Today we woke to the up to the sad truth that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws and evil leaders.
Doesn’t the Bible tell us to obey them no matter what? Absolutely not. And it is shocking how many believers do not know their Bible or have been given false teaching. There is no verse in the Bible that tells you to obey evil government or laws.
If we don’t realize this now, we will sit back and let our nation be destroyed.
Christians during the American Revolution understood that the Bible does not teach us to obey evil laws or leaders. There would be no America if Christian Colonists believed they should obey the evil laws of England.
Let me prove to you beyond any doubt that the Bible tells us what we must do in the face of wicked government and laws.
First, I will expose a pathetic heresy that many believers commonly accept as truth. This is a widespread excuse for submitting when we should disobey.
Here is an example of someone who wrote me while under the influence of this false teaching:
“Out of curiosity, how do you justify your argument against obeying the government when you read Romans 13:1-7. The government Paul was talking about was even more oppressive than anything we can imagine. You could truly be martyred for your faith under the Roman government. And, what was Paul’s response? Did he call for governmental reform? Did he call for us to protest the government? Did he demand his rights and call on the government to recognize his rights? None of the above, he said, in the face of a brutal government, to obey. He didn’t say obey if your rights are recognized, he said obey. The church of today has to realize that the government is not our arena as Christians. Never, in the history of the church, has God used the government to bring about change.”
This defense of submission to evil government is riddled with error and falsehoods. Here are my responses to selected quotes:
1.“You could truly be martyred for your faith under the Roman government.” First the writer tells us to obey evil laws, but then mentions martyrs. They never would have been martyred had they not broken the law by being Christians.
2. Then he asks, “Did (Paul) call for governmental reform? Did he call for us to protest the government? Did he demand his rights and call on the government to recognize his rights? None of the above…” The truth is, Paul did all of the above. “Paul said to them, “They have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans, and have thrown us into prison. And now do they put us out secretly? No indeed! Let them come themselves and get us out” (Acts 16:37).
3. And finally, the zinger—the heresy that has sidelined the Body of Christ in the hour when we are most needed: “The church of today has to realize that the government is not our arena as Christians. Never, in the history of the church, has God used the government to bring about change.” Totally untrue. William Wilberforce was a Christian who used his faith in Jesus to abolish slavery in England. In fact, believers throughout history have created child labor laws, health regulations, and have exposed injustice, and corruption. It is safe to say that Christians are more responsible for influencing government, bringing about reform by forcing laws to be changed, and standing up for justice, than any other group in history.
So how did this writer get it so wrong? By doing what so many do. Isolating one set of verses, taking them out of context, and arriving at a conclusion that looks holy, but is in fact, pure and simple fear.
Let’s look at the verses that have been violated:
“Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Therefore, you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for the sake of conscience. For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor (Romans 13:1-7).
It seems to say that we are to honor government in every form, right? Wrong. To demonstrate what Paul is saying I offer this example. Say some parents leave the house, and leave the oldest child in charge. The child is given strict instructions not to open the door for anyone, except for a postal messenger whom they are expecting to deliver an important package that day.
The parents tell the child, “He will have blonde hair. He is wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. Don’t let anyone else in.” So later, a man with black hair, a blue shirt, and black slacks knocks on the door claiming to be the messenger with the package. Do they let him in? Of course not.
Lost in all the quoting of this verse on submission to government is the most important part: The description of the ruling authority. The Bible tells us what they are wearing! Look at the description:
1.They are not a terror to good works. Any government that terrorizes the innocent is not of God. How can you say that Hitler was God’s will for Germany? Hitler and other tyrants are in fact the ones being warned that there were God appointed governments who would destroy them: “But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” That is why the just powers of the world rose up and destroyed the Nazis.
2. They praise good works. Authorities that are endorsed by God do not hate or oppose Christian activity. They are the ones who—even if they are not Christian themselves—do not insult soul winning or fight the work of God. They are the cops, teachers, politicians who are glad that children are getting out of gangs and off of drugs.
3. You must be subject for the sake of conscience. When it becomes tricky, is when government is a mixture of right and wrong. Jesus said of the Pharisees, “Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, but do not do” (Matthew 23:3).
Do what they say, but don’t partake of their hypocrisy. Watch them for that moment when they cross the line and come between you and your God. Just as our conscience should drive us to obey the law, we should also know when our conscience tells us not to obey an evil law.
