Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube truly believe you are stupid. Their fact checkers need to be fact checked. They take down posts without warning. They love to say they are neutral, but they are so biased that they are not fooling anyone but themselves.
When someone writes a blog like the one you are reading now, all three of these Big Tech sites love to add a disclaimer under each and every post that even mentions that voter fraud is a possibility. You will see one under this post. Here is what one disclaimer says: “Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results.” Here is another example:

Many American Christians think that voter fraud is a myth, and that this election was not rigged. They are complying with the notion that Biden won the election. What is disturbing is the reason they have rejected the compelling evidence of fraud. They reject it because the idea of such evil is too alarming. They simply don’t want it to be real, therefore, it must not be. Furthermore, they are terrified of being outcasts in this culture—something that may soon be unavoidable because of Christ, not Trump.
Now, let’s look at why I believe there is no way Biden won.
My thanks to J.B. Shurk, who sarcastically calls Biden’s victory a ‘miracle’ and shows us why there has never been an election that is further from “robust safeguards,” “trustworthiness” and “integrity.” Consider the following information:
1. 80 Million Votes for a Washington politician who has been in office for half a century. No incumbent President in nearly a century and a half has gained votes in a re-election campaign and still lost. President Trump gained more than ten million votes since his 2016 victory, but Biden overcame President Trump’s record support among minority voters and shattered Barack Obama’s own popular vote totals by 15 million votes.
Biden gathered a record number of votes even after consistently trailing President Trump in measures of voter enthusiasm. Biden motivated voters who had been unenthusiastic about his campaign, to vote for him―in record numbers.

2. Winning Despite Losing Most Bellwether Counties
Biden would be the first President in 60 years to lose the States of Ohio and Florida on his way to election. For a century, these States have consistently predicted the national outcome; despite national polling giving Biden a lead in both States―he lost Ohio by eight points and Florida by more than three.
Biden lost these key States by notable margins, yet allegedly still won the national election.
Biden appears to be on his way to winning the White House after having lost almost every historic bellwether county across the country. The Wall Street Journal and The Epoch Times independently analyzed the results of 19 counties around the United States that have nearly perfect presidential voting records over the last 40 years. President Trump won every single bellwether county, except Clallam County in Washington State.

Whereas the former VP picked up Clallam by about three points, President Trump’s margin of victory in the other 18 counties averaged over 16 points. In a larger list of 58 bellwether counties that have correctly picked the President since 2000, Trump won 51 of them by an average of 15 points, while the other seven went to Biden by around four points. Bellwether counties overwhelmingly chose President Trump, yet Biden still found a path to victory.
3. Biden Trailed Clinton Except in a Select Few Cities
Pollsters noted a statistical oddity from 2020’s election returns: “Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.” Noting that in those “big cities in swing States run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.”
In the States that mattered most, so many mail-in ballots poured in for Biden from the largest cities that he put up record-breaking numbers and overturned State totals that looked like comfortable leads for President Trump.

4. Biden Won Despite Democrat Losses Everywhere Else
If Biden were to win, it would be in spite of the fact that Donald Trump was the only incumbent President in U.S. history to lose his re-election while his own party gained seats in the House of Representatives.
In 2020, The Cook Political Report and The New York Times rated 27 House seats as toss-ups going into Election Day. Right now, Republicans appear to have won all 27. Democrats failed to flip a single state house chamber, while Republicans flipped both the House and Senate in New Hampshire and expanded their dominance of State legislatures across the country. Somehow, Biden beat the man who lifted all other Republicans to victory.

5. Biden Overcame Trump’s Commanding Primary Vote
Primary vote totals are usually very accurate in predicting general election winners.
First, no incumbent who has received 75 percent of the total primary vote has lost re-election.
Second, President Trump received 94 percent of the primary vote, which is the fourth highest of all time (higher than Dwight Eisenhower, Nixon, Clinton, or Obama). In fact, Trump is only one of five incumbents since 1912 to receive more than 90 percent of the primary vote.
Third, Trump set a record for most primary votes received by an incumbent when more than 18 million people turned out for him in 2020 (the previous record, held by Bill Clinton, was half that number).
Joe Biden reportedly has prevailed in the general election, despite Trump’s historic support in the primaries. This means Biden has achieved the impossible.
“Why are no journalists reporting these amazing feats?” ―J.B. Shurk
American Christians need to separate themselves from their distaste for Trump and look at reality. American freedom, and therefore religious freedom, will go away permanently if the Biden-Harris ticket succeeds in stealing this election by fraud.
https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/23/5-more-ways-joe-biden-magically-outperformed-election-norms/?fbclid=IwAR1u45VgSGQKPsKVQGKqZeWl6QhbTqZaHtig25tq0BoJSy1Rd_RrMkBem40 |
This is a message to those who support Mario Murillo’s message to America.

