by | Mar 15, 2021 | Christianity Today | 62 comments

I remember it like it was yesterday. I could smell marijuana smoke. I looked over the fence into the yard of my neighbor, Sam, because the smoke was coming from his back porch. Sam was teaching his thirteen-year-old son how to light up and smoke dope.

It was not hard for him to interpret my glare. He defensively explained that he didn’t want to lose his son—that it is “better that he does it at home with me, than behind my back.”

Apparently, sitting his son down and explaining why it was dangerous and stupid to get stoned, was not an option. But, he was not saving his son—he was destroying him.

In the same way, a prominent Evangelical ‘scholar’ explained why—even after he and his group called ‘Pro-life Evangelicals for Biden’, were used and lied to—he still supports Biden, because, he admits, he doesn’t want to lose the kids!

He said there are “many younger evangelicals who are not happy about … the way in which their parents and grandparents have endorsed and defended the Trump administration. We … don’t want to lose them to evangelicalism because of what is perceived as mean-spirited, highly partisan commitment on the part of the older generation of evangelicals.” Wait, what?

How is what he is doing any better than what my neighbor Sam was doing?  He is saying, the younger generation must not be lost! So, what is his plan for keeping them? ‘Let them smoke wokeness’ and, worse still, ‘let’s smoke it with them.’

So we should smoke woke with them because we are afraid of losing them?

Really!? Sell their souls to Biden? Expose them to the toxic fumes of radical abortion—the heresy of multiple genders—bending to Red China—heaping massive debt—seizing guns—censorship—racism and victimhood—because these poor, innocent youngsters are offended by Trump’s tweets? Forgive me, but where is the adult in the room? The Christian adult!

Millennials must not be classified as some exotic new human species that must be excused from correction and common sense. That is the greatest insult—and the purest form of hatred.

“Discipline your children while there is hope. Otherwise, you will destroy their lives” (Proverbs 19:18).

I stood before 2,000 youth at a Christian college. I said, “If you are not careful you are going to be the most boring old people America has ever known. If you look in my smart phone you will see pictures of people being saved and healed. If I were to look in most of your smart phones, what would I see, pictures of food?

“Imagine years from now, showing those pictures to your grandchildren. “Grandpa, what is this a picture of?” And you sheepishly answer, “Well, that was my breakfast.” And then they will ask, “Why are there 17 pictures of grandma in front of a mirror that are all exactly the same?””

Believe it or not, these young men and women did not race to a safe place or assume the fetal position. They laughed. They reacted the way young people have for generations. Why? Because we forgot the obvious. Because in our zeal to prove they are different, we have forgotten they are just the same as the youth of every generation. Scared and teachable.

If this prominent evangelical were right, millennials would not be crowding the front of our tent to be saved. They can take the truth. More of them than you realize are ready to hear the other side of the story—the story about America’s decency, and the good things this nation has done in history.

It is the professors who have changed. It is the villains who have changed. It is the Democrat Party that has changed.  And I do not care who this offends: if we do not want to lose them, we must risk losing them by speaking the truth, in love!

Dear Christian professor…so what if you keep them Christian by letting them support Biden? What happens down the road when they read about Hell in the Bible? And, yes, when you quit preaching anything that you are afraid might cause you to lose them, where will it end?

When I get a chance to reason with youth, many of them wake up out of wokeness.  Catch phrases die after they are challenged to check their validity. When they spout stuff about Trump, I challenge them to show me, “When did he say that?” They are even able to handle the fact that I am working and praying for Trump to be back in the White House.

I know when it is time to preach Christ and leave Trump and Republicanism out. I also know when it is time to confront a generation that has too much at stake to be coddled, hoodwinked, and appeased.

Stop smoking dope with them. Love them enough to tell them the truth, and do not destroy them!

P.S. We do not want to take away from the message you just read. This is a message to those who support Mario Murillo’s Voice to America. As you can see, we do not sell advertising to raise money. We offer you products that not only win lost souls but will empower you in Christ.

