In less than six days we have had 700 Pastors sign up for a sold-out luncheon in California!
All glory to God!
What is the draw? That is the miracle! We are giving a straightforward message about reopening the churches, about releasing the fire of God on the people, and about pushing back the leftist agenda of politicians.
There will be no bells or whistles, no big screens, skinny jeans, and fog machines. No flattery or flowery speeches. There will be no pep talks about church growth.
And who are these pastors? I think I can speak for them. Most are from California and they are hungry for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. They are ready to pull down demonic strongholds. They are the faithful core who have borne the heat of the lockdown over the past 10 months. Some are from other parts of America. They are coming to sow into California, so that they may reap in their own churches.
They seek reformation not information. They have abandoned the carnal syllabus-driven-megachurch-building machinery. They seek God’s weapon-forging refinery. They want the anointing to evict devils. They are determined to reopen the wells of Azusa Street and the Jesus Movement that lie deep in California’s spiritual soil.

But they expect something bigger than those past movements, because this present darkness is bigger. They expect greater miracles, because the doubt and despair are greater.
But the greatest threat Satan faces with these pastors, is the souls they are going to win! These men and women believe that the harvest is great and the workers are few. They know as I know—the people of California are wide open to the Gospel. And they know why they are so open.
Gavin Newsom, and the other demagogues of California’s rogue government, have heaped untold misery on the masses. This misery has backfired dramatically. It has provoked a generation that is in agony into the arms of God, and has kindled a renewed love for America.

What does this all mean? It means that our long wait is finally coming to an end. It means you will see a vast number of churches reopen. The word of God will be declared over California, and a new generation of Christians are about be born in the Golden State.
This is only one luncheon. But this luncheon will—without a doubt—be the catalyst for greater victories.
A massive tent Crusade is next. Truly the Modesto, Manteca, Stockton area will be invaded, because the largest army we have ever assembled will be on the streets. It means that once again the tent will radiate with the power and presence of God. But it also means something else.
Wouldn’t it be just like God to deliver the greatest shock to America? Just as the Left has spiked the ball. Just as leftist progressives are celebrating the complete takeover of Washington D.C. Just as the rabble are shouting with glee, something shocking happens and the power of God falls upon America.

Get ready, America, Jesus is about to invade!
“Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44).
California, that deepest blue of blue states. That reliably leftist bastion. That land of unfettered hatred to all things Christian and American, could be about to become a conduit of Christianity and flip red in the next election.
Wouldn’t that be just like God to do a thing like that?

P.S. Now a special message to all who support Mario Murillo’s Voice to America. BREAKING NEWS FROM MARIO MURILLO MINISTRIES! We have opened the vault about put together a treasury of the highlights of 50 years of ministry. All this and much, much more for just $20. Not only that, you get free shipping and, the proceeds go to soul winning in America making this a win-win offer. Order now:

Here are just some of the treasures you will find in this flash drive:
-4 Bestselling books: Critical Mass, Fresh Fire, Edgewise, and I am the Christian the Devil warned you about. The books on this flash drive are all out of print.
-Witness 14,000 people the world famous Cow Palace in San Francisco where nearly 2,000 came forward to receive Christ.
-Witness 30,000 people in Los Angeles at the World Convention of Victory Outreach.
-Plus more videos.
Handpicked audio sermons:
This includes the classic message The Orphan Heart preached to 18,000 in the World Trade Center in Johannesburg South Africa. All this and much, much more for just $20. Not only that, you get free shipping and the proceeds go to soul winning in America making this a win-win offer. Order now:
?Amen Hallelujah ?
Come Holy Spirit, Thou art welcome. Omnipotent, Father of mercy and grace, thou art welcome ?
Wow! When was the luncheon and is there a list of churches’ names? I’d love to find out who the ‘on fire’ churches are in California!
God bless, Sarah
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 1:21 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” In less than six days we have had 700 > Pastors sign up for a sold-out luncheon in California! All glory to God! > What is the draw? That is the miracle! We are giving a straightforward > message about reopening the churches, about releasing the fire of ” >
Praise God Almighty! Come Holy Spirit baptize us in power and supernatural strength! In the name of Jesus Christ! Bless you Mario Murillo Ministry and all the Pastors and Churches!
Amen Amen Thank you Lord ???
Praise God forever!!World wide please Lord.
For such a time as this! Bless you, Mario!
Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! May Holy Spirit fire up the house of God and start a conflagration in hearts across the midwest: no more frozen wasteland. In Jesus’ name, free up Minnesota, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois: free the captives! Send revival to New England and New York! My friends and family are waiting for You, Holy Spirit. ABBA, You’re a good good Father. In Jesus’ name, stony hearts be turned to flesh. Amen.
Mario I get so uplifted when I read your messages. I love my Father and my Lord immensely. Please pray for me to get the job that God has opened up for me and my heart problems. I also pray for you. Thank you for sending me your messages and God Bless You! Praise God!
Sent from my iPhone
I know the harvest is about to burst wide open! The Lord showed me a vision, using me on my little island in the Bahamas!
Please pray that You will stay on tract.
So much going on.
Reblogged this on The way I see things ….
I’m ‘envious’ but in righteous way. Lord don’t pass Wheatland Wyoming by. (I’ve got a spot for your tent, but you are probably unable to come to such a small community.)
Praying for repentance and revival in Georgia, especially in Albany. In Jesus name, Amen.
Here’s believing that California will be the first big gut punch to the devil that convinces the rest of America that if California can turn to God so can North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc… and even Washington, DC. God speed your efforts to bring in a part of the biggest harvest in the history of man into the kingdom of God. Hallelujah!!
Amen! Clint! As they say, ‘As California goes, so goes the Nation!’ That also applies to goodness!! Praise God!!
We love what God is doing in California thank you pastor for standing up for the Word of God and loving people. Praying for all of you.
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
God touch our Pastors. Ignite a new fire. Open the floodgates of heaven and out pour your Holy Spirit. Now is the time for what has been stirring in the spiritual realm. We are in a spiritual warfare and we are taking over. Waves of churches and people will begin to stand as firewalls and we no longer will be complacent. Walking in Love and Gods Holy fire we will WIN. God always wins.
God touch our Pastors. Ignite a new fire. Open the floodgates of heaven and out pour your Holy Spirit. Now is the time for what has been stirring in the spiritual realm. We are in a spiritual warfare and we are taking over. Waves of churches and people will begin to stand as firewalls and we no longer will be complacent. Walking in Love and Gods Holy fire we will WIN. God always wins.
Open the floodgates of heaven and out pour your Holy Spirit. Now is the time for what has been stirring in the spiritual realm. We are in a spiritual warfare and we are taking over. Waves of churches and people will begin to stand as firewalls and we no longer will be complacent. Walking in Love and Gods Holy fire we will WIN. God always wins.
Glory to God! So incredible seeing the church waking up and getting fed up with the works of the devil in this nation and the nations. And for the saving of the lost, the healing of the sick, the raising of the dead, the casting out of demons. To set captives free.
Anne & I are supporting you in prayer… and in our financial giving…16 days to “March forth”…??????????????????????????????
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We would love to order the books, but live in Canada and would need them shipped here. I found no way to have them mailed into Canada! Praying for your special meetings and know so many of these areas of California as we spent around 25 years every winter in Desert Hot Springs.
Praise God for your ministry. Praying for this turnaround in California and for Christians to rise up and take a stand and for lost souls to find Jesus.
Let the tsunami of the powerful blood, grace, and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ begin on the west coast and sweep across to the east coast, to the north and south, catch people up in the pouring River of God’s mercy, grace, goodness, perfect Love, and salvation. May no person be left unrepentant, unchanged, unloved, unforgiven, uneasy, or unsure, but all come to know God and his glory. May it cover the earth like water covers the seas.
Amen and amen!! ??
Amen come Holy Spirit flow across this country ???????
Thank you for being faithful to what the Lord is leading! I was part of the Jesus people movement starting back in the late 60’s (in Portland, OR) and have felt for decades that God never wanted the mega churches. Those pastors should have been heavily involved with church building. My hubby and I were involved with street ministering and the most productive times were when all we had was our living room (crammed full of people learning about the Lord and worshipping). Every time we tried to rent a place to handle the ‘overflow’ of people, it would ruin everything and the people stopped coming!Praise the Lord! Silence is assent…
Praying for all of you from the state of Florida! Just as when the enemy struck our Lord, but had no idea of the effect the scattering would have in bringing heaven to earth, so it would seem he has no idea of the effect the stealing of an election will have on those now awakening to the alarm bells of heaven. I am so excited to see this, Pastor Mario! Only God could have done such a thing- it will indeed spread across our nation and the earth! Thank you, Lord!
great word brother ,God bless you.
