Do you really care about your people?

by | Mar 8, 2021 | Christianity Today | 39 comments

Some of you Christian leaders won’t mention politics from your pulpit. You don’t take public stands on abortion, same sex marriage, or the leftist takeover of America through the Equality Act. You who believe all these subjects are divisive and outside the jurisdiction of your pulpit.

Here’s the thing—by doing this you are hurting the people, and hurting them badly. You are hurting them in ways you never imagined.

Not only that, but hurting the people is more dangerous than you might think. You will give an account before God for withholding truth, care, protection and guidance. Hebrews 13:17 is a warning to believers to “obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”

You know what’s even more chilling about those verses? They tell the people that they should put their trust in you because you realize you must give an account to God.

I did an experiment when preaching recently in Fresno. I asked a packed house some questions.

“How many of you have been threatened at work for witnessing?” Hands went up.

“How many of you have had a child sent home for wearing a Christian T-shirt?” Hands went up.

“How many of you have been fired because of what you said about your beliefs on social media?” Hands went up again.

Then I turned to all the pastors and leaders and asked them, “Are you preaching comfort to these sheep? Are you training them to give an answer? Are you taking action against persecution in your area by confronting politicians and government about religious freedom?”

These and many other kinds of things that the Left does are inflicting pain on your people. They should not be forced to be silent or suffer because they are not properly trained to push back on leftist bullies. Neither should their children have to suffer.

In my book Vessels of Fire and Glory I wrote: “Pastors who refuse to clarify their political positions are ignoring hazards their people face every day. Politics hurt. Its costs Christian bakers their business, it costs believers being fired from their jobs, students getting expelled. It’s why men in bizarre women’s clothes and make up are reading to children in public Libraries. Politics is why you and I are accused of hate speech. Politics is why many Christian outlets have stopped performing marriages. Politics is why your tax dollars fund the cost of abortion.

You did not leave the Democrat party, it left you. They told God to get out. They booed God and Israel at their convention. They champion everything your Bible condemns. They are now controlled by the radical wing of their party, a wing that will gladly finance terror and give illegal criminals Constitutional rights. What part of that is still unclear to you? THIS IS NOT ABOUT LEGISLATING MORALITY…IT’S ABOUT STOPPING THE LEGISLATION OF IMMORTALITY.”

Peter told the Sanhedrin officials he would not obey their commands if it contradicted God’s word. Acts 4:19 “But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge, 20 for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.”

Then he did something else—something every loving leader should do: Verse 23 “And being let go, they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them.” Peter told them, because the threat affected them as well.

The solution was a prayer for boldness to tell the truth and for miracles to confirm the Gospel. Verse 29: “Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, 30 by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.”

How can you ask God to look at a threat that you refuse to admit is a threat?

My last question is about the debacle of Trump’s impeachment. Is it just because it’s Trump that you can’t see the catastrophe? Is it because it is just easier avoid confrontation? Are you aware that your silence comes at a price you can never repay?

We will all pay with our children’s future if we do not openly rebuke this miscarriage of justice. Democrats have invented a crime. Then they invented a way to prosecute that crime. Then they told you that they would use their invented power to destroy anyone who gets in their way.

If they can do this to Trump they can do this to you, and worst of all, they can do it to the souls God told you to take care of. If you love them—inform them—train them—encourage them—and empower them, to walk in the truth, and in the might of God.

Acts 20: 26 “Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. 27 For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.”  


