by | Jan 15, 2021 | Christianity Today | 250 comments

Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him at the first sign of trouble. Especially, since God is well able to do a miracle.
I have no personal illusions about my power or influence in this crisis. Donald Trump needs far more than anything I can give him. But what I can do, is write.
The impact of this little blog has shocked me before, and truly―I need it to shock me again. I am praying that what I write here will go well beyond normal channels and into the hearts of many who need to act. Here are my reasons:
1. When the church needed Donald Trump, he was there. He came to our defense at great personal cost. How can we abandon him, now that it might cost us something?
2. Donald Trump knew evil when he saw it. He knew the corrupt and vile leftists that infest Washington. He discerned the evil of the Deep State. He decoded the shameful agenda of the big tech and the media. He abhorred evil and resisted it with every executive order and every appointment to the Supreme Court. How can we not see that it is evil, and only evil, that is trying to control this election?  How can we not see that standing with Trump is to stand against evil? We should be fasting, praying, rebuking, and declaring victory over Satan. We should not be abandoning our post.
3. When things looked impossible, Donald Trump held his ground and continued to confess what he would do—about the economy—about China—about religious freedom. Even when it looked crazy, he would not back down. While his enemies laughed at his promises, Donald Trump simply rolled up his sleeves and did the impossible. Just because we cannot see what that miracle should look like, does not mean we cannot stand with him. Now that he needs a miracle, how can we not stand alongside him and believe for the impossible?
Now you know why I will not abandon Donald Trump. Will you?






  1. Dr. Rebecca Orchard

    We stand firm in support of our legally elected President — with intense love and loyalty.  WE FULLY EXPECT HIM TO CONTINUE AS PRESIDENT.  Our military will see to that, and to the reestablishment of the Republic that was originally established. 
    Wait’ll we all see how it’s done — God is going to astound us all!

    • MiMi

      Amen. Standing in agreement with you.

    • lcwemple

      I thank God for his great mercy through this man and also through Mario. I praise God that we have the privilege to hold them up in prayer and to fulfill all that our God desires for us to do at this hour. I praise God that you enable us for everything that is needed in your peace in your rest.

      • Deborah

        Yes I stand with the President! This is good versus evil! I stand with the Word God gave to his prophets??

    • Linda

      I stand by Donald Trump. I honestly believe God has placed him where he’s at. He loves God and our Country. He has stood up for God and The People. I hate how may have turned his back on him. Me and my little boy Kolten pray for our President Trump and his family every day and will continue to do so.

    • shoshanausa

      We stand firm! God is with us! God put a fiery wall around our President, his family and all the fighting Patriots! Send your Holy Spirit and all of your heavenly Hosts to protect our country and people.
      Thank you Mario for being strong and brave!

    • cretagirl

      Yeesssss? we will stand firm❣️???❣️

    • Julie

      I totally agree one hundred ? percent. Our God is still on the throne and he’s a God that still does the impossible. Watch and wait and see what he does!!!!!!
      Praise God the most high!!!!!!!!!

    • Kenneth R. Nelson

      I respect President Trump.but unfortunately I am unable to afford to buy your book because of rent food clothing etc. THANK YOU!

      • mariomurilloministries

        Kenneth, We are not tying respect for President Trump with buying our material. Please call us at 775 238 3473 to know more.

    • lynn

      Oh so strongly agree

    • lynn

      I support Trump and pray for Gods deliverance

    • Clark


      • Deb Phillips

        Amen!! We are not giving up and stand with our great President Trump. God only needs a moment for a miracle, we cannot give up. Continued fervent prayers for him and our country. To quote a friend’s deceased son”Don’t limit a limitless God”!! The Lord’s word says he is always happy to help us and will give us what we ask for if it is in His will. So ask people!! Thank you Maurio for these words of encouragement. I look forward to hearing from you daily. God’s blessings for you and your ministry.

      • Dondi Doyle


    • Carol J Mattei

      Neither will I abandon my/our beloved President Donald J Trump. I am with him and his precious family too!!! Carol J Mattei January 16.2021

    • Lois Petersen

      Yes and Amen!

    • Terrie Butterfield

      I stand firm and in solid ground with President Trump. I pray for him many times a day and through out the night. We the American People as well as President Trump has had our election stolen from us and we need to take it back and with God’s help we can do this! In Jesus Name, I claim victory over this 2021 Election for President Trump!

    • Earlene Sparkman

      I’m praying an believing with you an all that support OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP and OUR AMERICA??

    • safeway62

      Absolutely Yes!! We will stand for our President Trump as long as it takes. We agree with Dr. Rebecca Orchard – as Matthew 18:19 states. Our Father God will surprise us, just like he said!

  2. T2020

    He loves the Lord and Americans. We pray for him (and his family) daily. May the Lord give him wisdom beyond his years and blessings beyond imagination.

  3. afhveteran

    Standing strong in Colorado. We will not back down to tyranny. Hold the line Mario! We are with you!!
    Charlie Clark (719)661-7895
    On Fri, Jan 15, 2021, 11:24 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  4. Mark DuBois

    No way. I am not abandoning “President Donald Trump.”
    He’s in my prayers every day & night.
    God Bless you brother!

  5. Debora Roberts

    This is what I have been telling friends and family ALL along I believe God’s report.Some say I’m crazy. THAN I’M CRAZY FOR GOD HIS TRUTH HAS SET ME FREE FROM LIES

  6. Carol Clough

    Amen, Mario!
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 12:24 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  7. Linda Clark

    I am praying and fasting for that miracle that President Trump, and all of us, needs. We must stand by ourPresident and look with the eyes of faith and not what the world would have us believe. We are with you too, Mario!!

    • Susan


      • Tanner from Louisiana

        God is exposing all and raising up Vessels of ? Fire ? & Glory….. Believing 4 more years for President Donald J. Trump, 4 more years. ???⚡️?⚡️????⭐️

  8. revelation4me

    I see that my comments are blocked again on this blog. I said that I believe the blackout has begun. Pray for the President’s safety and check with your favorite YouTubers. They may be blocked for the next 2 weeks as a well-known Youtuber has just experienced. That may include news and christian content. The prophetic voices may also be removed.

    • Clark

      I don’t see that?

    • bdk11

      Thank you revelation 4 me ….for the link, our President is just like all of us, he can get discouraged too. Let’s all send him a letter expressing our support and knowing that if we as a country do not somehow get these fraudulent election issues supervised and corrected, this Satan based demonic left will continue the demise of this great country. Let us keep praying that God will keep him strong during these perilous times and pray that we draw even closer in our relationship with our Lord and Savior.

  9. mamahaskins

    “I am confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14
    Everything that is evil is being done away with. Our President will empty the swamp with our God Almighty and His angel army. Uplifted hands!

    • Gwhite

      ? amen!

    • Vicki Patterson

      Amen! Thank you President Trump for all you have done for our great country. May the Lord surround you with His presence, strength Nd encouragement. My eyes and my heart are focused on my Lord. Our great country is not dead, it is being awakened. Thank you! God bless you and your family. God bless America!

  10. markandamiemitchell

    Amen! No we will not abandon him either! Thank you Mario for Standing Firm and praise God for all those you lead to Jesus!
    I truly do believe that God gave us President Trump as a gift to help us and some people didn’t appreciate the gift!
    Miss the Sunday Night Church ????

  11. junglequeen

    In full support from New Zealand, Mario – and glad to see such support from your readers already, this evening! President Donald Trump stood for the Church when many of their leaders were – and are – too craven to put up a fight for the Lord and what He stands for. Shocking and disgusting, sad to say! We see the goats being separated from the sheep by their own admission.
    Bless you Mario – watched clips from your tent meetings today – wonderful work!

  12. Jeralyn Enns

    I stand with President Donald Trump!

  13. Hazel ReVay Seifert

    Amen, Mario! I will stand with and continue interceding for our President Donald J. Trump and the USA! “Greater is He that is with us than he that is in the world!” I think the Lord will perform HIs miracle when it looks like all is lost. What looks like devastation He turns to a mere situation…creating the dry land for us to cross over! “Our God is an awesome God! He Reigns with wisdom, power and love”. Hallelu YAH!

  14. Betty

    Amen! I hear you, discernment, this lack, costly error!
    But God with Him all things are possible, nothing is too hard for Him, this is written. His kingdom come His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Why the delay to answered prayers? Demonic resistance, all things being exposed on unthinkable levels!
    I knew President Trump was God’s choice, in a line of 16 candidates! This term a stolen election! It’s not over people’s!
    Deliverance we need! Keep praying believing trusting asking knocking seeking God’s heart, Your Holy Spirit pour upon men. He delivers and rescues our redeemer Christ the Lord! Do not be afraid this battle the Lord will war and win! Be ready people’s the harvest is ripe. Jesus save?? Open His word read and believe♥️
    ???♥️????look to Jesus now and live!
    Protect strengthen guide direct America’s best President! Your favor be upon him in all wisdom and discernment, Your full counsel Your countenance holy God lead the Jesus name amen purging needed to make America godly again

  15. Melvyn Powell-Rees

    Dear Sir, Keep standing, there is a remnant that has not and will not bow their knees to the globalist new world order. God is separating the wheat from the chaff within the body of Christ. God Bless you for your faithfulness. Melvyn Powell-Rees UK
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021, 06:28 Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  16. aloreneg

    Thank you for this post. Between you and The Donald (and me), God wins. I am so blessed by your ministry, Mario.monthly subscriber. Keep it going. We’re just getting warmed up for more in 2021. Love you,Lorene Godfrey
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

  17. Cya

    So glad the Lord has given you the pen of a ready writer! An old sayng, ‘if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything’. I say, ‘if you don’t stand for truth, you’ve already fallen’. I stand with you brother Mario and I support and pray for our President Donald Trump.