Believing with you for a miracle and revival! Hallelujah!!
Thank you Mario. I sent this to my pastor, encouraging him to make a reservation to attend AND I also shared our church should pay he and his wife’ expenses. Our church has been having prayer meeting every Tuesday night for a year, praying for revival. We live in Texas so was grateful you are allowing other pastor from outside CA to attend. Many are praying for revival across our nation. Blessings to you Mario, your daily posts are such an encouragement. aw
You are lighting fires all over the country!
We see that they are started now in Texas.
Is anyone else in Texas ready?
So awesome!!!! Florida is praying for your March 4 mtg.JUDY BRALAND —- On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 09:35:28 +0000 wrote —-div.zm_-8396970814555533063_parse_-7868363271050044723 a:hover { color: red } div.zm_-8396970814555533063_parse_-7868363271050044723 a { text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(0, 136, 204) } div.zm_-8396970814555533063_parse_-7868363271050044723 a.x_-1782926446primaryactionlink:link, div.zm_-8396970814555533063_parse_-7868363271050044723 a.x_-1782926446primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: rgb(37, 133, 178); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) } div.zm_-8396970814555533063_parse_-7868363271050044723 a.x_-1782926446primaryactionlink:hover, div.zm_-8396970814555533063_parse_-7868363271050044723 a.x_-1782926446primaryactionlink:active { background-color: rgb(17, 114, 158); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) }
mariomurilloministries posted: ” In less than six days we have had 700 Pastors sign up for a sold-out luncheon in California!
All glory to God!
What is the draw? That is the miracle! We are giving a straightforward message about reopening the churches, about releasing the fire of “
That’s just like God to confound the wicked in DC. and elsewhere with what is going on
in California and elsewhere.
Praise the Lord.
Sent from my iPhone
I am so thankful for seeing God in the land of the living .He has given me an old lady a new mission too. So I am thanking Him for all I see in California and claim it for this United States Of America and all who will follow the Lord Jesus to freedom. God continue to richly bless you and all you do In Jesus Name Kat
Partnering with you in prayer that this revival will sweep across the nation!
Hallelujah! My heart is so full of thanksgiving for the answered prayer of repentance, revival, awakening, and harvest. I am just a little 79 year old intercession, but, over 37 years ago, when Jesus filled me with His spirit, early one morning, He spoke audibly and loudly to me: REVIVE THE CHURCH TODAY, REVIVE THE CHURCH TODAY, REVIVE THE CHURCH TODAY. So, I went to my Methodist pastor?, but that wasn’t it- THIS IS THAT! So grateful that I was allowed to live to see it and pray with you. Thanks for your obedience! Mary Nicholson
Sent from my iPad
Praying for an amazing pastors luncheon and praying the glory comes to destroy the evil and cleanse our land. Desire the glory and pray daily come soon Lord Jesus and set up your reign! Praying for salvations, miracles and empowerment like never before! GOD bless you for your faithfulness!!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Throw away the doctrine books and open the Bible and let it speak. Open to the book of Acts, go and do likewise. The harvest is ripe, Holy Spirit just needs laborers willing to go. Go Mario, God is using MMM to do great things and inspire the rest of us to do likewise!
Hope my pastor is attending.
we have been prepared for spiritual renaissance. The pandemic, and the way the left acted, has made us get out of our comfort zones. In the population there is a growing need for something more than extremism. Soon there will be a critical mass which will result in “revolution” that completely reshapes our culture and country.
Amen! Yes, it’s happening! God is pouring out His spirit in California! He told me it would happen here first because the darkness here is the greatest darkness! His perfect plan and purposes will be done here in California as His people partner with Him!
Mario, may your tents fill to overflowing and may the Glory of God be released as you have never seen before!
I plan to be there!
This really is a beautiful thing! Logistically it may just not work for many pastors. That is changing their church services to what Paul would declare ” Not the fancy words but the Power of God”. I believe that it is going to take ministries that are on the sidelines, trenches, unknown, but have proven records of signs, wonders, and miracles to help these churches. Although finding them may not be easy for most. The Holy Spirit uses people who have been tested. The Holy Spirit just does not show up and do what He wants. True believers release the Kingdom, because they hear His voice, then the job gets done. Releasing The Fire Ministry, Sacramento CA. 916-361-1250. Blessings
So happy to hear this. God is truly working! Praying this movement will spread across the US and thwart the enemy’s plan. To God be the glory!
