by | Jan 11, 2021 | Christianity Today | 111 comments

 You can’t dwell on the frightening images you will see on cable news. You can’t cave in to the hysteria.  There is something extremely important you must take care of.

After you have taken every precaution necessary for siding with truth—after you have settled it in your soul to remain strong in the Lord, wholly trusting in Him, it will be time for you to fight in a new way.

Everything in me tells me these are the most important days you will know in our lifetime. Waste them, and it will be the greatest regret of your life.

Turn your time of waiting into the most important breakthrough ever. Turn feelings of helplessness into fuel for an amazing outcome. These are days to let God do a shocking new work inside you.

It all begins with the story of Paul being arrested and put in prison. Satan put Paul in prison, intending to inflict massive damage on Christianity. He thought Paul could no longer win souls, and he could not teach the fledgling churches that desperately needed his Apostleship. In fact, he couldn’t do anything…except for one thing.

He began writing. And writing would be the most devastating thing Paul would ever do to Satan’s kingdom. If Paul hadn’t been confined, he might never have had the time to write.  How could he possibly imagine his writings would impact billions?  Paul ended up writing 60% of the New Testament. Selah.

Jailing Paul was the stupidest mistake Satan ever made, besides crucifying Christ. Now let me show you how to make this illegal new attempt to confinement in your home, his next major mistake.

1. Model faith to your children. Settle it in your soul that God will pay your bills, protect your job and restore what you have lost. Don’t speak fear and doubt in your home! The greatest lesson you will ever model for your children—and the greatest gift you will ever leave to them—is to confess that everything that has been lost will be restored. Because when this is over and God comes through—as you know He will—they will remember and apply these lessons in their lives, whenever they are threatened. The greatest thing your children can watch you do is trust in God.

2. Read the Bible. Dump all the negative contradictory rhetoric confused preachers are speaking.  Preachers are losing credibility because they foolishly predicted things and then recanted their predictions  In the Old Testament such “waffling prophets” would have been stoned. It is this lack of discipline in some prophetic camps that has wreaked havoc and left many unprepared for the storm that is upon us.

The same applies to conspiracies and accusations against Trump. How much clearer can the Bible be? Isaiah 8:12-13, “Do not say, ‘A conspiracy,’ concerning all that this people call a conspiracy, neither be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled. The Lord of Armies, Him you shall hallow; let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread.”

I am a strong advocate for the fact that this election has been stolen. However, if I let myself begin to fight only in the natural, and I am thrown by the latest developments it can cripple faith.

Stop needing a “word from God” from people. Take a breather from digging for emotional resolution. This is a long war that won’t end quickly.  In 2 Timothy 2:23 Paul warned, “Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels.”

Instead, read the Bible! Now that you have a lot of time, get the Word of God in you. That is the most powerful protection, and the best way to understand how to weather this storm.

3. Make a list of goals for this waiting period, and work hard to meet those goals. Already, you see how many things have stolen your time.  You see how many things that previously cluttered your life, seem unimportant now. Because you are a child of God, nothing of yours that is vital will be stolen. Your job and your business will be brought back to life. Therefore, choose to see this as a kind of paid vacation. Paid by God.

It is a time to make overdue changes, and big and bold plans for the future. To do that, you must get to work. That means no binge-watching Netflix! It means you seek the heart of God and ask Him to show you the goals He wants you to accomplish. Write those goals out, and make the righteous choices that give those goals the very best chance of coming to pass. 

This intentional goal setting insults the devil’s threats against you.

Paul wrote much of the New Testament while he was in forced confinement. This waiting period can feel like jail!  But great projects will be born—projects that may swallow up the wrong ones you had before.

Lastly make the most important goal list of all: the things you are never are never going back to.

4.Turn prayer into a habit. Inspiration will lead you to pray, but you must decide to form the habit that will keep you praying. The chilling fact is that if you do not pray during this pandemic, you will never pray at all. Let God deliver you from the greatest hindrances to prayer that I know of: impulse prayer and feeling-based prayer.

Right now, forget about how long you pray. Focus on praying each and every day. Behaviorists have shown that it takes doing something 35 times in a row, before it becomes a habit. If you create that habit, and deepen that habit, you will own life’s greatest skill.  James 5:16, “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

5. Focus on personal repentance, not national repentance. You do it! Don’t wait for others, or even think about other people’s repentance. People have been babbling about national repentance as if it was something other people need to do. We don’t see national repentance happening yet, so don’t wait for it to happen. Repent on your own!

We still do not even see widespread repentance among preachers. Have you heard many preachers on social media admit they’ve been wrong?  We are flooded with messages from preachers. But have you heard one major pastor or preacher repent or promise that they will run church differently than they did before? Do you see many who are willing to stand with Trump at this hour? Do you see many preachers who aren’t just chomping at the bit to restart the same old thing? I promise you, unless deep repentance takes place, you will be shocked at how unchanged the American church will be, after all of this. Think about this: How much really changed after 9/11?

