Pastor, I understand why you would sign a letter entitled: Evangelical Leaders Statement Condemning Christian Nationalism’s role in the Insurrection January 6. However, the intention of this letter is misleading and will hurt your congregation that is why I advise you strongly to remove your name from the list. Here are 6 reasons why:
Reason number one: The letter is a false flag. A false flag is defined as any act that disguises the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on a second party. Insurrection is not the right word and Christian Trump supporters are falsely blamed. This was the result of handful of evil people who were acting on their own. These rioters were extremists from both the right and the left. That reduces this letter, in my opinion to a cure in search of a disease. A conspiracy theory.
President Trump called for a peaceful protest before it happened. He called for the fullest prosecution of those who participated in the attack after it happened.
This letter paints—actually smears—with a broad-brush millions of Christians who are only guilty of loving Jesus and loving America.
Reason number two: Jim Wallis and Sojourners. They are on this list of signers for a reason. They have been paid in the past by George Soros to travel around and influence Republicans to vote Democrat. Jim Wallis is also an ardent supporter of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

If someday it is disclosed that many who signed this letter are getting direct funding from the Democrat Party, do you wanted to be identified with them?
Reason number three: This letter is blatantly hypocritical about defending true doctrine. Remember this sentence in the letter:
Quote: “Just as many Muslim leaders have felt the need to denounce distorted, violent versions of their faith, we feel the urgent need to denounce this violent mutation of our faith.”
The late Doctor Walter Martin would be horrified by this statement. Why? Because it draws a comparison between Islam and Christianity. Islam is a false religion and much of the violence from it does not stem from a perversion of it, but rather from its actual tenets. Why are these Christians comparing Christianity to Islam?

Reason number four: false equivalency.
The letter says, “We have witnessed the rise of violent acts by radicalized extremists using the name of Christ for its validity in the past, including the deadly actions in Charlottesville in 2017.”
Actually, the attacks they mention are extremely rare compared to the widespread attacks they ignore. They mention Charlottesville which was a heinous act that Christian Conservatives like myself have wholeheartedly condemned, but at the same time they ignore the hundreds of attacks, burnings, and riots by antifa and Black Lives Matter Marxists that have killed dozens. Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis were taken over for months. The total damage of of private property looted and burned by the nightly devastation is $1.9 billion.
And, these attacks were racist. There were hundreds of cases where businesses were burned because they were owned by whites and there were many cases where white antifa goons burned black owned businesses.
Those riots cost $1.9 billion. If January 6th was an insurrection then these riots were a nationwide invasion. These riots were cheered on by a large number of liberal Christian Pastors. Talk about perverting Christianity. This letter ignores the real and the most pervasive ongoing “violent mutation of our faith.”

Reason number five: This letter sees God working in the Democrat Party.
Quote: “Instead of seeing any particular political leader or party as divinely appointed, we believe in the prophetic and pastoral ministry of the church to all political leaders and parties.”
Is God involved with the Democrat Party? The Bible answers that question with a question. “Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, have fellowship with You?” Psalm 94:20
Like a battered wife, this letter doesn’t know when it is time to leave the abuser. Democrats have made themselves the greatest oppressors of Christianity in American history. And, starting with the initiation and perpetuation of slavery, they now promote the killing of babies. They have gone on to be consistently anti-family, anti-God, and anti-everything in the Bible.
They are the party of sexual perversion, including removing genitalia from children without parental knowledge.
Your single prophetic and pastoral ministry to the Democrat Party is your duty to rebuke them, and tell them to repent.

Democrats selling candles that say abortions are magical
Reason number six:
This letter promotes racism.“We will seek to repair and heal the wounds of the past. We will seek racial justice on a personal, ecclesial, and systemic level. We will support organizations led by people of color. We will listen to and amplify the voices of people of faith who have been marginalized by the colonizing force of white supremacy and Christian Nationalism.
Is this not itself racist? How will they repair old wounds, by inflicting new ones? Didn’t they just say they will support organizations on the basis of color? They will amplify certain voices? Do they mean they will gag others? Will they help only the poor people of a certain race?
Brothers and sisters wake up! America is not systemically racist. White Supremacy is a lie. A nation that elected a Black President twice is not a white supremacist nation. The white supremacy lie is the pretext for the new racism and the next systemic oppression of innocent people. Do not sign on to this!
Not matter how emotionally satisfying it may feel when colleges say “no whites allowed”—when soda companies order their employees to be “less white”—when just questioning the existence of white supremacy can get you fired—your home attacked and your children expelled that is still racism. If you condone racism in any form, you are condoning it in every form.

Here is the bottom line: Your people are watching you. Why should they see you being heroic about a mythical misnomer such as Christian Nationalism, when the real monster is at the door—a monster that will actually hurt them?
This letter is tilting at windmills while ignoring the real impending disaster. The Equality Act.