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  1. C. Jones


    • Wordforworld

      Agreed CJones!
      Things are starting to prove our GOD IS AND HAS BEEN WORKING ON OUR BEHALF.
      There is a generation that has too much to lose if WE slack off at this point. We cannot go back to the way things were.
      We must all contact not only our Senators, but all the Senators and respectfully & firmly request they
      OPPOSE H.R. 1 (“for the people” act)
      It is an affront to the Constitution of the United States of America.
      We must call/text/email re: these crucial issues, until such time the legally elected President Trump overturns all ungodly legislation/EOs.
      Urge the Senators to yield to the wisdom of GOD; to be encouraged to do the things that honor GOD and uphold their vows to defend & protect the Constitution.

  2. Sandra

    A sobering message about our young people. May God help us to tell them the truth!

  3. Susan

    Spot on MMM! Amen.

  4. smuzick

    I thnk when you run with a group of vipers you might actually turn into one of them.There is no logical reasoning with people who make up things to justify what they do. They are like Satan when he tempted Jesus. Twist and contort the Bible to explain away their actions. The problem with them is God’s word doesn’t change. And God doesn’t change. So, they will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. When Jesus dwelt among us, many didn’t accept him because they feared him taking over. Yet, killing him didn’t silence him but made him even more powerful. I agree with you Mario. We aren’t going to lose the kids. They will get tired of trying to live their own lives. Then, they will seek real answers and the only real answer is the one real God. And we will be there to take them in. And when that happens they will not go back to their old ways. And once again God and his word will have defeated the enemy.

  5. Elaine Heistad

    Truth will always stand the test of time. NOBODY wants to be lied to. NOBODY! We are losing the generation only because they have been lied to. Wake up church! Speak truth in love! So sad that these leaders have missed the mark and adhered to the lies. Keep preaching Mario and we will keep praying. GOD is at work Recovering! Restoring!

  6. sharfoster


    Sent from my iPhone

  7. Mary J.

    Your blog should be a must read for everyone. You articulate God’s heart on these matters with a precision and clarity unlike anyone I’ve seen or heard. I praise God for your Godly influence!! Thank you!!

    • C. Jones

      “Precision and clarity”… now that is the mark of Mario who is full of Holy Ghost wisdom and knowledge!

  8. Linda Hughes

    This is an awesome article… Amen
    Sent from my iPhone

  9. Robert J Turek

    Praise God for Mario, you sir spoke in this blog today very clearly to those who have fallen away from God”s truth of right from wrong. I believe many will now open their eyes and understand they have been brainwashed by the left and Praise God many will be touched by the Holy Spirit and then they will see yes there is a way out from under of this steamroller.

  10. Clint

    Thank you! Standing with you in prayer for America.

  11. Rhonda Martin

    Thank you so much for being bold & calling these things out! I’m so tired of pastors trying to appease the audience and not God. I wish I could find a pastor in my area that would do this.
    The other issue I have is pastors not teaching the power of the spoken word. They stand at the pulpit & claim they have ADD or “I will never be able to….”.
    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed receiving your daily emails!
    P.S. My parents allowed me to smoke pot at home when i was younger so I didn’t go “out” & do it. We just did it together. ? Thank goodness I got saved & God opened up my eyes before I had my own children.
    Thank you again!
    On Mon, Mar 15, 2021, 3:42 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I remember it like it was yesterday. I > could smell marijuana smoke. I looked over the fence into the yard of my > neighbor, Sam, because the smoke was coming from his back porch. Sam was > teaching his thirteen-year-old son how to light up and smoke dope. ” >

  12. d48day

    This so called “Christians” better get back to the Bible as far as I can see Trump just gave back to the left what they were dishing out – finally we had someone in leadership who didn’t cower to their barrage of hate filled attacks – these so called “christians” would rather support a godless man who didn’t even end his first “speech” to the sheeple with a God Bless America – that’s who you so called “christians” support – give me a break- so sad I just hope the people who listen to them turn them off and run away as fast as they can!

  13. Edna huwe

    As usual, so much wisdom! Thank you?

