How the Democrats and the media are telling you Trump won.

by | Dec 4, 2020 | Christianity Today | 112 comments

In this hour of testing, the people of God need special reassurance. The Lord wants to console you and bless you with a surge of confidence. One way that the Lord does this is by letting you in on what the enemy secretly fears, as He did with Gideon, over 3,000 years ago.

The Democrats and the brainwashed leftist media all believe Trump won. They believe—even more than many Christians do—that a flood of votes for Biden were fraudulent. You may ask, ‘How dare I make such a claim?’ I make it because all the signs are there. 

Before I get to the signs that betray their guilt, let me reaffirm why I am writing this. I am writing this because I believe the Holy Spirit wants to give you deep encouragement.  I believe Jesus wants to clothe your spirit with supernatural confidence.

One way that the Lord does this is by letting you eavesdrop on the secret fear of your enemy. He did this for Gideon, and now it is time for Him to do it for you.

“It happened on the same night that the Lord said to him (Gideon), “Arise, go down against the camp, for I have delivered it into your hand. But if you are afraid to go down, go down to the camp with Purah your servant, and you shall hear what they say; and afterward your hands shall be strengthened to go down against the camp.” Then he went down with Purah his servant to the outpost of the armed men who were in the camp. Now the Midianites and Amalekites, all the people of the East, were lying in the valley as numerous as locusts; and their camels were without number, as the sand by the seashore in multitude. And when Gideon had come, there was a man telling a dream to his companion. He said, “I have had a dream: To my surprise, a loaf of barley bread tumbled into the camp of Midian; it came to a tent and struck it so that it fell and overturned, and the tent collapsed.” Then his companion answered and said, “This is nothing else but the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel! Into his hand God has delivered Midian and the whole camp.” And, so it was, when Gideon heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation, that he worshiped. He returned to the camp of Israel, and said, “Arise, for the Lord has delivered the camp of Midian into your hand” (Judges 7: 9-15).

Consider the huge army of enemies that are against Trump. They sure look as numerous as locusts; and camels without number, like the sand by the seashore in multitude. Yet, they are telling us, both that they believe Trump won, and that the threat against them is great. How? Let me show you.

If someone wrote a blog that said there was no sun in the sky, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter would not censor it. They would dismiss it as humor. There would be no disclaimer at the bottom telling you that a bipartisan group of scientists had established the existence of the sun.

Their overreaction to any claim that Trump won, or that there was fraud, is telegraphing both their guilt and their fear. The Associated Press has lost every drop of my respect because of this hilariously stupid disclaimer under every mention of fraud: “Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results.”

Videos of bags of ballots being pulled out from under a table after Republican poll watches leave. Video of a man inserting a thumb-drive into a computer vote-counter that is strictly hands-off. Rude and brutal bullying in several counting rooms when poll workers questioned why votes were being counted as votes for Biden, over and over again. The disclaimer might as well read, “Robot safeguards ensured the victory of Joe Biden.”

Why is YouTube blocking any video that suggests fraud? One mainstream Christian ministry that I know, averages several million views whenever they put out a video on YouTube. Yesterday, they presented damning evidence of fraud. Their views for that video dropped from millions to only 4,000! Talk about overreaction!

God told Gideon to go down to the enemy camp and listen to their fears. Now God is showing you that this draconian smothering of information by the Left is coming because of their guilt and fear. Gideon needed to hear it so that he would attack his enemies, even against all odds. We need to hear it, too! 

We must stand our ground with fierce faith. We must utterly reject the notion of a Biden presidency. We must: “Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses” (Nehemiah 4:14).

Will you rise up with the Church of God in America and fight for your family and your nation’s future?

This is a message to those who support Mario Murillo’s message to America.


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That is why we must make this stunning book offer to you. Now in its fourth printing, Vessels of Fire and Glory keeps reaching the top of its category on Amazon.  Critical Mass has now sold over 150,000 copies and remains an international classic on awakening. Both books are still in high demand. So why are we making this amazing offer to you? California is the reason why.

We need to act fast in California for two big reasons. First, Fresno was a shocking breakthrough. Fresno is a sign that tens of thousands of Californians hunger for the Gospel. Second, the battle for America will be won or lost in California.

You get both books for just $20. Not only that—Mario will autograph your copy of Vessels of Fire and Glory. On top of that…you get free shipping.

This is a double win for you. You get these choice books at an excellent price and the proceeds go to win lost souls in California.

And there is still more. If you order 10 or more sets of the Dynamic Duo, your cost is $18 a set.  Plus you will get free 2-3 day priority shipping. Click on link below to order now!  


  1. aliramlogan

    Yes and amen ? ?
    Rev. Dr. Latisha Ali-Ramlogan

    • Alma Snedeker

      We stand firm “Believe God and believe His Prophets”. 2 Chronicles 20:20 !

      • Fran

        Keep declaring the truth ! U r lik John the Baptist of his day!
        By His mercy n truth sin in purged; n by n by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil. Prov.16:6

    • A Klein

      The evil that started this virus seems to push out more of it at timely intervals to instill fear and chaos …intent upon taking attention away from the outright voter fraud and deceit.
      Praise GOD, please guide us to do your will.