P.S. We do not want to take away from the message you just read. This is a message to those who support Mario Murillo’s Voice to America.  We have opened the vault and put together a treasury of the highlights of 50 years of ministry. All this and much, much more for just $20. Not only that, you get free shipping and, the proceeds go to soul winning in America making this a win-win offer. Order now:

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  1. Ray McKendry


    • Wordforworld

      Mario, we hear your heart!
      The radical left wing’s agenda is to put a STOP to morality. They want to remove every godly principle, they want to cut off every WORD of GOD! THAT’S HOW POWERFUL IT IS.
      Psalm 2 makes this quite clear: v2 the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together, AGAINST THE LORD AND AGST HIS ANOINTED, saying v3 let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
      Those who speak God’s Word are the problem to those evil rulers. Those who teach it are the problem to kings. Those who are carriers of the WORD OF GOD ARE THE PROBLEM to all wickedness.
      It is despicable that the wicked had gained strength by agreeing w/other evildoers. While the Body of Christ weakened because false prophets & leaders had entered in. Those counterfeits are now identified!
      Clergy, Leaders have been bought, bribed, even blackmailed to do things they used to hate! When caught, they look bewildered at their situation.
      Mario’s last paragraph is a legally binding indictment of all worldly pastors & leaders, and of all false pastors & leaders.
      OH LORD GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, so great is your faithfulness, your covenant of grace; it is your mercy that revealed the horror of our condition, in this nation and globally!
      The ancient enemy presumes he has the upper hand on Your creation. Yet YOUR PURPOSE THAT IS PURPOSED UPON THE WHOLE EARTH: YOUR RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND IS STRETCHED OUT UPON ALL THE NATIONS, for the LORD of Hosts has purposed, who shall disannul? and His hand stretched out, and who shall turn it back?? (Isa 14:20-27)
      For the LORD will rise up against them and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the LORD.
      Behold He comes!!! The LORD OF ALL THE EARTH, HOLY IS HIS NAME!

    • C. Jones

      Hey Ray, Speak up! I can’t hear you!

  2. Ray McKendry


  3. Sandra Douglas

    Praise God for your steadfastness to preach he truth to reach the shepards of the flocks depending on their care snd leadership….what a mandate from heaven you have crusaded for that the kingdom of God may Thrive and increase by hearkening to your wise counsel and bring forth this end time harvest to the Glory of God … Keep on keeping on in the freedom wherewith Jesus Christ hath set us free!!
    On Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 1:33 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: “Some of you Christian leaders won’t > mention politics from your pulpit. You don’t take public stands on > abortion, same sex marriage, or the leftist takeover of America through the > Equality Act. You who believe all these subjects are divisive and outside > th” > Respond to this post by replying above this line > New post on *Mario Murillo Ministries* > > Do > you really care about your people? > by > mariomurilloministries > > > Some of you Christian leaders won’t mention politics from your pulpit. You > don’t take public stands on abortion, same sex marriage, or the leftist > takeover of America through the Equality Act. You who believe all these > subjects are divisive and outside the jurisdiction of your pulpit. > > *Here’s the thing—by doing this you are hurting the people, and hurting > them badly. You are hurting them in ways you never imagined.* > > Not only that, but hurting the people is more dangerous than you might > think. You will give an account before God for withholding truth, care, > protection and guidance. Hebrews 13:17 is a warning to believers to “obey > those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your > souls, as *those who must give account*. Let them do so with joy and not > with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.” > > You know what’s even more chilling about those verses? They tell the > people that they should put their trust in you *because* you realize you > must give an account to God. > > > > > *I did an experiment when preaching recently in Fresno. I asked a packed > house some questions.* > > *“How many of you have been threatened at work for witnessing?” Hands went > up.* > > *“How many of you have had a child sent home for wearing a Christian > T-shirt?” Hands went up.* > > *“How many of you have been fired because of what you said about your > beliefs on social media?” Hands went up again.* > > *Then I turned to all the pastors and leaders and asked them, “Are you > preaching comfort to these sheep? Are you training them to give an answer? > Are you taking action against persecution in your area by confronting > politicians and government about religious freedom?”* > > These and many other kinds of things that the Left does are inflicting > pain on your people. They should not be forced to be silent or suffer > because they are not properly trained to push back on leftist bullies. > Neither should their children have to suffer. > >

  4. Sherrill and Wayne Luebesmier

    Thank you for speaking the truth about the Pastors speaking about Politics behind the pulpit. The Equality Act is one thing that needs to be brought to the light and prayed against. Needs to be brought about abortion from the pulpit too. Have a great day

  5. hsborn

    Preach it brother!