That is why we must make this stunning book offer to you. Now in its fourth printing, Vessels of Fire and Glory keeps reaching the top of its category on Amazon. Critical Mass has now sold over 150,000 copies and remains an international classic on awakening. Both books are still in high demand. So why are we making this amazing offer to you? California is the reason why.
We need to act fast in California for two big reasons. First, Fresno was a shocking breakthrough. Fresno is a sign that tens of thousands of Californians hunger for the Gospel. Second, the battle for America will be won or lost in California.
You get both books for just $20. Not only that—Mario will autograph your copy of Vessels of Fire and Glory. On top of that…you get free shipping.
This is a double win for you. You get these choice books at an excellent price and the proceeds go to win lost souls in California.
And there is still more. If you order 10 or more sets of the Dynamic Duo, your cost is $18 a set. Click on link below to order now!

I wish I knew how to share this over to Facebook. Excellent. It was great to see four men of God together on TV the other night. That was a big blessing to the Body of Christ.!
Roberta, the easy way is to go to Mario Murillo Ministries on Facebook and share the post from there. He always posts them on Facebook. While you’re there, if you like his page you will see his posts.
There is a “share” to click on if you go over to the right side of the post where the titles of the blogs are listed. Just click on the title and it will bring it up again, but now underneath it will give you options for sharing including by email and on facebook.
Thank you so much for that Email.I have had faith since election night.I tell people not to lose the faith, there have been so many prophecies about God turning over the tables and Trump winning. Trump is strong, Im ? ? ? ? For Trump and America ?? ?? Sincerely,Diane Johnson Florence OregonSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
What would the Christian world be like if you were not in it, Mario? We need your insight, your sincere love for the body of Christ and your commitment to bring us the truth. To say “thank you” just doesn’t seem enough to show our gratitude to someone like you, my brother in the Lord, but for now it is what I believe we all want to say to you. Thank you so very much for your ministry.
Mario is an outstanding leader. He is the real deal. One of the most valuable voices in America today!!!
I can muster up a certain amount of sympathy for fellow Christians who have trouble imagining a rigged election when I consider that spineless judges all the way up to and including the U.S. Supreme Court have dismissed every motion, amicus brief, lawsuit, and whatever else without even an eye-blink, despite amassed evidence showing widespread fraud. The infernal, cowardly stink of their failure proves beyond any doubt that the Constitution and the laws no longer have any meaning except as a classroom exercise.
Dear Mario,
Keep up the excellent work. I am in Australia, thousands of miles away, but praying that this fraudulent election will be exposed for what it is. America must return to a pro-life stance nation-wide and rid itself of the secular thinking becoming more prevalent there and, sadly, in Australia. We must put on God’s armor and fight the good fight.
Leonard Carroll
It is time to stop wasting time with people “who dont WANT to know”. The revival is set to hit, President Trump will serve another term , and there will be enough turmoil, even with a righteous president in office , to drive everyone to their Bible and to their knees. This is a testing, training period for the church in America. Time to grow up!
II Chronicles Chapters 29-32, gives the account of King Hezekiah’s godly, successful reign. It began “In the first year of his reign, in the first month, he opened the doors of the house of the Lord [which his father had closed] and repaired them.” (29:3). A tremendous revival in the land followed and Hezekiah and his people were blessed. His reign ended with “…God left him, to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart.” (32:31b). Manasseh, his son, succeeded him and was the most wicked king in Israel’s history. Seems like a parallel to the U.S. I the anti-christ will surely follow the godly 2nd term of President Trump. We don’t have much time
correction to last sentence “The anti-christ will surely follow the godly term of President Trump. We don’t have much time.”
People please look at the ”platform” and do not look at the man, Trump are the chosen one if you like it or not.
I noticed last night that your “It is not over” message completely disappeared. 🙁
Is censorship the tool of truth-tellers or liars? Just sayin’.
Prayinginok, Love for his people have it on their site. Loveforhispeople
Thank you! I still have it in email form, too, but I’m upset that Word Press apparently deleted it.
I noticed that too. And it is outrageous for WordPress to delete Mario’s blog. Apparently they have fallen prey to the same delusion that facebook and the rest have.
Prayinginok, kingskid48
I see. I understand,
WordPress has become Word Suppression!
My posts were deleted from this blog
Oh, WordPress deleted his post?
Here’s the thing—when these Web sites start censoring your posts, you KICK them to the curb and go ELSEWHERE!!!
I do not understand why, like lemmings, many Christians are still using these evil sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Instead, go to Parler, Nitter, Rumble, BitChute, etc. There are many alternative sites out there who aren’t part of the Tech Giants and would love to have your business.
It’s common sense, really. I mean, if your girlfriend or boyfriend starts becoming abusive, you say, “Hasta la vista, baby!!!” and never look back. 😉 You don’t cling like someone who’s desperate. Same situation here.
