malchus’ ear haunted Peter. But there was more to it than just healing an ear. Because, my friend, that night Jesus healed more than an ear—knowing the future, Jesus knew Peter must not be sitting on death row on the day of Pentecost. Jesus prayed “permit even this” and reattached the ear, in order to protect Peter’s destiny.
Right now, He is also guarding yours.
Brother Mario, in this blog, you have repeated and tied together stories from the Gospels that I have heard hundreds of times — there is nothing that is unfamiliar to me. Yet you are presenting them in a way that breathes new life into my faith and testimony! Thank you; God bless you and continue to speak through you. We are praying for your coming meetings. Hallelujah and Maranatha!
One of the great lessons we can learn from Peter is this: Peter forgave himself and moved on with a fresh resolve to serve his King.
Amen to that C. Jones. Forgiving oneself is sometimes so much harder than forgiving others. We must forgive ourselves and move on!
praise God
Jesus has bailed me out many times after I’ve made stupid mistakes, or simply failed to obey him and wander back into the flesh. He has protected my destiny too, though I still don’t know what it is. I’ve learned to push back against the guilt and seek his forgiveness without hesitation, and He always restores me.
You are destined to be conformed to the image of the Son of the living God. Roman 8:29
Thank you.
Resurrection Day is more moving and alive to me — Thank You Mario for these fresh fire insights from the battle line!
So clear now like I’ve been given new eyes and ears to receive a fresh revelation, Thank you for this Word.
Wow!! This message and the one about Mary Magadalene have been such a refreshing remix of the precious Passion events !! Thank you for these inspiring insights!! Wow!!!
How wonderful is this post, they keep getting better!
On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 2:24 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “First, he screamed and he kept screaming > until he could scream no more. Then he fell off a cliff into the abyss of > broken souls. He crashed with a force that could have moved the earth. > Around him lay fragments—the new and hideous replacements of his form” >
Powerful message.
God bless and protect you Mario. Your words today have lifted me from a feeling of unworthiness to knowing that like Peter there are second chances.
On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 1:09 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “First, he screamed and he kept screaming > until he could scream no more. Then he fell off a cliff into the abyss of > broken souls. He crashed with a force that could have moved the earth. > Around him lay fragments—the new and hideous replacements of his form” >
Tears. A broken vessel restored. Jesus has interceded for me.
The teaching that has most touched me since my salvation 60 years ago.
Praise God. For I have hope again.
God Bless you, Mighty Man of God.
Mario, you said “Why not Peter? Why didn’t he do what the other traitor did (commit suicide)? It was because Jesus had prayed for him.”
One might ask “why didn’t Jesus pray for Judas as He did for Peter”? The answer I think is Jesus knew the hearts of both men. Although Judas felt remorse, as did Peter, he didn’t have a heart to repent and turn from his evil. He was of an evil nature, to the point where the Word says Satan actually entered Judas at the last supper. The only other person scripture mentions as actually being taken over by Satan himself is the future Antichrist. Judas was not only demon possessed but was Satan possessed… the ultimate in demon possession! He had given himself over to this spirit and suffered the consequences of his folly. Peter was prayed for, in my opinion, because like us, he had the best intentions but still failed his Master. Thank the Lord He has mercy on us just like He did Peter! When people totally give themselves over to Satan there’s no longer left any remedy for them.
John 6:70 Jesus called Judas a devil. In John 17:12 Jesus said Judas was the son of perdition (destruction) that the scripture might be fulfilled. This is why Jesus did not pray for Judas.
Thank you so very much for the words of encouragement. May God increase you more and more to touch the lives of those who are hurting and rescue those who need Jesus. God bless you my brother.
Peter blew it when he denied the Lord and believed a lie at the fireside but look how Jesus forgave and used him mightily!
There is hope for all.
We won’t EVER believe the lie of the enemy from satan and we will never accept the new normal for our once great country, we are still believing the Lord for a divine reset of and revival for our country!
Call us crazy but we will still believe God for miracles for our land and people and the world also!
Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
You know, it’s always struck me that, in fact, Peter was willing to die with/for Jesus. He proved that by taking up the sword to defend Him. What he wasn’t able to do was realize what Jesus had been telling them all along – that He, the Messiah, must die and would rise again to satisfy the indictment against all of us. Peter was willing, but when the circumstances around him didn’t turn out the way he thought they would, first he was shocked and defensive and tried with every bit of his humanity to defend his Friend and Master, Jesus; then, having no understanding of what was happening as Jesus healed Malchus’ ear and humbly allowed Himself to be taken, I believe Peter’s heart was filled with horrendous disbelief, fear and denial of what was happening around him. Of course, Jesus knew this and prepared Peter ahead of time so that he could reflect and find the grace and forgiveness WITHIN him, due to Jesus’ love to rise up and become the ROCK Jesus had prophesied he would be. To me, there are some parallels in the last few months after the 2020 election as so many of us were totally shocked and awed as we saw the betrayals all around us and didn’t/haven’t understood that GOD is still on the throne and, just like the shepherd boy David cried out to Goliath, “but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied” – and just like in David’s, today, our Lord God Almighty will not be denied!” – the underlying evil that we now see the depths of in our government and medias had to be exposed so that it can be brought down! Never forget – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!” (Hebrews 13:8) That is my normal and, in truth, the ONLY NORMAL. HE IS RISEN – Praise God!