  14. Judy Braland

    Barn burner!!!!!!  Love it!!!!JUDY BRALAND —- On Mon, 15 Mar 2021 07:43:47 +0000 wrote —-div.zm_611013744420522594_parse_-956903608288573049 a:hover { color: red } div.zm_611013744420522594_parse_-956903608288573049 a { text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(0, 136, 204) } div.zm_611013744420522594_parse_-956903608288573049 a.x_1741775534primaryactionlink:link, div.zm_611013744420522594_parse_-956903608288573049 a.x_1741775534primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: rgb(37, 133, 178); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) } div.zm_611013744420522594_parse_-956903608288573049 a.x_1741775534primaryactionlink:hover, div.zm_611013744420522594_parse_-956903608288573049 a.x_1741775534primaryactionlink:active { background-color: rgb(17, 114, 158); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) }
    mariomurilloministries posted: ” I remember it like it was yesterday. I could smell marijuana smoke. I looked over the fence into the yard of my neighbor, Sam, because the smoke was coming from his back porch. Sam was teaching his thirteen-year-old son how to light up and smoke dope.

  15. fredsheltonministries

    Amen Mario, only the truth will stand. Selling the kids to the devil is definitely NOT the answer. I have serious concerns about these evangelical leaders, because from where I’m sitting, they look more like false brethren crept in unaware.

    • Lisa

      So true!! When reading Mario’s blog, I couldn’t help but think of the following verse.
      Matthew 7:23
      And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’

  16. Jacqueline Marie Bergin

    Good morning
    Thank you for this message. I just found out our wonderful Governor in NJ passed legislation that states police are no longer allowed to notify parents of underage children caught smoking marijuana or drinking. If police were to inform parents they could have charges brought against them. It’s lunacy!!! I pray to my GOD help us.

  17. Tessia Davenport

    Amen and amen!!!
    Sent from my iPhone

  18. Valerie Johnson

    Yes!!!! Thank you for this firm stand!

  19. lschaatt

    Amen! We will lose them if we don’t tell them the truth!

  20. Marcia S O'Neal

    You are exactly right,thank you Mario!

  21. Hilda Winzeler (@hwinzeler)

    we are in the 3rd generation of Christians who NEVER STUDY GOD’S WORD. Pastors who don’t teach scripture will be the first judged.

    • Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

      They need to teach the Whole Word of God not just “Proof-Text” what they think is good stuff.
      I’ve done, and recommend, personal study where yo search for all the scriptures that support your premise, then turn around and search for all scripture the mitigates or challenges that premise.
      It’s amazing what you can learn this way. 🙂

  22. Sandra Calhoun

    I agree our educational system is trying to brain wash our children into thinking Trump was vile and you couldn’t think for yourself but it is just the opposite! The system is trying to send our children to HELL! We parents and grandparents need to wake up! We can all think for ourselves and look up  Things we don’t fully know about, look up meanings of names ( so inspirational) I am used to looking up even words I do not know the meaning of and dreams for meanings! Love John Paul Jacksons’ dream dictionary! And use it often! Do you know so called christians don’t believe there is a hell? And what is so sad it is for eternity! Life is not as much about now but eternity! But how do we get that across? I feel like I am failing my grandchildren but for my prayers which will still be as effective when I am gone! 
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  23. Laurel Young

    This is so true-the truth will set you free, not appeasement! Bless you, Mario!

  24. alanmittan

    Amen brother

  25. bdk11

    I truly believe we have become like the Israelites mentioned in Amos; we have allowed the world to infiltrate our church with watered down teachings; the church has become like the world, instead of light there is darkness because we don’t teach the truth of God’s Word but the heresies of man made traditions. Young ones just like we did see the hypocrisy in the church. We say we love and talk about it but we have pursued our own dreams and goals vs what God wants from us. I believe the future application of what Amos prophecies to the northern kingdom of Israel is coming true in our day too. Notice the young mentioned in vs 13. The Word is still out there in some churches …..but the famine is from hearing it.
    Amos 8:11-13 NASB
    [11] “Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD, “When I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, But rather for hearing the words of the LORD. [12] “People will stagger from sea to sea And from the north even to the east; They will go to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, But they will not find it. [13] “In that day the beautiful virgins And the young men will faint from thirst.
    When Jesus told us that blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, today people are not hungry or thirsty for righteousness. They are FULL or fool. They are full of themselves and feel like they have no need of God and are not concerned about sin.
    Father we pray for all of us to repentance and forgiveness, so that we may be the light to the world and to let the light shine and glory to the kingdom of righteousness that you have as a reward to those that love the truth. Let us all lift up our brothers and sisters in prayer and repent.