Sam, one and all:
Also, change email sites, read about before change. You can also defect from corrupt Yahoo etc., also and go to protonmail.com (held in Switzerland); tutanota (held in Germany); cluemail (held in Sweden; don’t know if they charge as the first two are free), one in Netherlands as someone told me they were to contact and let me know. Also, Mario can re-post the Article that was removed along with the comments. The evil people that’s censoring might not like the education comments of sharing information and educating people. Matthew 11:12; Isaiah 60:all, Matthew all.
Thanks for the info, Gunnar! I’ll try to check out some of those alternative mail sites.
Thank you!
Eric Nelson
I think some immature or naive Christians refuse to face the horrible reality of this election are either too proud or too indifferent to see how evil can be in the political arena of this country.
I immigrated to USA forty years ago from Taiwan. At that time, Taiwan was under the threat of CCP China, the threat has never lessened. However, at that time, the political party which ruled Taiwan was also corrupted and it manipulated the election mechanism every time there was an election. It took some forms of revolutions with a lot ‘rebellions’ sentenced to prison to make a tremendous change.
Most of the sensible immigrants of this country know this election scandal is possible if they came from the countries with corruptive political system. It is impossible for Biden to win and be elected as President (Of course, he would never be my president! And I declare in the name of Lord Jesus He would never be the president of this country!)
My viewpoint is, God is righteous and He would vindicate, and we must continually pray and have faith in His mighty works. Second, those who refuse to see the reality and have to finally will be disappointed and disillusioned, and I pray earnestly they may seek the truth and come to know the Lord Jesus and His redemption. Thus, the revival will come and restore this country back to His Kingdom.
for believers to be this naïve they must be hopped on anti depressants or anti anxiety meds. Not in their right minds.
AMEN AMEN AMEN I don’t understand why these numbers don’t raise an alert for the whole nation. Evil Satanic warfare.
bb ________________________________
Mario thank you for recapping all these factual points. They all point to one thing, the only way our President wins if it is God’s will. No one knows what this is as it relates to the election. We don’t know the immediate future, only the promise of His kingdom through Jesus Christ. I am sure when we all read your posts, there are a lot of…..right on Mario, amen. Your words are actually an encouragement. God needs no one to anything. He is all powerful and our faith must be in HIM. State legislators, state supreme courts, governors, Attorney General, and the traitorous of all the US Supreme Court along with fake conservatives and fake Christians have been under the delusion sent by God according to the scripture below.
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 NASB
[11] For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, [12] in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.
Only God if it is His Will, can do this miracle. Definitely a time for all of us decide are we for truth and righteousness or have we felt this deluding influence.
Keep praying and let us not give up hope. We are already victorious when we humble ourselves to the Lord and repent.
All praise and glory to our God the Father and His son Jesus.
Yes, it is *definitely* God will for corruption to be exposed and dealt with.
But we don’t know exactly how He plans to do it, or the time frame. The details are up to Him.
Ultimately, the battle belongs to Him.
Our job is to keep trusting Him and keep being obedient to the best of our abilities.
In His timing not yours
get off of Facebook etc.. thet are not the only social media playforms….. sign up with Paler and GAB…
Amen to that. There are many alternatives now. MeWe, Xapit, Rumble, Gab, Parlor..I can’t imagine why any Christian would remain on facebook or twitter at this point.
Thanks, Clark. 🙂
Oh, I love this!!! 🙂 I always feel like I’m the only Christian out there warning others, “Get off these socialist-media sites!!”
It’s so encouraging to know that other Christians out there see this the same way. So, maybe I’m *not* crazy after all. 😉
Sadly, I’ve noticed that many Christian leaders don’t seem to want to part with their social media, and that any warnings often seem to fall on deaf ears.
Sam, you are definitely NOT crazy!
Thanks, Clark. 🙂
Today is day number 7 of your Seven day decree. It’s just the beginning of the day. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for this day.
I just listened to and typed out Dutch Sheets “Give Him Fifteen” Decree and Prayer. I took the liberty of expounding on the Name of Jesus to ensure there is no misinterpretation of Who We Look To.
I have shared on Twitter with lawmakers, lawyers, Lance Wallnou and False teacher Beth Moore.
I will be taking it to a judge today over my brother’s exceedingly small estate to finish up his last business to ensure I do God’s will for my brother and not anybody elses.
I am resolved.
I make my stand for the Lord both personally, privately, publicly, in the House of the Lord, and in our Government.
I will fear No evil.
And even if no one join me, Still, I will follow Jesus.
I will sing my songs to God.
I will worship Him and Him alone.
I will do His Word.
I pray that all who are His are exceedingly blessed with the Joy of the Lord and the fruit of the Holy Spirit. I warfare in the Holy Spirit against all demonic attacks against our children and for you and His Holy Church this day. I bind every devil, I cancel null and void every attack of the enemy against us, and I loose the warring Angels and the Ministering Spirits to do warfare for us and minister to us His Holy Saints according to His Holy Word.
In Jesus most precious and Holy Name I do it.
Not sure if you saw my response to the video before the whole “It is not over” thread was deleted? It was a very moving video and I’m praying for Abby! She is amazing!