Here’s when Peter reached that tipping point, speaking to those very same Pharisees: “So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:18-20).
And again, in Acts 5:29, “Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.””
God not only does not endorse evil government: He will have no part in it. “Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with You—they who frame and hide their unrighteous doings under [the sacred name of] law?” (Psalm 94:20). There is your answer. A corrupt throne (government) cannot be allied with God. He cannot have fellowship with it.
When a government creates evil laws God cannot be allied it—because evil laws are the worst form of wickedness.
They are damnable because they give legitimacy to evil. Matthew Henry said, “Iniquity is daring enough even when human laws are against it, which often prove too weak to give an effectual check to it; but how insolent, how mischievous, is it when it is backed by a law! Iniquity is not the better, but much the worse, for being enacted by law; nor will it excuse those that practice it to say that they did but do as they were bidden.”
Notice how at the end, Henry says we can’t use the excuse that we were just obeying the law. That is why Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
The laws being created by Democrats, using the coronavirus as an excuse, are far worse than the virus itself because, unlike the virus, those new laws become permanent. It is time for the church to wake up and take action, beginning with voting the evildoers out of office and quit calling our submission a godly thing, when it is just a cowardly thing.
15 February 2025
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Pastors & Leaders Brunch, Tyler, TX
Tyler Metro Church, 14196 Hwy. 110 South ~ Whitehouse, Texas 75791
Yet the so claimed 74million
Go on in their bubbles COMPLYING WITH MASKS COMPLYING WITH TAKING VAXXINES (mark of the beast) , complying with evil despotic BIDEN AND HIS CABAL !!!!!!
No resistance no churches standing up all complyiny complying with SATAN AND HIS EVIL FORCES OF DESTRUCTION
Is Keith Stocker the Accuser Of The Brethren? Please take your cross current into the ditch elsewhere.
Keith Stocker is correct. the Dems instilled FEAR using the virus and FEAR is from the devil.
“No resistance No churches standing up”. Hilda Winzeler, Keith Stocker is taking you for a ride. THERE ARE CHURCHES RESISTING AND STANDING AGAINST THE DUMMYCRATS! KEITH STOCKER IS A LIAR!
C. Jones:
Understand where Keith S. is coming from, he’s NOT wrong: There has ALWAYS been a remnant fighting the good fight in EVERY Generation as we have History/reading books for prior to: Taking Prayer Out of Schools, Roe vs. Wade Lies of ALL that for an agenda; LGHBTQ Agenda, Public Education School Curriculum telling our children to kill themselves, 911, Covid-19 (19 means A.I.). “For Evil to Prevail is for Good Men to Do Nothing”. Can give you many Church Denominations/Leaders/people who called themselves Christian THAT WOULD NOT, DID NOT AND DIDN’T EVEN WANT TO HEAR IT OR get involved at all and considered those who were fighting the fight crazy and nuts and NOW HERE WE ARE!
Oh, but sheeple/people wanted to put their derriere in the seat of a building that they thought was the Church to be entertained and to hear fill good words getting their brains, time and money sucked out when they were the Church. Christianity isn’t a Building, it’s people. Along, with what’s written in Thanks for the Memories-Brice Taylor; Rabbit Hole-David Shurter, Sometimes If God Has a Kid’s Face-Bruce Ritter;; “Killing Fields-1975-1979”; Rwandan Genocide-1994, Warren Jeffers; Vietnam War/ALL Wars; all that came out of that along with War on Drugs. What about “The Planned Destruction of America”-1993 Dr. James W. Wardner; The Marketing of Evil/How Evil Works etc., David Kupelian; America is Too Young to Die-Leonard Ravenhill; Ann Blake Tracy, Charles Sykes, John Gatto, Barbara Tuchman, Constance Cumbey, Julie Angwin, Steve Quayle, Jeff Rense, Theo Colburn, John Whitehead, Whistleblower Magazine-WND, Eagle Forum, Focus on the Family; Nick Begich, Jim Stone, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Judy Mikovits, Milton William Cooper, David Wilkerson, Aaron Russo, Max Egan, Battle Hymn-John Scura/Dane Phillips wrote it all well, all the magazines, video’s, documentaries, truth speakers; list is like the energizer bunny and it keeps going, going and going. ALL/MANY, many people that tried to wake every-one up and satanic, nazism, zero population movement, georgian guidestones agenda AND HERE WE ARE! All that we have and can do and take a hard look at us! Everyone, do a 100 year survey and see how fast we self-destructed and the why! Deuteronomy 28 comes to mind.
