by | Jan 9, 2021 | Christianity Today | 479 comments

Today I was told to quit. The person who said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They told me that anything I would say would be twisted—and, that not only would I be banned, but they would go after me until they had destroyed my career as a preacher.

I was ready to answer this person, because the Holy Spirit had warned me in advance that they were coming. So now I am going to relate to you what God told me about quitting. God gave me these verses:

Acts 18:9-11, “Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.” And he (Paul) continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.”

The fact is that this blog and this ministry can’t be explained in the natural, anyway. Since it was born supernaturally, it will be sustained supernaturally. Not only am I not quitting, I will amplify all the words I receive from the Lord. You can count on that.

God is stands ready to refresh and empower you for a fresh attack on evil.

Isaiah 40 31 But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Now, I want to speak heart to heart with the remnant of God in America: This is a test. And we are in the worst part of that test. The rage of anti-God social media is out of control, because they feel emboldened to do whatever they want. And because they think Trump is done.

They are raining down shame and accusation on anyone who speaks truth. Nevertheless, we must not fear and we must not fold. Those preachers who cave in to fear, and then abandon their message, will pay a heavy price, not only from shame but also from regret―because they gave up just before the breakthrough.

1 Peter 4:17, “For it is the time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

Evil is having its day.

You knew this wasn’t going to be easy. You knew their evil had to have its day. You knew there was no way we could have challenged these devils without unleashing a storm of hatred.

I know that fear can feel irresistible in this storm. I know it is disheartening when you see people you respected—and some of the last people you would have imagined—caving in and recanting their convictions.

But again, this is the worst time to fold. This is the worst time to doubt what God has said to you. Fear is not an option.

Portrait of a young man praying

Compromising with the enemy can be seductive, but it will end in disaster, and, as I said, you will feel deep remorse if the breakthrough comes right after you quit. Can you imagine having to live with that for the rest of your life?

Job 23:10, “He knows the way that I take. When He has tried me, I will come forth as gold, refined in the fire.”

I feel God is imploring us to hang on a little longer. I know how hard it has been! You have heard stories that promised to uncover the truth and turn the tide. Each time they raised our hopes and, when it didn’t happen, it wounded us.

I am not asking you to trust in myths, legends, or conspiracy theories.  I am compelling you to trust in God Himself and in His inspired words recorded in the Bible.

Hang in there. The enemy is going to be shocked! Hang in there. There are options we don’t know about. God is going to finish what He started in our great movement!

Hebrews 10:35-39, “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:

“For yet a little while, and He Who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith;
but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.”


  1. Norunn Sælensminde

    Thank you so much♥️ He has the whole world in His hands♥️

    Last ned Outlook for iOS
    Fra: Mario Murillo Ministries
    Sendt: Saturday, January 9, 2021 9:53:13 AM
    Emne: [New post] TODAY, THEY TOLD ME TO QUIT

    mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. “

    • Diana

      I would not be quiet out of concern what people may say or do to you, because the one who walked the walk told us if we did it right, we would be treated as He was. But He also had very stern warnings about those who maketh and believeth a lie as well.

    • Roch Meelo

      Dear precious General in the body of Christ, Yoi have no idea how your stand and leadership have helped form my position in this fight and my approach to life itself. Your courage and faith cuts through the cowardice of the RINOs and the milk toast believers who compromise. I’m standing faith you and will never give up.

    • Heather

      Your words “to not give up” is EXACTLY the encouragement I needed today. Truly, the Lord listens to our petitions…I woke up feeling despondent, praying for morsels of encouragement to come from His Word, or another. Then, the Holy Spirit brought me to your blog. Thank you Mario. My spirit is lighter now.

  2. Lynn Owens

    Thank you for being fearless!

    • Donna Moore

      It’s interesting you made the comment, “hold on a little while longer” because in my prayer time with God, He started telling me that about a week ago.
      Praise God & His Holy Spirit

  3. Robyn Brett

    Thank youMario, We are standing with you in Australia in faith and prayer to the finish when the Lord will break through. Thank you so much for being the voice along with many other precious prophets and intercessors!!

  4. Fots

    Hallelujah!!!!! It is not over until God says it is. We must stand and believe no matter how bad and horrifying things may look. I believe this is our Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego fiery pitt moment. We have to say, “Even if God doesn’t save, we will not serve and bow down and worship your false gods.” You know this situation reminds me of when Jesus told the chief priest and officers who came to arrest him “this is your hour and the power of darkness.” He understood that the full cup of wickedness had to manifest before the Most powerful glorious hand of God would be displayed to the entire world. I believe that we are watching the hour of wickedness rise against the President and the body of Christ. Satan is overplaying his hand…especially through the Democrats. All this had to be revealed…the betrayals by Republicans, the divided church and prophets growing faint. This will however, work out for the good of those that stood on the side of God Almighty and believed him no matter what. No matter what we will have the victory. Keep trusting and believing in the matchless power of Jesus Christ.

    • Beverly J. Venkatachar

      I agree also. Stay strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Be encouraged and never give up! You are strengthening the saints by your example and words. I look forward to them daily, for direction and possible course correction. I love your boldness and the Joshua and Caleb spirit you have. We will win these battles and be victorious and stay faithful until the end, winning the victor’s crown for our Lord.

    • Jennifer Havice

      Praise The Lord Mario!!!
      Glory to God! This is when we need to fight the most by believing what we can’t see. Regardless of what the enemy says we stand for righteousness!
      Going along with a takeover of our country is absolutely ridiculous!
      You fight against evil, you don’t join them!

    • Gabriele Dean

      Amen! This is exactly what I keep telling my friends! I remind them to look at the story of Haman, gleefully building the gallows for Mordecai. The devil overplayed his hand. And God swoops in last minute like the cavalry in old westerns! Hallelujah!

    • Bretney Moysset

      Mario, there is a mass body of believers standing not only with you but also with Jesus Christ every moment in these days on earth. Reading your blogs every morning is part of God’s way of speaking to me with confirmation to assure me that I am hearing Him correctly. It is so amazing how much confidence, strength, courage, wisdom, joy, and love fills the body of Christ when we are following in the way of God. Mario your ministry continues to be a blessing to many and I want to say thank you for keeping that belt of Truth wrapped around you, standing and walking in the shoes of Peace, guarding against the devil and his legions with the shield of Faith, and striking like lightning with the Sword of the Spirit at every Word of God. Finally the last thing in my comment today is a scripture I read again last night in Ephesians 4:11-16 that says Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to the body of Christ to equip and build us up into FULL Unity in faith and knowledge of the Son of God that we can mature the body in love and truth and not continue to be thrown in the wind by deceit.

      • Chris

        The pressure is meant to make us give up! No way! We have the victory !

    • jbird212

      You took the words right out of my mouth. Couldn’t agree more!

      • van mehaffey

        thank you preacher for not giving up, i stand 100% with you in the name of Jesus Christ, i will be praying for you and our country and President Trump, I believe GOD IS GOING TO GIVE US victory

      • Alice

        I am glad Moses didn’t quit when he got to the Red Sea. The President still has military options. He is not going give a public discussion, but just do it.

    • Jon

      I stand with God’s and His plan.

    • Harriet Boname

      My confidence and trust is in you ,Lord. All praise and honor and Glory to God!???⚡️??? Psalm 138:1-3 I give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart; I bow before your Holy Temple as I worship. I will give thanks to your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness, because your promises are backed by the honor of your name. When I pray you answer me; you encourage me by giving me the strength I need! Amen

    • paula Slow

      Thank you so much for for this today! I am hesitant what is coming, but at the same time I believe what God has been speaking and I am standing, and declaring with you and other prophetic voices that are not backing down. God bless your outreach in California!!!!!!
      Paula Slow

    • Teresa Bell

      Hallelujah and praise God for your words because they are exactly what my soul and spirit are telling me and with the Lord God is telling me

    • T2020


    • Sherry vizzo

      Thank you I kmow it’s all in god hands I pray God will guild me in the he comes takes me home

    • Marsha Lotz

      YES YES YES!!!!! AMEN!!!!!

    • Sandy Willis

      Beautifully said. Our miracle is coming that only God can do. We asked for exposure and now will have to deal with the “cleanup”. I believe God is showing us HE needs only a few to accomplish His goals. He really doesn’t even need that. I agree with MARIO that this is a test so Stand firm and He will show us what it means to be God! Praise the Lord.

      • Jeanie Ruprecht

        Is this Sandy Willis from Long Beach?

    • Kai Kim


    • Randy

      I needed this encouragement today thank you

    • Cindy

      Thankyou for this. Excited to see what God is going to do. Our God is an awesome God. Thanks for your ministry

    • Donna McKenzie

      Thank you so much for this word. I have been waiting for your reply in this present season. Take care Mario I pray Gods richest blessings and peace upon you. I know He will strengthen you for this time!

    • Wordforworld


      • Wordforworld

        Do not forget what you said about Fresno, and these hundreds & hundreds saved, healed & revived souls SHALL RUN OUT TO TELL ALL their families & friends that the LORD has had compassion in California!!
        The Holy Spirit was & is moving in California from that “epicenter”!!

    • Tracy Espinoza

      Keep going Mario! The remnant is listening and taking heed. We stand with you even though you may not see us. We will see you in Bakersfield next week. SHALOM!

    • Lenny Potwora

      We will never give up!
      John 6:68
      Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.

    • Candice petrie


    • Jay

      I Agree To God Be the Glory ! Hallelujah !

    • Kelly Borgic

      Thank you! We will never give up!

    • DeliaM

      Amen!!! Fots!!!

  5. Tillie Kutta Poe

    We do not walk alone.
    His Holy Spirit gives us power.
    Renew our mind on a daily basic.

  6. Gil Zaragoza

    I fully concur!!!!!!!!!!

    • Dienna wallace

      Yes Amen. I’m here in New Jersey with evil all around. God has me here for this time. I’m 80 years young and have seen a lot in my life time but one thing I’ve learned is Only God has every answer and eagerly shows us who He is and He is on our side. Praise God

  7. Susan

    Weve been watching from afar and stand with you! Praying for continued protection and blessings

  8. Dave Burdue

    Thank you for the encouraging word, Brother Mario. I’ve been enjoying watching you and the others on “Flashpoint.” I’ll be praying for your revival this week.
    Dave Burdue

  9. junglequeen

    Wonderful piece, Mario!
    This evening I was glancing through news items coming into my email account. ‘The Regime’ testing its puny wings in a mad attacking spree, and Big Tech closing down accounts right, left and center.
    And the thought came to me, “Yes, this is the moment of truth – people are now going to find out first hand what we have been telling them and what they seem not to have believed before – how it feels to live under the heel of a leftist tyranny.” Losing social media and access to some websites is going to hit them hard. Maybe they will come to their senses.
    The next week or two are going to be tough. We need to censor what WE watch – cut out mainstream media altogether, and stick to news sources that you trust. Draw close to the Lord and He will draw close to you. Trust in Him because there is none else besides Him.
    I believe this will be a painful learning experience for some – but it IS necessary.

    • Geraldine Brewington

      We must be steadfast and unmoved in our allegiance to Christ and His Body of believers who are not willing to give up what God has promised. Mutual encouragement is necessary.
      A tightly knitted cord cannot be broken when trust in the true prophetic word is adhered to regardless of spiritual wickedness in high places.
      The fight is on and victory is to soon be manifested. We must hold on tight for the battle is the Lord’s!!!

    • saharrison08

      If everyone stopped using them the ‘giants’ would fall

      • Pat


    • Wordforworld

      Hi Junglequeen! Has anyone heard of the “sweep”of DC, that the laptops of Congress were confiscated on Jan 6th?
      This was done under cover during the so called riot. Things are not doom & gloom. (It’s hard seeming, but we know President is wise not to reveal to us all details.)
      I believe God has risen up in DC to cut off babylon, the name, remnant, son, & nephew, said the LORD…I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, said LORD of hosts. (Isa 14:22-23,26)
      This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth (!): and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.
      Isa 14:20-21 speaks re: the seed of evildoers and their children.
      Yes, President Trump will attend his own inauguration, thank you! ? We will wait well, praising the Righteous Judge of all the earth, the Governor of nations, THE LAWGIVER.
      In Jesus’ Name, amen!

      • Beverly Moore

        I thank God for you in these times of shaking!! You are planted by God. You are so encouraging n such a blessing so please continue! Prayers going up for a anointed time on the 11th. Thank you for all you do!!!

      • junglequeen

        About the laptops is new to me. I am sure you are right that God is rising up, and prayer is indeed our greatest weapon! Isaiah 14:20-21 is a great scripture for this occasion. Onward Christian soldiers… Blessings!

    • Vicki Ferguson


  10. Retha Haddock

    Amen, brother. I think you are a true father in the faith and one day I think you will be surprised at how many people you’ve touched and encouraged during this trying time. You are a gift to the body of Christ. As you continually encourage us know that myself and my friend have decided while waiting on God we will be praying for a great harvest in your meetings next week. Be blessed.

  11. Vicki Ferris

    I wake at 3 am most every night, AND look forward to reading your messages!! God has me praying for you and NOW I will UP these crys to HIS throne for you and your ministry. THANK YOU! You are MOST edifying!!

  12. Sue

    The Lord woke me up… I heard Holy Spirit… Stay the Course. It’s like labor pains but it will not be a hard delivery for I SHALL DELIVER. ?????✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️ Then got, it is not burdensome….1 John 5:2-5 Amen!

  13. keith hiscox

    I thank you for your stand. Stand strong. Stand in victory. Keep on going. Know you do not stand alone either in heaven or on the earth.

  14. Darlynn Sakowski

    We are standing with you Mario. To God be ALL the Glory! Darlynn Sakowski
    Sent from my iPhone

  15. Brenda Hagan

    Hallelujah!! Praise GOD!! HE is our ROCK! HIS Glory Goes Forth and Conquers All The Enemy’s Traps of Evil!! Hallelujah !! None Other Like HIM!! Every knee shall bow, Every tongue shall confess, That JESUS CHRIST Is LORD Of All!!!

  16. Sam

    Great message. I’m glad the Holy Spirit warned you in advance. Frankly, the person who told you this sound like a big coward!!
    “They talked about websites with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today.”
    Interesting—I wonder what Web sites those are?
    While quitting is not an option, of course that doesn’t mean we just throw caution to the wind. Jesus told us to be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. We certainly need to be careful where and when we speak the truth—we are not to cast our pearls before swine.
    In a nutshell, we have to be very smart and crafty, just like believers in Communist countries. If anyone is using a platform that is censoring conservative content, then it’s time to look for a NEW HOME. Hasn’t WordPress been doing this for years? If so, then it’s only common sense to find a different site—there are so many different blogging platforms out there. It’s always easier to move at the first sign of danger.
    As Proverbs 22:3 says: “A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.”

  17. Mary Lou German

    Thank you for your courage and your encouragement. It has the ring of Truth. We are hearing the jeering and mocking of Hell right now, but there is a third day coming when our Sovereign King will reveal His mighty hand. “…having done all, stand…”

  18. Maureen

    Bless you my brother. We Stand with The Lord and with His anointed Prophets. It is His battle and we need to learn to Sing on the battle field. Yes. It is hard, but battles are always hard. I am Praising my Lovely Lord for He and Heavens Army are the Victors and we are going to See a Victory. We continue to Pray for all you wonderful Saints in leadership who are True and a real encouragement to us. The enemy has come in like a flood, but Gid is lifting Up a Standard. All hell rejoiced when Jesus was crucified, they thought they had won, but Hallelujah 3 days later, they were mortified. We are coming up to the Red Sea, all the enemies chariots and hosts are driving us to what they think is the end, but Jesus is the one the parts the Sea and they will all see the Power and the Glory of God. The who,e world needs to see Him and that no man or devil can Stand Against Him. ??❤️

    • Pat

      What a Mighty God we serve!!

  19. Theresa Winter

    Yes, revival spreading out from Bakersfield! Through the mouths of three generations of Bakersfield women , God has given His word for a revival to flow out from Bakersfield. I am 66 and have been believing this for 30÷ years. Praying for you Mr. Murillo, and your team. Isaiah 54:2 En!arge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the place of thy habitation, spare not, lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes. Shalom to you.

  20. lindalester

    Please, don’t ever stop blogging brother..I’m always blest and encouraged by your words..if you ever come to Indiana I’m coming to your meeting..Bless the Lord and your ministry ??
    Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note10+ 5G, an AT&T 5G smartphone Get Outlook for Android

  21. Phil L

    Mario I hear you. I am One with God and NOTHING will sway me and am with you. Be strong Mario for they will silence anyone who speak the truth.
    Am holding on to the light that’s only way to dispel fear and doubt which are instruments of evil.
    I live by faith and not by sight. I know what’s real the physical world cannot scare me. I decree for strength and courage for everyone to keep their eyes on God, remain calm and steadfast.
    God be with you Mario and protect you with His Ligjht.

  22. grishafurman

    You are NEVER ALONE. You are being guided by the power of the Holy Spirit and declaring the truth in the midst of the battle. It doesn’t matter what it looks from the outside in the natural. There are Giants in the land, but God is a BIG GOD and He has given you this land for you to go and to take it over.
    We will WIN, if do NOT QUIT.

  23. Lynda Beatty

    Well said, prayers continue for you, your family, God’s strength In your assignment! Lynda Beatty, praying gma?
    Sent from my iPhone

  24. Joy Compton

    I have been reading instances in the word where all hope seemed lost and defeat was staring people in the face. But God……
    I’ve been imagining the feelings of the Israelites at the Red Sea. The Sea opened and the Egyptians all drowned.
    Joseph still left in the filthy jail. God gave Pharaoh a disturbing dream.
    David lost everything at Ziklag and was in danger of being stoned by his own men. But God assured him it would all be saved. Interestingly an Egyptian showed him where to fight and 200 young men dropped out because they were so weary. But David still won.
    Sennacherib attacked Hezekiah, and Jerusalem seemed doomed but God sent an angel who single handedly killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night.
    And of course the greatest rescue ever – Holy Spirit raised Christ from the dead!!
    We may be hearing Rabshakehs shouting their arrogant, blasphemous taunts at God and His people but let’s keep our peace and wait on the Lord.
    From UK ?? there is very little I can now do, but I will not give up on our glorious God.” HE is our refuge and strength. A VERY present help in time of trouble “
    God bless America ??!!

    • Retha Evans


    • RueW

      Thank you and God Bless you UK!

    • jbird212

      Thank you from UK! God bless you for standing with US!

