I’d like to talk about prayer. People make two statements. One is, “I have a prayer life.” And there is what the saints of old said, the world changers: “I have a life of prayer.”
The person who has a prayer life designates a certain part of their busy day to go and pray. A person with a life of prayer, designates a portion of their busy time of prayer to do life…
When Paul said, “Pray without ceasing” I am certain he understood that we had to sleep at night, that we had to have jobs. What he was talking about is that we must get to the point where life is interrupting our prayer time, and NOT that our prayer time is interrupting our life. Meaning, I am in an attitude and state of prayer, all the time.
No matter how much I can plan, sometimes a jet is late. Sometimes a flight will be cancelled, and I arrive at the church where I am to preach, only moments before I am supposed to preach. I can’t rely on an afternoon where I was alone with God. What I rely on is the fact that I never broke that communion at all. Just as Paul told Timothy, “Be instant in season and out of season.”
That is what needs to happen. We need to rediscover prayer to the point where, I think, “I don’t want to leave this room to go do life, because I’m not ready yet.
That’s what Martin Luther said. He said, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/29874.Martin_Luther
As much as I love my brothers and sisters in the Lord, and I certainly don’t want to sound like I am anti-pastor. I’m not. I think there are a handful of men and women that have been real traitors, but by in large, the pulpits in America are God-fearing, sacrificing men and women who love their people and would do anything for them.
Men and women who didn’t buy into the big screens, skinny jeans and fog machine version. And they paid a desperate price for it. Some of them have lost church members. But I have a word of encouragement for them: It is going to turn, because America’s appetite is turning. And the person who is in search of a good cup of coffee and a 12-minute sermon with valet parking, is a dinosaur.
They are going to be replaced by, “I don’t need coffee because I’m wide awake. I don’t care how long you preach, Pastor, because you are turning me from a confused person, into a soldier, fit for war. Pastor you are making me armed and dangerous, to fight for my community, and against the works of the devil.
The appetite is changing. So, I would tell every Pastor, hold on just a little longer. Don’t compromise the blood, the cross, the second coming of Christ. Don’t sacrifice the baptism in the Holy Spirit or signs, wonders and miracles done according to the Spirit of God. And most of all, preach holiness, “without which, no one will see God” (Hebrews 12:14).
God has placed a tremendous burden on me for this hour, to speak what He says, when I hear it.
Scientists discovered, some years ago, that the electricity that runs through your house is far more powerful than we ever imagined. An electric current, at a certain temperature, far below zero, begins to superconduct. This means that at room temperature there is a drag on electric current.
Now, if you use that as an analogy for the anointing: when a vessel of God dies to self, they remove the drag that is on the anointing. When we witness in history a woman like Kathryn Kuhlman, or a man like Oral Roberts, healing evangelists, we wonder why they operated on such a seemingly different plane of power than others. The secret is that they learned to superconduct, and not allow the anointing to be dragged by anything. They had no axe to grind in the pulpit, a personal viewpoint, a hidden agenda to make money, or to be famous. They simply wanted to please the Holy Spirit. And, in that obsession, they superconducted and the anointing flowed freely.
That is also my obsession. When I get in the tent and I begin to preach to lost souls, and I hear that a parent brought a child who is dying of leukemia, or that a man with children has had multiple heart attacks and maybe won’t live through the next few months, and, instead of relying solely on doctors, they come to my tent. That places an awesome responsibility on me. Not to believe that I can heal them, but to believe that I can get out of God’s way.
When I wrote the book, VESSELS OF FIRE AND GLORY, at a certain part of the book I felt a certain grief. I grieved over the Holy Spirit. Because the Bible says, “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not grieve the Spirit. And that word grieve means, don’t hurt Him. We have broken His heart. I began to see how He was insulted, marginalized, misrepresented and reduced to some New Age ‘force.’ This member of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit was wounded and hurt by our behavior. Because Jesus emphatically stated that it is to our advantage that I leave. It is for our sake I must go away, because otherwise the Helper cannot come. And we have rejected that help. We thought we knew how to preach better.
