by | Jan 27, 2021 | Christianity Today | 205 comments

Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt is a farce, doomed to go down in flames.

Even so, there is a fight for you and me to participate in. Donald Trump not only fought for us, he taught us how to fight.

When they told him that moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem was something many Presidents had promised, Trump delivered. They told him if he moved our embassy it would destroy relations in the Middle East. He fought them and won. He called their bluff and proved that his was a great victory by putting amazing peace treaties in place, signed by several Arab nations and Israel.

When Brett Kavanaugh was brutally attacked, Donald Trump fought and drove back the massive threat against Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Again, he ignored the threats from the Left and the doubters in his own party.

When every pulpit in America was under siege from the hideous Johnson Amendment, Trump went to bat, again, to restore freedom of speech to our pastors. Once again, he was threatened and was told it would be impossible, but he fought for us, and that Amendment was severely limited.

Many believers are confused about how they should be fighting for Donald Trump at this moment. So, how do we fight for him?

First, get your facts straight. If you are convinced Trump has been wronged, you will be convincing to others. Settle the question concerning what happened in this election in your heart. Revisit the promises of God and hold fast to them in FAITH! Lovingly, but firmly, tell those you love and fellow believers why you stand with Donald Trump.

There are simply too many of us for their ‘cancel culture’ to stop us. Consider Mike Lindell, of My Pillow, who has lost so much and is being attacked from all directions because of his unflinching stand with President Trump. He refuses to back down and is paying a dear price for his stand. You and I have a lot less to lose for continuing our support of Trump.

Yes, there are haters, and we may be maligned, but Trump was also maligned for us.  We may be threatened, but he was threatened each and every day for standing with the church.

Paul said he had, “fought the good fight.” He fought for righteousness and the kingdom of God. We, too, are called to fight for righteousness and against evil.

David Marcus said it best, writing for the Federalist:

“Trump invited the American people to fight back. We can argue over whether he was a carnival clown, it was wildly successful as the examples above demonstrate. There is no going back. Biden’s cavalcade of leftist wish list executive orders shows exactly where we are. Democrats don’t desire a détente, they desire domination. Over you, over your kids, over your community.

“Trump spoke for me and my ideas and the ideas of millions of Americans.

“Conservatives aren’t supposed to fight. We are supposed to go gently into that dark night of leftist hegemony…but we will not. We will keep up Trump’s fight.

“When William F. Buckley annunciated movement conservatism, he said things like “Nominate the most electable conservative” and “Stand athwart history yelling stop!” These were incredibly defensive positions. In retrospect, maybe making George Will’s bow tie the avatar for a conservatism that ceded cultural ground at every turn was a mistake.

“Unlike Buckley, Trump appeals to working-class and minority voters, and makes an effort to earn their votes. Unlike Buckley, Trump does not simply assume we are losing and trying to slow it down. He wants to win. And, yeah, he lost. He fought, but he lost.

“Now it is our fight. Now it is our responsibility to save the country. Who is with me?”


  1. ljwinterroth

    we are Standing firm, standing strong onGods Word…. HIS justice & righteouness for one & all. Thank you for your bold & courageous unflinching stand……HIS truth prevails against the gates of Hell ……

    • Ralph Stamp

      I am all in Mario. It’s time to strike the ground until our enemies- spiritual and natural influence and controlled by the spiritual are defeated. There is a saying that sometimes “actions speak louder than words.“ Yes 2 Chronicles 7:14 is one action but what I hear you saying and I agree “we need to act and run into the fray in the power of Holy Spirit….in unity with His strategies to fight and not back down no matter the cost.
      Remember ekklesia it cost Jesus everything. From the garden of prayer – to action- to the cross. As Mario has said our voices need to be heard just as President Tump “spoke” and “took actions on our behalf”. In love but with conviction, resolve God’s wisdom and His voice” having stood, continue to actively stand”. And not sitting on the sidelines. Yes we may be weary but we can do this. Phillippians 4:13

    • CD Gentry


    • E

      I stand firm with our President Trump!!! And I stand firm on the promises of God !!!
      Thank you for the reminders Mario!!!

      • Tami Crockett

        I’m standing firm with my President Donald J Trump

    • mwrathell


    • John Adams

      Mario this was excellent but please EXPAND on how worse we can fight for him. Trump did NOT lose, he had it stolen. We need to pray for the election fraud to come out and for the body of Christ to repent, other than that, HOW ELSE can we fight for him??

    • Kathy

      Amen sir. I’m with you. I have a voice I’m getting your word out to others. They are now waking up. Democrats are putting on a good show. Thank you sir. Keep the Prayers coming. ?????? See ya soon Godspeed

    • Laurel Stevens

      Praying in Canada!! Standing with you!

    • sherri mcshane

      Amen, Mario I watch Flashpoint to get the real facts and America Stands. I’ve always believed He was the Greatest President ever. I wonder if we could start a petition to sign here. Standing against this political circus of an impeachment on the true President.

      • Thomas antony

        Sirlooking our you God bless you God thanks sir very nice

    • Diana Watt

      Recently I learned of your ministry and the tent meetings while watching a program called Flash Point on the Victory Channel. I was so excited to learn of your Ministry to hurting souls. I read “Vessels of FIRE & GLORY; and REACHING CRITICAL MASS How you can Start a Revival.
      When God judged the Nation of Israel and the people were taken into captivity; both the faithful and those who were not faithful experienced captivity.
      Could more knowledge of church history from the Bible give clues as to why we are experiencing the uncertainty of a return from what may feel like captivity? There is a Spiritual war in Heaven being waged for the souls of people on earth. God will have His way; however a designated part of this War is assigned here on earth between those who belong to Christ and those of the enemy of our soul. Our job is to be a soldier in the Army of our God here on earth. A soldier listens for/to the voice of our commanding officer (our Lord), our supply of ammunition never runs out, prayer.
      Look up, Victory will be ours; do not give up or in to discouragement because the time table is not of our choosing.

  2. Gil Zaragoza

    I fully concur!!! It’s the Church’s mandate to drain the Swamp!! This now a spiritual battle against pure evil!

  3. penwright1029

    God’s Word tells us exactly how.
    Eph 6:10  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 
    Eph 6:11  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 
    Eph 6:12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 
    Eph 6:13  Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 
    Eph 6:14  Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 
    Eph 6:15  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 
    Eph 6:16  Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 
    Eph 6:17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 
    Eph 6:18  Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; 
    Eph 6:19  And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, 
    Eph 6:20  For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. 

    • lindawingnet


    • Linda A Young

      Thank you! I will believe, and bolster myself with these truths in Ephesians 6: 10-20. What wonderful verses, which I needed to hear, when I felt helpless to do anything about this. I am praying and believing, that the truth will be known, and proven and God is still in control , so I know everything will be alright!

  4. Susan

    Amen! And expecting a miracle.

  5. 1nation4God

    I – and a whole lot of other intercessors – are still standing alongside you. And Trump has not lost because he is on God’s side and the Lord has the victory! When the Lord puts President Trump back in office and the truth is established about the election results, God will not have merely won the election battle; He will have saved the nation. Biden, Harris, Pelosi, etc. tried to talk around their true agenda throughout the past four years, but there will be no denying what they’re up to now that they are actually executing their plan. For the American people who don’t want the socialist agenda but who did not really believe Biden and company were spearheading a socialist/communist take-over, this is the last chance for them to take a stand against this coup and support God’s Way in this nation again.

    • Annette

      I agree 100% with your post. This is not over Trump did not lose and God will put him back in office.

  6. Ted and Judy Garrick

    Thank You for this Post , all of this is so true.
    Love and Blessings
    Ted and Judy Garrick!!!❤️

  7. grishafurman

    Thank you for speaking out the truth. The truth will always prevail.
    Be blessed!