    • Pat Brooks

      I agree Joy, but GOD…..❣️

  25. Max Kern

    The call of GOD is irrevocable and one must Obey the HOLY SPIRIT and the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT. Anything less then that is disobedience and one will give an account to the Almighty GOD on the day of Judgement. Things we obed to do and things we were ashamed to do for CHRIST. It says in the Bible if we deny CHRIST on earth they He will deny us before the angels in heaven.
    We were born in His image and we were created to serve the Almighty GOD for all eternity. He has each of us to accomplish work that He has set apart for each one of us individually to do to bring glory to the Almighty GOD.
    If those who chose to reject and forsake the gospel message they are responsible for that before GOD Almighty Himself. We are commissioned to preach His Holy Word and our heads be made out of flint. We must press forward with the Salvation message of Jesus Christ.
    Those who reject and dent the gospel will given account before the Almighty GOD for there choice for all eternity.

  26. E

    I stand firm in the promises of the Lord!!
    Thank you brother Mario for not caving before the miracles of our awesome God are released, thank you from my heart for your blogs!! I pray protection over you and your family.

  27. Max Kern

    The call of GOD is irrevocable and one must Obey the HOLY SPIRIT and the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT. Anything less then that is disobedience and one will give an account to the Almighty GOD on the day of Judgement. Things we obed to do and things we were ashamed to do for CHRIST. It says in the Bible if we deny CHRIST on earth then He will deny us before the angels in heaven.
    We were born in His image and we were created to serve the Almighty GOD for all eternity. He has each of us to accomplish work that He has set apart for each one of us individually to do to bring glory to the Almighty GOD.
    If those who chose to reject and forsake the gospel message they are responsible for that before GOD Almighty Himself. We are commissioned to preach His Holy Word and our heads be made out of flint. We must press forward with the Salvation message of Jesus Christ.
    Those who reject and deny the gospel will given account before the Almighty GOD for there choice for all eternity.

  28. Carol Ours

    Praise God for faithful ones like you who still shares God’s true message.

  29. Amani Bassilli

    Amen. Glory to our God. Our trust is in Him alone,

  30. Patricia

    Thank you. Early morning (9th Jan) God gave me the scene of Moses going to the mountain of God to get the tables of stone (the law and commandments). The people were told wait here but when “the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain” they took matters into their own hands. God is saying wait on God do not think I am silent and still, I am working and you WILL see what I am about to do.


    PLEASE DON’T QUIT. You are one of the only few willing to speak the TRUTH about what is going on. My pastors won’t even do this. Please don’t quit. God bless you, Susan

  32. Sheryl Hesse

    So blessed and happy to read this! I am not giving up. However, when I watched my email all day yesterday and your blog did not show up, I feared the worst. I checked my email first thing this morning, and there it was! Thank you for your daily encouragement.

  33. castoutlies

    MARIO..MY FRIEND ON THE OTHER END…I have also been CHALLENGED with this burning question to hide among the lie and turn on my brother and sister in name of survival,or to stand with clear Sight and Purpose..The hardest person to ever get forgiveness from SIN yourself..I ONLY HAVE TWO CHOICES..TO EITHER DIE STANDING FOR MY SOUL OR TO LIVE AS A SLAVE ON MY KNEES..Life is extremely precious to me BUT in saying that I pray to GOD I WILL NOT HAVE TO GIVE MY LIFE IN THIS FIGHT AGAINST THE GROWING TIDE OF SUPPRESSION..MAN are we in for the test of our lives…MARIO I FIRST SEEN YOU WEB SURFING ON YOU TUBE….I was glad to find out you are local…I will join you as a voice in the rebirth of GOD in our divided nation..Their plan is to divide and concur ..SO TRUE ..NOW MORE THAN EVER…DIVIDED WE STAND ..DIVIDED WE FALL..HOW DEEP IS THAT FALL..What the other side fails to understand …Is they too will fall into that same pit ..The thirst of EVIL WILL NEVER BE QUENCHED .MARIO I HAVE NEVER CRIED AS MUCH AS I HAVE IN MY LIFE UNTIL NOW…AS I WATCH IN REAL TIME THE FABRIC OF THE NATION BE TORN TO SHREDS BY THE LIES OF THE LEFT.I CRY LIKE I HAVE LOST A FAMILY MEMBER THE LAST TIME I CRIED SO MUCH WAS WHEN MY BROTHER WAS KILLED BY AN AMTRAK TRAIN..,.I really do not blame them they do not realize who and what is really controlling them..reminds of FORGIVE THEM FATHER FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE DO…I HOPE they receive mercy on their misguided souls…some are at different levels of consumption..TECH TRASH AT THE TOP..POLITICIANS FOLLOWING..ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS GET THE ONES THAT HAVE NOT BEEN FULLY CONSUMED TO LOOK WITHIN THEIR SOULS AND DO SOME SOUL SEARCHING..MARIO…They must understand that they will also reap what they sow…I have tempered myself from the name calling etc..SUCCESS IS THE BEST REVENGE …WE WILL NOT BE THE FIRST TO CAST THE STONE…I ALWAYS HAVE BELIEVED THAT THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL..IF I AM WRONG I GUESS WE ALL DESERVE TO SUFFER INTERNAL DAMNATION UNDER OUR NEW LORD SATAN.

  34. Ray Last

    Amen Mario….excellent words…..Ray

  35. Linda Clark

    Thank you Mario!! Your words always encourage. I too experienced today my oldest friend telling me my heart is full of hate just because of my beliefs and opinions. We must not waver in the face of discouragement and oppression. We are seeing the remnant of the church rise up in prayer and repentance. Be with us, Jesus!!!

  36. Cathy Romaniello

    Thank you! You have been a source of stable consistent truth throughout all the confusion! God bless you!

  37. Lucie Kafkova

    Dear Mario,

    thank you for not giving up, thank you for being there and standing strong!
    I can’t even imagine what you all must go through and the fear you face must be tremendous.
    It’s shocking to see how people close to the president Trump keep turning their backs on him and God.
    Its shocking to see such a hatred against the president even among the believers.
    I just want you to know that you are not alone and that we keep praying for you and the president.
    “The Lord bless you and keep you;
    The Lord make His face shine upon you,
    And be gracious to you;
    The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
    And give you peace.”

    You are fighting a good fight and we stand with you!
    Be strong and know people in the whole word see and know and stand with you, you are not alone!!

    Be blessed,

    Lucie Kafkova
    Prague, CR

    Od: Mario Murillo Ministries
    Odesláno: sobota 9. ledna 2021 9:57
    Předmět: [New post] TODAY, THEY TOLD ME TO QUIT

    mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. “

  38. Marguerite

    I respect you! Thank God for the gifts and calling He has placed in you!

  39. Terry Turner

    Thank you for continuing to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your words which are God’s word are so encouraging to me. I stand with God. I believe in his promises. He is our victory! He will never lose a battle to Satan.
    We may not know how or when but we can surely know God is faithful
    It is impossible for him to lie

  40. Andrew Harrison

    I was reading Genesis this morning and in chapter 38 verse 29 you have the story of the birth of Tamar’s children by Judah. It looked like Zerah would be the first born when Perez unexpectedly was birthed. Perez UNEXPECTED BREAKTHROUGH for his name means breach or breakthrough. That is my expectation!

  41. John R.

    God bless you Mario. I and many others stand with you.
    My trust is in God and Him alone — not in men, government or political parties.
    And I will continue to fight for my country and freedom, no matter who sits in the White House come January 20.

  42. Geremy Formby

    Excellent word brother

  43. Denise

    Thank you for being obedient to what God is speaking. God is in control. My husband & I are praying for your ministry. Keep speaking what He’s directing you to do.

  44. Jody

    Never quit. Believe Him and let faith arise. We overcome by His blood and our testimony. I never want my testimony to be “I quit.” God uses times just like this as a litmus test.

  45. Mary J

    Thank you for encouraging the troops. This is a battle and many more are to come. “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God“ Romans 8:18,19. The world is waiting for the true church to show up. Thank you for showing up!

  46. Theresa Rodman

    Having done all to stand, STAND!
    Standing firm on the promises of God! I shall not be moved!

  47. Julee Arnold

    Thank you Mario, for standing strong on the Word He has given you and having the courage to use the platform He has given you to strengthen your fellow brethren in the faith. I am praying for the move of our God that will begin in Bakersfield.
    “For as you speak the mighty power of my Spirit will burst forth in the likes you have only imagined and my Glory will be begin to sweep this land as I begin to heal my people and restore this land, not to its former glory but to My Glory, it has begun. Get ready, this is my America and the world will see My Salvation says the Lord God Almighty!”
    So be it.
    In His Love

  48. Denise Murray

    Thank you for not giving in to pressure and quitting. God’s waring angels protect us, his children. I know he is going to manifest to the world in a magnificent way! Praying for the lost to have their eyes a d hearts open to the Gospel. ?✝️??

  49. RueW

    Amen Mario, We’re still here! They are threatening all of us because they are afraid the evil deceptive schemes they’ve plotted are going to fail before completed. Their threats are proof! God cannot fail, he’s infallible!
    We believe him or we don’t? I believe him!
    The first Christians faced death and many died, many lived and brought “US” the Gospel. Aren’t we so glad they did! Let’s PAY IT FORWARD! Hallelujah!!!

  50. Tammy Phillips


  51. kerrygg2016

    Good morning Mario.My name is Kerry.I just wanted to go on record that myself and all of my household are standing with you in this hour.We are standing with our God given President, President Trump.We are standing with our Great King & God, Jesus.And He is standing with us.I love you Mario and deeply appreciate your ministry.Thank you & Blessings in Jesus name.Kerry in Ft Wayne, In.—- On Sat, 09 Jan 2021 03:55:02 -0500 Mario Murillo Ministries wrote —-div.zm_8743098002124573022_parse_1223196337492037133 a:hover { color: red } div.zm_8743098002124573022_parse_1223196337492037133 a { text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(0, 136, 204) } div.zm_8743098002124573022_parse_1223196337492037133 a.x_1777182283primaryactionlink:link, div.zm_8743098002124573022_parse_1223196337492037133 a.x_1777182283primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: rgb(37, 133, 178); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) } div.zm_8743098002124573022_parse_1223196337492037133 a.x_1777182283primaryactionlink:hover, div.zm_8743098002124573022_parse_1223196337492037133 a.x_1777182283primaryactionlink:active { background-color: rgb(17, 114, 158); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) }
    mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. “

  52. Samantha

    Amen, Hold the line God’s hand is moving ????

  53. Wanda Carpenter

    Thank you again Mario for your reminder of what an awesome God we serve. He is still on the throne and He will have the last Word. Whatever we face in the future, He promised to be with us. I put my full trust in Him alone and stand with you, as you do what you have been assigned to do. I praise God for huge success of soul winning during your Bakersfield services. Amen.

  54. Ken Kincaide

    Mario, thank you for demonstrating the courage and faith of Caleb and Joshua. I’m praying for the work you are doing in Bakersfield. I know revival is going to spread out from there. Thank you for the encouraging and timeless words you offer in your blog each day. Ken

  55. Åhsa Rosenberg

    BE BLESSED❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Skickat från min iPhone
    > 9 jan. 2021 kl. 09:57 skrev Mario Murillo Ministries : > >  >

  56. Becky

    Praying God’s protection & God’s grace for you, your ministry & your family! Thank you, Mario for your courage and Godly boldness. We’re standing with God Almighty and you! We pray that God continue to refresh you and anoint you! ?☝️

  57. enoughenough1

    How can I dare QUIT??? The good fight of FAITH is just getting started… QUIT??? HELLLLL NO I WONT NOR CAN QUIT!!!!! If God be for AMERICA and for meeeeee…!!!
    Thanks for sharing your message on not quitting Evangelist Mario!! Blessings and refreshing for you and family!!!?????????

  58. PEARL Dalton

    I am hanging in there ???❤️
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021, 3:52 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  59. Vivian Maroney

    There is never a time when a Christian is finished with God’s work!

  60. Katherine Scarlett

    Thank you, Mario, for your integrity and honesty. I pray God’s protection and provision for you, your family, AND your staff & their families as you continue to share with us as the Holy Spirit leads you.
    As a side note, perhaps that person who told you to quit actually meant well but was, himself, misled somehow. Prayers for him that he hears only God and acts on it from here on out and matures. We do, though, have to discern when the enemy comes disguised as a friend!!! Actually, we are surrounded by such – and even we have, at times, made foolish mistakes ourselves!
    As God’s own, in addition to being prayerful for our country, for the world, and for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ no matter where they be, let’s be excited to see what the Lord is going to do! 🙂 He has some clever (!) ways of exposing!!! And, He has marvelous designs on protecting His children and on bringing us out through unbelievable victories!

  61. jckmfastmailcom

    May the Lord reign down his judgement on the unrighteousness!

  62. debratope

    Thank God you are standing. I know many Christians who have turned back over and BURIED their head back in the sand because it looked too scary.
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  63. Mary Ellen Wright

    God’s been speaking to me about this time since 1992. Wondered if I’d live to see it, but I have. Definitely NOT quitting. I’ve been waiting, praying and believing for a very long time. Hallelujah. Praying for you Mario and for all those speaking out for the Kingdom. God bless you

  64. Barbara

    Thank you
    Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
    Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > a:hover { color: red; } a { text-decoration: underline; color: #0088cc; } a.primaryactionlink:link, a.primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: #2585B2; color: #fff; } a.primaryactionlink:hover, a.primaryactionlink:active { background-color: #11729E !important; color: #fff !important; } /* @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { .post { min-width: 700px !important; } } */ mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. “

  65. Stacy Suder

    Love this word!
    Thank you, Stacy

  66. Susan J Montello

    Thank you Mario, I needed to hear this.
    God Bless you.

  67. Suejoy

    Thank you for standing and bringing encouragement through God’s word blessings

  68. Shannon Orrand

    A few days ago the Lord led me to turn off every outside voice. No news, no social media. This morning as I was praying in the Spirit. “Mario Murillo” came out of my mouth. I have heard of you but haven’t followed you. I searched and found this blog. It is truth and a right now word for the church. Thank you and God Bless You! You are not alone.

  69. Jannene Stephenson

    We will not ever, ever, ever cease standing. We stand with God, Mario, Donald Trump & righteousness.

  70. tim quirk

    Mario, excellent Word! Thank you for your pointing us to The Way, The Truth, The Life, JESUS!!!

  71. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    Re-posted to Facebook
    Rom 14:8  For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s. 
    I spent a long time looking for Dottie Rambo’s version of “Our God Reigns”, found all kinds of effiminate whimpy versions…
    This is where my heart is…
    This is where my attitude is…
    This is my Foundation…
    Believe it or not I was this young once… Three Heart attacks and many times Jesus has preserved me undeservedly, and I remain clueless as to why… But, If he’s kept me for His purpose, know this he is keeping you as well!
    Dottie Rambo also had a song, “I’ve never been this homesick before”…
    But, while there is breath there is time to pray and fight and “quit us like men”!

  72. Shirley

    Having done all to stand…We are not quitting either. Praise God. He shared Jer. 11:11 with me this morning , powerful.

  73. prayinginok

    God bless you mightily, Mario!
    In response to Twitter permanently banning President Trump and many others, he said this:
    “I predicted this would happen. We have been negotiating with various other sites, and will have a big announcement soon, while we also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future. We will not be SILENCED!” he said.
    That’s encouraging! You can tell how scared the left is by all of the censorship and banning. They don’t want the truth of what really happened at the Capitol and what happened in Italy to reach the general public. But they can’t silence God. 🙂

    • Beth


    • Lisa

      Yes and Amen!! ?&?

  74. chris sack

    Don’t quit. We are praying for your protection and your success to get out His message.
    Thanks for everything.

  75. Elizabeth Hinckley

    Thank you for this bolstering! We went to DC Wednesday. It was the best thing I’ve done as a patriot. But I was so saddened to see how the peaceful and love-filled events of the day were twisted and perverted into a riotous day of violence. I saw an interview with one of the Patriots who entered the capital – through an open door – and he said the first thing they did when they entered the senate chambers was pray. Yes – antifa who entered had a different agenda. Here is my husbands video of the day’s events it is amazing to see how many people are there and how calm the crowd is.

  76. Judy

    We love you Mario!! We won’t quit either!! Thank you for being strong!!! Jesus delayed going to see Lazarus because He wanted God to be glorified! Timing was everything! God delays for a reason and we need to totally trust Him! My sisters and brothers in the Lord, be strong!!!!

  77. Valeta

    Thank you for your words encouraging us to press in and press on.

  78. trustinhim

    Praying for you and the other prophets that are being used by God. God is just building up His roar!

  79. Mary


  80. Mary Hinkle

    Thank you, Mario! Your words bring much encouragement! I will not retreat, but will push forward!!! The devil may win some battles, but he’s not going to win the war!! He is a defeated foe, thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ!!

  81. Cheryl Rhodes

    Thank you for heeding to the word of the Lord. Thank you for standing with the faithful. You were definitely created for such a time as this. Praying for the glory of God in Bakersfield.

  82. Shirley Craig

    Thank you for the importation of strength, hope and faith. Needed those Words today.

  83. Bea Fiore

    Praying for you posts were censored also yesterday.I saw you preach when you were a very young man in Melody land in Anahiem .God bless you and your ministry.

  84. Stephen Rainey


  85. Beverly Campbell

    Amen!we are awaiting ThePromise!Jesus said He is with us..IFeel Jesus in my home & I know He loves us..Haggai v5: According to the word that I covernanted with you so My Spirit remains with you: do not fear…v7 I will shake all nations & they shall come to the Desire of All Nations & I will fill this temple(your Revival tent) with Glory .. says the Lord of Hosts!! Love & Blessings & FIRE!.

  86. Hilda Winzeler (@hwinzeler)

    God does the impossible. The spirit of fear is a satanic spirit. That is all Christians need to know right now. The FB and Twitter will be brought down along with the lying media.

  87. RAFO

    Bro. Mario, as you said in a previous blog, only those who stand in faith now will be able to rejoice when victory comes… all others will miss a tremendous blessing and be ashamed! Look for fireworks to happen soon, probably next weekend (when DC government offices are closed). You’re going to see high level traitors arrested as they sleep and hauled off for military tribunals. This is why they are desperate to get Trump out before the 20th… they are very afraid, as they should be. We serve an awesome God!!! Praying for your upcoming meeting too!

  88. cish

    “The secret of freedom is courage”During these past four years My president fought for my liberty and I took him for granted, no anymore, Let’s pray for him daily, During the war drug, Judges, presidential candidates and cops were killed in Colombia fighting against the madness of Pablo Escobar. His wealth seduced the crooked but good people did not keep silence.

  89. FreeSoul 87

    I love reading your blog, each and everyone of them continue to help give me hope and to remind me where my trust should continue to rest.
    For the past 2 months part of me has wanted to give up and accept that evil is winning, to prepare for the worst of American history… especially in the last 3 days.
    But then I feel this voice deep down inside of me, repeating these words ” hold on just a little bit longer, it isn’t over yet”.
    And so I am going to trust in God’s plan, trust in his love and goodness, no matter what may come.

  90. Pam Morrison

    Not drawing back, not now, not ever!