  2. Tammy Adams

    The American Voters are pissed about the Election Fraud and We know President Trump WON by a landslide. The Media are Liars like the DEMS.
    Biden is NOT my president……God Bless Donald J. Trump MAGA2020

  3. Linda

    The fight has risen up and is in full swing! I went to the capital of Nevada to day and walked the grounds and as directed from the holy spirit! Take authority against Corruption in Nevada and we know how the Silver State has a history of gambling and prostitution but this Corruption (Election fraud) is the final Nail in the proverbial Coffin. The battle in Nevada is big enough that YES all what is wrong in this state and other swing states are being watched from all over the world! Your words are so true and so many are watching and are demanding Truth and Transparency. In my opinion this is a perfect platform for the Holy Spirit preparing for a mighty move of GOD! As you said Mario we must stand our ground with Fierce Faith. We as a body of Christ should embrace such a time as this for we have been chosen to observe a MIGHTY MOVE OF GOD! God Bless you Mario and the team. I love and look forward to you anointed words in your Blogs.

    • Jim Long

      Thank you, Linda; such an encouraging response to a VERY encouraging message from Mario! Hallelujah!!

  4. Tammy Adams

    There is MORE of US Patriots that will kick butt on them if they put Biden as President. They know that are the minority and are scared to death of US Patriots!

  5. Lynn

    Also, don’t forget that James O’Keef’s secret recordings DID in fact overhear CNN Management’s fears of a Trump win! This was definitely a Gideon moment of eavesdropping on the enemy!

  6. Clark

    Only an empty headed stupid fool more stupid than a jackass would think Biden Boy won anything! Democrats have become the scourge of America! We will not bow to fraud! Not now, not ever!

    • RL Perrin

      Yes, keep on proclaiming truth.

  7. albanynewssentinel

    Praying for the ultimate victory in this long ordeal, especially for Georgia, as well as for the ultimate truth to come out. God Bless America.

    • Pam Ferrel

      These blogs are so uplifting as THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE????

  8. Steve Ross

    The louder they babble, the more words they vomit, the more afraid they are.

  9. Susan

    Thank you Mario for this post. Very timely as tonight I gave up – it seemed that the momentum to overturn this election fraud stopped. And that Trumps timing is off. Something needs to be done very soon. Very soon.
    Maybe we are at the moment of the Red Sea parting.
    God Bless You and thank you for the encouragement.

    • revelation4me

      Don’t give up. The Old Testament is replete with accounts of situations like this. For example, God definitely commissioned Moses to go speak to enslaved Israel AND then to Pharaoh with the message to “let His people go”. After the first meeting with Pharaoh, the situation got worse…MUCH WORSE for the children of Israel. They were upset and even Moses momentarity questioned God . But…God had His own timing and His own way and we all know what happened in that situation. God is a Righteous Judge. He will do the right thing. He loves the President. He loves America. He certainly loves Israel. He said in Ezekiel 36:37 “Thus saith the Lord God; I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them”. We have to keep doing OUR part. Stand on the Word. Please turn off the media. They are lying to you.

      • prayinginok

        “But…God had His own timing and His own way”
        Amen! I’m still amazed by the words in Jeremiah 23:19-20 given weeks ago by Kevan. From the NLT:
        Look! The Lord’s anger bursts out like a storm,
        a whirlwind that swirls down on the heads of the wicked.
        The anger of the Lord will not diminish
        until it has finished all he has planned.
        In the days to come
        you will understand all this very clearly.
        First, all God has planned will be completed. Second, we will soon understand everything very clearly. Hallelujah!

      • Susan

        Thank you revelation4me for your encouragement from the Word. God Bless you!

    • Leonard Carroll

      Dear Susan, I am an Australian who is deeply opposed to abortion. Roe v Wade was successful when the Supreme Court made a ruling on 1/22/1973. That ruling handed the land Of America to Satan. The Year of Jubilee begins on 1/22/2022 and ends on 1/21/2023. During this period, the land must be returned to God or forever be lost. That is a chilling prospect. I sincerely believe that God is putting in place the mechanism for America to do what it must. With Trump as His agent, He placed Amy Coney Barrett in the Supreme Court just when such a pro-life exemplar was sorely needed. For the return of the land of the ownership of God, we need a coalition of Trump and Barrett. And we need people like you to speak out with other God-loving Americans.

  10. Pamela Kay

    As I read Fire and Glory and Gods word it reveals the truth of the season we are in. Lets stand and pray. We are experiencing these events so God can bring his called people of God into their new assignments. Position for battle in Worship and on our Knees! Sons and Daughters arise! Babylon may rage but be a Daniel in the midst. A Gideon that prays and believes God

  11. awfilmmakers

    You are the only man daring to speak the
    On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 10:37 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” In this hour of testing, the people of > God need special reassurance. The Lord wants to console you and bless you > with a surge of confidence. One way that the Lord does this is by letting > you in on what the enemy secretly fears, as He did with Gideon, ove” >

  12. awfilmmakers

    You are definitely the only voice in the Christian space speaking the Truth ?????
    On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 10:37 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” In this hour of testing, the people of > God need special reassurance. The Lord wants to console you and bless you > with a surge of confidence. One way that the Lord does this is by letting > you in on what the enemy secretly fears, as He did with Gideon, ove” >

  13. Pops


  14. smuzick

    Oh Mario, I totally agree. It really upset me to see them having to say something when anyone says anything about the election. I never took it the way you see it as a way to hide their guilt. God has no choice but to redeem President Trump and America from this awful election. If this is allowed to stand our elections will be worthless. Free and Fair elections is the only way to run a free republic. Holy Spirit have your way in our country. Bring out the truth and reveal everyone who was part of this scheme to remove our great President Trump. God bless America no only with your spirit but with revival like America has never seen before.