People complain that they have to deal with the fear, dumbing down and the brainwashing of the masses; is like, why should the people have to wear a communist satanic-diaper mask because people didn’t read and nazism is here; turn people in if you meet, greet, don’t wear a mask (can’t buy or sell if don’t wear ccp/nazi agenda mask) and how fast all this transpired. To all those who warned us this was coming as David Icke “thanked the satanist for proving him right” and the so many as in ever generation we have always had evil people. Please, people do NOT go back to any church building that closed as part of the beast system your time/money built their Business, Bank Account and Real Estate Empire as they taught “doctrine of demons and devils of men”, as what did you really learn plus NO James 1:27? You know what’s REALLY sad, is in every generation you had the Church Leaders and the Rich; that could have HELPED, blessed, provided and build people and did NOT!
Mario: Look at Mark 7; Colossians 2:8, Apostle Paul was NOT God and look at all Paul problems created in 10 Lies the Church Tells Women/Lies Men Believe-J. Lee Grady along with Pagan Christianity (green cover) Frank Viola (all those lies). Keith, it’s hard; Poverty, Murder, Suicides, 5th Column, can’t do the list; it’s way too grievous. Keith keep reminding us to do something and not be apathetic. God knows all, sees all. Friend is always saying to me, “it’s only what will do for Christ will last”. All those, IF given 24 Hours to live, or even one year what would we do different; as how the many will be remembered in History, Good or Evil?
This passage in Romans is not telling us to live in submission and passive obedience to an administration that violates the Birth Certificate of our Nation. We are a government of the people by the people and it is our responsibility to hold our government accountable for their violations of our constitution because they are no longer operating for the GOOD of our country. We can stand up for our God given rights with out taking up a sword. We can not be silent just as our brothers and sisters did in the book of Acts we must look to God and stand for Justice, Love Mercy and walk humbly with Jesus!
That’s not true, Keith. There are churches and Christians praying their hearts out for America.
I totally agree! There’s so much righteous anger inside of me, and some of it is directed at my fellow Patriots who are afraid to do anything that might get them in trouble. I can’t believe it. The Democrats are cowardly bullies, liars, and greedy lovers of power and money. What they have been doing to our children must stop now! Today, I heard Biden reversed Trump’s bill designed to help addicts get off drugs. What an evil thing to do. I am not afraid. I’m mad. I think about all the wickedness occurring in the world and these horrible liberals boasting about it. I think about the terror those little children endure for the sick pleasure of satanic demon-beings. I think about Soros and Gates creating a biological weapon to use against people to instill fear in them, kill them, and eventually destroy them. Why? Because it will benefit them. How can such evil exist? Senseless murders encouraged by a rigged government. It’s happening, and now it’s time to do something. Let’s make Trump’s speech words come alive: “The best is yet to come!” Let’s give that great man some help. Let’s stop them dead in their tracks. Let’s take our country back. Everyone, wear your Trump attire, your caps, your t-shirts, and put bumper stickers with Trump’s name on your cars. Put up Trump signs in your yards and alongside the road. Wave your flags. Anything you can do, do it. Peacefully. Non-violently. Lawfully. Let’s show God what His children are made of. He knows what Trump is made of. Trump has already proven himself over and over again. There’s what? 74 million of us? Probably more than that. Ready?
How are we ever going to vote anyone good in and get rid of the bad when they are controlling the voting?
I pray more people’s eyes are opened and for a Spirit of repentance & holiness on the churches.
Big amen, Some teaching and preaching today need taken out behind an old fashion wood shed, and taught the fear and truth of God, We obey the Word and when evil laws come forth we disobey them because the word say’s keep my Commandments Deu 4:40 If you obey all the decrees and commands I am giving you today, all will be well with you and your children. I am giving you these instructions so you will enjoy a long life in the land the LORD your God is giving you for all time.” Jhn 14:15 If you love me, obey[fn] my commandments., just in case some one says thats old testament, We have a lack of understanding today, and laziness to read the word, and a lack of Baptism of the Holy Spirit who will teach you what man will no longer do, and give you the fight, the boldness to stand and not allow evil, we have let the Love children take all our boldness and fight and will to stand out, and we should see right off if we allow evil we are wrong because God never allowed it, so how can we, and he calls the shots we don’t, or if we are passive, something is wrong, the apostle died standing up for God and whats right, but we have come to a time now when we are supposed to allow all the evil they stood against, Like these should not be an issue to the church today or any day! Gen 5:2 He created them male and female, and he blessed them and called them “human.”