  91. jeannemf

    Thankyou for all your encouragement! I am a special ed teacher in NY.  Need I say more?  I stand alone…they know I’m a Pro-Trump Christian, and was under oppression if I said anything, so I don’t talk politics. I guess I should pray about being cowardly….I just need the whole narrative to shift, and break with something so big, that they can’t deny he won.In any case, I know God won, He is not late, and His Kingdom will never end.I’m just wanting to be more courageous and an independent voice with an evangelistic vision right now. Would you pray for me?I’d love to have more of your boldness.Yours in Christ, Jeanne FisherSent from my Galaxy

  92. Lori

    God Bless you and strengthen you Mario!! I’ve only come to know your since the pandemic, but realize that God is raising up an army and you ARE one of the leaders! My husband and I are so very grateful and blessed to stand with you for the Glory of God! We will “taste and see that the Lord is good!” Such encouraging words to the battle weary! “Therefore the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you; And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; Blessed are all those who wait for Him.” Isaiah 30:18

  93. Teresa Saylor

    Preach it Brother!!

  94. Sara DeVilliers

    Brother Mario, you are a warrior! The remnant sees through the evilers.They could try to wipe your platforms out, and destroy your ministry, and twist your words, but you aren’t caving. Many have quit, backed down, apologized for prophecying Trump term 2. Telling people to accept evil Biden team, even congratulating him as new president. Some ministers criticized true prophecies of those who prophesied Trump win and are calling those prophets to repent.
    God DID say Trump will have term 2. He didn’t give the exact date. He didn’t say on Nov 3. He didn’t say there wouldn’t be a battle. True prophets said there would be. I stopped following those quitters. I forgive them, but they threw in the towel, instead of helping take down the works of the enemy. These ministers could have personally reached out to those prophets first privately, but instead they called them out in public. I could understand if they had committed evil crimes. Whatever the motive, it was not God’s Will to hand America, God’s nation to the perverse left.
    You’ve put out so much great content. You’re keeping everyone who wants truth and Gods Will, going. You faced the enemy and are leading the sheep to victory, through the Red Sea, without wavering. God is cleaning house. Cleaning the mountains. Giving Trump a new administration. Giving His government, and White House a scrubbing.
    God bless you Mario! Those ministers who caved, those who failed to speak out against the DemoncRinos and their lust to turn laws to celebrate unGodliness and censor and wipe out God, those ministers who remained silent and compromised His message and did not address their congregations and followers to vote God’s Will: prolife, protruth, profamily- a man and a woman, proGod gender, will plateau. Rare to hear a minister speak out about what we shouldn’t be watching, reading, and listening to.
    You are one who God will promote on a level I believe will clearly elevate and distinguish you far above the former pack. In the battle, ministers and the church are supposed to turn to battle. This is a great opportunity for harvest of souls. For preaching of full and balanced Word. Full counsel.
    Many churches teach fluff, and I sense nice positive words, but the Spirit is lacking. Why do I say this?? Because they didn’t speak out against what they know is truth…God hates the killing of babies, the evil twisting of gender changes and sexual immorality, the perversion of same sex couples. Loves the people, hates the evil works.
    Feel good preaching is ok, there’s a place for it when balanced with Truth. It feels good, but when the enemy stroke hard, it became apparent who’s been in battle before and took down the enemy. Who has experience in battle and had victory. It’s pretty clear to me right now, who these ministers are!
    It became apparent in this battle who’s ministry voices we should listen to and follow. Who strengthened everyone, by putting on their combat boots. Those who put on their armour and boldly is facing the enemy after control of the nation, to remove God and His Ways.
    Who advised you to quit, sadly is deceived and wrong. When truth comes out President Trump will be thanked and honoured for being faithful to God, doing all he did for your nation and all free nations of the world where these evil people infiltrated and strategized against.
    You will reap from the Lord for being fearless and faithful. Those who quit will regret. Those who criticized you will turn and bless you.
    Some prophets God has informed that He is raising up media, social media platforms, who speak truth, and allow truth to be spoken.
    I live in Canada near a border. Every year we get millions of tourists. Huge amount of Americans. My parents raised us with passion and love for your nation. We regularly watched American news, and followed favourite American shows and personalities. We stayed connected with you’s our neighbours and beloved extended family. We have close family and friends there. America to my family is family.
    Love from Canada to you and your family! Trump 2021♥️?
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021, 4:00 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  95. JoAnn Muller

    Some may trust in horses, some may trust in chariots, BUT WE will trust in and boast of the name of our God! Psalm 20:7.

  96. Tony S

    Mario, stay strong in your Calling. These posts are a blessing, I learn much from you and the comments.
    Blessings on your upcoming Revival.
    Your book “Vessels of Fire and Glory” lays out a great what, why, where, when, how scenario of our situation. I am praying for my assignment. A very good quick read.
    Last night told my son about the 60’s type of Church I remember. It was nothing like the large entertainment centers of today. The Pastor preached fire and brimstone, there were Church based activities. Have fond memories of those days.
    Was in one other Country years ago. They were not too accepting of my protestant faith, though not evil about it.
    Today in my home, Government is working to remove Biblical values. They are trying to create a third World climate here. The People in the other Country did not trust their Government. Everything there was Crooked from top to bottom.
    I have Peace in all of this. Feel that there is something good around the corner. Satan, his Fallen Angels, and workers of iniquities here are doomed. Jesus won through the Cross.
    We still have work to do. There is a lot of low hanging fruit, waiting…. God is not done. As I told my son, in all my years have never seen this level of Evil. Do not feel God will allow this Evil to prosper… He is not done. There is something in the air.
    I look forward to only a few on the Internet in these days. The lukewarm, “it’s a job” crowd have been exposed. May we get more called of the Holy Ghost.
    Thank You, and praying for protection on all standing with and for God.

  97. Linda Brown

    Your voice, your words and your courage (of COURSE along with Almighty God, His Word and His faithfulness) are what sustain me and my faith through this mess. God bless you again and again for being a seemingly lone voice in the wilderness bravely and boldly speaking the truth of who HE is. Soooo many others have remained far too silent. My heart breaks over what the Church could and should be saying and doing in these times and over the leaders with vast influence who remain painfully silent. My sincerest respect to and prayers for you, your family and your ministry!!!

  98. M3 Transformations

    Dear Mario,
    You have many standing with you. Thank you for your courage, for not giving up on what Holy Spirit is saying just because we can’t see it in the natural, and your relentless work to open eyes. As you have eloquently pointed out in many ways, we already have the victory. It’s just a matter of God’s timing. I have had many tell me in my own ministry that I have to cave to the world’s ways, which includes incredulous things such as letting our CHILDREN make the choice to go back to their PIMPS. It has astounded me how many in the church decide that’s okay when the fire gets too hot. The enemy saw his past efforts to stop Ancient of Days’ plans were futile, so he got more savvy and turned to intense psychological warfare. That’s where he is tragically winning against many in the church and what we must pray down.
    Many, many blessings to you. We’re holding up your arms.
    Dr. Deena Graves President and Director M3 Transformations, Inc. 817.933.1755

  99. Harold e. Johnson

    Thank you, for facing this evil and giving encouragment to stand, having done all to stand,STAND. Do not back down,bow down or sit down,STAND!!!

  100. Cori M

    I agree with you 100% Mr. Marilla. Good gave me this word 3 days ago…
    Prepare yourselves I am coming for my bride soon and she will be without stain or blemish. She is rising up into her Authority in this hour.
    Prepare yourselves I’m bringing your prodigal children to me
    I’m drawing near to them so they will draw near to me.
    See to it that you encourage and edify yourselves in this hour.
    Do not grow dry or weary (after I wrote that I saw that he was going to pour oil out onto us to refresh and renew us)
    Do NOT stop standing for your freedom!!
    Do Not retreat!!
    For I have commanded you to stand and occupy until I return.
    Love the lost.
    Forge the way to Freedom.
    Do not be afraid for I Am With You.
    I will provide what you need when you need it – even your words.
    Pray in the spirit all the time and stop listening to the media!
    Listen to me oh Jerusalem for I am the Lord thy God.
    I have hidden things within your heart things that will start to manifest even now
    things you’ve always somehow known but will now see come to fruition.
    Knowledge wisdom and understanding are your portion. If you are faithful to seek it you will find it.
    Be quiet! Listen to me for I have much to say and have much I want you to do. I’m accelerating my body into their anointings and gifts so that they can gather in the Harvest that is surely on its way.
    I am doing a new thing do you perceive it?
    Do you hear me?
    Do you trust me?
    See that you do. For I am faithful to those who wait on me and trust in me alone. For I alone and the true and living God.
    The hour of darkness is at hand but do not be dismayed, for I am the Lord your God, and I will protect you from the evil of this hour.
    Keep your eyes on me beloved and you won’t be lost.
    For soon I am going to destroy these demonic dogs and put them on their leashes and send them back to Hell from where they came.
    The enemy is launching its final attack against the body so stay in a position of prayer and heed my direction. For you are my people and I will protect you.
    If you seek me in all of your ways I will guide you to safety. Surely not a single hair on your head shall be harmed. For I Am the Living God Of Heaven and Earth and I have Covenant with my people.
    I am faithful!
    I am faithful!
    I am faithful!
    Listen to me my people, repent of your sins and turn from them.
    Show the lost my love, that is how you will win them to me. Stop arguing! Stop bickering! It is a stench to my nostrils and I hate it. For no one ever said to another, this is how it should be because it is what I think it to be- and changed another’s mind. Instead win them by love for it covers a multitude of sins.
    Be on the lookout for what I am doing follow my signs and wonders and messages sent from my messengers and you will not be lost but protected.
    As for America it is not so United right now. I am making you choose sides now! Either my side or Satan’s – no more playing on the fence.
    What I told you to leave, leave! It is for your own good! Because I love you and where I’m taking you, into my newness there is no room for the old things and baggage, it must be removed.
    Trust me!
    We’re going on an adventure and where I am taking you you will laugh with joy and you will see how much I love you, that I would take you out of that old and dead place and take you to our new place
    It is happy and joyful! We will laugh together, we will work together, we will love together, we will win together. For I am your father and I know how to gift my children well. I love you!!
    Keep your eyes on me, I am your portion and your prize . My spirit will guide you, listen for me. Happy New Year, are you ready? Buckle up! Glory is on the horizon.
    After that, I also heard- mantles are being birthed-

    • Pat Brooks

      A good word Cori… that’s the only way we will make it, to keep our eyes and mind set upon Him, our Savior and Lord.
      We must stand strong in our Faith….
      …if not Now… when? it could get worse before it gets better. One thing we know, we’re on the winning side.

  101. Rebecca Parkinson

    Thank you Mario! I’ve been using your emails to encourage my believing friends here who want to give up. I will not give up. I will trust my God who still sits in HIs throne.

  102. Steve Terry

    AMEN….AMEN….and AMEN AGAIN??????????….????????
    Sent from my iPhone

  103. Barry an

    We stand with you Pastor. We face face this together in Christ. May God protect and keep you.

    • Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

      Just remembered that my maternal grandmother told me when I was growing up to Always Remember:
      Mario, I have been much in prayer since I found out about the Bakersfield Tent Revival. I am looking for our LORD TO DO GREAT THINGS.
      Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

  104. Berniece Trudeau

    God bless you and we all must keep standing for Jesus our Master. So appreciate your stand

  105. vegtutor

    Thank you, Mario! This is a wonderful and sorely needed word of encouragement for a multitude of discouraged believers right now. Hanging in there with you. Don’t quit!

  106. Jean Dittman


  107. Belinda Feore

    Thank you Man of God for never giving up! May Yahweh continue to protect you and your loved ones, supply all of your needs, give you insight foresight, Wisdom, His Peace Joy, Love & Holy Spirit fill you with a fresh anointing for this season and the tasks ahead, thank you for always bringing encouragement to The Body of Christ and speaking His truth!
    Belinda Feore ~ Sister in Christ Jesus

  108. Beth

    Thank you Brother Mario for being the voice in the wilderness for such a time as this!! I’m sure I am speaking for a multitude when I say that your resolve, convictions and steadfastness to God and His Word are refreshing and comforting in a world of compromise both in and outside of the Church. Praying for supernatural favor and protection over you and your family as you continue to guide and encourage the Church of Jesus Christ through these unprecedented times!! God bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you and give you peace!!!

  109. jojeanknardyahoocom

    Many thanks for your courage and ffaith building! Jo Jean

  110. Evelyn Jennings

    I too am having trouble getting anything online with internet, and even the email for a few days
    Sent from my iPhone

  111. Debra s Coulter

    God has made you as strong as a wild bull and as bold as a lion. Jesus will NEVER leave us or forsake us. Those who endure to the end will be saved. Hang in there, we need you.

  112. Danny Raymond Lake

    Right to the point. Thanks Mario. Every person alive needs to hear this.

  113. revelation4me

    Please know the PRESIDENT DID NOT CONCEDE ANYTHING. He mentioned a new administration. Consider, Everyone in his administration now has to go. Vice President Pence is among the first. President Trump will take the oath of office and YES, WE ARE IN THE MOST DANGEROUS PERIOD OF THIS SITUATION. Your fasting and prayers are VITAL NOW! THINGS ARE HAPPENING NOW. No, President Trump will not participate in a Biden Inauguration because President Trump will have his own. You have a President who is fighting for this nation. KEEP FIGHTING ON. President Trump is a gift to this nation.

    • Wordforworld

      Yes Revelation4me! President Trump will take office this year; he did not concede, only proclaimed WE will begin (term) again; “clean up on aisle 13!”

      • NewHeavenOnEarth

        Didn’t he say this is just the beginning? yes and amen!

    • Sandra


  114. kendramott

    Thank you so much for your faithfulness to God and to your mi is try on His behalf! Blessings on you, Mario. Many of us have not lost sight of the greatness of our God! He is the God of truth and justice. I will trust in Him and continue to pray against the tide of evil that swells against us, the children of the most high God. Jesus and the armies of Heaven are fighting for us. Our prayers and the word of God are our weapons!
    Kendra Mott
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 3:00 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  115. adepictionoflove

    How can a friend subscribe to receive your blog.
    These blogs has helped me continue don’t stop. May God continue to bless you
    Reyes Martinez 7188699850

  116. Dee Patton

    Thanking the Lord for you today Mario. Standing with you and knowing that He WINS.

  117. L'Angel de la Mer

    From the depths of my soul I’m thankful to God for you evangelist Murillo, for not caving to the enemies threats, and reiterating God’s Word. I was remembering yesterday how “they” have threatened the five fold ministry in the past to control what came out of the pulpit. Not to cave, is to win!
    I love standing praying with the warriors who loves to hate evil, and fight evil. We wrestle not against flesh and blood…
    But I remember in God’s Word, when the Mighty Men of God saw the military threat against the people. Those Men and Women had conversations with God how to handle the threat. They heard from God. I’m looking for the One’s God is magnifying in His Will. Like He said to Joshua, Today I will begin to magnify you in the sight of the people… He also magnified Joan of Arc.
    Not Caving is number two on my list. Putting God first is number one.
    I’m looking for those who puts God First in all things. Whose hearts truly magnifies the Lord.
    The enemy is doing what he’s done before, he’s working to put the people in fear of him.
    I choose the fear of the Lord.
    A thousand shall fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand, but it shall not come near me.
    Only with my eyes shall I see and behold the reward of the wicked.

    • Sandra


  118. John Cento

    Dear Pastor: I agree with you 100%. Jude 24 KJV states well. I will keep you in prayer great is your position I am glad. Bless you and your family and staff. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition as they say 🙂
    John T. Cento Overseer Mission WildfireInternational 407-619-4015 cell Email: missionwildfire .org Website: I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know Him through your deepening intimacy with Him.” (Ephesians 1:17 TPT)


    Praying for you dear man of GOD. The Lord will open doors for you as He did for Paul.. I am praying for you Mario Murillo. Praying in Epañol. Praying in English. In His Name, Isabel
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 4:05 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  120. HUSTUSA


  121. rbeaird

    Standing with you. Over 40 years ago I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Deep trouble is coming to America and out of it Massive Revival.” I told my congregation the only way I saw the Book of Revelation becoming a reality was for the USER and the USA to cease being super powers. The Soviet Union fell and now one wonders how far behind America is.
    Get Outlook for Android

  122. Linsay Robinson

    Dear Mario, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the blog. Your words of encouragement go deep and are incredibly helpful. Onwards and upwards. Thank you! Linsay & Marcus Robinson (London, UK)
    Sent from my Galaxy

  123. Gayle DeWitt

    Thank you Mario. This is what we need to hear today. I am so encouraged by you standing strong.

  124. Paula White

    Thank you Brother Mario for sharing this confirming Word. This is revealing how deep our relationship with the Lord really is. It is truly revealing those Believers who have a relationship with the Lord versus those operating in religion. I am determined to be one if those tested by fire and come out of the test as pure gold. It’s ministries like yours that strengthens my inner man during this time. I thank God for you and your ministry

  125. Ann Cannon

    I think God for your courage and your commitment. Thank you. I truly believe that real Christians will suffer to some extent in the near future and we all will have to make a choice to quit or not to quit. Thank you for your inspiration. You are a blessing from God.
    Ann Cannon 704-794-5559
    To all my fosters – Thank you for stopping in on your way!
    Sent from my iPhone

  126. SueM

    Hi Mario!
    Do not quit!
    God recently gave me a vision. At first, what I saw looked like a huge solid landscape of shiny encrusted black soot across the horizon for as far as I could see. Then, the view changed. I was looking at it closer up from ground level. It was a actually a huge mass of thin people-like figures that were standing together and the tops of their heads and brains had all been melted together to form one huge solid thick black crust. Next, I noticed that somehow these figures began breaking free, breaking off of the crust and they began walking away. At first just a few, then it became a steady stream of them. I noticed that as they were walking away they seemed very dazed, liked they did not know what had happened to them. Though as they walked away their dark thin zombie-like encrusted bodies became restored with flesh softness and life came into their movements and faces.
    I believe that what God is doing through you, Mario, (and I pray many more to come), is going to play a major role to save these precious people, set them free, and restore truth and life to them through Jesus Christ!
    In Jesus’s name we join together and declare over you,
    Luke 4:18-19 TPT “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, freedom for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.”
    AMEN!! AMEN!! ??
    Thank you for NOT QUITTING, Mario!!!

  127. crunchy6

    Machine vs. People It is a sad day in history, when a machine program for fraud chose a senile old man, who will bring judgement upon the USA. “Rock and hard place” places insurmountable obstacles to overcome, especially when children are the rocks and integrity is a difficult choice between life and death. The constitution has been replaced by a satanic manifesto that worships at the altar of deception, sacrificing truth to appease their lust for power and greed. The democratic cults follow blindly their depraved persecution, “the children of the Almighty” who are tested by the fires of perdition, wear the robes sanctified by loyalty and compassion. It was written long ago, (Revelation) for this generation to witness the fall of a country, pierced with weapons of deceit. A country divided will suffer severe adversity to heal a wounded nation that no longer follows truth and accept lies as the “rod of conduct.” When the time of tribulation(separating the wheat from the tares) passes, the surviving children will travel to distant worlds and learn the forgotten history of humanity.
    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  128. NickT

    Amen, I agree.
    Never in my lifetime have I seen so much evil going on and exposed in our country and our government.
    A lot of spiritual warfare going on I’m sure.

