Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear.
For the first time in American history, our President does the unquestioned bidding of people who hate America. That explains his first day in office:
Killing the Keystone Pipeline: On his first day in office, Biden killed thousands of jobs for union workers and increased America’s dependence on foreign energy. This was a move that both weakened our economy and strengthened our enemies.
Mass abortions: In his first day in office, he not only bolstered abortions here at home, but ordered that your tax dollars be used to pay for abortions in the U.S., as well as promoting abortions in other nations.
Environmental madness: In his first day in office, he rejoined the World Health Organization and The Paris Agreement, both of which further solidified China’s power over Americans and unleashed the unicorn-environmentalists on our economy.

Trading citizenship for votes: In his first day in office, he flung our borders open to millions in a scheme so dastardly as to present a new low, even for Democrats: they are trading American citizenship for Democrat votes. A massive caravan is approaching our southern border at this moment, where they will be welcomed with open arms. And, since he has also halted the building of the wall, America will be less protected from terrorists, MS-13 members, drug dealers and illegals who will quickly disappear into our cities. Vast numbers of them will arrive to be provided with free healthcare—in the middle of a pandemic—amid massive unemployment, and after the death of hundreds of thousands of small businesses. The political elite want to secure their power for decades by providing many grateful voters.
So, let me ask you: That was day one. What will America look like after 1,459 more days of this?
Many Christians who voted for Biden are bashing those who supported Trump. They are saying we were foolish to follow such a flawed leader. We were wrong to trust prophets. We were heartless to the poor and that we were identifying with racism. We were displeasing Christ and we were wrong to be involved in politics. Blah, blah, blah.
For the moment you look hip, lucid and fashionable to outsiders, but that is a fleeting reprieve. Soon, you will have to reconcile your vote with your Christianity. Soon there will be drag queens reading to children in our public libraries, boys in the girl’s restrooms, unreached heights of terminating babies in late term abortions, and censorship of all things Christian. Not only that joblessness will multiply and you will be shocked that Biden does not care because his vision is global not local. Then you will realize what you have voted for.

When atheism comes calling with a hatred for God, an atheism that cares nothing about your ‘woke’ version of Christ, and comes with guidelines that only allow their version of Christianity, a version far from the word of God—when you look in your child’s eye and explain how their future will be designed by other nations and other values―just remember your vote. And remember the ridicule you spewed at Trump supporters.
How puny does your offense over Trump’s rudeness appear now? How does anything Trump texted compare to the danger and wickedness you see currently oozing out of the White House?
You are now part owner of everything Biden does to America. Whatever happens from here on out will reflect on your choice. By putting Biden first, you put America last. And I will leave it to God to decide how your vote reflects on your faith.
If you voted for Biden, and still insist you did the right thing, I can neither agree with you nor console you. If you are open to God, there is a peace and forgiveness available, and there is still time to participate in the great work of God here on earth that will soon arrive.

To those who discerned the times, stood with Trump, and are still standing for one nation under God, there is the peace of knowing you obeyed your conscience and stood with the vision of America that the Founding Fathers received from God. Not only that, but there is still a miracle coming―and it is a miracle that cannot be rigged.

Still standing and Trusting God for a turn around for good.God is still on the Throne and Jesus is with Him.
The Blood is there too!
When the miracles of God’s Kingdom smack down on this mess in America, it will bring forth salvation and judgment. Biden is an illegitimate so called President. I don’t address him as the President. Not now! Not ever!
Amen Pastor! Saw you on Flashpoint the other night & totally agree with what you and Hank and Kat said about not even offering congratulations to a stolen election and fraud President and vice president. These people trespassed into President Trump’s rightfully won 2nd term, and the 80-100 million voters are rightfully furious! They are all usurpers and “won” by rigging an election, that is quite evident to the whole world now. This is a coup against our government, and our spineless legislators, and corrupt judges, save a handful of brave men and women, all took part in this sedition and treachery. We have to totally rely on our Almighty God and Father to right this wrong, because mere man cannot do it, the enemy is entrenched too deeply… Our merciful God thru our Lord Jesus Christ, has heard our cries and sobbing and entrities for His help. Now we have to wait on His timing and methods, and keep the faith…
He will be a has been Prez soon. A total sham ! A fake ! He KNOWS he lost, but still has the audacity to think he won. Living a lie, and believes his own lies. Pure evil…the devil….totally influenced by demons.
I call him pretend president if I call him anything. So very sad!!!
Thank you Mario!!!! You are loved and prayed for!!!!
I remain a firm servant of God who is extremely hurt that our nation is going back to ‘hell in a handbag’ With Biden in charge (actually, a hand puppet of the demorat party) I can’t stand the thought of all the horrors that will take over our nation!! I put my head down and forge forward determined to continue to make others aware of God’s love so that maybe we won’t have to be hurt as badly as the demorats want to do!
I think everyone forgets Biden had brain aneurysm surgery in the late 80’s- and has just fallen from there. No one at his age, and health history should be President. I have epilepsy, so I can’t be a pilot. I came to realization. Dude is sick.
Amen! Standing on His Word:
Exodus 7: 5
“The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD”
You speak the TRUTH. Thank you. My conscience is clear, too. May God continue to bless you as you do your great work.
Amen I agree All through the Bible God used imperfect people to mighty things in his name! I Would ask these so called Christians that hate and Judge Trump: Are they lacking in discernment (Which they need to pray for) or Creating a God in their own image (because no one has the right to tell Got what to do) The Bible states “by their fruit you will know them” what kind of fruit is the commander-in-thief Biden is producing in just his first days in office.
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Sir I support you completely as I did Donald Trump. You are so right. Praying these people have a bit of a brain to realize their wrong and repent. I’m praying for my nation and waiting on My Father God. Lord use me to share love of Jesus to my neighbors, family and children and city.
God bless you i hope that im trying to do right.i love what you do youre a gifted prophet.i pray god moves soon .
I tried to warn people that this was coming on both Twitter and Parler (both accounts are shut down now.) My own lost daughter thinks Biden is just wonderful. I’m worried for her. But I am still believing God for a miracle. I will not be moved from that.
But of course Biden is wonderful. He is the “wonderful”Kingpin of Fraud.
Still standing in faith that God is about to move in a big and mighty way
Amen!! I stand in total agreement with every word you spoke!…
I am sending to several family and friends who are very confused right now, some are discouraged, some are rejoicing they got their “ puppet” man in the White House!!
I love what you said Mario! I love that you always speak truth ,,,,,we are so in need of your voice of truth and Godly wisdom!!