    • revelation4me

      Luke 8:17 JESUS SAID “For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.”

  15. GodIsWithUs!

    Bro. Mario, thank you!!!
    I felt led to read Psalm 126 two days ago, about when the Lord brought His people back to Zion from captivity in Babylon. I especially loved reading verse 2, where it says “Other nations will say, ‘The Lord has done great things for them!'” So many from around the entire globe- many who post here – are praying! But even those who aren’t praying against this great fraud- and especially those perpetuating it – will see and know God Almighty is the One that exposed and demolished this entire demonic house of cards of lies. “Their God is REAL and He is with them!,” they’ll see and know.
    What a Mount Carmel moment. The prophets of Baal of the media can scream all they want, but they’re already defeated. Their fear and desperation is palpable.

  16. revelation4me

    Mr. Murillo, you are almost preaching to the choir, because we, well I KNOW THE PRESIDENT WON. Satan knows he won. The witches know he won. The Democrats know he won. Some Republicans know he won. I believe the President knows he won. Generally the believers don’t know he won because the lying media, which is THE FALSE PROPHET, is aiming it’s message almost exclusively at a generation of believers who are biblically ignorant. Believers make up the ONLY group with the “potential” to effectively stand against satanic evil forces with superior spiritual authority, yet very few believers are standing on biblical principles. They DON’T KNOW Biblical principles. Which is why Jesus said “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” NO WORD – NO FAITH! There is a Gideon’s Army, however, fighting for victory.

  17. Tim Stevenson

    Most of what you say is true, but I have seen and continue to see many videos on YouTube Exposing fraud . Eg NTD’ s coverage and R & R lawgroup’s detailed analysis of the lawsuits. What you say might apply to those running mainstream media and the elections in some places but I think millions of Americans are still ignorant of what’s been happening
    On Sat, 5 Dec 2020, 06:40 Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” In this hour of testing, the people of > God need special reassurance. The Lord wants to console you and bless you > with a surge of confidence. One way that the Lord does this is by letting > you in on what the enemy secretly fears, as He did with Gideon, ove” >

  18. alanmittan

    Amen, praying the church will wake up and stand against the lies. It does look hopeless, but praise God this when God does His best. We will win.

  19. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    It still rests upon Revival, TRUE repentant Revival…
    Only the Holy Spirit can turn the hearts of judges. For some they will need paralyzing internal fear of God, for others only a gentle nudge.
    *BUT* God wants obedience and Repentance from those naming Jesus’ Name.
    He gave us four years of Grace to get our acts together, I am not at all sure that we have reciprocated adequately for another four years.
    Mario is showing us what we can have *IF* we obey.
    *IF* we follow Gideon’s example.

    • revelation4me


  20. smuzick

    Hey Folks, The way to beat this is everyone who lives in a swing state (GA, PA, WI, MI, AZ or NV) must call their representative. I do not live in a swing state so my calls won’t matter. But those who do can put the heat on their representative to take action against this fraud. An army must act. We must demand action. If you live in a swing state or know people who do and who really care about this election tell them to contact their representative and demand they take action. We CAN do something.

  21. Judy

    Good word Mario. Thank you for encouraging us all. The Lord is indeed good. He has everything taken care of. We must wait on the Lord and be of a good courage. We will stand and behold the salvation of our God. Will not the righteous judge of heaven do rightly, yes, ONLY BELIEVE.

  22. NickT

    This election was a total farce! Only with God’s help, we will win in the end. I choose never to watch or read the mainstream media, only OANN and maybe Newsmax. But the real News is on alternative media…Mario’s Blog and certain youtube channels. here is an example watch it on your tv with your spouse if it has wifi.
    Mario and other good guys telling the truth . worth the watch…

    • prayinginok

      I watched this last night and added it at the end of the prior blog. I’m glad you added it to this one! I totally agree it’s worth the watch… I’m still in amazement about the thumb drive prophecy! Thank you Lord!

