Today we woke to the up to the sad truth that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws and evil leaders.
Doesn’t the Bible tell us to obey them no matter what? Absolutely not. And it is shocking how many believers do not know their Bible or have been given false teaching. There is no verse in the Bible that tells you to obey evil government or laws.
If we don’t realize this now, we will sit back and let our nation be destroyed.
Christians during the American Revolution understood that the Bible does not teach us to obey evil laws or leaders. There would be no America if Christian Colonists believed they should obey the evil laws of England.
Let me prove to you beyond any doubt that the Bible tells us what we must do in the face of wicked government and laws.
First, I will expose a pathetic heresy that many believers commonly accept as truth. This is a widespread excuse for submitting when we should disobey.
Here is an example of someone who wrote me while under the influence of this false teaching:
“Out of curiosity, how do you justify your argument against obeying the government when you read Romans 13:1-7. The government Paul was talking about was even more oppressive than anything we can imagine. You could truly be martyred for your faith under the Roman government. And, what was Paul’s response? Did he call for governmental reform? Did he call for us to protest the government? Did he demand his rights and call on the government to recognize his rights? None of the above, he said, in the face of a brutal government, to obey. He didn’t say obey if your rights are recognized, he said obey. The church of today has to realize that the government is not our arena as Christians. Never, in the history of the church, has God used the government to bring about change.”
This man wrote me the definitive blurb on false submission. This defense of submission to evil government is riddled with error and falsehoods. Here are my responses to selected quotes:
1.“You could truly be martyred for your faith under the Roman government.” First the writer tells us to obey evil laws, but then mentions martyrs. They never would have been martyred had they not broken the law by being Christians.
2. Then he asks, “Did (Paul) call for governmental reform? Did he call for us to protest the government? Did he demand his rights and call on the government to recognize his rights? None of the above…” The truth is, Paul did all of the above. “Paul said to them, “They have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans, and have thrown us into prison. And now do they put us out secretly? No indeed! Let them come themselves and get us out” (Acts 16:37).
3. And finally, the zinger—the heresy that has sidelined the Body of Christ in the hour when we are most needed: “The church of today has to realize that the government is not our arena as Christians. Never, in the history of the church, has God used the government to bring about change.” Totally untrue. William Wilberforce was a Christian who used his faith in Jesus to abolish slavery in England. In fact, believers throughout history have created child labor laws, health regulations, and have exposed injustice, and corruption. It is safe to say that Christians are more responsible for influencing government, bringing about reform by forcing laws to be changed, and standing up for justice, than any other group in history.
So how did this writer get it so wrong? By doing what so many do. Isolating one set of verses, taking them out of context, and arriving at a conclusion that looks holy, but is in fact, pure and simple fear.
Let’s look at the verses that have been violated:
“Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Therefore, you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for the sake of conscience. For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor (Romans 13:1-7).
It seems to say that we are to honor government in every form, right? Wrong. To demonstrate what Paul is saying I offer this example. Say some parents leave the house, and leave the oldest child in charge. The child is given strict instructions not to open the door for anyone, except for a postal messenger whom they are expecting to deliver an important package that day.
The parents tell the child, “He will have blonde hair. He is wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. Don’t let anyone else in.” So later, a man with black hair, a blue shirt, and black slacks knocks on the door claiming to be the messenger with the package. Do they let him in? Of course not.
Lost in all the quoting of this verse on submission to government is the most important part: The description of the ruling authority. The Bible tells us what they are wearing! Look at the description:
1.They are not a terror to good works. Any government that terrorizes the innocent is not of God. How can you say that Hitler was God’s will for Germany? Hitler and other tyrants are in fact the ones being warned that there were God appointed governments who would destroy them: “But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” That is why the just powers of the world rose up and destroyed the Nazis.
2. They praise good works. Authorities that are endorsed by God do not hate or oppose Christian activity. They are the ones who—even if they are not Christian themselves—do not insult soul winning or fight the work of God. They are the cops, teachers, politicians who are glad that children are getting out of gangs and off of drugs.
3. You must be subject for the sake of conscience. When it becomes tricky, is when government is a mixture of right and wrong. Jesus said of the Pharisees, “Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, but do not do” (Matthew 23:3).
Do what they say, but don’t partake of their hypocrisy. Watch them for that moment when they cross the line and come between you and your God. Just as our conscience should drive us to obey the law, we should also know when our conscience tells us not to obey an evil law.