Hi Mario
I have been in ministry 53 years. Only 20% of Christians tithe regularly. So if there is 1000 adults in church on a Sunday 800 of them are thieves. I have been preaching to thieves every service and we have still done things for the Kingdom of God. So what I am saying we didn’t need the 80% before and we do not need them now. We can take the 20% like Gideons army and get the victory in Jesus name. 40 years ago at the age of 30 we bought 30 acres of land and built a church to seat 400 people. The day of the dedication people who did nothing wanted to give tours of the building who came for open house. The people who worked the hardest we went into my office and laughed and laughed. Instead of getting mad we had a laughing party. Gideon’s Army is here again and America Shall Be Saved.
Gordon Hofer
Sent from my iPad
Pastor Gordon, SO glad to read your response re: the 20% segment called tithers. The 80% are the powerless.
Who knows how much better things would have been today if we had all been on board.
At the same time I’m sure you ache for the same ones who are heavily in debt,
living at poverty levels tho they made good wages!
If only man would let go of God’s 10% (the tithe) he would see God jump at the open door to show Himself strong on the man’s 90%!
Man on God’s 10% vs God on man’s 90%. Where is wisdom?
Love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength….
“Strength” here is in financial arena.
Money of the world STILL belongs to the enemy. HOWEVER, when tithed (like an act of circumcision!) to God, HE is invited into our finances. He promises to protect it, show us where we waste it, to bless it, show us how to live according to the kingdom of heaven.
I know this isn’t quite the topic of today, but the 20% segment can get weary. We DO need the whole Body of Christ. We need all the members of the Body of Christ on board.
I believe in giving but I think the world and the church has seen too much wealth being wasted in the church…with pastors having net worths in the millions and one false teacher claiming a billion. Read the word, take care of orphans widows the poor and separate oneself from the world is as James says pure and undefined religion.
Last thing I though I’d have to hear on this site is more bragging and begging for money.
“Bragging and begging for money”?
Wow, are you on the wrong website.
Never, on MMM, never!
But, thanks be to God, freedom of speech is allowed here! Praise God!
Thank you, Mario Murillo, you allow this forum for the Body of Christ, for Americans, for all those seeking Truth. I get more real news here.
People around the world are praying for us! Thank you, and thank you, MMM!
Gordon Hofer, One of the major things that God has taught me in my life is that Malachi 3:8 about tithing is true for today. I have paid tithes all of my life. There came a time when we owned a business. We had many, many bills to pay. I said, “I’ll get the bills paid and then I’ll pay the tithes next go around.” Man! Everything started going downhill, big time, from there. I was driving down the road one day, desperately praying for God’s help. God spoke to me in my spirit saying, “Pay your tithes.” When I got the next check, that’s the first thing I did. After that things started going very nicely. It was like it was supernatural which of course I know it was. That has been many, many years ago. I am now almost 70 years old. I have never missed paying my tithes and offerings. God has been more than faithful. I could tell you miracles that God has done for me. One of them was when we owed almost $70,000 after my husband went through 2 operations. Medicare paid for a lot of the bill. $70,000 was our part left to pay. A rich man paid our bill. God promises that He will be faithful. We must obey Him.
I seriously believe that a lot of pastors, judges, etc are afraid of retribution if they take a stand on this. I know threats are being made by lefties against anyone who publicly sides with Trump. This plot is so much bigger than any of us ever imagined. People are totally scared of what will happen if the communist takeover succeeds. It’s only a small number that are willing to put everything on the line for Christ no matter the consequences.
I was blown away last night to find out what Justice John Roberts said about Trump. No wonder he wouldn’t allow the Texas lawsuit! I agree that this is much bigger than any of us imagined. But God laughs at their plots. Psalm 2
I am SO disappointed in this Court. Except for Thomas and Alito, and maybe Barrett, we’ve been taken to the cleaners by these robed cowards, particularly Roberts. What is up with him?
Lin Wood says he has a recorded call between John Roberts and Justice Breyer. Without using the nasty language Roberts used, he basically said he was going to make sure Trump was not re-elected. I can’t imagine Lin Wood saying something like that if he didn’t have proof, but we’ll see what happens.
fredsheltonministries, I agree that it is a plot bigger than we imagined. The sheep need to turn into roaring lions because God lives on the inside of us. We need to pray and take authority over the enemy. One of the prophets had a vision of the Red Sea parting. There were 1000’s of sheep at the Red Sea. When God parted the Red Sea, the sheep all turned into roaring lions. They were running over dry ground and roaring as they ran. I believe the church will be awakened.