  18. Judy A Fortner

    We DO INDEED have VICTORY! We have victory in this election: We the ppl have reelected our President Donald Trump as the next president to serve for the next 4 yrs. WE WON!!
    We have victory over the evil that is in this nation.
    We have victory because God is raising up His body. We are the salt and light of the earth because of WHO is in us, Jesus our Lord.
    We have victory over all the wiles of the enemy. Over every demon. Over satan himself.
    We stand with God our Father and wait upon Him to bring Righteousness and Justice back into our govt, our land, our nation and the hearts of thee ppl.
    I choose God. I stand with Him. I wait upon Him.
    WE ARE STRONG in Christ Who strengthens us. AMEN.

  19. SandiPaslaski

    I will continue to stand I will continue to pray and believe. I agree with you.

  20. roxycatx

    Thank you Mario. My family have been praying and fasting for GOD almighty to expose and bring justice forth to everyone involved in this. I also believe GOD has the last word and he’s not finished yet he’s never late. Waiting expectantly for a miracle in the POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY NAME AMEN ?? Prayers for you Mario I heard you are going to Modesto CA that’s my hometown I’m in Texas now.

  21. 1nation4God

    Amen! And to continue your list of reasons why we must not abandon Donald Trump:
    4. God said Donald Trump is president for the next four years. God’s Word is the creative power of the universe; whatsoever He speaks becomes Truth. To say anyone else is president is akin to saying a duck is not a duck. It’s that fundamental.
    5. The American people chose Donald Trump. The Deep State does not get to choose for us.
    6. The devil challenges every conviction of Truth in our hearts. The only way he wins is if we lend credence to his challenge. God DID say if we ate the forbidden fruit we would die, and so it was. God DID say Jesus is His beloved Son, and so He is. God HAS said that Donald Trump will be president in the 2021 term, and so he shall be. Don’t eat the fruit. Send the devil packing!

  22. Stephen Voehl

    Mario, Trump will have his 2nd term. It’s not just the prophet now. It is the born-again Christians voices that are speaking out, which are or have been close to POTUS. We will see this Purim like event early next week! Stephen

  23. Colleen Davies

    Thank you for this post! I stand with you Mario and I will not abandon Donald Trump.
    Colleen Sent from my iPhone

  24. theducky77

    I stand and believe every word you wrote, I will continue to believe that God is doing a miraculous miracle in America and the nations of the world. We Will See The Victory.

  25. Lynda Beatty

    Thank you for remaining faithfull To God and man. The Aaron’s and Hur’s are standing until the victory. A praying gma
    Sent from my iPhone

    • Susan

      Thank you for this post MMM!
      Every time I give up / it is after reading news – not just in MSM but small outlets too.
      Then I go for a quiet walk – and come back encouraged and praying for the situation again. Prayed against the evil spirits of mockery and deception.
      Prayed for deliverance from evil for the poor and weak of the USA, then for the whole country, but for the next days will be praying only for President Trump: divine wisdom and divine courage and protection from all evil. And restoration.
      God finishes things He has started and He finishes them well.
      We had no idea of the depth of the revealed political corruption. We did not seek it out. The Lord revealed it. And He did it in the most peaceful way: He trumped them by 10 million voters.
      What the devil meant for evil, God has turned into good.
      We have hope in the Lord.
      He is the Almighty God – the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
      Isaiah 44: 24-28
      He delivered Daniel from the lions den. He delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians. And He delivered us from eternity in hell through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
      Lord have mercy on us and deliver us from the robbery of this 2020 election. May the truth be revealed and accepted and justice be swift.
      In Jesus Name. Amen

      • Rosie Bonuz

        Praise God!!! We will always stand with our President Trump. We will stand firm on the promises of God!!! We choose to believe His report. God said Trump will serve two terms back to back then it will be so!!! We the Bonuz family are expecting the mighty hand of God to sweep over this nation. And He will with the man He has anointed Donald J Trump!!!
        God wins!!!
        Trump wins!!!!
        America wins!!!

    • Elizabeth Quirk

      America is our wall of defence for the corruption in Canada and other countries around the world..thank you Mario for standing for truth and the uncompromised word of God.
      We are all praying for God to move in a mighty way to defeat this corrupt monster and also for your crusades in CA.

  26. Paula

    Praise God for you Mario! I stand with President Donald Trump – even if it will cause the end of my life here on earth. It is very clear that President Trump stands on the side of righteous and therefore stands for God. For me to live is Christ and die is to gain. When God gives me the opportunity, I will speak the truth in love.

  27. Dennis Conner

    On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 11:24 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

    • Dorothy Rose

      Jesus had many of his disciples ,minus the 12, leave him too when they learned what was expected of them as disciples.?

  28. Jacquelyn Cain

    I love our president. I pray for him often. He is the best president. I am thankful for his pro life stand. He has done many good things for we the people.

  29. Edna Huwe

    Prayers for President Trump!

  30. Colleen Coffman

    Yes! We will stand for Donald Trump. We are not backing down, and we have not lost one second of sleep thinking he will not continue as our beloved President. Christians are feeling what it really means to stand at Pi Hahiroth and many can’t take the pressure. But we must stand, ready to step into the Red Sea at the Lord’s command. HE will part the waters! No man shall get the glory, only Yah. Hold the line!!!

  31. Susan


  32. Shelly Hunter

    Brother Mario thank you for this blog! I will NOT abandon President Trump with my prayers. I have prayed for him and his family and will continue to do so. I am standing in Faith with you and I believe the word of the Lord that Donald Trump will serve another term, in Jesus Name! Thank you Brother Mario for all you do.

  33. Karen Staffieri

    I am with you!!
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021, 1:25 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  34. Brenda Hagan

    I thank GOD for you Mario and your team.. You are speaking Truth..Here is where GOD will desperate the sheep from the goats.. The evil pouring out of the leftist is trying to overcome everything good and Godly.. it is what it is.. but, for those who should know better, side with the evil because they are frightened when they see the evil horde, they start breaking the line and run and join the horde thinking they will be safe!!! Then they turn and become the brethren’s accusers siding with the evil horde.. They will not be safe, there., The horde will welcome them at first, then despise them and destroy them within its own ranks.. They are lost forever..
    But, We who stand, have a SHEPHERD WHO Is The KING, The LORD Of Hosts and The GOD Of The Heavens,, The Earth and The Universe.. HE Is The Great and Mighty CREATOR, HIMSELF!!!And When HE Says Don’t Worry, Just Stand, I AM That I AM and I Have Got This!!! There is No Greater Place to be. HE Will Bring Victory.. HE Will Uphold and Protect HIS Followers and He Will Destroy The evil one and all who follow him.. You are on The Right Side Mario, and so is President Donald John Trump…Our LORD Has Called Us to Stand, and Stand We Will!!!

  35. Audrey

    Thank you Mario. I take full agreement with what you wrote. We serve a Miracle working God. I pray for President Trump and thank God for him and how he has fought to defend our freedoms as a church and nation. I am not giving up. I am staying in faith. I refuse to listen to evil reports. Thank you for your faithfulness to take the time to write this blog, participate on Flashpoint and shine Jesus in such an amazing way in your tent revivals. The Hand of the Lord is so evident upon you. Glory to God.

    • Elaine A Stahn

      In total agreement with you brother Mario. Speak the truth and shame the devil!
      Next trip you make to the central valley PLEASE stop in Springville, there’s plenty of room for your tents!

  36. Jacqueline S Parmer Cortez

    Thank You for this post! I agree with what you have stated. It is sick the way that President Trump and his family have been treated by so many people and the media in this country. To me it is unthinkable. I’ve never before seen anything like this. Shameful to say the least. This kind of condemnation and retaliation is so ungodly. I know that he is just a man with flaws like all of us, but I do so appreciate his contribution and efforts to retain this Nation that many of us love. God will expose and deal with it all in His time, not ours. His personality is rough and bold. I personally like it and it doesn’t offend me when he tells it like he sees it. In fact, I enjoy his humor about many things. I sometimes wish that he would have dialed it back…with name calling especially. I don’t think that politics calls for slander. I my opinion he is among the best President that this country has ever seen. I hate to see him go out under a stormy cloud. I don’t believe that he will ever receive the acknowledgment that he deserves for representing and working sacrificially for the American people and this Nation.

    • jcgems

      Excellently written. God said that the time for soft words from a leader was over. President Trump is not a politician, and doesn’t speak out of both sides of his mouth to make people feel falsely safe.
      President Trump may seem harsh but he is accurate. The sword of the Spirit cuts both ways coming in and out. His heart is for us and the USA. Remember what he said; they are not after me, they are after you. I am just in the way. Truer words have not been spoken. He sees corruption more than we do and trusting those in leadership who have Jesus in their heart puts us all in the crosshairs. So, here we go, to battle in a victory already won.

      • Jacqueline S. Parmer Cortez

        Yes, I agree with you jcgems! I stand with you in intercessory prayer for President Trump’s continued strength is leading this battle to overcome evil with good! Victory in the name of Jesus!

  37. smuzick

    Mario, Love the responses. Those who hate Trump seem to do it because they follow a false narrative. I have a fellow co-worker that had the nerve to tell me Trump didn’t do anything (and he professes to be a Christian). But, those of us who have followed Trump know that he did combat the evil forces and tried to make America a better place to live. Hopfefully the battle is still ongoing. Jesus already beat the devil on the cross and gave us power to overcome. Let us pray that Jesus interferes with the evil doers and stops their agenda once again. God bless Donald Trump for everything he has done. God bless our great country.