Here’s when Peter reached that tipping point, speaking to those very same Pharisees: “So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:18-20).
And again, in Acts 5:29, “Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.””
God not only does not endorse evil government: He will have no part in it. “Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with You—they who frame and hide their unrighteous doings under [the sacred name of] law?” (Psalm 94:20). There is your answer. A corrupt throne (government) cannot be allied with God. He cannot have fellowship with it.
When a government creates evil laws God cannot be allied it—because evil laws are the worst form of wickedness.
They are damnable because they give legitimacy to evil. Matthew Henry said, “Iniquity is daring enough even when human laws are against it, which often prove too weak to give an effectual check to it; but how insolent, how mischievous, is it when it is backed by a law! Iniquity is not the better, but much the worse, for being enacted by law; nor will it excuse those that practice it to say that they did but do as they were bidden.”
Notice how at the end, Henry says we can’t use the excuse that we were just obeying the law. That is why Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
The laws being created by Democrats, using the coronavirus as an excuse, are far worse than the virus itself because, unlike the virus, those new laws become permanent. It is time for the church to wake up and take action, beginning with voting the evildoers out of office and quit calling our submission a godly thing, when it is just a cowardly thing.
P.S. A message to those who support Mario Murillo’s mission to America.
John Wesley started 700 churches on three continents. One of his edicts to his young preachers was this: Always bring books for the people that will help them to grow.
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Amen,send me Father,I will Rise Up and God with thee. Lord help me today to surrender only to u Abba Father. Bless u Brother Mario. Love , Blessing Brenda
On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 12:22 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
God did not tell Christians to lay their minds down, be a door mat, and let the political morons think for them! Our happiness is not in the heads of wicked leaders! Do not compromise. Obey God. Daniel left that example for us to follow.
Father, God help me to surrender to u Father. Fix me Lord, Help President Trump to totally surrender to u Father. Give each leader of every state wisdom in what to do to over come this evil. Let Alabama stand on your word your truth and your promises that you r our Lord and Savior and your still sitting in your throne. That evil has no power over u Jesus. And that I have the same power living in me, help me Lord to lead this nation to u one soul at a time Father. Help me to step out like Bro Mario and take s stand for u Father. It’s In Jesus name I pray Amen God bless America
On target!! Bless you!!!???
I was criticized for my message very similar to yours here. I now feel somewhat vindicated. My message can be found here and was written last year.
Geiser, if I read your article, can I deduct that from my income taxes?
On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 10:19 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Excellent word of instruction Mario!! Love it!
Praying for huge Holy Spirit outpouring in Modesto!.,??????????❤️❤️
God is the beginning and the end of everything. So we must stand for God all mighty. He created this world and the Universe. He is the only truth
Amen !!!
Amen amen amen. God bless and keep you and your family Mario.
EXCELLENT ARGUMENT!!! But this was not proofread thoroughly – takes away from the excellence of the argument.
On Tue, Mar 30, 2021, 12:18 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Nancy Nitpicker, EH?
Yes – thank you!!
Sent from my iPhone
Hi, I ordered the book and the Treasury flash drive. The package arrived yesterday, with the top torn open, and the flash drive was missing. Could I get a replacement? My name is Pam Jordan and my address is: 120 Fairwood Circle Ormond Beach, FL 32174.
Thank you, Pam Jordan
On Tue, Mar 30, 2021, 1:18 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Right on Mario! Let us keep up the good fight. Thank you for the Post. God bless you.
The blind lead the blind into the ditch. If Romans 13 submission to governments then why do:
The under ground churches of nations such as China and Iran who read the same scriptures we read (Roams 13), follow, and submit themselves to Jesus and His word, risk their lives to do so by disobeying the authority placed over them.
Evangelists such as Roby Dawkins risk imprisonment, threats of death and their lives breaking the laws of the government to bring the Gospel and not follow Romans 13
Are believers who risk retaliation as this individual believes we should by breaking the laws of a country by smuggling in the Bible when smuggling is illegal
How does this ignorance even exist in the body of Christ, yes in this country when the basic foundations and formations of our country was and is formed on and by the Bible, Christian patriots who fought, not just with words for the right of life, liberty and the persuit of happiness because Holy Spirit said through Paul governments to do good and not evil.
Don’t hide behind your fear to stand up which is you right in this country and hide behind a false narrative the Paul’s words. He faced and disobeyed evil government, religious misuse of religious governments – read the book of Acts and even then used his rights as a Roman citizen which led him to fulfill the Lord’s destiny for his life- sending him to Rome, to prison, and eventually his martyrdom.
