This morning the Holy Spirit gave me a chilling warning: “Now that a glimmer of hope has appeared that America may be reopening, carnal mega-churches will not only revert to their old ways—they will get worse.” This will make them one of the most dangerous places for you to be.
These mega-church pastors have not repented of their carnal gospel, and therefore their people have not repented of their carnal ways. The contaminated crowd will put pressure on pastors to continue where they left off, and once again demand, “Preach what I want to hear!”
Before you reject me for raising this issue and accuse me of attacking them, consider this: they are attacking us. They are attacking the Word of God. They are attacking revival and the counsel of God for this crisis. They are endangering America.
This is what you will soon see in these churches:
- Evangelical and Spirit-filled pastors performing same-sex-marriage ceremonies.
- Intensified focus on material wealth, entitlement, and grace-licenses for greater immorality.
- Churches will become even more like nightclubs than they are now.
- Open opposition to Donald Trump will include false charges of racism, because compromised pastors and their “woke” audience care more for those who come here illegally than for those who are killed by illegals.
- They will send money to programs that either support or perform abortions.
Get out! Separate yourselves from these carnal mega-churches. Staying in them puts you in harm’s way for the next judgment God is about to bring, in order to cleanse our nation.
Get out of these false churches, because their ways will infect you and your children. Get out because you are helping to finance something that God hates. In God’s eyes, false houses of worship carry the same threat level as atheism, drug addiction, and radical Islam.
But the primary reason to get out is stated clearly in 2 Timothy 2: 20-21, “But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.”
In the Body of Christ, which is the ‘great house’ Paul was referring to, there are both vessels of honor and dishonor. He is challenging you to think about what your calling and destiny mean to you. What does it mean to you to be anointed, strong in gifts of power, and to carry out great exploits for Christ?
Paul is plainly telling you, you can’t do that, unless you separate from them. The words he uses are “separate yourself from these.” Who do you think “these” are? They are the dishonorable carnal and false vessels that give Christianity a bad rep—a version of our faith that is responsible, to a great degree, for our national disasters.
It’s as clear as it can be: either get away from the fleshy, flashy, and fake, or forget about having any power with God.
Now, get in! After you get out, you have to get in. You aren’t a lone ranger. You need to be in a church where the leader is pressing into God, seeking revival. Find a church with a godly leader who is neither your ‘theological teddy bear,’ nor your ‘pulpit impresario.’ Find a man or woman of God who is paying the price to worship in Spirit and in Truth—find a leader who is an equipper, not an enabler. Go where the fire is falling. Don’t pick a house that titillates you; find the one that the Lord assigns you to.
The nation is filled with houses of God that will be ground zero for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. True prophets like David Wilkerson foretold of twin events—a calamity that would shut down America in an instant, followed by a fresh wave—a reformation of the Holy Fire of God, leading to a massive harvest.
Hold on! Another Azusa St. or Jesus Movement-type of event is in store for the people who know their God, and for the houses that have stayed faithful to their Lord.
On the other hand, there is no doubt that America has filled up God’s cup of wrath. Though we have passed through one storm—it won’t be the last. If we don’t learn the lesson, and repent, the wrath of God will again come down upon wickedness, because He means to purify the church and save our nation from itself.
The carnal mega-church is reading the message that relief is just around the corner, all wrong. It may be that God is allowing them to reap the full and vile consequences that their deception has earned—so that they will never again make such monstrous choices.
As shocking as the judgement will be so shall be the protection and prosperity of the righteous. The contrast will be as great as light and dark.
Get out! Then, get in!
“(Peter was preaching, and) went on in this vein for a long time, urging them over and over, “Get out while you can; get out of this sick and stupid culture!” (Acts 2:40, The Message)
Vessels of Fire and Glory is number one on Amazon! Wake up to your assignment in God’s work to save America. It’s $15 each or $12 for ten or more. Get a signed copy plus free shipping by clicking here.
Thank you so much for this message. Even though I am not in America, I am in New Zealand, similar things are happening here. So much so that I can’t find a church to go to.
Blessings from down under.
Larry Elliott
Sent from my iPad
Larry2209, here’s hoping you down under folks get to enjoy your view of the ‘super pink moon’!?
Mario your words once again ring true☎️!
To those who’ve not exited the carnal church culture yet,
I chime in along with Mario and say:
” What are you still doing there”❓
“Get out while the getting’s good”?
Hey Larry, i see your’e still awake at 1.15am, i know how it feels. It’s very concerning what is happening here in New Zealand. So stoked to know that God is still on the throne. Blessings to you and your family from Vicki and Byron in Mangawhai.
2 Cor. 7:1 gives us the core reason for having the promises of God. ” Having therefore these promises dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from ALL filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. Flee from any teaching that does not follow this verse. Turn away from it . Withdraw from it. Remember a LITTLE leaven leavens the whole lump.
Thank you Mario! I love your emails and they have inspired me to move forward in opening a small place for prophetic words for my area as well as an action hub for what’s coming!
On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 3:44 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “This morning the Holy Spirit gave me a > chilling warning: “Now that a glimmer of hope has appeared that America may > be reopening, carnal mega-churches will not only revert to their old > ways—they will get worse.” This will make them one of the most dangerou” >
Well said Brother: Just put a message on T. Jer. 6:14 on down, an enemy has come out of the North, to destroy the Church and Nation, Satan is the enemy out of the North, but they have refused to see the warning, speaks of a people who are reprobates, as silver they are bold and corrupt, and speak brasen words against God’s people, and the Nation wanting to take over and destroy, and the people are not listening to the warnings, but continue as they were, sound familiar, and it is just the beginning of trouble if we do not Repent and turn from our wicked ways. Be Blessed
Mario writes “You need to be in a church where the leader is pressing into God…” This is so true. But we also need leaders that support a framework of small gatherings that encourages the Spirit of Truth to press into the people. How will we know when this happens? When Gods Word comes to pass, as it is written, “Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.” Ez 36:26-27. Praise Yah! Thank you Mario from Yuma Arizona.