  26. Bri H Loftis

    Amen! Agree!

  27. Roger Culwell

    The wokeness that has come into the Church and brought mans opinions in, and taken out the word of God, will be the destruction of us all, for it took our fight, it took the Holy Spirit and fire out, it took the name of Jesus and the blood out of our worship son’s and Jesus name out of some bile and replaced it with HIM, sorry only one name we worship only one name that cast out demons, The name above all names Jesus Christ, but they have even made him a in their image a 60’s hippie type love child, instead of the righteous God he is and now they say he accept’s sin and evil, and so they even made him famine, taking the fight out, and the macho that men have that makes them fighter’s and men, because the enemy is afraid of real men in Christ because they become warrior’s who change thing’s, so let us make them transgender, nothing, but they could even handle the real Jesus so they made him sweeter saying people will not want the Jesus who used a whip and drove the wrong out of his father’s house, Jhon 2:15, Mat 23:24 blind guides, and called them vipers and snake’s, and they wanted to stone him.
    To me as a man thats a Jesus you want to be like, to me thats a man, a God man, who does not compromise with evil in any way, and stands against it, and thats what young people need they need a hero, well Jesus is the greatest hero that ever lived, and laid down his life and rose from the dead, and is now sitting on the right hand of the father making war against our enemies and answering our prayer’s, still fighting for us, they need a Jesus to look up to not cower to, some one they want to be like, who is tough but also Godly, they try to sell him, and he has never had to be sold through out history, he is enough all by him self, we don’t make him into something we think will sell, we preach the truth of the gospel, and Jesus will will make his quota, because what he is selling none of us can aford to be with out, salvation is something we all need, and that means a real turn aroud to the real Jesus of the bible, not some made up something they want to put in a pipe and light insense to smoke, to many toking on the wrong grape-vine, they need a toke from the new wine of the Holy Spirit, the woke crowd has sold a fake Jesus, and a fake spirit that doesn’t convict any more, well every time I have ever messed up, the Holy Spirit corrected me instantly, and God said I change not, so some body changed and it wasn’t him, they are leading the young people down the wrong road that leads to destruction, to modernise him and fit in with the world, a compromised church full of sin, and abominations, well the real Jesus will never be part of that Church, you didn’t modernise him, your ran him and his Holy Spirit off, and the sad part is you don’t even know it, Rev. 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. [ but instead of letting him in they have ran him further off, woke rally means in deep sleep or total darkness in the Church, and we better awake from woke, Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    Mat 7:23
    And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
    These verse’s are to the woke preacher’s and other’s, he is not talking to the lost but the leaders who have even cast out demons, but are full of iniquity [immoral or grossly unfair behavior] it’s not a time to be woke, but a take to wake up to woke and preach the truth of the Gospel and give the youth a Jesus they can look up to who does not cave to evil and sin, who gave his life for us all, so we could be saved from a condemned world, Jhn 3:17, so we could come out of it, he didn’t come to condemn it, sin has condemned the world he came to save us from the condemned world. God bless sir good word.

  28. Katherine Matthews

    Matthew 10:34-38 Amp
    Do not think I have come to bring peace upon the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword
    For I have come to part asunder a man from his father, and a daughter from her mother, and a newly married wife from her mother-in-law
    And a man’s foes will be they of his own household.
    He who loves ( and takes more pleasure in) father or mother more than (in) Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves ( and takes more pleasure in) son or daughter more than ( in) Me is not worthy of Me
    And he who does not take up his cross and follow Me, ( cleave steadfastly to Me, conforming wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying also) is not worthy of Me
    ‘This is the gospel

  29. Greg Strom

    One of the greatest reasons why I sold my home and business in 2005 and went to The Bible college I did in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It’s because the president and founder tells the truth in love! He pulls no punches… just like you! Thank you for speaking the truth in love Mario! And thank you for teaching the whole counsel of the word of God