Remnant it time to stand up against evil government works with prayer and our voice.
PS- it may even get you put in Facebook jail. LOL
Ralph Stamp, so sorry to hear you have been thrown into the Facebook Disgracebook Jail. ?
I WILL! Thank you brother Murillo for being a light that God can use to illuminate truth. I need you to know, although i live in rural NW CO. i am forever changed and thankful in prayer for you and your ministry. To God be the GLORY!March 2019 gave me a vision of what was really happening. This fear pandemic is a far worse tragedy than Sep 11. Terrorist have invaded our nation and sought control of the whole world through our government. The fact that people have bowed down to the fear and to tyranny only suggest they don’t believe in Heaven or hell. The very day i saw fear sweeping across the globe, with it’s dark cloud originating in China, i purposed in my heart not to bow down to the once again Nebuchadnezzer statue of fear. I bow to my only master, Jesus. And because of this He has blessed me and my family so abundantly, i don’t have any more room in our 4000 sq foot modular home for anything. We have already spent almost 25’000 dollars (mostly at out local church) with me being the only one working. I only make 46,000 a year. The windows of heaven have opened up for us! Healing abounds! Needs are met! God is good!I will say this in closing, i love what you stand for. And so does our King! I feel the annointing of Christ every time i hear your voice. I praise God for your voice and for the ministry he created in you. Thank you for submitting yourself wholly to God and his teachings! It truly is a wellspring of joy! BTOSent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note8.
I live what you are doing and agree with this post. We are giving more time to prayer than to watching the news, so admittedly we miss things. May I ask to what event did you awaken this morning that signalled “war”? I checked OAN and saw nothing that would fit that description.
Fritz Klein
The church has been engaged in spiritual warfare since the day of Pentecost!
This is the best response to this question that I have ever seen. Thank you for your bold declaration of truth.
On Tue, Mar 30, 2021, 12:20 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
I agree with all the points you make Mario about not submitting to a brutal rouge government. Yes, and we must engage in their arena and culture. Because we didn’t look at what happens – Abortion became law starting in New York in 1970 then nationwide in 1973. True godly marriage was struck down by the Supreme court on June 26, 2015, and you know God was totally against these he even destroyed Israel for child sacrifice to pagan gods. What was their form of government at the time??
I will never support the new Administration and its actions it’s demonic.
No never praise God.
Thank you, Mario, for teaching and exhorting and spurring us on. You are a great coach! You tell people plainly and leave the convicting to the Holy Spirit; you don’t beat us to death. Instead, you stir us up to do good, to war, to ROAR!
Thank you for preaching the truth.
You are a breath of fresh air.
Fromanislandinnewhampshire, perfect response!
Indeed the convicting, convincing & converting power of God comes from HIS HOLY SPIRIT, THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST.
For the believers, suggest a “litmus test” that is Mark 16:20:
And they went forth, preached everywhere, the LORD WORKING WITH AND CONFIRMING THE WORD WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING.
*Are any of us speaking what HE said? (John 12:48-50 & 14:10-14)
*Our Great High Priest over our profession of faith gets what kinds words? (Heb 3:1 & 4:14)
*Do we still only have two out of twelve who believe the report of the LORD? (Num 13:30 & Num 14.)
The unbelieving Hebrews spoke only agst the LORD, therefore He gave them what they had been saying (Num 14:27-28) They only magnified the deeds of the enemy.
(John 14:12-14)
Quit speaking like losers. Speak as if JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD, FOR HE IS!!
Thank You LORD for the authority You have given us in YOUR NAME!!!! Looking up to You, we can imagine righteousness restored in our nation! So be it, You are Jehovah Tsidkenu, the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Thank You for You have rebuked the heathen and You have destroyed the wicked, & put out their name forever!
We call that thief and his accomplices removed from our government, now, in Jesus’ Name! (Prov 21:1 & 1Tim 2:2)
Thank You for You said: let the redeemed of the LORD SAY SO.
THANK YOU FATHER, YOU DELIVERED US FROM THE Authority of darkness! From the oppressor! From the workers of iniquity! From those that frame mischief by making it law! From the afflicting spirits! From the murderous, the bloody, the deceitful! They shall not live out half their days! (Ps 55:23) From those that gather agst the soul of the righteous! From those that condemn innocent blood!