    • bdk11

      My deceased Pastor used to ask, why people don’t come to Church anymore and his answer although said in jest…..but really was the truth “because they have been before”.
      The church is not teaching the Word of God. They take scriptures completely out of context and apply them wherever they think it fits. People do not get the pure word of God on their own nor in the pulpit. We do need to stand with what is right and I believe President Trump is trying to do that. However we had 4 years of Trump and actually what has change? America loves her sin rather than the Lord Jesus and His Heavenly Father. We should continue to pray that God will expose this corruption, fraud, immorality, baby killing etc. It’s always been there but not on the level we have with this past election. God will always be against those that support lawlessness and falseness. We are to pray, all these visions and dreams from everyone just adds chaos and allows the world to laugh. Let the prophecies come from God’s Word. Then we are assured it is accurate. I hear so many people say, I think the Lord is trying to tell me….this or that …… in scripture all 100% of the prophets never said, I “think” what the Lord is telling me. They knew because God spoke to them.
      However our real hope is in the instructions given in His Word. This country still needs to repent and come back to HIM….the people are not going to go back to a church that does not teach the truth but teach tradition of men with hypocrisy of do as I say not what I do. That sounds the same as most politicians.
      Acts 3:19-20 NASB
      [19] Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; [20] and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you.
      What is happening right now is a separation work of who is on God’s side and who is with the enemy. There is still time to repent and still time for us to pray for those blinded by the enemy.
      Matthew 3:12 NASB
      [12] His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

      • prayinginok

        bdk11, I’m curious…. do you think God no longer uses people in the gift of prophecy?
        Amos 3:7 is pretty specific. Do you think it no longer applies to our world today?

    • jcgems

      Thank you for posting that video. I haven’t listened to any news for good purpose. This encouraged and reinforced me to keep standing, trusting and believing God will have His way.
      We need to see this situation from a generational perspective, how will things look in 100 years?
      I want God to have His chosen people in as many places of leadership as possible. 4, 8, 12 are not enough. We need LONG term visionaries who have the stick to it attitude & think of mentoring others to replace them. Not be one and done. How many of us reading this has God tried to nudge into those positions and we give more reasons why not than shaking in our shoes and going for it?

  23. n9nwo

    Since the 1980s I have known that there would come a time when nothing men could do would matter. That the adversary would have polluted the culture so badly that it would take G-D, and G-D alone, to fix it.
    That happened a couple of years ago. We are now at a point where G-D wants to wait on him. That he will do a miracle so large that all must believe. That in this millions will come to him. There will be a spiritual revolution. Not led by men but by G-D.

  24. Sandy Huff

    Today I woke up with the vision of a fat elephant. It is time to start praising Mario. Stop alarming. Praise. Give it all you got!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone

    • prayinginok

      I woke up rejoicing as well!
      The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice… and let the people be glad! Psalm 97 all day long! 🙂

  25. Carrie Schauf

    Thank you Mario for sharing the truth. What you say is accurate and true. Thank you for encouraging us to stay in the line and not waver.

  26. fredsheltonministries

    I have a very difficult time believing that our God would allow the exchange of a man who has blessed Israel with everything that he had available to him for one who will curse Israel with everything that he has available to him. I firmly believe that if we God’s people continue to cry out for justice, truth, exposure and correction, that our God will act on our behalf. People need to stop with the rapture theories and get into the fight, we aren’t leaving, we are here to fight this fight and win the lost for Jesus Christ. God is not going to take us away and leave billions of people to fry in hell because we don’t want to endure a little hardship. Buck up as soldiers of the cross, get in the fight and see the salvation of our God unfold before our very eyes.

    • revelation4me

      Your comment is so good…and TRUE. We cannot second guess God because HE IS GOD. WE DO KNOW HIS WILL IN THIS MATTER. The question is however is it OUR WILL also?. God does use His people. I choose to believe that He wants to do a thorough job in this matter. Leave no stone unturned. This subversive activity has gone on for years. It did not just start this year. It needs to be stopped and overturned. I know God will not disappoint a man who has gone all out for Him in MANY, MANY WAYS WITH LAWS EVEN NOW ON BEHALF OF THE CHURCH, ISRAEL, THE UNBORN, AMERICA, etc…! God is a righteous Judge. We have to trust Him while we get ourselves together and stand in the gap. I don’t have to comment anymore. You summed it all up! Psalms 56:3 3 “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.”

      • NewHeavenOnEarth

        Truly, truly, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven Father God; we trust in You! We will continue to STAND on earth as we rest in God with Christ in heavenly places, praying and interceding from heaven to earth, from Victory, from the conquering, overcoming, triumphant finished work of the Cross of Jesus; KNOWING the Victory is already won in the Spirit! now Abba Father we ask to see it manifest, so all can SEE your kingdom, power and glory! and be changed in the beholding! and give ALL the thanks, honor and glory to God our Father and his Christ! glory, glory, hallelujah! God’s Truth is marching on! I’m with HIM!

    • Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

      “I have a very difficult time believing that our God would allow the exchange of a man who has blessed Israel with everything that he had available to him for one who will curse Israel with everything that he has available to him.”
      Except for the neccessary discipline of His Church in The Church Age. The six day war proves that Jehovah will preserve Israel with or without America.
      As much as we would like to believe America is “crucial” to end time prophecy, we aren’t. Period.
      Father wants a bride for His Son without spot or wrinkle, and today’s church is anything but.
      The American church either Repents and Revives or it will be lost in the dust of history, and America with it.

      • fromanislandinnewhampshire

        Michael. the American church is repenting and revival is beginning. God didn’t give incremental measures as a condition for this in 2nd Chronicles 7:14; He just said if we would, He would, and He is. He mindful of our frame, and knows we are but dust. We have asked for mercy, because we can never measure up.