Thank you, E. Murillo. I Holy love you.
Wow! What remarkably powerful and positive words for us! Thank you so much!
Peggy Sent from my iPhone
Mario your Blogs are so insightful. I look forward to them everyday and share them. The Lord bless you. I Pray for you and your ministry daily.
Thank you for your insight. God Bless you and your ministry as you go forth and minister to the lost and addicted souls.
On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 1:27 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “First, he screamed and he kept screaming > until he could scream no more. Then he fell off a cliff into the abyss of > broken souls. He crashed with a force that could have moved the earth. > Around him lay fragments—the new and hideous replacements of his form” >
Thank you Mario. I needed to hear that. Blessings to you, all who believe, and who will believe. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!
Hallelujah! What a Resurrection Day message of hope! God bless you! Praying for your family and ministry!
Double amen!
On Sat, Apr 3, 2021, 2:08 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “First, he screamed and he kept screaming > until he could scream no more. Then he fell off a cliff into the abyss of > broken souls. He crashed with a force that could have moved the earth. > Around him lay fragments—the new and hideous replacements of his form” >
MARIO, to me—-this is the Most Wonderful one you have Ever written. It touches me at a level that I have been touched very few times in my life.
MARIO, this touches me at a level that I have been touched very few times in my life.
Mario, What a heartwarming rendition of the Saviour’s love for humanity! Thank you & a BLESSED, JOYFUL RESURRECTION CELEBRATION TO YOU ALL!
Didn’t realize that the LORD’s healing of the soldier’s ear kept Peter from missing his calling!! Good point!
Surely do appreciate your Resurrection news reports for our time! One day, and very soon (!), this news WILL be seen on every media venue.
When I read the good news I heard the refrains of Kristian Stanfill’s “Glorious Day”.
?”You called my name, and I ran out of that grave! Out of the darkness into Your glorious DAY!”?
So true! Articulate. Resurrection of our Lord and Savior changes everything!
Thank you Mario!
Mario, I have read the passage of Peter’s denial of the Lord countless times, but I love they way you described Peter’s state of mind that eventful day — a sinner like all of us in need of a Savior who loves us unconditionally — an agape love that surpasses all things.
Have a wonderful Easter and may the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry.
as always so good
On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 1:09 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “First, he screamed and he kept screaming > until he could scream no more. Then he fell off a cliff into the abyss of > broken souls. He crashed with a force that could have moved the earth. > Around him lay fragments—the new and hideous replacements of his form” >
Very inspiring word!
On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 2:31 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “First, he screamed and he kept screaming > until he could scream no more. Then he fell off a cliff into the abyss of > broken souls. He crashed with a force that could have moved the earth. > Around him lay fragments—the new and hideous replacements of his form” >
Powerful and sooo good! What a message!
Thank you, Mario, God bless you mightily!!!
In true MM form Thing of beauty
“in order to protect Peter’s destiny”
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We live in and are covered by the shadow of the ROCK.
? Thank you
On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 12:10 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “First, he screamed and he kept screaming > until he could scream no more. Then he fell off a cliff into the abyss of > broken souls. He crashed with a force that could have moved the earth. > Around him lay fragments—the new and hideous replacements of his form” >
That is so inspiring, thank you
Reblogged this on nuggets4u.
The disciples and Peter always seemed odd. Why was He calling Peter out? Now it makes perfect sense.
Amen, brother Mario! Thank you for this God-inspired message! It is helping me.
Mario, I’ve not been getting your blog on Facebook for about 10 days, just wanted you to know. I live in Texas, I pray for you, your family and your ministry. You are a man chosen by God and may he bless your every moment.
Greta Noble
Wow – thanks!
Sent from my iPhone
Praise our glorious God of Secnd chances.Thank you God for salvation,restoration and victory over death.Because of Jesus we can be eternally with God our father.What joy,what comfort ,what hope.????❤️
Wow! That’s a powerful illustration of what Jesus did for Peter. Thank you for sharing that. I’m praying for Modesto revival. ???
Thank you for this strong word!
I appreciate your fire.
I pray for boldness.
OHHHH THANK YOU for this WORD Mario……