  129. Janet Gardner

    God bless you , Mario. Thank you for sharing and standing with Jesus. If the Lord is with you , and He with you, who shall be against you, how dare anyone come against you. I’ve known of you for years. I Was a member of Jack Hayford church and you spoke there. Amazing grace on your life. Praise God!! ?❤️???✝️?

    • Rich

      Many will come in my name. Go from me I know you not. Christ said come out of her, not support and defend her. We are to be in the world not of it. All true Christians know God is in charge. I believe in Christ and his teaching. These idiots can’t hurt us as long as we follow Christ teaching.

    • Michele prunty

      Standing with you and our God! Great miracles will take place during the tent meetings this week!!!

    • Clark

      2 Timothy 4:16-18 At my first answer no man stood with me, but ALL men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. Notwithstanding the LORD STOOD WITH ME, and strengthened me; that by me the PREACHING MIGHT BE FULLY KNOWN, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was DELIVERED OUT OF THE MOUTH OF THE LION (media and leftist loonies). AND THE LORD SHALL DELIVER ME FROM EVERY EVIL WORK, AND WILL PRESERVE ME UNTO HIS HEAVENLY KINGDOM: TO WHOM BE GLORY FOREVER AND EVER! AMEN. Paul did not get Bitter, he got BOLDER AND LOUDER AND STRONGER! Where are the Soldiers Of The Cross who will ENDURE HARDNESS? Set your face like flint and never flinch. CONTINUE, PRESS IN, ADVANCE FORCEFULLY! BE RESOLUTE AND UNSHAKABLE TO COMPLETE THE MISSION BY THE FORCE OF THE GREAT COMMISSION! The gifts of the Spirit are the weapons of our warfare, not toys to be played with in a rocking chair! VICTORY IS ALWAYS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MESS. WE WAX VALIANT IN THE FIGHT, NOT ON THE SIDELINES. DEAD DOCTRINE WILL NOT WORK IN THIS CRITICAL HOUR. THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NOT IN WORD, BUT IN POWER.

  130. rulesforrealradicalscom4875

    Evil has overplayed and is grossly overplaying their hand. There is a satanic conspiracy against the Church and a deaf and blind man could see and hear it… Elijah took a stand that few and certainly none in my lifetime have taken against great evil in his day. While he was dealing with the 850 priests of Baal and the Grove, 7000 plus prophets and leaders were in hiding. Most preachers even some I really like have castigated Elijah for his running from Jezebel and feelings of despair after several supernatural battles and out running chariots on foot. He was absolutely exhausted and he was feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders on behalf of God. Contrary to poking condemnation on him for his struggle God later rewarded him by picking him up in a chariot of fire… No one else not even Jesus got such a royal exit…. Strategy and wisdom is of great importance now but quitting is not. GOD HATES COWARDICE. We need to obey Eph 6:18 and pray without ceasing for each other and encourage ourselves in the Lord like David did at Ziklag… The filthy priests of Satan are evil and active but they are nothing before us and the Lord Almighty,,,

    • YSwitzer

      Don’t quit! The enemy pushes hard and calls name, the enemy will never win. Gods word if true and whoever doesn’t agree is the enemy! Stand firm and shout with victory, because God is the Victor and we can stand with Him through everything! Glory be to God and thank you for Being a mighty warrior!

    • NewHeavenOnEarth

      and God spews the “lukewarm” church out of his mouth!

  131. Dr. Rebecca Orchard

    See if the Lord would confirm any of this to you.
    Two incredible videos involving Simon Parkes.  They wrap up all the bits and pieces that we’ve been learning for so long, and explain what’s just happened in DC and the world.  As well as what very well may happen in the next 11 days.
    In the first (20 min), he explains how, finally, ALL THE PUZZLE PIECES HAVE COME TOGETHER for the Patriots, and how finding all of them made the GA runoff (as egregiously fraudulent as it was) necessary to allow, and what was discovered that solved the mystery.  This will give you the background.
    7th January Update Current News
    In the second, which is shorter (10 min), a few more extremely important details are added, and Simon Parkes lays out what will happen between now and Jan 19/20, if the military (who recruited DT) remain loyal to him:  there will be an executive order, martial law, arrests, and DT will be President for the next 4 years.  If you’re feeling skeptical, LET’S JUST WAIT AND SEE, SHALL WE??  🙂  But if this doesn’t make you feel a million times better….
    Robert David Steele, Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward

  132. Rene H

    The Lord led me to read 1Peter. This is the Word for the times we are in.

  133. lori davis

    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 1:52 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  134. Marilyn

    Great Wod! I especially like the part that your words will be amplified. I have always firmly believed Pres Trump will sit another 4 years and it is always darkest before dawn, which is where we are now.
    I live in Canada but have been praying about this election and for Pres Trump since I “woke” up almost 2 years ago, as I know our nation and all the nations of the world will be adversely affected if Biden gets in.
    Keep speaking, Mario, I for one am listening and NOT giving up!

  135. Janie H. Swaringen

    Thank you for standing. I stand in agreement with you. I’m believing we are soon going to see God show up in an awesome way. He hasn’t forgotten us and He hasn’t given up on America. Keep the faith!

  136. rulesforrealradicalscom4875

    I want to add that what has it come to when we equate losing an account on a DS run website as the equivalent of heading to the gas chambers??? Yes is it disconcerting but lazy people have all flocked to their forums to play by their rules and now they are being cut off. We have needed to build and maintain GOD’s infrastructure but it is so much easier to park and do nothing on the ready made sites that are run by the enemies of God. I am old enough to know Christianity and the Kingdom operated fine without the Internet….

    • Wordforworld

      Yes rulesforrealradicalscom487
      What shall become of the throne of iniquity —those that frame mischief thru law, those that gather together agst the soul of the righteous, & those that condemn the innocent blood?
      The LORD our God shall bring on them their own iniquity, and shall CUT THEM OFF in their own wickedness; yes, the LORD our God shall CUT THEM OFF.
      Ps 94:20-23. The LORD is our defense, our God is the rock of our refuge!
      Looks like God’s got this!!
      No God like Jehovah!!
      No God like Jehovah!!
      No God like Jehovah!!?

    • Clark

      New platforms will be raised up which will TRUMP all those satanic socialism antichrist platforms! When Isaac dug a well his enemies plugged it up. So Isaac kept digging other wells until his enemies gave up and left him alone. Finally he said, “For NOW the Lord has MADE ROOM FOR US, AND WE SHALL BE FRUITFUL IN THE LAND!” IN THE MIDST OF FAMINE ISAAC REAPED A HUNDREDFOLD! TELL THAT TO ALL THOSE WHINERS! See Genesis 26:18-22

  137. Tanner from Louisiana

    “The Sleeping Giant Has Awoken” with the help of God’s army of Angels to release The Kraken ???????????⚡️⚡️??⚡️⚡️??

  138. bdk11

    I truly believe in my heart( but who can know their own heart) that President Trump is a great President and was trying to do what was best for the common man with his plan of changing the government, or draining the swamp of both parties. Yes the turncoat republicans too. He improved Our economy, our military strength without war, law and order, the freedom to express ourselves in regard to our faith in Jesus Christ, all things that may get completely undone now by a vial demonic President who supports gay marriages, abortions, lawlessness, socialism, and a real hatred for God fearing men and women. Saying all that, in the last four years of the Trump administration, nothing has really changed, morally. We have killed just as many babies, perverted ourselves beyond what any of us could have imagined 30 years ago. The people appointed to the Supreme Court were not true conservatives, but imposters who will not stand up for what is right. Americans love their sin, immoral lives, their lack of really searching God’s Word and this is not just the world, but in the church too. People in the church are just as guilty, they have compromised about same sex marriage, they have not shown that they adhere to God’s laws or believe that the judgement for these things will come. The church doesn’t reflect the light that we are to be …as instructed in the word, instead the church is not much difference than the world. They teach and believe in false doctrine, traditions of men rather than have a love for the truth. “They honor me with their lips but their hearts are far removed from me” says the Lord.
    Most so called Christians really never get involved in saving souls, they are too busy making money and serving themselves, instead of loving their own or love for their fellow man.
    Israel always had to have some outside armies threats of overcoming them
    or surrounding them or capturing them before they realized they needed to humbled themselves get rid of their false gods as a nation and seek Jehovah God for His deliverance. It appears throughout history, things have to get really bad before we repent and really seek God and humble ourselves. Saying I’m sorry doesn’t get it, we need real repentance that turns one away from his actions and back to God and his laws.
    Brothers and sisters, Mr Trump as great of a President as he is, will not be ushering in the Kingdom of God. God’s word tells in the last days critical, perilous times will be upon us. These times that we are about to go through are leading us as the scripture points out toward the great tribulation and then finally to our Lord coming back to judge. Then and only….do we have victory.
    Peter points out in 1 Peter 2:23 about our Lord
    [23] and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously;….(that is God the Father)
    Peter also councils us in
    1 Peter 4:12
    [12] Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;
    James 1:2-4 NASB
    [2] Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, [3] knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. [4] And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
    The Greek word for perfect means mature, whole complete.
    God is watching to see what we are made of, the next years will be our test. So let us encourage one another, as I think after reading all of the comments, we all need encouragement. Please remember Jesus words that “we are to “lift up our heads, for our deliverance is near.”

    • Clark

      God prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies! Thanks be unto God who always causes us to TRIUMPH IN CHRIST IN THE NOW, and makes manifest the savor of His knowledge by us in every place! See 2 Corinthians 2:14

  139. Paul Pratt

    Amen Mario. Thank you for being willing to take a stand against wickedness. And thank you for the encouraging word. We are standing with you.

  140. Erin K.

    I have been immensely blessed by all you do!! I share your posts like a madwoman!! I appreciate your insight on Flashpoint. You speak life while speaking truth!! THANK YOU for your biblical boldness!! For being a Peter during these times!! I am praying for your California event!! Praying that many come to know the truth, that many come clean and out of the lifestyle they are living!! You are doing the hard thing that God has called you to do!! Keep up the good work!!! Thankful for your voice!!

  141. Becky Starks


  142. Lisa Foster

    Be strong and courageous…. Stand and keep standing and watch what our GOD is doing… I am so blessed by your Words from our God…your exhortation has continually helped to keep our family focused on what is the Prize…Jesus and not to waiver… We are so blessed by the power of Christ that radiates and strengthens you and we pray for your time in Bakersfield and for the millions that will be overtaken, transformed and assigned by Jesus for The Kingdom of God!
    In Christ always

  143. sandraemley

    Yes, yes, he is one I can hang on to. He seems well grounded and doesn’t go off on things that are hard to embrace. He is hopeful and faithful to his mission.
    Sent from my iPad

  144. T2020

    The Lord is in control. The Lord will honor our prayers. The Lord will deliver us from evil. It’s not over by any means. Sunday is a comin’…

    • Judy

      Don’t give up. God will get us through . I have walked through the fire and God got me through. God bless all my brothers and sisters in Jesus. We need one another. God bless everyone reading this.

  145. Cya

    There are in America knees that have not bowed to Baal and those that have not kissed him, that stand with you brother.

  146. Martha Wertz

    God Bless the work of your hands, Mario, and others who are HERE, present and accounted for regarding some who might waver or need a bolstering of encouragement. As for myself, I have NO intention of quitting or giving up. AS others on this page, we KNOW WHO our GOD IS and we STAND FIRM in that truth. In my family, I am alone, minus 2 adult children, in my prayer pursuits . The others mock and express hatred for President Trump. Praying for each one, and also appreciating connection with a group such as this. I mention this, as there might be others who have family members, spouses who do not know Jesus or have turned their back on Him. May we count it all JOY as we find others of like mind, as well as have OUR LORD & SAVIOR ,KING JESUS to lead us through these times. GOD continues daily to show up STRONG that HE will never leave us or forsake us. TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR THE UPCOMING DAYS.

  147. Georgia White

    Faithful is He who has promised! Pressing on!
    Mario, thank you for sharing. It means much to the family of God!

  148. Debbie Cannon

    Thank you Mario! Praying for the fire of God to fall on Bakersfield and spread up the middle of California to the nation! Salvations, signs, wonders & miracles!?

  149. ondreajchapov

    This is so much my heart, this resonates as Truth with my spirit ⚔️⚔️⚔️?????????☀️☀️☀️
    Sent from my iPhone

    • Liliana Newell

      Praying and interceding for you my brother.
      I thank Hod for courageous spirits like yours that do not bow to the enemy.
      We’re standing with you and the victorious church of Jesus Christ.

  150. Elisa Taylor Berry

    STAND FIRM!!!! This battle belongs to the LORD. GOD WINS. We thank him, praise him, bless him, adore him, worship him, love him, trust him, glorify him and revel in his beauty and majesty!!! The list is endless of the things I could say to express my undying love and gratitude for the Oh so undeserved unfathomable mercy we are receiving from our Beloved Three!!! How Great Is Our God?!!!!!! No answer suffices to answer this question. Let the standing ovation begin in advance!!!! The clapping over all the earth will be deafening! People over all the earth will drop to their knees in gratitude at the realization of how deeply, tenderly, profoundly they are loved by GOD!!! STAND FIRM!!!! God Bless you!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone

    • prayinginok

      Amen! That was beautiful!

    • NewHeavenOnEarth

      Yes and Amen! Having done all stand, and stand firm! Hold the line!

    • Clark

      Then I heard as it were the loud shoutings of masses and masses of a gargantuan crowd, and something like the sound of thousands of oceans crashing on the shore, or like mega clapping peals of thunder, Hallelujah: for the Lord God Omnipotent reigns forever and ever! And the saints shall reign with him! Rev. 19:6

  151. Roger Culwell

    Many things have been brought out into the open and exposed, things had to be done before certain charges could be made, and they are scared why would NP be trying to impeach him when he only has 12 days left, because they no he is going to reveal some thing even more damning on them, I saw in a video he held up a red folder, to many people praying, and I can’t see God forsaken a praying people, he never has, and I keep hearing trust me, its not over, I know it looks impossible from the human eye, but thats when God does his best work, is when its impossible to man, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell made Charges, they Certified a fraudulent election, and that is against our Constitution, they cut off communication yesterday to a President in office, lets see how it turns out hang on a little longer, Some are saying unite and lets heal, I Will never unite with devils, thats one of the Churches main problems they have united with devils, we take authority over devils and csat them down and out, we never unite with devils, thats crazy coming from a Christian, When the Church really learns how to stand fight against evil instead of having half of them pray for the devils side, then the Church will have a greater success,[ I was taken up in a vision, and the Lord said he was going to use me to rebirth his Holy Spirit back in the Church and his bride will be pure again,] and I will stand by that until the end and its been confirmed by two people in one day, one I new but the other I didn’t so I can’t believe God is through here, no matter what it looks like, I am tired and worn out, and stretched, but I still stand by what I heard, we will see for sure if we don’t give up, we are up against the evil of evilest, they have a great hold on America, and now we see how big of one, but our God will always be stronger and I will believe him, until the end this has worked hard on us all, but a praying people has always prevailed, God has never forsaken, and look he is revealing his true church look what so called minister’s are saying telling us to unite with devils just have peace, when we been uniting with devils way to long, it is a compromise the POB and others have brought in just accept, and love, NO BIND AND CAST OUT AND DOWN, NEVER UNITE WITH THEM, GOD TOLD ME HERE WHILE BACK, TELL THEM TO CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM THEY WILL SERVE, WE ATTACKED HELL, AND THEY ATTACKED BACK, LETS GIVE IT A LITTLE LONGER AND TRUST GOD. FOR GOD HAS NEVER FORSAKEN HIS PEOPLE. BE BLESSED GOOD WORD SIR.

  152. katroth10

    Amen we will not quit no one is stronger than God love your words will STAND KAT R
    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  153. ggramma

    Thank you Mario!! Terrific words of encouragement, and hope! So thankful for this blog as I do know some who are wavering, and ready to fold! We cannot allow ourselves the luxury of defeat under these last throws of evil hatred from the enemy!! Yes! You are so right! There’s are things happening we know not of that are about to be made known! The whole world will see and “know” it is the “hand of God which has done this thing”! I am loving Psalm 64 also!! Great hope!! For “the just shall live by faith, a little longer!”..Praying for you, Bakersfield, and your ever encouraging Words of Faith and encouragement!!

  154. Patricia Munier

    My heart skipped a beat when I read this. Shock, complete shock.
    I stand with you Mario, I stand with Rush but mostly I will stand with God.
    God bless you for standing up to this attack.
    Patti Munier

    Sent from my iPhone

  155. Janie Levin

    Thank you Mario. I agree completely and Stand with you. Thank you for your commitment to God and the Ekklesia. Shalom Janie Levin
    Sent from my iPad

  156. saharrison08

    Amen standing with you in prayer from UK

  157. Di

    It is so encouraging to see all of you standing fast here. I can never say thank you enough … until someday we can all meet in Heaven. 🙂

  158. David Morgan

    Yes and Amen. God’s blessings on you Mario!

  159. Jean Ballew

    Mario, You were my favorite speaker when you came to Grants Pass Assembly of God Church (now Parkway Christian Center)!  We looked forward to your messages so much!  Thank you! and God bless you!  Would love to attend one of your crusades!

  160. Sheila Price

    Thank you SO much for the encouragement… I was just thinking… God must be getting ready to DO something wonderful in the land and in my life because the enemy sure has attacked… People I thought were Christian friends have called me a liar and said things that indicate that the devil is using me to cause division in the church because I spoke the truth that it was ANTIFA and BLM who attacked the White House… my finances have been attacked this past 2 months… so I KNOW God is getting ready to DO something wonderful… the evil (I call him ‘the stupid one’) forces are working hard to discourage… your newsletter came at a moment of weakness and teary eyes of discouragement… God’s Timing at it’s best… He is SO GOOD!
    Love and Blessings!
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 4:06 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  161. Janis

    Amen, Mario! We are not quitting or backing down either. God is going to bring an abundant harvest from your meetings next week. We are joining with you in prayer! I can’t wait to hear what God is going to do through your meetings! We are praying with you and for you!

  162. Mae

    Thank you for standing firm. If you, or anyone, is told what to say or preach, then it is NOT the inspired word of God. As Daniel fasted and prayed before the 70 years in Babylonian captivity ended, we must do likewise. May God arise and his enemies be scattered.

    • bdk11

      Excellent article

    • Wordforworld

      Wow, gotta read this!

