There are some scary people in California. It is 7:30 a.m. Preachers are waiting outside of Christian Worship Center in Manteca, as if they were going to a rock concert. They know lunch isn’t until noon, but here they are, so excited to get one of the 1,200 seats inside that they showed up, four and a half hours early.
The doors were scheduled to open at 11 a.m. Yet, we have no choice but to open them a full hour early, and by 10:50 a.m. the house is 80% full.
Inside, megachurch pastors sit beside pastors of smaller churches. Love levels the field. Tears flow. They are singing their hearts out. Why is there so much intensity and joy? It is because of the lockdown.
For most, this is the first time in a year they have been able to be in a packed church with on-fire believers. It is not until now that they have come to realize how much they have missed having church.
This blog is about them, not me. It is about a mighty core of Christians with untapped power.
What is it like to preach to an audience like this? They are so open and hungry that my words are absorbed as fast as I can say them.
Here’s the thing. My message is not that great. I am not the draw. They are reaching up to God with unending passion. Their zeal is the primary thing. I can add very little to what God was already doing in them.
It is now 12:30 p.m. We break to go eat outside. I tell them we will pray for them after lunch, when they come back inside. Experts say that it is very likely that many will fail to come back in after they eat. It is the perfect break for them to just eat and then head home. After all they are very busy leaders.
The experts are dead wrong. Everyone came back. And, of course, miracles broke out on the remnant of God. They all reached out to the Holy Spirit and were overwhelmed with more than they expected. There is not a square inch of this sanctuary that is not radiating with the glory of God. It feels like something is being born.

I remember how Donald Trump drew vast crowds in parts of America that were far from population centers. Why did tens of thousands from the outskirts gather in record numbers in the middle of nowhere?
The answer is that these were Americans who felt forgotten. They believed that their leaders had forsaken them, but God had sent a man who gave them a voice.
That same thing happened in Manteca, to pastors, businessmen and businesswomen, even State Senators—people who believe they have been forgotten. They believe their churches have forgotten them. These are the people who left Christian events that were nothing but compromise and human entertainment. They walked out, sick at heart, saying to one another, “There must be more than this!”
There are millions more like these in towns and cities across America. The remnant are comparing notes. They have made up their minds. It will be an Awakening, or it will be nothing. Watch out! These are pastors who are done with the smoke and mirrors of glitzy marketing.

With them are regular folks who love Jesus with every ounce of their being, who are also famished for a true act of God in California. And, God is not going to deny them!
To the hypocritical leader, I say, be afraid—be very afraid. The remnant will not play church any longer. The demon-driven politicians should quake in their boots. The remnant will only obey the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. They will no longer surrender to wicked policies.
California was visited today. Now we will move on to a tent crusade, and the glory and the fire will only intensify!
Be warned. The real remnant of God is here, and they will soon rise onto the national stage!
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and His glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:1-3).

P.S. We do not want to take away from the message you just read. This is a message to those who support Mario Murillo’s Voice to America.
Breaking News! Order our two most popular items: Treasury flash drive and Vessels of Fire and Glory together plus a free surprise gift from Mario Murillo Ministries.
Free shipping! All proceeds go to soul winning. Order now…/treasury-vessels-bundle…/

In Vessels of Fire and Glory, you will learn:
Why Satan is intent on destroying America.
The prophetic significance of the “Valley of Dry Bones” for this present hour.
The 4 factors of spiritual awakening.
The crimes that have been committed against the Holy Spirit.
How Satan is overplaying his hand.
It’s time to take your place as a Vessel of Fire and Glory to this nation.
We have opened the vault about put together a treasury of the highlights of 50 years of ministry. These are specially chosen videos, books, and audio sermons.
Here are just some of the treasures you will find in this flash drive:
4 Bestselling books that are currently out of print. Critical Mass, Fresh Fire, Edgewise, and I am the Christian the Devil Warned You About.
Witness 14,000 people the world famous Cow Palace in San Francisco where nearly 2,000 came forward to receive Christ.
Witness 30,000 people in Los Angeles at the World Convention of Victory Outreach.
Plus more videos.