I am disheartened by people who claim to be Christians but obviously don’t “know” God’s heart. Doesn’t it say in the word that all liars will take their place in the lake of fire? Doesn’t that include cheaters? Anyway, I am shocked by the amount of Christians who don’t see with spiritual eyes, they only see the obstacles in the physical. Our God is sooo much bigger than all this! Are these so called Christians going to be the next great harvest? I used to think there was no way the anti christ could make way against the body of Christ in this country. WOW… was I wrong! I am frustrated with them but I cannot give up praying that the Lord opens their eyes before it’s too late.
greatgrandmaw, that is exactly what is trying to take place in country right now. But, in the mighty name of Jesus it will not happen! God is going to lead our country into a great revival. I have a friend who hates Trump and she is a Christian. She cannot see that God has called Trump to clean out the corruption in our nation. She says that Trump is a liar. It may look like we are at the very last thread of hope, but God will come through for us. You just wait and see. That’s the way God works sometimes. Look at the raising of Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus had been dead for 4 days. All hope was gone, but Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. The enemy cannot outsmart God.
I read a word from Elijah List this morning from a “prophet” that I’ve never heard of. Not sure what to think of her, but it was just too sugar-sweet, as far as I could determine, in what she, “sees”, coming for America and the world.
I do think she’s right about America rising again. And possibly the world will improve too, for a while. There will be a harvest of souls and things will be looking up for a while.
But some of what she, and those who prophesy all the pie and sweetness stuff, have to be seeing into the Millennium. Technology, science, all of it..have advanced to the point that they will not turn back.
I’m not saying the antichrist is going to show up by the end of today, but we have to go by what the Bible says, not what we THINK we heard God say to us. If what we think we hear does not agree totally with Scripture, it has to be ignored. Or, the “hearer/seer”, needs to be certain that they are interpreting the word they heard completely within the realm of Scripture/Bible Prophecy, by studying deeply, prayer, and consulting with those who are experts in the field of ACTUAL Bible Prophecy. If a “prophecy” cannot be verified as possible by studying Bible Prophecy prayerfully, then I am concerned that the “hearer” is hearing what they want to happen, or prophesying. out of their own worldview.
The End Time Scriptures/Prophecies are some of the clearest prophecies in the Bible. They have to happen, and that includes those that are tough to read about. They cannot coincide with sweet little, “everything’s going to be beautiful”, prophecies from any person. Things will probably be better for a while, and much good will happen at the same time as much evil, but the trumpets, woes and judgments are not going to be fun, and it is up to us to warn the unsaved of the wrath to come and make sure we take as many with us to Heaven as we can. IMO, it is irresponsible to give people the impression that things will go on as, “normal”, for multiple decades to come. In the light of the advance of technology and science, it simply can’t.
He gave us the prophecies in the Bible for a reason. “Personal prophecy” does not overrule them.
Okay, I’m off my soapbox.
Good points, kingskid48. All the prophecies in the Bible are absolute. On the other hand, any prophecies given by man are to be *tested* (1 Thes. 5:21).
Let’s face it—most of the people giving prophecies don’t bat a thousand. And some may have very little accuracy at all (and those are the folks you should stay away from).
Anyway, that’s why testing is so important. Just because someone said, “God told me,” that doesn’t make it true! 😉
That’s another reason we should be very slow to say, “God told me.” Instead, it’s far better to say, “I believe that God told me,” or “It seems that God was saying,” etc., because it humbly acknowledges that we don’t always hear Him correctly.
Mario Murillo, you’re a strong tower in the service of Jesus Christ! I’m praying for the January 11th to 13th Crusade! Souls and healing in the Name of Jesus Christ! God bless you!
God bless America and God bless President Trump!
Wanted to share a few encouraging things:
Proverbs 21:15–16:
15 When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous
but terror to evildoers.
16 Whoever strays from the path of prudence
comes to rest in the company of the dead.
Someone wrote this helpful comment on the Web a few days ago:
“God never promised smooth sailing, but a victorious landing.”
And here’s something that Joyce Meyer has written:
“We Win in the End
No matter what happens, God will have the final say. It doesn’t matter how bleak things appear in this world; there is no darkness that can overcome the light of God within us. Remember, God knows the end from the beginning. He is in control. We can take peace and comfort in that truth.”
Okay, just learned that censorship by WordPress has apparently been going on for years:
Here’s another article about censorship by WordPress. Moral of the story: If you have a conservative blog on WordPress, wake up and smell the deception! 😛 Run and take your blog to another host—there are many other blogging platforms out there.
****I believe that the United States State Department and the Justice Department (led by the new Attorney General) can disqualify Joe Biden and the Election because of foreign countries entanglements that could be used for embezzlements and wrong uses of political power.
China is DECEIVING America and the world in Biggest Communism sweep
China the Red Dragon nation has been given an open door to sweep the U.S. and the world with the biggest communist agenda the world has ever seen. Tune in and learn how the pandemic, mass surveillance, land purchases, cashless society is part of China’s codified combat angle to usher in their Anti-Christ agenda and how the bible foretold China’s role in these end times. A must hear!