Remember, God is judging America as much because of the world, as because of the church.  The carnal church has left us open to this disaster. And yet, without repentance, we have zero reason to believe it won’t go back to exactly the way it was before. In other words, they will have learned nothing from the pandemic and the election. They just don’t get it.

We pray that God will not force the issue of repentance by extending and deepening our national crisis, until America implodes completely. But you have to wonder how they can all say they want this to be over, and yet they still will not repent.

But, we must not set our hope on that. Our hope is founded on the knowledge that we must repent before God—and that is personal repentance.

We are at the point where only a miracle from God will expose the deep corruption that has taken over the Democrats and their cohorts. Our helplessness is an opportunity to look to God in faith. 

My prayer in this hijacked election is from 2 Chronicles 20:12 “O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”

Total trust will lead to the real miracle of mercy. You see, you can stand as a priest between the sins of America, the sins of the church, and God. That is true intercession. There is a righteous core of believers who can turn this plague away. (read Numbers chapter 16)

Remember, God said He would spare Sodom and Gomorrah if there were just 10 righteous people. We are not going to rebuke this away; we are going to repent it away. You have the power to stand between God and this virus.

We must give God what He is seeking. We can’t worry about how many others are interceding, even if there are only a few. The promises of the Lord are never vague! Neither are the conditions to His promises.

2 Chronicles 7:14, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”



  1. Susan

    Spot on MMM.
    God Bless you-

    • Shelley Snow

      Thank you for being a voice in this present wilderness. I’m emboldened to continue on this journey and breakthrough….. God bless and keep you as you endeavor to fulfill your mission with the tent revivals. May God multiply the souls to your account today and the days ahead.

    • Clark

      Here is what Mario is saying: Be a Blacksmith in this evil day! Be sharpened to be a highly effective weapon in the hand of the Lord in order to destroy the works of the devil. YOU are His battle axe and weapon of war! DON’T LET THE DEMOCRATS (Philistines) SHUT DOWN THE BLACKSMITHS IN THE CHURCH SO THEY CAN DISARM AND CONTROL YOU! A dull ax requires needless sweat and wasted time; be wise and sharpen the blade in this season. Don’t work harder, work smarter! PREPARATION IS NEVER WASTED TIME. See 1 Samuel 13:16-23

    • kassie1948

      Have you seen the movie. The Insanity of God. All Americans need to watch this Christian movie Please try to watch it with your family. It is a blessing from God to the American people. Just be sure get tissues you will need them

  2. Tony S


  3. Arline Reed Trowbridge

    Thank you. I needed that. I have been ill, weak, and should be seeing a doctor tomorrow. I will read and pray Numbers chapter 16. What a blessing you are in Jesus!

    • Mark Stripling

      Praying for your healing and strength, Dear Sister! May the Great Physician meet with you today!

  4. roberthitchman5e7965e7f5


  5. Kathy Rose


  6. Charles Colteryahn c

    The church is holding area for the many are called few are chosen God wants to choose every one but they are following man’s doctrine not God’s as an individual step out and let the Holy Spirit teach and lead you total surrender to Jesus

    • bdk11

      Amen Charles

    • Clark

      Don’t be a wandering star by rejecting the local church. Be an answer and bloom where God plants you.

  7. Jean Brown

    Mario, God had anointed you with the Holy Ghost and with power: you go about doing good, and healing all that are oppressed of the devil; for God is with you. Be confident of the very thing, that He which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the Day of Jesus Christ. The very God of Peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calls you, who also will do it.

  8. Jan McIntyre

    Thank you for this uplifting message. It has been one of the best I have read over this time of upheaval.
    Jan McIntyre 0428573097 kiriwina1@bigpond.com #liveclean #livewell

  9. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    Re-posted on Facebook.
    Mario this has got to be one of the best if not the best Blog you’ve written.
    Clear scriptural guidance!

    • Clark

      Our Republic is NOT dead, and when Believers who are Living Epistles stand in the gap, it strengthens their resolve to be the salt and light in the midst of a crooked and perverse system of corrupt Democrats bent on shutting down the church! Jesus is building His church, and the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it!