  38. Birdie Woods

    Brother Mario,
    We stand with our President and you. But most of all we are standing with our GOD . We love you and thank you for the courage to speak the words the LORD has put on your heart. Keep standing!

  39. Jennifer M Crawford

    I am standing with my president, Donald J. Trump. I believe the prophets’ words will come to pass, with all the glory going to God, our Father! I believe fraud has taken place and God’s mighty Hand of justice will take place!

  40. Eric Marshall

    I won’t abandon him even though I don’t live in the States. I’m in the UK, but our own form of political blindness is rampant here too. We seem sometimes to be living in a futuristic movie, but what is happening now is REAL! We have to support those that stand up for us and against the ‘norm’. Our options to complain and speak against what is happening in our world are reducing each day. Only our Lord’s miraculous intervention can save us. We’re getting to the point where He is the ONLY option left! We must speak up while we can! The Lord bless you in Bakersfield.
    > > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and > abandoning him at ” >

  41. Ryna

    Mario, you’re boldness is very amazing! God bless you always! Keep pressing on! You started to hit hornets nests; yes, gotta put the armor of God for God never loses especially his cross! I bind the spirit trying to attack you and few others that aren’t backing down, and pleading the blood of Jesus over you Mario and your family and ministry! Keep the fire of God consume every unclean spirit you encounter in your ministry! You are a great man of God! God is a great rewarder for people like you! Amen. To God be the glory great things he has done!

  42. kdupontdellyahoocom

    The carnality and lack of character in America and the church is so wrong.As long as Trump was doing what they wanted they all waved Palm branches. Now they cry crucufy him. I w ill not! He that endures to the end shall be saved. I will not betray him as President. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  43. Linda Vaughn

    Thank you Mario for the fire within you that burns as Jeremiah said about the fire shut up in his bones I so rejoice over you in that. So it is within me and so many who having done All to stand we still stand. God and His oath to us never fails, what He has said will come to pass. God also said to Rejoice, and Again I say Rejoice. Scripture ref: Jeremiah 23:29 Is not my word like a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock the rock in pieces? Also Philippians 4:4, and Ephesians 6:13. We put on the whole armour of God that we may be able in the evil day to stand and having done all the crisis demands we stand. Amen

  44. zvette

    Pastor Mario,
    AMEN to all you wrote today. I have been in support of Donald J Trump since he first announced his candidacy. I pray for him and his precious family and Rudy the Gatekeeper and all those who love and support President Trump. I have prayed for an army of Angels to surround the White House to guard and protect President Trump and his family. I am fighting fear, yet standing on the Faith that God’s Truth will be revealed and the Devil will slink away diminished and take with him all those who have joined the Devil’s mission to fully corrupt this nation and banish God from the United States of America. I await with a joyful heart to see the Miracle I know God will perform to save the millions of Christians that have united in prayer for the Healing of our land.
    We must not tell the mountain to move. We must tell the mountain how BIG our God is !!
    Thank you, Pastor Mario, for your Faith in God, and for your encouragement to your fellow believers !!
    Thank you and Bless you and your many missions.

  45. slteninty

    Thank you Mr. Murillo, for your honest and faith pushing blog! Thank you for the courage to face head on the fight to preserve America’s dignity and righteousness. And may God bless your faithfulness in leading the way of revival for souls in Ca. It’s mighty what The Lord is accomplishing thru your obedience and love. May God continue to bless your ministry. Sharon
    Sent from my iPhone

  46. Judy Braland

    YES…..A THOUSAND TIMES…..YES!!!!!  You have spoken truth in this blog.  Please keep being a voice that cuts through all the gibberish among fainting leadership  My husband and I pastored over 20 years and in ministry for 50.  It is disgusting to see the compromise.  Many have fallen from from “Christianity” into “Christianism”.  Keep using your pen as a sword.  We are praying over you.
    Judy Braland

  47. Jo Dean

    Thank you Mario. Thank you for standing with Donald Trump. Thank you for the messages you have written and shared throughout this painful saga in America. My husband and I are in our 70’s like Donald Trump and have strongly supported him throughout his presidency. We have prayed for him and been saddened when many people in the church have failed to see how God has used him. It’s heartbreaking now to see his own party jumping ship. We know God still had his back and we hold on to our faith God has a miraculous plan. We’re praying for an awakening among many who are faltering in their support to have their eyes opened in these last days. We need many miracles. We ordered your books and believe they were God inspired as have been your daily messages to encourage us. God bless you. God bless President Trump. And God bless America.

  48. John

    Amen we cannot abandon President Trump, he has done so much more than the news media has reported . They never covered all the people that were prisoners, in other countries , relief workers, that he secured their release. The Lord used him to bring peace to other countries. He has been nominated for three nobel peace prize.
    The actions he did were proof that God has his hand on him. Besides Reagan this is truly the first president I could honestly see the hand of the Lord on. He has stood up for our children, the unborn, our military, our senior citizens, the average worker. Most of all he has stood up for the Lord more than any president that I have lived through. It greives me that instead of praying for him, most bashed him for his tweets. “I don’t like his tweets” they would say. I replied people may not like yours either.
    I have seen Proverbs 21:1 in the life Of our president. And no he is not a king but he is our president so I think it applies. He needs our prayers now more than ever. Most men would have crumbled under the undeserved scrutiny he has gone through. The LORD gave us a president that had the churches back, I feel like we squandered it and didn’t rise to the occasion that He provided. But I still believe there is hope, I loved your earlier blog, we can either get bitter or we can get busy. And Mario my wife and are praying for you. We thank God for you and thank God for you that the meetings in California are reaching the people there. I’ve talked long enough. Be blessed.

  49. Judy

    Still praying for God to perform a miracle.

  50. Linda Hughes

    Amen, I am not about to abandon President Trump, I feel God chose him for this time… I pray every day for our President Trump and for our country… I read your inspiring emails every morning… Thank you Mario for bringing us the truth … my faith is in God, he is working to rid our government of evil.. Hallelujah, Thank you God for all blessings and miracles
    Linda Hughes
    Sent from my iPhone

  51. Red Polston (Halo Jordan)

    WE STAND WITH OUR PRESIDENT!!!! And we stand with you Mario Murillo! Love you Sir!
    Red Polston Tulsa
    Sent from my iPhone

  52. Tony Campo

    Thank you Mario for always telling it like it is. I’m not sure how men and women, who call themselves Christians can abandon President Trump now, after all he has done for them, this nation and the church of Jesus Christ. But we serve the God of thé impossible. Thé scriptures say…For with God, not-thing shall be impossible. For with God, no living, active, spoken word of God shall be void of power. God spoke it through many of His prophets and unfortunately the church has abandoned both the Prophets and Trump. When is it ever to late for the God we serve? When is it ever to late for the God of the “Suddenlies”? When is it ever to late for God to reverse what the enemy meant for evil? The church needs a backbone, the church needs to take a stand, the church needs to believe the word of the Lord. We spent the entire year of 2020, reading 2 CHRON 20:20b- Believe thé Lord your God and so shall you be established, believe His prophets and so shall you prosper. I think God is truly waiting for His Ekklesia to believe, trust, have faith and take a stand on THE WORD OF THE LORD. IF NOT US THEN WHO? IF NOT NOW THEN WHEN…….Thanks again Mario, for all you do, but most of all for WHO YOU ARE.

  53. Kay Rindahl

    Thank you Mario for never giving up!
    Blessings, Kay

  54. PEARL Dalton

    I am staying the course and fasting and praying with you and the others ????❤️
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021, 1:24 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  55. Mary Hinkle

    I will not abandon President Trump!! He is in my prayers! Recently, as I was reading in Psalms, I began to pray for him as the Psalmist prayed for himself. In the chapters 35-38, there are several verses (to me) that relate to how the President’s enemies are out to destroy him. May the traps they have set for him be the traps that ensnare them, and their eyes be opened to the Truth!!

  56. John Gustafson

    I am TOTALLY in agreement with you Mario and you have a gift of putting into words that which MOST of us are feeling and we will NOT abandon “Our President, Donald J Trump !!! Esther 4:14 “Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for ‘such a time as this?'” We love you Brother !!! And we love Our President, Donald J Trump !!! John Gustafson

  57. Joe Wasylkiewicz

    I’m from Canada and pray for President Donald Trump daily. This is clear as day good against evil. President Donald Trump is fighting not only for USA but the world. I pray for supernatural strength and health for him and his family, I pray for wisdom and clarity in all matters, I pray that he has strong loyal people by his side, I pray that there will be exposer of the people who are against him in both parties, I pray for strength in his heart with love and forgiveness for the ones that turned on him, I pray that he is able to see in advance all the evil attacks and deal with them supernatural exposing these attacks, I pray for a multitude of warring angels to be by his side, I pray that he has a transforming encounter with wisdom and revelation of our mighty God, I pray for the church to wake up and stand in unity for him, I pray for the church to be bold and stand for truth, we call in the mighty harvest that is at hand. God Bless America! We love you! ❤️?❤️?????!!!

  58. imtherealdeb

    Thank you for your steadfastness and encouragement. We are seeing the shaking of those who can be shaken. God is showing who has a faithful heart and understands faith and those who have no root system. We need true shepherds and you are one of them.