We speak mass confusion in the camp of the enemy! Their resources are depleted! Their communications are fallen down void! The hearts of the evildoers are stricken with terror at the Presence of the LORD, the LORD REIGNS!
Psalm 19:7 “The law of the Lord is perfect CONVERTING the soul.
Yup, that’s what I’m talking about! Only you said it even better. We just really need to trust God He’ll pull this thing off as we believe and stick with Him, and I love that Mario helps and equips us to do that. Good leadership is so hard to come by. Thanks!
On the first day of Passover I accused God of making fools of His prophets, myself included. Hours later I offered God an apology for my reproach. Late that night I felt God telling me that He was not angered by my accusation. Indeed, He is dong exactly what I accused Him of. Some of us are so hastily trying to rush God into saving our nation that we are stumbling over our own feet. God offered me no further explanation.
Are you trying to look and sound like Gene Scott? ?
And worth every bit of it, isn’t it? How else would you want to live; we have way more fun than those poor people who think we’re fools. We’ve got His joy!
[Some of us are so hastily trying to rush God into saving our nation that we are stumbling over our own feet. God offered me no further explanation.]
“I feel your pain”…
When this started happening I was disconsolate, frustrated, angry and a few other unspiritual emotions. I had just retired from my job in electronics and there was so much I wanted to do.
There were house projects, web site projects and most of all I wanted to pastor. And, then, THIS!
Then I realized my response was because God was getting in the way of my doing what I wanted to do and get done. And, if He wanted to call us home to Glory I should be happy, not feel frustrated.
As for “Prophets”, except for Agabus, I haven’t seen the “office of the prophet” in the New Testament. But, we are shown “Inspired Speakers”, who are to be judged by other “inspired speakers”.
One thing a true prophet does, whether among equals, or in “office” is WARN and we’ve had very little of that. To call to repentance.
I am convinced that if we do not see an “affect everything around us” Revival, that the End-Time time line will continue to march forward to Jesus’ Return for His Bride.
I love my country, I served during Vietnam, and it hurts like a knife through my gut to see “her” like this.
YES! This false-teaching has caused so much pain throughout history! If God’s people would just open THE WORD and actually study it out for themselves many would have this understanding and knowledge – throughout the whole Bible God used his people in governments to change and effect the future – some that come immediately to mind are: Joseph, Moses, Daniel, Esther, David, Gideon, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and absolutely our Lord Jesus! Isaiah 9:6 actually states the GOVERNMENT will be on HIS shoulders: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” I pray always that the scales will be removed from the eyes of His people and we will see clearly with the discernment of Holy Spirit!
God bless you Mario and ALL those that are partnering with you. It is a WONDERFUL part of Anne’s & my day to read truth…rather than cowardice…
Sent from my iPhone
YES!!!! Thank you for your voice!!! We are standing with you!!!
Sent from my iPhone
Totally agree! Thank you for giving us this wise and true teaching. Also I recall Isa 59:15-16 saying He was astonished when in the face of wickedness and injustice there was no one to intercede. The NIV says He was appalled and displeased. At this point I’ve written in my Bible “USA Church” because the church has been and still is silent! The silent church is the dead, apostate church. It has lost it’s connection to Christ, it’s Head. Who are we serving if not connected to Christ. And what can we do if not connected to Him the true Vine?
We have an administration that cheated their way into office, led by someone who should be home with a caregiver, and his sidekick is a person of questionable knowledge and ability who cackles like a witch every time she takes a question.
These two people, along with everyone they have appointed into position, are inept and are trying to force an agenda onto the country by flooding the borders with untested illegals, destroying the lives of those living on the borders, and robbing them of their safety and peace of mind, and putting the entire country in danger.
The only reason that anyone can think of that they would do such a thing is to ensure a large enough flood of future democrat voters to keep dems in office permanently. It makes absolutely no sense to any decent and logical person.
Migrant children are now receiving in-person education, while American children are still locked up. Many, if not most, of these migrants have not been tested for the virus, while the leader of CDC gets on tv and says she is scared and provides no real explanation. First they tell us we’re approaching herd immunity, but then they tell us they want to force Covid passports/certificates in order to be able to go anywhere. They want to force a vaccine on people who have had, and recovered from Covid and are already immune. And they want us to wear masks and social distance forever. All while continuing open borders with people stacked on top of each other in massively overcrowded facilities. Then they lie and tell us most of these people will be sent back.