*https://www.facebook.com/openyoureyespeople.emoaf/videos/882680622543968 *
*The “expert class” are the arrogant Demoncrats doing political wickedness that is very obvious. Even to spare our country from Socialism, President Trump should declare a State of Emergency and set up a run-off, all ballots investigated election between him and Biden.*
On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 10:56 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube truly > believe you are stupid. Their fact checkers need to be fact checked. They > take down posts without warning. They love to say they are neutral, but > they are so biased that they are not fooling anyone but themselves. ” >
Trump is the best God help us all
On Fri, Dec 18, 2020, 1:01 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube truly > believe you are stupid. Their fact checkers need to be fact checked. They > take down posts without warning. They love to say they are neutral, but > they are so biased that they are not fooling anyone but themselves. ” >
How can anyone with half a brain not see that the Dem’s are trying to steal this election with the help of the msm and big tech censorship and so much fraud it will make your head spin. Trump won by millions of votes but you’d never know it because of msm, big tech, Republican cowards and a Supreme Court that doesn’t want to get involved!
NickT, Amen!
No I, didn’t see it. Thank you! Bless you a thousand times, Sis!
All I have to say is all those proposed christians who believe there was no fraud is no christian at all!!! They could not know christ and the Father and not know what He thinks are says or believes!! They are sadly fooled! And no true follower of JESUS CHRIST would accept Biden for President!!!! Thrump is our President like HE said!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Democracy is not God’s Ideal. It is an intermediary step that God introduced, to break down the authoritarian rule of the monarchy, and other forms of dictatorship. God is seeking His Kingdom, which ultimately must be ruled by a king who is centred on absolute true love.
Our responsibility is to prepare for that reality so that when Christ returns to ‘cast fire upon the earth’, which means the truth, he would hope that Christians would already be living and embodying that truth within the ‘Societal Seven Mountains’ (Lance Wallnau) which makes up a society and a nation.
Through seeking and building that kingdom, we then mature, and graduate from just believing in God and Jesus, to embodying the Word ourselves, which also means becoming the embodiment of true love. Everyone was created to accomplish that through their own free will and by keeping God’s Word.
Hence Jesus saying, “Love one another as I have loved you”. Especially through walking the way of the servant. “The Messiah did not come to be served but to serve”. “Who is the greatest among you, he who is the servant”. This is the quickest way to come to know the heart of God, the parental heart of God, as parents are always serving their children, even when they become adults.
God was motivated by true love to begin Creation. He wanted to share His life with His object partner, namely man. Everything God created was for us. We are His children, so He wanted to create the most beautiful, dynamic, exciting, even scary kind of creation to stimulate us, and that we could experience God’s love through.
We are God’s masterpiece and we have both physical and spiritual senses, unique to only man. We have the ability to relate to God our Creator, share our lives with, and to love Him. Fallen man has never known God’s Ideal, the Kingdom of Heaven. We have to raise ourselves up, educate ourselves and train ourselves within the fallen world to resemble our Creator as best we can. When Christ returns he will give us the understanding and the means to finally perfect ourselves.
It is no coincidence that President Trump has also been persecuted by ‘every man and his dog’, following a similar course to that of Jesus. The difference this time is that Donald Trump is also the President. He is ‘Jesus and Pontius Pilate’ wrapped up in one.
The people, whether the Israelites or Christians, are to unite with the central figure, as was the case with Moses and the Hebrews. Unity is the key.
Right now we have to win America back from Satan and his ‘representatives’. You don’t need a degree in rocket science to know that. Some sort of heart and love for God and your fellow man is the best qualification.
1 Peter 4:7 “The end of all things is at hand; therefore keep sane and sober for your prayers. 8 Above all hold unfailing your love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins”.
God raised up America to be the landing strip for the Messiah, the Second Coming, but America is not doing so well in preparing, and therefore being able to welcome Christ.
Preparation is everything, that is why the guest at the wedding feast who didn’t dress properly was thrown out. That is how important our spiritual and heartistic lives are before God and Christ.
Fallen man has a problem, as he can believe all he wants, but will he recognise the truth when it is presented to him. Adam and Eve who were sinless also had that problem, accepting the Commandment or listening to the Archangel. Who have Americans been listening to mostly for the last six decades? The god of mammon, consumerism, immorality and self, not God.
Hence God’s ‘Seven Mountains’ were invaded, and now we are trying to fight a rear guard action against heavily fortified institutions where the enemy has been dug in for years.
Look at what is happening to all these high and mighty judges, politicians, lawyers, including the Supreme Court Justices when presented with all this evidence of voter fraud, they duck for cover, (did Jesus duck for cover) because they have no moral courage or conviction. They are just book learnt, book read, like the Scribes and Pharisees. They have no substance, and the proof is in the pudding.