    • Wordforworld

      Thanks, Bob Helms for that info!!

    • GodIsWithUs!

      Thanks, Bob Helms, for sharing such a great article! I’m sharing it with others!

    • Jim Long

      Fascinating! Thank you for making this available. And thank you, Mario, for another dynamite message.


    Mario thank you for your beautiful words and your continued faith in God. It keeps me praying and hoping. You, Dutch Sheets, Hank Kunnerman, Lance, and all strong preachers give world hope and keep us praying. Thank you and I will keep praying for you all. Good luck with your tent revival. In summer can you think of coming to New York? ❤️
    Sent from my iPhone

  164. Loraine

    Stand strong with what the Lord is saying. Men may try to discourage you, but listen only to Him. You alone answer to Him for what you do. I will stand strong with you and for the Lord.

  165. loriquandt

    Amen. Thank you for speaking what has been on my heart and what I have been saying all this time! It is so wonderful to hear with the spirit of God is speaking to me and speaking to The body of Christ! We are all in this together in him! I feel like a nut case sometimes saying these things to people and no one I know is saying them like this back to me. Thank you for standing in faith!

  166. Kathleen McIver

    Thank you for your LOVE & COMMITMENT to our King???It is like when Jesus asked Peter after many of His disciples turned & left Him…Will you leave as well? Peter answered, Lord, where could we go??? You alone have the Words of Life❤️?❤️We are ALL in this for the long haul‼️He IS our Life & the length of our days???God’s richest blessings be upon you & May you finish your race in strength & GLORY for His Name sake✝️✝️✝️ Kathleen McIver
    Sent from my iPhone

  167. NewHeavenOnEarth

    “Then once more you shall distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him. For behold, the day comes, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers shall be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear My Name, the Son of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. You shall go forth leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day that I act, says the Lord of hosts” Malachi 3:18-4:3.
    “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of HIS might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to STAND AGAINST the wiles of the devil” Ephesians 6:10-11.
    Thank you MMM! We love and appreciate you and your ministry of Christ!

    • kingskid48

      Amen, Amen! Wonderful Scriptures!

  168. Lorraine R Berry

    Thank you for standing strong and steady, Brother Mario! The truth still needs to be heard and I appreciate your faithfulness, obedience and FEARLESSNESS! If God is for us, who can be against us?

  169. linda laton

    THANK YOU, THIS IS A GREAT WORD  Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Mario Murillo MinistriesSent: Saturday, January 9, 2021 4:01 AMTo: latonl406@gmail.comSubject: [New post] TODAY, THEY TOLD ME TO QUIT mariomurilloministries posted: " Today I was told to quit. The person who said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. "

  170. Betty Witt

    Thank you for keeping us on the path and the prize at the end. Glory be to God as it was in the beginning and shall forever be…

  171. Lauraine Meyer

    We stand firm with you here in Canada. I can’t wait to see what God will do! Exciting days. I am 71 years old and have know since I was 12 that these things would come to pass before the death of my generation and here we are!

  172. Don Grove

    Read Esther and the end of Haman (Biden/Harris). Esther as the bride (praying remnant) interceded for God’s people and her uncle Mordecai. King Ahaserus read the (voting) records and made a new decree when he discovered he (supreme court) was deceived and prevented a holocaust. He realized Mordecai (Trump) was his friend and was being maligned by the evil people around Haman. All the people then feared the god of Mordecai and Esther but it required prayer & fasting and no giving up. Watch for a Red Sea moment when all looks lost. Stand still and watch the salvation of the Lord (enjoy the moment as these moments in history are rare). The 8 mountains in our culture (family. Church, govt, education, business, entertainment, and media are about to be shaken to their core). About time, eh?

  173. Lauren Jones

    Absolutely! I stand on the Word of God. And my face is fixed on God Almighty. I stand in full faith, trusting in God. I believe He has a plan for us, and I Continue to STAND, praising and worshiping my God.

  174. Joyce lantz

    I will stand with Almighty God! We are in the last days and must be about the Father’s business. Praying for you and the family of God!

  175. Marlene Harrington

    Thank you for your message this morning!!! I have not given up and have no fear of what is to come.
    Satan just thinks he is in control, we will be strong in God’s promises!!!

  176. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    The best way to express our support is to donate…
    Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of two of the routes and my attempt at using paypal failed miserably… And, may have compromised my information.

  177. Linda Copeland

    Thank you for not giving in and giving up. I wish I could tell the president the same thing.

  178. Melissa (@Melissa43429881)

    Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures below, Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost. Standing on the promises of God!! Mario…WOW…I praise God for the anointing He has on you! You are covered with the blood of Jesus. NO weapon formed against you shall prosper. I pray the full armor of God over you from head to toe. God is preparing the revival He has called you to do and it will be such a blessing and MANY will be saved and delivered in the mighty name of Jesus!! The mighty warrioring angels have gone before you and surround the revival. Blessings and love and God’s supernatural insight and strength over you.

  179. Judy Hoy

    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021, 12:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  180. lauriermcleanyahoocom

    I have had a family member in the DC area, who used to work for CNN and covered the White House, email me and tell me she loves me and is concerned about my posts on face book and asking me to change the news I am listening to and to stop reposting about what happened on the day of the counting of the electoral college votes. Two male cousins are also suggesting I stop.

  181. Victor Romero

    Thank you Mario Murillo. May God Almighty continue to communicate with you through the Holy Spirit and to protect you and your family to continue to model what God wants ALL his children to do: obey his commandments and decrees.

  182. Ivan Boutet

    Thank you Mario for being faithful to the Lord. You are a true leader and we need those these days. It is sad to see leaders cave in and backpedal for “being wrong”, some of whom I would have never expected. But these are the times where we are now seeing hearts being revealed.
    Did anyone think walking in faith is easy? The Word is full of instances where things looked completely impossible in the natural, and they were, except for a big God! The Lord frequently waits for the darkest hour, because then no one can argue that it it wasn’t God when the miracle takes place. Jesus could easily have gone to see Lazarus before he died and healed him. But why did He wait? He waited until Lazarus was not only dead, but was decomposing because then no one could deny it was God. As a result it was a much bigger witness and had a much greater impact than it would have if Jesus would simply have healed a sick man (still a miracle).
    This is where America is at now. America as we know it, has died, and is decomposing. It stinketh, as the KJV version says. Now we stand in faith and watch the Lord work. No one will be able to deny that it was God who saved America!

    • kingskid48

      Amen, Ivan.

  183. Drea

    Thank you !!

  184. Alice Rivas

    We are with you 100%
    Sent from my iPad

  185. Sandra Chesser

    Bless you and thank you for your words of encouragement to the body of Messiah at this time. At one time I was so disillusioned with the charismatic movement I turned and walked away from anyone who claimed to be ‘spiritual”. You are one of the few that I pay any attention to because of your boldness to proclaim the Word of God. I admire your tenacity and the ability to stand in the face of evil.

  186. Stephen Voehl

    Mario, stand strong! We are good! God has this whole thing in His control! It is quite probably the greatest sting operation in the highest of the world. It is that if that is how it turns out. Better than Haman’s gallows!

  187. GodIsWithUs!

    How I thank God for you, Bro. Mario!!!! It’s like after an explosion, and things are still in flames but there’s still someone who hasn’t been shaken and can lead the way.
    Tuesday and Wednesday were days where I was in shock as I watched people I trusted cave left and right, whether the Supreme Court, the Vice President, cabinet members, Congress, prophetic voices, etc. It was very overwhelming, disorienting and confusing. My eyes searched to and fro for SOMEONE who would have the strength and integrity to stand. I never expected to see so much cowardice and self-protection. For a few days, I was truly shaken, I cannot lie.
    But thank God, I watched Flashpoint on Thursday night, with Bro. Mario, Dutch Sheets, Hank Kunnemann, Kat Kerr, and Lance Wallnau. I truly felt something just break off as I heard them speak STRONG words of faith, not weak, soul’ish words passed off as “wisdom.”
    I know more is coming. I will be better prepared this time, like knowing better what to do the next time there’s an earthquake.
    Can’t wait to see what God’s going to do next!!!!

  188. Susan

    Amen MMM.
    Keep praying. It is not over. Prayer for the next 4 years of USA did not just start at the end of 2020. They have been going on for decades.
    God hears the cries of everyone! Including those in the womb about to get murdered. The womb – he created to be the most safest place on earth.
    Where did Jesus come from? He didn’t fall out of the sky. He came from the womb!
    God has given the unborn the loudest voice ever!
    Do not give up!
    (And you know the character of God and the character of the leader that He gave the USA the last 4 years. Keep praying and pray for his protection.)

  189. Kathleen Barrett

    Don’t quit Mario! If God is for us, who can stand against us? He is with you in this battle for the souls of men, for the soul of our great nation. What God wants to do no man can thwart. This battle is His. He will fight for you as you stand firm in the faith. He reduced Gideon’s army to 400. They were victorious because God was with them. God will always have a remnant people who will not compromise the truth, who will not bow down to the god’s of this world. Thank you for continuing to speak out regardless of the cost. May our Lord, Jesus Christ, keep a hedge of protection around you as you fight the good fight of faith. You are not alone. Your sister in Christ, Kathy
    Sent from my iPad

  190. Karen Russell

    I was saved in Bakersfield in 1964. I worked at the Montgomery Ward store where you are having the revival meeting. I was 19 years old when I worked there. Most of my family still live there. I’m not giving up or giving in to fear. Praying for you Mario and for Bakersfield to be turned for Jesus! STAND!

  191. Stacy

    Dear Mario,
    I didn’t receive your blog in my email today, so I came to your website to see if there was a post for today. Are you having problems with your website?
    Thank you for speaking truth. Your words are very needed for all who continue to stand, pray, and believe. I have been blessed by many of the comments shared on this blog. You never know who you may help by the comments you post. May we all keep our focus on God and live everyday in His word, while encouraging others to do the same. Our words can speak life or death. I choose life. We can be light or darkness. I choose light.
    All of this to say, I believe all things that can be shaken are being shaken. Let us all be of one mind and heart, so that we may love(help) each other through this shaking. I believe we are stronger when we are united in Christ.
    I don’t post much, but felt led to post these words today. I pray in the name of Jesus that this will help someone today. Mario’s posts, as well as, many of your posts have helped me on days that seemed impossible to walk through. Blessings to all.

  192. maccarlton

    I’m so excited that our GOD has called me to live in such a time as this. The local churches are going to grow as never before.
    Read Revelation 3: -13
    I’m praying & fasting for the tent revival in Bakersfield,Ca.
    Mario, keep pressing forward.

  193. Robin Leneave

    I just want to say thank you for your bold faith!! Thank you for the work you are doing! God bless you!!

  194. Geraldine Brewington

    The encouragement to not quit is what the Body of Christ needs. Thank you.

  195. joshuaspencermgmailcom

    Brother, can you get your own domain? You’ll be less vulnerable to getting shut down.

  196. Barbara Matthews

    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 4:04 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  197. Lynda Ianuzi

    Hallelujah Mario and thank you for this reminder. I continue to trust in the Lord for only He is able!!! Praise His Holy Name!!
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021, 4:00 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  198. Sue

    I praise God for you! You have warned all of us. You have spoken out which is not popular. You called out christians (little c for a purpose) and encouraged the big C Church. We cannot go into hiding. We must remain faithful and wait for God to make his move as we pray and stay obedient. Amen

  199. Rebecca

    God bless you Mario! Yes ! God spoke to me several days ago and among the things He told me was STAND!!! He almost yelled it !

  200. Mark Stripling

    Those involved in the ministry circle I am a part of are unfazed by recent events. Our resolve to keep moving forward in Kingdom ministry is stronger than ever. I already preach at 3 different services a week, with a lot of worship and prayer time. And last night my wife and I began praying about adding a fourth. I do not know how anyone in the Body of Christ can stay strong attending a Sunday morning only church! Do not forsake assembling together for worship, hearing anointed, life giving Word, a time of prayer, and the edification that comes in our fellowship as belivers. It is time to armor up and stand. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in this fallen world. Jesus will build His church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it! I will not come into agreement with the giants that rise against me, I declare that it is them who will fall. We are not grasshoppers, we are Davids.

  201. Susan Hill

    We are going to keep standing for our country and also with you Mario as you are preaching the truth during the upcoming tent meeting! God is at work and our faith in Him is what gives us strength. Spending time in reading the Word of God and praying is so important now, but it has always been, so it’s a daily walk with the Lord. Jesus has already triumphed over hell and we have His authority.

  202. Luz S Bordenkircher

    Well, I just tried to share with my friends this and Facebook wont let me, it reports an error.

  203. cficker1214

    If I have been on your email list and receiving them, is that the same as your blog? If not what do I do next?Sent from my Galaxy

  204. Mark DuBois

    Thank you brother for the truth
    and for encouragement from Gods word.

  205. Jim Alford

    STAND!Before I read your blog today, the HOLY SPIRIT spoke a very similar word to me.Holdfast! The things that He has told me over these many years that He would do, He will now begin to do. There will be resistance and hatred, but there will also be great works of His power. Many will come to Jesus Christ, but there also be many tares coming, we will know them. Do not fear. Time is short. Glory is near.(I have tried to comment in the comment section of your blog, but it has not allowed me to do so for some time.)Jim Alford Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S10e, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone

  206. David Enns

    Yea Mario, preach it. We stand with you, al raise and glory to God!

  207. D Perry

    Yes and amen brother Murillo. Personally I can hardly wait to see His Word come to fruition. Praise the Lord. ❤️☝️☝️☝️

  208. Lorene Diana Goff

    Keep Praying, Keep Believing And Keep Standing Strong For God And America.
    Thank You Mario For Your Faith Which Helps Build Mine.
    I Have Watched You On The Victory KCM Channel.

  209. Teena Wisecup

    Thank you so much Mario. I went to DC and it has really been discouraging to see my voice be silenced not only there where there was so much sacrifice to go and stand but in every venue church included. Sometimes I just cry and am confused. I have been going to God! And I believe what you are saying!

  210. Diane Labbé

    Thank you Mr. MURILLO for being a voice of Truth. I truly appreciate your candid honnesty and commitment to proclaim Isaiah 60 and stands with our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I live in Canada and I wish the body of Christ would be so bold as you are in America to take a stand for the Kingdom of God and call on the name of Jesus.
    I have been interceding to see a reformation come to Canada like the USA and to see the church rising up by proclaiming Christ is our Lord. So thank you for your encouraging words and boldness… you are my kind of preacher…

  211. Regina M


  212. 1nation4God

    Mario – I appreciate ALL you do to fight, to encourage God’s people and to remain true to whatever God is calling you to do. I am also one who stands with God, on what He is telling us, no matter what things look like. And I know a lot of other Christians who are doing the same. There is no Plan B. There is only God’s Way. I hope that it is also an encouragement to you when others confirm and reaffirm that they are fighting alongside you.
    We are not here to build ministries. We are here to minister. God builds the ministries for us so that we can minister, and as long as we continue to be faithful in the ministry that God gives us, the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. We may have to change how we operate as the battle changes, but God will show us the way. God will NOT be silenced!!
    May God guide, protect and keep you, inspire you by His Spirit and anoint the work of your hands. You are a child of God and a citizen of Heaven and such ALL that you need – even to your full inheritance – is available to you for your welfare and the fulfillment of your purpose. In the Name of Jesus, AMEN!

  213. icarter2

    Thank you Mario! God Bless you and Ministry, You are truly a blessings to many souls! May the good Lord continue his good work in you, I pray for you and Ministry. ???❤??

  214. marthafloyd

    We are those who hang on because He who Bbnb is in us empowers us and they who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Thank you Mario. Praying for the Bakersfield revival. Martha Floyd Kershaw SC

  215. Sharon Johnson

    God always has a plan and a purpose even though we might understand what He is doing we have to believe and trust him for the outcome. I believe God has let all this happen to show who are His true followers. I trust God and can’t wait see what He does next. God helps us all to continue standing strong in our faith in You.

  216. Beth Madigan

    Never quit! You are encouraging so many of us to stand – and having done all, STAND! I watched FlashPoint last night – God is using you (all) mightily. We’re watching the great falling away – from God, from America, from each other. Keep it coming! We’re in it with you.

  217. Arlene Sarver

    I am unable to share this wonderful blog because I have been banned for 30 days from Facebook and Messenger. Know that I am still praying and rejoicing and hanging in there trusting God and His timing. Bakersfield intercession marches forward with great expectations. Bless you my brother.

  218. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    I know I will get hammered for this post…
    This is one I’ve shied away from writing; one I’ve prayed wouldn’t be necessary. But here we are on the cusp of The Lord’s Discipline and the beginning of The Socialist States of America. I come from the old school Assemblies of God, back when they really did have “Holy Rollers” (saw that only once). I was underfoot as a youth for the Oral Roberts crusade at the Norfolk, Va. Industrial Park. I also got underfoot at CBN’s first TV station in Portsmouth, VA. And, as I played “California Dreaming” in its Prayer Room an Kathryn Kuhlman enter kneel next to me a pray for me. I have had so many undeserved interactions with His Holy Spirit that none but the proud Laodicean should doubt the heaviness of heart and truth of what I transcribed for my Lord. My physical life has been spared so many times in the last 50 years that I have to think really hard to calculate them.
    Obedience is better than sacrifice…

    • Kim Wilx

      Good post! I agree with your assessment of much of the American church.

  219. Stacy Pallotta Longo

    Thank you

    Sent from my iPhone

  220. Juanita Bayes

    You are SPOT-On, Mario!
    Thank you, even in the midst of attacks, to continue reaching out to encourage us to remain steadfast. The LAST thing anyone needs to do right now is give up on God, our Father; our Redeemer and Sustainer.
    To God be the glory, forever and ever. Amen
    > H20™ > DESIGN > ________________________ > MANAGER > Juanita Wysinger Bayes > > ADDRESS > 3120 W. Carefree Hwy, Suite 1-349 > Phoenix Arizona 85086 > > TELEPHONE, MOBILE & FACSIMILE > 602.625.0313 (m) > > >

    • Cynthia Ernest

      Oh God bless you Mario!! Thank you for such great words of encouragement. I have gone through the grief process and am almost through the anger stage. Asking God to give me love for our enemies. I cannot do it in myself. You have the truest word right now I think. May the Lord bless and keep you and your family safe and give you many many wide open doors of ministry. Thank you for keeping up the fight and yes I know it’s God in you. LOL Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  221. Jim Shasteen

    Amen…still believing and trusting FATHER GOD!!! THANK YOU BROTHER!!