  8. chewypeppermint

    I am with you .
    On Thu, Jan 28, 2021, 1:21 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

  9. manners1944

    Yes I am with you wholeheartedly Mario.
    I’ve put on my Spiritual armour and will
    engage in this worldwide fight for liberty,
    justice and righteousness.
    If the LORD is with us, who can be against us !
    Gillian ALP (France)

  10. Tanner from Louisiana

    Is there hope? There is great hope! David Wilkerson not only predicted this storm, he gave amazing counsel for enduring it: “Beloved, if we’re going to face the coming storm, then we need to be prepared so that nothing disturbs our spirit. And the only way to do that is to spend time in the Father’s presence, beholding His face. We have to be shut in with Him, on our knees, until we’re thoroughly persuaded He’s at our right hand!”
    “God is clearly telling us, “Don’t be moved or agitated by anything you see. Keep your eyes focused on Me, and you will retain your joy!”
    “You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of joy in Your presence” (Acts 2:28).
    We always have to keep in mind that God’s only purpose in lovingly calling us back to Himself is to protect us in such times of storm!
    Sound familiar Brother Mario?
    Set the Trumpet to thy mouth…..

    • GodIsWithUs!

      Really appreciate your sharing the words of David Wilkerson. A great reminder.

  11. Debra Marie Ruzic

    Amen! It’s time!

  12. Elaine Linda Heistad

    All in! Many, many are, I believe millions and our loving Heavenly Father, our WARRIOR leader is in this battle with us and for Donald Trump. Christians should be ashamed if they did not vote or vote for Pres. Trump. He has unashamedly stood for God, while the church slept. God’s not done and neither is the remnant.Onward and forward we march!@@

  13. Debra Vance

    I’m with you. We will fight.Prayers over you and your family.

  14. Paula

    I’m all in Brother Mario! The love I have for President Trump came from the heart of God. My life has not been the same since 11/3 – all for the better. I’m willing to do whatever the Lord desires to do through me even if it costs me this earthly life – God knows our heart. I have gained a new sense of what it means to love God, love my family, love my President and love my gray country. My life, my times, my future is all in the hands of He who sees and knows all — I’m all in ??

  15. Ellen

    I’m with you!

  16. hsborn

    We’ll continue to do good and not grow weary in the good fight for this nation under God. Isaiah 55: 11, 54: 17, Isaiah 40: 31. With eyes on Jesus and the Sword of the Spirit, we’ll stand. Ephesians 6: 10-18. We are seated with Jesus at the right hand of our Father: on earth as it is in heaven, in Jesus’ name, amen. Matthew 6: 9-13, Matthew 18: 19-20, Ephesians 2: 6

  17. Barbara M. Gray

    Thank you for your powerful and bold words. I agree and stand with you. For the first time I really understand the words, onward Christian soldiers marching off to war….

  18. zvette

    I am absolutely with you, Pastor Mario. I am losing friends who support the other side. But, I can’t let it go. I now will not go along to get along. No more !!
    Thank you for your strength of faith and conviction. You are a daily inspiration.

  19. dailydontgiveup

    I am ALL in, Mr. Murillo! I’m in come hell or high water and I’m not going anywhere. Thank you! It is time to say No, you move to these evils that surround us regardless of the possible consequences.

  20. Donna Freeman

    I am with you! I will fight this battle alongside all who stand for righteousness, truth and justice. We cannot turn our backs on our President Donald Trump. He won the election and is legally still our President. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. It may look like he has won but he has not. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! We have just begun to fight this spiritual battle! Victory is ours!

  21. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    Re-posted to Facebook.
    Absolutely! Knees first, knowledge second, vocally third.
    My first post this morning on Facebook was a snipe post about making Alice Cooper’s “No More Mr. Nice Guy” our new hymn. 🙂
    This is that post, edited.
    Perhaps… I’m not sure if I am kidding or not(?) This should be our new hymn?
    I am tired of nice guy prayers… I offered: A Prayer for Our Time. (
    I am willing, I am praying that the Angelic hosts would take a period of time to convince the powers that be of the error of their ways…
    I am not at all sure they are listening! My prayer is that after *JEHOVAH’s* choice of delay if they remain inconvincible that He would begin to send the Death Angel through their ranks.
    And, I believe Jehovah will…
    Thus Saith The Lord, “The lifting up and tearing down of Nations is my purview and mine alone. If any man takes this upon themselves, they will reap their due and be cursed.”
    I share a lot of stuff that God lays on my heart, I almost never make it a “Thus Saith The Lord”. So, take heed, gather patience.
    And, stop being Mr. Nice “guy” in your prayers for these people who have sold their souls to the devil for momentary fame and riches.

    • C. Jones

      FEET FIRST. Having done all to STAND in the name of the Lord JESUS Christ. And the GOD of peace shall bruise satan under our feet shortly. We stand with President Trump and follow his example. Romans 16:20

      • C. Jones

        Devious doctrine??? In a word, YES! Yes, it is a devious DOCTRINE indeed to want to “call fire down from heaven on people”. Even to ask to do such a thing is certainly devious. At least I succeeded in provoking you to say JESUS! ?

        • Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

          I guess you don’t remember reading about the angel smiting Herod, him being eaten with worms and dying? And, that just for a speech, a fine oration. Of course that was after The Cross and The Resurrection of Jesus. So, maybe, just maybe, there are things God the Father allows even in The Age of Grace.
          As for me being “devious” I wonder how Father compares that with “baldy”? 🙂
          And, what in the world does your hatred for me have a place on Mario’s Blog?

    • Rose Rhodes

      Michael: serious question. Can you really justify praying in Jesus’ name to send the angel of death out?

      • Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

        [Michael: serious question. Can you really justify praying in Jesus’ name to send the angel of death out?]
        In a word yes.
        *IF* the previous prayers are acted on, and they continue in their course, and Jehovah agrees.
        *IF* this were a military operation and you had an enemy launching and about to continue to launch high tonnage explosives would you hesitate to take them out, after *ALL* warnings and negotiation failed?
        My first priority is that they be warned by God and given a chance to repent.
        Which given their track record they will not do…
        These hostage takers have a gun at our heads and God is the only sniper that can take them out without hurting us.
        Sometimes the War in The Heavenlies, spills over into the natural. But, make no mistake it *IS* war.

      • C. Jones

        Rose, notice he refuses to say JESUS. His doctrine is devious in my view. Jesus rebuked his disciples who wanted to call down fire on certain people. Jesus strongly warned them not to have such an iniquitous spirt! See Luke 9:52-56

        • Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

          [Rose, notice he refuses to say JESUS. His doctrine is devious in my view. Jesus rebuked his disciples who wanted to call down fire on certain people. Jesus strongly warned them not to have such an iniquitous spirt! See Luke 9:52-56]
          I refuse to say Jesus?
          The only Lord of life? Jesus who kept me from kicking Him out of my life when my friend and room mate used my knowledge to win the girl of my dreams heart.
          Jesus who tapped my on the shoulder and ordered me to the ER when I had a Widow Maker heart attack? That Jesus? The one who had everyone in just the right place to preserve my life.
          Jesus who has rescued me more times than I can count and preserved my life so I can be accused by complete stranger of being “devious”.
          At least the Sons of Thunder asked. 🙂

      • Sandra

        Have you not read the BIBLE? We have all authority in the mighty name of JESUS! And we are fighting a spiritual warfare that these so called servants of the people are sold out to the enemy! They are our enemy! But do not worry GOD will get them! Sit back and watch! We are for good and against ALL evil, what side are you on?

    • C. Jones

      You missed the point. It’s the Devious DOCTRINE! So, using the “Hate Card” to try and circumvent the issue just doesn’t fly. You are taking the “angel of the Lord smote Herod” out of context. The “baldy” baiting” is not working either. God Bless you my dear friend. ? Read Luke 9:52-56.

      • Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

        If I am wrong to pray for Jehovah, God almighty, Jesus’ and mine own Heavenly Father, at His discretion to send the death angel amongst the enemies of America, then I must conclude the following.
        You are of the mind that our Founding Fathers were in sin when they killed the English to begin a free America.
        That therefore America is an illegal Nation that does not deserve God’s Divine intervention and protection, even to the point of having the Death Angel take out selected enemies of God’s own choice and discretion.
        You can’t really have it both ways either America is legitimate and the killing of her enemies was justified or the killing of her enemies was not justified and America is illegitimate and completely on her own.
        And, I do not consider you a friend. A Friend entreats. A Friend does not publicly malign.