      • bdk11


    • fromanislandinnewhampshire

      Oh, I really like your comment. This is no time for a Rapture escape! It’s our time to fight, believe and shine!

    • Mark Stripling

      Well said, Brother Shelton. Many of us have had these thoughts!

    • Wordforworld

      And quit repeating the naysayers. Say what God tells us to say, speak what He showed us to speak! After all, it’s the FATHER IN US WHO DOES THE WORKS!
      It IS WRITTEN.

      • Wordforworld

        Meant to reply to Fred Shelton

  27. Linda Hunter

    I will NOT give up fighting, praying and believing that President Donald J. Trump with God’s help will be our President for four more years. I pray that God will expose all lies, fraud and deception in this election. The left will know it was the hand of God that exposed them. Keep posting your blogs because it encourages us to keep the faith.

  28. Sandy Choi

    Yes! yes! Will fight till the end by fervent prayer.
    Trump will win again for sure.

  29. Annette

    Yes we are fighting with the biggest weapon in our arsenal-PRAYER AND PRAISING THANKING AND GLORIFYING GOD CONTINUALLY!
    Praise God Almighty there is a barley loaf headed to their camp!!!

  30. revelation4me

    My final comment is PLEASE contact the President and encourage him. Let him know you are praying for him, his administration and his family. He is being assaulted day and night RELENTLESSLY by demonic spirits and their lying False Prophet…the media. I’d already sent a few emails to the president via the updated link online. The Office of Presidential Correspondence acknowledged receipt everytime with “Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.” A few days ago I sent an email expressing the fact that people even from outside America were continuing to stand with him in prayer over this matter, etc. (I was burdened because so many Christian “leaders” had “jumped ship”). Lo and behold the next day…I received a response from President Trump himself! He was so gracious and appreciative of the words of encouragement. I was glad to know that the contacts listed were valid and that he does review them. Here is the link again: I suggest email because it is quicker and I am not sure how the postal system is handling mail to the White House. (Maybe President Trump will sign up for Mario Murillo daily blogs!) God bless you all.

    • Lisa LeBrun

      Thank you SO much for sharing this! I just sent an email.

    • Kevan

      Yes, thanks rev4 for including the White House link. I also sent an email. I hope everyone on this blog does so and then forwards the link to friends.

    • prayinginok

      revelation4me that is AWESOME that you heard from President Trump himself!!!!! WOOHOO! I love it! 🙂

    • NewHeavenOnEarth

      thank you for the link! I sent an email

    • NickT


  31. Alyce

    Amen and Amen.!! Yes,Yes,Yes, have never stopped fighting for America, my family, friends Church with faith in Almighty God to “Do it again Lord”…won’t be the first or last time God delivers the enemies into the hands of the righteous!!
    Thank you Mario…Love the scripture!

  32. BACD

    Thanks, Brother Mario! Your blog is a daily lifeline, an exhortation, and a reminder to maintain scriptural, Godly perspective. We, the Body of Christ, need to grow to a place where all we need is a Word from the Lord. That’s true for any trial we encounter, but how much more do we need that revelation and tenacious faith now in these end times.
    If ever there was a time to remember that “God’s ways are higher than our ways”, it’s now.
    If ever we needed encouragement “don’t grow weary in well doing”, it’s now.
    We have been wearied from the impact of the corona virus (strategic timing); the pre-election tension was exhilarating, but exhausting at the same time. We were so ready for Election Day to bring closure to the drama and our expectation was for a return to normalcy, but it never came that day or the next or yet. Disappointment and discouragement result when our expectations are unrealized, so don’t put your faith or hope in baseless expectations. These are the obstacles of every faith fight for a believer (ie. when you expect God to answer a prayer by a specific time and lose heart when the clock strikes midnight). Beware of self-imposed time lines. It’s His Word and His Word alone that moves us, anchors us, phases us, strengthens our resolve.
    Pray for righteous judges who are hearing these cases! Pray for godly conviction to fall over our nation so the guilty “sing like jay birds.” That’s Revival!
    This “waiting” is a time of worship and thanksgiving and speaking faith-filled words (you know, what we do between the time we pray and the time we see our prayer manifest), and not speaking cross-wise to what we are believing for; we rest (faith is a rest), because “through faith and patience we inherit the promise” Heb. 6:12.
    Patience, aah yes, our favorite fruit—patience is never something that God gives us more of; it’s a fruit, which means we have to grow it ourselves, and fear and complaining aren’t what we sow in that garden (it’s the water of the Word). No, complaining isn’t part of the equation. Remember murmuring in the OT? Brought down the hedge of protection, fiery serpents invaded, mass repentance because it got so bad. Let’s not revisit that epic failure!
    Today, I also considered that this “turn of events” has caused pro-Biden radicals who were positioned for violence, to dismantle, disassemble, and go home; it’s given time for police departments everywhere to regroup, replace those who have left law enforcement, and rethink how to handle violent protesters and maybe even discover some “cells.” Maybe allowing the transition to “move forward” will cause some saboteurs to let their guard down. No doubt, we will hear many testimonies in the days ahead of what was happening during these ‘days of waiting.’
    But for believers: Encourage yourself in the Lord, ya’ll. “Cast your care on Him, for He cares for you!”
    God bless.