Lev 18:22 “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.
Prov 6:16 There are six things the LORD hates—
no, seven things he detests:
Pro 6:17
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that kill the innocent,
He said he created male and female that settles Gender, he said don’t do the others, and that settles that, we just need to be enlightened with understanding and knowledge of the Word, and obey it, for we are not to have any part in evil works, for they are of the devil, no matter if the Pope the President who ever does them we do the other, we do good, but we have let them defeat a lot of us with the word as they try explaining here to agree with evil leaders, by saying God is all love and allows what ever we want to do, you might want to reread your word I do not see one time in the word that we get to pick whats right and wrong, he God decided that long ago, we are supposed to be world changer’s not word Changers, we do as he says not as we will and want, if we don’t do our job evil prevails, but most Christians scream today stay in your corner hunker down the world will just pass us by is what they think, and it will be ok, NO WE ARE ALLOWING EVIL TO PREVAIL WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GET INVOLVED AND CHANGE THINGS BUT MOST HID AND WAITED HOPING IT WOULD PASS WELL TIME DID, BUT EVIL GREW AND WE COULD HAVE STOPPED IT, WE NEED TO GET EDUCATED IN THE WORD OF GOD, AND GET UNDERSTANDING, WE ARE LOVING PEOPLE TO HELL, WE DON’T ALLOW EVIL AND WE DON’T OBEY IT. GOOD WORD SIR, GOD BLESS
Thank you Roger! Very well said. Many are so fearful, but we must remain strong in the face of evil! Only with God’s help can we do this, and therefore, we have to remain in His word.
amen sis
THANK YOU! I appreciate this so much. I appreciate you confirming what I know in my spirit and what the word teaches. We are truly living in evil times and I’m so grateful to have your teachings! I’m praying every day, continually. Debra Durnell
I agree! But I would also like to add that America is unique in that we are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Those elected to represent us, Constitutionally, are not the government and therefore we are not required to submit to them. They are our servants, meant to be in submission to us, the citizens of the United States. This is the law of our land. Just because they have managed to flip the roles of servant and master does not change the law.
Amen ?
Thank you for the solid reasoning I can now give to my fellow sheep who have been mislead by the overseers of their congregations. I have been trying to figure out a proof like yours.
Amen sister
Simple and sweet.
Peter and the other apostles replied: ‘We must obey God rather than men!’“ From this, it is clear that as long as the law of the land does not contradict the law of God, we are bound to obey the law of the land. As soon as the law of the land contradicts God’s command, we are to disobey the law of the land and obey God’s law.
Reblogged this on The way I see things ….
Probably out of context? But, this verse keeps coming to me…
Heb 12:4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. (kjv)
Heb 12:4 In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. (niv)
Outstanding post!! Thank you for breaking down the scripture & revealing the truth!!
Thank you, Mario, for the clarification. Truly, inaction is as evil as wrong action because it results in the same thing. You’re just as lost to fail to get saved as you would be if you actively opposed the gospel. One point of distinction: This election theft through fraud and corruption was a frustrating (thank God!) of the will of the people not a reflection of the people’s will in the United States. This makes it doubly evil in my opinion and to be vigorously opposed. Thank you for you for your “sharp sickle” which continues to reap the harvest of God from the earth. God bless you and those who work God’s will with you.
We need to stand up and tell the truth.
Thank you for being the modern John the Baptist crying in this wilderness????
Excellent! I so much appreciate this writing. I have some Christian friends that have been very upset with me because of this exact topic. I could feel that the Holy Spirit had been so clear to me, yet others had continued to tell me how wrong I was.
God bless you and your wonderful ministry. God is moving in such a powerful way.
Thank you so much! This cleared up a confusing mess for me!
Sent from my iPhone
Amen, brother! Preach it!!????
Wow – thank you!
Sent from the all new Aol app for iOS
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for standing on and preaching truth when so many want to just “get by”.
Thank you for this excellent posting. I vote, am an election judge and work for and contribute to good candidates. My problem is the validity of voting. We’ve been shown how the voting machines are corrupted. This has not been corrected. So at this point I can no longer see the sense in voting when my vote no longer counts.