Praying for your upcoming Modesto Meetings! God Bless you, Mechelle, family and MMM team!!??????????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Another excellent truthful post! Amen!
I find it difficult to believe that anyone voting for biden could have had enough True Spiritual Light to actually be a CHRISTIAN.
I tried to share… But, being a nobody no one listened…
I am really wondering—-why do we then pay taxes?
…to support abortion or contribute to the Marxist brain washing of our children etc?
Have many thoughts what the solution could be….
I believe that one of the reasons that the Lord has not yet intervened, and I know without a doubt he will eventually, is to show “believers” just what they voted for, like telling them, “this is what you wanted, this is what you got.” Those people will know that they need to repent for what they have done.
Yes, Louie,!
Exactly… you got it! God is giving us a little taste of how miserable life would be under these kinds of devils. He is waiting for true Christians to pray, repent, and ask for deliverance! Only when, like ancient Israel, Americans have suffered enough and come to our senses, will God intervene. Trump is the legally elected President and is waiting in the wings, but God will only bring him back into the spotlight when we as a nation have humbled ourselves and repented. The quicker we come to terms with God as a nation the quicker He will deliver us. My opinion… Christians that voted for Biden are either completely deluded as to their relationship with our Savior, or they are just willfully ignorant. Either way they sinned a great sin by voting for demonic entities wearing skin.
Thank you for another powerful, thought provoking article. You remind me so much of David Wilkerson, no matter what, speaking forth truth. I am so thankful for you and your ministry.
Amen, God is allowing people to see a glimpse of what they voted for. Praise God this establishment will very short lived?
what you see is what you Get’s.. America is getting a Big Fat Eye opener. Wake UP Call from Heaven.
I pry. God Does something soon. The Pipe Line is HUGE Set Back.. It’s very Grievous Watching this Mad Man at the Helm Destroy this Country at the Wave of a PEN.. . As for ME… I’m Tapping my Foot and Looking up at the same time..
Yes, VERY short lived!!
The Lord said this about Jan 20th, you can not accuse a person of stealing something until they leave the building…and now I am showing people who eyes have been open, what they have voted for…otherwise they would not believe. No discernment . They have to be shown. Repent for things are about to change.
So powerful. Thank you – your obedience to our Father is a Godsend to many who struggle with our own voice.
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Dear friends, I believe we are about to see a fulfillment of Isaiah 26:20-21 and Isaiah 27:1. Praise the Lord Jesus!
20 Come, my people, enter your chambers,
And shut your doors behind you;
Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,
Until the indignation is past.
21 For behold, the Lord comes out of His place
To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;
The earth will also disclose her [l]blood,
And will no more cover her slain.
1 In that day the Lord with His severe sword, great and strong,
Will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent,
Leviathan that twisted serpent;
And He will slay the reptile that is in the sea.
Amen!!! I completely agree.
God ain’t done yet. There is a mighty storm ready to blow through this land. Are you ready.
I have had these verses all through the oandemic
Still all in on miracles. This blog & the Bible are the best part of my day. Thank you for all you do!!!!
Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
It’s time to build the tent ⛺️ and have revival, focus on JESUS, start praying and reading our Bibles. God is about to shake up things more, they will turn on each other. No one can run from God when he calls you to be set apart and join him. Time for Accountability, your either for God or against him, he is waiting on you. Pray Mercy and Grace, the winds of change is here ?⚡️????⚡️????
If Biden really won the election, where are all the celebrations? Where is all the glee? Instead of throngs supporting him we have the military turning their backs on him. Instead of millions rushing to congratulate our new president we have military vehicles surrounding DC and fencing it off. That should speak volumes to what happened last November. God knows the truth. So we will see what happens.
Thank you for speaking the truth.
Reading Jan 23, am in Morning and Evening by Spurgeon: “Take courage. Royal feet have left a blood-red track upon the road, and consecrated the thorny path forever.”
Thank you for this post. It actually is a comfort to have my “feeling” affirmed and put into words.
Your book Fire and Glory arrived yesterday. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” My comments in the margin so far.
Thank you, Blessings, Ann Westerman
May our Father continue to anoint with Holy Spirit Power your prayers, your ministry, may it be true of you as was true of Jesus whose confession was: ”I don’t do or say anything that is not authored by my Father.” In His name, Amen On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 3:45 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own > no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are > unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear. Joe Biden is a hand > puppet. His every act and words are choregraphed. There is a short” >
Mario, thank you for your voice in this world. It is so hard to believe that Christians would vote for such evil. I’m praying for God’s intervention.
Yes! Hallelujah..There is a miracle coming in more ways then we think. Great big tents, greater harvests, greater territories, greater numbers of joyfilled workers. ??
**I have a question. If this new administration is illegal, are we still called to pray for them as it says in scripture … 1 Timothy 2:2? I have compassion for Biden and pray for his salvation, he is so lost, but I can not pray for others now occupying the places of leadership in our Govt., I believe God has turned them over to a depraved mind, Romans 1: 26-29.
BUT. .I still keep praying for President Trump, and others.
Thank you, Jayne Hayden
On Sat, Jan 23, 2021, 3:41 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own > no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are > unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear. Joe Biden is a hand > puppet. His every act and words are choregraphed. There is a short” >
Look at Mario’s post earlier in the week.
The Bible does not call us to obey evil leaders. And sadly, some are beyond prayer.
At the time that scripture was written, Nero was in power (you know, the guy who used Christians as human torches). If the early church was commanded to pray for him, I think I can pray for Biden.
Sorry verse three of Romans 13 made it clear that Christians were not to look on Nero as an authority. It says: “the powers that be from God are not a threat to the righteous” Feeding Christians to lions seems to be a threat to the righteous wouldn’t you say? Biden/Harris is too.
Amen and amen so well put!
Sent from my iPad
A very sad truth, stand against this evil and fervently pray for mercy
My vote for President Trump was based on my love for God and his holy word, my love for my family, my love for this great country, my love for freedom and my love for President Trump! My conscience is clear and my convictions were conveyed to my family members. It is my belief that this was the time that determined Christians who walked in religion versus those who walked in a relationship with the only true God. It is not about attending a church, although that plays a role, and operating in religion, it has always been about our personal relationship with the Lord. It is during that personal time when truth is revealed to the human heart. Thank you brother Mario, you are a true blessing to the body of Christ for such a time as this.
Reblogged this on The way I see things … and commented:
God Be With Us is my prayer
Sent from my Samsung Phone.
Wow…Biden is a real big puppet.