  59. magking28

    I will never abandon Donald Trump either. God can do a miracle like he always does. God cares for him . Thank u MarioSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

  60. Catherine Cavanagh

    Dear Mario Murillo
    Greetings and peace to you
    Thank you so much for your postings over the last two months. They have been very encouraging and have helped me to persevere.
    I appreciate deeply the amount of time and effort that goes into each post.
    May God bless and reward you.
    Cathy Cavanagh 11.39pm Sydney time 16 Jan 2021
    On Sat, 16 Jan 2021, 5:23 pm Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  61. mike rodriguez

    Thank you Mario sr. for your faithfullness yes we are standing with MR.TRUMP the PRESIDENT .Thank you for your soul winning work praying for all of you BLESS YOU and protect in JESUS name.

  62. Kathleen Woodward

    I stand with you, Pastor. I believe God and when He said thru His prophet…it will not be a mans doing but I, God , will cause a great thing.
    (Paraphrased) . We can only trust God, not any man.
    Thank you Father for hearing prayers for revival. Thank you Father for the lost souls who are now found and a part of the family of God. Thank You Lord for Your mercy and grace. In Jesus precious name. Amen

  63. Sharon Alber

    I am standing!!!!!
    Thank you writing this!
    Sent from my iPhone

  64. Lisa

    Amen! Standing, praying, & fasting with you!

  65. Mike Amato

    “For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous…” Ps 125:3 We have already won!

  66. 88jesusisking

    We will NOT abandon Trump!!
    Sent from my iPhone

  67. Susan Elcock

    I will not abandon. God Bless you Mario.

    • sloanesquarenannies

      God bless you for standing with Donald Trump. I too feel I must continue to walk against the fire of hatred for him and all he stands for that is coming against your nation. I will never abandon him and continue to pray for him and for America while I wait to see what God has planned to do. I have never felt such a strong call to intercede for anything like this. When evil comes like a flood God WILL raise up a standard against it. Hallelujah

  68. Mary Gomez

    can’t seem to order the bundle, says it’s out of stock. also I have questions about fasting, is there someone I can talk to ?

    • mariomurilloministries

      Sorry we are out of the bundles. Please call us at 775 238 3473

  69. Debbie Sallee

    I have just started receiving your blog posts about a month ago, at the suggestion of a Christian friend. I must say I’m very impressed with what you write, and it has been very encouraging to me to find someone who supports our president as strongly as you do.
    Thank you SO much for speaking out against the evil happening in our country right now. Many of my friends across the country and I are standing with you against the evil activities of Satan and his demons/minions. We have reached the point of “us vs. them” which actually comes down to “good vs. evil”. We are also praying for a miracle from Our Lord God, and look forward with anticipation to whatever actions He may take to clear up this mess.
    Thank you for speaking out. We stand with you and our President Donald J. Trump!
    Deborah Sallee
    Bixby, OK

  70. Charlene Tillemans

    Thank you for your blog! I stand with you. I have crossed the line on support of Donald Trump in the battle. No turning back. In God we trust.

  71. Samantha Arquette

    And All of God’s people say Amen! ???

  72. Paul

    Amen Mario. I agree and will share this with our Christian brethren

  73. Miranda Farris

    We will continue to support our president and pray for him and his family. We would like to do more but don’t know what that would be. We have also been in contact with our congressman and asked them to stand with him the way he has stood for them.

  74. jcgems

    When God asked, Can you not stand and believe? I said, yes, I will. I can’t look at circumstances or listen to many commentaries as they don’t really believe that God is working a miracle. He will do what He says He will do and at the right time. I join my faith with others that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
    Thank you to all who post, it’s encouraging to know we are in agreement all across the world and we are on the winning side.

    • Lee Meriwether

      Alabama will not abandon Trump! Praying for God to protect him and fill him with wisdom daily!

      • jcgems

        Thank you and I am honored to join my faith with yours!!

  75. Elaine Linda Heistad

    Abandon,No, it is our time to BE STRTONG, fight for righteousness and truth. God gave us a leader, a David. Esther said it: righteous people irritate the wicked. They are MORE THAN irritated, hostile. Psalm 75: 10 all the horns of the wicked I will cut off, but the horns of righteous shall be exalted. Pray for the president that he remains strong. God gave him to us. Thank you Jesus for a righteous leader.

  76. Beverly Webster

    Thank you Mario for continued shining God’s spirit through you. God Bless you. ⬆️???watching and Ready.

  77. Martha Wertz

    Standing Strong, not backing down, listening to the Lord, in accord with those who support GOD’s Word, honoring the efforts of all who have gone before us to occupy and lead this country, one nation UNDER GOD. Ongoing prayers for our President, the man God has anointed for a time such as this. Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and the people HE has chosen for His inheritance. Jeremiah 33:7 For behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, where I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel and Judah. The Lord says, ” I will also bring them back to the land that I gave to their forefathers and they WILL possess it.” To God Be All the Glory!

  78. Kalena

    Amen! My husband and I are standing strong for the United States of America! This is God’s nation and He’s not done yet!
    God’s plan is what we will follow!
    In Jesus name!

  79. R Ferree

    I have not abandoned him either. Pray for him and busy supporting him on social media.
    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  80. Robin Leneave

    I stand firm that President Donald Trump will continue to be our president for the next 4 years! I thank God for President Trump!!!

  81. Janice Quattlebaum

    Dear Mr. Murillo, be shocked and surprised to know that there are many of us that still have faith and trust in our Heavenly Father! And…as we wait for our Father’s works to unfold, we pray for Him to protect President Trump and his family. I also give thanks to God for people like yourself that remind us of God’s love for us and our nation. Who encourage us to stand up for our beliefs and not to hide or be ashamed of our faith in Christ Jesus. Do know that we share your blog and the links to the programs you are on.

  82. Debi Foster

    Thank you ?. I have never felt stronger about God’s role in our country and you continue to encourage my husband and I to keep standing against the evil in our government.  We are praying for a miracle and are excited about what God has in mind for restoring what the devil has tried to destroy.  I had a dream a couple days ago. The Democratic Party was in a circle and they started falling in on each other. They were imploding!!  Praise God he is the one in charge not the DC or media elites.  God Bless you and your ministry. Jerry and Debi FosterBoise, Idaho
    Sent from the all new Aol app for iOS

  83. Frank & Lillian Conti

    We stand firm in support of our President Donald Trump! He was there for us & we are here for him in prayer! God bless you & keep you President Trump & your family!

  84. Bill Beaty

    Sent from my iPhone

  85. Becky Riggs

    Standing for righteousness and with President Donald J Trump! Thank you, Mario, for bravely standing and obeying God!

  86. Nancy Mehl

    Thank you. I feel the same way. I have no idea why things turned out the way they did. It feels like evil won. But I know God loves us and must have a plan. And I know that no one has ever fought as hard for us as Donald Trump did. I will never abandon him.

    • Mr. Rene Medrano

      Reply to Bro. Mario and all my Brothers and Sisters in CHRIST. We stand first and foremost with HE that is the Way the Truth and the Life . It is obvious that God is using President Trump to hold back the great flood of evil and corruption in our country. He stands for GOD and Country and so do we ALL that know CHRIST.
      We completely stand with our GOD and agree together. let us Send our PRAYERS with the HOLY SPIRIT and with the FIRE of GOD through the SWORD of the SPIRIT which is the WORD of GOD, against the adversaries and evil spirits. Ephns. 10:18
      Lk 10 :18-20. The LION of the tribe of Judah is IN US in HIS indwelling SPIRIT.
      Speak and Pray against the demonic spirits working through reprobate people given over to darkness.
      and above all cover all your loved ones and yourselves with the shield of GOD by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB.
      Mr Rene’ Medrano 1/19/2021

  87. Cheryl legg

    I fully agree Pastor. Just like in the days of Esther, when she called for the people to fast for three days for the survival of her people

  88. Steve Terry

    Thanks again Mario ??????????…Anne & I are still praying for a miracle ❗️❗️…Thank you for ‘standing’ with our President ❗️❗️..and with the 75 million Americans who voted for him…
    Sent from my iPhone

  89. floridablue4msncom

    Sent via the Samsung Galaxy, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone Get Outlook for Android

  90. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    Nor, will I!
    He is the *ONLY* President that unequivocally supported Religious Liberty, even for the Christian Church.
    Almost as soon as he entered the oval office he gave The Christian Church back it’s voice, and we spurned ti and kept silence!
    Shame, Shame, Shame!

  91. Patty Roloff

    “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
    God does not lie…stand firm and don’t shrink back. Whatever God has called you to do…Do It! Pastor Mario is doing just that. President Trump is doing the same. But just like Moses grew weary and needed someone to come alongside to hold up his arms while the people cross the Red Sea, we need to hold up President Trump’s arms and stand in this fight against evil. Don’t quit! This is not about politics it’s about Good vs evil. Don’t give in stand for the Truth. Seek God and he will show you what to do. Take a stand where God has you. It’s time to wake up Children of God and fight the good fight. Let your light shine!

  92. Laurel

    Thank you, Mario and I’m with you. I am grateful to have a president who puts this country and God before self interest and greed. May God bless him and this nation as it returns to Him.

  93. NickT

    How can any Christian or patriot accept the evil that has happened in our country!
    This third world country stuff is here, in our Nation, and fully exposed! I will never except Biden/harris as legitimate leaders of our country an election they stole!
    We have all the evidence we need. We must pray and never be silent about what has happened to President Trump and his supports and the Country!
    God reigns and see’s everything, I won’t give up for God to do another miracle for us.