    • prayinginok

      Wonderful words, thank you!

    • Wordforworld

      Excellent exhortations
      Love it
      God works with and confirms His Word (that believers speak) w/signs following Mark 16:20

  33. gege4god

    Yes!Glory! Glory! Glory!!!

  34. Linda

    The title is deceptive. I’m not sharing it because I think it should say Biden, not Trump. If I didn’t know where you’re coming from I’d think you support Biden, just by the title of the article.

    • prayinginok

      I think Mario is saying their actions, which are so strong to try and convince everyone that Biden won, show you that in actuality, Trump won…. and they KNOW it. Remember the line from Hamlet: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”. It’s someone who overdoes a denial… thus showing they ARE guilty. In this case, they know the truth! They are trying too hard to prove otherwise.

  35. Mavourene, a Redeemed (former) Emasculator

    Amen! Now that or dry bones are awakened, the church must not EVER take our spiritual feet off of the necks of the devil’s workers of iniquity. Our election win hasn’t manifest in the natural yet. After it does, we must never again compromise with evil, but must keep destroying evil and restoring our nation with good so that evil has no place to return. There are millions who desperately need and want a strong church to show ourselves and to welcome their confession of faith. Thank you brother Murillo.

  36. Charlie May

    We are in agreement with you Mario. As David said in 2 Samuel 5:20 after the Lord defeated his enemies in battle “The Lord has broken through my enemies before me like a breakthrough of water”, so shall we rejoice with thanksgiving to the Lord as he delivers President Trump and our nation, and releases His Holy Spirit in revival!

  37. Sherri Godat

    Thank you Mario for your posts! They validate many of my own thoughts, and to be honest my dreams. I’m not a prophet, pastor, or any other type of person in authority. I’m just a housewife that is doing my best to follow God’s teachings and commandments. On November 21, 2020, I had a dream. In the dream I was being told that I needed to spread the word, Churches must be opened! Churches that are closed need to reopen! God is going to lead people to the churches to combat the evil that has been unleashed. Hundreds of thousands are going to flock to the churches. God needs the doors open to accept those He is leading there. The pastor’s are to preach the TRUTH! Not the watered down, sweet, all goes and it’s ok version. The TRUTH as God gave it. These people will need teaching and discipled.
    I was told the doors are to never close. We are to follow the laws of the land but not if those laws go against God. I was told we are placing fear and worry above faith and trust in God. We are not to do that! We are to be cautious, but trust Him to protect us. I was also told not to trust the numbers being reported on Covid. They aren’t accurate. These numbers are being used to create fear and confusion, therefore leading to obedience.
    We as Christians are to unite and make sure our pastor’s, bishops, priests, etc., are being obedient to God and not the government. Their sermons are to be on fire. What they teach us should be heart stabbing truth, that is how real repentance occurs. That is when real change within occurs. They need to stop pulling the bible apart. Stop excusing sinful behaviors. Stop saying verses don’t apply to us in today’s time. Stop saying God loves us so it’s ok what we do, no harm will be allowed to touch us as long as we claim Jesus. Preach the truth. The truth is painful sometimes. When it’s painful we know that is something we need to work on. And that is when I woke up?

  38. Annette

    I replied to two people. Yet I don’t see them posted. What gives?

  39. Aaron Jackson

    Thank God for women but Mario I thank God you act like a Man.
    We need more Men to rise up and be men to keep unrighteous Gov from destroying our country.
    There was a men’s rally this weekend addressing men we need more of this in our nation.
    Deliver the church from neutered unfruitful makes.

    • Aaron Jackson

      Makes not makes

  40. kingskid48

    Several weak-kneed Republicans are “accepting” that Biden won. They need to be replaced asap. As for me, I’m not about to be one of the Ten Spies. Our God is bigger than this election mess. He’s told several people already that He will do this in a way that glorifies Him. Biden will never be my President, but he will not be anybody’s president, for that matter.
    I agree with some of the comments here, but not all. Yes, God can save Israel without the US, but He said He would bless those that bless Israel, and we need His blessings. Do we deserve them? No. But He is a merciful God and we need His Mercy. And there IS a praying remnant.
    If, indeed, amateur astronomers are able to view Apophis snaking its way toward Earth as early as 2025, then, this is the way I look at it. We need Trump in for four more years. That will give us time to bring in the Harvest and beat back the forces that are trying to turn us into a Socialist State. It is too early for the liberals/marxists to take over this country and move us into the NWO.
    The Rapture could take place in 2025. And I make NO apologies for desiring the Rapture to happen in my lifetime. We are supposed to love His appearing. That has nothing whatsover to do with what I do for Him, or how hard I work for Him. I’ve never understood this either/or view on this subject by so many Christians. Like, those of us who yearn for His appearing are sitting on our hands doing nothing but waiting for Him to burst through the clouds. It’s just the opposite.
    The name Apophis means chaos. That’s the name NASA gave this huge asteroid. When 2025 rolls around, and astronomers are telling the world that this thing is coming as soon as 2029, do you think we’ll be in a state of chaos? It will make the chaos we are experiencing right now look like peace and lovely sweetness. The world will forget about their obsession with global warming or climate change. They’re going to be worrying about how to survive this thing. Especially if the Christians disappear.
    There’s a chance it could go through some sort of a “window” and return in 7 years. But it will be a short reprieve. It will then hit the earth for certain in 2036.
    This may all sound like craziness, but it isn’t. Apophis is coming. The only way it’s affect on the earth can be diminished is if NASA comes up with some way to “harm” or “damage” (diminish, for lack of a better word) the asteroid. They are, of course, downplaying the effect that this space rock is going to have on the earth. That’s called, “Cover Up”.
    The dems will get back in power in the 2024 election. They will install their socialist policies in a frenzy, the moment they win that election. The country will be set up and ready for the chaos that ensues when that space rock shows up in everybody’s telescope.
    The country and the world will be ready for a one-wrold leader to solve the massive problems that ensue. That’s when the Man of Sin will come to the forefront, speaking “great words”.
    I pray every night that America will not go into the NWO even after the Rapture, but only God knows that and it’s His call to make.
    I’m a dot-connector and a realist. I know there are those who think that we will change the countries of the earth and things will be just great when Jesus returns and we turn the earth over to Him, but I see NO Scripture backing for such a view.