      • C. Jones

        Michael D’miller, my beloved brother, asking you to read Luke 9:52-56 is NOT publicly maligning you. Jesus said it is a devious spirit that desires to call down fire from heaven on certain people. Jesus said to love your enemies. Jesus said His Father did not send Him to condemn the world, but that the world through Him would be saved. God is not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance. Paul said, it is the kindness of God that leads you to repentance. MATTHEW 5:43-48 ARE THE PIVOTAL VERSES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. God help you to see the real gospel my dear friend. Read 2 Peter 3:9 / 1 Timothy 2:1-6 / Romans 2: 4

        • Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

          Answer my question…
          Is America Legitimate under God’s Law as it was founded on the blood of Englishmen?
          Surely under your interpretation it cannot be, because American revolutionaries killed people that Jesus didn’t want to perish and would have saved if we had not fought for independence.
          It is obvious that you have not read Peter’s entire address in context and realized it’s implication that “not willing” isn’t a prophecy or an order but Our Jesus’ sincere preference knowing that there are those who will not accept the truth of the Gospel and will in fact go down into perdition. That there are those that there is nothing that can be done for them.
          Context is important as is the whole counsel of God, not just a cherry-picked verse here and there.
          You called my doctrine “devious” that is OF SATAN, therefore you called *ME* “devious”.
          To call me “beloved” is a punch to me gut.
          No further responses will be forthcoming.

      • C. Jones

        Michael Druckenmiller, my Beloved Brother, Jesus was hanging on the cross and said this, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” It is a devious doctrine to desire to call down fire from heaven on certain people. That DOCTRINE is devious and destructive, and has no place in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is heart breaking to see all the hatred being spewed out on Social Media. Our nation was spawned in rebellion and violence, and is still dealing with those issues to this very day. There needs to be a national renunciation of such Devious Doctrines, and a Deep Seated Repentance. May God help you, my dear friend, to see and embrace this truth. God Bless you! ?

  22. Susan Gauen

    Amen, Lord, thank you for all the ways Trump fought and WON over and over. God, thank you that You are standing by His side. Thank you that YOU are fighting for Him now. Psa. 18:16-20 “He sent from on high, He took me; He drew me out of many waters. He delivered me from my strong enemy, And from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me. They confronted me in the day of my calamity, But the LORD was my stay. He brought me forth also into a broad place; He rescued me, because He delighted in me.” Deliver him Lord, and raise up those in Congress who would stand with him and fight for him. Deliver a sound and humiliating defeat to his enemies. I pray You’d convict Pelosi and bring her to her knees before You. Humble her and bring her to the place that she sees her desperate need for You. Uncover all the darkness she’s involved in, bring it all to light. As there is no place to hide, humble her and cause her to remember what she learned as a child about You. Humble her like a child and cause her to seek Your face. Let her meet You in a powerful encounter that would change her forever! The enemy is using her to stir up so much evil but let it all be overplayed and cause her eyes to be opened and to see You through all this. Let her know You Yourself are opposing her and fighting against her. Open her eyes to see the truth. Let her see that You are aiming Your bow strings at her face and bring the fear of God on her. Salvation! Victory to her salvation, Lord. You arent’ willing any should perish. Amen!

  23. Linda Hughes

    I am with you, God is with us, we cannot lose.
    Linda Hughes
    Sent from my iPhone

  24. Fritz Brown

    I signed up already. Let’s get this done!

  25. Audrey

    Agreed that we need to stand, arise and fight a Good fight of Faith for President Trump. He fought so hard for the Church but where were the churches in joining in the battle? I believe both Jesus and President Trump were looking for those that would stand. I would not say that President Trump has lost at all but rather ” the child is not dead as you suppose”. Speaking words of life,staying connected and Not in any way compromising or backing down from the Prophetic Words that have been spoken over our Beloved President Trump is key in this battle.Daniel 9:6″Moreover, we have not listened to Thy servants the prophets, who spoke in Thy name to our kings,princes,our fathers, and all the people of the land. Daniel 9:10 nor have we Obeyed the Voice of the Lord our God, to walk in His teachings which He set before us Through His servants the prophets.

  26. Ellen Clifton

    We are with you! Standing and going forward, taking back what he thought he stole from us but no weapon formed against us will prosper. It is through Him we will continue to fight and win!

  27. Cliff

    Bravo Mario!!! Truer words were never spoken! Thank you for your voice!!!

  28. Clint Cheshire

    May God give you prosperity, blessing and success and His power to Reset America back into its ancient paths of righteousness. Thank you for your faithfulness. Total victory is ahead!

  29. Harold e. Johnson

    I am with you!! This has and is a time of preperation for the fight. First i have had to repent( turn everything around). Humble, pray, fast,turn from my American comfort culture ways and decide to do and pay whatever it takes to win. Not phyisical violence but gain spiritual authority as to command/ summons Heaven to fight with us and for us! To GOD be the glory!

    • Sandra

      Someone being nice to me did not save but the power of the Father and Holy Spirit and a decision to follow GOD not satan ( king of this world) and not let eternal hell be my destiny! Some people have grieved the Holy Spirit and prayer or being nice to them will not save them! They make their own choice and we can not do it for them! But pray for them anyway, it will cause GOD to repay them faster! Do not cast your pearls upon the enemy (swine) but do spiritual warfare in the spirit and pray for understanding from the Father!!

  30. jojeanknardyahoocom

    Thank you, Mario!   I was taught wrong.  I was never a fighter.  I am having to learn.  At least I’m willing. Jo Jean

  31. Mary Hinkle

    YES!! Onward Christian soldiers, let us fight the good fight of faith!!! We are not door mats, we are the Army of God!!

  32. Kathydeal

    I am ready to fight at the local, state and federal level. Fight for souls, religious freedom, my God and country. Praying for great leaders.
    Sent from my iPhone

  33. d48day

    I am in the fight – one comment though “Trump did not lose the election was stolen” PERIOD END OF SUBJECT – what is going on in our faux government right now is a farce – they stole the election and they know it.

    • Hilda Winzeler (@hwinzeler)

      Trump won and the Dems platform is anti-God. 30 executive orders in a week? looks like a dictator

      • C. jones

        The Democrats have a noose around this “Commander-in-Thief Plantation Biden Boy”. He just says, “Yowsah Massah Democrats, I juhs be yow slave”.

    • Karen

      EXACTLY!!! so now, RISE UP oh people of God!!!

    • hdla888

      Amen! President Trump did not lose! I’ve never heard before if you won something and won overwhelmingly that you lost if someone stole it from you! When something is stolen that doesn’t make it theirs it’s still belongs to the one it was taken from. God has not given up on whom He anointed for a time such as this. This is not over. God is still playing chess and the enemy can’t see the winning move!

    • Sandea

      Sure they do and that is why Biden told the man in Pennsylvania he didn’t need his vote! We are stupid they are!

  34. PEARL Dalton

    I am with you ?
    On Thu, Jan 28, 2021, 2:00 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

  35. Jody L Aldridge

    Mario, I’m compelled to put “skin in the game” and I’ll not give to the Lord that which costs me nothing! We are to count the cost, take up our cross and follow Him – whatever He’s doing, I want to be found in full agreement and partnership with Him. President Trump still carries the anointing of the Lord for leading our beautiful republic!

  36. Beth

    I am in!! Praying, believing and engaging in spiritual warfare for America! May God protect Pres.Tump and Mike Lindell and for those who stand for truth and righteousnes!! God bless you Mario!

  37. Marrion Hamm

    We are not Americans but totally agree with you in praying for Donald Trump. The proof of a good president is one who does what he says he would and we have seen President Trump deliver over and over again. Many times his life has been threatened but still we have seen him fight for America. ????