    • kingskid48

      I completely agree.
      We see how quickly things are deteriorating already and he has not even left office yet. It’s even worse than we feared.
      How anyone who calls themselves Christians can vote democrat in this day just boggles my mind.

  94. Linda Esquibel

    No I won’t, and I continue to stand and intercede on his behalf as a servant of God. I am standing for one nation under God. God can do the impossible in His time and His way and for His glory alone! Amen
    On Fri, Jan 15, 2021, 11:29 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  95. Judith Shull

    Thank you for standing up and with President Trump. Thank you for your blog. We are standing behind yu with prayers.

  96. kendramott

    I am praying for my President along with many friends and nationwide prayer groups. I am watching for the miracle from God which I believe is imminent.
    Thank you for your loyalty to God’s anointed servant.
    Kendra Mott
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 12:29 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  97. hredhawk1942

    Right on, brother. Our God, He never stops moving, He never stops working. Jesus said, ‘It is not over until I say it is over. And I am nowhere close to being done with this nation’. We stand with our God and our President. We have already won. Don’t be deceived by what you hear and see. This is not the end. It is just the end of the beginning. The best is yet to come. Our great future lies ahead of us. The only way we could possibly lose is to quit. Therefore don’t quit.
    Harry Leonard
    This e-mail and any attachment is intended solely for the addressed recipient(s) and contains information that may be confidential. If you are not the correct recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail and all attachments from your system immediately. Any use, dissemination or copying of this email by any person or entity other than the addressed recipient(s) is prohibited.
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 1:28 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  98. Suzanne M Gatewood

    Thank you, Mario. I, too continue to stand with my President Donald J. Trump. I know that God is not finished yet. He is still on the throne and He is still at work in these great United States of America. I believe that He is using you greatly. Praise Jesus!

  99. twsimonsonsr

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  100. Judi Cheek

    Absolutely not!!
    Sent from my iPhone

  101. Dwight Plumlee

    Yup. Right there with ya my brother in the Lord. Have a Blessed day,Judy Plumlee913-645-2397

  102. Darlene Farley

    I will not leave my post of keeping Donald Trump in my prayers. I trust God to do what He says He will do.

  103. John Cento

    Father in Heaven, I pray in Jesus name: Multiply this blog more than what was done in regard to the fishes /loves! Take away the spirit of limitation and cause this blog to soar Globally! Grant your son Mario the spirit of favor, strength and stamina. To your glory. ??
    John T. Cento Overseer Mission WildfireInternational 407-619-4015 cell Email: missionwildfire .org Website: I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know Him through your deepening intimacy with Him.” (Ephesians 1:17 TPT)

  104. Heather

    I will stand by Trump! He did so much for us, the least we can do is fight for him! God has him there for a reason! There’s a plan and purpose to continue for 4 more years! And God!!!!

  105. Laurie

    Thank you all for staying so strong in your faith. I have days of disparity, this is one of those days. All of your words encourage me, and strengthen me. I know God will get us through this. God Bless Donald J. Trump. Thank You All!

  106. AD D

    Thank you again brother Mario. And no! My family and I will NOT abandon President Trump. Our prayers do not cease for him and for our country. May the gallows that the democrats built be used on their own heads by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus!

  107. prayinginok

    If you haven’t seen this yet, listen to just the first few minutes about all President Trump did to protect religious freedom. You didn’t hear most of these because the media wouldn’t cover them:

    • prayinginok

      Mario, I loved the clip from Bakersfield! Hallelujah!

      • Wordforworld

        No kidding, Prayinginok!! That Flashpoint should receive accolades & awards for best news source for America! Best hosts, reporters, GUESTS!
        They really love Mario & MMM. Great news Mario and video of “God at Work!” (On govictory dot com. Might re-run it too. )
        We wait well, Father, and we’ll rise up in strength, in Jesus’ Mighty Name!
        We’ll not fear for the destruction of the wicked (that is around) all over.
        Amen, so be it; & as Psalm 9:5 says: the LORD rebuked the heathen, HE hast destroyed the wicked and cast out their name forever. So. Be. It.
        Thank You Jesus!
        Thank You Jesus!
        Thank You Jesus!

  108. addedperspective2020

    In total agreement, we will not abandon him, time after time we saw evidence of vote flipping, in Georgia, the tech data troops declared the vote being removed from one candidate and added to another was voter fraud. The elected officials ignored it, the media ignored it, and big tech worked to cover it up. A sad time in our history, but God. Continue to pray!!

  109. Barb Skubovius

    Heaven is WATCHING .. understanding the present time. The HOUR HAS COME for us to WAKE UP from our slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.
    The NIGHT is nearly over; the DAY is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness & PUT ON THE ARMOR OF LIGHT.
    Go GOD .. shake the sleepy .. awake the dead in sin to salvation while still time .. ARISE & SHOCK the WORLD .. JUDGE the WICKED in rebellion! .. & COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS!

  110. Terri Tebbetts

    I will not abandon Donald Trump!!! I pray for him every day!!! He rocks!!!
    On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 10:25 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  111. Kim Renee'

    Sent from my iPhone

  112. Ron Giovanetti

    Thank you Mario and I agree ?
    Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone


    I do appreciate the views of politics according to Mario. Sos much so that I would like to add something very critical to understanding today’s fight over “nothing” or “everything”—
    Barely anyone in this country understands how our government actually works.
    Having spent 24 months in a Baghdad US Army HQ, 2004-2007, I saw firsthand how the military operates, how the embassy operates, and how our federal government operates from President on down. I saw the interaction and the reaction; the problem, the solution and the counter-solution. I saw the politicians and the newsmagazine writers. I saw a whole lot of stuff other than war!
    What the American public and the World do not understand is “how we operate in the United States of America.”
    This is why people do not “work through the the system,” but choose to “challenge” the system.
    I am not challenging the fact of Satan’s influence on the system—it is an earthly creation. I am challenging every citizen to challenge our church education to emphasize that our Lord God gave us what we have in American government. Our government is not inherently evil! Evil people are in our government. To counteract we conduct training alongside our Bible training for all our Members in order to see our God work through our government.
    This country is not run by politicians, but by the people for the people. Further, we must cease and desist from the expectation of our system-elected officials to cure 100% of the political system! Or, for that matter, to cure any of our system!
    Rather, we must commence sending our Spirit-filled Christians into the system to allow God to restore the system. It is time to change the Washington aura from professional actors and celebrities to Sprit-filled Christians, godly people who possess the desire to serve God.
    We need our mission-minded to consider our own land as a land of missions. We must begin now to modify our “systematic theology” in Christian education to properly prepare our missionaries from grade school to adulthood to tackle government.
    Allow me sum it up by stating that we have created a Christian culture that became adversity within ourselves. We preach “us against them” when we should preach “go out there, challenge them, and succeed them.”
    I sincerely hope that the Lord shows Mario this message.
    Praise God!
    Glen ____ Glen W. Nardin CW4, US Army Retired 406 Yorkville Road Yorktown, VA 23692 M: 1-757-639-1010

  114. Eric Nelson

    Dear Father,
    As we approach the day of the Presidential Inauguration, we are reminded of Genesis 20 when Sarai was illegally taken from Abram and put in the harem of Abimelech – critically near to the time when Isaac, the child of Promise, was to be conceived. This was a pivotal moment in Your Plan of Salvation, and as always, satan was doing his best to obstruct You. Your Word says, however, that before Sarai was physically touched, You confronted Abimelech in a dream and he acknowledged You as Lord. You told him that he and his family were under a death sentence because of his taking of Sarai. You told him that Sarai’s lawful husband Abram would have to pray that Abimelech’s death sentence be removed. We are told that Abimelech rose early the next day and told ALL of his servants ALL these things, and in great fear Sarai was restored to Abram with many gifts.
    Father, it seems to us right now that America is not unlike Sarai. Sarai was prophesied to bear a seed that eventually would bring forth our Savior. Lady Liberty, established by Your Hand and humbly founded to be a “shining city on a hill”, has long been prophesied by Your saints to be instrumental in Your End-Time Harvest. Many events during the last four years have suggested that we are critically close to Your Harvest, but right now Father, through satan’s clever schemes, America has illegitimately been taken into the harem of another man. Like Abimelech, Father, this man claims to know You, so please warn him to cancel the wedding. He may not be aware that America is not legitimately his to have, and he may not be aware that he and all his family are at great risk when he is no longer needed by dishonest servants. Please let him know that he can restore himself, his family, and the Godly destiny of America if he repents of the fraud that has been committed in his name and concedes the election before it is too late. Please also give him the Spirit of Truth and the supernatural strength to do what is right. Whatever he decides, Father, we ask that You would pour out Your Spirit upon our land and surround us with Your Mighty Angels to guard and protect the Godly destiny of America.
    In Jesus’ Mighty Name we ask this, Amen.

    • prayinginok

      Amen! Amazing, moving prayer Eric, thank you!

  115. marysethluoma

    Standing with you in prayer. Standing with and for our miracle working God and for and with our president. My faith is not wavering. STANDING!
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021, 1:46 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  116. Linda Lindner

    I pray for John Donald Trump every day! I am excited to see the Glory of God Breathe all over and America and our President! Nothing can stop God!

  117. Tdogg

    This is completely delusional. Believers don’t need anyone in Washington to stand up for them. Instead, we completely cling to him and allowed him to use us as he saw fit.