Free shipping! All proceeds go to soul winning. Order now!…/treasury-vessels-bundle…/

This made me weep. We need desperately in Montana for the church to awaken.
Praise God!
The teachers needs to begin speaking the same unleavened bread in unity:
1 Corinthians 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfected together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
I am ready for an awakening!!!!! I’m already asking the Lord what I need to do!!!!!!! Weeping for joy unspeakable!!!!!
Mario wrote a key statement: “LOVE LEVELS THE FIELD.” Here is where we can discern the Lord’s Body, see eye to eye and flow together.
G-D is driving this. Not man!
out of many small fires will come an blast furnace
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!
Praise God!!!! So, so happy to hear this!
When JESUS is lifted up people are DRAWN into His kingdom. GOD is drawing hungry people to the foot of the cross, and DRIVING the devil out! LET GOD ARISE AND HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED! GOD will be glorified, and no flesh will glory in GOD’S presence!
Amen, CJones, amen!
If I be lifted up, I will draw all to Myself!
We lift up the Name of Jesus over all the nations, over all the peoples.
Thank you Mario & team for being the Unifiers for The Body of Christ. This is an amazing demonstration of The real Body of Christ! Anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power; now going about doing good, for God is w/them, in preaching the Gospel, casting out devils, healing the broken-hearted, recovery of sight to the blind, the deaf hear, the lame made whole, deliverance to captives, liberty to the bruised, AND TO PREACH THE ACCEPTABLE YEAR OF THE LORD, THE JUBILEE!!!!!!
This day is this scripture fulfilled in your hearing! DO YOU RECEIVE THE WORD OF THE LORD??
“It only takes a spark to get a Fire going. That’s how it is with God’s love…”
MARIO, I am weeping for JOY…In the midst of everything going on everywhere—HOLY SPIRIT is here!
“The joy of the LORD is our strength.” AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED! HALLELUYAH!!!!!!
Thank You Thank You Thank You Lord God Almighty. Father God bless and keep Your remnant. Standing with America here in the United Kingdom, God bless America.
Yes I’m thirsty to worship in this era. Where is the church near me that will be there to cry out for God and provide those of us the refreshment for our souls in this day. Where…
Good morning Mario,
This message brought tears to my eyes! I grew up in Southern California in the 1970s, at a time when we were a conservative state — Reagan’s America. To see how the evil one has attacked our once beautiful state has been hard to watch, not to mention heart-rending.
But, G-D, through your obedience, is orchestrating a mighty miracle for the battle is not our (2 Chronicles 20:20), and therefore, we declare and decree that CA, and all of our 50 states of the United States shall NOT ever become a Marxist, socialist country! We decree that America will fulfill it’s G-d given destiny and purpose in Jesus mighty name.
I am a child of two Europen parents who lived through socialism, Nazism during WWII. They came to the United States to make a better life. I know firsthand what socialism is! My Mother told me harrowing stories as a child that I will never forget.
I decree that I will fight against the deception being spewed by the False Prophets of Baal (legacy media, social media, Big Tech and others) so that my daughter and our children WILL live in FREEDOM and fulfill their G-d given calling and purpose!! I declare this over every young person today, that they shall fulfill their purpose and mission in Jesus’ mighty name!
We decree VICTORY for the United States, the land of the free and the home of the brave!
G-D bless you Mario for your obedience and no nonsense wit and style. You, your family and team (behind the scenes) are a tremendous blessing to us and a “light” in these dark times. Stand firm! In the Blood of Messiah, “No weapon formed against you shall ever prosper!”
P.s. for all scriptures the Holy Spirit has given me about our soon-to-be “Victory” in the United States, including my lastest blog, “Triple Purim and Victory Over American Pharaoh” which I share on-line — I invite you and your staff to read them on my website: (click on blog) and be encouraged! The Prophets have this “won”!?
Every blessing ?️ Caroline
On Sun, 7 Mar 2021, 07:39 Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” There are some scary people in > California. It is 7:30 a.m. Preachers are waiting outside of Christian > Worship Center in Manteca, as if they were going to a rock concert. They > know lunch isn’t until noon, but here they are, so excited to get one of > the 1,” >
Truly encouraging Triple Purim blog, Caroline! Thanks! Resonates w/my spirit!