      • Wordforworld

        Amazing that Mario took the time out of his very busy schedule to write! Still in earnest prayers for an amazing display of the Holy Spirit all over Bakersfield, Mario. Special strength for all the team, in Jesus’ Name! Thank you, sir!
        We’re told:
        Stop speaking fear & doubt! Dump the negative rhetoric! Stop needing a word, get in your Bible! Ignore foolish controversies! Quit saturating in fake media! Stop magnifying the deeds of the enemy. Pray more, ask more of the LORD God, in faith! Confess YOUR trespass; pray for others. Repent-rethink what you’ve been saying, thinking, doing & REDEEM this time!
        Be gap-standers for your pastors!
        When we pray, we’re to believe we receive the petition; however we are admonished to FORGIVE aught. We forgive those who’ve wronged us. We have to! It’s not condoning their sin. But WE are accountable for our unforgiveness, else Father will not forgive us! (Especially when we’ve wronged others. Sin is sin.)
        We strive in this, keeping the unity of Spirit THRU the bond of peace.
        Then the LORD’s power shows up, when we’re obedient to Him!

      • Wordforworld

        Meant to say Amen, Clark!

    • mark James

      Yes IF IF IF who’s people??? God says His people MUST TURN AWAY from all their own WICKEDNESS and do justice NOT as in never returning evil for evil but a What Lord?? A blessing YES a blessing so when One single simple soul does this than they are in actuality working out from Within their very own deliverance to the reality of a Salvation that is to be readied to be revealed when they attain to it on this the Last Day Amen. These are Spiritual truths and absolutely are hidden from the disobedient soul no matter he or she be a professed Christian or not as God the Living God who is Holy is not mocked for whatever we sow our lives into we shall reap from that life be it Spiritual InChristed as in Jesus or the flesh of the good and evil natural yet can be extremely religious man of YES err in Sin Amen

  10. Wendy

    Thank you for the encouragement of unwavering faith! Thank you for continuing to post!

  11. zvette

    Bless you. I need encouragement to keep away from all news sources. I have let my daily Bible study time be replaced by checking the news. I stand convicted.
    Thank you.

  12. gilliskn

    Thank you!

  13. John R.

    Words of wisdom Mario.
    Thank you.

  14. smcd4jc

    Mario I cannot sat thank you enough for being the beacon of light to many in darkness!I want to encourage your, as I have heard brother Hank Kunneman; keep writing You’re gifted, anointed & I am praying for U as you raise those tents in Bakersfield this week! ShalomStephanie 
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  15. mrsburdie3

    Could you please change my email address to wendy33340@protonmail.com . Thanks!

  16. Mike Amato

    Thank you, Mario. As you mentioned, we should be using this time wisely. I know someone who, during this past year (and for the first time in his life), began to use his God-given musical talents to write some wonderful praise songs in a traditional style. Some sound as if they were written 100 years ago! But they are new. Praise God for for the way He brings blessing out of what the enemy intended for cursing!

    • thelister8

      Can you tell me where to find him and his songs please?

    • kingskid48

      That is good news, and it’s so needed. Thanks Mike.

    • Clark

      God gives New Songs in the night!

  17. Nilsa


  18. Dawn Adkins

    This is such an encouraging blog! Fighting in the Spirit ?

  19. Peggy Mailloux

    This is such a good blog. Thank you Mario.

    • mark James

      Yes it is for those who have a Single eye to see what the Life-Giving Spirit of Jesus is saying to the soul of each individual to STOP WARRING after the flesh it is all useless and is actually doing the will of the god of this world pouring out his fuel for the unholy fire of Gods Wrath Amen

  20. Connie Haus

    God has spoken … He has said much the same to me.

  21. Susie Guyton

    Right on, Mario! Thank you for spurring us on to repent personally. God bless you and your family, Susie

  22. Martha Wertz

    Another Brilliant message. ON Target! THANK YOU! It is time for a DEEPER cleaning of our vessels, bodies, homes, spirit, minds that we can accomplish at this time. As God is doing a NEW THING, it is not all about what is OUT THERE! ” New Wine’ for the new wine skins is an INSIDE job. I have been sensing this winter is much like Valley Forge. The time was used to rest, renew, recharge. Washington’s men were at an all time low, starving, bloody feet, delirious with cold, unequipped, ready to give up and go home. George Washington himself was ‘on the edge’ of hopelessness. Instead, after much prayer and wise council, things dramatically changed that winter. General Washington started to get resources and funding from Congress for better food, shoes, blankets for his troups. He motivated them by reading a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, called COMMON SENSE. The first version of this powerful message was released January 9, 1776. By the end of the war, over 500,000 copies were sold. This PAMPHLET was said to be a GAME CHANGER ! What are we reading and hearing to Motivate us? In addition, General Washington hired two military experts to help train his men to be better soldiers, regarding strategies, tactics, target practice etc. Is this a time, for each of us to sharpen our spiritual warfare strategies? TO further move forward during this winter, many helpers arrived. Martha Washington and many other women came to Valley Forge, helped with the wounded and infirm, darned sox, boosted morale, provided nutritious meals, provided much needed support for their husbands and others. Where might we need BACK UP or offer it to others at this time? When Spring arrived , the troups of George Washington were said to have transformed into a stronger, better equipped, refreshed, & empowered army. How might we use this time, which Mario has so clearly informed us here, to become stronger, more empowered, more effective as we are each a part of the Lord’s Army? To God be the Glory as we use our time and days in service, in wisdom, in focus.