  118. Janet Roy

    I remember when everyone got upset because Biden was confirmed on Jan. 6. You made the point that man’s deadlines are nothing to God. God has his own time table of doing His will. I think many of us have treated Jan. 20 – The Inauguration – as a deadline. God must work before that date!
    Well, last night it came to me that it is possible that Biden will be inaugurated. Perhaps the very best way for us to see the evil and the mess that comes with that administration is to actually experience it. There are people – especially young people with little life experience – who have fallen for the whole Biden set of ideas. Maybe they need to learn what he will do.
    Just from Jan. 6 on the Democrats have acted so badly that many, many more are very disgusted with them. So if the Biden Administration very quickly goes after freedom of speech, freedom of religion, guns (maybe not taking them but heavily taxing them to reduce ownership?), and messes up foreign relationships – partly because many enemies will dare to do things they wouldn’t have if Trump were President then everyone will see how bad this can get.
    And then the Democrats have some really radical people who are going to want to get their way. And also Antifa and BLM has been quiet to help them out. I’m sure they now will want pay back. The Democrats might start fighting among themselves even to the degree of outing each other. If they want to get Biden out for Kamala then may go after him on the China stuff – and include Hunter and the rest of the family also.
    For the Democrats to take themselves down into a big disastrous mess in front of all those who voted and supported them may be much more effective than anything the Republicans might do. The less it is Trump vs them – giving people an out of blaming Trump – and the more it is Democrat vs Democrat and they all show their true colors – the better.
    So I don’t want Biden inaugurated, but if he is that might all be in God’s plan. That doesn’t mean he or any Democrat will remain in office. It just means that Trump may start his second term months late, but he will come in and pick up the pieces and with God’s help put things back together again.
    I talked with God and said it is all about His Kingdom and His will for America. It is not Trump vs Biden or Democrat vs Republican. So all those deadlines and events can go how they go. I am standing for Trump as you said – wanting to support him as he has been treated so very horribly. But overall I am standing for the Kingdom of God to be expressed as much as possible in America. How God does that and when He does that is all His to implement. I hope the sooner the better, but that may not be the better way.
    So I am ready to stand and pray and fight the spiritual battle. But I am also now not looking for a time period in which God must act. He may act very soon or not. But I have faith that He will do what is best and He will work to show those who quite innocently chose the Biden path how wrong a path it is. Things are so messed up now it will take God’s mighty hand to sort this out and I know He will.
    Thank you for reminding us to stay in balance – not falling off in the ditch on either side of the road. Trust in God and humbling ourselves to serve His Kingdom and trust how He handles all this is the lesson I am learning. Patience in this is tough, but patient we must be!

    • prayinginok

      Excellent post, Janet, thank you!

  119. Ale Jaimes

    Great post that I’m passing to many people around! Definitely we have to know that we have to fight spiritually to destroy those strongholds!!!
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 1:39 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  120. mark James

    See these are the Lies that present-day professing Christianity is up against when we have professing Christians taking this attitude in Jesus Name unlawfully and saying so for all of the satanic influenced peoples to see take hold of and attempt to destroy. Is it any wonder that Jesus Himself would say I never KNEW YOU DEPART from me into the judgment of eternal Fire. How very sad is this beloved? I have no doubt she meant well however we are not warring against flesh and blood but Spiritual and in doing so we MUST AWAKEN to His Righteousness alone Amen
    Woman arrested in Capitol attack: ‘I listen to my president’
    Fri, January 15, 2021, 10:58 PM
    DALLAS (AP) — A Dallas-area real estate agent who is facing charges for allegedly being part of the pro-President Donald Trump mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol last week said she’s a “normal person” who listened to her president.
    Jenna Ryan, 50, is accused of “knowingly” entering or remaining in the restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, according to a criminal complaint filed by the FBI in a Washington federal court.
    Matt DeSarno, special agent in charge of the FBI Dallas office, confirmed that Ryan had turned herself in and that her Carrollton apartment was searched Friday. No personal telephone for Ryan was available, and court records didn’t list a lawyer for her as of Friday.
    Ryan shared photos and videos on social media, including a video in which she says, “We’re gonna go down and storm the Capitol,” in front of a bathroom mirror, according to the FBI criminal complaint.
    The agent who signed the complaint also noted that Ryan live-streamed a 21-minute Facebook video of her and a group walking toward the Capitol.
    “We are going to (expletive) go in here,” Ryan said in the video as she approached the top of the stairs on the west side of the Capitol building. “Life or death, it doesn’t matter. Here we go.”
    She then turned the camera to expose her face, the complaint noted, and said, “Y’all know who to hire for your Realtor, Jenna Ryan for your Realtor.” Nearly halfway through, Ryan appears to have made it to the front door, chanting, “USA, USA” and “Here we are, in the name of Jesus.”


    No, I will not abandon Donald Trump or disagree with your posts. Thank you for your boldness writing them everyday despite threats and lies of the enemy! Keep posting, God is with you and for you! God bless you Mario, God bless America! Barb from Victoria Minnesota.

    Sent from my iPhone

  122. Margaret Hegan

    I just left fb. They put me in fb jail until Jan 23rd for liking posts about the President. Funny huh. I will not be told how to think. Glory to God!
    Sent from my iPhone

  123. Lynne Abbott

    I am standing for President Trump. He is God’s man that is for sure. I pray for him and will continue. I am from Canada and have never been so into an election like this past year. I prayed all my life to be part of the revival of the last days and here I am. I also watch you on America Stands and Flashpoint.What a day to be alive!!! I have your book “Fire and Glory” and also pray for you for your tent meetings. Oh how I wish I could be there. Prayers and whatever support I can be for such a time as this.Love and prayer sent for God’s Blessings to you all.Lynne Abbott 
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  124. Anna

    Thank you Mario
    Standing with you and all Americans staying strong with President Trump and his 200 military generals!!
    Anna and Leo
    Alberta Canada

    Sent from my iPhone

  125. Dr. Linda Rath

    No, I am not abandoning President Donald J. Trump. He was created, appointed and anointed by Father God for “just such a time as this” in our country’s history. I pray for him every day – often- and for his family, that they stay strong. I declare God’s word over our country, & I am eagerly anticipating how & what God is going to do to rescue us, and to see His Glory! TY, Mario for these good words. You are an anointed writer, as well as evangelist. So excited for your tent crusades – & the harvest you are reaping for the Kingdom. God bless y’all!

  126. Kathy & Dan Jenkins

    Ditto! Well said. Courage is what is needed most in this hour. Thanks
    Sent from my iPhone

  127. Sue Langford

    We will NOT ABANDON DONALD TRUMP so we pray for him!
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  128. Mike Kirkpatrick

    I will stand with President Trump to my last breath.

  129. Carol

    Mr. Murillo:
    I look at this situation that we are into today as our country’s Red Sea moment. We are like the Israelites at the banks of the Red Sea. President Trump is our Moses. The SWAMP is like the Egyptians who are trying to take COMPLETE CONTROL of our country and turn it into a TOTALLY SOCIALISTIC country. God put President Trump in charge for a reason. HE COULDN’T be bought! THEY HATE HIM!!

  130. Christine Braniff

    Thank God for people like Mario Murillo! You have said it all and we stand beside you in prayer and declaration that our President and our country will STAND!!! Moses gave Israel a choice… when standing at the entrance to the promised land…. Choose life or death, choose blessing or cursing!! On NOVEMBER 3RD 2020 THIS COUNTRY CHOSE LIFE!!! We voted for the man whom God is using to bring LIFE BACK TO THIS COUNTRY!! Now God will keep his covenant with America and bless us for CHOOSING LIFE!!!!
    Larry and Christine Braniff
    Lewiston, Idaho

  131. Renee Nunamaker

    Thank you for not abandoning the greatest President we have ever had I will never abandon him with praying for him We left our church of 20 years because of never speaking out against the left acting like nothing was happening in our country Worse fight against Socialist Communist Democrats and Republicans I am still believing for a maricle in this Nation Been praying for many souls and lives to come to God through your ministry If God put Trump back in for anything let it be for saving the lives of babies children trafficking The children of our nation are screaming out to God They are murdering our children

  132. Gil Zaragoza

    I am not abandoning President Donald J. Trump either …. nor am I abandoning Rev. Mario Murillo!

  133. John Egnew

    Mario, your words express my sentiments and I thank you for your bold declarations. There is more that we can do and our victorious warfare is moving Heaven. Together, we are God’s beautiful and Mighty Bride. John Egnew Lamb’s World Ministry International
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 1:31 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  134. Maine for Trump

    Would pastor Murillo have access to get me in to meet with President Trump? John H. Stanley Jr

  135. jeannemf

    ?Sent from my Galaxy

  136. Robert E Sprague

    Thank You for you truthfulness and support for our Nation!

  137. Lorene Diana Goff

    Keep Praying, Keep Believing And Keep Standing Strong. I Am Ordering The Books And Will Help
    Rev. Mario Murillo As The Lord Leads Me.

  138. Walter L. Johnson II

    Thank you for yet another inspirational and outstanding post, Mario. As the final hours, minutes and seconds before the “inauguration” tick away, we must continue to pray for God’s divine discernment, guidance, and wisdom, not only for ourselves, but also for God’s Kingdom as well as America, and not give in to the enemy’s evil schemes. God Bless You and God Bless America.

  139. Tita

    God bless you for your encouragement words and for standing strong in holding on to the thruth of the word of The Lord, and to The Lord’s anointing one Donald J. Trump. Those that will sow will reap and see the harvest on righteousness and thruth. God bless you greatly. Our prayers and God bless America.