If there is any Christians out there who dare to tell us we are supposed to submit to this insanity without saying a word, they are badly in need of some serious prayer time.
Yes her cackles reminds me of a person either smoking dope or is on anti-depressants. Laughs at everything.
Powerful – I’m readinG Bonhoeffer right now and see so much the similarities of what went on then and what is going on now – the churches would not speak up – the churches cowered like they are now and the rest is history – only difference is the US. Was against Hitler who do we have to fight against this evil now???? Wake up church of America – wake up Christians – Wake up Wake up Wake up!!!!
Helmet Thielicke was a theologian 1930-1940’s in Nazi Germany also remained committed during the Nazi tyranny and oppression
I am from Canada but have been praying for the United States of America ever since this virus came and God made me aware of all of this. Praise God!
I believe a lot of these pastors are in fear and that’s why they are looking for a way out.
I agree with you Mario Maurillo!
Evangelicals would not have opposed slavery had they been taught this.
Greg Dean, taught what?
Call it for what it is. Lack of courage, cowardness, or hypocrisy. Either they have been deceived or they lack courage or worse are wolves in sheep’s clothing. It is like a bad taste in your mouth, you just want to spit it out.
Harry Leonard
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On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 1:25 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Agree with complete Agreement!
Amen my brother, long live America
On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 12:19 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Your answers really helped me understand the Bible verses. A priest I am acquainted with says we must obey the laws. He quoted the Roman verses but I can see he did not get the message of them.
I told him I disagree but he still held to his belief. I can see why we are having problems if others are doing the same thing. I am praying hard for them to open their eyes and see the truth! Like you said, no matter if preacher or not, they are obeying evil and not fighting against it or standing up for God and Jesus.
I really thank you for all the help your writings are. Do not be silent, stand up and ROAR for God and Christ!!!!!!!
God Bless You and your Ministry.
With Love in Christ.
BOOM! So thankful for Mario. God help us all! Mario gives us the meat we Christians need. He has really awakened me and his thoughtful, well reasoned responses are such a blessing. Yes, me must all wake up and learn the Word where we truly understand it…not just conveniently regurgitate a verse without really understanding its meaning or context. We are so appreciative, Mario!
It is the Left’s plan to destroy America as we know it, just as Lenin and Stalin destroyed Russia as the people knew it back then.
This is war. Ideologically America is being re-programmed through all her institutions to turn America into a nation centred on Satan’s ‘word’ not God’s. The Constitution is being deconstructed as we know it from its original meaning and purpose.
What Biden and his handlers are doing is not whacky and stupid, it is the personification of ‘evil’, and that is what Americans need to understand. Satan is disembowelling America, and very little is being done about it.
This is Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union just repeating itself, with mass genocide on the ‘menu’, with the corona virus and the so called ‘vaccines’ an entrée – a delivery system for death and destruction.
However, this time we have the hindsight of history and an armed citizenry. We have their playbook, ‘Agenda 2030’ that they are working from.
We can either watch the beast and marvel at what it is doing, or we can seriously fight back:
Rev13 “And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. 2 And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth ‘marvelled’ as they followed the beast. 4 And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”
It then goes on to talk about a Second Beast. So effectively Communism as an economic ideology promoting class struggle against Capitalism was defeated.
However there has been a ‘second coming’ of the beast so to speak in terms of the rise of Secular Humanism where we are now witnessing a new type of dialectic in play to divide people by gender, race, sexuality and even science vs pseudo science, that science is being used to divide people, as in the weaponizing of ‘Climate Change’ and the handling of Covid 19.
‘Gender dysphoria’ is being promoted, as too race hatred in order to cause division and conflict amongst the people. This even includes those wearing masks and those not wearing masks. Migrants illegally coming into America.
What is Satan’s purpose for doing this? To break down and destroy the host nation and create a totally different ‘state’ for ever. In this process the host dies as with any parasite eating out the insides of its host.
Therefore what is the dialectic now:
*Thesis – America/ Western Civilisation/ Christianity
*Antithesis – Cultural Marxism/Atheistic Secular Humanism
*Synthesis – New World Order, Global Communism/Totalitarianism/Satan’s Kingdom
This is what we are fighting and need to be very clear about. Armed with the truth, ‘fire from heaven’ we can then stand a fighting chance, but if we don’t understand Satan’s playbook, how he operates, we are doomed.
Remember what we are doing?
Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.
We may see Biden and think this is just some rambling dotard with dementia, yet Satan is still working through him. Even if he was on his deathbed, he can still wreak absolute chaos.