  30. hredhawk1942

    Right on! My wife received this phrase from the Lord one day, ‘Get up, Gut up, and Grow up’. Besides remembering it ourselves, she would tell our kids this whenever they were whining about something. Perhaps we should be using this on the supposed adults that seem to have forgotten all three of these.
    Harry Leonard
    This e-mail and any attachment is intended solely for the addressed recipient(s) and contains information that may be confidential. If you are not the correct recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail and all attachments from your system immediately. Any use, dissemination or copying of this email by any person or entity other than the addressed recipient(s) is prohibited.
    On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 3:27 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I remember it like it was yesterday. I > could smell marijuana smoke. I looked over the fence into the yard of my > neighbor, Sam, because the smoke was coming from his back porch. Sam was > teaching his thirteen-year-old son how to light up and smoke dope. ” >

  31. Lisa Kaye

    On Mon, Mar 15, 2021, 12:25 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I remember it like it was yesterday. I > could smell marijuana smoke. I looked over the fence into the yard of my > neighbor, Sam, because the smoke was coming from his back porch. Sam was > teaching his thirteen-year-old son how to light up and smoke dope. ” >

  32. Bill

    So true as always
    On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 2:25 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I remember it like it was yesterday. I > could smell marijuana smoke. I looked over the fence into the yard of my > neighbor, Sam, because the smoke was coming from his back porch. Sam was > teaching his thirteen-year-old son how to light up and smoke dope. ” >

  33. Teresa Lynn Barnes

    I am with this all the way!! I have 2 sons in their 20’s and I have and will forever speak absolute truth to them even if it makes them angry or turns them away from me. I will not stand with this insidious government that has invaded our Whitehouse. They are an absolute mockery to this nation of the USA and I will fight with God to bring His Kingdom to earth back in the USA and across other nations!!

  34. Jayne Farrell

    They haven’t read Romans 1. They would find themselves there toward the end. Or how about Proverbs 6, or Isaiah 59 or Psalm 94 Or 37. And acting “surprised” about where Biden puppet masters are taking our country is absolutely ridiculous. They WERE told long before the election. They knew EXACTLY where all this was going! So not only have they embraced the devil, they are lying about it. I’m thinking their revenue might have taken a hit, so they are attempting to backtrack. ? ? Winking at every EVIL thing you listed and is so obvious, while complaining about tweets. “Somebody” needs to go read about Cyrus. Thank you Mario for not bowing to the camp of “popularity “ as so many have. It’s time we realize it might just be time to Endure to the end…..even if we are alone.

  35. Sheila Price

    Yes and Amen!
    On Mon, Mar 15, 2021, 3:33 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I remember it like it was yesterday. I > could smell marijuana smoke. I looked over the fence into the yard of my > neighbor, Sam, because the smoke was coming from his back porch. Sam was > teaching his thirteen-year-old son how to light up and smoke dope. ” >

  36. Jane Zelinsky

    AMEN ✝️??
    On Mon, Mar 15, 2021, 2:36 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I remember it like it was yesterday. I > could smell marijuana smoke. I looked over the fence into the yard of my > neighbor, Sam, because the smoke was coming from his back porch. Sam was > teaching his thirteen-year-old son how to light up and smoke dope. ” >

  37. Helen Ruch

    I believe our children are made of the same stuff we are and they can handle truth A LOT BETTER than all the lies they have been hearing. They want real answers to real problems.
    I love your blogs. And I love ? you.
    Helen Ruch
    Cocoa, Florida

  38. K Brown

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! My adult children disagree with me vehemently with regards to politics, religion and this virus. Because of this two of the three have distanced themselves. The one I am in contact had pneumonia in November and I helped her, and praise the Lord, our relationship has improved considerably. God uses bad for good. I have one grandson and I’m not allowed to have contact with him supposedly because “of my poor choices”…I’m anti-mask and have been to 3 Conservative rallies (included Jan 6th in DC). I refuse to change my choices to appease them and it is costing me now. I am fasting and praying for the Lord to intervene.
    Thank you for your encouring words to me and all those going through the same thing.
    God bless you