Praise God!!!!!!!! God is working and may you be blessed, Mario, in the wake of God’s grace, love, mercy and forgiveness. May God and the blessed message of salvation through His Son only continue to grow and spread. I will be praying for you and all that is happening. We need God’s Spirit to descend in a mighty wind and blow across America into every corner and crevice. His truth IS marching on!
Everytime I read the Comments, it’s an education. The devil must be really upset; we start with a vicious attack, first of all. His carefully destroyed California is going to be on fire for Jesus, and spread to the rest of the country! Then the comments are all praise and hope and Scripture after the first one; he’ll be screaming by now. America goes to the Winner, Jesus Christ! We have every reason to hang on and see this whole thing through, every hope, prophecy and dream from Holy Spirit and every promise He’s given. Praise His Name!
Amen to that. JESUS is our hope may the Holy fire fall on all in attendance & for me & all my loved ones here in Texas. People need the LORD. Praise the LORD !
CA was RED this last election ! That should be revealed soon here!
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Hi Mario; Is there a possibility to get these book offers sent to Canada? I have already purchased your book Fire and Glory last fall. I would love to be able to teceive these other books, I would also like to sow into your upcoming tent meeting.In His Love,Eva NormandSent from my Galaxy
We are Americans; and those who hate America—need to pack up and move to another country where they think they can have Eutopia…….Americans will come together—and it will be sooner than anyone can even think or imagine.
GOD LOVES US even if we don’t seem to love ourselves. HE WILL SOON SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH—AND IT WILL BE ENOUGH…..The remnant is standing in the gap and GOD IS HONORING THOSE WHO ARE TRULY HIS REMNANT.
“Because he has set his love upon me, I will Deliver him; I will set him on high because he has known my name. With long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
Praise God! Come and invade God. Send the fire of the Holy Spirit across our land and all nations!
I have been praying for a 2 Chronicles 7:14 REVIVAL and it looks like you might just be God’s spark for a blazing fire across America!
Revival first, then Deliverance.
Thank God He didn’t demand I have revival before HE delivered me out of hellfire!
Col1: Thanks be to God Who
#1 delivered us from the power of darkness
#2 translated us into the kingdom of HIS DEAR SON!
Big amen sir truth, For to long it’s been about building a mans kingdom and Church, speakers telling you how to compromise and draw a worldly crowd, not save the lost but make people feel good in their sins, and it’s not working for the people or the kingdom, they feel no different from the rest of the world, no faith, no peace, no real Jesus and no real Holy Spirit and they have formed a hunger, that only God by his precious Holy Spirit, time for the fog machines and other stuff to go, especially mans ways and let the Holy Spirit have control, for Jesus is the answer for the world today STILL AND ALWAYS WILL BE, AND THE PEOPLE WANT THE TRUTH OF THE WORD, WELL THE ONE’S WHO WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE DO, THE OTHER’S WE ARE JUST GOING TO HAVE TO LEAVE, THEY ARE STUCK ON THEIR WAYS, AND A CHRISTIAN FORM, WE ARE JUST GOING TO HAVE TO PREACH JESUS TO THE ONE’S THAT ARE LOST AND READY TO HEAR HUNGRY WANTING A SAVIOR FOR THE WORLD HAS LET THEM DOWN, I know I get stern but I am tired of people playing Church who want you to fit their little passive stale mold, when their’s a God you can’t put in a box who still heals and delivers and set’s free, no matter what they say, and the people need that Jesus right now, not their all love Jesus who allows all evil and sin, that they made in their image, THEY NEED AND WANT THE REAL JESUS CHRIST, WHO IS MORE THAN ENOUGH, AND WE MUST GIVE THEM THAT JESUS!
Somewhere as “we/I” progress along what life metes out to strangers (“for if I know not what “I Am” then a stranger dwells within.”
Life is like a game where a stranger “collects” family, friends, assets along the avenues of reality. Looking at what others deem accomplishment, family, decent jobs, status and objects. Friends are harder to describe, for friends are not inherited at birth, neither are co-workers.
Most will describe friendship as to what the stranger is looking for in self, reciprocity in deeds, actions and commitments, a collector of ancient wisdom or a purveyor of objects that emit possessive qualities.