? Even tho we can’t see it, HE never stops, HE never stops working?
Now thanks be unto GOD who gives us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Great GOD and Savior Jesus Christ is building His Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. GOD is watching over America. GOD is watching over His word to perform it. GOD can do anything, and no purpose of GOD can be thwarted! GOD is turning the ways of the wicked upside down, and frustrating the plans of the wicked! GOD be praised forever and ever! Amen
What a great report Mario! Thank you! Onward and upward! God is by your side…Glory to His Name!
What an awesome report!
God bless you Mario Murillo! I live all the way across the country in Maryland, just minutes from DC and my heart is yearning to be where you are. It’s not quite 5 am Sunday morning, the sun’s not up, but I’ve been awake since 2:30 thinking and praying about what you’re talking about. The county I live in only allows 25% capacity at churches and masks are required. Neither of those things are conducive to worship. I haven’t been in a church for a year now and even if churches opened tomorrow, I can’t go back to the way it was: 3 worship songs and a 30 minute sermon. My soul is parched. I want real worship with other parched souls. We need revival here yesterday!
Peggy Sullivan Silver Spring, Maryland Sent from my iPhone
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! May this move occur across the United States and the world!
Sent from my iPhone
Get ready get ready get ready
Sent from my iPhone
Dear Mario Murillo Ministries,
Is there any similar signs of revival happening in New York state that we should be praying for and supporting?
Thank you and God bless you.
On Sun, Mar 7, 2021, 1:43 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” There are some scary people in > California. It is 7:30 a.m. Preachers are waiting outside of Christian > Worship Center in Manteca, as if they were going to a rock concert. They > know lunch isn’t until noon, but here they are, so excited to get one of > the 1,” >
Thank you Mario for this beautiful report. Let me rise up and be counted in God’s remnant righting the ship . The ship first and foremost is God’s Church then will come our great nation.
Awesome!! Thank you for rising up.
Reblogged this on Dee2rites Blog and commented:
God is working in America!
Thanks Mario for being a clear Voice crying in a wilderness of apathy and compromise!
Up here in Canada we have even more pathetic ignorance of what is happening! We have a prime minister who is a new lefter who is resetting our country!
Am supporting you and ordering the treasury right away.
Angus, an 89 Yr old warrior for the faith!
God, move mightily in Ca. And across the continent !! ❤️??✝️
PRAISE THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, we have prayed for you. God bless you, strengthen and revive you, thank you for sharing the HOPE of the Gospel. Bless the Lord!
BLESS THE LORD, in His love, Dona
How wonderful, how beautiful is this reading. I am weeping and weeping with joy and for our King.
Love It! Awesome! Amen…
But, this word troubles me because we haven’t, *YET*, seen the rolling fire across America.
I believe it will come, but will it come to late to turn back the captivity>
[It will be an awakening, or it will be nothing.]
The choice is ours, even the remnant needs to understand the humility part of 2 Chronicles 7:14,
That is you cannot be proud of being in the remnant and be a part of the TRUE remnant.
Our Heavenly Father is on time, walking by faith it’s HAPPENING NOW! Giant killing!
Praise God! We will see the mighty outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord! This is an annointed hour! Thank you Father for bringing fresh fire!!! Bless them all and set them ablaze for you! Praise your Mighty Name!!
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S10e, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone
Glory to the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The congregation’s are now waiting and anticipating to take part of this glory too! Don’t hold back Pastor’s. Let God be God finally in His own house!!!!
Father God, bless, protect and increase Your anointing on this ministry! I speak abundance! Release Your fire!! I praise and thank the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Mario Murillo! Amen.
Dear Mr. Murillo, I’m so thankful to you, your team, and all those that helped to make bring about this event. I so look forward to seeing the results of this meeting of pastors. Oh how we need revival in Virginia!
On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 12:33 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” There are some scary people in > California. It is 7:30 a.m. Preachers are waiting outside of Christian > Worship Center in Manteca, as if they were going to a rock concert. They > know lunch isn’t until noon, but here they are, so excited to get one of > the 1,” >
I miss reverent songs, I miss songs I can pray, I miss songs I can Worship from my heart.