  140. Liz Williston

    Thank Mario the Warrior…I will stand behind my President Trump!! Never leaving my post.
    Thank you for your encouragement!
    God bless America
    God bless the President and his family
    God bless you and yours

  141. inyahweh

    Thank you Thank you Thank you, I know you from being on TBN years ago, I always liked what you shared. Somehow your page was on my FB feed, I then subscribed to your email. I’m so excited by all you are doing and saying. I am part of the remnant of God. I’m praying and standing with you. I’m a watchman on the wall, everything that’s happening is so surreal, yet God’s supernatural powers are turning things around. So exciting to see, so blessed to know Jesus. God bless you brother!
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021, 1:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  142. nick Eberhard

    Standing strong with our God, with our President, and with all who stand for truth.

  143. Sandra Otto

    Standing with President Trump! May God’s turnaround and overturning of this fraudulent election come forth!

  144. Loraine

    I anticipate the incredible, supernatural intervention of God. I anticipate the incredible, supernatural intervention of God. I anticipate the incredible, supernatural intervention of God.
    I woke up this morning singing this tune. It’s from Charlie Jordan (C.J.), the base player from Kim Clement’s worship team.

  145. prayinginok

    I posted this above, but I’m posting it again. There is a clip from Bakersfield you will love if you haven’t seen it yet. It starts just after the 18 minute mark. Glory to God!!!

    • Susan

      “And He said, Certainly I will be with thee” (Exodus 3:12)
      Still praying and fasting for Trump. Read the above Scripture from today’s reading from Charles Spurgeon Faith’s Checkbook.
      Standing on it. And praying.

  146. judylasalle

    I am definitely not abandoning President Trump! He is in my prayers and my proclamations daily. Thank you, Mario, for standing firm.

  147. wlplouffe

    I am stand beside you and President Trump and pray that what has been done in darkness will be brought to light ..In Jesus name I pray
    Sent from my iPhone

  148. Arlene Sarver

    After Fresno, I saw the newly saved as censers (portable firepots) returning to their families, jobs, locations, and even gangs to show the change God had done in them. This morning reading in Numbers 16:46-48 I began to think of the saved in Bakersfield added, going into the midst of the congregation with the fresh fire off the altar and as Aaron did staying the plague. I don’t have the full picture yet but I believe these people carrying the fire of God will make a difference. I am humbled and grateful for the revelation I am being given as I intercede for this ministry.

  149. dwaters1982

    I am with you Mr Murillo 100%. I am saddened how many are ready to believe in a lie and cannot see since the beginning of his Presidency, he has been under attack over and over again. And yet he continued to do all he can for our freedom. Now this country will reap what it sown.

    Sent from my iPhone

  150. Lajuana Tucker

    Thank you

  151. Mr. Rene Medrano

    Got tears when I saw your Bakersfield video of People coming to CHRIST.
    Your Work and those with You are dear to the Heart of GOD.
    Thank You for your Courageous Work.
    Rene’ Medrano

  152. Dorian Kreindler

    I will not abandon him either. I’m standing in faith that God is STILL in the miracle-working business; in fact, I believe YHVH delights to manifest divine glory when beseeched with enough fervor and sitzfleisch. A-M-E-N: El Melech Ne’eman—God Is a Faithful King! Thanks so much, Mario, for your steadfast courage; you are a blessing.
    Agapē in Yeshua, Dorian

  153. Jacquie Bohannan

    We are standing and declaring America Shall Be Saved! Gods will be done as it is in Heaven! Thank you for your stand it is NOT over!

  154. Wanda A Gladney

    More prayer has gone up for this nation and for the purposes of God than what I have seen in my life as being a Christian. I was Born Again at 17, filled with the Holy Ghost at 20 and now I am 57 yrs old.
    This President has done more for the Bible, and those that believe the Bible than I have EVER seen in my voting history. I will continue to pray for him, because of what God said about him, and America.
    God is contending for America. I will say be sure we are trusting GOD for the man, and not trusting MAN for America. God will use whom he wants and we do acknowledge that God is using this man right now. Be blessed and stay focused and sober.

  155. Sims Patricia

    I will not abandon Donald Trump because God has used him to stand up to evil. He’s had more courage than many professing Christians. I will continue to pray, fast and stand for a miracle from our God. When we are faithless, He is faithful! It is written, The Lord loves justice and He will NOT forsake His saints. Psalm 37:28 We need to rest on His promises.

  156. Patricia Sims

    I will not abandon Donald Trump because God has used him to stand up to evil. He’s had more courage than many professing Christians. I will continue to pray, fast and stand for a miracle from our God. When we are faithless, He is faithful! It is written, The Lord loves justice and He will NOT forsake His saints. Psalm 37:28 We need to rest on His promises.

  157. Bertha Dillow


    Bertha Mae

  158. Evonne Hughes

    I have always stood with him and continue to stand! You are completely RIGHT! Shame on these people who condem him. He is God’s anointed leader and I trust God to have him finish what God’s destiny is for him and God’s America.

  159. Ana Dempsey

    I stand with President Trump!??

  160. Denise O.

    My husband and I continue to support President Trump. We believe in God’s Great Plan for President Trump and the USA! Thank you Lord God! God bless us all!!

  161. Mary Ellen Thurman

    Thank you Mario!!! I never considered abandoning our President, Donald J. Trump!! I am standing in faith for the same miracle you are. Thank you for writing this blog. It is the very lifeblood of encouragement that we need. I believe America is being born-again and the cry to God to stop the murder of babies in America is heard for He is the Righteous Judge over all the earth! He will save us! Amen!! Emmie 🙂
    On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 11:31 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  162. Tracey and Christian

    We continue to stand with President Trump and believing God has 4 more years for him to be our President! Praying daily for him and those with him. We are also praying for you Mario and love seeing how God is using you in California!!! Fire and Glory!!! Great Awakening!!!

  163. Liz Smith ❤️???

    Always will stand for Trump ❤️???❤️???❤️???. I love his fortitude and patriotism and Love for God and country.

  164. bonnie621

    Thank you for keeping this message out there. The babies he saved by taking on Planned Parenthood thank you also.
    Sent from my iPhone

  165. yesua7

    praise God

  166. Nilsa

    Amen! Well said. Jesus is Lord over the storm. We will pray and remain steadfast. Thank you for always pointing us to Christ.

  167. NewHeavenOnEarth

    We stand against evil; we stand for the Truth! We stand for true righteousness and holiness! We stand for true Justice and the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of God’s vengeance against evil. We stand for God’s appointed and anointed leaders! We ask God our Father to expose all the corruption, fraud, lies, deception, manipulation, bribery, compromises, sell outs, black-mail, schemes, shenanigans, wiles, devices, false narratives, and evil agendas. We ask our Abba Father to reveal the truth! We raise the standard of righteousness over America and ask God to restore America as a constitutional republic under God! Save America Father God!
    In my devotions this morning I was led to the verses in Matthew where Jesus asks, “What do you want me to do for you?” Eternal Father, Almighty God, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, on whose shoulder is the Government of God, we ask for all the evil that infiltrated America to be exposed and removed, and the Spirit of Truth to guide us into all the truth! Our help comes from Above! In God we trust! We wait with patient endurance and eager expectation for our President Donald John Trump’s second term! Thank you Jesus!

  168. Gloria Hall

    No, my husband, family and friends will not abandon him either!! We are continuing to pray for him and his family and especially for a miracle for our country and that our President will remain in office for four more years!!!

  169. Mary Lynn Swartout

    Thank you so much. We agree and support Trump!!
    Sent from my iPhone

  170. Penny Cannella

    Most of all we cannot abandon he and his entire family in prayer… regardless of whatever the outcome is. We need to stand strong against the enemy in every arena and up for Jesus and His righteousness. It is shameful those who are quick to abandon him and speak out against him but that is one of our nation’s tenants that we do not want to loose. Keep up the good work in the advancement of God”s kingdom
    Penny Cannella
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021, 1:27 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  171. maryannh5

    I can hear the voice of Kathryn Kuhlman: “I believe in miracles because I believe in God!”She is among the cloud of witnesses, many who fought the tyranny of their generation. They are watching us as we continue to stand. Stand still and see…when you have done all, stand!
    Brother, we continue to stand in faith!

  172. Rosetta

    I am an African woman who loves President DJ Trump. Coming from there I know what fraudulent election win feels like, it means, lawlessness, misery, dictatorship, loss of liberty and totalitarianism. I have been praying for the President since the 5th of September with fasting and prayers. One thing is certain, I am not afraid but excited to witness the fall of pharaoh, senncharib, herod, zalma and zalmuna, haman fall and fail in their agendas in Jesus Name Amen. America cannot fail. President DJ Trump is the President and it is decreed in Heaven.

  173. GodIsWithUs!

    I would love for President Trump to be able to read Mario’s blog and especially all of the responses to this post! Surely they would encourage him.
    I love President Trump and will never abandon him!! God had to give us someone who punches back TWICE as hard to show us what it means to be strong again!
    I’m sickened and horrified by all of the corruption and theft we are seeing. But it’s been there all along, mostly under the cover of darkness. JUSTICE, LORD!!!!!
    The constant ache in my heart to see the betrayal and weakness of so many around President Trump, as I sense this hurts him more than for the average person.
    I’m reminded of how Joseph had to go through so much, but the hope of what we read in Genesis over and over says it all: “AND GOD WAS WITH HIM.” Despite everything, God IS WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP. He has been the last four years — and I have full confidence that He will be the NEXT four years — as President!
    This is so much bigger than President Trump and America. He sees it, we see it. The entire world sees it.
    I am very expectant to see Almighty God act in the next few weeks in a way we have never, ever seen before. It will be more than we can think or imagine (Eph. 3:20).
    God ALWAYS gets the last word. ALWAYS!!