    • Clark

      THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD! Personal repentance gives the church it’s SECOND WIND. Personal repentance means laying aside every weight and THE sin of unbelief that so easily entangles us!

    • prayinginok

      Great post, Martha!

  23. Kathleen Woodward


  24. Jacqueline Degaetano

    I would just like to keep in touch if things get crazy


    Dear Brother Mario This week while you are holding the services in the tent, the Angels of GOD will be – in the tent, -over the tent, -outside the tent. and you will have a double portion of the SPIRIT of JESUS THE CHRIS to the GLORY and HONOR of the FATHER Amen
    On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 3:53 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” You can’t dwell on the frightening > images you will see on cable news. You can’t cave in to the hysteria. > There is something extremely important you must take care of. After you > have taken every precaution necessary for siding with truth—after you have” >

  26. n9nwo

    The more the left persecutes Trump the more they make him into a martyr.
    Trump does not have to run for office. His endorsement is enough to determine who the nominee will be in 2024. I do believe that Nikki Haley will be the nominee BTW.
    What is more concerning is how the left is going after those of faith. The left sees those who are faith to be their biggest enemy. Therefore it is now our time to expand our outreach to our fellow citizens. More street ministry. More outreach on college campuses. More church planting in every big city.
    the US is a wide open mission field. We have those from Central and South America. Muslims from Africa and the Middle East. We can freely, for now, talk to them. Plus many of our young men are empty thus seek extremism. Have you spoken the word to a young man lately? Especially young men you meet as you shop or pass in the street?

    • Clark

      n9nwo, Have you? Give us some testimonies of your personal outreach.

      • Gunnar

        CLARK will you walk out Matthew 18:15-17 with those you are offended at, please as it’s the Standard. Thank you!

      • Mark Stripling

        Clark, this is not the first time you have made comments of this type, so please consider what motivates you to say such things.

      • Clark

        Gunnar, before you pull your guns out and falsely assume the negative, pause and think before you speak. I will if you will. Thanks for the dialogue. I’m still eager to here a testimony from my friend N9NWO.

      • megagenius

        Mark Stripling, what is motivating you to ask what is motivating him? If you do not wish to dialogue in a public forum where people are free to ask questions, then why are you so easily offended? It seems like that is the prevailing problem on social media. The soon-touchy-crowd. Perhaps YOU can give me a testimony of any outreach you have engaged in recently. I would like to read about it. Thanks. Be Blessed!?

    • mark James

      That stick Jesus spoke to the religious so-called hierarchy must be removed called “REPENTANCE” if we or any soul thinks that’s he’s qualified to speak for our God and His Gospel to set men free Amen

  27. Debbie Kliewer

    What a wonderful message! This is the well defined path that I have been trying to find for the last few weeks. Thank you.
    On Mon, Jan 11, 2021, 12:44 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” You can’t dwell on the frightening > images you will see on cable news. You can’t cave in to the hysteria. > There is something extremely important you must take care of. After you > have taken every precaution necessary for siding with truth—after you have” >

  28. saharrison08

    Thank you, this was such encouragement. I’ve determined I’m not ‘locked down’ I’m locked into God in this time, so wonderful it’s heaven on earth.
    Continuing to pray for the tent outreach.

  29. Mary Navarro

    Thank you you hit on alot of issues that have been in my thoughts and yes I’m keeping my eyes on the Lord and hears listening to God To God Be The Glory thank you brother God Bless you and keep you

  30. suzannebenfield

    This word is fire Mario! Thank you for bringing it! Blessings to you. Suzanne Benfield
    Sent from my iPhone

  31. james R Lowell Jr

    Thank you, Mario, for a great encouragement! I was so impressed with the validity of all you said that I forwarded it to many family members and friends. You could not have been more “spot on.” I believe that history shows the church has grown most when it was under adversity and persecution. It appears we will be under persecution unless God chooses to turn this election around by some miracle. So I am praying for revival in the church and many new souls in His Kingdom. We moved to London, Arkansas to get away from the oppressive regime in CA, and we are enjoying our search for a church where God can use what we have left of our life. And BTW, Linda needs a miracle physically, as she is still dealing with the effects of the hypersensitivity pneumonitis that made us leave Lake County over 5 years ago. I received the books and am looking forward to spending time reading them. We are looking with great anticipation for news of your upcoming revival in Bakersfield. May God greatly bless that campaign!
    Jim Lowell (Dr. Jim)

  32. Victoria

    Thank you bro.Murillo. God bless you and keep you.


    Thank you, Brother Mario! Right on!