As for Barr, what a disgrace, a gutless wonder who did nothing. Everyone watched and looked on as Jesus was crucified, and now the same for Donald Trump, and next, the nation of America will be crucified. Remember what Jesus said:
Lk 23:28 “But Jesus turning to them said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. 29 For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never gave suck!’ 30 Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us’; and to the hills, ‘Cover us.’ 31 For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
Lk 19:41 “And when he drew near and saw the city he wept over it, 42 saying, “Would that even today you knew the things that make for peace! But now they are hid from your eyes. 43 For the days shall come upon you, when your enemies will cast up a bank about you and surround you, and hem you in on every side, 44 and dash you to the ground, you and your children within you, and they will not leave one stone upon another in you; because you did not know the time of your visitation.”
God called Abraham to offer his son Isaac to show God he was serious about his mission and that he feared the Lord. He circumcised himself at the age of eighty. He made some serious conditions to come on to God’s side.
And what do these senators, congressman and justices do? Run and hide. They are the ones who have no ‘standing’, no right to call themselves Americans, as the true Americans sacrificed and died liberating their country from tyranny. These idiots can’t even stand with President Trump after all he has done for the United States.
They truly are of their ‘father the devil’.
Now you can understand how fallen man is, and we will all be tested to see if we have the love to lay down our life for the truth, for our principles, because we may well have to. If we are determined and prepared to like Abraham, then as his hand was stayed and he didn’t have to sacrifice his son, then maybe our lives will be spared too, if we act and do the right thing.
We have to be prepared to lay down our life for America and the world as Jesus and his early followers did, so that our children and grand children can enjoy a better world, ultimately the Kingdom of Heaven.
We are living in a grace period as we have already failed God beyond the point of being redeemed, but here we are, God’s grace has come and He is supporting us right now to put President Trump back into the White House.
The point is, he doesn’t have to leave. What can they do? They know they cheated, and so Trump has right on his side, so when right is on your side, do you back down, give in? No, you fight for what is right, what is true. If Trump doesn’t, then he is not God’s man. However he has been fighting from day one, and the people need to let him know that they will support him no matter what. Trump must be bolstered by our prayers and support as Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ hands to win the battle against the Amalekites.
Forget democracy, this is a time when you do what is right according to God’s Will. Jacob tricked Esau out of the birthright because Esau thought more of his stomach than his future. The Israelites had to destroy the Amalekites, every man, woman and child according to God’s word.
1 Sam 15:3 “Now go and smite Am′alek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.’”
Actions have been taken by God’s side that have been tough, and in some cases callous, because God’s greater purpose outweighed those humanistic concerns. God had his kingdom stolen from him as Donald Trump and the American people have had this election stolen from them. To get it back, God’s side has fought long and hard physically to gain territory and ground for God’s Providence to move forward. Are we going to give it all up now without a fight?
Are we going to let Satan once again claim God’s people and nation, the ‘Garden’ God brought us in to? Of course not, so that means we must be prepared to lose our lives for that purpose in order to “Seek first God’s Kingdom”. Now if we are prepared to do that, then chances are we won’t have to, and the enemy will flee before us as happened in the past.
However, without that conviction, Satan will know it, and he will keep demanding more and more if we keep acquiescing as we have already been doing for so long.
Now we must say no, ‘get lost’, this is our country, and you are not having it, and some piddly little defrauded election isn’t going to change that reality. We only have these ‘democratic elections’ because we haven’t grown up yet to exist in a ‘high trust and truth’ society where godly men and women guide and lead the nation, meeting the needs of the people so they have freedom, peace, and happiness as the ‘Declaration of Independence’ states amongst other things, including getting rid of tyrants and those hindering our pursuit of happiness which they truly have been doing.
If there has to be another ‘War of Independence’, so be it. The ‘empire of globalists’, Marxists, the godless hordes can not be allowed to take America, because more people will die and suffer from Democide than any war, as the 20th century bears witness to. Approximately 150 million people murdered by the communists.
If we capitulate, more people will die than in a ‘war of independence’. It will be bad, but nothing like surrendering to these hegemonists.
‘He who seeks to gain his life will lose it, but he who seeks to lose his life for God’s sake will gain it’. Surrendering to Satan is never an option as history has shown us.
True Americans must come together as one, pray, repent, fast and put serious pressure on the political and judicial establishment, persecute the mainstream Marxist media, big tech, and fight back, just as they have been attacking and fighting us. They won’t be expecting that. God’s side has been struck, so God’s side can strike back. We need to give them hell and call them out.
Why could the Israelites finally rout the Philistines. David stepped up, showed courage and killed Goliath. From that, the Israelites took great heart, and went on to rout the Philistines having previously been quaking in their boots.
It needs one act, one moment, one man to ignite God’s side, and begin the unravelling of the Left.
Christians need to create a fuss and challenge the so called authorities who have been continuously letting down law abiding citizens; no investigations, no arrests, why should law enforcement be respected and get a pass?
Today people have to make a choice:
Mt 12:30 “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters”.
We are either for God or against Him, Americans have to decide where they are going to stand. Are we going to allow Satan to steal God’s nation and 6,000 years of Providential salvific history, or are we going to fight back with burning indignation and save the Republic for God’s Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven? The answer is clear!