  39. diannebeattie

    Mario, I have friends who attend your tent from Dallas. Amazing, amazing, amazing – you are.
    I bring something new to you. Please indulge me for a moment as I try to explain and express something that is brand new to me. I am a subscriber under .
    For the first time, I see with new eyes “how” the enemy has us bound. It isn’t our words as much as our hidden subconscious thoughts.
    This is a quantum energy measuring tool that identifies energy blockages within the body? It only measures. Doesn’t diagnose. Doesn’t heal. It educates.
    It’s called the AO Scanner much like the Star Wars Tricorder scanner.
    To help explain, I created a website:
    Gen 1:1 = God is LOVE LIGHT = a Kingdom frequency of 1000 Hz – unconditional love. We know The Bride must walk in unconditional love. My question to the Lord is: “how?”
    In this world, we believe lies, take on fear and dis-ease as a result. We know the enemy came to kill us. Did you know low level vibrational frequencies block energy? We have energy blockages, yet we are not aware of them. We have been hijacked. The enemy attacks us within the low level energy realms because he can’t see us or attack us the closer we get into the higher energy realms.
    How the scan works:
    * Scientists have isolated, documented and defined 120,000 frequencies of healthy tissues, cells, and organ frequencies. A person is scanned by speaking into the app. Their voice is measured against healthy frequencies. Energy trapped within the body is identified and reports are emailed.
    * This educational device uses mathematical standard deviation to measure our body against 120,000 known healthy cell, tissue, and organ frequencies. Listening to counterbalancing frequencies, we bring out body back into alignment allowing out body to heal itself.
    * What makes this unique is that it is “you”… very specifically identifies your subconscious level and targets “your” personal energy blockages… I have never seen anything like this!
    Last month, this app became available on mobile devices and offered as an educational tool. For more than 20 years, only available to Practitioners, astronauts, scientists, etc. Tesla created this technology back in the 1800’s.
    In The Attachment:
    * My inner voice scan is attached for review. The devices comes with dozens of ways to energetically “educate” with vitals and comprehensive reports of your entire body.
    * I offer my inner voice scans. The 4 audio files were too large to attach. Notice these PDF’s reveal what is trapped inside my subconscious mind.
    * The 4 audio files are counterbalancing octaves releasing sympathetic vibratory frequency which can encourage an organ, tissue, or cell to move back towards its ideal frequency range.
    * As a prayer warrior, declaring the Word of God, I just assumed my external mind took authority over how my subconscious mind perceives reality. Not so!
    Revelations from the Lord:
    * Three years ago, the Lord told me that Satan can only see in the dark. I can only be seen if there is sin.
    * Last year, the Lord told me that there can be “no shadow of turning” in me. I fasted and prayed asking the Lord to reveal the shadows. I repented, fasted, forgive myself and “cast” them out. Yet, the Lord kept saying – Dianne, there can be no shadow of turning in you.
    * After my first scan, I heard the Lord say these are the shadows. What???
    Did you know? Our voice betrays us. Our voice carries within itself the hidden secrets of our self-consciousness mind. Our enemy knows us better than we know ourselves. The bible is clear… take every thought captive. We just didn’t know what we didn’t know about what is trapped inside our subconscious.
    Imagine my surprise to see what the devil sees in me and how he can accuse me. The shadows of my own unbelief are hidden deep inside where I cannot touch, feel or see…and suppressed trans-generational issues that have plagued my family for generations – exposed!
    For the first time, I know what shadows are hidden…
    Now my words, my thoughts, the counterbalancing frequencies and a much deeper understanding of what is hidden in my subconscious mind has been exposed…no longer hidden – Praise God!
    Better still – my testimony: I sleep better than I have in years. Have more energy, clarity, focus and passion to help set the captives free.
    Wow… I am on mission to set people free….and all I am asking is 20 minutes of your time to give you a free scan to see if you agree. This educational tool can measure so much more than I could ever express in words.
    Blessings over your day! May you have a glorious day! I look forward to hearing from you!
    Dianne Beattie
    Chief Strategy Officer
    214-693-2165 – cell
    800-878-2165 – office
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  40. kingskid48