Think about your people! If the Equality Act Passes…it is their little girl who will be in the restroom when a man walks in. It is their daughter who will train for a sports championship, only to lose to a man.

People in your congregation had their businesses destroyed by the Democrat policies. People in your fold will be fired by cancel culture. They are the ones being persecuted by Biden and Harris.
Millions of Christians who voted for Donald Trump know they are not racist. They know they are not putting Trump above their Christianity. Even though this letter does not call them out by name—the true Christians who truly love America know that this letter is falsely accusing them. If you signed the letter they will know that you took part in this travesty.
Please. Get your name off of this letter. I beg you.

Sadly its what happens when the Church becomes more like devils, and less like God, silence has cost us a price we will not want to pay, and we can not be on God side and the devils too, it doesn’t work that way, and they chose their side.
This “LETTER” is nothing more than a LYNCHING by lying leftist, goose- stepping loony tunes! Dead religion will make leaders effeminate. We are witnessing this before our very eyes!
Why was my response removed? I asked a valid question.
I didn’t remove any thing, can’t
Is the “pastor” bill johnson that signed that letter the one from bethel church? ?
i seriously doubt it. Bill and Mario are very good friends and aligned on this issue.
Thank you for the reply David. I know that name is very common. That is why those that signed that horrific letter should have to give more than first and last names.
I can’t believe Bill Johnson from Bethel in Redding would sign a letter like that. I would be shocked.
I had no idea such a letter existed. Thank you for these emails. Your writing TRUTH is so needed. God bless you. Please keep writing. You expose what’s going on in America so clear.
This is good! Mario’s open letter to those 500 apostate pastors
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you Mario for standing against the deceived and deceiving and inviting repentance.
Scott Murison
Good job, again, Mario. As an Infantry Platoon Leader in the 9th Infantry Regiment in 1965, I learned our motto was “Keep Up The Fire…” I have every confidence that with our prayers and support, you will do exactly that! Press on! Do not waver!! God bless you!!
Yeah, and turn up the fire into a blazing inferno, in order to burn through all the deceptions of wickedness in our government!
Globalism is the satanic scheme to reunite in defiance of the divine fragmenting of humanity at Babel. Nationalism was instituted by God at Babel, as described in Deuteronomy 32:8. Christian Globalist is an oxymoron.
Looks like all the chaff in the church is being shaken to the top. All that is needed now is a little shaking and a little wind.
Let me clarify before I get pummeled–NATIONS were instituted by God, so nationalism in the sense of opposed to globalism; not nut-wagons like the Nazi nationalists and other loonies.
Thank You, MARIO, for writing this. They need to be “sighted” to the REAL TRUTH. I am amazed at how gullible some adults are…..Children yes– not adults.
In the last while, this quote that I learned now 35 years ago, is PLAYING OVER AND OVER IN MY HEAD:
“Sin will take you farther than you want to go…………..Keep you longer than you want to stay……….and Cost you More than you want to pay.”
Most disturbing to me is shepherds who are leading their flock straight into Hell. They decided to buy a ticket on the train that John Turner sings about……
thanks bro
How can a Christian support one of the most heinous evils of all time, the abortion of an innocent babe!
Good question, a true Christian can’t!
Greetings Pastor Murillo
I remember you when you came to SouthAfrica and ministered at Living Waters Church under the late Pastor George Dillman. I have never forgotten your message.
I want to commend you for your steadfastness and for telling the truth at all times. People need to realise what the situation is and take heed of what you say.
I would like to mention that when images of the ‘blue party’ Democrat’s, are featured on any media platform, they always look downcast and miserable. I wonder why!!! Serving any party who does not endorse God will look miserable as serving such a party who has no future surely has a negative impact on all they represent.
When you see the ‘red party’ you see happiness and joy on the faces of those who honour God and who willingly serve Him.
You may want to mention that. That is what I see. I enjoy reading your blogs, good and faithful servant of the most High.
Thank you so much. Blessings Clive T
On Mon, Mar 1, 2021 at 7:41 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pastor, I understand why you would sign a > letter entitled: Evangelical Leaders Statement Condemning Christian > Nationalism’s role in the Insurrection January 6. However, the intention of > this letter is misleading and will hurt your congregation that is wh” >
Thank you Mario. I was up thinking about your last post. From the 6 reasons you now discussed, it does appear as if the “sources” behind this “letter” are themselves demonic operatives.
Having a purpose to create division in the Church, and among the populace through the Church. Leading to Chaos and the continuing demise of Christianity in America.
Am relieved that a remnant of believers are praying, and trusting in God and his Plan. Having the strength to persevere, in Faith, Hope, Love.
There are some preaching run for the hills, cover your head it’s over, nothing we can do..
The separation of the sheep and the goats has begun. My prayer is to be on the Lord’s side in Jesus’ Name!