  38. Steve Terry

    Along with millions of Americans, I am “with” you. I will not stop praying and speaking the truth to anyone….
    Sent from my iPhone

  39. Shirley

    The federalist media page is missing

  40. Peggy Sellens

    THANK YOU for your encouraging words. DJT did NOT lost….they cheated. There is a difference.
    Sent from my iPad

  41. jcgems

    Thank you for being the light in the darkness. I thank God for your blog. Holy Spirit breathes all over it!
    I too stand and fight for Donald Trump, if we allow this to go, we will forever be slaves.
    This is good vs evil. I need to remind myself that and the left are just puppets. I made the choice to stand for as long as it takes. satan will NOT get my nation!!!
    God has not changed His mind, He wants this nation and its people to continue to be a light for the world. I may only be a little light in my neck of the woods, but it will burn until I finally go home to heaven. I refuse to be a cino: Christian in name only. God needs His people to stand strong so here we go…..!!!

  42. Patricia Sims

    I stand with you, Mario, to fight back! It is written, “No weapon formed against us will prosper.” I appreciate your boldness and never backing down. We all need to understand that, in Christ, we are on the winning team. Your posts are an encouragement to that TRUTH!

  43. David Larson

    There are at least 75 Million of us with you Mario, and at least another 25 Million that never got counted. Rigged election.

  44. Judy

    Standing with you from Canada. Our country has been going downhill for 5 years and no one is standing! Make America great again and maybe we will follow. Trump was best President ever.

  45. Betty

    Aman and thank you for reaching out and standing up. Everyone needs to be reminded of what President Trump did for this country and the working people of this country—- more than any other president in modern history. He should be praised rather than condemned,

  46. M Kathy George

    I am always inspired by your articles and look forward to them everyday in my email. This one, is no less exception. Great piece, except I have to disagree with your statement that President Trump has lost. He did not lose! He remains our legitimate President, even now. God has just moved him over to work on another part of bringing God’s Glorious Kingdom to earth. Biden has not won anything that he had to cheat at getting and his signed executive orders will become null and void. With this new Office of the Former President, I see a small sprout of an army forming. In order to do away with the swamp rats, President Trump had to make them think he lost. He will come back in the form of a new government, with his party of soldiers in place, he will be ready to take the swamp down and usher in the Kingdom of God. He could not do that while being seen as the President, nor could he do that without first filling the seats of those he takes down. Yes, President Trump taught us, as Americans, to fight for truth and dignity. He also showed us who and what to fight, as we go forward in the battle. Now, we must stand strong against our adversary, and with each other, to show him what we have learned and fight the good fight of Faith. When Christ died on the Cross, satan thought he had won as well, but he hadn’t, now…President Trump is about to be resurrected!!

  47. Cindi

    I am with you also.. thankyou for your post
    Fighting for president Trump ..our nation

  48. Adelin Schauer

    I’m with you, Mario. I still believe God will intervene in His time. Thank you for your encouragement.

  49. listeningwithlaurette

    I am definitely with you and a front line warrior, Mario. In 2014 during prayer early one morning I had a vision. In bold red letters I saw. W.A.R. It was as if they were on a huge panoramic screen. Then I heard the words. We Are Remnant. And I knew it was a fight. But to be honest I didn’t see these things that are happening come so soon.
    I told my husband recently; perhaps President Trump’s main anointing and calling from God, was to get us back to a fighting mentality and weight. God left enemies in the land, when taking the children of Israel into the promised land. Why would God do this? Because it is a fight and the last thing He needs is a lazy lethargic church that takes Him for granted. Advancing the kingdom of God is not for wimps.
    Thank you for your bold stance. God is calling us to step up and stand out and I thank you for your leading through scripture how this is what we are called to do.
    I truly believe President Trump will be back and this year. Why are people so easily buying the lies? How are we allowing our elected officials this power? I say let this stone roll back on them, Impeach the cheats and liars and ban them from government! Out Democratic Party is cancerous and must be removed!

  50. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    Posted on FB for consideration:
    Pray for America like Nehemiah prayed for Jerusalem!
    There are those that think Christians should not be Patriotic that they should not concern themselves in politics or their nation of residence…
    Look back at the Old Testament at how they prayed for Jerusalem while in captivity. Or Nehemiah who risked the kings wrath and who armed the builders against the sanballat and tobias detractors.
    Which we surely have in the biden harris team…

  51. prayinginok

    Yes, still praying for President Trump and his family every day.
    I’m also praying for Mike Lindell and I bought 2 MyPillows last week.
    I’m boycotting Bed, Bath and Beyond, Kohl’s and the others who are crucifying anyone who stands with Trump and his ideals.
    I bought a subscription to Epoch Times and I’m supporting them!

    • Chris Butler

      Good for you…that is what I do…I told Air B ‘n B to never contact me again, I cancelled my FB account and I boycott all the shops who adopt this cancel culture.

      • prayinginok

        If we would all stand together we could make a huge impact!

      • Sam

        If we would all stand together we could make a huge impact!

        Exactly, prayinginok!

    • Sam

      prayinginok wrote:
      I’m boycotting Bed, Bath and Beyond, Kohl’s and the others who are crucifying anyone who stands with Trump and his ideals.
      I bought a subscription to Epoch Times and I’m supporting them!

      Great—this is the intelligent thing to do, since we as Christians must take godly action. ⚔️

      Chris wrote:
      I told Air B ‘n B to never contact me again, I cancelled my FB account and I boycott all the shops who adopt this cancel culture.

      Excellent—too many conservatives are staying on the Big Tech sites like nothing has happened. But if you reward bad behavior, what is the result? ? It is especially distressing that so many Christian “leaders” don’t seem to want to leave the Big Tech sites—it appears they are clinging to their big socialist-media “followings” like idols. ? We must make Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc., pay a heavy price for their bullying and censorship.
      Of course, it may not be possible to avoid sites like YouTube 100% of the time, but we should certainly avoid them as much as possible, because there are plenty of other video-sharing sites like UgeTube, BitChute, etc. Those places are where Christians should be uploading their videos, not YouTube!!! Before watching a video on YouTube, it’s a good idea to ask yourself, “Do I really need to see this?” If not, then it’s probably wise to just take a pass. 😉

  52. Gail Erickson

    Well said. 100%agree. One minor issue-“Trump lost”-well, he didn’t and that’s something I stand on. I appreciate the articulate and insightful messages from Holy Spirit and you. God bless.

  53. Peggy

    Along with prayer, how can the average citizen fight? Thank you.

  54. listeningwithlaurette

    What the Heck
    I’ve never seen this landscape
    I’ve only heard rumors of such
    Beware, take action, remember
    Don’t forget it’s sent to crush
    I’m not familiar with this language
    Socialism Marxism and deprogram
    What the heck is happening
    Please help me is this a sham
    I don’t recognize my country
    There is an enemy in the house
    And others scurry and scamper
    Defenders gone the way of a mouse
    The rats, the serpents, the danger
    Ignored as we watch in dread
    We thought we could count on you
    As you cower and hide under the bed
    Out with this new world order
    We’ll not stand and watch you destroy
    We’ve had enough with these lies
    We’ve petitioned a heavenly convoy
    We need agents of change and prayers
    We demand honesty and godly advice
    We are taking back our house
    America belongs to God Almighty
    And will as long as we stand
    To hell with this anti American agenda
    And to hell with your socialist plan
    Calling all warriors, rise up now
    Death to this communist regime
    Stand up refuse to be silent
    Do not let them silence the American dream
    Many fought and died
    Listen, I hear their voices today
    Fight now and fight hard, never relent
    Yes, this is the American way
    © laurette laster – January 2021

    • prayinginok

      I love it!!!

    • C. Jones

      The democrats are run by witches who seek to dumb down, and domesticate, and castrate anyone who fights for freedom and liberty. That is precisely why President Trump shouted, “FIGHT LIKE HELL!” CHRISTIANITY IS NOT FOR SISSY SNOWFLAKES!