Shame on any Christian who voted for this evil ticket of Biden\Harris and excepting them as legitimate leaders, No way! What, so they invoke the 25th and put Kamala ( Jezebel) in? That would be worse. I’m still believing God for a miracle for our country, to rid our country of all this corruption that was exposed! God keep exposing them and kick them out of office. The deep state is everywhere even the local government. A line has been drawn for Christians… Who side are you on, will you stand for your country or will you let this evil continue like nothing much will happen? I am frustrated with these Biden Christians who don’t act like Christ- Like Christians! God do a miracle for our country and decertify this fraudulent election that was put upon us in the coming days and we thank you in advance, Amen.
So true Mario, and already codifying abortion has become a top priority of this administration — just two days after Biden’s inauguration.
White House announced yesterday that the new administration will codify Roe vs Wade to allow legal abortions in the event the Supreme Court overturns the 1973 ruling. Here is an excerpt of that statement:
“The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to codifying Roe v. Wade and appointing judges that respect foundational precedents like Roe…we are deeply committed to making sure everyone has access to care—including reproductive health care—regardless of income, race, zip code, health insurance status, or immigration status.”
On the other hand, President Trump enacted pro-life policies and laws — more than any other President — and also appointed three pro-life judges to the high court.
For those evangelical leaders who supported Biden, your vote also endorsed the Democrat party’s radical agenda that includes legalized abortion — funded with your tax dollars — at any stage of pregnancy. Let that sink in and the consequences of your vote that perpetrate such hideous evil.
Sooner or later, it will bring God’s judgment to our land, if it hasn’t already.
Just remember you cannot fight evil with compromise and understanding. Appeasement only begets greater evil.
Pray this evil legislation is defeated in Congress and never reaches the President’s desk for signature.
“Appeasement only begets greater evil.”
That is exactly right! It baffles me that people can’t see it. The strong delusion spoken of in the last days? Perhaps.
Yes, going along to get along reaps greater wickedness, deceiving and being deceived. Definitely the strong delusion with a destructive conclusion. Nothing sinks into those with a seared conscience.
There is a miracle coming.Yes! It cannot be rigged. I believe, stand with the prophets, the day, the hour we do not know, but DELIVERANCE is coming, inthe meantime suffering from the stupidity of the human race who do not look to their Maker. But God, who is rich in mercy. We will hold the line to see our deliverance and continue to pray for Pres.Trump. Righteousness and truth will SPRING forth.
I couldn’t agree more. I continue to pray and believe God for a miracle.
I voted for Trump because i would never vote for someone who wants to kill babies. They are a wonderful gift from God.
I really love this article
If you don’t mind I am going to post different pieces of it everywhere I can think of again and again.
The Christians that voted for Biden mocked God to His face. And there is no excuse for them not knowing he is evil.
They WILL find out that God is NOT mocked and that it is a very fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Absolutely true. I always appreciate Mario’s comments on FlashPoint.
Love watching from Canada. I believe Canada can learn from U.S.A.
Thank you for continued writing under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Lord will fight for us and we will prevail. Righteousness and justice will prevail! “We will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” United States of America – ONE NATION UNDER GOD! Truth will prevail and evil is being exposed!
Thank you for your courage to post boldly Mario..I still stand and expecting a miracle!!
On Sat, Jan 23, 2021, 3:41 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own > no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are > unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear. Joe Biden is a hand > puppet. His every act and words are choregraphed. There is a short” >
There is a special fragrance of anointing oil the Lord has for those who stand in faith with Him and have not backed down.
“For the scepter of the wicked will not rest upon the land allotted to the righteous, for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil,” Ps. 125:3
Thank you for being courageous in your faith, it has been a sin of the fruit of obedience. It says look God does reward those who seek Him, yes with Himself.
I as many others are believe strongly that God has not said it is over. But I am not sure that those who called evil good will see the wave that suddenly comes upon them.
That should have read a sign of the fruit of obedience
Awe inspiring as always, Mario! Thank you for speaking the truth in love!!!!
[Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear.]
I wonder… I am not so sure that silence in the pulpit, silence in the pews and silence in public life can be assuaged by a mere secret vote for President TRUMP.
Yes, those of us who bothered to vote and who voted for President TRUMP did our part as American Citizens.
But, did that also cover our parts as Christians?
I am not so sure I am guiltless.
I wonder if a few carefully chosen donations above my tithe might have made a difference…
Or, if I had taken the time to engage that extra person in conversation…
Dear Michael: in response to your quote “but did that also cover our parts as Christians?”
Respectfully, I think MANY pastors, ministers, (clergy) are in error for the sin of demoting (dismissing?) God’s offices as JUDGE of the earth, GOVERNOR of nations, KING of kings, LORD of Lords, CAPTAIN of salvation, to name just a few.
Those clergy misled their congregations by claiming, wrongfully, that Church/Christians should remain apart from Government. (Wrong interpretation of our Constitutional rights!)
As a result, millions shied away from doing their civic duties. Millions were happy to be absolved of any responsibility for the functioning of their nations. Loss of funding, lack of poll workers, lack of volunteers, lack of support of correct education in government operations, lack of truth in media, etc., only added to the diminishing strength of citizens’ God-given freedoms.
Add to that pot of error, include the muddying of the words “politics” and “government.” These are not interchangeable terms. Narratives purposefully misuse these terms to further dissuade citizens from engaging in their rights for honest representation.
Although, each individual IS responsible to God for their own sin in this, He will help those who turn to Him. He will help us as He exposes the snare of the enemy. (We had no idea we were captives! And have been for many decades!) If we are destined to go “over the cliff”, why would He have exposed such depths of the morass??
MERCY! God brings us hope! Will He find faith?
CHRISTIANS are the more responsible, then, for their civic duty.
As I’ve said many times before, Mario has been telling us to repent for years.
Having done that, we can see, by the grace of God, the truth. Blind, poor, wretched, deluded people. Many will be mortified by their wrong choice!
Ask the holy nation of Israel, did they disrespect the wisdom of God when they mingled with the ungodly agendas? How about now? The age-old enemy is still at war against the LORD, the RIGHTEOUS.
Our God, LORD of Lords, KING of Kings, JUDGE of the earth, GOVERNOR of nations, and CAPTAIN of Salvation, JESUS CHRIST has the final say.
Good Word! It comes back to Salt & Light and what you consider worthy of preserving…
All your points ring true…
I wouldn’t remain on Mario’s email list if he wasn’t also telling us to repent.
It’s just that in light of the tidal wave approaching us (Think The tidal range in the Bay of Fundy is about 16 metres (52 ft) [and very fast]) I tend to think he erred on the side of encouragement, *IF* he erred at all.