On Fri, Feb 12, 2021, 12:38 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Ahhhhhhhh…??????????….God bless ALL those who ‘call evil…evil’….and exhort and encourage those who push back and stand against the evil…??????????????????????????
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you Mr. Murillo for expounding that truth from the Holy Word of God against the evil those in our government are participating in.
Hallelujah! The best part of this is seeing who the Lord has equipped to bring the Word of His Truth to the people. Watching the Lord work with His servants! Glory to God in the Highest heaven! I praise and bless God for His Word and His Way in His earth among the children of Mankind who He created for the pleasure of His own heart!
I’m grateful for Mr. Murillo and those who align themselves with the Truth of God in Jesus Christ in the power of His Holy Spirit to rescue people from evil!
“Study to show yourselves approved by God…”
I will. I will stand up for the Lord against the workers of iniquity. And I will do it with the Joy of the Lord!
Glory to God in the Highest!
I am standing with you on His Word ?❤️?
On Fri, Feb 12, 2021, 12:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Best presentation I have ever heard on this subject.
There has historically been three things that impede the movement of God’s Word in a culture…Government, Religion & Media! We have all three in great abundance in America right now! The Word of God IS the Will of God and it sanctions no religion, government or media organization. God wants and expects us to look steadfastly and ONLY to Him!! We believers are in this world but not of it!!! Our ONLY job is to reconcile people back to God…….we have no allegiance other than that…….governments come and go……..religions come and go…… comes and goes BUT, The Word of God Lives and Abides FOREVER!!!
Wake Up Ekklesia! This truth is essential for survival of “the remnant”…We MUST have “ears to hear”, “eyes to see”, hearts and hands that serve AND that are determined to pray without ceasing.
My Brother Mario
Thank you so much for this message and all the others.
I truly thank God for you my brother.
A true conduit of truth from the Holy Spirit
This SANCTUARY state…is happy to BOW TO NEWSOM!!!HUSTUSA
oooh boy,,,
I love your daily message, it’s a disturbing time we live in.
Please check out, After hours with Alex Salvi, it’s very eye opening, on OAN, 7:00pm tonight. Would love to read your feedback if you choose to write on it. This message needs to be put out there. This relates to a previous message on there going to be a backlash on everything we’ve seen so far coming from the left.
May I have your permission to copy and paste this to my FB page? Toni Cox
On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 12:14 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
for sure.
Mario, so true and so pathetic that the shepherds do not know the Word of God. They’ve been deceived by doctrines of demons!
Just where do they think the word “Governor” came from? And “nation?”
How about “judge?” “Government?”
The LAWGIVER Ex 20:1-17
KING of Kings 1Tim 6:15
LORD of Lords 1 Tim 6:15
The Government shall be upon HIS SHOULDERS Isa 9:6
and…in one power-full verse:
Isa 33:22 The LORD, our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; HE will save us (!)
What is amazing is that our pastors MISSED this for too long.
(Evidence that false shepherds crept in, just like snakes.)
No more can we believers absent/excuse ourselves from the running of our government. This is our nation, we were born here, or chose to live here, and are responsible for the adherence of our Constitution of the United States of America. Hold those elected representatives accountable.
The hearts of the leaders are in Your hands, LORD; Turn them to serve You,
or remove them, so we may live lives in godliness, peace and all honesty!
Another error is blending the words government with politics. The two are at odds. Government being God instituted. The other “cancel culture.”
Woe to them that frame mischief by creating a law to endorse their wickedness! The LORD our God shall cut them off. Ps 94:29-23
To the glory of God, in the Name of Jesus, righteousness being restored!
Here is a list of the companies that are cutting ties with MiKe Lindell/My Pillow. Please take part in boycotting them. He is fighting the good fight for President Trump and all of us, and for free and true elections in America:
There is good news…The lawyers for President Trump are doing a very good job this morning! They are showing videos over and over again, showing the blatant hypocrisy of the democrats!
Thanks for the info, kingskid48.
I just called (800-672-4399) and told them that I will no longer be buying their products. And guess what?? The guy who took my call said that he totally AGREED with me!!! ?