This song is my prayer, my hearts cry…
So blessed by this song. It makes my heart soak in our Fathers presence. Ame
Praise God! This gives me great joy to read. There iS a remnant and they are on the move.
Wonderful and amazing testimony to what God is and will continue to do with the remnant!
Giving praise and glory to God! Hallelujah!!!
Thank you, Mario, for allowing God to use you!
Good morning Theresa! Thought you would enjoy reading about exciting things breaking out in California!! ❤️
On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 1:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” There are some scary people in > California. It is 7:30 a.m. Preachers are waiting outside of Christian > Worship Center in Manteca, as if they were going to a rock concert. They > know lunch isn’t until noon, but here they are, so excited to get one of > the 1,” >
YES!!! Oh, I wish I could be in a gathering such as this. I’ve been studying the ancient saints/revivalists/reformers and the hungry people drawn to them. This reminds me of that. Halleljuah, glory to God. May it happen here. I long to meet and be around people who hunger like this.
Amen the thick darkness has covered the people, now it’s God’s turn. The light is arising and the darkness is powerless to stop Him. Truly our light has come!
Amen wonderful so happy to hear that, God always feeds a hungry people, so strange you would say seems like something being birthed, the Lord told me a few years ago he was going to use me to help rebirth the Holy Spirit back in the Church and his bride would be pure again. That is what he said as he showed me a vision, of purity coming together as one and rebirthing his Holy Spirit back in the Church, and there is where the change will lie, this is a time for the real Holy Spirit of God, the only one who can help a hungry dying world, who is more than enough all by himself, I faced something devastating, treatment made me sick yesterday, but the Lord said in that Hospital room, YOU SHALL LIVE AND NOT DIE AND PROCLAIM THE WORKS OF THE LORD, AND DO IT WHOLE, AS THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO DO SOMETHING ELSE AND I SAID NO, it gets to where you don’t even want to ask for prayer from the body on here for they hit you with a sin list, some times its a matter of how much trouble you cause the enemy, not what you did bad, I try to please my Lord not disappoint him, we need to change our way of thinking and doing things, troubles don’t always mean a sign of wrong doing, they are a sign of right too, we just don’t see that part. Glad to hear they are hungry for that is what it will take, God don’t force feed people who don’t want to eat from his table, but he sure feeds the hungry, and fill them to over flowing.
Roger, we Thank God for He rescued you speedily! Wasted no time in getting you back to His business encouraging His Bride!
No doubt there is one that wishes to silence those who bring good news. They are miserable comforters!
Our God is good! Keep on “keeping on”, Roger!
thank you
The four kingdoms have surfaced and failed. The fourth kingdom was divided among the chiefs who would conquer the world. Woe, to them who spread rumors for their time is at hand. Woe, to the rapists for they have been judged. Woe, to the thieves, in robbing others they robbed themselves. Wisdom will deliver the children who are trapped in darkness. To choose life, one must be willing to give up an illusion. To choose life, one cannot stand on a fence, one must choose a side. “Seed of His love, child of His bones, Spirit that mingles, stranger at His door!”
Keep going, Roger, and I will keep on praying for you, too. He does feed the hungry, and you are overflowing!
Amen thanks
They did it to Job in the oldest book of the Bible.
They did it to a blind man in John 9. Jesus said, “Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.”
Hang in there Roger, and be healed in Jesus’ name!
Thank you so much sis. be blessed
O, how I longed to attend the gathering of the hungry and allow my cup to be filled with the glory and presence of God…..but alas, I am not a pastor. So wanted our pastor to attend, but….. Thank you for sharing with us and blessing us daily with your words to uplift, encourage, teach and train those hungry for more. Let God arise, His enemies be scattered. LORD bless.
Ali, in the Name of Jesus, be ye filled with the joy of the LORD, & His heavy weight of Presence, for HE fills the hungry, to the full!! To the full!
Thank you – our precious LORD is faithful. To Him belong all glory, honor and praise.