Somehow I think all of us are “off” bullseye a bit.
My conscience is clear with no fear here. No wondering or wandering in the wilderness here. My vote for Trump was a vote against pure wickedness. My conscience is definitely clear.
No question, mine, too!
Michael A Druckenmiller Sr
This election was stolen—Stop shaming the ones that voted for Trump into “Oh, if I’d only done more.
[This election was stolen—Stop shaming the ones that voted for Trump into “Oh, if I’d only done more.]
Isn’t it true that only the guilt feel shame. If you are guiltless then no sweat.
*BUT* what if I’m right and the angels were waiting for the order to intercept the steal but…
Secondly, I must speak what I’ve been given. If Mario blocks me that is his blog, and his business.
Thank you Mr. Murillo. Prayers for you and your family and team. Keep up the good work. Love and Blessings❣
On Sat, Jan 23, 2021, 3:46 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own > no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are > unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear. Joe Biden is a hand > puppet. His every act and words are choregraphed. There is a short” >
America doesn’t deserve Donald J Trump!!
This is so EXCELLENT, there’s no adding to it. Thank you, Bro. Murillo, for your Spirit-filled, truthful boldness! We are sharing!
Jack and Judy Davies
Thank you Mario again for speaking truth. Praying for those who need to see truth and for all of us to keep our eyes on Jesus and do all he tells us to do!??????
Wilderness of Deception…(dream)
…a mélange of numbers and people that represent past and present rolled as one, the future holds a question.
….in spirit I saw an open field where people are walking along a walkway that showed photos of the past compared to the present. Soldiers disguised/wearing common clothing instead of uniforms and police watched everyone as they walked in a single file paying tribute to ghost/spirit of the past. One person (brother) carried a satchel and a musical instrument that was left behind as I followed the mourners. (not understanding what they see) there were people in the distance celebrating their victory among the bones and blood that was spattered.
I ask a question to the “brother,” if “Father” could intervene, and was told that judgement has been declared and the verdict be obliged.
The House of the Lord/Spirit of Freedom Has been trampled by boots worn by the enemy. Time, is the keeper and judge. The ashes of the past, (Humpty Dumpty) are scattered and no longer contain knowledge to put the bequest the Creator/Almighty endowed upon the remnant that follow His laws rendered eons ago. The “gift” from within, is liken to a “mustard seed” barely perceivable, with care grows into a majestic tree that harbors and protects the lives that rest upon its’ branches. The message, is an awareness that determines choices; follow the truth, or be led by a false trail of crumbs that lead to depths of servitude to an idol of perversion.
Deception is hidden in the image of false beauty that immature emotions cannot perceive the message that clings to idolatry. Example: advertisement that claim, “objects” that make chores easier, is a hidden agenda to make the consumer salivate/hunger to satisfy the appetite to rise above poverty, and wear the badge of greed. The path of truth has become lost in the wilderness created by deception.
Let’s continue to Praise God and read his word (I myself need to be better about that), he has heard our prayers.
MARIO, I have had no word from the LORD concerning this—But I keep feeling that an Earthquake is going to hit Washington and swallow up KEY buildings….I feel that TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL WILL BE SPARED AS A SIGN FROM GOD.
I know the Bible says that GOD uses Earthquakes to awaken the spiritually dead…..One can’t get more spiritually dead than Washington DC and many of its inhabitants. (Swamp Creatures, and those who Betrayed President TRUMP!)
I have been feeling this for days.
Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
Hello Mario Marillo,
I look forward to your word every morning. I appreciate everything you say. I must admit I am discouraged and angry at what has happened. Confused also.
I do put my trust in God. I refuse to concede to a man who is in office illegally. I don’t know how, and I don’t know when, but I know God has a plan.
Thank you for your daily words of wisdom.
Blessings, Joan Bingham Santa Rosa, CA
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Thanks Mario for your boldness and discernment. Some of my liberal family members “drank the koolaid” and are emboldened in the falsehood. I keep praying for God to have His way….I know what is happening right now in our government is NOT what He wants although I am encouraged by the salvations and miracles occurring! Blessings on you and your ministry.
thanks for sending. This is great!!!! I agree with Mario! Sending it onward.
Sent from my iPad
“Seek ye first the truth , and the truth shall set you free.”
The Word of God
When will they wake up!? Christians CANNOT be demoncrats.
You are either one or the other.
To the I believe soldier of “Nam”, you as well as many others did your part. I gave to the feckless GOP. No more!
Even in my Liberal area, no celebrations, the few Puppet/Jezebel signs in the area disappeared shortly after Nov 3.
The Evil embedded in our Government is Blatant. Those of reprobate minds do not see. The Faithful can, and pray. In Genesis the bargaining to save the Evil cities started at only 50 righteous people. I believe there are more than 50 praying believers just on this blog.
Mario has a gift in writing. Am happy with his concise writings. Finished Vessels of Fire & Glory, starting Critical Mass.
Amen!! My hope is in Jesus!!!
You did it again Mario – pinpoint accurate analysis of what happened this past election. God has raised your voice for such a time as this! Esther 4:14. Hopefully everyone receiving your email blogs will forward them to those on their list as I’ve done.
Thank you for this letter. I couldn’t have said it any better!
This is sobering but it is the truth.
Kathy Bichsel Ministries P.O. Box 117 Cranbury, NJ 08512 609-477-9695
Sent from my iPhone
Amen, my faith, trust is in the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for everyone to see that the hope is in God and the Bible, God’s word. I voted for President Trump because of his love of America and the Godly foundation that America was founded on.
Thank you Mario for your truthful insight on what will be happening. I, like you voted for Mr Trump, because I felt like he did what was best for this country, not that he some spiritual leader. The first President in a long time that didn’t start a war, he pursued the hard tasks that others would not attempt because it went against the lobbyists money and plans.I believe we first need to straighten out our voting fraud issues and come up with a legitimate way to vote going forward. This needs to start now. If we don’t accomplish that, then the God haters will continue and we will never have another person who is willing to stand up to imbedded greedy fraudulent swamp that we have in politics. Let me say this too, this applies to all the God haters and baby killers , and corrupt, compromised politicians on both sides.
Remember, it is was during a Republican President and a 6-3 republican Supreme Court that they the Supreme Court voted 7-2 to allow abortions. Why would we think these so called conservative judges would have backed up President Trump’s claims to the fraud of this election.No one since then really tried to do anything to change W/ R except Reagan.