  6. archaios6

    …in the twink of the eye, the body is transform from opaque to light…believers will understand that which was hidden, and marvel at the wisdom of the Almighty as He protects those who were lost and found their way through the darkened veil that held them prisoners.

  7. Gloria E Riegsecker

    Thank you for your boldness to speak truth. This very thing I have spoken of to friends about pastors who will not preach this from the pulpit. I thank God for your ministry,

  8. alvarezgalloso

    Thank you for your comments.
    What you have said is true and reminds me of a story I was told when I spent my Spring vacation in Germany 1973. There was one man who never married and lived alone in an apartment building with people of different religions and ideas.
    He lived well until Hitler took power in 1933 and made the decision to NOT get involved in confrontation because of consequences.
    One by one, he witnessed his neighbors being taken away from their homes by police because of race, religion, political beliefs. His response was to say and think “I see hear and do no evil” until one day, the Nazis came for him and there was no one to save him.
    When I lived in Venezuela during the late 1970s and early 1980’s, I saw an Israeli film about the life of a professional who was a teenager in Germany when Hitler took power in 1933. This teenager identified himself as Jewish and was aware what will happen but his family refused to believe it. In fact the family identified themselves as Germans [because they lived in Germany for centuries] and never felt Jewish. The teenager had to obey his relatives and saw how little by little, the Jews were reduced to being trash until one day everyone [except the teenager] went to Auschwitz.
    The teenager managed to escape Auschwitz and become a German soldier as he was never circumcised. During one of the wars between Germany and the USSR [Russia], the teenager [who was now a young adult] crossed over to the Soviet side and became a Prisoner of War.
    The soldier who oversaw his captivity took pity on him and sent him to the USSR/Turkish border by special car secretly. When the young adult arrived at the border, he went into Turkey and eventually found his way into Israel where he became a professional until his death. He was the only survivor. Lesson from these two stories is the following
    1. Indifference and trying to please everybody kills people.

  9. S Turner

    STOPPING THE LEGISLATION OF IMMORTALITY. I think you meant immorality here.

  10. Sandra Calhoun

    You are right on target! You are GOD’s chosen vessel for these last days! You speak like a true preacher of the WORD! Love your posts! You are blessed of GOD Psalm 40:4! Keep up the word because it is true and living gor all mankind!
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  11. Sarah in Texas

    Good word! My husband and I changed churches (from one we had gone to for 20 years) for this very reason. Thank you for speaking truth.

  12. Laurel Young

    Thank you for speaking the truth, for your boldness, and for your love!


    Can you please remove me from daily emails. I still agree with most of what you say I just get way too many emails these days. Thank you!

  14. ggrammaAlyce

    Amen again Mario!! Thank you for speaking truth! Keep up the “good fight of faith”…we so need your voice “as one crying in the wilderness”…!????????

  15. Petro Swart

    Mario Murillo keep on speaking the truth! All Glory to God Almighty! In Him we trust!

  16. fromanislandinnewhampshire

    I’ve had to forgive the man who used to be my pastor for not speaking. I knew where he stood, because he would agree with me when I told him where I stood, but he would never preach it from the pulpit or bring up any of this in conversation with the others. I pray for him, and talk to them, but this is the very root of why there was no power in that church. We’ve got to speak the truth.

  17. Lee Meriwether

    Please have someone call me (hopefully Mario) at the cell number below. I am in total agreement with this!