  222. Betty A Fernandez

    Dear Bro. Marillo,
    My heart is encouraged by your position to continue speaking the truth of God’s Word. I am keeping you in my daily prayers because I know and understand the importance of what God has spoken to you is critical to reach the masses who still need to hear truth, encouragement and hope for the hopeless, and even correction to the the church. This is not a time to quit as you have stated. Isaiah 41:10 is a scripture the Lord has been speaking to me: “So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you: I will uphold you with my (victorious) righteous right hand.”
    I know God’s preservation anointing is upon your life. Thank God for your faith and trust in the Lord to continue moving forward. May God richly bless you.
    Betty Fernandez
    Palm Springs, California

  223. Denise Loftus

    Mario, thankyou for your honesty and for your faithfulness to Jesus and Father. It is great encouragement to us to continue. Yes, I was devastated when that mob broke into the building and yet I knew it was people who had infiltrated the crowd to cause trouble. My problem with it was the fact that I knew Donald Trump would be blamed for it. This is a God job and it is our place to pray and we will do it and know God will bring good out of this. His timing is perfect. I feel He is waiting for something. God bless you and I thank you.

  224. Kathy Davenport

    Thank You! We stand with you and are praying for the harvest in BAkersfield!

  225. afhveteran

    Thank you, *thank you* for continuing to stand with the rest of us, the “remnant” of Gd’s chosen ones, who will *not back down*!
    In his recent *public apology*, even our dear, respected brother, *Jeremiah Johnson *has now bowed to the manipulation of man. I do not blame him for subjecting himself to the accountability of those he has placed over him. It’s scriptural. And yet he bowed to their wishes over that which the Lord has commanded him to do. He threw in the towel before the last punch, the *Punch of the Lord,* was thrown. Jeremiah will now have to take a back seat and simply watch what the Lord will do. God will humble and embarrass him with regret.
    And you were right, the Lord is revealing the weaknesses of even the most devoted, spirit-filled leaders in our midst. It’s all coming to pass, just as He has planned.
    You can count on me, and many others who make up the remnant, to *continue to stand with you. *
    *Charlie Clark* * * *(719)661-7895*
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 2:00 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  226. melissatreecehotmailcom

    Thank you for taking the time to encourage all of us that are just regular people. I feel helpless to do anything but pray and give what I can. I stand in faith with you.

  227. Judith Gloria

    All through the night, last night, into this morning I was in intercession for You and your meetings , in specifics , dates and all !!! QUITTING IS NOT EVEN AN OPTION

  228. Judy Gloria

    Where can I sow finance into your ministry ?


    May God keep you and bless you. We, the remnant will never give up hope. Hope is needed now, , more than ever.
    Thanks for your encouraging words and your strong spirit.
    A sister in Christ, Joan K. NB, Canada
    Sent from my iPad

  230. Zorica Angelkovich

    Dear brother Mario and blessed MMM and all your faithful friends,I believe in your God appointed and anointed work and ministry ?I received the same message from the Lord at the same time and wrote it in notebook,the Lord is working,His words for us : don’t worry,don’t fear,TRUST ME and I give you my peace ❣️?God is blessing and protecting you 24/7 sincerely Zorica

    • Wordforworld

      Peace, yield to peace!
      Information, with the anointing, is a great tool for us. (Sez Mario)

    • Robin Rustad


  231. Sam

    Some encouraging verses today from 1 Peter 3:
    “12 For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer. But the Lord’s face is against those who do evil.
    “13 For who is going to harm you if you are devoted to what is good?
    “14 But in fact, if you happen to suffer for doing what is right, you are blessed. BUT DO NOT BE TERRIFIED OF THEM OR BE SHAKEN.”

    • Starb1

      Those are wonderful! Thanks!

  232. kingskid48

    Thank you, Pastor Mario, for your encouraging word this morning. I know, I need to read your blog first thing every morning and I’m sure many others do. When I wake up during the night, I check my phone to see if your blog has come in. Especially now, in these crazy days.
    I’m hearing things on the news that I never thought I’d hear in the United States of America. It’s like we’re watching something unfolding in a third world country. I just turned off Newsmax because some writer from the Washington Examiner was nearly foaming at the mouth in her hatred of Trump.
    I turned on worship music and will only watch or read news to stay informed from here on out. I confess I was watching too much news and ignoring spending time in His Presence.
    The Holy Spirit abides in that music and it strengthens us to keep in going in our homes.
    Thank you to everyone who posts useful and informative links. God Bless Mario, your family, crew, and volunteers. May you see double the salvations and miracles that occurred in Fresno!

    • Paula Sue Ralston

      I have been looking on YouTube, Facebook and any news on Foxsnews. I only search for encouraging insights on support of our President Trump! I will stand with you Mario and all who are standing with our President! I have done a lot of encouraging posts and responses to help keep anyone that seems to be giving up . We cannot give up! Are you or any of the ministers that get words spoken over Trump able to be encouraging to him via calls or visits? I want him to be sure and know that God has this!

  233. David Failla

    Shalom, Br. Murillo.
    As I was praying with my wife, I received a word of knowledge that what is taken place in our nation is the
    result, in a great part, of Pres. Trump consenting that the land of Israel and Jerusalem be divided to
    accommodate the Palestinians. Observing the present situation that is transpiring to the USA, it is obvious that the Lord is judging the USA for the position that the Trump administration has taken, though ignorantly, regarding the land of Israel. That is God’s land which He had promised to Abraham.
    Pres. Trump motives toward Israel are good and commendable,… transferring the US embassy from TelAviv to Jerusalem, but to be in favor of dividing the land is not according to God’s agenda.
    And so, we see how our nation is experiencing the same dilemma that Israel is experiencing right now- their government is divided and in confusion, and so is our country.
    The Lord divided Israel in two, the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom because of corruption and the forsaking of his commandments.
    Is history repeating itself again in our day? Have the prophets truly considered that the above statement
    regarding the approval to divide the land of Israel is going against God Himself?
    Perhaps we’ve been praying amiss to the real reason why all these unresolved issues are happening to our country, and not to ignore the rest of the corruption of the fraudulent voting present situations.
    Shalom to you my dear brother.
    Br. David Failla
    Ps. Yesterday I heard in my spirit the word: “secession”. ( We need to pray for His will to be done, and if there’s any repentance to be made on the part of all of us, not to exclude all in high authority, to be made promptly.) Lord bless you. Please note that I support Pres. Trump and do pray fervently for him.
    He is my President! I voted for him.

  234. Bryan Golsch

    Thank you Brother, you haves helped me in ways you might not know. In Dec. ‘99 I was scheduled for routine knee replacement in Feb. , so I decided that I would use the recovery time to get closer to God and the word. Everything went wrong. I am facing my 5th surgery in two weeks. I’m left with broken wires in my knee as well as infection. I had a DVT in in my chest and shut down of both kidneys. I’m going in for replacement of right knee in two weeks. The words God had given you to share have kept me grounded, sane and faithful to our God. Thank you Mario and glory to God.
    I am more grateful for the sacrifice made by Jesus, I’m closer to God the Father then ever before and am in a love fest with the Holy Spirt who is opening my eyes to greater wisdom and understanding.
    I stand with the word of God and declare that this nation will be delivered from satan so the great harvest can begin. I thank you for all you have and are doing, God bless our President, this great nation and all who stand with her.
    If I may ask, would you pray for healing on my legs, thank you and God bless us. Bryan.

    • Wordforworld

      Bryan, in the Name above all names, Jesus Yeshua, we speak healing virtue to your every need, new tissue to your kidneys! Holy Spirit’s chelation of your blood, gently reducing clotted areas! The Great Physician Jesus guides your medical team, guides them with godly wisdom. Those wires get back where they belong now. Infection, leave Bryan Golsch, now in Jesus’ Name , amen!

  235. Agnes

    Praying for you‼️❤️?❤️

  236. Margaret

    AMEN, and AMEN a thousand times. Thank you Mario.

    • Laura Shirley

      Mario,I am still praying ,I know in my heart that the Great and glourish God is not done. This is over when God says it is over. Mario you keep me inspried,thank you Amen

    • Linda Percival

      Amen amen bless you Mario for continuing to listen to the Lordl

  237. Rebecca clifton

    Wonderful encouraging words. thank you so much my brother. I know you will continue to fight the good fight of faith and persevere. May God bless you and your family

  238. Karen-Elisabeth Williams

    When you have done all – STAND. Thank you for standing. Praying power for your strength and endurance. Rest in knowing God protects what belongs to Him.. Many Blessings.

  239. Tess Sanders

    Thanks for the Biblical updates on current events.

  240. 4oaksfarm

    Thank you for standing. Thank you for encouraging the church. I appreciate you.

  241. Jeff R

    I believe President Trump was God’s flux in the purifying of this nation and its church. Donald Trump outed all the impurities and made them float to the top. Now the Great Refiner and Purifier will scrape them off. There are a lot of impurities, not just the Deep State; this is going to hurt a bit–like the worst bandaid ever being ripped off.
    Now is the time to declare Psalm 68:1. “Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered; let them also that hate Him flee before Him.
    Brothers and sisters, this is about to get good.

  242. Lucille Nymon

    Thank you for the encouragement to press in and forward in God! We are praying for you and many others!

  243. Diana S. Thompson

    Thanking our Heavenly Father for all the Prophetic Voices that God is revealing His Truth through. Just hold on!!! We will stand in Awe of who our God is when we see His Victory in these times.

  244. Barbara Villegas

    God Bless your work for the Lord

  245. Debi Gerych

    Amen! Thanks for sharing an encouraging word! I sometimes feel I’m alone in expecting a miracle!

  246. Nidia

    Thank you Mario and God bless! You are a huge encouragement to us! Praying for you and your God-led ministry!

  247. lin5280

    I’m not going anywhere!!
    | | TODAY, THEY TOLD ME TO QUIT by mariomurilloministries |
    Today I was told to quit. The person who said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They told me that anything I would say would be twisted—and, that not only would I be banned, but they would go after me until they had destroyed my career as a preacher.I was ready to answer this person, because the Holy Spirit had warned me in advance that they were coming. So now I am going to relate to you what God told me about quitting. God gave me these verses:Acts 18:9-11, “Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.” And he (Paul) continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.”The fact is that this blog and this ministry can’t be explained in the natural, anyway. Since it was born supernaturally, it will be sustained supernaturally. Not only am I not quitting, I will amplify all the words I receive from the Lord. You can count on that.God is stands ready to refresh and empower you for a fresh attack on evil. Isaiah 40 31 But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.Now, I want to speak heart to heart with the remnant of God in America: This is a test. And we are in the worst part of that test. The rage of anti-God social media is out of control, because they feel emboldened to do whatever they want. And because they think Trump is done.They are raining down shame and accusation on anyone who speaks truth. Nevertheless, we must not fear and we must not fold. Those preachers who cave in to fear, and then abandon their message, will pay a heavy price, not only from shame but also from regret―because they gave up just before the breakthrough.1 Peter 4:17, “For it is the time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”Evil is having its day.You knew this wasn’t going to be easy. You knew their evil had to have its day. You knew there was no way we could have challenged these devils without unleashing a storm of hatred.I know that fear can feel irresistible in this storm. I know it is disheartening when you see people you respected—and some of the last people you would have imagined—caving in and recanting their convictions.But again, this is the worst time to fold. This is the worst time to doubt what God has said to you. Fear is not an option. Portrait of a young man prayingCompromising with the enemy can be seductive, but it will end in disaster, and, as I said, you will feel deep remorse if the breakthrough comes right after you quit. Can you imagine having to live with that for the rest of your life?Job 23:10, “He knows the way that I take. When He has tried me, I will come forth as gold, refined in the fire.”I feel God is imploring us to hang on a little longer. I know how hard it has been! You have heard stories that promised to uncover the truth and turn the tide. Each time they raised our hopes and, when it didn’t happen, it wounded us.I am not asking you to trust in myths, legends, or conspiracy theories.  I am compelling you to trust in God Himself and in His inspired words recorded in the Bible.Hang in there. The enemy is going to be shocked! Hang in there. There are options we don’t know about. God is going to finish what He started in our great movement! Hebrews 10:35-39, “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:“For yet a little while, and He Who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.”

    • Paula

      Beautifully said. Thank you.

    • Jennifer lowe

      Thank you for keeping us encouraged

    • Edith MacQueston

      God bless you dear brother! Our Lord is using you to greatly encourage us to keep the faith! By now you must surely know why He told you to start writing the blog. He is using it to keep us all together in unity of spirit! We are praying for Bakersfield too, for the Lord to move mightedly! Blessings to MMM.❤❤❤

    • Richard l. Newman

      Excellent embrace ! As our hope remains in the lord!our savior and redeemer! Bless his holy name amen amen! As we are ever looking up for our redemption draweth nigh! Rev.21:4! Bless his holy name amen!

  248. Mark Allan

    I stand by MY GOD. I know he told us that it can only be a miracle that Trump comes thru this debacle and that’s how it is! TRUST GOD!

  249. Kassie

    I believe God is in complete control In the name of Jesus

  250. Connie mcconathy

    Standing with you praying with you thank you for your ministry it helps us to remain strong in the Lord God bless you brother

  251. Ron Giovanetti

    AmillionAmens ?✝️????
    Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  252. Lourdes Lorenzen

    I am hanging in there Mario. Thank you for not quitting! God is with us! How sad to see many cowards out there. I’m a soldier even if I am woman 77 years old. I will forever stand because The Lord is my rock. God bless you Mario!

  253. sandilebel

    I stand!!
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021, 4:02 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  254. Darlene Farley

    I am staying strong and not in fear. I have faith God will do what he says he will do. I cant wait for the outcome. I was reading Numbers 10:35 and this scripture: “So it was, whenever the ark set out, that Moses said: “Rise up, O Lord! Let your enemies be scattered, And let those who hate you flee before you.” This stood out for me because of what is going on today.

  255. Michelle Kaminski

    God Bless You! You inspire me to stand with you. God be with you Mario. You’re in my prayers and I have faith everything will work for the Glory of God.

  256. Connie Cahoon

    God has raised you up as a beacon of light in the darkness.
    He has placed his hand upon you, put his resolve in your heart, and his word in your mouth for this hour.
    Thank God!
    The reward of the Lord is with those that fear him.
    God bless and keep you!

  257. Mary Darrell

    “Fear not, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom”
    —Jesus, Luke 12:32

  258. Misti Bowens

    Thank you Mario! So disgusted and disappointed in those in the ministry giving up! You fighting with us praying patriots means a lot!
    Sent from my iPhone

  259. C Duggan

    Thank you for the word of encouragement and direction. God bolster and protect you as you speak the truth and direction!

  260. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    Thank You, Mario, for THE STRONG WORD. It is needed for many. We all have had people disappoint us throughout our lifetimes….It hurts terribly at the time that it is happening—BUT LIFE GOES ON—AND THE LORD GOD ALWAYS BALANCES HIS BOOKS…..
    I do not feel anger with these LOST SOULS—only pity….People who live out their lives as “followers” always come to a sad/bad ending. They were not taught to think for themselves…..Any parent that does not teach their child/children to think for themselves has FAILED that child/children….They will be tossed to and fro throughout their entire lifetime. They will NEVER FIND ANY PEACE AND HAPPINESS IN THEIR LIFETIMES, NO MATTER WHAT THEY ENDEAVOR TO ACCOMPLISH.
    Heavenly Father, remove whatever people or objects that NOW or in the future would blind those who are participants in evil acts against PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP—and against THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In JESUS HOLY NAME. AMEN
    Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    • Latu

      We are God’s people who must stand together towards the end. We will never quit praying, as the battle is of the Lord. Thanks for all you’ve done and is still doing for God’s Kingdom . HE will never leave, nor forsake HIS people. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever, and he keeps His promises. Hallelujah Amen. I appreciate my beautiful families in the Lord. Amen ? ❤️

      • peter jenkins

        There has never been a more important time to fight than now
        Like Elijah we may feel discouraged but God had an army waiting for the order
        Like Elishas servant we are the enemy But Elijah saw the angels
        Brothers and sisters thank God for Mario and all who encourage us in the midnight hour to join Paul and Silas who in prison at midnight praised the Lord
        Lift up your head
        Lift up your heart
        Lift up your voice
        Open your eyes
        The Lord will be glorified and the enemy put to flight
        In the mighty name of Jesus
        Pray for Donald Trump we are like Araon and Hur holding up his hands about to see victory

      • Terry Chain

        Amen ! We stand United God will have his way . satan get behind us you are the tail we are the HEAD . Thank you Mario , love you Jesus Christ my lord

  261. Daniel

    God’s protection is upon you and all of us who believe in him and accept Jesus as our King and savior and I do. And praying for our country and our freedom and for Jesus to tarry and forgive us and heal this land and bring unity and love back to this land. I repent for one thing and I love my Lord and praise and honor him and thank him for everything and all things, Amen.

  262. Ruby Bibbs

    I praise God for you Mario! We must know our God and trust He will prevail. No matter what takes place He said “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. and Isaiah 33:22 ” He is our Judge; He is our Lawgiver; He is our King; He will save us” !!! God is in you; for you and you are covered by His wings!!!

  263. Sandra L Sokolowski

    Thank you again, Mario, for your steadfast encouragement. I avm pressing for those who feel shaky to be strengthened in ther Lord. Good bles you.

    • prayinginok

      “Under distraction and direction of U.S. persons working from U.S. embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the U.S. election from 3 Nov. 2020 from significant margin of victory from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals.
      Defendant states that he was working in [inaudible] facility of Leonardo spa and utilized military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities to transmit and switch votes via military satellite from [inaudible] tower to Frankfurt, Germany. The Defendant swears that the data in some cases may have been switched to represent more than total voter [inaudible]. The Defendant states that he is willing to testify to all individuals and entities involved in the switching of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden, where he shall be in total protection from himself and his family. Defendant states he is secured in an undisclosed location. The makeup of the original data and data switched, upon instruction, to provide as evidence in court in this matter. I hereby declare and swear the above stated facts have been stated in my presence.”

      • prayinginok

        If you got to watch any of the videos, he implicated CIA operatives. Obama was also mentioned.

      • Sam

        Thanks for posting all this, prayinginok. It seems that fraud who’s also known as Obama is behind almost everything evil these days. Obama may not be the actual Antichrist, but I sure wouldn’t be surprised if he’s one of his Cabinet members!! 😛
        I’m so glad that God knows the end from the beginning. All times are one with Him. Thankfully, He already knows the terrible justice awaiting all these evildoers.

        • prayinginok

          Yes He does!