      • Sam


        Right, Sadly, today’s Church is largely a wimpy, emasculated one. Christ was not that way. Remember how he knocked over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those who were selling doves?? ? (Matthew 21:12). That’s not nice. 😉
        Had they been living back in those times, most of our current Christian “leaders” would likely have rejected Jesus, saying, “He needs to be more loving and less of a troublemaker!!!” 😛

      • Gunnar

        Sam: Your thoughts?
        Please read this article in entirety; and also “Source” and Chuck Baldwin’s Live response (click at the bottom of the article and continue reading). (laying guilt and condemnation etc., is witchcraft as heart motives, fruit or lack thereof and total agenda as he revealed of John 8:44 and John 10:10).
        Don’t consider Chuck Baldwin wrong in delivery at all about wimpy, inane, ineffectual churches/christians/pastors! David Wilkerson was praying for Armies of Troublemakers in “Troublemakers in the Church”, sermon and PDF 1988, redone 6/2007! Tremendous 1st paragraph. Keep kicking in the Gates of hell!

      • Sam

        Gunnar, thanks for the interesting article by Baldwin—I read the whole thing. He made some great points.
        First off, I agree with what he says about the corrupt leadership in the Church, all the deception concerning Covid-19, etc. As for the medical establishment only caring about money—well, who didn’t know that already? 😉
        The only parts I disagree with are: a) his total contempt for Trump and b) his rejection of the Rapture. Even most of the Early Church (i.e., in the first few centuries after the Resurrection) believed in a pre-tribulation Rapture. So, there’s plenty of history behind the doctrine of the Rapture.
        Anyway, Baldwin said a lot of perceptive things. 🙂

      • Sam

        Oh, I looked up the article by Wilkerson. Yes, he’s right—godly “troublemakers” in the Church are what we actually need! ?

  55. Cheryl Olson

    As far as I am concerned, Donald Trump is STILL my president! It was a massive farce that the election was stolen from him and millions of US!!

  56. listeningwithlaurette

    Okay one more response. The Lord gave me this scripture in 2019.
    “And when they came to Jesus, they besought him instantly, saying, That he (#thankyouttrump) was worthy for whom he should do this: For he loveth our nation, and he hath built us a synagogue.”
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:4-5‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  57. Mary Verhoeven

    Pelosi must impeach President Trump because he is not a private citizen. This will make them feel justified in their lies and deceit. President Trump by all means won the election by a landslide and the evidence of fraud is overwhelming. God did not waste the time of everyone who worked so hard on exposing this. There has not been a platform to present his defense. The election was fraudulent, fraud vitiates everything! US VS Throckmorton. Biden/Harris are null and void and they know it. Are we going to go along with the lie?

  58. Sandra Rose

    We’re with u Mario!
    God bless u & ur beautiful wife! (I know her name is Michelle, but she spells it different!), & ur entire team!
    Thank u 4 the stand u r taking! U r 1 of my heros in the faith! We r praying 4 u…??

  59. John Egnew

    A well fought war includes the tactic of drawing the enemy out for the purpose of a full and decisive victory. What appears to be a loss is actually a ploy. Yes, Trump will be back and yes, it is now time for all of us in the Body of Christ to be God’s fist in this fight. Thank you for your fire and words. We are with you.

  60. hredhawk1942

    I, and my family, are with you Mario. We know what happened and it was wrong. We know that God is nowhere close to finished with America or Trump. We stand, fight, and declare, ‘With God, we have already won. We are not moved by what we hear or see. We continue to play until we win.’
    Harry Leonard
    This e-mail and any attachment is intended solely for the addressed recipient(s) and contains information that may be confidential. If you are not the correct recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail and all attachments from your system immediately. Any use, dissemination or copying of this email by any person or entity other than the addressed recipient(s) is prohibited.
    On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 2:01 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

    • Mark

      Thank you Mario. We are with the fighters both spiritually and naturally. We are praying and behind the awakening movement. We want our voice to be heard. We take our place of challenge against this wickedness so righteousness can rule

  61. Pete

    I am with you, Brother Mario!
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
    Ephesians 6:12
    Thank you for the gospel,

  62. archaios6

    thank you pastor Murillo and all the Christians who are pledging to support and defend the truth. President Trump did not lose, what he did is change his political to religious leadership in the fight against evil that is silencing courageous warriors that refuse to be intimated. evil has define the line of attack, soldiers of Christ will not allow an iron shackle around their neck.

  63. Chris Butler

    We are…fight, pray, stand….God hears us, He loves us, He will not abandon us, He will NOT fail us.

  64. Judy

    I am with you, Mario.
    We must stand!

  65. Rique

    He didn’t lose let’s make that clear, they stole the election that’s different.
    He actually won big time and he is coming back….

  66. Maria Ginny Ginny Arroyo

    Mario President Trump did not lose. This seems like when Absalom tried to overthrow David. David left Jerusalem with his household. The army (heavenly host) fought and he returned. 🙂

  67. Greta Mullan

    We are with you Mario! We are with President Trump
    Sent from my iPhone

  68. Robert

    I Believe What You Say Is True. I Have A Feeling That Trump Has Gone As Far As He Can In Israel. There Is A Appointed Time For Everything. The Anti Christ Is The One That Will Make A Peace Treaty With Israel For 7 Years Ans Allow Them To Build There 3rd Temple.. Maybe President Trump Is Just On Hold For A Season, Many Call President Trump Modern Day King David. God Told David He Couldnt Build The Temple But His Son Would… Watch Out For The Son In Law…

  69. phil L

    am with you and with America …ALWAYS

  70. Connie Donley

    Mario, when will you be in or near Sacramento? Many of us in the Roseville / Sacramento area support you and our country and would love to come together! In our Jesus, Connie
    On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 11:01 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

  71. Bob Wallace

    Good post. But President Trump won, not lost. The setback is only temporary. The word of the Lord is certain. Great exposure is coming and Trump will remain as President. God hates injustices. These great injustices will not remain.

  72. GodIsWithUs!

    When Peter told the man at Gate Beautiful, “Look at me,” imagine the holy fire in Peter’s EYES and he authority in his MOUTH he must have experienced.
    YOU HAVE THAT, BRO. MARIO. That 100-yard stare that stops demons in their tracks. That fiery authority that shuts the mouths of LIARS and LIONS. And shakes us awake.
    First, in holy intimacy, we have to get back to gazing intently into the fire in our Savior’s eyes and heart, personally. GETTING BACK the unshakable knowing of who we are in His eyes.
    Out of that place, we then MUST arise, SUIT UP (Eph. 6), and TAKE UP our authority in Him.
    And from the place of intimacy and authority, we MARCH. And TAKE BACK everything that the enemy STOLE. Not just the election, not just the government, but every stinking inch and mile we gave him way too easily.
    As one of the guests said on Flashpoint on Tuesday, “The church has been playing checkers, and the enemy’s been playing 5D chess.” Time to flip that entire board on him, with spiritual weapons that are MIGHTY.

    • prayinginok

      Amen!!! Well said!

  73. lindawingnet

    I’m with you, Mario, with only one change to the narrative. President Trump did NOT lose. I will stand with the Lord and with His man, for this country, and for the world. God is never late, and He never, ever loses. I’m with Him. 😀

  74. Cyndi Goodrich

    I’m standing strong and refuse to budge! GOD has proven Himself in my life, far too many times for me to waver and doubt Him now. President Trump has been anointed and appointed by GOD and the warfare against him is all the proof we need.
    Thanks Mario, for being our mouthpiece and continually stoking the fire. Everyone is feeling the heat! ?

  75. maritza heg

    I AM WITH YOU ! We are with you ! We are with our dear Pres. Trump! He boldly fought for us and now it’s our turn to faithfully fight for him. He WON, he was not defeated. Victory was stolen from him and for us !!! Shalom !

    • John McDaniel

      I’m in my Brother, you said something the other day that is so true, basically you said that having a prayer life is different than a life of prayer, so true, I learned that lesson a long time ago, so keep praying “True Believer” and stand strong God will prevail.

  76. Elizabeth Anne Kellar

    Standing with you from the UK.

  77. Kerry Patterson

    Trump won by a landslide. If you know about Mike Lindell you know he tracked the votes back to China and has proof of how big Trump won. God is not finished. God said President Trump would serve two terms. Soon Trump will be sworn in as President and the fraud will be out!!! Keep praying for God’s kingdom to come, His will be done in the United States of America and that TRUTH & JUSTICE will fill our nation once again and that God will graciously send the great awakening He has promised ??????????✝️❤️??