Thank you for continuing to expose! expose! expose! the evil tactics of the enemy in duping people who call them Christians but in fact are deceived. Prayers continue for the redemption of America from the tyranny that confronts her and the Church of Jesus Christ at this time. The Good News is: WE WIN! Praise the LORD!
People will not be deceived if they know the Word of God and follow it.
If they are truly led by the Holy Spirit they will not be deceived.
So the next question I have, are these people who signed TRUELY born again and know the TRUE WORD of GOD?
Gods word says Take Heed, be not deceived.
Look it up and mark it in your Bible.
These leaders played right into the hand the enemy (aka satan) to divide the church – a house divided against itself cannot stand
Thank you again Mario Murillo for the truth that can set those who are deceived free if they so choose.
Blessings to you, your family and the ministry God had called you to at such a time as this.
“Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error” (1 John 4:4-6).
Thank You and Amen!
But, I would be willing to bet that no methodology is provided to remove ones name from the list once it’s there…
Go to
You would be betting alone for sure.
The fact that men signing such a document are men of God, makes me sick. Not angry but sick. What weak kneed individuals. I pray the scales fall from their eyes. May they repent. Judgment is coming.
How do we know who the 500 pastors are, so that we can write or call them?
On Mon, Mar 1, 2021, 12:40 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pastor, I understand why you would sign a > letter entitled: Evangelical Leaders Statement Condemning Christian > Nationalism’s role in the Insurrection January 6. However, the intention of > this letter is misleading and will hurt your congregation that is wh” >
This is a link to the list of pastors who have signed the “ME TOO” letter – Most everyone is a little known person looking to be included for their “wokeness” – the only name with “celebrity” is Jim Wallis and we already know where his bread is buttered. Check out the names so far – be aware.
Thank you Pastor Murillo for making us aware and for standing up to these purveyors of evil so eloquently.
Agree with Linda. I would like to know which pastors in my area are on this list.
I found this list at the bottom of the letter. You can search the list by state or name.
To see the full list of signers, please visit
Here’s a partial list of signers
I posted a link earlier, but it will not get you to the list that is broken down by state. I searched and found the correct website. When you reach the website, scroll down and click on “Signers” and it will take you to the states lists, where you can search for a particular state. I hope this helps.
I would love to be able to read this letter…is it public on the internet?
Here it is:
Evangelical Leaders Statement
Condemning Christian Nationalism’s role in the Insurrection January 6
As leaders in the broad evangelical community, we recognize and condemn the role Christian Nationalism played in the violent, racist, anti-American insurrection at the United States Capitol on January 6.
We recognize the damage done by radicalized Christian Nationalism in the world, the church, and in the lives of individuals and communities.
We know from experts on radicalization that one of the key elements is a belief that your actions are “blessed by God” and ordained by your faith. This is what allows so many people who hold to a Christian Nationalism view to be radicalized.
While we come from varied backgrounds and political stances, we stand together against the perversion of the Christian faith as we saw on January 6, 2021. We also stand against the theology and the conditions that led to the insurrection.
Over the centuries, there are moments when the Church, the trans-national Body of Christ-followers, has seen distortions of the faith that warranted a response. In ages past, the Church has responded by holding emergency councils in order to unilaterally denounce mutations of the Christian faith, and to affirm the core values at the heart of Christianity. It is in that spirit that we unite our voices to declare that there is a version of American nationalism that is trying to camouflage itself as Christianity — and it is a heretical version of our faith.
Just as many Muslim leaders have felt the need to denounce distorted, violent versions of their faith, we feel the urgent need to denounce this violent mutation of our faith. What we saw manifest itself in the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, is a threat to our democracy, but it is also a threat to orthodox Christian faith. The word “Christian” means “Christ-like.” As leaders in the Church, we do not agree on everything, but we can agree on this — Christians should live in a way that honors Jesus, and reminds the world of Him.
As Jesus himself said, “They will know that you are my disciples by the way you love” (John 13:35). No Christian can defend the unChristlike behavior of those who committed the violence on January 6. Not only was it anti-democratic, but it was also anti-Christian.
On January 6 we saw the flags claiming Trump’s name, calling for violence, and raising the name of Jesus. We saw images of a police officer being beaten with an American flag and another being crushed in a doorway. We know an officer was murdered in the act of insurrection. We witnessed the cross and the gallow being erected. We saw and heard the prayer the insurrectionists prayed from the Senate desk in Jesus’ name. Many of us recognized the content, the structure, and the style of that prayer as matching our own churches and faith.
But we reject this prayer being used to justify the violent act and attempted overthrow of the Government.
We have witnessed the rise of violent acts by radicalized extremists using the name of Christ for its validity in the past, including the deadly actions in Charlottesville in 2017. We join our voices to condemn it publicly and theologically.