      • Janet Roy

        I am soooo excited!! I have seen the evidence of the Italian Supreme Court Case and what Maria Zack has to say (and she credits God over and over with helping her to find the things she is finding). Just heard a post by Mike Lindell who was on an airplane saying he was flying to join Trump and his team. The Pillow Man Lindell said he wanted us to not give up hope that something BIG was coming.
        There has been tremendous evidence unlocked by God and now they are putting things together and they are going to actually indict people. They did say it could take 12 days or so – so be patient because the road could be bumpy.
        They also said to not watch fake media because it will be all crazy with untrue stuff. The biggest thing we need to do is pray – pray – pray as we have been doing. But we need to especially pray for those doing the investigating and the work – for them to follow God’s will and for their protection. Oh – they need protection. They are battling evil!!
        Lindell said that the man who helped him find the paper ballots that were faulty in Georgia just had his house all shot up. I guess no one was hurt – but that probably is a warning. So pray for these warriors who are out there in the physical doing this battle!!
        I can hardly wait to watch my God in action – it will be amazing and probably surprising. I mean we are talking about the God who fed Elijah by ravens – didn’t just give him food. He made a donkey talk to Balaam. He is super creative and seems to enjoy surprising us with His goodness and His methods. Praise the Lord!!!
        Thanks, Mario, for helping us hang on. We are going to SEE the victory!

        • prayinginok

          Thank you so much Janet!!! You sound like me. I can’t wait to see what God does and yes, He will surprise us I’m sure. LOL! You are correct that we need to pray for those on the front lines battling evil. And for President Trump’s safety. May God get ALL the glory!!!

    • swordandspiritwriter

      Thank you for posting this. I love how all this info is getting shared despite PUNY tech compared to God censorship. His people’s passion to expose darkness is beautiful.
      Here’s the Mike Lindell video saying a team is working with Pres Trump and he will be Pres 4 more years and another one that says the good guys got Pelosi’s laptop during the commotion of the Capital breach on Wednesday. Keep praying it all comes out. Haven’t stopped. Haven’t doubted our good Father.
      URGENT UPDATE AND PRAYER REQUESTED: Mike Lindell, the MY PILLOW GUY, and insider with President Trump shared this. Be encouraged. God is never late and does not lie! [VIDEO]
      God bless. Where UNITY is God COMMANDS His blessing, grace, and power.

      • prayinginok

        We will do our best to help expose the darkness. 🙂 I pray it’s true that the “good guys” have Nancy Pelosi’s laptop!

      • Holly whitten

        Thank you so much Marionfor all.of your en ouragement. As you say,we are in a Red Sea time and we have to go forward and pray and fight for truth and justice to prevail. You are a mighty warrior for the the Lord and a wonderful example to us all.

  264. Kathy Kunkle

    We love and back you Mario! Praying God’s protection on you and your family and the outreach! Nothing will stop it- it’s God’s movement! We plead the Blood of Jesus over it all?❤️

  265. maryannh5

    Praise the Lord! I am standing still and expecting a miracle. Not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord!

  266. Sandra Brumley

    Thank you Mario for continuing to bring us God’s truth. I’ve been following you for over a year and your messages help strengthen this widow daily.

  267. GShull

    Praise our almighty God who is above every other name … over every principality and evil power. He is not asleep nor is He defeated. His Glory will be seen when the hour comes for Him to step forth in His plan. His timing is always right on target. Hold on like Mario says! And watch this unfold.

  268. Reida French

    Thank you, Mario! 
    These times are so very sad, but I am not discouraged!  If anything, the incredible acceleration of evil in the last few days confirms for me that God is in this! I believe He is giving the enemy time to build a method of destruction for President Trump, which will become their own destruction, just as it happened to Haman.
    I am with you and Almighty God.  HE will not turn His back on us!!

  269. Rose

    Mr Murillo your words from God are healing –we will never give up. God is on the throne. This is as you said is spiritual war fare.
    On Dec 30 I was given a vision in 3D. God showed me three angels dressed as soldiers three in a row. The one closets to me looked right at me tilted his helmet and had his weapon drawn for battle (same as the other 2) they began to proceed into the darkness with fog as they moved forward. I prayed immediately – my visions are often and dreams. This was from our Lord as,i had been praying for him to show me what will be happening. Note this was Dec 30.
    I am declaring the Lord will show his might hand and his glory will resonate before the world. Many blessings you are in my prayers. Thank you for sharing Gods wonderful word.

  270. Steve Moore

    Mario, I am so glad I woke up this morning to read your blog, to find out that YOU did not cave in under the pressure from the prophets of Baal. We both know God will not honor the insidious fraudulent acts of the Democrats. We pray for you and encourage you. It’s the biggest test this generation has ever seen. Glad to be alive to see it come to pass.
    Win lots of souls in Bakersfield . God’s with you. Your friend in Christ Steve and Becky Moore

  271. Shelia


  272. Jim Curry

    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 12:53 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

    • Merle D Murray

      God Bless You Mario,
      When I read it, I knew you would not quit. You are a strong warrior for Christ and go where others don’t want to. I love your heart for those who are down and out, homeless, gang members etc…
      You doing what most people are called but don’t. I gladly support your ministry it is great rich soil to sow into. Plus to see those who surrender to the Lord and are set free is a hallelujah moment and Heaven is rejoicing too. Thank-You and hope it is contagious to others to step up in their community and start ministering to those they meet among their daily task.

  273. grandsport12

    We need to stand and not give up. Thank you and GOD Bless you.
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 2:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  274. FaithThomas

    Mario,I want to thank you for your up-lifting blog! I will not back away! How can I turn aside,when the God of all that is,loved me so much that he offered His only Son,to set me free? My answer is,I CAN NOT! My faith is founded in God’s love and care! As my grandchildren play happily at this time, they trust me with their lives for the future,because of the love I have shown them. So,too how much more can God love us!! Faith Thomas

  275. prayinginok

    So Parler is getting the boot tomorrow. “Gab” has a Christian founder who supports Trump. They own their own servers and are bringing more online as traffic is increasing exponentially.

  276. Sam

    Here’s an interesting article about praying for those in authority, according to 1 Timothy 2:2. Most of the time when people think of this verse, they always have a preconceived notion that our prayers for leaders should always be all “sugar and spice and everything nice.” 😉
    Well, this article offers a more balanced perspective, as you can see in the excerpt below:
    We are not necessarily to pray for the health and safety of the leaders – Often this is good as it avoids instability within the government. But there are times when a leader’s death means safety for God’s people. Joseph had to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus because of the infanticide being carried out by Herod (Matthew 2:13-16). After Herod was dead, an angel informed Joseph that it was safe to return to Israel (Matthew 2:19-21).
    We are not necessarily to pray for the leaders’ success – If they are seeking to carry out the role which God has ordained, good. But often their ambitions are contrary to their divinely given role.

  277. Sam

    Here’s an article about a certain kind of prayer that many Christians are not familiar with: imprecatory prayer. In a nutshell, these are prayers for divine judgment. It’s another good weapon to have in our arsenal.

    Imprecations are expressions provoked by the horror of sin. David prayed this way because of his deep sensitivity to the ugliness of evil. Perhaps the chief reason why he wasn’t bothered by prayers of imprecation and we are is that he was bothered by sin and we aren’t! It is frightening to think that we can stand in the presence of evil and not be moved to pray as David did. . . .
    We must keep in mind that in most instances these prayers for divine judgment come only after extended efforts on the part of the psalmist to call the enemies of God to repentance. These are not cases of a momentary resistance to God but of unrepentant, recalcitrant, incessant, hardened and haughty defiance of him. In other words, the psalmist calls for divine judgment against them so long as they persist in their rebellion. We love our enemies by praying for their repentance. But if they callously and consistently refuse, our only recourse is to pray that God’s judgment be full and fair.

    • prayinginok

      Psalm 97:3 “A fire goes before Him, and burns up His enemies round about.” Verses like that maybe? 😉

  278. Linda Hunter

    I will stand strong until JESUS comes and takes us home.??????
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 2:52 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  279. gisella39

    Be strong, victory is coming
     “The Lost Sheep” is on Amazon eBook and Paperbackand “New Life And Glory “is for now on PaperbackGet a copy for yourself and one for your friends.
    You may visit my blog and be    Do you need  Elohim/God  intervention in your life? Please send a message and phone number and I will call you back. 
    Flame of Fire MinistriesDeborah A. Atzori Missionary, Author1 808 214 0557
    zakhor ‘et-yom ha’shabbat leqaddeshoremember the Sabbath day for holiness (Fourth Commandment) Exodus 20:24 “In  every place I cause  My Name to be  mentioned (azkir=to be spoken) I will come to you.” Yehovah El Olam -Yehovah El Everlasting
    Yehovah Avinu  /Yehovah our Father Shema’ Yisra’El Yehovah Eloheinu, Yehovah echad Hear O Israel, Yehovah our Elohim, Yehovah is ONE

  280. Kathie FitzPatrick

    Hello Mario:
    Good for you! Trump left after the treacherous 3 a.m meeting and flew on Air Force One to a secure military base in Texas. He has not conceded and he is about to pull the trigger and arrest all the traitors. He has not conceded. He is about to pull the trigger on the insurrection and arrest all the traitors. We talk about “drama queens.” God is the ultimate drama King! He is not done yet. One of the people close to Trump said, “You are going to like how this movie turns out!”–Kathie FitzPatrick, Yakima
    Situation Update Jan 8th – Trump fighting from secure location, did NOT concede Intel is coming in today from many sources, and I will likely need to post a separate article to cover it all. Importantly, Trump has not conceded anything, and if you parse the words of his most recent video statement, there is absolutely no concession in it and no naming of Joe Biden as president: A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. … my priority is to ensure a smooth …

  281. yesua7

    I’m with you brotherman………FIGHT

  282. Mary

    We love you Brother Mario! Your faithfulness has inspired my husband and me so much in this season of uncertainty with what we can see. We know that it is imperative that we focus on the things that are unseen and keep our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith, God Almighty!! Blessings on you and yours!

  283. mswelch52

    Thank you!
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021, 12:52 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  284. banana1956

    May God continue to bless you and lead you Mario. I am praying for you and your team. God bless the Revival!!

  285. Wordforworld

    PEOPLE WITH APPLE PHONES NEED TO TURN “AUTO UPDATE” FEATURE TO THE OFF POSITION! Apple may try to “update” your system by removing capacity to receive emergency alerts!
    Pass along info!

  286. Sharon

    Thank you Mario and your amazing followers. You have help sustain my faith over the past months. I have felt in my heart that this has been a test for Gods people and an awakening for our country. We will need to keep in prayer over the next few days. Things are about to be revealed that are more evil than we could have imagined. Bless you all and watch with discernment

  287. William E Rice

    Truth! There is obedient truth which affects what we are! There is relationship truth which affects what we do! There is authority truth which affects what we posess! The process of these truths in Christ Jesus have to do with how we handle the truth of the Word. It would be great to have an open discussion over what the Holy Spirit is saying to the gentile church today!

  288. Lou Comunale

    We are in the STORM. Pres Trump told us that a STORM was coming to round up the deep staters who are secretly operating behind the scenes in the American govt.
    But God’s word says, “When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever” (Pro 10:25 NIV).

  289. Kathryn Marie Miley

    I heard you on tv and liked you the last year I lived in Calif. 1977-1978, thinking—‘what fiery little guy, Am I & do I want to be Armed & Dangerous!?? These last few years, I was wondering if you were ‘still around’ and then I ‘stumbled’ upon your website last year and thought, ‘he still has it!’. Have been hearing you on the Flashpoint ‘news’ channel, and can say, I liked you THEN, but I Love you now!
    God Bless & protect you, Mario! May He shine His face upon you & give you His favor!!
    Jesus went to the simple & poorer people because pride would be less a stumbling block for them to believe Who He really was. And you are going out to them, as the same–up & down ‘The Valley’. You’re awesome!! Thank you for ALL your sharp perspectives, truth, and encouraging word!!

  290. Celia Harvest
    They are EXPOSED!!! Praise the Lord G-D!
    Scripture I received: ” Indeed you will go forth from him with your hands on your head; for the Lord has rejected your trusted allies, and you will not prosper by them! (Jeremiah 2:37)
    Every blessing, Caroline
    On Sat, 9 Jan 2021, 10:03 Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

    • manners1944

      Thank you for your courage, wisdom and leadership in this hour Mario.
      Remember the ghastly outcome when Prime Minister
      Neville Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler at the beginning
      of world war 11. There4s a time for peace and a time for war.
      As Christians we have already died to Christ.
      What’s the problem then to fight this spiritual war to the death?
      We are eternal children of the Living God already seated with Christ in His Heavenly Kingdom.
      So, let’s forget about ourselves and like King David, run towards the enemy and after
      we have done all we can, STAND. and see the VICTORY OF OUR LIVING GOD..
      Praise be to His Holy Name For Ever and Ever.
      Amen xxx
      Gill Alp (France)

    • bythewaydotdotdot

      Love you sir!
      Appreciate the courage and the exhortation.
      Not backing down an inch.

    • Alicia

      Brother Mario, thank you for your prophetic words that continue to give me hope. I am your Bahamian sister whom God has enlisted in this fight. I had to quit my online teaching position at the end of September to pray for what is happening in America. (I just returned to a new job last week). He is faithful!! As we say here: “When America sneezes, the Bahamas catches a cold!” As a nation we have a vested national interest, but as children of God, we have a responsibility to help push back the powers of darkness. Many Holy Ghost fulfilled Bahamians are standing with you, America and Donald J. Trump. We truly believe He is God’s anointed Cyrus for such a time as this. God bless you and I am holding the line with you and all the remnant of the church. Keep on the fiery line, my brother. I believe!! God gat this!!

  291. Jim dessenberger

    Stay strong my friend, love you brother to the end❤️

  292. lindawingnet

    I am in total agreement with your comments about quitting. For the last two days, the Lord has been having me say to others, “Wait a bit. Watch what God will do.”
    I also wanted to say that it has been really good to find you online this past year. We used to live in Orange County, in California, back in 1979/80. I used to go anywhere you were ministering. Then later, after I married my husband David, in Porterville, we used to follow you as much as possible, and when we were down in the LA area, we’d always try to get to somewhere where you were ministering. When we moved up to Washington in 1992, we really missed getting to hear you speak from time to time.
    Now I’m really happy that you have been on Flash Point so much. It’s one of my favorite shows on The Victory Channel. My husband agrees. 😀
    We are standing strong for Donald J. Trump, but also for our country and the rest of the world. God’s got this. We will never give up.

    • Mary Ann Sylvester

      Our God is able to do exceedingly above and beyond all that we can imagine and we are believing, for Him to make a way where there seems to be no way Amen..

  293. susan wehle

    Great word Mario praying for you stand strong
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 3:52 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  294. Michael Payne

    I love your faith and your steadfast loyalty to holding the line. I also believe as you and you encourage me in that. May JESUS continue to bless and strengthen you.

  295. lynn0722

    Reblogged this on lynn0722 and commented:
    Mario – Thank you for NOT Quitting! We need you!

  296. lynn0722

    Mario – thank you for NOT quitting! We need you in the battle. God bless!

  297. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    I had another toss and turn troubled attempt to sleep last night.
    With all my heart I wanted the death angel loosed on these people attempting, and doing a pretty good job of it, to utterly destroy America.
    I was told no, but I could ask for the tip of the Angels Swords, here’s what I was given.
    I am frustrated with all the, “it’s gonna be alright” posts without courses of action. I am tired of all the, “be blessed” posts without courses of action. And, I am most tired of all the people who think they have no fault!
    Another scripture comes to mind, “My People are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” We have a lot of good men sharing a lot of stuff but not all of it is knowledge.

    • Wordforworld

      Brother Michael
      THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR those on the battlefield to do valiantly! It’s a ragtag group. You remember ‘Nam! THIS time we have the CAPTAIN of the LORD’s army directing us, to save our children and our countrymen from hell on earth.
      THIS is not a political war, this is God vs evil. We speak faith filled words that support, that strengthens, not tears down.
      In the NAME OF JESUS, We
      Say what the LORD said! The house of the wicked is overthrown! The LORD has broken the staff of the wicked, the sceptre of rulers! The throne of iniquity is CUT OFF! WE Speak HIS word that HE can work with & confirm with signs following. Faith Words. We Give God the glory! It’s the FATHER in you, me, and the Body, that does the works.
      WE say what the two spies said. We, w/the LORD, can do this, too,

    • Sam

      What you’re speaking of is an emasculated Church. True masculinity is the power to speak and fight for truth. When you see a country lose all its moral bearings, that shows a decay of the true masculine.
      A lukewarm Church, with an easygoing attitude toward sin, is an abomination to Christ. Obviously you are wide awake, and thankfully, so are many others. 🙂
      Thanks for composing that prayer.

      • Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

        Got a triple whammy today. Friend preaching a revival about 35-45 minutes away.
        Outgoing the radio was talking about all the signs of the end times…
        Friend preached on the nearness of His Coming and being ready (Revival Theme)
        Inbound the radio was talking about how low a percentage of church goers today believe in a real devil, a tribulation, that The Bible is The Inspired Word of God, on and on…
        I want revival! But, I am starting to prepare for the upper-taker in my thinking.
        ******* BUT ******* God! He alone has the final say, and I will pray hoping that we have Grace ministered to us in spite of the sleepless nights and dire warnings.

  298. Lois

    Standing in agreement with with you

  299. Faye

    Don’t quit Mario….keep going, encouraging God’s people. Winning souls for Jesus. When the dust settles, God and God alone will get the glory!!

  300. Grada Shipway

    Amen, we need to continue to stand in the face of fear and lies and become emboldened.
    Thankyou for doing so and showing us the way.
    Bless you and may there be many souls saved and Delivered!!!

  301. pat

    May the Lord surround you as in Zech. 2 / 5 with His warriors angels round about you sir and the Trumps in mighty name of Jesus

  302. Lisa

    Thank you SO much brother Mario for listening to God and not man. I am praying for your Bakersfield outreach.
    The following verses God has given me on several occasions and are speaking to me again now.
    Psalms 27:13-14
    I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord
    In the land of the living.
    Wait for the Lord;
    Be strong and let your heart take courage;
    Yes, wait for the Lord.

    • Wordforworld

      Thanks, Lisa!
      My heart takes courage
      As I wait upon the LORD
      I will rise up in strength

  303. Renee Vetter

    The Lord sole to me a month before the election about how He wanted me to pray. He took me to Korah who came against Moses and said that He was going to separate the evil men & women of both parties from Pres. Trump & His children. God is going to do this publicly so no one will be mistaken. God is going to swallow them in their own nets & traps that were set by them to destroy Trump.
    He is frustrating the hands of the wicked so they can’t carry out their evil plans. Job 5:12
    I’m standing on that and I cannot be moved.

  304. Lisa

    Continue on when you do not understand.
    Or you do not think your prayers are heard as no answers are at hand.
    Never lose hope. Continue to pray, trust, and wait.
    Time will reveal God’s perfect way and will. His answers are never late.
    Indeed continue to praise Him when things are going bad or good.
    Now, remember to always praise Him as we should.
    Understand that events in life may occur that leave you frail.
    Eventually, however, God’s perfect plan will come. You, He will never fail.
    On, continue on even when you feel weak.
    Now, remember to have confidence in Him. In Him we should get our guidance. It is His Face we should always seek.
    By Lisa (Inspired by God)
    Sunday, July 11, 2010

    • prayinginok

      Beautiful Lisa, thank you for sharing what God inspired in you!!!