    • prayinginok

      “The constant ache in my heart to see the betrayal and weakness of so many around President Trump, as I sense this hurts him more than for the average person.”
      Yes, because loyalty is VERY important to him. I am also expectantly waiting to see what God will do. I believe by March we will be rejoicing!!! 🙂

      • GodIsWithUs!

        @prayinginok Yes, exactly ? But totally agree about rejoicing in March!!!! ??

      • GodIsWithUs!

        LOL Oops, wrong emoji used below, supposed to be a smiling one ?

  174. Sandi Nye

    Sent from my iPhone

  175. nellsh

    Hi Mario, I just tried to purchase your books, the duo pack. It’s saying they are out of stock .

    • mariomurilloministries

      I apologize for the mistake on our end. We have sold out. Vessels is still available as are many of our other resources.

  176. Janet Burud

    I attempted to respond to your offer of the 2 book bundle, however the website said that is was “out of stock,” and despite trying to click on something that would offer an advance order, nothing worked.

  177. Lynda

    Thank you soooooo much Mario
    We are soooo thankful for you and your ministry
    We are praying for you and your family as well as Trump and his family.

  178. Margie Kitchen

    Yes I stand strong for President Trump! Feel so blessed to have a President for once who is for our country and not for himself! Thank you God for bringing forth such a man, thank you Donald Trump for being that man! Praying everyday to God to protect us all from the corruption in our world, and to protect our President and the ones who will help him carry this out!

  179. Carla Szuch

    Thank you…excellent message.
    On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 10:26 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  180. jojeanknardyahoocom

    Absolutely !!! Praying often during the day.  Open to anything else I can do.  I sign every petition. Thanks for all you do. Yay, Jesus !!!  After doing, all, standing. Jo Jean


    Thank you God help us every one.Margi
    Sent from the all new Aol app for iOS

  182. dorothy41

    I will not either. * Dorothy * 2 Corinthians 3:18 Open faced before God…
    On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 10:24 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  183. Fabian Faustinus

    I am from Papua New Guinea ?? and i support Donald Trump whole heartedly as represents the heart and agenda of God concerning USA.

  184. Sandy

    Continuing to stand in faith, believing the Lord of Hosts will bring a miracle!

  185. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    I WILL NOT ABANDON PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP—NOT NOW—NOT EVER! I serve THE ONE TRUE GOD/THE MOST HIGH GOD, and my Faith has not and is not and will not waiver.
    What is taking place, is a TEST for professing Christians—and professing Patriotic Americans…..WILL WE STAND FIRM—OR WILL WE “WIMP OUT?” When we look in the mirror each morning—WHAT DO WE SEE???? —AN AMERICAN RESOLVE OF LOYALTY TO GOD’S ANOINTED: PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP—OR—an attitude of : Oh well—what will be will be!!!!
    Have we played the fool for so long, that we can no longer recognize GOD’S GIFT TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? —- AND MORE PARTICULARLY—AMERICA’S ONE HOPE FOR SURVIVAL!!!!!!
    Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

  186. Brenda

    I absolutely support President Trump and stand in faith with you and others that God is not only is in full control, but that He is about to reach down and deliver us from our enemies. This is an exciting moment to be alive and see what is about to happen before our very eyes. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!

  187. Rhona Temple

    You are one of God’s General’s here on earth. You continue to speak the truth. Your sword is always ready. I do so appreciate your strong stand in a society who needs to stand up and join God’s solders. Blessings Rhona.
    Calgary, Alberta Canada

  188. Pearl Diaz

    My husband and I are in total agreement with you, praying for the President as well as the prophets.
    We pray and support your ministry also. God is using you as He begins this next Great Awakening!
    Glory to God! Jesus is LORD!

  189. ladydianne1017

    When will the Duo bundle be back in stock? I’d like to purchase it please!!
    On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 1:24 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and > outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a > costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his > supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him > at ” >

  190. Andres Gonzalez

    I agree with Mario Murillo. I think and I feel that this has happened, it has been a very meticulously planned plan, I think, everyone must have seen and heard what the video where that mysterious scientist Anthony Fauci spoke about how the Donald Trump administration would suffer a disaster with a virus. And he raised it, as an irremissible fact, from there, the trap against the world and our country began, since this is the only nation that defends the inalienable right to freedom. Of course, that is why the American people are attacked because that is where the patriotic sentiment is represented, not only national but rather global, and that is a threat to globalists who hide behind the disguises of the left, democrats, etc… Now everything will be shown differently and they will try to eradicate the national patriotic sentiment.

  191. Susie Mobley

    I agree 1000% with Mario and Marsha Carol Watson Gandy. I believe we are at a Red Sea moment and our God will make a way!!

  192. Susan

    Amen Susie!
    Praying for a miracle.
    Praying for President Trump to be open to the Holy Spirit and may he have divine wisdom and clarity and courage.
    Praying against the spirit of Jezebel as two women are vying and trying to manipulate the events for the presidency and vice presidency (Pelosi) as soon as they can. And many women have been brazenly involved in the cheating of this election 2020. May the spirit of Jezebel be cast down to hell in the name of Jesus Amen.
    And may this time in history be recorded as God by His grace be one of His favour. In the Name of Jesus Amen.
    Lord, we need a miracle from You please. In Jesus Name. Amen

  193. Susan

    From today’s reading of Charles Spurgeon’s Faiths Checkbook:
    A Man Without Fear
    “And He said, Certainly I will be with thee” (Exodus 3:12).
    Of course, if the LORD sent Moses on an errand, He would not let him go alone. The tremendous risk which it would involve and the great power it would require would render it ridiculous for God to send a poor lone Hebrew to confront the mightiest king in all the world and then leave him to himself. It could not be imagined that a wise God would match poor Moses with Pharaoh and the enormous forces of Egypt. Hence He says, “Certainly I will be with thee,” as if it were out of the question that He would send him alone.
    In my case, also, the same rule will hold good. If I go upon the LORD’s errand with a simple reliance upon His power and a single eye to His glory, it is certain that He will be with me. His sending me binds Him to back me up. Is not this enough? What more can I want? If all the angels and arch- angels were with me. I might fail; but if He is with me, I must succeed. Only let me take care that I act worthily toward this promise. Let me not go timidly, halfheartedly, carelessly, presumptuously. What manner of person ought he to be who has God with him! In such company it behoveth me to play the man and, like Moses, go in unto Pharaoh without fear.

  194. Maritza Heg

    Thanks, Mario !! I’m NOT abandoning him. THIS IS NOT OVER YET. God spoke and He’ll do !
    And thanks, also, for your boldness and obedience to your call during your tent ministry in California !!

  195. Jess C

    We will not abandon President Trump!!! The hand of God will bring us through this with Victory!!! Thank you for speaking and not apologizing, nor backing down when the fight is tough. God bless you Mario!!

  196. Eric Marshall

    I won’t abandon him even though I don’t live in the States. I’m in the UK, but our own form of political We seem sometimes to be living in a futuristic movie, but what is happening now is REAL! We have to support those that stand up for us and against the ‘norm’. Our options to complain and speak against what is happening in our world are reducing each day. Only our Lord’s miraculous intervention can save us. We’re getting to the point where He is the only option left! The Lord bless you in Bakersfield.
    mariomurilloministries posted: ” Bloodthirsty Trump-haters, inside and outside the church, demand that we renounce Trump and admit we made a costly blunder supporting him. It is disgusting to see some of his supporters—even Republican leaders—throwing in the towel and abandoning him at “

  197. Michelle Evans

    I agree whole heartedly! Amen! And Amen!
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  198. Katherine Black

    Thank you.  This is NOT just about voter fraud.  Other countries interfered with our elections.  This is WWIII by attacking our nation and our elections.  Wake Up America.  Nations in Action and other experts agree we were hacked and our elections interfered with by foreign nations.  Italy was also involved.  Wake Up America…we were attacked, the election stolen and most democrats don’t even care that are in elected positions.   I believe Trump was ordained by God to hold that office for so many reasons but also to help turn away America from Abortion on demand.  Kathy Black

  199. twolistenersorg

    You are so right! I will continue to Stand as well !
    I cannot get over how many are of so little faith.
    I account it as running out of oil.
    Those who have a strong faith like us have enough oil to
    Finish the race and try to help others who have run out .

    Good example is Alex Jones (Info wars) who has become another false prophet of the doom and gloom! Let’s pray for him and all the others who may be tempted to end their lives because they just have no hope left. These are the consequences when a nation shuts God out. I cannot even imagine how I would have got thru all this without the strong faith that I have.

    Be strong in the Lord!! God’s gonna move here!


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  200. Stephanie and David Lindenberger

    We will not abandon Donald Trump or his family! They stood for all the issues we in the pro-life, constitutional and anti-political corruption “movements” have stood for for years.

  201. Larry Higley

    We cannot abandon President Trump any more that we can abandon Jesus. Just as Jesus is our brother so is President Trump our brother in Christ.
    God revealed all the corruption in our government to him and led him to do the things necessary to expose it. It is up to us to continue the fight to expose the corruption that has infiltrated our democracy and to do all we can to rid our government of people who have no love for God or for the Constitution of the United States.
    As God’s people it is up to us to let Him use our voice to declare His word and to let the devil know we will not back down no matter what these children of the devil try to do. Joh 8:42  Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. Joh 8:43  Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. Joh 8:44  You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. Are government is filled with liars so it is obvious who their father is.



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