We recognize that evangelicalism, and white evangelicalism in particular, has been susceptible to the heresy of Christian nationalism because of a long history of faith leaders accommodating white supremacy. We choose to speak out now because we do not want to be quiet accomplices in this on-going sin. But we also want to celebrate the long tradition of prophetic Christian witness in this nation that has challenged white supremacy and violent Christian nationalism. Though the KKK in the South claimed the symbol of a Christian cross, prophetic Black Christians formed and discipled children in Birmingham, Alabama who led a nonviolent witness in the face of dogs and firehoses. Though an appeal to “biblical values” has been used to demonize immigrants, undocumented Christians in America today have led a movement that insists upon the dignity and full humanity of all undocumented people. There is a powerful Christian witness for the common good in our past and in our present. White evangelicals in America can grow in faithfulness by following this cloud of witnesses, including the many white freedom-fighters who risked their lives standing up for love in the face of violence and hatred.
We urge all pastors, ministers, and priests to boldly make it clear that a commitment to Jesus Christ is incompatible with calls to violence, support of white Christian nationalism, conspiracy theories, and all religious and racial prejudice.
Just as it was tragically inconsistent for Christians in the 20th Century to support the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi ideology, it is unthinkable for Christians to support the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, QAnon, 3 Percenters, America Firsters, and similar groups.
We urge faith leaders to engage pastorally with those who support or sympathize with these groups, and make it clear that our churches are not neutral about these matters: we are on the side of democracy, equality for all people, anti-racism, and the common good of all people.
Instead of seeing the United States as God’s chosen nation we thank God for the church around the world that calls people of all races, tongues and nations to the knowledge and love of God. Instead of seeing any particular political leader or party as divinely appointed, we believe in the prophetic and pastoral ministry of the church to all political leaders and parties. Instead of power through violence, we believe in and seek to imitate the powerful, servant love practiced by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our faith will not allow us to remain silent at such a time as this. We are also aware that our world needs more than a statement right now… we need action.
Every one of the signers of this declaration is committed to taking concrete steps to put flesh on our words. We will combat bad theology with better theology. We will resist fear with love. We will tell the truth about our nation’s history.
We will seek to repair and heal the wounds of the past. We will seek racial justice on a personal, ecclesial, and systemic level. We will support organizations led by people of color. We will listen to and amplify the voices of people of faith who have been marginalized by the colonizing force of white supremacy and Christian Nationalism.
We will do our best to be faithful to Jesus, and to those Christ called “the least of these.”
Love to have the list of 500 Pastors so I, too can write em a letter and had a vision of Printing your last blog and mailing to ALL the Pastors within 30 miles of my house to begin with – time to enhance the Pulpits with the TRUTH
Great idea about printing letter and sending it to all pastors in our area!
Where do we go to see a copy of this letter? I very much want to see exactly what it says. I want to be prepared with an answer when it comes to my church family
Here is a copy:
Evangelical Leaders Statement
Condemning Christian Nationalism’s role in the Insurrection January 6
As leaders in the broad evangelical community, we recognize and condemn the role Christian Nationalism played in the violent, racist, anti-American insurrection at the United States Capitol on January 6.
We recognize the damage done by radicalized Christian Nationalism in the world, the church, and in the lives of individuals and communities.
We know from experts on radicalization that one of the key elements is a belief that your actions are “blessed by God” and ordained by your faith. This is what allows so many people who hold to a Christian Nationalism view to be radicalized.
While we come from varied backgrounds and political stances, we stand together against the perversion of the Christian faith as we saw on January 6, 2021. We also stand against the theology and the conditions that led to the insurrection.
Over the centuries, there are moments when the Church, the trans-national Body of Christ-followers, has seen distortions of the faith that warranted a response. In ages past, the Church has responded by holding emergency councils in order to unilaterally denounce mutations of the Christian faith, and to affirm the core values at the heart of Christianity. It is in that spirit that we unite our voices to declare that there is a version of American nationalism that is trying to camouflage itself as Christianity — and it is a heretical version of our faith.
Just as many Muslim leaders have felt the need to denounce distorted, violent versions of their faith, we feel the urgent need to denounce this violent mutation of our faith. What we saw manifest itself in the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, is a threat to our democracy, but it is also a threat to orthodox Christian faith. The word “Christian” means “Christ-like.” As leaders in the Church, we do not agree on everything, but we can agree on this — Christians should live in a way that honors Jesus, and reminds the world of Him.
As Jesus himself said, “They will know that you are my disciples by the way you love” (John 13:35). No Christian can defend the unChristlike behavior of those who committed the violence on January 6. Not only was it anti-democratic, but it was also anti-Christian.
On January 6 we saw the flags claiming Trump’s name, calling for violence, and raising the name of Jesus. We saw images of a police officer being beaten with an American flag and another being crushed in a doorway. We know an officer was murdered in the act of insurrection. We witnessed the cross and the gallow being erected. We saw and heard the prayer the insurrectionists prayed from the Senate desk in Jesus’ name. Many of us recognized the content, the structure, and the style of that prayer as matching our own churches and faith.