    • prayinginok

      Do you know that all the dark won’t stop the Light from getting through? We DO!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!

      • Jerry Ray Sharp

        When wheat is harvested, it needs to be processed or what is called threshing. A violent act of beating by the stalk to separate the wheat from the chaff. It has to be done. Then the wheat and chaff are still together on the floor. The chaff and grain need to separated By what is called Fanning – blowing Air across them as it falls. the “FAN” ie- Air that blows across BOTH represents the word…(the spoken word of God- some will reject and some will hold fast)- a separation as Grain is heaver and falls and stays while the Chaff is light and blows away. The Grain is gathered into the barn and the stalk and the chaff is burned. If the chaff is not completely separated and is holding on to the grain will take the grain away when it is fanned. They telling you to quit is the chaff holding on to you. If you quit you will be blown away with the chaff. Just apply more of the word… (the fan)

    • kingskid48

      Oh, Praying, that was so beautiful. It gave me chills. Thank you for posting that. He indeed is worthy!

  305. Martha Barnes

    Thank you for speaking the truth and challenging the remnant to keep standing. I agree that it is all in the Word.

  306. Dwain Fish

    Amen, Amen, Amen!
    Thanks for God insurance of not forgetting ALL of His benefits!
    Bless you and may Gods favor go before you as a shield!

  307. Dwain Fish

    Amen, Amen, Amen!
    Thanks for God insurance of not forgetting ALL of His benefits!
    Bless you and may Gods favor go before you as a shield!

  308. Desertstream

    Not to be concerned, Mario. Not to be worried at all. Keep your perspectives sharpened and carry on. He Who has begun a GOOD WORK in you will perform it until the Day of Christ. I would say the Holy Ghost has put on quite a performance through you on this blog.
    PS. Let’s pray President Trump finds a solid online platform from which to speak, or to create his own.

  309. Pauline D’Ambrosio

    Your standing is giving so many the strength to keep standing. You and the others that are not backing down are strengthening in the spirit and the natural those that are joining with you. He is bringing together the army the Lord said would come together to prepare the bride! There is no pure and spotless bride with no battle! He is mighty to rule and reign from heaven and part the Red Sea again. “ will He find faith in the earth.” And we stand with you and say Yes! I pray for you regularly because the Lord says, stand and pray for the prophets. I have wept in intercession feeling the Father’s heart for His sons and daughters who are running the race like Paul!

  310. Jean White

    Mario never quit. God is your leader

    Sent from my iPad

  311. Beeta Bug

    I watched General McInerney talk about voter fraud. He also said that Pelosi’s laptop was taken by our Special Forces that were mixed in with Antifa during the Capitol raid. She is frantic because she has committed treason. Said that Trump did the executive order 2 years ago about declaring an emergency. The general said that means Trump knew back then about the foreign election interference. Here is the link to watch the video. It’s only two minutes long.

    • prayinginok

      According to her, it was just an “office laptop” not her personal one. I have no idea! But multiple sources are saying Trump signed an Insurrection Order last night. I guess things will get very interesting if he really did.

      • kingskid48

        There’s an email containing a document from Pelosi’s laptop circulating. i could not get it to cut and paste. It’s her letter to the Portland mayor. She tells him to blame everything on Trump, let it continue, the media will praise him, and all that sort of thing. It’s very damning. And it appears to be official. If we can just get it out there and get it to Tucker, Hannity, Greg Kelley, people like that, it might do some good.
        I say might, because truth is lies and good is bad now, with these liberals. I tried to watch a Fox program headed by Trey Gowdy. He was fine, and so was Victor Davis Hansen. But the rest, who used to be pro-Trump, were furthering the lie that there was no, or little, fraud, and Mark Thiesen was nearly rabid, calling for Trump to be impeached. I had to turn it off.

        • prayinginok

          I’m still praying for the truth to come to light. I believe it will! I won’t watch Fox or any of those outlets anymore.

  312. doxa2u

    Spot on!!!!!!! And some of the very words we have received. There is one unified prophetic voice declaring the truth. We stand shoulder to shoulder and have placed our faith and trust in the Lord Himself, King of the Universe. Whatever may come; He is and always will be our good Heavenly Father. We hold on because He is holding on to us.

  313. Ralph Rechnitz

    Amen, Mario! Keep speaking truth!
    Ralph Rechnitz

  314. devorahdevere

    With all the mixed media output about the Capital event I wanted to give an account based on being there at the time of the barrier breach. There was a Maga group (in red) quiet and respectful when they saw what was happening at the barrier they yelled in unison “That is not Maga”, group praying the rosary, minister reading scripture on a bull horn with others, people standing quietly around a banner with JESUS and An Appeal to Heaven on it in two locations. About 2pm someone yelled to the minister to stop and focus over to the left because Donald Trump was arriving. I walked over to the area and saw a group of people trying to break thru the barrier and the police held them back. They stopped pushing against the barrier then An older male with a bull horn told people that he had talked with one of the officers, asked if everyone could go to the stairs and said the officer was going to ask. Two men that had just tried to break down the barrier were trying to get people riled up to fight and break down the barrier. A white male who wore a white ski hat turned to some people and pointed to a white male and asked him if he was going to fight. Then asked him if he was Antifa. He came to him and they then with others standing at the barrier tried breaking down the barrier again and succeeded. It would seem to me that there would be cameras to capture this. If this event did not happen, I would be greatly surprised that there would have been any problems.

    • prayinginok

      Thank you for sharing what you witnessed. There is video on another side of the building showing police removing the barriers and inviting people in. Something strange happened with all of that.

  315. Marsha

    Bro Murillo so many are stirred and are praying and are standing on the word , people I’ve known a long time ,that thot I was a fanatic are now acting and talking a lot like me. I’m so thrilled at how the is using this .

  316. Judy Meadors

    Thank you for your faithfulness and courage!! Standing with you!!

  317. sherry rowanna hudson

    Thank you for standing for truth!! All of you prophets who have not bowed down are going to receive special blessings from the Lord.

  318. Kathy fevig

    Thank you for your encouraging words they are greatly needed

  319. vasiliki777

    Mario, thank you for your encouragement to keep standing for the truth. I really appreciate you and keep you and yours in my prayers <3

  320. kingskid48

    I read that Forbes Magazine is going to try to block people who worked for Trump, like Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Keleigh M, Sean Spicer, and others, from being able to invest or prosper in the future. Forbes Mag now has ties to China, surprise, surprise.
    The wickedness is growing. The democrat marxists are emboldened. They now think they are free to do anything they want to anyone they want. They have someone in office who will do anything they say, tell any lie they want, threaten whoever they want to threaten.
    It’s time to be on our knees so much, our clothes need patches.

    • prayinginok

      But God! 🙂

    • Sandra

      So true!

  321. Lou Alice

    I was so impressed with the Scripture from Acts that you shared about Paul that I quoted it on FB asking everyone who is speaking truth even when told not to, to be encouraged by that verse. I didn’t name any names because I don’t want to call undue attention to you or any other. You all know who you are. I commend and applaud you for your faith and courage.

  322. Jemimah Masini

    Am from kenya and i’ve been praying with u and want to continue

  323. mitzieg

       Mario: I read this first thing this morning and had every intent of writing back to you right away. But I got caught up in Parler and researching all of the stuff people were passing around everywhere. By this evening I was weary from it all and trying to discern truth in the stuff I could find.  Then I received a couple of videos from two pastors telling me that Trump was making his move and that people were going to be arrested starting tonight and on and on . . . Then I received notification that Lance Wallnau was Live and I felt my heart jump with joy as he began to speak but then I got attacked – I was confused by what he was saying, I couldn’t keep track and I was distracted by all of the comments that were asking him about all of the events that people were talking about on Parler and so on and so on.  I went to his website and found only the videos that had been recorded previously. More frustration but then I saw the Flashpoint video 1/06 and 07/21 on his page and your photo and I remembered this blog from this morning. So glad I did – I’ve read it again. . . twice.  Sorry it took me so long to get to this point..  Today, they told you to quit and I can only imagine the many emotions you may have felt when this person visited you. I am so grateful to the Holy Spirit for preparing you and that you have shared His Word for all of us.  I am now, after a draining day, feeling renewed and hopeful by His Word.  I would like to join or be a part of or help your ministry in whatever way I can.  I live only 55 miles away in Fallon – I was so surprised to learn that you are in Reno/Sparks.  I will be in prayer for you and your upcoming event in Bakersfield and I will continue to read through past Blogs to learn more of your calling. Let me know if you believe there is more for me to do for you.I give thanks to our Father for preparing us and protecting us in such a time as this!Mitzie Going

  324. Scott Robson

    Yes, LORD!!!!!!!!!! We fight! You are our COMMANDER!! NEVER GIVE IN…NEVER GIVE IN…NEVER GIVE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  325. Rhonda James

    Thank you so much for this post! I am so grateful to God for the Father that you are to the church. I thank God for the encouragement that you impart whether it be through your blogs, Flashpoint, etc. I so appreciate you and am praying for you and your ministry. I can’t wait to hear the testimonies that will come out of this event this week. Thank you God that you have supplied everything that Mario will ever need – it has already been deposited in him by Your divine power – 2 Peter 1:3

  326. kingskid48
    They read the letter found on Pelosi’s laptop, instructing Portland mayor to let riots continue, deny anything’s happening, blame it all on Trump, and the media will make him a hero.
    Please send this out to your email lists and post it where you can.

  327. Bev Webster

    God Bless you Mario, praying for courage for God’s people to stand and give the truth and allow the Holy Spirit
    To work through them. Thanks for giving all the Glory to God. Praying for our nation to turn to God.

  328. Jane Lord

    Thank you for your continued fight for right and keeping us informed and encouraging us to fight for right also!

  329. Dean McCreery

    Wouderful blog. First time it showed up on my ohone.
    Complete sgreement with all I read. Gods word is not ” mocked. We our a wicked nation violating two major commandments: babie killing; abortion on demand and lust of the flesh: sexual perversion. No human givernment has authority to over rule God’s precepts. I am a layman not a pastor or scholar. Scripture says. “Marvel not the world hates you (Those who have applied John 3:16 to their heart the Blood of Jesus Christ the Atonement ar Calvery) they hated me first. Satan has been present since July 4, 1776 on the birth of our God given nation. Satan,s face has now manifested its self in comadearing the old Demacrate party. These now Marxist are insane with power. All of this to say:
    God has promised “Never to leave us or forsake us”. I believe God sent the only human that could stand in the face if evil to give nation a seaon of rightness and that was President Trump. The keft is terrified of him . I do not know God’s plan other than again ; John 3:16. Roman 10:9-13. God would would have no one to parish but He us also a Judge for all who He has given breath .
    All the Scripture quoted in this blog is God’s promises. May He bring judgemet upon the face of evil. Pray for President Trump and his family.

  330. karen fulcher

    To Mr. Mario Murillo, We are standing with you. Today the LORD took me to Psalm 37:1-4 “Do not fret because of evildoers, Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like grass, And wither like the green herb. Trust in the LORD, and do good, Dwell in the land, and feed on HIS faithfulness, Delight yourself in the LORD, And HE shall give you the desires of your heart.” I had been at this same Psalm on December 8, 2020. My husband and I had been in prayer all day concerning this nation. The LORD showed me on that day a vision of claws digging into our nation and a tree that was black and spreading itself outward, it had black roots also. Then GOD pulled it up all the way down to its roots. He then cast it out into the sea. He then planted a tree and it went down deep and shot up. The Branches shot out and it had fruit suddenly. The fruit broke open and had many seeds, and they went across the land. Hallelujah! We are no strangers to persecution as ministers and I believe that GOD is encouraging us to be steadfast. We will hold your revival up this evening and check in with your blog on all the miracles and wonders that our amazing savior is about to do. Fellow servants in Christ, Rev. Karen and Rev. Steve Fulcher
    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  331. Sandra Calhoun

    I agree 100%! Judgement starts with thr household of GOD. HE is seeing who stay for him lime Trump is doing! Now I know why GOD told Kim Clement he was a man after HIS own heart and did not say his name at that time in 2014 but just the word GOLD! You just told me what that meant! How awesome is our GOD! And Kat said the other day HE would shake the earth and I’ve heard that before and a land slide would go left and then———-it would go to the right!!!! What is wrong with people? Does eternity in hell appeal more to them than standing with GOD and the right? I will go down standing with GOD and with HIS annointed! Victory is ours, just stand patiently.

  332. Bonnie Smith

    Good evening Mario Murillo Ministries.
    Thank you so much for your blog. You will never know how much they have helped me to stand during this time we find ourselves in as a nation. I thought you might be interested in the videos that Simon Parkes posts on YouTube. The January 11th (today) THIRD UPDATE CURRENT NEWS video is the most recent and most informative as well as encouraging.
    May God bless you all and keep you safe.
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021, 03:00 Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  333. Narelle Ryan

    Prayers for the USA
    1. You are all saying the same things, however, it is in your ‘words’ and your voices, that can shift things in the atmosphere.
    This word from the Lord is so good and so simple –
    Time is of the essence and I do not have the time to give you about a sermon I preached about 20 years ago – however, I will give you the dot points and you too can hear from God on this and write in the direction that He will give you. (I will give more details in the next couple of days after I sit some exams) – but you will get it just on this one verse.
    2. BLESS – Those that curse you.
    WHY? Because (a) our prayers carry our DNA to God’ we carry God’s ‘breath in us’ because God breathed into Adam’s nostrils – and God has to honour our ‘words’ and He has said to Bless our ENEMIES –
    (this is so good get ready, get ready, get ready) — THE ENEMIES OF GOD, THE ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE CANNOT RECEIVE THAT ‘BLESSING FROM GOD’ – UNLESS THEIR HEART IS RIGHTEOUS – RIGHTEOUS BEFORE GOD; so in the Spiritual rehem what happens is the Blessings come down from God and they are cannot get into the receiver because of their SIN, and the Blessing just keep trying and trying to BLESS that person those ENEMIES.
    3. God’s Word the Blessing we prayed CANNOT return to GOD VOID – so the Blessing keeps looking and looking for a way to Bless that person. (Like sperm trying to find its way into a females egg)
    You see in the spiritual rehem – when the ‘Blessing/s’ come down it does so as the ‘light of God’ because that is who He is, He is the Light of the World, and so the “LIGHT shines onto the SIN’ — then it is the person themselves they start to make mistakes – they also draw into themselves their own chaos – it is like it you shine a torch on cockroaches and they lose their mind and look for the pace of darkness to hide, well the Blessing operates the same way.
    The TRUTH is trying to find it way in to give the Blessing, and the devil who has hold of that person/s physically cannot stand the Blessing, it ‘hurt them, it burns them (demons) in the spiritual rehem and they try all the more to hide inside the human container, which they have been controlling, and all of a sudden to ‘two can actually not co-habit together’ – the demons/ the evil and the Human soul – are in chaos, each trying yet not trying to hold onto to the other.
    The evil, the demons are NOT like leechers no they are more than that they more like – the best way I can describe this is like the TV movie Stargate where CMSgt Teal’c of Chulak is a fictional character in the military science fiction television series Stargate SG-1. Portrayed by Christopher Judge, Teal’c is a Jaffa warrior from the planet Chulak. As a Jaffa, Teal’c is a genetically modified human with an abdominal pouch that serves as an incubator for a larval Goa’uld.
    Well, that is how the human soul who is joined with the demon – looks like the demon is larvla Goa’uld and the human soul is the incubator. The Blessing in order to get to human’s soul cannot do so with demon attachment. Hence the chaos.
    But I say unto you, LOVE your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:43-44; see also Luke 6:27-29).
    I remember the day the Lord showed me all this and I preached on it, Wow; oh Wow, so I started to pray this over such a person, and I can tell you – for me the results were very, very quick, I could see God working right away, there were no delays
    I will leave it there for you will hear from on God about this more, so the more Christians who can pray this in alignment with God’s Word, you will see God work quickly, you have got stop begging and petitioning God, you have got to give Him a job to do.
    In Revelation 5: 8 it tells us When He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. Every individual prayer is like a personalise fingerprint well each of our individual prayers is the same it carries our own personal DNA, our DNA in ‘breath’ our Breath from God. So, we need to be praying correctly
    If we do not get our prayers right then what is stated in Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. “ … will happen.

    • Larry W Hilliard

      Dear Brother Mario,
      May God continue blessing you and thank you for all you have done!
      To GOD be the glory and all praise in LORD JESUS CHRIST’S holy, blessed, precious name!

    • Sandra

      I agree and will pray for pelosi now! Thanks for reminding me! I went severe trials until someone stayed one night at the alter when everyone was leaving and told me ti pray gor my enemies, this was sunday night and the day every thing was different at work! Also happened at work where I retired but the one I prayed for that had come against me was relieved of her job and did not fare well! God will repay our enemies worse than we ever would! Pray for out enemies now and see what GOD will do!!! Thanks again for reminding me!

  334. Dianne Nikirk

    Thank you for the truth. We must not give up on our God for He is faithful to those of us who are faithful and wait on Him to show up and show out!!!! Glory. Honor and Power are His and His alone. Diane Nikirk
    On Sat, Jan 9, 2021, 2:53 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today I was told to quit. The person who > said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case > for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites > with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. ” >

  335. Donald J Parker

    These are the times that try men’s souls. Stay the course, Brother! You are an inspiration to me!

  336. Kinney

    As I read your Blog and the comments, I couldn’t help my heart from leaping with all the Christians coming together and prophesying the Lord’s glory. It is amazing to know I am with so many children of God. I stand with our Lord Jesus Christ. I have had so many amazing words from our Lord and to be given confirmation is amazing! I stand for Christ, I stand for truth, I am awaiting the return of our glorious savior. Thank you Mario – we got your 6!

  337. Karen Collier

    Mario, I am so glad you are continuing to stand!! I am too and it gets a little lonely but that is ok! I totally trust God is on the Move in our country. Last March God spoke to me in a poem and I felt He wanted me to record it and post it so I did. It got the most views any of my posts ever got because it was from God and it was truth. The world is hungry for the truth and we the remnant of His Church are the truth bearers and tellers. You are full of His light and life therefore you have to share the truth. I commend you for not shrinking back and always telling the truth and not mincing words as the world does. I know God is on the Move and I am so excited to see what He is going to do. Also thank you for being one of few to stand for President Trump! May God bless you and yours greatly!

  338. Delia M

    Since I was in the hospital, I’m catching up & cleaning out my mailbox.
    I will not give up! God always has something for those that wait on Him!!!

  339. mkaminsk1

    I have a word from the Lord but please understand I am not a prophet but an intercessor and worshipper. I don’t usually share but the Lord told me to post. The Lord said: “I have given you time to repent and choose either good or evil. This is my last warning says the Lord your God. The earth quakes in anticipation of My move that has never been seen by the generations on earth before.



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