Thank you so much for sharing this it makes me want to burst with JOY!! I needed to read this GOD is sooo GOOD !!!!
Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
Praise the Lord. Our prayers were answered for this event.
On Sat, Mar 6, 2021, 11:50 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” There are some scary people in > California. It is 7:30 a.m. Preachers are waiting outside of Christian > Worship Center in Manteca, as if they were going to a rock concert. They > know lunch isn’t until noon, but here they are, so excited to get one of > the 1,” >
I’m in tears! Thank you for this blog that connects all of us, the remnant, with words of leadership and encouragement!! I have so much respect and honor for these pastors and leaders who are unafraid to follow God and not please man. Oh Mario, I thank God for grooming you to be here for such a time as this. Praise be to God! Hallelujah! As one in HIM!! Emmie
On Sat, Mar 6, 2021 at 11:41 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” There are some scary people in > California. It is 7:30 a.m. Preachers are waiting outside of Christian > Worship Center in Manteca, as if they were going to a rock concert. They > know lunch isn’t until noon, but here they are, so excited to get one of > the 1,” >
Amen amen amen! We miss going to church so much but haven’t gone back because they’ve shown their true colors and cowardice this past year. We want a church that ushers in the presence of God and praying God does that soon in the US! Appreciate you and your fight!
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!! Mario & Team you were on my mind and inexplicably in my prayers this morning before I read this, my heart was heavy for pastors and young people to return to the heart of the Father. I then I read this post…all I can do is cry tears of joy and praise for our Mighty King of kings and Lord of lords. Our Lord will save this nation and our young people and He will rejuvenate our Shepherds! Praise be to our Savior Jesus Christ.
So thankful for what you are doing. Praying for you. Please pray for Minnesota this week. Thank you.
Sue Kirby
Glory to God Almighty! Thank you Mario for this powerful report! God bless America! Be glorified by what is happening! Amen and amen
Where is the tent revival happening? What is the address please? We want to bring our son who has severe Type 1 Diabetes to be healed.
Sunday April 18 thru Friday April 23 at 6:30 PM John Thurman Field 601 Neece Dr, Modesto, CA 95351 Call 775 238 3473
Wow, I will pray, and please let us know after you go and he is healed!
Yes indeed – share your son’ healing that we all may rejoice in the goodness of our God. Will be praying with you also and awaiting the good news. aw/tx
That’s What I wanted to hear!
Bless God!
Thank You Father God, Yeshua His Son, and Holy Spirit for the beginning of this marvelous outpouring of the Fire of God from heaven!
Joy Overflow!
Praise the Lord!!!!! I am soooo excited about CA coming to Christ, setting captives free, healing the sick, casting out devils. May it spread to ABQ, NM ! We are so desperate for a church on fire. I do not want to go to a lukewarm church, entertainment center where Holy Spirit is not invited. KEEP PREACHING THE GOSPEL. AMERICA IS DESPERATE!
God bless you!
Diane Sandoval
On Sat, Mar 6, 2021 at 11:34 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” There are some scary people in > California. It is 7:30 a.m. Preachers are waiting outside of Christian > Worship Center in Manteca, as if they were going to a rock concert. They > know lunch isn’t until noon, but here they are, so excited to get one of > the 1,” >
That is so awesome. God is good
Sent from my iPhone
Amazing. I just had something very special happen to me this morning. They have been sending electricity up where I am sleeping. But I woke up and felt the presence of God and began to pray. Than God led me to sing 3 songs. One was there is a river that flows deep within, The second was Holy, Holy, Holy,Lord God of power and might, and the third was When Peace like a river attendeth my soul, when sorrows like sea billows roll. I havn’t felt God’s presence in that way for quite some time. Praise God for all the Pastors who came and were blessed. I am so happy for them. What a tribute to our Lord and King!
That’s so great, Susan. I have been praying for you whenever I think of you, and you are being set free!
Mario, hearing your report and seeing those pictures is a beautiful thing. We are rejoicing, Heaven is rejoicing, and your mother is rejoicing for the life she kept safe!
thank you brother for standing up for jesus,we need more n God will provided them God will take america back i believe.