The corruption and compromise is from both sides right up to our VP. They all showed their true colors…that being blue. The scriptures and Jesus himself tells us that before He comes back things will be terrible, leading to the great tribulation. We must continue in prayer and ask God to help us to reflect His light in this corrupt wicked world. Hate is not the answer, somehow starting with each of us , we must begin loving others again and sharing the gospel.
The problem is the majority of people in out country, want to have abortions and have us pay for it. They want same sex marriage and or a life of immorality and desire the left so they can be their own Gods. Man has tried to do this since the beginning of time. American’s real God is their money.
Biden will provide easily access to their lifestyle and taunt the unrighteous laws that are against what God’s Laws and precepts state.
There have been corrupt leaders all over the world for centuries, some voted in and some who assumed power by force. America is no different or better than other people or other countries. God allows things to happen so that we might turn back to Him, repent and follow His Word. The church is at fault for being cowards and being compromised with the world. The church is more like the world vs the world becoming more like what the Word instructs us to become. These churches teach doctrines of men vs the true pure Word of God. Many of the leaders are spineless, they don’t teach the scriptures, they teach false truths, and not Gods laws. God’s judgement starts in the house of God. All of these false prophets we heard from in the last few years, were just like those in Jeremiah’s day…..they all proclaimed that all is well, we will not go into captivity, in Babylon Trump will win. Jeremiah and Ezekiel were the only ones speaking truth. Judah did go into captivity for 70 years. Let’s focus on the word and what is says vs some man’s view.
1 Peter 4:12 NASB
[12] Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;
We are about to see these times for sure. We did not seek the kingdom first, but our own self interests. Thank you Mario for your encouragement and reminding all of us….. that it is the Kingdom of God that we await with Jesus leading the way.
Why are you attacking prophets? Trump did indeed win! Hello
please change my email from to
On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 3:41 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own > no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are > unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear. Joe Biden is a hand > puppet. His every act and words are choregraphed. There is a short” >
Mario you have inspired me to be obedient to Jesus Christ.Thank You!!
A true believer other than someone bound by demonic oppression or a new convert would vote for a pro abortion platform.
David Wilkerson explains that we can be Christians in name only.
I had to build an alter after hearing this years ago.
If the shoe fits…………
Mario, I stand and so do many others! Bless you, let’s hold another revival. Linda
| | CHRISTIANS WHO VOTED FOR BIDEN by mariomurilloministries |
Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear.Joe Biden is a hand puppet. His every act and words are choregraphed. There is a short video making the rounds that clearly shows him walking into the Capitol building, and as he approaches two Marines who are standing at their posts outside the door, Biden obviously gets a command through his earpiece reminding him to salute them, but instead of saluting the Marines, he merely repeats the phrase and says out loud, “Salute the Marines.” Nice catch!— [interdasting] (@JimboGoestoDC) January 20, 2021 This video presents us with three chilling facts. First, Biden is so mentally deficient that he cannot remember to salute Marines without a prompt. Second, his deficiency is so advanced he cannot tell the difference between a command to act or to speak. Third, someone is telling him what to do.For the first time in American history, our President does the unquestioned bidding of people who hate America. That explains his first day in office:Killing the Keystone Pipeline: On his first day in office, Biden killed thousands of jobs for union workers and increased America’s dependence on foreign energy. This was a move that both weakened our economy and strengthened our enemies.Mass abortions: In his first day in office, he not only bolstered abortions here at home, but ordered that your tax dollars be used to pay for abortions in the U.S., as well as promoting abortions in other nations.Environmental madness: In his first day in office, he rejoined the World Health Organization and The Paris Agreement, both of which further solidified China’s power over Americans and unleashed the unicorn-environmentalists on our economy.Trading citizenship for votes: In his first day in office, he flung our borders open to millions in a scheme so dastardly as to present a new low, even for Democrats: they are trading American citizenship for Democrat votes. A massive caravan is approaching our southern border at this moment, where they will be welcomed with open arms. And, since he has also halted the building of the wall, America will be less protected from terrorists, MS-13 members, drug dealers and illegals who will quickly disappear into our cities. Vast numbers of them will arrive to be provided with free healthcare—in the middle of a pandemic—amid massive unemployment, and after the death of hundreds of thousands of small businesses. The political elite want to secure their power for decades by providing many grateful voters.So, let me ask you: That was day one. What will America look like after 1,459 more days of this?Many Christians who voted for Biden are bashing those who supported Trump. They are saying we were foolish to follow such a flawed leader. We were wrong to trust prophets. We were heartless to the poor and that we were identifying with racism. We were displeasing Christ and we were wrong to be involved in politics. Blah, blah, blah.You think you look hip, lucid and fashionable to outsiders, but that is a momentary reprieve. Soon, you will have to reconcile your vote with your Christianity. Soon there will be drag queens reading to children in our public libraries, boys in the girl’s restrooms, unreached heights of terminating babies in late term abortions, and censorship of all things Christian. Then you will realize what you have voted for.When atheism comes calling with a hatred for God, an atheism that cares nothing about your ‘woke’ version of Christ, and comes with guidelines that only allow their version of Christianity, a version far from the word of God—when you look in your child’s eye and explain how their future will be designed by other nations and other values―just remember your vote. And remember the ridicule you spewed at Trump supporters.How puny does your offense over Trump’s rudeness appear now? How does anything Trump texted compare to the danger and wickedness you see currently oozing out of the White House? You are now part owner of everything Biden does to America. Whatever happens from here on out will reflect on your choice. By putting Biden first, you put America last. And I will leave it to God to decide how your vote reflects on your faith.If you voted for Biden, and still insist you did the right thing, I can neither agree with you nor console you. If you are open to God, there is a peace and forgiveness available, and there is still time to participate in the great work of God here on earth that will soon arrive.To those who discerned the times, stood with Trump, and are still standing for one nation under God, there is the peace of knowing you obeyed your conscience and stood with the vision of America that the Founding Fathers received from God. Not only that, but there is still a miracle coming―and it is a miracle that cannot be rigged.
What’s on my mind?…
Do you smell it?…
John 11:38-43 TPT
Then Jesus, with intense emotions (He does not rebuke us for our emotions but He weeps when we weep?), came to the tomb—a cave with a stone placed over its entrance.
Jesus told them, “Roll away the stone (the stone in “my interpretation” is symbolic of man’s decision to give up hope? or lose faith? for a resurrection even after Jesus had said)…
vs.4 When he heard this, he said, “This sickness will not end in death for Lazarus, but will bring glory and praise to God. This will reveal the greatness of the Son of God by what takes place.” (I love how God just “does God” and doesn’t apologize ?)