  78. Christina DeCamara

    Dear, Mario did NOT LOSE. He WON. And he is still winning … Have you NOT heard? He will be the 19Th President of the Constitutional Republic.
    And I will send a Picture if JFK, Jr., Alive
    On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 12:59 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

  79. kathy

    I and many others HAVE BEEN fighting from the beginning. We have not shrunk back as others, we have been and still are standing with Trump.

  80. Christina DeCamara

    On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 12:59 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

  81. Marcia

    I’m with you! Who says you can’t be a Christian conservative activist?!

  82. yesua7

    thank bro

  83. Cindy Roberts

    I am with you 100%. I wish I knew more to do. Prayer and speaking out when appropriate are there like you mentioned. How do we plan to help Mike Lindel? I want to buy pillows, but prayer again is our only weapon. Thank you again for your encouragement and turning us to God’s word. There are very few churches even that are not giving us directions and hope. It makes me so sad at times that I don’t know what to think and do; even walk away feeling guilty. I look forward to your emails and pray for you and your ministry. God bless you, God bless America, and yes, God bless President Trump.

  84. marysethluoma

    Standing with
    1. God
    2. US
    3. President Trump
    4. Mario Murillo
    Thank you Mario, for being a voice of truth and standing faithful.

  85. Carolyn Laes

    I am with you. How do I fight?

  86. Walter L. Johnson II

    Another excellent post. The days of playing “nice” are over! It’s time to fight for America, right now! Like it or not, Donald Trump is STILL the rightful President of the United States, despite the fact that he is now a “private citizen”, while the new “PINO”, or “President In Name Only”, is acting more like the “Leader of the New World (Order)” than the Leader of the Free World”. God Bless President Trump and God Bless America!

  87. Kelly Jackson

    I’m with you. I’m with Trump

  88. 1cinabluemoon

    Totally with you on this, Mario! God, I ask you to honor President Trump’s love for and dedication to this nation, his resolve to move forward with integrity, and his faith to stand strong.

  89. soljerblue

    As I reflect on where we are in this post-election fight — where President Trump is — I can but see a leader who flatly refuses to acknowledge “defeat”. The leftwads may grasp the levers of power for the moment, but Trump has an iron grip on their minds. The phrase ‘living rent free in the Gimmiedats’ (my name for the Dems) heads’ is much too simple to describe what’s happening. President Trump is proving to be a master of psywar, twisting and warping their minds, forcing them to constantly ‘look over their shoulders’, become collectively more hysterical in their rantings, and drive harder for the far fringes of sanity in their proposals. The picture they’re presenting to the American people reminds one of Oscar Wilde’s novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”.

  90. normbonk

    Amen & Amen. !!!
    North America is awaking however slowly. Praise Jesus.
    Norm Bonk
    Sent from my iPhone


  91. n9nwo

    If believers will not stand when there is peace then G-D will make them uncomfortable.

  92. Cya

    Standing with you brother Mario; standing with the remnant; standing on 1Chr 12:22 – For day by day men came to David to help him, until there was a great army like the army of God.
    I hear the sound of the army of the Lord…

  93. Shirley

    During the last 4 years Donald Trump has been an obedient servant of the Lord. He has greatly loved our God and our country. Deep in my spirit I think God is not done with his servant, Donald J. Trump. And he will continue for another 4 more years. As time goes on God is exposing more and more the acts of Satan who has caused such corruption not only in our country but other countries. I’m waiting with anticipation for our God to move!! Praise be to our heavenly Father!! I’m all in to help save not only our country but God’s country! This is One Nation Under God!!

  94. Harriet

    Thanks, Mario. I’M WITH YOU!!! If God is for us, who can be against us?       ?

  95. parrillaturi

    I still support my Commander-in-Chief, Donald L. Trump, not the puppet-in-cheat, Biden.. God will return, Mr. Trump, to his rightful position. God is allowing these pundits to gloat momentarily, but will come down on them harshly. Their day nears. Keep the faith, as God knows how and when He will act. Looking forward to that day. Blessings.

  96. Michelle Bokel

    Yours in Him, Mickey

  97. Mary Ellen Thurman

    Thank you, Mario!! I will be among the fighters! Amen! MaryEllen Thurman
    On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 12:04 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

  98. Josephine Tarantino

    Amen and amen
    Sent from my iPhone

  99. Carolyn

    Hi Mario,
    President Trump didn’t lose though – he won by a landslide. I personally think if we all stop thinking he lost and get ahold of the fact that he DID win, it just might make people wake up enough to truly realize what was done to them – our country has been stolen outright and taken over by their socialist agenda. Creepiest thing that has ever happened to our country – being run by those so deranged in their passion for evil that they’ve forgotten that whatever happens to our country happens to them and their families as well. Lance Wallnau mentioned that he was surprised no one on the right was in Washington D.C. demanding that those votes be counted correctly and standing up for ourselves for what happened. What happened to the American spirit? I agree with his statement – why are we just rolling over and ‘taking it’ once again, and hiding, as you mentioned in your article? There is a song by the group Jerry Williams and Harvest that was released back in 1991 called “Let’s Fight,” from the “Let’s Fight for a Generation” album. It’s a strong clarion call for us to stand and fight against the evil in the world, that keeps people from coming to the Lord. I think it is probably one of the most rallying songs I have ever heard for Christians to stand strong for the Lord. It’s on youtube still at the moment. As the song says, we have to stand for the Lord at ALL times, through ALL things, for “our battle is not against flesh and blood.” Do we truly, as Christians, deeply understand that? Are we praying, calling our congressman, taking a stand within our communities, running for office ourselves, to stop this invading darkness in our land and shining the Light of Christ on the evil? Or are we watching our watches during the church service, wondering what the special of the day is at the local diner for lunch? To be disciples of Christ, that just isn’t something that we say every now and then, we truly have to spend time with Jesus all the time, praying, seeking His face, hearing what HE wants us to do with our lives and then actually DOING it! We, as the Church, have let this happen on our watch. Now, it’s up to us to follow the Commander of Angel Armies and get busy to take back this country for the Lord! People are dying without the Lord daily, our fellow countrymen. We JUST cannot let that happen any more – it’s totally unacceptable!!! Rise Up church!
    Thank you Brother Mario VERY much for all you’re doing!!!

  100. Donna Reeves

    Trump did not lose. The election was stolen. Other than that, agree with what you say.

  101. Jayne Farrell

    Thank you Mario. We all need to be encouraged right now and to take a stand. I have lots of Courage, what I don’t have are eyes to see how this will all play out given all the mis-information. Hanging onto the Word of God and Trusting in Him is our only option. A FAITH lesson. Thank you. Blessings.

  102. kingskid48

    I agree with the great comments here, and of course, with Pastor Mario. There’s no way I am giving up or backing down. I have no doubt that we are all here for such a time as this, according to God’s Plan.
    We can see that the world offers us nothing but chaos and disappointment. Maybe God is letting us go through this time to let the country, and especially Christians, get a good dose of tyranny/socialism/marxism to learn to fully appreciate the freedoms He gave us, which are disappearing daily, btw. Fox reported last night that Biden is considering an EO to pack the Supreme Court. Do the Christians who voted for Biden have any idea what they have done to us, to themselves, to the Church? Do they have any idea, that if it were not for the Plan of God to saved America, the Church would be going under real persecution, and soon?
    Brainwashing/propaganda is a powerful thing, and satan knows just how to use it to get weak and deluded Christians to sell their birthright. They seriously believe that the democrat party of today is the same democrat party of their parents and grandparents. They all voted democrat, they themselves have voted democrat all their lives…therefore it must be the right thing to do! They simply are not open to discussing any truth or option that deters them from their pre-determined path. It is truly sad that Christians can allow this to happen to themselves.
    I hope we are all paying close attention to all that is going on. A man was arrested and jailed for memes against Hillary in 2016! They are talking about giving him 8 or10 years for exercising his Free Speech rights. If that doesn’t scare you, check your pulse.
    I have deleted my Disqus account and am deleting as many public comments of mine that I can find. I do not trust the left of today. This is the only place that I will be commenting from now on. AOC is accusing Republicans in Congress of wanting to attack her just because they are Republicans. At some point do we start to realize that we have mentally challenged, people in our highest offices of this land? What kind of American says such a thing about their “co-workers”, just because they are opposite side of the political aisle? Trying to stoke fear and distrust in Republicans simply because some radicals attacked a government building a few weeks ago? As bad as that attack was-and it was-the left is using it as an excuse to grab more power, install more control by themselves, and foment distrust among American citizens, while claiming at the same time that they are the party of tolerance, unity, and love.
    Americans of all stripes had better wake up. Get on your knees before God, pray in the Spirit, fill yourselves with Scripture. Stand now, or you’ll be on your knees before those who mean us harm.