    Lee Meriwether, CCIM
    Meriwether Commercial Real Estate, LLC
    4747 Woodmere Boulevard
    Montgomery, Alabama 36106
    (334) 244-5000 Direct Dial
    (334) 244-5080 Direct Fax
    (334) 398-1808 Cell

    If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7: 14

    From: Mario Murillo Ministries
    Sent: Monday, March 08, 2021 3:39 AM
    To: Lee Meriwether
    Subject: [New post] Do you really care about your people?

    mariomurilloministries posted: “Some of you Christian leaders won’t mention politics from your pulpit. You don’t take public stands on abortion, same sex marriage, or the leftist takeover of America through the Equality Act. You who believe all these subjects are divisive and outside th”
    Respond to this post by replying above this line

    New post on Mario Murillo Ministries

    Do you really care about your people?
    by mariomurilloministries

    Some of you Christian leaders won’t mention politics from your pulpit. You don’t take public stands on abortion, same sex marriage, or the leftist takeover of America through the Equality Act. You who believe all these subjects are divisive and outside the jurisdiction of your pulpit.

    Here’s the thing—by doing this you are hurting the people, and hurting them badly. You are hurting them in ways you never imagined.

    Not only that, but hurting the people is more dangerous than you might think. You will give an account before God for withholding truth, care, protection and guidance. Hebrews 13:17 is a warning to believers to “obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”

    You know what’s even more chilling about those verses? They tell the people that they should put their trust in you because you realize you must give an account to God.


    I did an experiment when preaching recently in Fresno. I asked a packed house some questions.

    “How many of you have been threatened at work for witnessing?” Hands went up.

    “How many of you have had a child sent home for wearing a Christian T-shirt?” Hands went up.

    “How many of you have been fired because of what you said about your beliefs on social media?” Hands went up again.

    Then I turned to all the pastors and leaders and asked them, “Are you preaching comfort to these sheep? Are you training them to give an answer? Are you taking action against persecution in your area by confronting politicians and government about religious freedom?”

    These and many other kinds of things that the Left does are inflicting pain on your people. They should not be forced to be silent or suffer because they are not properly trained to push back on leftist bullies. Neither should their children have to suffer.


    THANK YOU, Mario, for this truthful strong word to pastors!!! Kirk Cameron’s American Campfire Revival Day 46 last night called for men to be courageous and moral. God is showing the Church what needs to be done. Our ladies prayer group meets every Monday afternoon (we started two years ago in April) to pray for our community and the country. Our focus today will be for the pastors to be convicted of the need to speak up as you have pointed out, and given the courage and resolve.
    We prayed for your lunch meeting in Manteca and are so excited for your tent meeting in Modesto, a little over an hour away from us. In 1969 my husband and I moved to the San Joaquin Valley in California from Colorado for a job in education. It has been sad to see this beautiful, prosperous state decline over the years to being filled with homeless people, crime, and evil. Believing God has good plans to reform and restore!!!
    May God bless you and your ministry with everything you need and more than you can imagine with great fruitfulness in restoring the Church and harvest of souls.

  19. Pam R Orebaugh

    I attend such a church—where politics are not mentioned other than to tell us to get along. To be quiet and stop shouting what we are against. Abortion is briefly mentioned but nothing else divisive. They state they will not be divisive. They will not even teach deeply. They want to be able to reach anybody that comes into their doors and not turn them away…so all sermons very comforting and very basic. I have spoken to the elders and did not get anywhere. All churches in my area I have sought out are the same. Can you offer help to again confront the elders? Thank you.

  20. Ann

    I pray for more and more people to understand the truth and be courageous enough to speak out.

  21. kingskid48

    Another excellent blog. Thank you, Pastor Mario.
    Another thing that needs to be called out about is the music. I do understand that a lot of younger people may prefer the “jumpy” music, but it sure would be nice if they would let that lead into real worship music like they used to. I can’t get into it. I know I’m Old School, but I was Old School when I was ten years old, lol. I’ve never gone for the new and modern thing.
    The worship hymns of yesteryear were born out of times of crises, pain, glory, and victory. It just doesn’t seem right that they should be left out of our services completely. Christians of today are missing an awful lot. Those glorious tunes feed the soul.

  22. John Cowpersmith

    It grieves my heart to pain and tears when I see the way the world has gone and how so few preachers are so fearful to address any of it from the pulpit. The Pain is real! How much more does this pain my loving LORD?