  34. revelation4me

    Mr Murillo was right, especially about putting the Word of God FIRST. Praying is important and the word will guide you in prayer. The neglect of the Word of God in our corporate and personal lives IS THE PRIMARY SOURCE of the nation’s problems right now.

    • prayinginok


    • megagenius

      Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

  35. Donna Mckenzie

    Thank you for this word this morning.

  36. Laurel Young

    Thank you for this very important message. I am praying for you and your team as you begin your tent revival today. Expecting great things from our awesome God!

    • Darlene Zink

      Yes many will be praying and fasting for the tent meetings. How ’bout bringing one to PA. We need it for sure (Altoona,PA 🙂 )Love you Mario!!!!Gods Best For You Always!!!! Darlene Zink

  37. Sandy Willis

    Mario I loved this word because it emphasizes a relationship, a deep intimate relationship with our friend and God Jesus Christ. I cocoon myself in with Him every morning because I was determined during covid to use my “time” to be in His presence. Now I don’t feel dressed if I start my day without HIM .. One thing Ive found is that the more I talk to him and include Him, the more the Holy Spirit trusts me with His thoughts. I love this, I have never been closer and I feel honored that He has chosen me to war with hIm. Standing firm and believing my great God will have the victory. GOD WILL SAVE AMERICA AND HIS WILL WILL BE DONE IN THIS COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD.

  38. JD & DW

    On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 2:47 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” You can’t dwell on the frightening > images you will see on cable news. You can’t cave in to the hysteria. > There is something extremely important you must take care of. After you > have taken every precaution necessary for siding with truth—after you have” >

  39. revelation4me

    Now you must be prepared for every social platform to “go down” or “a total censure” and elimination (PURGE) of EVERY pro-Trump, pro-christian, pro-spiritual site ACROSS THE INTERNET. Some believers just go day-to-day searching for supportive words from prophetic voices (and there ARE true prophets of God and they ARE sent by God to enlighten and encourage believers) in order to survive. President Trump is right now fighting for the nation in ways you cannot imagine. The left wing/communists’ goal is to isolate him completely by shutting down ALL communication from the White House or (wherever his command post is situated right now). He and his family are under constant threat. The nation has been threatened in ways you can not imagine. The leftist communist faction ALSO WANTS TO SHUT DOWN EVERY RIGHTEOUS VOICE OVER SOCIAL MEDIA AND EVERY OTHER PLATFORM. THAT IS A DEFINITE PROBABLITY! Please be aware that the liberal/left wing/communists ARE VERY AWARE of the messages going out DAILY on Youtube, Facebook, etc that not only support President Trump but that also encourage the prayer/fasting/Word/faith/intercession and preparation for the revival (which by the way was released into the earth on New Year’s Day!).
    What will you do if the slate is wiped clean of any and ALL gospel? Could you stand alone? How is your personal relationship with the Lord? (and I of course am including myself FIRST). The bible relates the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. This group joined together to pursue an unholy goal. God put a stop to THAT plan by “confounding their language”. Same principle works now. Satan knows and believes the principle of “divide and conquer”. ( or “NO COMMUNICATION – NO INFORMATION – NO UNITED EFFORT”). He’s been using it very effectively for a long time and it’s been especially effective over the past few months! Just look at the division within the Body of Christ! He wants to isolate President Trump in order to destroy him without advance warning to his supporters. He wants to isolate Christians from important online spiritual resources. Satan believes that the church has been rendered so ineffective by five decades of Bible ignorance and faithless religion that we’ll fold immediately.
    Have you noticed SATAN’S ENTIRE EFFORT SINCE THE ELECTION HAS BEEN DIRECTED AT INFORMED PRAYING BELIEVERS? Satan cannot stop the internal working of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God in the hearts of true believers, however. THAT tactic will only work with lukewarm, weakened, faithless individuals.
    There is an intense battle raging right now. Before we see President Trump triumph, and take the oath of office for his second term NOW, there is a price to be paid both in the spirit realm AND in the natural realm. I am just saying…BE PREPARED

  40. Danny Ttussell

    Mario, Thanks so much for your encouraging commentary on the present day. I have had to deal with the temptation to hate the opposition because of their rhetoric and stubbornness and desire to censure free speech. I am reminded to love our enemies and pray for them. I was praying early this morning for fellow prayer warrior to pray with me. I am reminded by your commentary to pray and repent and pray during this time regardless of how many there are to pray with me. I know there are many others, but I will pray and repent myself. God’s power is greater. And, His hosts are greater.