  41. fromanislandinnewhampshire

    James 1:19,20: “But let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.”

  42. TRISH

    Hello Mario, standing in agreement with you , Confirmation of Nehemiah 4;14, Pastor Liberty from Spirit Move Ministries will be in Pittsburg, Pa Jan 2 to 5 for a Nehemiah Prayer Summit, She on fire for the Lord and will taking place, She a anointed of the Lord.. those who said that Prophets should repeat shame on you… God DOES NOT GO BACK UPON HIS SPOKEN WORD, STANDING FIRM UPON THE WORD OF GOD CHOSEN PROPHETS DO not wavier Do not Wavier,,,,,,
    Name (required)

  43. Daniel ADAME

    I Am with You Mario Murillo I’ve been saying that myself God is not ready to let Israel fall I’ve been telling that to people if ,Trump, falls,Israel, Falls,God is not Ready,to Let that happen.?

  44. SandieJoy GM

    Thank you for your encouragement. I choose to stand with you, other prophets (Mark Taylor has been right all along so far); Perry Stone, Charlie Shamp, Lance Wallnau, etc and etc – I cannot believe these are all false prophets (Well, I’m sure Joel Olsteen is and Kenneth Copeland seems phony to me, Benny Hinn, etc) and of course I’ve loved you since the 1980s in Wenatchee, WA. I believe you hear from God and are anointed wonderfully. Like David Wilkerson. I’m leery of Kevin Zadai, he’s too far-fetched. Anyway, until inauguration day I’m claiming and believing and praying and supporting MY PRESIDENT Donald Trump, that God has chosen and anointed him for such a time as this, prepared him since childhood (even back to New Hebrides revival days) to be a brilliant genius, strategist, true American, and the vessel to buy more time for the Church in America to do what Jesus prayed we would do: be soul winners, evangelists, God’s hands and feet and heart in this world. We’ve done a very inadequate job so far. We’ve started to “get with it” and the enemy hates it, but I believe God will give us 4 more years to do it. I DO NOT BELIEVE the Church’s job is to bring in a Christian government, no Dominion Theology, no “straightening America up” or the world up SO JESUS CAN RETURN. That is NOT our job…ours is to win souls, become a bride w/o spot or wrinkle who obeys and serves and sacrifices for Christ. And I believe that God will show His prophets what His plan is…and that the fraud and evil will be exposed very soon. If I am wrong, Mario, what harm has it done…God will take care of us even if it is time for America to go down to destruction. But if I am right, if we are right, thenI don’t want to disappoint my Lord by faltering in the faith He has given me to stand still and see His salvation, praise Him and watch Him open the RED SEA (in this case, stop the “blue sea” of evil that is trying to drown us.
    On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 12:43 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” In this hour of testing, the people of > God need special reassurance. The Lord wants to console you and bless you > with a surge of confidence. One way that the Lord does this is by letting > you in on what the enemy secretly fears, as He did with Gideon, ove” >

  45. Joy

    Thank you for your encouragement.  I choose to stand with you, other prophets (Mark Taylor has been right all along so far); Perry Stone, Charlie Shamp, Lance Wallnau, etc and etc – I cannot believe these are all false prophets (Well, I’m sure Joel Olsteen is and Kenneth Copeland seems phony to me, Benny Hinn, etc) and of course I’ve loved you since the 1980s in Wenatchee, WA.  I believe you hear from God and are anointed wonderfully.  Like David Wilkerson.  I’m leery of Kevin Zadai, he’s too far-fetched.        Anyway, until inauguration day I’m claiming and believing and praying and supporting MY PRESIDENT Donald Trump, that God has chosen and anointed him for such a time as this, prepared him since childhood (even back to New Hebrides revival days) to be a brilliant genius, strategist, true American, and the vessel to buy more time for the Church in America to do what Jesus prayed we would do:  be soul winners, evangelists, God’s hands and feet and heart in this world.  We’ve done a very inadequate job so far.  We’ve started to “get with it” and the enemy hates it, but I believe God will give us 4 more years to do it.       I DO NOT BELIEVE the Church’s job is to bring in a Christian government, no Dominion Theology, no “straightening America up” or the world up SO JESUS CAN RETURN.  That is NOT our job…ours is to win souls, become a bride w/o spot or wrinkle who obeys and serves and sacrifices for Christ.  And I believe that God will show His prophets what His plan is…and that the fraud and evil will be exposed very soon.     If I am wrong, Mario, what harm has it done…God will take care of us even if it is time for America to go down to destruction.  But if I am right, if we are right, thenI don’t want to disappoint my Lord by faltering in the faith He has given me to stand still and see His salvation, praise Him and watch Him open the RED SEA (in this case, stop the “blue sea” of evil that is trying to drown us.