Billy Graham said that it amazed him how the preaching of the simple Gospel, and the truth of it, that the Spirit of God would drive it into the hearts of men everywhere he went. We have got to let the Holy Spirit take over again. He knows how to handle the virus. He knows how to handle the government. He knows what we ought to be saying.
When I began writing my blog, and writing this book, and speaking out, I said, “Lord, You can’t anoint me to do that! You can anoint me to do ministry, and He is, but why?” The answer was found in 1 Samuel 10:6, “Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you mightily, and you will show yourself to be a prophet with them; and you will be turned into another man. And when these signs meet you, do as the occasion demands; for God is with you.”
The kind of things I am saying in this hour would have been inappropriate, even ten years ago. But this is what the occasion demands. And that is why, Pastor! Let the anointing have its way. Begin to speak the message that may not be the line of your denomination. It may not be the tradition that you are used to. It is from the word of God, but it is a focus on exposing the evil of the swamp and the power of God to overcome that evil, and bring America back to God.
I want to pray for every Christian that loves America. Do you love this country – the home of the brave, the land of the free? The land of opportunity created and forged out of a wilderness by a miracle from God. We can’t lose it. We can’t lose this gift. And the stupidest reason ever to cripple our children with socialism, would be because they were too afraid that they couldn’t succeed without the government being their nursemaid.
God, I pray for an awakening. I pray an anointing for common house cats will turn back into lions. I pray that a fire will be ignited in the heart of everyone listening. Those who have been called by You to preach your Gospel in a pulpit, as a Pastor, help them to see their duty. Help them to understand that safety is in obedience and not in escape.
If we’re in rebellion against God, if God has told us to speak out, there will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, unless we obey the Lord. Jonah discovered that, when he was told to go to Nineveh, but refused, and went in the opposite direction. God, let us run toward the truth, and not away from it. Give us the courage to speak out in an hour when thieves are robbing us of our rights and our freedoms. Lord, let us be turned into a new vessel of God, and do what the occasion demands. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Amen & Amen!
AFAIK, That was Kathryn until the day Jesus came and got her.
Re-posted to Facebook.
We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us! Not unto us O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory so that no flesh can glory in your presence.
Charlotte Barry
On Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 11:10 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I’d like to talk about prayer. People > make two statements. One is, “I have a prayer life.” And there is what the > saints of old said, the world changers: “I have a life of prayer.” The > person who has a prayer life designates a certain part of their bus” >
Amen, I am a son of a stranger. See Isaiah, 56. I drive double tankers of fuel in Wyoming 430 miles a day. I pray and worship with Holy Spirit and am coming closer to what Paul spoke of. My prayer life improved tremendously when Holy Spirit showed me to pray what the Father wants. Not many pastors seek only what Father wants. Holy Spirit is totally capable of running a church service, but will pastors get out of His way and let him? Too much personal kingdom building, we should only be building His Kingdom. God’s way is the best way.
I completely agree. I saw a wonderful, Spirit-filled church where I had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, change drastically when they had an influx of new converts. Shouldn’t that be the time when there is deep teaching on the Holy Spirit and our dependence on Him? Why bring people into your church and then leave them in a powerless, or even luke-warm state?
If you are in the presence of religion it is dry and boring, but if the Holy Spirit of Christ’s fiery Presence is present you never want to leave! fresh, pure, flowing, living Water and fresh Bread that smells and tastes heavenly!
Yeah… we don’t visit Romans chapter 8, we LIVE THERE! Our inward man is renewed day by day.
“we live there” yes and amen!
Great direction, Mario! We’re to be willing vessels, ready for the Master’s use, and available. That’s all He asks.
Be filled w/His Word, so we will know His plan. We’re to be overflowing w/His Spirit so we’ll be in the right place at the right time. If we need to speak another language then He empowers us to do so! And when we open our mouths, the WORD OF GOD comes forth to do signs and wonders:
Father, Son & Holy Spirit on scene!
So good to hear you expound on the Anointing. CHRIST, the Anointed One and His Anointing in & on us to remove burdens & destroy yokes in our lives AND IN THE LIVES OF THOSE AROUND US! GOOD NEWS, indeed!
