by | May 13, 2020 | Christianity Today | 16 comments

Few seem to be talking about the death toll that may result if the economy remains shut longer than it should.  And how many have already died? I reject the notion that wanting to reopen America puts “profits over people.” I see some on the Left putting political agenda over people.

Lives Depend on Economic Activity. When you stop that, then you kill people. Before we insist on totally destroying the American economy, we must weigh the risk of reopening businesses—because there is always risk—against the risk of not reopening. We must not allow fear, induced by those with hidden motives, to bring us to disaster.

Remember the forecasts that virus-related death-totals for the United States would range from as high as 10 million, to a low of 2.2 million?  Thank God they were so, so wrong. Of course any death is too much death but we must separate fact from fiction. To stay shut until there is zero threat is unrealistic. That day will never come. But something will come if we stay shut too long. The danger is, hardly anyone is talking about the other calamity that may doom our nation. Thank God some are talking about it.

Thomas K. Duncan, Ph.D., an associate professor of economics at Radford University, and Audrey Redford Ph.D., the assistant professor of economics at Western Carolina University wrote an article entitled: How Shutting Down The Economy Much Longer Could Kill Tens Of Thousands Of Americans.

The article appeared in The Federalist March 30, 2020.  Here is an excerpt from their article:

“The recession could be longer than some economists are projecting. If the economy does linger in its downturn, the human costs to the shutdown will inevitably begin to increase.”

The article suggests that there could possibly be “28,797 More Deaths from Opioids,” based on the following calculations:

“A 2017 National Bureau of Economic Research paper finds a 3.6% increase in the opioid death rate per 100,000 people (when there is a) 1% rise in unemployment. There were 14.6 opioid death rates per 100,000 in the United States in 2018. If we use the more conservative estimate of a 20% unemployment rate without a quick return to lower levels, then there would be an estimated 59.4% rise in deaths per 100,000, leading to an increase of 8.7 deaths for a total of 23.3 for opioids.”

If unemployment were to increase, then so would both suicide and homicide:

“The deaths related to economic downturns go beyond those from chemical dependency, also. The mental toll is not inconsequential. For example, Blakely, et al, (2003) finds that being unemployed may also increase the risk of suicide two to threefold. Milner, et al. (2014) similarly finds that unemployment is associated with a higher relative risk of suicide, with prior mental health issues being a key factor in that association. While a study by Kerr, et al, (2018) did not find that unemployment is directly linked to suicides, it did find a significant link between poverty, suicide, and alcoholism.

“With our estimated 16.5% rise in unemployment, we could see a significant increase in both property and violent crimes. The violent crime also may add to the death toll in this period.”

After reading the article, I came to a conclusion: I do not want to risk anyone’s life. We should stay home until it is reasonably safe. But our definition of safety must be weighed against the risk of death from listening to leftists who have other goals.

It is far too tempting for the Left. They have demonstrated a passion for three things to happen:

  1. They want desperately, above all else, for Trump to lose the election.
  2. They want to replace Free Market Capitalism with Socialism.
  3. And they want to weaken the church.

In order to accomplish these three goals, they have also demonstrated an amoral viciousness in their remarks against Trump and his handling of the virus pandemic. They simply can’t be trusted or allowed to make such a critical decision as reopening.

No one can look inside the heart of someone and truly know what goes on there. Jeremiah 17:9 says: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” We already know they believe America is so unfair and stupid that they will blame the failure of the economy on Trump and not on the virus.

But who knows? Their hatred may go deep enough to cheer on the destruction of our economy, just so the chaos will birth Socialism.  Or, that the devastation will close churches for good.

Here’s the one I want to focus on. I personally know of many churches that cannot afford to stay closed much longer. I also expect that even if the arc of viral infection flattens, Blue State Governors will still push for keeping churches closed. 

Sadly, theologically challenged believers will dismiss the notion that churches will be permanently closed because of this. They will quote Matthew 16:18, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”

Of course, the universal church of Christ will not go out of existence, but I know congregations and pastors who will have to shut their doors if this economic shutdown goes on much longer.