(We all have a heaviness, like a stone, in our hearts right now because it seems that death, “the inauguration,” has come but go ahead and roll that stone of hopelessness away!!!.)
Then Martha said, “But Lord, it’s been four days since he died—by now his body is already decomposing ???(stinks to high heaven)!”
Jesus looked at her and said,…
that if you will believe in me, you will see God unveil his power?” (Haven’t we been listening to the prophetic words!?)…
So they rolled away the heavy stone. Jesus gazed into heaven and said,…
“Father, thank you that you have heard my prayer, for you listen to every word I speak.
Then with a LOUD VOICE JESUS SHOUTED WITH AUTHORITY! (He is the ONE in charge)
“Lazarus! Come out of the tomb!”
Here you go….
Don’t stop believing! Put your big boy and big girl panties back on and stand up…
Because that smell we’re smelling is………..
And that’s what’s on my mind.
Much Love, Charlotte
On Sat, Jan 23, 2021, 2:46 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own > no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are > unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear. Joe Biden is a hand > puppet. His every act and words are choregraphed. There is a short” >
Amen! So True. We are still fighting, standing and believing. Lord Your Will on Earth as it is in Heaven. Our Only Hope.
I agree with you Mario.
I had a vision about Biden, he was one of the puppets on a string being controlled by the VP and the bad Democrats. He can’t do anything unless told to.
God help us and I’m praying for this country to turn back to God and repent.
Thanks for your ministry and God bless you for strength, courage and wisdom in these trying days. Amen!
Thank you! And God bless.
I was serious about sending you the childrenâs books for freeâsee my email yesterday. If you missed it, I will copy it below.
One of your best, Mario! As this disaster proceeded inexorably, culminating in an illegitimate ‘Inauguration Day’ and the immediate spew of documents signed by the CCP puppet-in-office, I was hit by the certainty that all this had to come about because of the entrenched Trump-haters who cannot see beyond their own ‘personality’ issues. Many of these people cried ‘conspiracy theories’. Well, they are about to have the truth downloaded upon them in a massive dump. This, unfortunately for the rest of the US public, had to happen. The slimy species at the bottom of the swamp HAVE to be revealed because many, unfortunately, have no discernment.
Read Revelation 21:8, *But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” And for some, it may come sooner than they think.
God still hates liars and cheats – and His will is going to come to pass: WITHOUT FAIL!
Mario, Standing with you in prayer! Taking a stand with the armor of God and my sword(word of God). Standing at attention in obedience to my God. With ear to the ground I await His commands. Although James Russell Lowells peoms stem from slavery, I am lead to look at his poem with spiritual eyes. On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand. Kathleen Hessley
| | | God, give us Peace! not such as lulls to sleep, But sword on thigh and brow with purpose knit! And let our Ship of State to harbor sweep, Her ports all up, her battle lanterns lit, And her leashed thunders gathering for their leap. James Russell Lowell Onward Christian Soldiers! |
insane isn’t it?
They compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause.For my love they are my adversaries: but I give myself unto prayer.
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I am more than glad that I heeded the will of God and voted again for Donald Trump, and I am continuing to trust God to intervene and make this right. I agree, that He waited until Lazarus was stinking before He intervened, and He will do it again.
The agenda of these crazy leftists is ruining the country on a daily basis. The only way God would not intervene to stop this madness is if He is finished with America, and He is not. We could not survive four years of this madness.
Come, Lord Jesus! Come Holy Spirit! Do Thy marvelous work to save this nation!
Why “he” was signing executive orders, he said, “I don’t even know what I am signing,” then proceeding to sign the next order. They’ve been planning this heist for YEARS.
It is the hidden third term of Obama, and will be Harris, if we do not take a stand for Truth and Life. We do not compromise with evil; we do not tolerate evil; we do not conform to this world, we conform to Christ and take his Way, Truth and Life. Abba Father, we cry out to you, we ask and thank you in advance, for saving our Republic Under God; save the lost and ignorant; wake up those who are still asleep with the Light of Christ; save the church from infiltrators; expose those in government who are corrupt, compromised, blackmailed, bribed, and committing fraud; save America as a constitutional republic under God our Father whose Government is on the shoulder of Jesus. We do not consent to be governed by any one but Christ, our standard of Righteousness, we take it by faith. In God our Father and his Christ we TRUST.
A sad day for America as my heart was crushed, I thought of my Children and grandbabies, and the Country I loved so dear, and the God I love above all, for they will destroy our way of life and the Nation, no one will be safe here any more, our schools will teach as if S & G has taken over, they will put more and more people out of work, give trillions to other countries while people here starve, an evil has taken over that is more of those giants in Gen 6, a mix of human and fallen angel, but programmed by satan to hate and not be able to love, destruction in there vains, an evil that hates God and his creation with a spite, and you can’t make the church today see it, they have sold out on the living God and united with devils, I was hoping the Military would be called in, because this country was worth dying for, and they committed acts of war, by out side interference, and rigging machine and using a bio weapon against the people with 99% survival rate, but put fear and panic in the people, this country was worth going to war for here on these grounds, now the murder and stealing will be done through them any way, so we might want to go after souls while we can, because we may have but a shot time to even do it before things get worse, we allowed what God said not to, and complained of the man God gave us to be President, who did more good for this Nation than any President ever, so now we have satanss man, lets see how the so called church likes him, but it won’t matter to them they don’t care for souls or preach true word shun evil, so they will be ok until everything starts coloapseing, all the little babies, and the innocent people they will destroy, if we don’t get a miracle from God, they talk about the next election, no one has fixed this one, or Ga. the machine are still rigged, the ballots will still be harvested, so how are we ever going to have another honest election again, Just asking for a friend! but ding, ding, ding, the only one who cared was betrayed and left office, Houston we have a big problem in America where right is concerned, we are in big trouble for now. good word sir
I pray that all the lies and deceit that was used to get Biden in office will be exposed in the United States and the whole world and that the Democrats will have to step down because of all the irrefutable treasonous acts!
Thank You! God Bless You
On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 3:43 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own > no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are > unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear. Joe Biden is a hand > puppet. His every act and words are choregraphed. There is a short” >
Dear God,please hear the prayers of your faithful followers and do something to put our nation back into biblical principles that we were headed for before this ungodly group took over to destroy our country . ???
It’s The Manchurian Candidate in real time.
I cannot believe his wife lets him used this way. She looks totally unperturbed. It’s like the corruption on the inside is overtaking the two of them completely; body, soul, spirit.
They’ll probably say this video is “manipulated media.” The closest thing you’ll get to a confession from them is what they accuse you of.