In fact, we had a great conversation. Although. he has no accent at all, he told me that he’s Chinese-American. He said his name is pronounced “Shawn,” but I imagine that it might be spelled “Xian” or something like that. He told me that he too voted for Trump—and that we Americans need to stand up for what we believe in!!
He also said that he lived in China for a couple of years (his ex-wife is from there), and he said that we have things so easy in America that’s it’s unbelievable. In addition, he said that just because something is convenient, that’s doesn’t mean it’s a NECESSITY!!!! Amen, brother! (Hint: Google/YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are not necessities!! 😉 )
Let’s see—he also said that he stopped watching TV once MTV stopped playing actually music (which was ages ago), and that he got off social media completely a while back. This was one smart dude!! ?. He must be a Christian.
Anyway, if anyone else has been shopping at Chewy in the past like me, please call them up (800-672-4399) and tell them you’re done! Maybe you’ll get to talk to Xian too like I did! 🙂
Thank you for posting that. I unsubscribed from Chewy’s emails and will never buy from them again. I was a regular customer.
No problem, kk48. From Chewy, I had been ordering birdseed, and then was planning to order some cat litter that’s actually biodegradable (unfortunately, most litter is not 🙁 ). Well, no doubt there are plenty of other online stores that we can order from instead.
By the way, I told that courageous guy Xian that I hope he finds a better company to work for soon too. ?
Thank you Mario, for another brilliant blog exposing the deception we are being forced to believe.
You are a voice in the wilderness that gives us hope.
Rise up America and defeat your evil government.
We stand with you in prayer.
Sydney, Australia
Sent from my iPhone
Amen and Amen brother…
I have a question about my giving for the year I received from your organization. Is this the correct email address to do that?
We are anxious to answer your question. Email us at
I Called & left messages, too. No-one answers. No-one has returned my call. Used the number that spelled “fire”. Need contact #. Thank you.
It is hard to watch this Q&A session of the “trial”. After all the facts and proof that the Trump lawyers went over, concisely and clearly, the “house managers” are getting up there and repeating their same bald-faced lies! It is incredible to sit and watch and listen to people who fabricate and repeat lies, when they know themselves, that they are lies.
We are seeing before us, how the Enemy will flood the earth with his rhetoric and deceive people, and God, I believe, is allowing them to be prepared to accept the Strong Delusion that will come upon the earth. It’s clear that many of them have seared consciences. But I’m not saying that some of them cannot, or will not, repent and be saved. I pray they will.
They are desperate. Truly and sadly desperate. Their hatred of President Trump supersedes any love they may have ever had the this country. And that, IMO, includes the back-stabbing rinos.
I can not thank you enough for constantly speaking the truth and encouragement to the believers. I often end up with conversations of so called believers who not only vote Democrat but have a bible verse to make themselves feel like they are on God’s side. The last big disappointment was a friend who has stated he started churches in South America and claims he is devoted to the Lord and the Word. He was so elated with the Democrats wins. When I asked him how he could ally with the party that glorifies abortion—he said “I don’t Judge.”
Your article I will save and pass on to my family and people I know who need to know. I have asked the LOrd to please write His word on my heart that I might be able to lovingly but clearly show these Christians the wrong path they are on—I am so blessed that the LOrd has shared His servant Mario Murillo with us. God bless you and the Great Awakening in California—Praise God America IS NOW lighting up with Repentance, Revival and the greatest Awakening the world has ever known.
Sally Ann Milavec
You are right that’s how we got into this mess. Jesus is the focus he is the head of the church but the head can’t do anything without the body. He has given us dominion, not to sit back, but to fight the good fight, take back what has been lost and compromised by staying silent. Jesus never kept silent, not with the money changers, we can either arm ourselves with the weapons given to us, or let them rust and watch the evil being forced on our children and Grandchildren. God bless you for speaking out. Our pastor mentioned a shaking and a remnant, those who are bold enough to believe and step out in courage armed willing to take back our schools, colleges and One Nation Under God. I heard someone say, we are strong and the reason we are strong is because We are One Nation Under God indivisible with Justice for All. This is not a power grab like the left this is doing what God put us here for such a time as this, to push back against the darkness, not give into it. Annette Landry
Thanks Mario. That’s a really key word. Blessings on you. Sue
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I will not a obey the governments evil laws that are contrary to God’s ways!
I won’t even listen to Biden-Harris because they did not win the election.
He is not my president, he is a liar and a cheater with the help of a lot of other
evil people
they stole our nation’s election and that is wrong!