But we reject this prayer being used to justify the violent act and attempted overthrow of the Government.
We have witnessed the rise of violent acts by radicalized extremists using the name of Christ for its validity in the past, including the deadly actions in Charlottesville in 2017. We join our voices to condemn it publicly and theologically.
We recognize that evangelicalism, and white evangelicalism in particular, has been susceptible to the heresy of Christian nationalism because of a long history of faith leaders accommodating white supremacy. We choose to speak out now because we do not want to be quiet accomplices in this on-going sin. But we also want to celebrate the long tradition of prophetic Christian witness in this nation that has challenged white supremacy and violent Christian nationalism. Though the KKK in the South claimed the symbol of a Christian cross, prophetic Black Christians formed and discipled children in Birmingham, Alabama who led a nonviolent witness in the face of dogs and firehoses. Though an appeal to “biblical values” has been used to demonize immigrants, undocumented Christians in America today have led a movement that insists upon the dignity and full humanity of all undocumented people. There is a powerful Christian witness for the common good in our past and in our present. White evangelicals in America can grow in faithfulness by following this cloud of witnesses, including the many white freedom-fighters who risked their lives standing up for love in the face of violence and hatred.
We urge all pastors, ministers, and priests to boldly make it clear that a commitment to Jesus Christ is incompatible with calls to violence, support of white Christian nationalism, conspiracy theories, and all religious and racial prejudice.
Just as it was tragically inconsistent for Christians in the 20th Century to support the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi ideology, it is unthinkable for Christians to support the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, QAnon, 3 Percenters, America Firsters, and similar groups.
We urge faith leaders to engage pastorally with those who support or sympathize with these groups, and make it clear that our churches are not neutral about these matters: we are on the side of democracy, equality for all people, anti-racism, and the common good of all people.
Instead of seeing the United States as God’s chosen nation we thank God for the church around the world that calls people of all races, tongues and nations to the knowledge and love of God. Instead of seeing any particular political leader or party as divinely appointed, we believe in the prophetic and pastoral ministry of the church to all political leaders and parties. Instead of power through violence, we believe in and seek to imitate the powerful, servant love practiced by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our faith will not allow us to remain silent at such a time as this. We are also aware that our world needs more than a statement right now… we need action.
Every one of the signers of this declaration is committed to taking concrete steps to put flesh on our words. We will combat bad theology with better theology. We will resist fear with love. We will tell the truth about our nation’s history.
We will seek to repair and heal the wounds of the past. We will seek racial justice on a personal, ecclesial, and systemic level. We will support organizations led by people of color. We will listen to and amplify the voices of people of faith who have been marginalized by the colonizing force of white supremacy and Christian Nationalism.
We will do our best to be faithful to Jesus, and to those Christ called “the least of these.”
“TRUTH WARRIOR”…THANK YOU for saying what million of us could not.
PRAISE GOD for the Spirit of ELIJAH is here, a double portion of BOLDNESS, WISDOM, TRUTH, CONFIDENCE and LOVE.
May God Greatly Bless you in yet another double portion.
?Have a great soul winning day.
Isa 54:17
17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.
I think it would be a good things to know who signed the letter. I have only been able to find about three names by going through a few websites. If these pastors and other leaders want to sign something like this, their names need to be made public. The signers of the Declaration of Independence signed their name and they had a whole lot more to lose, which, I understand most, did.
Thank you, Mario, for your resolve to preach the gospel, write your blogs and everything you do to let people know that God is for them and loves them with an everlasting love.
Glenda Wiseman, Mayor City of Big Flat, AR. 72617
Seek peace and well being for the city where I have sent you and pray to the Lord on its behalf for in its peace and well being you will have peace and well being. Jer. 29:7 (Amp.)
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Here is a list on their names.
Hoping this is a letter sent all of your distribution because I have never signed up for this.
If my name is on it, I will need to determine how to remove it.
Thank you
You keep referring to the list? Where is it? Thank you for your points and prayer will continue for God to arives and His enemies be scattered as we fight for America, the unborn and the churches of America and the world in prayer … seeking His for the lost and may they be found, protection, boldness and Courage !
Sent from my iPhone
These pastors obviously have no idea what the Word of God says or means. Let’s pray that whoever of them that will, will be convicted by the Holy Spirit, repent, and come home to truth.
Amen to that
Mario, I thank God for a voice of reason in this world of chaos. I appreciate your continuing to guide the ship. God bless you and your ministry workers.
Thank you Mario for being a clear voice in this hypocrisy.
I thinking you look deeper, we will find that many of these pastors have ALOT to hide. I would not put human trafficking within the church walls out of the question. If they can be this sick by signing this letter, what else are they capable of?