The manipulation, mind control and yes, witchcraft occurring through the MSM and liberal newspapers….its all so clearly demonic. The Jezebel spirit is real.
You stiffen spines with courage, Brother. God bless you. He’s uniquely marked you for this hour. Keep using your voice. Keep using your pen as a sword!!
Amen!! Thank you for being obedient and sharing God’s word to those with ears to hear, and eyes to see!!! May God continue to watch over you and bless you on this journey!!!! Keep your armor on, and standing strong!!!! God Bless!!!!!
l send love to u mario. Thank u for confidence to speak truth. l am blessed that l got to see you in person over 30 years ago at CFC. l immediately bought your book Armed and Dangerous. l also saw you in person at new horizon in fife wa and immediately gave $100 into your ministry.
l pray for continued boldness in your speaking truth. l am blessed to have seen you in person, and hope that l can come to a tent meeting in the near future. Keep up the Godly work, as l plead the blood and the body of Jesus over you and ask for that hedge of protection to around you and you go forth with the unadulterated word of God.
“President Joe Biden’s United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Thursday stopped executive orders from his predecessor designed to significantly lower prescription drug prices for Americans, including insulin and epinephrine.”
AKA why the church must get its act together and heal the sick so we are not captive to drug, sickness, out of control drug prices, and the whims of wicked men like the illegitimate one.
Excellent response, Swordandspiritwriter.
What will we do when this disease comes up? When that person is afflicted? Or when there’s no more prescriptions available???? Come to the Church where the Healer manifests thru His Body!
Believers: Speak to the waves, cast those “looming” mountains into the sea, cast OUT devils, set captives free, remove the burdens, destroy the yokes, preach the good news!
Call confusion to the enemy’s camps, thwart their communication, in Jesus’ Name, amen.
Rebuke symptoms of the curse! Stand on the Blessing of the LORD, let the redeemed of the LORD say so! Speak The Blessing everywhere. Claim your neighborhood for God’s saving grace, walk the area, speak the cleansing of the Blood of Jesus move on your neighbors, favor of God in your town.
Get creative, people, like our Father. When we say/speak what He told us to, the Father in us does the works!
Meanwhile, wait “well” as the Father takes care of His business in the nation.
Finally! Someone else who believes the same way! I have said the same thing and I get called a false prophet and a cult leader. Made me laugh! I thought thanks for the promotion and wondered how many followers I have. Lol
Hi, I left a Comment on the Flashpoint show this week and received a Reply from you. In your Reply you asked me to contact your email address because you have more information for me. Would this be a Hacker or did you request me to contact you at
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The great work of God through a people who are united with Jesus in His death and resurrection has been been going forth for 2,000 years. Mario’s word about “the great work of God here on earth that will soon arrive” blinds us to the daily increase of the great harvest that has been going on for decades.
Voting for the Democratic platform is clearly a rejection of God and His ways but, if voters are responsible for everything leaders that they voted for do, we are responsible for all that Trump, a flawed leader, said and did. This isn’t biblical. We are each responsible for our words and actions.
The founding fathers did not receive “the vision of America” that Mario and other NAR leaders promote. The kingdom of God can’t be diminished by decline in our nation. The kingdom of God is obscured and diminished by compromising, self-serving Christians and by false teachings about America’s ‘destiny’ to be ‘the light’ to all nations.
God will always be supreme and although merciful to all, even the corrupt…He will not be mocked! When He has given everyone every chance to repent and receive Jesus, His judgement will fall and NO ONE will be able to lie it away! Meanwhile there is a burning fire of righteous love that is burning off the deception and corruption and even the disobedient will not be able to deny it! Two choices…….find the beautiful ways of God through Jesus or be destroyed! Greater is Jesus in us who believe than he that is in the world! Judy
Do not lose hope! Our God is not finished!
Really really love the way you explain things Mario. May God use you wonderfully and powerfully.
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I never thought I would experience this. Thank you so much for your boldness and candidness.
What I see is a murderous, totally corrupt, evil, Godless, totalitarian communist regime placed into power. I will never become a communist. God, this is your battle. Our eyes are upon you. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
I will add this to my above comment. I participate in 2 prayer conference calls per week, one on Tuesday night, the other on Sunday afternoon. These are prayer calls with ministry leaders from all over America. None of us are famous household names, and most of us are involved in pastoral ministry, evangelism, and prison ministry. Tuesday night is usually 2 hours long, Sunday afternoon is 1 hour long.. We believe that our prayers are heard and answered by God, that our prayers make a difference in this world, and that nothing is impossible with Him. Any or all of you who read this could create your own prayer conference call with several prayer warriors you know. I encourage you to do so. There is power in the prayer of faith and agreement. Light this nation up and watch God work!
I agree with every word and still trust GOD to come through! And want to encourage with with Psalm 94 then Psalm 95! We will be victorious over the evil! GOD be praised! My mind is so full if eternity that I wonder how people can not see where they will spend eternity? Satan has so blinded man and so sad they can’t see how much he hates them so! He hates GOD and man is made in HIS image!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Thanks for your clear comment, Mario! Although I am a Dutch (from Holland) I followed everything happening in America since months! Even I was very sad about the installing of the new (so-called) president on January 20! Now there is a great responsibility for the Church for dedicating itself to the Lord and to stand firm in oppression! The Lord bless you, Mario, and also the church to grow in strength and passion for our Lord Jesus ??❣
I will add to my comment above that I am at a complete loss for words when I talk to other Christians in the Body who know nothing (on purpose?) about the facts about this election and voter fraud or believe a half-truth. And then say, “Well, we have to be careful where we get our news from.” Like I’m in my basement with a tin foil hat on!!! People, this HAPPENENED. And everyone’s just going back to their lives as if it didn’t.
Overnight, it’s as if anyone who stands for truth are now the ones to fear who are crazy – who dare to step outside of the narrative and think for themselves. That’s the demonic narrative, anyway.
I can’t help but think that this is only going to increase in churches, as those who know and stand on the Word are going to start to stand more and more alone – WITHIN the church. The separation of the wheat and tares.
Thank God for those here who get it. It really helps to know you’re “out there.”
I know God sees all, and will move. He will. He knows best the timing.
Amen. I am in full agreement. God is coming full speed ahead and our mighty King Jesus is more than ready and willing to equip His disciples! Praying for those that are in need of salvation to step forward, unashamed, for a burning desire in their to get on the right side with God!
This current presidency time is short…..and with that being said, “God’s time is not our time.” With all this happening, as we pray, God takes care of our spirit.