Excellent teaching. You took down that Doctrine Of A Demon with biblical precision. I recognise your anoiting for this season, and I will support you in every way. Jehovah has raised yoi up to be a General in His Body
Excellent teaching. You took down that Doctrine Of A Demon with biblical precision. I recognise your anoiting for this season, and I will support you in every way. Jehovah has raised yoi up to be a General in His Body
Thank you my brother!
Well said my brother! There is indeed a great heresy these days about civil disobedience. Christians have struggled with this since the time of Calvin, but I think you have made really great points here. Thank you for sharing these insights and truths.
I agree with you and know what the WORD says, it is living and sharper than a two edged sword! I will never agree with evil or obey man but GOD only like the Jesus disciples! This is GOD trying us to see if we will stand for HIM or fall to the enemy out of fear. Please keep your stand strong and prosper! GOD bless!
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Thanks !!! Wow! I would never have carved out those scriptures on my own.
Great supplies for this army, clarification, truth, so long missing.
Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
I don’t know how the defense lawyers manage NOT to tell the “house managers” to consider careers in writing fiction.
great word brother mario,God bless you.
Pastor Mario – You are an Annointed Evangelist and Truth-Bearer, not just to the lost, but to the church leaders and believers throughout America! These have believed the lies for far too long and our abdication of authority over political and religious spirits is destroying this nation. You are anointed to set these captives of political and religious lies free! The thousand+ pastors that gather with you for March Forth on March 4th should clearly get this message as you empower them with truth to take it to the streets! God bless you and your Ministries as you battle for souls and for truth!
In this must-watch video, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explains just how horrific the Covid “vaccines” really are: ?
Another great video:
Please consider signing this petition to stop forced experimental vaccines:
I already did. 🙂
Great—thanks, prayinginok. 🙂
Trump acquitted!
I haven’t been following this modern-day witch-hunt, but praise the Lord!!!! ?
Did anyone else hear about this—an alleged assassination attempt against Trump a couple of weeks ago? ?
Anyway, so glad he got acquitted!!
Songs of deliverance??
High praise from Your people &
From Your children, FATHER!
You are the good, good Father
?that’s who You are
That’s who you are?
Thank You for Your strong Hand over Your servant Donald J. Trump!!!
Keep him faithful and loyal to You, yielded to Your Holy Spirit’s humility and self-control. Thank You for protecting him and his family, and defense team, in Jesus’ Name, amen!
Rejoice everyone, rejoice!
I would be careful about believing anything said on that website.
Thanks for the info, prayinginok. Have you had some experience with this Web site? Is it often unreliable?
Sam and prayininok:
It was on rumble also. Someone sent me a list of sites will post when find, doesn’t remove items. FREEDOM OF SPEECH STILL!
I know someone in red bluff California who is being tormented by demons and needs help. I live in Texas. Anyone know where they can get help ?
So sorry to hear about this, Nelson. ? I personally don’t have an answer, but hopefully someone on here does.
GET THE BIBLE AND READ EPHESIAN 6:, have them read Bible period especially Psalms, Proverbs, start with the Gospels, WORD is healing. Plus the “Power of the Blood” H.A. Maxwell Whyte.
Derek Prince in his Blessing and Cursing Book has Prayers throughout the Book. deliverance he might have video’s on also,, contact his Ministry for help also they might know. Maybe the Book: Pigs in the Parlor by Frank/Ida Mae Hammond probably has prayers as well as Tormented by Ken/Nancy Curtis (along with Strong Man’s His Name What’s His Game by Robeson’s. Yvonne Kitchen’s has an excellent book also been a long time should be deliverance prayers along with: Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual by John Eckhardt and Mary Garrison “Keys of the Kingdom”, there’s more. Derek Prince was an excellent teacher and fore-runner for all this. Knew of a great deliverance team back in the day, find those who fast and pray major intercessors, many a time it’s just that one individual. “A More Excellent Way” by Henry Wright & CD., Trying to remember a book read that read that got delivered.
I know of a no name Man here in California running for Governor. He is following what God told him to do. I know you prophesied this exact thing. So m question to you is would you be willing to meet with him?
I know this is a long shot reaching out to you but if I don’t ask then I won’t get.