    I have a close relative that is a teacher of sixth graders. The hair-raising stories she tells us of things that happen in her classroom, the antics of the kids, the language they curse her out with, the way they dress-and the way their parents act when she tells them their child is failing her class-would curl your hair permanently. Her life has been threatened by parents for trying to help these kids learn.
    Everything you’ve ever heard about what goes on in our public schools is doubtless 100% true-and worse. She’s had students who smoke dope with their parent on the way to school, students that bring Playboy magazine to school, girls who come to school dressed appropriately, with a coat on, and dash into the restroom when they get there to change into something sexy. She’s chaperoned (alone, the other teacher did not show up) school dances where the actions of the kids were so out of control, she told the principal afterward that someone probably went home pregnant from the dance. Sixth graders!
    I wish I was exaggerating.
    The problem with today’s kids are two things-their parents-and teachers who don’t care how bad it gets, they’re just putting in their time until they can retire. She is an excellent teacher but doesn’t know how much longer she can deal with it. Another teacher relative of mine gave up and quit teaching, and we know of several others that have. One quit after the first year, told her parents she’d made a mistake becoming a teacher because the THIRD graders were so out of control-and went back to college to learn something else.
    These horrors are just part of the problem. There is the garbage they are now teaching-every kind of sex subject, revised history, socialism, hatred for Trump, gender confusion, racial division, disdain for Christianity, favoring other religions and teaching the kids to take part in goes on and on.
    It’s time for the government to get out of the educational system and let the private sector run it. No more tenure. Collapse the Teacher’s Union and start over.

  41. Doris Martinez

    amen , God speed to you Bro.Mario !!

  42. carolyn

    Thank you Mario – love the reply to the college students! I do think that people need to realize that just because someone rides on the coattails of another prominent, God-fearing Christian, it doesn’t mean that they follow the same passion. I can tell you that Christianity Today was corrupt when I used to have to work with them back in the early 1990s. No matter what we tried to do, they rose against everything of God. We wound up taking them off our mailing list since they had already long abandoned the tenets of the Christian faith. Franklin Graham had to defend his father, Billy, after Christianity Today took a stab at President Trump, since most of the free world thinks that they still would stand with Billy Graham. Franklin made it quite clear that the Christianity Today the magazine, has nothing to do with the Billy Graham Association, nor should they, and I just hope there is some way that they can be made to remove Reverend Graham’s name from their publication. This article isn’t surprising to me – if you’ve ever had an encounter with Christianity Today, they’re as far left as they can possibly be. If you are standing on sand, believing what you ‘think’ to be Christianity, making it up as you go, then they’re not going to stand for the truth and I sincerely hope the word gets out about that magazine. A magazine that truly for the sake of salvation and the Kingdom of God should be boycotted by ALL Christians.

  43. ggramma

    Absolutely true Mario!! Thank you for telling it like it is!!

  44. Ann

    If I start to fall off the chair, reading Mario’s posts help to restore me to an upright position. I have never seen such succinct, witty (yes, witty!) writing that helps me stay on an even, balanced keel in my Christian walk and motivates me to fervent intercession for our young people and our nation.

  45. NickT

    Amen Mario,
    Yes we need to teach our young people the truth, they have been exposed to so much deception from the Left and big tech companies, MSM, ungodly professors, etc. know wonder the are so confused. We must pray for them, they are the next generation.

  46. nellsh

    Kingdom language , right there ???

  47. mrsbmp

    Thank God there are solid Christians who read the Word and see it from God’s point of view…not the other way around. God bless you Mario.

  48. bobandnorma

    Keep speaking the truth in love brother Mario! If freedom is under attack, preach the gospel! Nothing sets people free like Jesus! He whom the Son sets free is free indeed! If liberty is under attack, preach the Holy Spirit! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!

  49. n9nwo

    watch for many to step and fill the void. If those in charge now will not, then G-D will raise up others.
    Plus there are many things happening. The Chosen is making huge in roads into society. K-Love radio stations are in every city.