Biden was the only acceptable face somehow the Democrats could throw out there and be acceptable to a gullible Democrat base, not cackling ‘Hyena Harris’, but her time will come, and then our blood will truly run cold.
We can not just ‘watch’ this spectacle unfold and be destroyed by it. We must fight back, even being prepared to give our lives for the sake of posterity.
Satan relies on our inaction like a ‘stunned prey’ so that he can then do what he likes to us after wooing us with his false words and promises. – ‘Bidenspeak’.
“Don’t worry everything will be just fine…trust me, I will take care of you”. How many little children trafficked heard those words before they violated them and slit their throats?
Sorry to be so graphic, but that is the reality we don’t want to hear about, and are not dealing with.
There is a level of human ‘existence’ and depravity we just can not relate to and we shouldn’t have to but for the Fall of man.
Gen 6:5 “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them”.
That is the grief and sorrow we must liberate our Heavenly Father from as filial sons and daughters. God can not do that. God didn’t fall, man did, so we must take responsibility to keep God’s Word, restore ourselves, and make our way back to God, “working out our own salvation with fear and trembling”. Phil 2
God gives us His Word, we must embody it, live it, to make the Kingdom of Heaven real. It rests in our hands to accomplish that, not God’s. That is why He gave His children Adam and Eve the Commandment, their portion or responsibility to fulfil in the completion of God’s grand masterpiece.
The children were given the keys to the kingdom, but they disobeyed God, misused the keys and instead created the kingdom of hell on earth, not heaven. Do you now understand how this all works?
Man must fulfil his portion of responsibility to bring God’s Will and Purpose into reality. Tell me you understand, then God Himself can have hope. Man is either the key or the stumbling block.
Which is it to be, now, today?
Do we unite with God’s Will, or with Satan’s will?
We must act today, tomorrow may be too late!
Yehoshua spoke to us that we would be persecuted. Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
If we would submit to all they say to do, we would not be persecuted.
He also said: Matt. 5:13-16 You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. (This is what the gov wants you to do, be under its feet) 14 You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor d they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let you light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.”
Who do we want to obey? Yehovah or sinful men? Do believers realize that now this gov is preparing you for the coming of the man of sin, the antichrists? If you submit now, you will also submit to him and deny Mashiach, (Messiah). Wake up!
We in America was given a very unique and blessed form of Government; no other nation has one like it. It starts with this declarative statement: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
So we the people is who the Government is and we lend power to our elected officials starting at the top with the President.
Too many people just give all authority to the Government. But that’s uninformed thinking. And when the Government becomes tyrannical we are not to obey. Not understanding our responsibility has lead to weakness which gives the tyrannical more power! We better follow what God gave us before it’s too late!
You are the man and I stand with you! Preach the truth in love for the lost!
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Hello Mario,
Today, I read Psalm 94 verse 20-23,
“Shall the throne of iniquity which devises evil by law have fellowship with you? They gather together against the life of the righteous, and condemn innocent blood. But the Lord has been my defense, and my G-d the rock of my refuge. He has brought on them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; the Lord our G-d shall cut them off.”
Another clear example to support your message from the Word of G-d!
The Lord is speaking!
Every blessing?️ Caroline
P.s. His name hyphened so no one may disrespect the Most High on-line.
On Tue, 30 Mar 2021, 07:24 Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Questions and concern, And how we might go about voting in Godly people when elections get away with being rigged and the Dems are trying to pass a law to keep it that way?
OT Israelites went to physical battles to protect their land. Will it not be the Patriots that might need to take this action or do we just pray, get involved in local Government and hope God will fight for us.
Will we need to take up arms? Will it take pastors who once again become militant to lead his church.
We cannot win a physical battle alone, or a fight for our freedom alone.
What is next?
Seems OT was about battles. Seems new testament was about love and peace. We never heard of wars then.
Yet thanks to the many veterans who fought so that we could have freedom.
On Mon, Mar 29, 2021, 10:17 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Two points need to be made here — a week late, I know, but still.. First, as far back as the years prior to the Revolution, clergy in the northern colonies were verbally and visibly opposing slavery as a pox on the struggle for independence. It takes more than a passing familiarity with the History Channel to know this, and not many do. But the voices were raised, and only increased in the years that followed. The second point — it has been long-established precedent that laws that are at cross purposes to the rights and liberties GUARANTEED in our Constitution do not have to be obeyed.