Thank you in advance Melinda Lamb
On Thu, Feb 11, 2021, 9:37 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Thanks so much for this post! It is all truth! I was reminded today of a conversation in “The Hiding Place” which is by Corrie ten Boom. Corrie and her family, particularly her father, were strong Christians who worked in the Undrergraound in Holland during the Nazi occupation. They hid Jews in their home. They were caught, sent to prison and a concentration camp for it. Many of them died for their faith.
The Underground and hiding Jews were outlawed by the Nazis!
When the entire family was betrayed and arrested in their home, they were beaten and questioned. The conversation went like this:
“‘Law-abiding citizens, are you?’ Kapteyn (Nazi) went on.’You! The old man there. I see you believe in the Bible.’ He jerked his thumb at the well-worn book on the shelf. ‘Tell me, what does it say in there about obeying the government?’
‘Fear God,’ Father quoted, and on his lips in that room the words came as blessing and reassurance. ‘Fear God and honor the Queen.’
Kapteyn stared at him. ‘It doesn’t say that. The Bible doesn’t say that.’
‘No.’ Father admitted. ‘It says, ‘Fear God and honor the King. But in our case, that is the Queen.’
‘It’s not the King or Queen!’ roared Kapteyn. ‘We’re the legal govenment now, and you’re all lawbreakers!'”
But no, the Nazis were NOT the legal government. And neither is the government in the US now. The Election was stolen including the Jan 5 th Senate election. So it isn’t legal. I do not recognize it. Any “law” passed for covid restrictions are contrary to the Constitution. I do not recognize them either. I don’t fight with people and wear a mask at the grocery store (sort of) even though I know it is useless. But I really don’t follow any of the rules at all. And haven’t. And won’t.
VERY well stated. Thank you.
Been hearing people telling me they can NO longer shop in stores if don’t pull the mask over their nose and they were told “bring it on, any lawsuits”. That’s how confident the satanic agenda is as no laws to do “unlawful lockdown and tyranny”. Veteran told me so that’s how they treat us Vets, good enough to serve in war but can’t buy product (buy or sale) if don’t wear a mask and I said sad, you didn’t die or serve this Country for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Class so now the Nazi’s are here. One lady told me she was followed in a car by someone for not wearing a mask and another someone was calling someone for as she wasn’t wearing a mask in public so the nazi types are here; how very sad. Why aren’t the people refusing to shop for anyone making them where a satanic-diaper-mask period are are they part of CCP, nazi movement in this Country? Where are the people standing up to the Tyranny? Wonder if they Corpse (Corporations) were bought off to do this mandate like the exposure of Countries. People told me there’s articles were Country refused the Billion Dollar shutdown money and then this:
Gunnar, I wear the mask after I enter the store, and then usually pull it down while shopping. No one has said anything.
There is an attorney who offered to represent people in Dallas if arrested.
It is a difficult issue. I believe it is more important to avoid strife if we can. Wearing a clean mask for short periods won’t hurt you. And I cheat with it as much as I can.
If anyone followed me in their car or physically, I would call 911 and have them arrested for harassment. If the police say they will not come, then I would tell them, ok then I will handle this! I will NOT put up with harassment.
I see people wearing masks outside and in their cars and I laugh and laugh.
Brother Mario I couldn’t agree with you more. Our Heavenly Father left his word to lead and guide us and also Holy Spirit to teach us. As we spend time studying to show ourselves approved and allow Holy Spirit to guide our foot steps we will not be confused but understand the perfect will of God. We have been chosen to live in this time and he has promised not to leave us or forsake us. All we need do is be obedient. Thank you for being an obedient servant to God and loving His church and working so hard to help us. We can do this together with Christ. Amen.
Gunnar, I wear the mask after I enter the store, and then usually pull it down while shopping. No one has said anything.
There is an attorney who offered to represent people in Dallas if arrested.
It is a difficult issue. I believe it is more important to avoid strife if we can. Wearing a clean mask for short periods won’t hurt you. And I cheat with it as much as I can.
If anyone followed me in their car or physically, I would call 911 and have them arrested for harassment. If the police say they will not come, then I would tell them, ok then I will handle this! I will NOT put up with harassment.
I see people wearing masks outside and in their cars and I laugh and laugh.
“…we can’t use the excuse that we were just obeying the law.”
I’m sure others who, like myself, are older and have long memories are aware that lesson supposedly was taught for all time at Nurnberg. “I was just following orders.” is not, has never been, and will never be an excuse for accepting evil.