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
Is there significance to the number “31559” at the beginning of blog? Just wondered.
Your words always fully explain terms to me I am confused about. I appreciate the time these blogs take. May the Lord get ahold of anyone to remove their endorsement off the open letter. Thank you Mario for your leadership & listening to what Holy Spirit speaks into your heart.
I believe we have a right to see WHO signed the Letter Condemning Christians who support President Trump. Who is the ONLY President who attended a MARCH FOR LIFE against Abortion.
Those 500 are Anti-Christ preaching ANOTHER JESUS. Infiltrating and Perverting the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let them be known in heaven as the FALSE TEACHERS they are. And on earth as it is in heaven.
We have a right to know Who has signed on to the Enemy’s Camp of Doctrines of Devils by the Commandments of men.
Here is a list on their names.
Excellent post!
On Mon, Mar 1, 2021, 12:52 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pastor, I understand why you would sign a > letter entitled: Evangelical Leaders Statement Condemning Christian > Nationalism’s role in the Insurrection January 6. However, the intention of > this letter is misleading and will hurt your congregation that is wh” >
Thank you Mario!
From this web site…
“ The letter’s signees include Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil, Danielle Strickland, Rev. Eugene Cho, Father Richard Rohr, Pastor Brian D. McLaren, and Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann. Other signees include Jason Propaganda Petty and Kevin Max, as well as Shane Claiborne and Jerusha Duford, the latter of whom is the granddaughter of the late Rev. Billy Graham.
According to RNS, the denominations represented by the ministry leaders who signed the letter include Evangelical Covenant Church, the Christian Reformed Church, and Church of the Nazarene. One of the ministry leaders who signed the letter, Kevin Riggs, pastors a church in the Free Will Baptist denomination, which he described as “to the right of everybody.” Said Riggs, “I wanted to sign this statement just to say that Christian nationalism is not only wrong, but it’s heretical.”
Can’t find all 500 signers…
I thank God for your courage and forthrightness! You are a strong voice and I pray for you and the other courageous people standing up right now in truth!!
Found this on web Soros has been engaged for years with the progressive church leaders
Thanks Mario for all the Lord is leading you to do.
Steve Peters
Thank you brother for all the info. I to would live the list to forward it to all that I know. 1Timothy 4:1-2 says. That in the last days some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience SEARED with a hot iron…our church did not sign. We stand fully on Gods word. We will neither bend nor bow to false anything.
Keep exposing brother. We who are righteous in Christ Jesus stand with you.
Awesome blog.
Wow! I love how you think and your ability to articulate so well what we know in our gut and minds but don’t know how to say it! Thank you, brother.
This is the first I have seen this letter. I guess I am not in that circle to see it. A good sign in my truth circle. Thanks for revealing and disposing the falsehoods!
The only way any of this is suppressed is if G-D leads us in a massive spiritual movement that has revolutionary changes to our society.
Yes, Godly Wisdom is spoken above as it is ALL SPIRITUAL WARFARE and so those who have the INWARD SPIRITUAL Mind of Jesus Christ must be the ones the only ones who can deliver this horrid creation. Religion even the so-called Christian religion will “NOT” do because that opposing Anti-Christ spirit is so very subtly at work in the souls of what many are calling the body of Christ. “GOD FORBID”! We/You must stand FIRM in God alone in Christ “IN” You unless you fail the test and Jesus Christ is “NOT” in you. Take the test to See if Jesus the Christ is In You and you are doing what only He does, if Not then who is this spirit doing what we are doing??? That is the question Amen
THANK YOU Mario Murillo for brining attention to this!!
Mario, your comments were right on the money and you did it in a way that was not demeaning, but by using facts and scripture to back your case. Hopefully these Pastors will read the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to give them wisdom for them and their sheep, otherwise they are headed over the cliff. Thank you for addressing some of their issues and showing them in a loving way where they have gone off course. Love your blogs and love hearing you on Flashpoint, only wish you would get more time to preach there. I love you Mario. John
Thanks Mario,
Really appreciate this post.
Sent from my iPhone
These pastors are all part of that NWO clergy response team. I think we will be surprised to find the righteous pastors
(esp among the more well-known names) are not the majority of them but only a /very, very/ small remnant of them.
The rest are all wolves in sheep’s clothing. They need to repent or suffer God’s coming judgement with the rest
of these criminals! Blasphemy!
Thank you, thank you, Thank you!!!
Keep going. We so appreciate what God is speaking through you.
On Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 10:11 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pastor, I understand why you would sign a > letter entitled: Evangelical Leaders Statement Condemning Christian > Nationalism’s role in the Insurrection January 6. However, the intention of > this letter is misleading and will hurt your congregation that is wh” >
I am so confused by why pastors keep calling these woke religious leaders Christian pastors. Please explain to me how they are Christians, or Christ followers. If these pastors that are supporting this demonic democratic party are Christians then that means we are all aligned together. I have been a Christian for along time and this continuing to call evil a part of the body is disturbing and confusing to me. What is it saying to a new Christian? They must not know which way to turn. No wonder they think it is ok to vote for these politicians that promote all evil imaginable. I do not believe they are true converts. Is it some sort of sick brotherhood among those who claim to be pastors that won’t let you call them lost ? I read about all of your posts and share many of them. You appear to be a mountain of wisdom in this mess but I cringe every time I see you call these pastors Christian. Please explain in one of your posts. I know I am not alone in this matter. Scripture clearly says ” by their fruits you will know them”. So how are we to know a true follower if everything this world promotes is condoned. I am not talking about falling into sin & repenting, I am talking about someone who makes it clear they are part of this demonic system by continually declaring their allegiance to the democratic party. These woke pastors are leading people on a path straight to hell. Why can’t anybody say it?
Jan, Sorry we didn’t get to your comment sooner. The list of pastors is made up of fakes and victims of fakes. The list is made up of wolves and impressionable sheep. I am speaking out to rebuke the fakes and wolves and to plead with the sincere to get off this list.
Thank you! You are a blessing. Things are so confusing right now and it is hard sometimes to tell who is a wolf. The situation with Ravi Z. has come as a shock even though I guess it should not have in the times we are in! God is powerfully using you in ways and with people you will never know this side of heaven.
Dear Mario, it is obvious to your readers: the contrast between “Lists”.
On the one hand, there is a List that is borne out of the plain hatred of self-proclaimed pastors toward the righteous. Those pastors are of their father, the liar.
The other List is borne out of the hearts of pastors/churches for the lost souls. The pastors here are of their Father, the Just God, and Saviour.
The score? 500 to 700. Guess which List has the 700?
The list of 700 is beautiful to our Father, and to us. Thank you.
You are that champion for the lost.
You will do valiantly, in demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit! God be with you, and all with you!
MARIO…in case you’ve missed it…I’ve been at this Tea Party type stuff since ’09…including D.C. 9/12/09 (1.8 million, verified UofIllinois), I’ve been to just under 300, ALWAYS VERY PEACEFUL RALLIES, all over the USA…the crowds were typically 30% veterans and many times, over 10K people…and the only time we ever saw ANY disruptions, it was from THEM, trying to get something started!!! We always leave our sites CLEANER than when we got there…THEY always leave a mess!!! I give VERY HIGH MARKS to ALL 6 POINTS in this letter and the quality of the content, as well!!! WE ALWAYS CARRY AMERICAN FLAGS…THEY BURN THEM!!!HUSTUSA
I did an internet search and found the letter and the list of the 500 signers at:
Well done! Great open letter. Let’s pray that some of them will hear and respond appropriately.
What we see is the spirit of Leviathan at work.
Best repent and get back on the God side of the line while there is still time.
How do you spell “millstone”?
Matthew 18:6
Hope they unsign the letter soon…
I’m not a Pastor and I didn’t sign any letter!!!!!—- On Sun, 28 Feb 2021 21:58:02 -0800 wrote —-div.zm_3078224138254291386_parse_3344953763009874803 a:hover { color: red } div.zm_3078224138254291386_parse_3344953763009874803 a { text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(0, 136, 204) } div.zm_3078224138254291386_parse_3344953763009874803 a.x_165665093primaryactionlink:link, div.zm_3078224138254291386_parse_3344953763009874803 a.x_165665093primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: rgb(37, 133, 178); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) } div.zm_3078224138254291386_parse_3344953763009874803 a.x_165665093primaryactionlink:hover, div.zm_3078224138254291386_parse_3344953763009874803 a.x_165665093primaryactionlink:active { background-color: rgb(17, 114, 158); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) }
mariomurilloministries posted: ” Pastor, I understand why you would sign a letter entitled: Evangelical Leaders Statement Condemning Christian Nationalism’s role in the Insurrection January 6. However, the intention of this letter is misleading and will hurt your congregation that is wh”
Mario, I could feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit in your post. It sounds just like Paul, writing to the Corinthians or the Ephesians…..pleading for the people to stop listening to false doctrines. Thank you for your courage and spiritual strength so greatly needed at this hour. God Bless you!!!!
These democrats are white and pushing this ignorant agenda on everyone. How blind can one be? The blind leading the blind. They all will fall into their own ditches.
Sorry, I am one of your followers and I did not buy into the Christian nationalism if that is through the riots in the Capitol which as one of Trump supporters I condemn and I would never associate myself with. I also know the conspiracy to blame Trump for that. It is hideous. I will continue to support his and your nonviolent fightback as a Christian and “ we will win” if God is with us who could be against us. I will no longer be silent about abortion and other abominations in our country. You can count on me.