Walking thru life in God’s armour, at the ready, and available, we must speak the Name of Jesus to every situation, every need. Affect the weather? Call for rain, call for sunshine. Calm the waves, heal, rebuke fever, CAST OUT DEVILS. Call the plans of the wicked to fall to the ground, to be useless!
Say what the Father said to say. The Son works with & confirms His Word (that we speak) with signs following.
Mario would hate to have prayers from us that say “oh Mario, repent from saying that you will do thus & so; we hope some lost soul will be coming to Modesto, only IF the gov allows a tent to be put up; oh Lord, IF it be your will; could you see to it that Mario, bless his soul, has a tent this time?” These are miserable , faithless words! Terrible!
Those are the prayers of people who do not know the LORD, do not know His Will, do not know the WORD. They are barely acquainted w/their Savior!
Pious words of the lukewarm fall to the ground. (To say it nicely.) This explains a lot of what we have been seeing, doesn’t it.
No going back to the old ways. In Jesus’ Name, from here on out, onward Christian lovers of CHRIST, and in the power of His might!
These are some of the comments that ministered to me powerfully:
‘The appetite is changing. So, I would tell every Pastor, hold on just a little longer. Don’t compromise the blood, the cross, the second coming of Christ. Don’t sacrifice the baptism in the Holy Spirit or signs, wonders and miracles done according to the Spirit of God. And most of all, preach holiness, “without which, no one will see God” (Hebrews 12:14).’
‘We have got to let the Holy Spirit take over again. He knows how to handle the virus. He knows how to handle the government. He knows what we ought to be saying.’
‘God, let us run toward the truth, and not away from it.’
‘Lord, let us be turned into a new vessel of God, and do what the occasion demands. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.’
Jesus shrank from the horrors of separation from the bright presence of the Father.
Sent from my iPhone
Amen. Amen. Amen!!
Last year we lived: where 2 or more are gathered – Jesus is there.
What the devil meant for evil. God is turning into good.
Spent more time with the Lord than in all other years.
When I read your post, I got a “check this out” from the Holy Spirit.
The Greek: soon-ag’-o is actually “Gathered Together” not just “Gathered”
From G4862 and G71; to lead together, that is, collect or convene; specifically to entertain (hospitably): – + accompany, assemble (selves, together), bestow, come together, gather (selves together, up, together), lead into, resort, take in.
It would appears that such a gathering is not just “happenstance” or a “loose collection” but a called collection of “The Saints” for a specific purpose.
I think this might go well with Mario’s thoughts on Prayer?
Yeah…it means where 2 or 3 are led by the Spirit in order to gather together in perfect harmony into the Name of Jesus where He is in the center, not us.
GOOD word Susan…AMEN!
Mario, I hope you can minister to the many migrant children that are being sent to facilities all over the southwest. Do you think the government (eye roll) would allow that? I would like to know how people can minister to these probably I reached groups. Thanks!
On Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 11:11 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I’d like to talk about prayer. People > make two statements. One is, “I have a prayer life.” And there is what the > saints of old said, the world changers: “I have a life of prayer.” The > person who has a prayer life designates a certain part of their bus” >
This is A POWERFUL MESSAGE!!! I feel so Blessed by what you said….. …WE NEED TO HANG ON EVERY WORD YOU SAID!>>> These words are spirit and life!!!!
The TRUTH>>> WE Know<<< will make us FREE!!! Thank you Mario for being a vessel of honor for OUR LORD, JESUS CHRIST!!
So true! Lets fight the good fight for our Father! Take a stand for right or fall to the enemy!!!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
We can choose what kind of atmosphere we want to set around us most of the time, we can turn on the radio, plug in a cd or ipod, what ever, and we can listen to the world junk, or we can set the atmosphere for the presence of God, with worship music, I keep it it going 24/7 low where I can talk to the Lord and worship, thats just my heart, and I want to be able to hear from him, and talk to him.