Life opened her box of treasures (Pandora) and allows us to tinker with the objects/emotions within her domain… Life codes all her children with vanity so all may enjoy the trinkets of her empirical prison. Love is what makes a person go ten yards when most quit at a lower number. Vanity is also the cause where sane people attack each other. Vanity is a driving force for power, an invisible energy that lies between caring and conceit.
amen for sure
Wonderful blog, Pastor Mario. I am feeling so excited at what God is doing with you and your ministry. For the first time in years, I feel hope for California.
I pray that the pastors from my former church come to your luncheon/meeting and the Holy Spirit descends and turns the entire place into a huge praise/prayer meeting.
This makes me so happy that you are doing this, I feel that I could cry tears of joy.
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 4:18 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” In less than six days we have had 700 > Pastors sign up for a sold-out luncheon in California! All glory to God! > What is the draw? That is the miracle! We are giving a straightforward > message about reopening the churches, about releasing the fire of ” >
Praise God Praise God! May the Power of the Holy Spirit continue to use you and spread like the wild fires on a dry prairie land.
It would be just like God to do that. I’m in tears. Lord God Almighty, may the winds and fire of revival sweep from West to East, North to South! Revive us O Lord!!
Thanks to you Mario changes are beginning to happen! God Bless you. Our Lord will continue to do wonderus things through you. Keep doing what you do best. Rose Wood, Grass Valley
Hello Admin, I am in Australia and would like to support Mario’s work by purchasing “The Treasury”. The link offered no option for international supporters. God Bless, John Spellman
On Tue, 16 Feb 2021, 8:16 pm Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” In less than six days we have had 700 > Pastors sign up for a sold-out luncheon in California! All glory to God! > What is the draw? That is the miracle! We are giving a straightforward > message about reopening the churches, about releasing the fire of ” >
What is flash drive, is it a DVD ??
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
A flash drive is a small, ultra-portable storage device which, unlike an optical drive or a traditional hard drive, has no moving parts.
Flash drives connect to computers and other devices via a built-in USB Type-A or USB-C plug, making a flash drive a kind of combination USB device and cable. To use a flash drive, just insert the drive into a free USB port on the computer.
On most computers, you’ll be alerted that the flash drive was inserted and the contents of the drive will appear on the screen, similar to how other drives on your computer appear when you browse for files.
Amen amen amen! !
Dear Mario, For heaven’s sake, please send us a postal address. We are old enough to have embraced the Charismatic Renewal of the ’60’s and ’70’s, and we like our privacy, so we don’t do on-line giving or Pay Pal; and we’d like to improve your bottom line a little. Thanks! the Schweickerts (Robert and Georganne)–can you email us? Georganne
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 4:22 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” In less than six days we have had 700 > Pastors sign up for a sold-out luncheon in California! All glory to God! > What is the draw? That is the miracle! We are giving a straightforward > message about reopening the churches, about releasing the fire of ” >
Let’s all pray MMM will have the opportunity, God willing, to reach the nation for all who need and want more Jesus.
I would like to know too, who are the church pastors attending. Interesting.
Pastor Mario and the team, I am praying God has a huge protection around this divine planned venue and the Holy Spirit spreads like a wild consuming fire that no one can resist, but to run to it. There’s going to be happy laughter healing and celebration for saved souls….in Jesus mighty name. Amen!
praise God!!!
Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
Praise God!
Sounds like our Lord is on the move in a Mighty, Mighty way!
BrotherMario you are right the people are hungry for Jesus. Went to the grocery store 3 precious souls received LordJesus one lady had witchcraft broken off her . I am praying for you. Keep going, that is the answer for the whole earth, the Gospel of Lord Jesus christ.. I watch you on Victory channel and Flash Point. Blessing son you and your Staff. Oliver the Jesus man.
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 1:29 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” In less than six days we have had 700 > Pastors sign up for a sold-out luncheon in California! All glory to God! > What is the draw? That is the miracle! We are giving a straightforward > message about reopening the churches, about releasing the fire of ” >
Brother Mario and staff I just donated to your ministry to help with the children tent. I remember you mentioned your ministry will be reaching out to the children. God’s eternal blessings on you and your family, your staff and their families., Keep on goingLORD JESUS IS THE ONLY ANSWER FOR THE WORLD.
Thank you for that gift!