Mario, God bless you for standing strong in the faith of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior! I was checking the names on the signed letter and when I googled one I found this:
that said – “After the letter went public, more than 900 pastors, professors and other Christian leaders added their signatures.” This is so very sad. So ignorant of what really happened, and closing their ears and eyes to the truth.
Good word but remember GOD knows who signed and the intentions back of it and they will pay even if they take their names off. GOD is not a man and hates evil of all kinds! And we all pay for our sins even if we have been forgiven! GOD laughs last and best psalms 2.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
thank you MMM! pastors and congregations if you signed the letter, REPENT!
Where can I read the list of pastors on this letter?
Thank you, Pastor Mario, for calling out these idol shepherds Straining out gnats and swallowing camels. Whited sepulchers. Every learning, and never able to come to the truth. Searching the world for one convert and then making him/her twice the devil they were.
I pray you are successful in getting through to those who were fooled by this and now realize it was the wrong thing to do. My suspicion, however, is that those are few in number. I hope I’m wrong, but Strong Delusion is running rampant across the country and those on this list have fallen prey.
We must watch what we sign from now on, because they are saying things tricky, and twisting things to where if you don’t have a clear head or read every word, they can fool you, these people talk out of both side of their mouth, to where some things can actually be taken two way’s, they are master deceivers, some can talk and talk you don’t have a clue what they said when they are through and then they can say they didn’t mean that, they are good and twisting and manipulating, I am for some reason getting polls from the Dem side already marked yes, with no not even on it, and some, they ask to question to where yes or no, would be backing them, its crazy, two questions in one, but contradict, you all most need a lawyer to read some things, just be ware, some are like this, Do you believe hard working American who worked and had SS taken out only deserve it, or are you for SS for all? yes or No, its two questions, someone is tripping here, they are tricky, you have to watch them close, they make it sound one way, but it is actually another.
I live in Australia,please tell me those candel’s just can not be right,I feel sick to my stomach and my heart is aching with sadness,surely this is not the world I grew up in
Thank you, Mario, for writing a concise, logical, truthful response to the signers of the original letter. Too many times emotions are played/preyed upon. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desparately wicked: who can know it? Jeremuah 17:9 I pray these folks will receive this letter and see the truth in it. God bless you and your ministry!
I agree , thank You Bro Murillo
great word brother,God bless you bro. mario,still praying.
Amen brother!
Can anyone tell me where a list of Pastor’s are who signed this? I can’t seem to find it online. thanks
here is link to the list:
Mario, They have been pumping water into our floor which is making it ice cold. They are also causing some kind of electrical current to go up and down my body. The floor where I was sleeping on became very warm and than an electrical current or maybe one of them started to go up and down my mattress and than into me. They continue to send toxic smells into our home. When I go to your prayer request then send a blue light to repeat the address bar so that your screen moves continuously and I can’t print my prayer request. Please would you pray about this. The Police won’t do anything, they say this is not a civil matter. T he owner says Marianne left 10 Yrs. ago, which she did not and is still here. She is able to go invisible and pop in and out.My body has suffered much from all of this lately it has been my right leg which has a hole in it by an accident that was caused by me hurrying to get away from her. The leg feels all squishy inside and was a bright red all the way around the leg. They sent pesticide into our place yesterday. The only thing I can hear sometimes is noise they are sending into my ears. When I go to stand it is very painful for me to stand or walk. The veins in my right leg are popping out because of them cutting my leg with some kind of electric saw. This is not a joke. I force myself to do a lot of things even though I am in pain. Please Mario would you please pray for me. This has been like a night mare out of hell. I don’t believe I am exaggerating. I have been through a whole lot and so has my son. I’m doing the best I can to deal with all of it. So very happy that all the leaders are finally responding and coming to your luncheon. This is very encouraging. God Bless you as you continue to minister.
I see where the leftist loonies trot out “Charlottesville” as an example of racism. Here are the facts: a group of mostly white citizens rallied to peacefully protest the removal of an historical statue. By they way, they had a permit to do so. They were set upon by a group of counter-protestors who came there with various weapons to commit acts of violence against the original group. They did not obtain a permit. If the mayor and the police had DONE THEIR JOB and kept the two groups apart, the whole incident would have been forgotten in 48 hours. As to the lady that was killed in a traffic accident, here is what happened: a man (who was white) was driving and a demonstrator (black) hit the back of his car with a baseball bat. Momentarily distracted, he didn’t notice that traffic in front of him had stopped. His front bumper hit the car in front of him, which struck the minivan in front of it, and the driver of the minivan took her foot off the brake, causing the minivan to lurch forward, striking the lady that was standing immediately in front. If she had been standing at a safe distance, she would be alive today. But the media painted this incident as intentional homicide. Don’t trust the media!
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Thank the Lord for you.
Thank you Mario for standing up for the TRUTH! God Bless you for taking a righteous stand against these lies. May God remove the shroud of delusion and deception over our land in Jesus Name.