  50. Stephen

    Biden and his handlers’ goal is to implode the country through Covid and then the ‘cure’; vaccines, and flooding the nation with illegals, shutting down commercial, social and human interaction, stealing trillions of dollars from Americans for slush funds and anti-American objectives, and carrying out a high tech ‘final solution’ on the population.
    This level of pillage, plunder and murder would make the Vikings blush or extremely envious.
    It’s time to take back the nation and the world because these globalists are like a pack of rabid dogs in full flight. They are not going to stop until someone stops them. Democracy and Lady Justice are just not going to do it. We see that already.
    Rome is burning, civil society is falling down around our ears, and we think somehow things are going to get better. They are not. They are going to get worse with each passing day.
    The Democrats are going for broke, and it appears that right about now no one has the courage or a plan to stop them. That is just emboldening them, so they will just keep going till they finally hit a wall.
    They hold all three branches of office, so what’s going to stop them? Their conscience? No, only when a greater force collides with this lawless force can that happen now. 1776 has come with a vengeance. It’s time to act, not pontificate or run through the “if only, what if” post-mortem scenarios. Satan is smashing down the door to your very home under the ‘cover and mask’ of Covid.
    Tyranny has taken over America, the very reason America was founded, to prevent that from happening, well it has.
    1776 is here, and as per usual, it’s going to be up to the three percent, the ‘300’ to sort it out.
    America has entered a new age, as has the world, and whether we like it or not, it is upon us, and kicking and screaming we are going to have to go there.
    What could have taken place peacefully and smoothly, is now going to be a fight and a struggle, as it has been since the Fall of man:
    Gen 3:16 “To the woman he said,
    “I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing;
    in pain you shall bring forth children,
    yet your desire shall be for your husband,
    and he shall rule over you.”
    America has just made this so much harder for everyone with her unwillingness to sacrifice first time round, (Mt 6:31-33) so now we all have to go the more difficult course because we still have not learnt to listen to God and ‘keep His Word’.
    Compare Adam and Eve, even Abraham, (the turtle doves), and the Israelites continually disobeying God and therefore they continually suffered earning God’s curse (Deut 28), but still never learning their lesson, as so for America today.
    Also consider what is happening in ‘Nazi Israel’ today, with their ‘green passports’ being the equivalent of the ‘yellow star’ in reverse.
    Did we not learn from WW1 and 2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and so on. Disobedience and faithlessness only results in failure, so then blood is required to be spilt, hence all the wars in history. 1 Sam15: 17-23
    America failed to seek first God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness, and so Satan has entered the city by the gates.
    That was Jesus’ mandate to Christians, but they didn’t listen, and failed to understand what they were supposed to do. Instead, America has become a ‘kingdom of unrighteousness’. Who can deny it, you just had an election stolen right in front of you, and the ‘system’ doesn’t want to know about it, including the Supreme Court.
    God gave man responsibility in the accomplishment of His Will, hence the Commandment to Adam and Eve and the Ten Commandments and the Gospels for the rest of us.
    God can only help us to the degree we keep His Word, obey Him, otherwise forget the ‘cavalry’ coming. It didn’t come for Adam and Eve, nor Israel in the final analysis, because they kept rejecting God’s Word, including God’s Word in the flesh, that being Jesus.
    How about Christians today? Are they keeping God’s Word, seeking His Kingdom? The short answer is no. Again the proof is in the pudding.
    Christian patriots must now come together and be prepared to lay down their lives for their country, that being God’s Kingdom. No sacrifice, no Blessing!
    What did Jesus say?
    Mt 10:34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 36 and a man’s foes will be those of his own household. 37 He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and he who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it”.

  51. yesua7


  52. Marsha Carol Watson W Gandy

    MARIO, what a Powerful word; and how desperately we need to hear it. I personally feel such a deep brokenness within my own self at the condition of America….and I feel So Helpless in so many ways….I am now old, and unable to get out like I could have done years ago and maybe made a difference……..But I do live in Prayer!!!! I know GOD says: ” The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

  53. Linda C

    What is wrong with these ‘Christian’ leaders???? They are deaf, blind, and dumb! When did Jesus ever ‘coddle’ people into His kingdom? He spoke truth and addressed sin in no uncertain terms, yet He was love in the flesh. That is our example.

    • Lisa

      Great questions and very well said!! Truth!!

  54. T2020

    Can’t fix stupid!

  55. nicolafarrow

    Sustained by His Grip, Nicola Truth Matters: Search it, Speak it, Live it, Die by it
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