    • prayinginok

      “Do they have any idea, that if it were not for the Plan of God to saved America, the Church would be going under real persecution, and soon?” Many of them do not, but some are starting to wake up.
      Like Paul and Silas, I’m singing and praising. I’m expecting an earthquake soon. 🙂

  103. Ramona Nordhoff

    Yes I as a PATRIOT has been in this FIGHT for 4 yrs. I will FIGHT FOR MY PRESIDENT. If we allow this ELECTION OUR VOTES BE STOLEN THEN WHAT IS NEXT. They will comes after the GUNS our protection for OUR FAMILY. Then they will come to our DOORS DEMANDING OUR BIBLES. If you PRAY TO YOUR GOD they will ask someone in your FAMILY OR A NEIGHBOR TO REPORT YOU. WHERE DOES IT STOP. It will not STOP until WE THE PEOPLE STOP IT. The DAY we give UP is the DAY THEY WIN. SO in my BIBLE it said WE WIN WITH GOD. SO FIGHT ON PATRIOTS FOR OUR GOD, FAMILY, COUNTRY AND TRUMP.

  104. sandilebel

    I stand with you Mario!
    On Thu, Jan 28, 2021, 2:01 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

  105. Mary Ann Knox

    We are with you,Mario. Our prayers are with you and President Trump ;& family.
    On Thu, Jan 28, 2021, 2:01 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

  106. Annabelle Sanchez

    So Mario, what do we need to do now besides praying in our prayer closets? Thanks

  107. winterberry

    I think the agenda for far left, those in Congress and others, is to destroy America and bring in the New World Order.

  108. Karen H

    Agree with you, but the last part raises a question. Trump didn’t lose the election, the election was STOLEN. The Church must not never forget that. Stand Firm and do your part by praying effectual and fervently. Reach out to corporations (BBB, Kohl’s, etc) and let them know you will not be shopping with them any longer. They made a choose, and so can we the people. Maybe go to My Pillow website directly and buy from them. Bless this American owned business.

    • prayinginok

      I bought 2 MyPillows last week. 🙂

  109. Kimberly Anne Stevens

    A week before the riots broke out in Oregon and Seattle last year I was given a dream by Jesus. In the dream I was in my Grandmother’s Livingroom in the Mojave Desert of California. I heard a great noise as if a million cricket like bugs were coming. It sounded like a great electronic or insect noise. I looked out the front window and it was dark. But I could see the eyes of dog men through dark clouds moving across the land. There appeared to be many, many demons within the army. I saw the tail of a large dragon. The army was enshrouded in smoke. I looked again during the day light and there was a huge army gliding across the land.
    The army was made of Dog men or hounds of hell with glowing yellow eyes along with other Demons. They were dressed in dark grey and bronze armor. They were moving across the land stripping everything off of the land. They stripped the leaves off the trees, the skin off of the deer, etc. I also saw them carry a huge sarcophagus like King Tuts (perhaps to collect souls). Except that it was made of dark metal and bronze. It was very ornate but it was turned face down. I saw the feet heading downward towards Hell. There continued to be dark clouds enshrouding them as they were in a dark smoky haze. The smoke was so black and thick but I saw them plainly.
    I was immediately frightened upon the sight and went to close the door. My dog ran out after the demons. I never saw it again. We closed the curtains and locked the doors. My husband and I frightened but peeked outside. My grandmother was sitting there in a chair as if she came to help tell me.
    The Lord told me “Do not be afraid. Stay inside and they cannot touch you”. He told me that they were part of a “larger army”. The Lord also told me as long as I was a follower of Christ I could not be touched. The army had tendrils of insects like an Octopus. The army moved across the land to the left which incidentally also was towards Oregon or Washington. It was very scary and frightening. This is one week before the Chaz Chop thing came about.
    Later in another dream the Lord showed me military men in green getting things under control and that they would be standing around with no fight and nothing to do. He showed me people sharing homes that did not know each other. He also showed me two jets chasing each other and one appeared to be alien – from another country I assume. He showed me the jet attack by another country would not be successful. That’s all I got but the first dream was extremely insightful and I feel that Jesus brought this to me.
    I did previously to these dreams have a Jesus experience in one of my dreams and I dreamt he brought me back to earth when I showed up in heaven (I was sick after having Covid). He showed me how much he loves us and he told me he has so much for us that we could never even imagine. I am sticking to loving the Lord. He has shown me the demons who are roaming around in our country and it is a much larger army than I ever imagined.
    God bless and take care.

  110. Marcia ONeal

    I am with you!

  111. gege4god

    Amen! I’m all in, Bro. Mario!! Trump is still my president! The devil is a liar! God is in control! IMPEACH BIDEN!!!!!

  112. Mark DuBois

    Count me in brother Mario.
    whatever the Lord wants me to do
    to help. Already, I’ve been calling congressmen
    and Senators, letting them know that I don’t
    agree with various liberal agenda’s, etc.
    I pray others will take a stand against evil
    one way or another. Yes, Impeach Biden, Big time.

  113. martyrea

    Yes and Amen ???

  114. Pam Hubbard

    I love your posts but I disagree with your words that he lost. He didn’t lose. They (the enemy to be exact) stole it from him. There is a difference. 

  115. waianaeboy702

    Amen! It’s not over

  116. loradollarhide

    I agree it’s time to stand up for Trump I’m praying I’m believing and I’m speaking and calling those things that be not as though they were!!!
    God will arise and His enemies be scattered scattered!!!
    Good word!!

  117. Leanne Bafus

    I am with you!
    On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 11:02 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

  118. NickT

    Yes I have always stood for President Trump because he cared for
    “we the people “ yes I voted for Cuz in the primaries but then I joined the Trump train. Former President Ronald Regan us to be my favorite president but after all the great things Trump did for our country he is the Best president in my life time! It’s to bad the Dems-RINOS-globalist-MSM-Marxist-establishment-BLM-Antifa (all puppets of satan). They stole our election and the only thing we could do is pray and watch it happen.
    Hopefully God has a plan to restore what was taken from us!
    We need justice for our nation.

    • Wordforworld

      Greets, NickT, see psalm 55 for the expected end of those murderous, treasonous, traitorous, lying deceivers!
      Our God shall afflict them, even the old enemy! Our God shalt bring them DOWN into the pit of destruction; the bloody & deceitful men SHALL NOT LIVE OUT HALF THEIR DAYS.
      Cast our burden upon the LORD, He shall sustain us; He shall never allow the righteous to be moved. We trust in Him.
      We will say what He told us to say, speak what He showed us to speak.
      It is the Father in us that does the works! THE LORD WORKING WITH & CONFIRMING THE WORD WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING. AMEN

      • NickT

        Amen, and thanks

  119. fromanislandinnewhampshire

    This seems to me to be like the winter of Valley Forge, when Washington’s troops got “forged” into a real army. At least we aren’t freezing and starving like they were. Sitting by my woodstove on this cold New Hampshire night, praying for all of you and the victory on its way for our President and the freedom of the Gospel.

    • NickT


  120. Sandra

    I am with you and Trump and GOD!

  121. M Zimmerman

    Hi Mario, Tonight on FlashPoint and you mentioned people beginning to fall in love with Jesus.
    Your mention of this is what I have been praying for America, and this song by CeCe Wynans says it all:
    Blessings in Sacramento,

    Sent from my iPad

  122. MaryAnn Stuart

    Excellent advice! Thanks.
    On Thu, Jan 28, 2021, 2:01 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

  123. Jannene

    I am with you even though I live in Australia. I never give up – ever!