We have greived his Holy Spirit so much today, by allowing sin and trying to tell him how to do his job and even how to preach, we are not the one’s supposed to be preaching, but rather the Holy Spirit through us, he is in charge not us, we are to surrender our selves unto him, and some have even said conviction is not of the Holy Spirit greiveing him further, until they have silenced him completely, which is why they can sin and not feel bad, they have totally shut him out, I have always been corrected instantly if I did wrong, which lets me know something is bad wrong if your not, because thats part of his job, he will lead you to the knowledge of all truth, that means if you belong to Christ he correct’s you, but man has turnned to entertainment instead of Holiness and Godliness, because they had rather cater to the flesh, than die to it, and they want to please the flesh, they think because a song cause’s a tear to run down their face. that God is in the place, when in fact it was a song that made them think of something in their past, just their emotion’s, I have had them come to me and say will you sing in worship “The night oh Jack Daniels met John 3:16, thats a testamoney song, not a worship song, you pick songs that glorify God and lift he up, not that please’s your flesh, it may be a good testamoney song, but how does God get glory out of it, it’s not lifting him up, it’s telling what happen to you, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, OR WORTHY IS THE LAMB, HOW GREAT THOU ART, COME AS YOU ARE TO WORSHIP, JESUS IS THE LAMB, SONGS THAT LIFT HIM UP,But we like to etertain the flesh, some country songs, pop songs make you feel good and cry, they please the flesh but not the Holy Spirit and God, music makes you feel good, BUT WORSHIP MAKES HIS PRESENCE’S COME DOWN, AND WE NEED HIS PRESENCE LIKE NEVER BEFORE, FOR WORTHY IS THE LAMB, I just about shouted writing that man, but we need to get plugged in to heaven we are trying to do things our way, in the natural, when his work is a Supernatural work, and we can’;t do it plugged into the natural, we must plug into the Supernatural, and learn to please God and not self, we need the Holy Spirit and Fire.
We need an awakening to many are backing the government and putting there faith in a people who want to kill, instead of trusting a Holy God, I have stood up against it, and some have screamed back, but why would Gods mins. push a shot that does nothing for Covid, doesn’t cure, doesn’t stop the spread or keep you from getting, you still have to wear a mask and distance your self and keep business closed, so WHATS THE POINT, IT IS OBVIOUSLY FOR SOME THING ELSE, BILL GATES SAID IT HAD SOMETHING TO CALM THE RADICAL CHRISTIAN DOWN, AND THE LORD SHOWED ME THREE SHOTS A BIG ONE FOR RADICAL CHRISTIANS, THAT ALTERED THEIR MINDS, A DEVIL IN A VACCINE, HYBRID FALLEN ANGEL DNA, THEY HAVE TAPPED INTO AN EVIL MOST CHRISTIANS DO NOT EVEN KNOW ABOUT, AND CAN INJECT THEIR DNA IN THEM LIST TO SOME OF THE VIDEO’S BY BILL GATES AND OTHER’S, AND YOU HAVING TO TAKE A SHOT IN ORDER TO TRAVEL, TO MEET, OR TO GO ANY WHERE OR EVEN BUY AND SELL, YOU HAVE TO HAVE A CARD IUN YOUR HAND TO PROVE YOU HAD THE SHOT OR YOU CAN’T DO THESE THINGS, WAIT THAT SOUNDS FAMILIAR, REV, 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
It sounds mighty close to me, and preachers are pushing it, they can stone me or what ever but I am going to warn you, those vaccines do nothing for covid but destroy your immune system, and cause inflammation, and other disease’s, remember they want and are pushing for population decrease, Folks time to get plugged in good to the Holy Spirit, the people in control of this nation, and sadly most of the church are being led by satan, and I tell you the truth and lie not, and it cause’s me nthing but heartache from both side’s, some say I have no love if I didn’t love Gods peiple I wouldn’t be putting my self through the hell I take from them for anything, but the Lord said if we preachers don’t tell them the truth who will, it may hurt, but it will save you from deception of the enemy and some even from hell. Time to pray like never before, for the anointing because we have never needed it any more than we do right now. God Bless you sir for your truth and work in the Holy Spirit.
Right on, Roger! Be strong in the LORD!
The “shot” is a weapon agst humanity, not just the Body of Christ. That’s why this is truly the LORD’s battle! We must all stand up & RESIST forcible vax. It’s not even fda approved, much less tested! The ingredients are NOT anti-serum. They are dna retardants! America’s Frontline Doctors are an amazingly helpful resource to all who desire to live! Hope you’ll visit their site.