    • prayinginok

      I certainly understand, but we’re to hate evil, not the people themselves. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

  41. Debra Hoots

    Loving this blog. Thank you for the uplifting messages you present to us. Praying daily and my prayer life has changed so much for the better. Praying for your tent revival starting today. May God’s will and glory completely envelope it. To GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

  42. shaneterri

    Thank you, Mario, for this MOST important guide!
    Terri Shane

  43. yesua7


  44. Gunnar

    No one should be upset at the backpeddling etc., as IF, we all had been in our WORD and Prayer, and Fast, Repentant closet and gotten a WORD from the Lord himself and heard from God Almighty himself as Bible says no one is greater and first last be last and last shall be first. I’m just as guilty as replacing God with a King Saul type we had the Bible about false shepherds, false prophets vs. true period. God’s Love Letter to us is his WORD. Also, continue to PRAY, Fast, Repent, Pray/Speak the Word and heavenly language! It’s NOT over! God’s in Control of it ALL!
    https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/big-tech-oligarch-jeff-bezos-richest-man-in-the-world-destroys-parler-com/ keep praying!
    Hymn: “Keep your eyes upon Jesus, look full into his wonderful face, and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his Glory and Grace”. Psalms 24: & Isaiah 60:all!
    Pray for Bakersfield!

  45. Colleen Moran

    Thank you Mario for this post! This is an inspiration as I am preparing our 2021 children’s church curriculum. We are ministering to the army of the Lord and kids need this now more than ever! Thank you!

  46. alanmittan

    Amen brother, I’ve always believed that revival starts with me. Lord come and save us.

  47. kingskid48

    I read an article about a catholic priest who chewed out his congregation for voting for Biden, telling them, “now we are really in for it”. He’s wiser than some Protestants.
    Meanwhile, Dale Black Ministries posted this. They read Pelosi’s letter that was found on her laptop, to the mayor of Portland. This needs to be forwarded:
    They read the letter found on Pelosi’s laptop, instructing Portland mayor to let riots continue, deny anything’s happening, blame it all on Trump, and the media will make him a hero.
    Please send this out to your email lists and post it where you can.

    • Clark


  48. M Zimmerman

    Dear Mario,
    The above video link tells about FDR MOVING THE INAUGURATION DATE from March 4 to January 20 in 1933. Since President Trump is changing us back to a Republic from a corporation we will go back to the inauguration which had been in effect from 1776-1933? Perhaps this is the March celebration Kat Kerr was speaking about.
    Blessings, Michele

    Sent from my iPad

  49. kingskid48

    May you see an explosion of salvations and healings starting tonight, Pastor Mario!

    • Clark


  50. Darlene W

    Only the surrendered soul will have peace.We ran to all the prophetic voices to find peace that only God can provide.Maybe this is His mercy showing the world that He alone is God.

  51. mariewillis1029

    We have before us two choices for repentance: the living water of the Holy Spirit which leads us to repentance or the chastisement of fire which brings us to repentance. I hope we choose the Holy Spirit.

  52. Aaron Jackson

    Never can claim to be a literary genius like you Mario but I have just enough brains to hurt myself.
    I was thinking and wrote this?
    -My modern up to date rewrite of the poem by a Protestant taken to a nazi death camp named Martin Niemoller.-
    First they came for the conspiracy Theorists and I did not speak out because I was not a conspiracy theorist.
    Then they came for the radical right wing protesters but I did not speak out because I was not a radical right wing protester.
    Then they came for the right to ???? activists but I did not speak out because I was not a Right to life activist.
    Then they came for the word of faith Charismatics and I did not speak up because I was not a word of faith Charismatic.
    They came for “PUBLICLY VOCAL” Trump supporters and I did not speak out for publicly vocal Trump supporters because I was not one of them.
    One by one each group that I refused to speak out for fell silent and was stripped of there free speech on the social media platforms.
    There supporters lives ruined.
    By the time they came for me in my pulpit one day, no one with any financial clout or public influence was left to speak out for me.
    -Aaron Jackson
    Pastor of
    The Door,Hemet,Ca
    Jan 10th 2021-

    • Clark


  53. Sam

    Those are five great tips.
    Concerning “national repentance,” once we’ve repented of our own sins, we can also confess the sins of the nation, the Church, etc., the best that we know how. These are called prayers of atonement, and are modeled in the Old Testament, such as Daniel 9. Doing so helps break the power of those sins over others.
    In regard to daily prayer, here’s some excellent advice:

    Popular Bible teacher Oswald Chambers once wisely commented on the power of even 5 minutes in the presence of the Lord. Indeed, even a short time spent in prayer and the Word still has great value: “It is not the thing on which we spend the most time that moulds us, but the thing that exerts the greatest power. Five minutes with God and His Word is worth more than all the rest of the day.” Now, it may sound like Chambers has made an overstatement. Yet powerful results can come from even a short time of prayer because God is powerful.

    • Clark

      When you seek God with your WHOLE heart you don’t pray with long, complicated prayers. You simply speak to your Father in heaven with the simplicity of a child.