“In a stressful time and in a ‘god forsaken’ time according to the negatively inspired, the hateful, the atheists, and ‘scientism’ freaks, anything goes.
Fill that gap with extraordinary claims and stories (as in different from the common humanistic flow) and you will get an audience.
Fill it with words that are claimed to come from God and you get an even bigger audience, contrary to the philosophy coming from the tertiary institutions, government and the media.
People may not be seeking God but when confronted by Him they know it is a guilty action to turn away.
Repentance and faith is the call we must make.
The Bible alone as the word of God to us.
Christ Jesus preached clearly as our only Saviour and LORD of all things seen and unseen.
Grace as the God given way to God, not augmented by anything in man.
The Glory of God our only aim and cause of being.
The gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ alone saves.
Thank you for hosting the luncheon! So glad to hear it was an effectual meeting! Will there be follow up on what the pastors are doing as they move forward! Any of the churches in Sacramento or Placer County represented? I sure would love to hook up with a church on fire!
Janice M. Hesse
Amen and so let it be!
Amen Mario! Let revival come!!!!
Sent from my iPhone
This was a thrilling report. It brought tears to my eyes. Something has broken in the Spirit in California.
I will be praying to incredible miracles to overflow the tent!
Our pastor in the last few weeks has been preaching from Isiah and today he drew from Chapter 10, and the remnant that are God’s tools. These words especially resonated with me:
“A remnant will return —a remnant of Jacob— to the Mighty God.
Though your people, O Israel, be like the sand of the sea,
only a remnant will return. Destruction has been decreed,
overflowing with righteousness.
For the Lord GOD of Hosts will carry out
the destruction decreed upon the whole land.”
Then I returned home, settled down to answer e-mail — and found your message, Mario.
Gideon with his 300 drove out the Midianites; Leonidas with his 300 turned aside Xerxes. This ‘remnant” under God will begin the restoration of America.
Isaiah(sp) — sorry
I’ve been praying for the pastors at this convention. Every state needs one of these conventions. Would love to have you come to PA.
Margie Shaw
Praise God! Im here in Sugar Land (suburb of Houston), Texas I have been praying for all of you and the Murillo Ministry???❤️ Thanks to Flashpoint I now know and pray for Mario Murillo Ministry!
praise God
Praying for California from Texas. God bless you, Mario for being obedient.
We love you! Praise the Lord!
Reblogged this on nuggets4u.
Amen MMM! God bless you, the family and the team of Jesus Christ our Savior and the power of the Holy Spirit!
I’m still reading Vessels of Fire and Glory …so uplifting in the true spirit of God. I highly recommend it because the remnant needs a strong support of God. “Humbling ourselves”…..the Holy Spirit is faithful!
Thank you MMM for leading us out into the truth! I knew I wasn’t going crazy or being too demanding of more of tge true living God in the church!!
Thank you Mario!
I love you in the Lord, Mario, & I love your obedience to the Lord. This is truly incredible beyond words. God is really moving! Very excited at what He is doing!!!
We need an awakening in Ga… A tent revival would be ideal.
This is the tent meeting in California………
I just would like to give. I can’t seem to do that here. Please let me know how to do that. Thank you Blessings Doris Fitzgerald
On Sat, Mar 6, 2021, 10:54 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” There are some scary people in > California. It is 7:30 a.m. Preachers are waiting outside of Christian > Worship Center in Manteca, as if they were going to a rock concert. They > know lunch isn’t until noon, but here they are, so excited to get one of > the 1,” >
Doris you can give at or send your check made out to Mario Murillo Ministries to P.O. Box 7000 Reno NV 89520 And God bless you!
I give you thanks and praise O Lord for the marvelous move of the Holy Spirit across the land. In him we live and move and have our being. King Jesus, we your people give you thanks and praise.
Just found your post today. I hope you will continue to send updates. Thank you, Gwen.
On Sat, Mar 6, 2021 at 10:41 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” There are some scary people in > California. It is 7:30 a.m. Preachers are waiting outside of Christian > Worship Center in Manteca, as if they were going to a rock concert. They > know lunch isn’t until noon, but here they are, so excited to get one of > the 1,” >
Sad! Truly sad!