To say that churches can’t be shut down for good is to deny the existence of underground churches all over the world that have already lost their rights and their buildings.

Churches provide a necessary healing gift. They stop suicide. Faith based ministries rescue people from dying every day. Only God knows if any have died since drug programs and outreach ministries have been shut down. There is no way to replace the human touch online.

If the virus becomes an open-ended political excuse—relying on models that are leftist and not scientific—then we have to do some deep soul searching. If we see our leaders are willing to allow the deaths that we know will happen from a dead economy—and closed churches—because they want to prevent the ones that might happen, then it’s no longer prudence, it’s politics.

Agree with me in fervent prayer for President Donald Trump. When to reopen America will be the hardest and greatest decision of his entire career. Pray for wisdom greater than any human intellect.







  1. megagenius

    Father, in Jesus Name baptize President Trump in your wisdom. Let him be 10 times smarter than what the world has to offer. See Daniel 1:20

    • Judy Mercer

      Wonderful way to pray…. thank you and God bless!

  2. bjshoe1417

    Dear Mario, A month ago, my nephew who was 38 years old and an R.N. with a beautiful wife and 2 small children, died of a drug overdose. People are struggling with the reality of an economic shutdown and it is causing fear and desperation across the nation. This tragedy happened at the very early stages of this lockdown and if it is any indication of what could happen, it’s alarming.

    On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 2:26 AM, Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: “Few seem to be talking about the death > toll that may result if the economy remains shut longer than it should. > And how many have already died? I reject the notion that wanting to reopen > America puts “profits over people.” I see some on the Left putting p” >

  3. Josh

    The continued lockdown is about an election not a virus.

  4. mv394

    I believe this pandemic is reminding us of what God said in Deuteronomy 8: 10 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. 11 Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. 12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, 13 and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 15 He led you through the vast and dreadful wilderness, that thirsty and waterless land, with its venomous snakes and scorpions. He brought you water out of hard rock. 16 He gave you manna to eat in the wilderness, something your ancestors had never known, to humble and test you so that in the end it might go well with you. 17 You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” 18 But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.”

    Vic Holtz, Senior Pastor

    Monroe Vineyard Church

  5. Charlie

    Mario two things:
    1. Please stop referring to our elected officials as our leaders. They are our representatives. To call them leaders is to imply our obedience to there decrees. They are to be obedient to our decrees.

    2. With your influence with pastors and church leaders please continue to vocally call for all churches across the United States to restart in person services on May 31st.

    Thank you and may God continue to shine his face upon you.

  6. Carolina

    Yes Mario, I so agree with your analysis the trepidation of keeping America closed down is ominous. There is no way to calculate how deep the losses can become. For instance:
    My brother who is handicapped with preexisting health issues, entered the hospital for a pulmonary lung embolism that was killing him on April 27. He remained in that hospital for 9 days, for the 1st 4 days in ICU he was on a ventilator, not for COVID-19 but because of the blood clot laying on his heart stretching across his lungs. He was critical, in a medically induced coma, dying, the Doctors called me saying they wanted us to be prepared, they didn’t think they’d be able to remove the ventilator, due to how people tend to stop breathing on their own once a vent has been intubated. All the while NONE of us could go to be with my brother and I’m his medical POA. The chaplain of the hospital called me one morning, my heart SUNK as she said, “This is Chaplin Pam, first of all your brother is alright, we here believe a miracle has happened, they were able to remove the ventilator and he’s breath on his own!” PRAISE God I said, and she agreed with me.
    My point in telling you this personal account, is that, my brother probably wouldn’t have had to go through all this nightmare, IF his Doctors office would’ve been open to see patients in person 2 weeks prior to this event. Keeping the country shut down may have been necessary for a short burst, but, how many others are out there who need help?… medical help, mental help, economical help, spiritual help?
    Another issue that concerns me, is how negligent the public at large can actually be! Because I’m a care giver, I’ve seen many many people out at the grocery stores, flagrantly walking around without any protective gear no mask, no gloves, walking so close up to others, lingering too close in lines. Yes, there are those who care and follow protocols and standards, but there are far too many who do NOT.??‍♀️

    Our state is opening churches for worship, with guidelines to follow.
    Heres’ the link to what the White House sent out regarding the 3 phase opening:?