  54. Leah Tucker

    Thank you for the truth.
    On Mon, Jan 11, 2021, 3:06 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” You can’t dwell on the frightening > images you will see on cable news. You can’t cave in to the hysteria. > There is something extremely important you must take care of. After you > have taken every precaution necessary for siding with truth—after you have” >

  55. Sam

    Many years ago, psychologist Joyce Brothers wrote an outstanding article about setting goals and staying focused. As Christians, we definitely need to keep our focus on what’s important (Luke 10:41–42). Anyway, here are some helpful excerpts from her article:
    Some see control as a matter of juggling our many responsibilities. But when that happens, life becomes a checklist, not a choice.
    Control isn’t really about doing it all. It’s about being focused on what you want and pursuing your major goals–not every goal. Control is about making choices and having the courage to let certain things go.
    To do that, you need to achieve a sense of focus. Some people are born “in focus” . . . Fortunately, focus–the first step in control–can be learned. It begins with being in touch with your inner hopes and dreams. . . .
    Most of us have too many goals, and we assign them all equal value. We shift focus from one goal to another, thereby increasing the sense of being out of control.
    The first thing you have to do is to practice triage. Medical teams do this in terrible emergencies–sorting patients into those who are most likely to survive, those who will most benefit from help and those who just have to be made comfortable because there is no chance of survival.
    Pick out three or four goals that are most meaningful to you and that have the best chance of thriving. . . .
    Other goals, cruel as it sounds, simply must be allowed to die. Your dream of being the perfect mother who never misses a soccer game or checks every homework assignment may have to go. . . .
    * Work on your goals during your period of greatest energy: morning, if you’re a lark; evening, if you’re an owl. Schedule the three most important things you have to do daily during a peak period.
    * Avoid getting diverted. We all postpone doing the big things that really matter and get involved with those “annoying little things” that always seem to be in our way, like cleaning out a cabinet, sorting through papers, or checking on e-mail.
    The triage principle can help you stay on track. With every peak-time activity, ask yourself: “Will doing this get me where I want to be in one year, five years, 10 years?” If not, it doesn’t belong in peak time. It has to go on a stretcher and wait until later. It may even have to be allowed to expire. . . .

  56. Darlene Zink

    Mario thank you so much for every day when you write a blog. I hang on every word. When you said about Paul being in prison and the enemy thought he had won in that situation and Paul wrote most of the N.T. during that time I laughed!!! Yes you were right. I was a missionary in Turkey from 1996 till 2003. i loved it! When any of us were ever arrested, those in jail and those out of jail literally felt like jumping up and down with glee, SEEING WHAT THE LORD WAS ABOUT TO DO!!! 🙂 First of all they would always let us keep our bible in jail. We were always together. We would be in jail one or two days tops and then they would put a whole page apology for arresting us in the news paper because, in those days it was not illegal to be in church. It was intimidation. They apologized for breaking their own laws!!! There was even one time 2 guys were arrested for opening a Christian Book Store. They wouldn’t let them stay together (as extra punishment I guess) and put them at opposite ends of the jail, still keeping their bibles. SOOOOO, they both evangelized for a month, and the entire prison came to the Lord. Not only that , now here’s where it gets good…the people in the prison asked for bibles and they were given their own bible. ONLY GOD!!!!!!! So I say with experience, take heart sweet people!!! It’s not over yet…ONLY GOD!!!!!

  57. louisevandeneikhof@cox.net

    DUET 4:10
    > WordPress.com

  58. prayinginok

    I’m so thankful for you, Mario! I’ve been praying intensely for your service tonight.

  59. Mark Stripling

    “Sanballet was very angry when he learned that we were rebuilding the wall. He flew into a rage and mocked the Jews. ‘What does this bunch of poor feeble Jews think they are doing?’……Then I prayed, “hear us, our God, for we are being mocked. May their scoffing fall back on their own heads.’……But we prayed to our God and guarded the city day and night to protect ourselves……..Meanwhile our enemies were saying, ‘Before they know what’s happening, we will swoop down on them and kill them and end their work’…..Then as I looked over the situation, I called together the nobles and the rest of the people and said to them, ‘Don’t be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord, who is great and glorious, and fight for your brothers, your sisters, your sons, your daughters, and your homes!’….The laborers carried on their work with one hand supporting their load and one hand holding their weapon…..’Our God will fight for us!”……. They were just trying to intimidate us, imagining that they could discourage us and stop the work. So I continued the work with even greater determination…. Later I went to visit Shemaiah…..’Let us meet together tonight in the Temple of God and bolt the doors shut. Your enemies are coming to kill you tonight!’ But I replied, Should someone in my position run from danger? Should someone in my position enter the Temple to save his life? No, I won’t do it!…..They were hoping to intimidate me and make me sin. Then they would be able to accuse me and discredit me. “Remember, O my God, all the evil things things that Sanballat and Tobiah have done. And remember Nodiah the prophet and all the prophets like her who have tried to intimidate me. So on October 2 the wall was finished–just 52 days after we had begun. When our enemies and the surrounding nations heard about it, they were frightened and humiliated. They realized this work had been done with the help of our God.” Excerpts from Nehemiah 4, 5, and 6. Amen.