The Blood of Jesus is our protection, for us & our families.
The Name of Jesus is our authority agst evil. Tho the enemy comes at us one way, he must flee from us seven ways, it is written. But if the Body of Christ doesn’t tell him to get out….
We call all of the devices of the new world agenda destroyed, in Jesus’ Name, amen.
amen and thanks, we must pray and seek the face of the Lord, and not trust the G. people at all. just a bunch of Joseph Mengeles from Nazi Germany runny this country now, and the people are lab rats!
Sounds like this “vaccine” is a tool for sorcery. Bill Gates needs help ASAP.
for sure
God is the God of the impossible and He performed a miracle in my life. Over 5 years ago I suffered a burst brain aneurysm followed by pneumonia and for the first 30+ days it was not known whether I would live or die. People were praying and one day shortly after I came home from the hospitals, I had a dream and in this dream, I was standing on the edge of a cliff and falling over the edge, and then I saw all these hands reaching out and pulling me back to safety. The Lord spoke to me and said “These are all the prayers that were ascending up to the throne of God.” Every day during the 3 months I was in 3 different hospitals, my hubby would lay hands on me imparting the prayers of the saints to me. God has been soooo good to me! ???
Yes, yes yes!!!
yes and yes amen
Thank God for speaking truth! It is about the Holy Spirit and our connection to the Father through faith filled prayer. We come into agreement speaking the will of God. Lives healed, delivered, set free in Jesus name!
I absolutely love the line “turn common house cats into lions”….Mario, I thank God for your creative wit and humorous way with words – packed with truth!!
MARIO, your anointing is so powerful…..it helps me so much….it draws me to tears and deep prayer and intercession.. Thank You HOLY SPIRIT for your Presence and your Power lifting me above the storms of life as I Hold Fast.
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Get Outlook for Android
Mario your messages are so encouraging and needful in our daily lives. The fresh word you deliver is always a blessing. I pray God blesses your work, health, and finances, above and beyond anything you could hope or expect. AMEN.
Prophetic Preachers
Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred….—1 Chronicles 12:32
A prophet is one who knows his times and what God is trying to say to the people of his times….
Today we need prophetic preachers; not preachers of prophecy merely, but preachers with a gift of prophecy. The word of wisdom is missing. We need the gift of discernment again in our pulpits. It is not the ability to predict that we need, but the anointed eye, the power of spiritual penetration and interpretation, the ability to appraise the religious scene as viewed from God’s position, and to tell us what is actually going on….
Where is the man who can see through the ticker tape and confetti to discover which way the parade is headed, why it started in the first place, and, particularly, who is riding up front in the seat of honor?…
What is needed desperately today is prophetic insight. Scholars can interpret the past; it takes prophets to interpret the present. Learning will enable a man to pass judgment on our yesterdays, but it requires a gift of clear seeing to pass sentence on our own day….
Another kind of religious leader must arise among us. He must be of the old prophet type, a man who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the Throne. AW. Tozer
[Today we need prophetic preachers; not preachers of prophecy merely, but preachers with a gift of prophecy. The word of wisdom is missing. We need the gift of discernment again in our pulpits. It is not the ability to predict that we need, but the anointed eye, the power of spiritual penetration and interpretation, the ability to appraise the religious scene as viewed from God’s position, and to tell us what is actually going on….]
AMEN! But, what we “need” and what we will “allow” or “listen to” are often very different.
Yes I totally agree that even the masses of professing Christianity are a very stubborn and stiff-necked people who desire “STRONGLY” to have their ears tickled with only the souls teachers preachers and dare I say Prophets they agree with God FORBID Amen
his kingdom come his will be done in this earth as it is in haven , : i dont know what age of you when we sow you in TBN ,…when you gave your testimony about a car you saw lay hands on it .my kids love your preaching, keep up the good work.
Thank you for leading us in a prayer in your blog, sir! I appreciate the teaching and direction for intercession. May we pray together in unity as the body of Christ even more!
Great message Brother Murillo