If you voted for Biden, you’re clearly not serving God. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not saved. But as Jesus said, “By their fruits you will know them.” If you love God, then you will keep his commands. So if you voted for Biden, it’s obvious who you’re really serving. 😛
Since you are a professed Christian, I am eagerly looking forward to your public apology and repentance for lying about President Biden’s words. Thank you.
Dear Mike, listen again..he clearly said the word “the” so he said “looking the good marines”? that’s better? And you are citing the Washington Post? That rag owned by Bezo is totally in the tank for Biden and utterly despises Trump. I trust nothing from them.
I’ve listened to the clip around a dozen times. Yes, it sounds more like “salute the marines” than “good-looking marines.” For the Washington Compost to say that they determined that Biden didn’t say “salute the marines” is totally dishonest. At the very least, they could have said that it’s not completely clear what he said. Also, he didn’t even really look at the marines, so why would he say “good-looking marines”?
Yes, these so-called newspapers are like the boy who cried wolf. They’ve lied so many times that, even if they were to tell the truth about anything, no one with two functioning brain cells would ever believe them!!! 😉
I’m looking fwd to your public repentance for siding against a man of God such as Mario in favor of a demonically inspired creature like joe Biden.
Thank you for standing and not backing down!
Amen and Amen!
I was angry, so angry. But then I realized my peace was being stolen from me. My dedication is to my Heavenly Father, not to any man. I did not vote for Fake Biden. I know the election was fraudulent. I even know who was behind it, Arturo from Italy, who has been arrested and confessed.
I’ll be honest. I don’t see where anything is going to change. I believe we need to speak God’s Word at every opportunity. If Father tells us to speak to someone, then do it. And ask Him who wants His Word.
Some people wanted same sex marriage. Some people said we had to stop children from worshiping God, and took Him out of their schools. Then some people said lets remove God from our government. Therein lies all the problems. They took Father out of every aspect of our lives. Now the wonder why our country has gone to he!! in a hand basket. I don’t wonder why. Demoralization, lies, deceit, murders, that follow certain politicians has brought us to where we are today.
I had people totally ignore me when I tried to tell them what was going on. Now they are asking, what happened?
Yes. Trump did what he could while he was in office, and I respect him for that. But he is just a man, like all of you.
One last thing. I will not ever accept Biden as president. I do believe, eventually, the people behind all this will pay the price. I don’t know if i will see this in my lifetime. It may not happen at all on Earth. It may happen at judgement day. I don’t know. I’m not God. Only He knows when it will come down on them. I am not going to sit here and say, God’s going to turn this all around or do anything else, for that matter. His Word does not tell me He is. We don’t know when he will be sending his son, Christ, back to take us home. For over 2,000 years, people have been saying, we are at the end times. Look at the apostles. Right after Jesus ascended, they were still standing looking up. An angel told them, get on about what you are to do. They thought Jesus was coming back shortly. Some believers have been saying this for centuries. It simply is not for us to know. God says even Jesus or the angels know when Jesus Christ is coming for us. Stop looking at the skies. Start going about your Father’s business. Speak His Word. Bring the children home. That’s our responsibility, to speak God’s Word. It is His to bring the increase.
That one sentence should be, God says, even Jesus Christ, his only begotten son nor the angels know when he is coming for us. God will send him when he is ready, not any sooner. But it’s great to long for the hope of Christ’s return because you will receive the crown of glory in Heaven for that.
Reblogged this on disturbeddeputy and commented:
If you like your apostasy you can keep your apostasy
I voted for President Trump! I honestly believe there was less than 25% of Americans that voted for Biden – the Corruption of our election was IMMENSE! I Believe that GOD will Expose and Dispose!!!
God Bless You and your family and your ministry!
I agree with you sir. Unfortunately the same people that voted for the puppet is also eating the main stream alphabet soup media that paint the pictures on the far Left side of the canvas.
Amen!!! I agree with everything that you said. I do not understand how so called Christians would vote for Biden and support abortion, same sex marriage, reliance on other countries for our trade, energy, etc. They have supported an anti-God, anti-Christ agenda. Only 30% of so called evangelicals believe in the infallible and Holy Spirit inspired Word of God per a Barnum study. This is where the church and pastors have failed to stand firm and fight for the Word of God, fight for His principles, fight for His righteousness. Praying for a great awakening starting in God’s house!! Lord, have mercy!!
I had a dream I was standing on the side of a big busy highway standing on some glistening grass but the only one on the highway what’s Donald Trump he came down the highway on a white Harley-Davidson motorcycle dressed in white waving at me smiling Road big with a thumbs up I believe that is a wonderful sign I’ve had so much anxiety
I thank you for your outspokeness and bravery to stand. I stand with you. I’m amazed your Twitter account is still in tact. It must be God. We believe justice will come and we are watching for it!!!!!
Thank you Mario for speaking truth. Sincerely, Marcia O’Neal.
Anyone who voted for Biden and the Democrats is not a Christian.
Sad pitiful person tumbled over and over in the sea surf until so confused you drank the salt water.
Was it anger that made you use all caps and scream at the rest of us? Or, some form of debility?
A “Citizen of the Heavens” would be Salt and Light wherever they are because we are told to occupy until He comes.
Sorry you can go sit on a mountain or hide in a cave but that is not what Believers are called to do.
Oh good grief. I don’t even know what to say to this kind of nonsense except you obviously are not well informed about everything Trump did to uphold and further Christian values. That is what you should be looking at. Btw, the vaccine is voluntary and I don’t plan to get it.
Linda Clark, neither do my husband or I. There is a video, of a woman, who took the vaccination. Within four days, she went from being totally healthy to having full body convulsions.
I know that is off the subject, but I felt it needed to be pointed out how that it could be disabling to some. And I’ve seen how Biden is pushing us to take it. Not this gal. Not ever.
Also off the subject, 10,000 jobs were lost when Biden stopped the pipe line. A bid for abortion up to nine months, and that includes our tax dollars for those in other countries, as well. No protection at the wall anymore and aliens being allowed to come here. Now some of those will be believers. I’m happy about that, but some, definitely, want us to bow down to their religious beliefs. And all these in less than a week. I know there is more, but it’s late and my brain isn’t working right at this moment. But you get my point.
I, for one, am disgusted that he is able to do anything he wants without any question or anyone trying to stop him. President Trump had to fight for everything he did for us. You bet your bottom dollar I voted for him. So did my husband and our whole ministry. Fake Biden, that’s all I got to say.
Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Eph 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
Eph 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Eph 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Eph 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Eph 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Eph 6:19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
Eph 6:20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
Father, it is time that our country is turned around to what You want. In Christ’s name, So Be It and Amen!