    • Mary C Webb

      Amen Mario! I’m going to share this at the next house church. I won’t have a problem filling in the time, as long as we have lights and heat. I love spending lots of time with the Lord in the morning and my husband has guitars and many worship songs from the Lord. These are good suggestions. We stand with the Lord of Righteousness!!!!

  60. Diane

    Amen im w you
    Sent from the all new Aol app for iOS

  61. Catherine A Eddleman

    Such a good word. Thank you❤️
    Catie Eddleman

  62. David Lee

    Great word!

  63. Sue McKenna

    I am reading your emails Mario, l am an Aussie trying to find her backbone in a changing world, ‘out of chaos God created’. I want to be strong in my convictions, unshaken, eyes upward, ❤️❤️

  64. NickT

    Amen, Yes I agree only a miracle from God will expose the deep state in our country and around the world.

  65. Mark DuBois

    Yes brother Mario, (2 Corinthians 12:21) = Paul is telling the “Church” of Corinth that there were some in the church there, that had previous sins they had committed and that they needed to repent. These were sons & daughters of our heavenly father. As you full well know of course the Apostle Paul as well
    as other Apostles, including Jesus our Lord had taught that repentance is not just a one time thing for non believers, but “repentance” is a lifestyle for believers. It’s called “transformation,” “renewing of the mind,” and I could go on and on. True repentance is not a bondage; it is a freedom. It is being conformed into His wonderful image. Blessings!

  66. Julie Andrews

    Dear Believers, this message is like a boot in the backside! When we were in lockdown, March/April I used the time to seek the Lord diligently and it was wonderful. During this last year I also went through a solid time of deep repentance for past generational sins. It wasn’t always easy, in fact at time it was confronting, challenging my perceptions. But I experienced real breakthrough and inner healing. So I would really encourage you to use this time to “seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near, let the wicked forsake his ways and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return to the Lord and to our God. And He will abundantly pardon, He will abundantly pardon you, return to the Lord” Isa 55:6-7
    Also a thought about repentance for the nation: Slavery has been a big part of US history; the instigation of it and the abolition of it. Many, many lives were impacted by it and much blood was shed. May I respectfully suggest that repentance of this issue would have a huge impact on the country and the way forward. Blessings to all, JA

  67. GodIsWithUs!

    Praise the Name that is above every name!! Been so waiting to hear this great report!! More, Lord, more!!

    • GodIsWithUs!

      Oooops…..Meant for that to go on the Bakersfield post…☺

  68. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    Posted this to FB:
    I go to revival, But, I am concerned about the TV I’ll miss cancelling Amazon?
    Am I really ready for Jesus’ Return?
    Are You?
    Mario is utterly correct that *I*, we, should concentrate on PERSONAL repentance vs National Repentance.
    If this the tech giants heavy handedness has shown me anything, it is that *I* too have minor loves of and in this world that stain my Armor if not actually distracting me from battle.
    I think of stuff I’d like to buy, and then have to remind myself that I am not buying from Amazon, where can I can that, and how much more will it cost, if I can even find it.


    Thank you for the encouragement that I needed for today. I feel so unsettled, but I don’t want to waste this precious time. Thank you, Pam Schmit
    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  70. NewHeavenOnEarth

    Have patient endurance with eager expectation of God’s Goodness, Grace and Glory! God bless you MMM! all glory, thanks and honor, dominion, power and authority to God our Father and his Christ!!!

    • Mark DuBois

      Brother Mario,
      How is Bakersfield coming along?
      Haven’t heard anything from you
      about the event!


    Brother…I caught your appearance with the other 5 speakers…w/pink haired KAT!!!KEEP STRENGTHENING OUR METAL, BROTHER!!!HUSTUSA

  72. Deb Gibboney

    We stopped getting your daily posts. Please reinstate. Your voice is accurate, powerful and needed in this hour! Blessings, Deb and Rock Gibboney Ocala, FL
    On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 3:42 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” You can’t dwell on the frightening > images you will see on cable news. You can’t cave in to the hysteria. > There is something extremely important you must take care of. After you > have taken every precaution necessary for siding with truth—after you have” >

    • mariomurilloministries

      You are fine I didn’t post this morning but I will today.

  73. Sharon Boileau

    You are right on soror. This is powerful and convicting me of how to spend my time.
    2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
    Sent from my iPhone




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