As Constantine had a vision of a cross in the sky, we too need to have our own ‘vision’ of a free and prosperous America and world to leave to our children, to lead us into victory against the armies of Satan.
I want to share this final point:
God’s ability to act on our behalf within His Providence of Salvation is dependent on man fulfilling his portion of responsibility to obey and unite with God’s Will and God’s Word.
This is clear from the very beginning when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by not keeping the Commandment. That failure established the Kingdom of Hell on earth.
Could God just ‘magic’ that away. No! That is why the Providence of Restoration has taken so long, because man kept disobeying God. Deut 28, 1 Sam 15. The Old Testament is littered with man’s disobedience towards God and the repercussions of that. That in itself should be the object lesson here. How did we miss that?
Why should salvation take so long if God is totally in control. Does God want to suffer as in Gen 6:6? Did God predestine his own misery? Of course not.
Whilst fallen man disobeys God and the heart of God, God’s Kingdom and the Messiah couldn’t come, and the Providence of Salvation is prolonged.
God predestines His Will, but man must unite with that Will for God’s Will to be accomplished.
Once we unite and obey, then God’s Blessing can come, Deut 28, which means God’s Will is accomplished, not Satan’s.
Man is the rudder on the ship. He ultimately determines the direction and course of that vessel.
Frankly this is just common sense, but many Christians have made such a meal out of this, putting everything on God whilst they sit back and do nothing.
Let’s remind ourselves, “Faith without action/works is dead”. James 2
If David didn’t step up that day and act, not just have faith that ‘somehow’ God would just strike down Goliath, then the Philistines would have probably destroyed the Israelite army. Without George Washington and his soldiers taking action, would the British be moved by the ‘Holy Spirit’ to pack their bags and leave?
Man must always act for God’s Will to be accomplished, just as Adam and Eve should have acted by keeping God’s Word, not listening to Satan, and then today we would be living in the Kingdom of Heaven.
So don’t entertain any nonsense that somehow God will just intervene without man making the right conditions, through unity of heart with God. You make the wrong condition, and Satan invades, always.
One of the conditions God needs now is the unity of Christianity centring on Donald Trump as with David, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Jesus and the people.
What can you do if your children, spouse, workmates, employees decide not to co-operate with you? You are in dire straits. Well God has been dealing with that reality since the Fall of Man. Except God just kept persevering, ‘working out our salvation’ like a shepherd and his sheep or a grand chess master.
Jesus prayed for the unity of his followers, Jn 17. So right now Christianity is disobeying Jesus and God. We are not united at all. That’s our sin right there. Yet everyone feels justified because they believe in Jesus and God yet at the same time are disobeying them. How does that work? How did that work for Adam and Eve, and the faithless Israelites throughout their history.
Christians have to wake up and realise they are the ones obstructing God’s Will right now, because they have not been united in ‘Seeking first God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness’, which also means ‘unity of heart’.
That is the lesson we must learn. Unite with God’s Word and with each other, which is the “Two Great Commandments’ that all the law and the prophets hang on”.
We have deceived ourselves into thinking if I believe in God and Jesus all is well. What did James say?
James 2:14 “What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead”.
18 But some one will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith. 19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder. 20 Do you want to be shown, you shallow man, that faith apart from works is barren? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar? 22 You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by works, 23 and the scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness”; and he was called the friend of God. 24 You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. 25 And in the same way was not also Rahab the harlot justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way? 26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead”.
This says it all, if we have ears to hear!
Christianity like Nineveh must repent for God to be able to act decisively and unconditionally. We have to set the right conditions of heart and unity for God to be able to help us as in the prayer of faith.
Mt 12:38 “Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to him, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” 39 But he answered them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign; but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41 The men of Nin′eveh will arise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here. 42 The queen of the South will arise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here”.
These are Jesus’ words to Christians today!!!
Christianity’s ‘Great Re-set’ is to re-align our hearts with God, as Adam and Eve should have done in the first place.
Therein is our problem. Have we been keeping the ‘Two Great Commandments’?
Lord continue to wake up more people,
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
prayinginok, I noticed that “It is not over” blog was gone. I wondered what happened.
Sam, I was wondering if maybe Mario deleted it.
Mario Murillo, Did you delete the “It’s Not Too Late” post or did WordPress?
Clark, Sam, Kingskid:
Please Google this site and Scroll down to the right and click Sociopath and read
all the articles on what you say to remove yourself from; quite a number of as his Recent Post are also excellent. https://givingpsychologyaway.com/
We all need that Damascus Road Experience.
Also, writes about this also: https://darkoutpost.com/unexplained/dark-winter-may-include-internet-power-blackouts/ (note at the bottom of page, Recent Post); the impact of smart devices etc., wow. Battle Hymn by John Scura/Dane Phillips write about role of social media along with Dragnet Nation-Julie Angwin; her interview on News also; Data Brokers 3/9/2014 1st Story; 8/24/2014 2nd Story 60 minutes.