  23. Bernard Soh

    Another awesome blog which needs to go to all churches worldwide.
    Bless you and your ministry Ps Mario

  24. Roger Culwell

    Many have failed to teach the people right, God called 12 Disciple out of every walk of life fisherman, lawyers, Dr.s, Politicans, Tax collecters, to train and put people in every walk of life, every aspect, to train them to go ye into the world making disciples, but not only disciple teaching them how to be world changers, and no we some teach them to be word changers and word deniers, and hoover in a corner or bubble some where until Christ comes to take us home, telling them they will not have to go through any thing, not teaching them to stand, when the rough times come, or to stand against evil and sin, they make Jesus a love child of the 60’s, who allows other gods to be worshipped, and join in with the Church, and unite with them, and they will stand before God one day and answer for all that they have do while claiming to be one of his minister’s and some leading people to hell, by saying grace covers sin, when only the blood covers sin, mercy and grace keeps you from getting what you deserve, and time to make things right, people who should never be in a pulpit no guts no fire no Holy Spirit, because my Spirit is a corrector if I do wrong, and his fire will not allow me to sit back and just allow evil and not do my best to stop it, some people need to be changing the government and the political offices we must be training and placing people now for 2022, but the pulpit is where it all went wrong, the sinner is doing what sinners do, the devils they are doing what they were asigned to do, WE ARE THE ONE’S WHO FAILED, TO DO OUR JOB, AND THE PREACHERS ARE THE MAIN ONES FOR NOT TELLING THE PEOPLE WHAT TO DO TO STOP EVIL, WHEN YOU HAVE AN EVIL ENEMY YOU KEEP TABS ON WHAT HE IS DOING AND YOU FIGHT TO STOP HIS EVIL, WE DID NOTHING AND IT SHOWS, OR WE WAITED T LONG, AND LET EVIL GET AN ADVANTAGE, THE THING IS ARE WE GOING TO DO ANY THING ABOUT IT, THEY SAY THEY REPENTED, WELL STRANGE I ONLY HEAR A FEW MORE SPEAKING OUT, AND TRYING TO CORRECT THE PASSIVENESS THAT HAS COME IN, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ANSWER, IF YOU HAVE NO POWER OR BOLDNESS, OR FIGHT, THEN YOU EITHER DON’T HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT OR YOU NEED AN INFILLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, FOR WE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO WILL CHANGE THIS WORLD AND THE ELECTION SYSTEM!
    DR. Seuss and Pepe Le Pew have been canceled, and poor Mr. Potato head has been violated real bad, and many other’s, Elmer can’t hunt Wabbits any more, because they took his shotgun away, poor guys going to starve, But drag queen story time is ok, to a twisted bunch of devils maybe but not to us, somethings should have stayed in the closet if there going to try and force it on our long before they try and cancel us, because christian and Rep. are who they really hate most, and they will come if something is not done to stop them. and we are the ones called to stop it.
    We have a congress now who reminds me of when Paul was at mars hill, and talked about all the gods they served and had one sign for the unknown God, Act 17:22 Well not long ago N.P. got up and prayed to every god she could name, and another called God mother, when Jesus said pray in this manner OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN, Mat 6:9 and we know our God is YAHWEH so why did she call out all thoose other gods, because we have devils in congress running things, and we must change it, they make up crimes against innocent people, which are not really made up, because they are doing them, but they try innocent people for them and nobody charges the real crimanils, and every thing good is evil to them and they want to stop it, and they must be stopped, or our children will not have a future, and folks we are the change agents, and we must be about our fathers business, for we are not here to do our will but his will.