  46. Kathy Deal

    I know President John Trump won and that they think they can steal this election. I believe with all my heart this will not happen, the same way I believed God that my son would be delivered from heroin addiction when it looked like he never would. My son is now Pastoring a church and loves Jesus with all his heart. My God is a miracle working God who will get all the glory. He will leave no doubt that He is the one in control.

  47. Jim D.

    Thanks for your much needed encouragement, Mario.
    Sometimes it’s hard to cast down the multitude of lies, imaginations, and lofty opinions that the enemy floods our minds with through the unbelieving world, and we need to remember that, as Gideon discovered using weapons of jars and trumpets , that” the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” – II Cor.10:4-5;
    2 And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me.
    3 Now therefore go to, proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return and depart early from mount Gilead. And there returned of the people twenty and two thousand; and there remained ten thousand.
    4 And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down unto the water, and I will try them for thee there: and it shall be, that of whom I say unto thee, This shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go…
    7 And the Lord said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place.
    “And they blew the trumpets and smashed the jars that were in their hands. 20 Then the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the jars. They held in their left hands the torches, and in their right hands the trumpets to blow. And they cried out, “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!” 21 Every man stood in his place around the camp, and all the army ran. They cried out and fled. 22 When they blew the 300 trumpets, the Lord set every man’s sword against his comrade and against all the army. And the army fled.” – Judges 7:19-22

  48. T2020

    Wonderful encouragement!!! Thank you!!! The LORD has the last WORD!!!

  49. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    “Without FAITH it is impossible to please GOD. And HE IS A REWARDER OF THOSE WHO DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM.”
    Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    • Wordforworld

      Amen Marsha Carol!
      Such a comfort to read the faith—filled comments of many of Mario’s followers.
      Some appear to draw back, some doubt, some waffle in their faith.
      Decisions have to be made:
      Joshuas & Calebs step up, make your voices heard.
      The effective fervent prayers of the righteous move the Just God and Savior to show Himself strong in our behalf.
      Speaking what HE said to speak, saying what HE showed us to say; for it is the FATHER IN US THAT DOES THE WORKS.
      The LORD working with and confirming HIS WORD (that we speak) with signs and wonders following. AMEN! Mark 16:20
      What a joyful day it will be when all of God’s people FINALLY AGREE!
      Will it be TODAY, that WE all HEAR HIS VOICE? Ps 95:7 & Heb 3:7

  50. Mark DuBois

    Count me in brother Mario!

  51. Carol Brown

    Good word Mario! Blessings, Carol Bron From: Mario Murillo Ministries Date: Friday, December 4, 2020 at 9:39 PM To: Subject: [New post] How the Democrats and the media are telling you Trump won. mariomurilloministries posted: ” In this hour of testing, the people of God need special reassurance. The Lord wants to console you and bless you with a surge of confidence. One way that the Lord does this is by letting you in on what the enemy secretly fears, as He did with Gideon, ove”

  52. Bev Webster

    God Bless you Mario and all your followers for being prayer Warriors!
    iPhone of Bev Webster

  53. Jean White

    We’re is the blog this morning? I need it like food.

    Sent from my iPad

  54. Joan Selph

    Yes, I’m praying and I’m standing!

  55. Sue HEBERT

    YES…and AMEN!
    Sent from my iPhone

  56. Annette

    Standing in agreement praying for more brave people to come forth against the obvious fraud but praying Gods protection and provision for Powell and those Brave warriors praying for the President and His team. God Bless you and them

  57. Connie Hudson


  58. Tim Price

    Amen, Amen and Amen! Just remember folks, God is still in His Throne and in control!

  59. Sandra Calhoun

    I am armed and ready! I have faith in GOD for things prophesied and not seen to be manifested without an Ishmael!
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  60. banana1956

    Amen!! Fight for justice!! 

  61. o11c1

    Let’s give God the glory!!! If you read the replies to the Texas suit it’s clear God blinded the lawyers for all four states not a one of them gave any answer to the charges clearly set forth In the complaint!!!
    Sent from my iPad

  62. Lisa Hernandez

    The LORD revealed to me that the spirit known as the prince of Persia is waging war with the Soul of our nation, often referred to as “The Spirit of 76.”

  63. sandral0udavis

    i ordered Books about 3 weeks ago and i still havent recieved them

    • mariomurilloministries

      I apologize. Because of covid and Christimas the Post office has been excessively slow. Please call us at 775 238 3473 we will makes sure your order went out and if necessary replace it. Thank you for your patience. MMM




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