  124. sararod52

    Blessings brother Murillo, You might already know that your Youtube account is being trolled by someone asking for money.I have been following your daily blog since the beginning and yesterday I received the following message in response to a comment I posted in your youtube video. I noticed the same message was sent to others. Love your ministry! you are in our prayers! Highlighted replyMario Murillo6 minutes agoBeloved, I don’t know you in person but God knows you. God showed to me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding on to them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford to these motherless foundation (DIVINE GRACE ORPHANAGE HOME FOUNDATION) in Turin City Italy, before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact where ever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. WhatsApp the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details +393512741089 tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.Show lessREPLY

  125. Cheryl Johnston

    Standing, praying, believing with you!

  126. Jean White

    No Mario today?..

    Sent from my iPad

  127. Rose Garvin

    I am on the side of God, you and Donald Trump!!! My constant prayer is seeking wisdom as to what tangible things I can do to effect change. I’m calling all legislators that I can and telling everyone I know the truth about God, Donald Trump, the fraud, the phantom virus and death vaccine. I give to you and support monthly many front line warriors and yet I want to do more! Thank you Mario! God is on the move!!!!

  128. Dave

    I have enjoyed your word all through this 4 years but, today you did a 180 when you said Trump fought but he lost.
    There is no way he lost the election
    No way he lost the true patriots and he will be back to continue the fight

    • mariomurilloministries

      I never said he lost. I know he won. I am saying that we need a complete victory.

  129. Sandra Brannon

    As a part of our family, the family of God, I will “pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34. God is certainly watching. There will be consequences. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14. Stay strong Mario! You are a warrior in God’s army!

  130. Lori Unruh

    Mario we the church are in agreement with you and Israel always. This is spiritual warfare and we must be the church of Christ. Standing in prayer for all the mighty arrows of the Lords that are at the tip of the sword. We will do our part in every way the Lord directs us. God Bless All and protect all with his mighty hand and the angels of heavens army.

  131. Annette

    We pray for salvation of those involved in the the deep state but it is God who administers HIS DIVINE JUSTICE ON THEM.

    • Sam

      Here’s something to think about—basically, it appears those involved in the Deep State have been given over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28). Now let’s ask this question—do reprobate minds ever repent? 😉

      • Lori Unruh

        I think once the shade is pulled down over their eyes they have lost the ability to get it back.

      • Sam

        Lori wrote:

        I think once the shade is pulled down over their eyes they have lost the ability to get it back.

        Apart from some divine intervention, I think you’re right.

    • Sam

      Also, I think the apostle Paul’s words in Acts 13:10 sum up the folks in the Deep State quite well:
      You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? ?

      • Gunnar

        That would apply to our church leaders as well, “as the church goes so goes the world”. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11. Know someone who did this, best to their ability every *Christian leader/Book author past and present and the bottom line what was their fruit? Give me one that lived James 1:27 to the unth degree and that truly lived LOVE, servanthood, provided, blessed, gave, built, brought out the best in gifts, callings and talents instead of being spiritual vampires and spiritual cannibals and consumed with building a kingdom to self and self-serving, instead of making satanic roll call of Pastors in a Book. Truly living God of the Bible and Christ likeness.
        *Impact on their City, Cities, State, Nation and the World, bottom line=FRUIT!
        Also, have you read: Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey along with A Distant Mirror Barbara Tuchman, Battle Hymn by John Scura/Dane Phillips; David Kupelian, Dr James W. Wardner, Charles Sykes, John Gatto; 10 Lies the Church Tells Women/Lies Men Believe by J. Lee Grady, Pagan Christianity (green cover) by Frank Viola (drop in the bucket, as here we are)!

      • Sam


        instead of being spiritual vampires and spiritual cannibals and consumed with building a kingdom to self and self-serving,

        Sadly, yes, it does seem that “selfish ambition” is more the rule than the exception these days among Christian leaders. 🙁

        Also, have you read: Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey along with A Distant Mirror Barbara Tuchman, Battle Hymn by John Scura/Dane Phillips; David Kupelian, Dr James W. Wardner, Charles Sykes, John Gatto; 10 Lies the Church Tells Women/Lies Men Believe by J. Lee Grady, Pagan Christianity (green cover) by Frank Viola (drop in the bucket, as here we are)!

        I’d heard of the last book by Viola, and I took a look at the “10 lies” that both men and women believe. As for the other books, which seem to be about the New World Order, I hadn’t heard of those, but they sound interesting!

  132. Earline Doty

    I love all your post. Maybe it’s just me I think we should all hand write Thank you letter / post card to President Trump. Think about it: 74 million + pieces of physical mail going to Mar-a-Lago! That would be hard for the media leftist to ignore! thank you letters (snail mail) Donald Trump Address is 515 North County Road, Palm Beach, Florida 33480, Florida, United States. Or c/o Mar-a-Lago Club 1100 S. Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, Florida 33480

  133. bobandnorma

    During the Civil War in America, then President Abraham Lincoln was asked by a well meaning journalist if he believed that God was on the side of the Union. President Lincoln responded saying that he was not concerned as to whether God was on “our” side, but whether or not we are on God’s side. Hopefully we are not on the verge of another civil war, but irregardless, we as believers, as children of God must be certain that we stand with God, and then stand with Him forever. We must take a stand against every high thing that would exalt itself against the knowledge of God! We know that nearly everything, if not every single thing that Mr. Biden and his party stands for, is evil. We as the children of God, must be determined to do more than stand on the sidelines in the fight against evil in our midst. Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. May we seek mercy for the deceived, as well as for ourselves and our children. May we seek the grace of God to heal our land!

  134. Dorothy Jean Ebel

    Praise God for Donald Trump. We need a man of his stature and reliability to be President again.

  135. Theresa McKenzie

    I am with you!
    Sent from my iPhone

  136. prayinginok

    I just got an update from Mike Lindell. Yay!!!!
    Dear MyPillow Customer,
    Due to the overwhelming support for MyPillow we are extremely behind on getting orders shipped out. We are working around the clock to get everyone’s orders out as fast as we can. Right now, there could be up to a 2-week delay.
    Everyone at MyPillow is so thankful for your continued support and patience.
    Mike Lindell

    • Sam

      Great to hear. 🙂

    • NickT


  137. Linda Hunter

    I stand with all who will fight for President Trump, the best President ever. I pray daily for him, his family, our country, our churches and for you too , Bro. Mario. Praise God for all your blobs. I read every one of them. They are a blessing to me!!!!
    On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 1:00 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >

  138. Kathy Shotwell

    You are right on Mario, I just heard another word in regards to this matter of the stolen election and God is going to take it away from the false President of the United States of America. It’s time for the Republican’s that tucked tail and lied in cowardacy to repent and turn this thing around. The word the said is STAND FAST and hang on, not finished !

  139. glenleatrophiesandengravers

    Yes yes yes Mario
    NOW ITS OUR FIGHT OUR RESPONSIBILITY as you said in the last line of your letter
    Heres my first line:
    LEADERS SAVIOURS AND “GO TO,s” they are imposters in the church they are fortune tellers and spirit mediums doing the work of satan himself !! They just don’t have caravans.
    They should BE STONED ! BEHEADED AND CHUCKED OUT THE CHURCH. – The church was deceived it became lax ,the election was lost – and I place great blame on these WICKED ‘PROPHETS” – the church STRAYED , led people astray and AMERICA WILL PAY THE DEAREST PRICE.

  140. Donna Rosenquist

    I am saddened by his loss, as it is a loss for all of us. However, our God is bigger and more powerful than the whole lot of them, and I am counting on Him to have His way, and enable us to have a part in it, as He gives opportunity and guidance.
    On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 11:02 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Nancy Pelosi fears Donald Trump so much > that she has become so deranged as to try to impeach him, even though he is > now a private citizen! Her goal is to make sure he is banished from public > life forever. We know, of course, that her impeachment attempt ” >



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