  7. Tim Price

    AMEN Brother!

  8. Rudy or Judy Taylor

    I agree with your prayer for president Trump.

  9. Mark Stripling

    Our prison ministry came to a halt as a result of this shut down of all things. So we recorded 9 videos consisting of the testimony of former offenders changed by Christ, praise and worship, and then the preaching of the Word with invitation to salvation. These are being sent to every prison in our state, and the chaplains will make arrangements for the videos to be shown to the offenders. We have put in a request to put our flatbed trailer outside the razor wire at some of our prisons with our PA system and musical instruments to have a church services for the offenders. Response to that idea from the prisons in our region has been positive. Final approval is pending from the state. Pray that God gives us favor. We will never give up looking for ways to get the gospel to the world, no matter what. Outdoors is the least likely place to have a large enough exposure to coronavirus to become infected due to natural dispersion of the virus droplets. God deliver us from this evil and from evil men and women who want to destroy our nation and the church, in Jesus name.

  10. ronbroberg

    Great article!! Truth again.

    Ron Broberg


  11. Annette Hughes

    This is not about the virus. It is just a convenient excuse for the left to keep pushing their draconian agenda. Because they don’t care how many people die from the virus or suicide or drugs or bankruptcy. The weaker the nation the better they like it because people who are hurting financially are more controllable that way. If they could just get rid of Trump they would have total control and people who are already down will not come against a tyrannical govt who they depend on for everything. May God Almighty intervene and bring an end to these evil people and their evil plans and restore our nation once again.

  12. NewHeavenOnEarth

    I agree with you for fervent prayers for President Donald John Trump

  13. kingskid48

    I heard at least two reports of teenagers who took their own lives because they could not deal with the loss of all that they had looked forward to. These were good kids, athletic, and they saw all that they loved to do gone in a day, with no hope given to when it would be back. Is this not enough to get the attention of the leftists, who just want the country to collapse to get Trump out, no matter who it hurts? Have they no heart at all? No, they don’t. If they truly cared for the American citizens, they would not continue to write “rescue” bills that are nothing more than pork being provided for their cronies and donors. There is staggering fraud in the first 2 T dollar bill. People are getting checks for their deceased loved ones, while most people around here have received no check at all. It’s typical democrat fraud and incompetence. No matter what Trump does, he is going to be vilified by the left and all their cronies. So, we have to pray that he has the mind of Christ and is filled with God’s wisdom, Supernatural and overflowing him.

  14. Jeff Nettleton

    Thank you Mario. My wife, Veronica, and I pray daily for wisdom and protection for Donald Trump and those in Washington (who love El Eloim Jehovah – The Mighty One, GOD, The Lord. I hope you and Mechelle are well. I am ready to be your armor bearer.

    In HIS service, Jeff Nettleton Intrepid Protective Solutions

    On Wed, May 13, 2020, 23:19 Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: “Few seem to be talking about the death > toll that may result if the economy remains shut longer than it should. > And how many have already died? I reject the notion that wanting to reopen > America puts “profits over people.” I see some on the Left putting p” >

  15. fredsheltonministries

    The globalists are all about reducing the human population. The top tenet of globalism is to MANAGE the population of planet earth at no more than 500 million people. For them, any opportunity to kill off people is welcome. We are in a war with them, this is only round 1, they have plans for much worse than this. WE are either going to defeat this in the spirit, or we can sit back and watch as 6.5 billion people are systematically exterminated. These people are serious and they control the majority of the wealth on this planet. They have some influence in the Republican party but they have taken total control of the Democratic party. Vote like your life depends upon it, because it does.




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