  25. Kristin Salzman

    Thank you for another bulls-eye blog! I pray God continues to give you His boldness to proclaim the Truth. I home-schooled my two children and focused on the true history of our country, what the Founding Fathers believed and about the Black Robed Regiment. The National Black Robe Regiment website states:
    “The Black Robed Regiment was the name that the British placed on the courageous and patriotic American clergy during the Founding Era (a backhanded reference to the black robes they wore). [1] Significantly, the British blamed the Black Regiment for American Independence, [2] and rightfully so, for modern historians have documented that: There is not a right asserted in the Declaration of Independence which had not been discussed by the New England clergy before 1763. [3]
    It is strange to today’s generation to think that the rights listed in the Declaration of Independence were nothing more than a listing of sermon topics that had been preached from the pulpit in the two decades leading up to the American Revolution, but such was the case.” Oh how far so many of our clergy have strayed from those of that bygone era. Oh God, let there be a resurgence of that Regiment today!!

    • archaios6

      thank you for sharing the link to Black robe ministers

  26. Paul B.

    Excellent, timely word, Mario. Much of the church is reticent to talk politics, out of fear of being divisive. But the result is that not only has the Left run rampant in our nation, half the church supports them doing so. The church itself is divided on critical issues, and many bearing the name of Christ are actually aligned against God’s will for the nation.
    Is this the time for America to finally go down? No one I know has heard that from God. We have to assume that we are to continue to fight for what is right. It must begin with spiritual revival. The Apostles told that first crowd, “be saved from this twisted generation”. That must be our message as well, at this very perverse time.

  27. kingskid48

    Is this what our dear leader referred to as “just a difference in culture?” And women in this country think they are oppressed? I know this is tough to read but, Dear God, how is every pulpit in America not being pounded while we are instructed to pray, write letters to newspapers and Washington, speak out on the social media’s that are actually free…don’t bother with Big Tech, they’ll censor you. ..

  28. yesua7

    bless you my brother

  29. David Carroll

    great word brother.

  30. Kay Funden

    Amen thank you, I’m moving to Texas to find a real Christian church… there are none in Washington state!
    On Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 1:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: “Some of you Christian leaders won’t > mention politics from your pulpit. You don’t take public stands on > abortion, same sex marriage, or the leftist takeover of America through the > Equality Act. You who believe all these subjects are divisive and outside > th” > Respond to this post by replying above this line > New post on *Mario Murillo Ministries* > > Do > you really care about your people? > by > mariomurilloministries > > > Some of you Christian leaders won’t mention politics from your pulpit. You > don’t take public stands on abortion, same sex marriage, or the leftist > takeover of America through the Equality Act. You who believe all these > subjects are divisive and outside the jurisdiction of your pulpit. > > *Here’s the thing—by doing this you are hurting the people, and hurting > them badly. You are hurting them in ways you never imagined.* > > Not only that, but hurting the people is more dangerous than you might > think. You will give an account before God for withholding truth, care, > protection and guidance. Hebrews 13:17 is a warning to believers to “obey > those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your > souls, as *those who must give account*. Let them do so with joy and not > with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.” > > You know what’s even more chilling about those verses? They tell the > people that they should put their trust in you *because* you realize you > must give an account to God. > > > > > *I did an experiment when preaching recently in Fresno. I asked a packed > house some questions.* > > *“How many of you have been threatened at work for witnessing?” Hands went > up.* > > *“How many of you have had a child sent home for wearing a Christian > T-shirt?” Hands went up.* > > *“How many of you have been fired because of what you said about your > beliefs on social media?” Hands went up again.* > > *Then I turned to all the pastors and leaders and asked them, “Are you > preaching comfort to these sheep? Are you training them to give an answer? > Are you taking action against persecution in your area by confronting > politicians and government about religious freedom?”* > > These and many other kinds of things that the Left does are inflicting > pain on your people. They should not be forced to be silent or suffer > because they are not properly trained to push back on leftist bullies. > Neither should their children have to suffer. > >

  31. L'Angel de la Mer

    Just wanted to say this about the evangelicals who voted for Biden, and wrote the letter against the Church calling her names;
    The Church needs to get up off of their Blessed Assurance and Do Something For God.
    If The Church just does this ONE THING, They Will Save America! #EndRoeVWade
    Proverbs 24:11-12
    If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; 12If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?

  32. Darlyne Paulson

    Another one from Mario…….I just love reading his posts….gives us energy, hope and faith…



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