Powerful word !! Thank you!! May God continue blessing you and your ministry team!!!
who and where are these mega churches?
Not naming names yet but stay tuned.
PLEASE DO NAME NAMES! People need to WAKE UP and hear it first hand! God bless the watchman sounding the alarm. People better get behind this President!!!! Get saved! REPENT people, no one wants to REPENT! THEY just wanna be “GOOD” people. GOOD PEOPLE are lost and going to hell!!
There are many churches that have many members and perhaps they are considered to be “Mega” churches. When looking at a list of mega churches, those that have a large membership, I noticed that the pastors of those churches are well known like T.D Jakes and John Hagee and many others that I don’t see as carnal. Not quite sure how to understand what you are saying? Can you clarify?
Mario, we pray you will consider (as you have with Holy Spirit, your last post), taking some responsibility here with our Lord’s heart. His dreams and desires for One Event in Southern California. We ourselves are not in a position to move this forward. Our call is to faithfully communicate and then pass on as known leaders, fulfilling one prophetic word out of Heaven, a living reality already according to Yeshua.
When I first read what is in Website box below—
I heard the Lord state, “move into this with me; it is already done”. Hearing him just with Abraham, God alone calling those things that are not, because they actually do exist already.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration your hearing and your own faithful communications, your last post.
Today April 8 2020 Passover marks His call into the new. We will preserve both new and old -together-
as His new wineskin.
Note: phonic initials in name, look see and perceive. He has chosen his daughter to communicate his heart. Cheryl Ann Needham. C.A.N “We can do this; we all need Him”.
To restate: our call is to pass on to known leaders, as they consider…
our Lord’s heart and desires, bringing fulfillment to one prophetic word, out of heaven.
I’m pretty sure you won’t do this, but I wish you would name names. Which mega churches?
I will not name names yet…but stay tuned.
I will stay tuned! Thank you
But, but, how will we be fed spiritually without fog machines, moving spotlights, our new padded theater chairs with cup holders for the coffee from our new Starbucks style coffee shop, and our rock bands entertaining- er – leading us in our praise time? God forgive me for cynicism, but it grieves me to see churches everywhere doing very expensive renovations, sometimes in the millions, to add Starbucks style coffee shops, dining areas for coffee drinkers, and all of the above to the stage and sanctuary. One I know of spent millions, and the sanctuary is used for 2 one and a half hour long services on Sunday morning only. Any business person would be laughed out of town is he asked for millions to build something to be used 3 hours a week. It was strange to be in services there and see people with eyes closed, one hand raised to worship during the singing, and a coffee cup in the other. Every so often the eyes opened, the raised hand was lowered as they took a sip of the coffee, and then the eyes closed and the worship hand was up again lost in Jesus.
Sunday I spoke from the Triumphal Entry story. The great crowd gathered there had many different ideas about Jesus. The “religion” crowd wanted to kill him. Religion doesn’t need a “relationship” with him. The “entertain me” crowd wanted to see Lazarus and hoped to see Jesus do some new miracle, but they were just there for the fog machine, spotlight, and leg pulling show. The “Kingdom Now” folks wanted him to become king now. They did not want the cross or the will of God. They wanted Jesus to be what THEY wanted him to be for their own desires. But some Greek “worshippers” came also. They said, “Sirs, we just came to see Jesus.” Read it for yourself. Jesus bagan to speak to the ones who just came to see Him! These heard a full explanation of who Jesus was and is, the full plan of salvation, and a full explanation of the will of God. Jesus still stops everything to speak to those who only want to see Him and know Him and follow His will.
I agree withMario Murillo ….
But why the need to name names. We shouldn’t need someone to tell us when we should know if we are in a church like that. How?
By its altar.
You don’t necessarily get the whole picture if you only participate online.
And the “bashers” sometimes are coming from a place of hurt or jealousy.
Lynette, Do you think that Jesus online would come across that much different than in person? Sometimes it is not jealously or hurt but discernment.
That is not necessarily true.It is a difficult decision to leave the place that you trusted for Truth,fellowship,family.There is a healing process that has to take place after because of hurt and thefeeling of deception.Not necessarily “bashers”.
The contaminated crowd will put pressure on pastors to continue where they left off, and once again demand, “Preach what I want to hear!”
Accompanied by large cash donations which these carnal Pastors love. It is all about the money to them.
Selling out God’s word for money. SMH!!!
We have to get back to this-2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.
Thank you for continuing to speak Truth. I too left a church a couple of years ago.The atmosphere felt subtly like a night club.People continued to live in unrepentant sin.The fear of the Lord,repentance,end times were rarely taught.When I would pray about it I would see Ichabod written over the door and here the the Holy Spirit speak the words “strong delusion”.Shortly after the Arm of the Lord just moved me out.Yes, I was hurt,grieved,but DISCERNMENT lead me out.I listen online and I am ok with that until I find the church I am to attend.
Strong delusion is absolutely right. If you try talking to people caught in it, all you get is blank stares and excuses why God’s Word no longer needs to be obeyed. Thank you for sharing your experience.
BRAVO, Darlene W ??!
It takes a true heart after God, to recognize when to leave that which is no longer Heavens Kingdom.
The only Gospel I know is the one that saves, heals and delivers those who received it. Those “gospels” that lack the power are no Gospel at all, rather as Paul said, it’s another gospel and let those who preach it be accursed. Thank you Mario for sharing the truth, the truth shall set us free!
My wife and I live in Cincinnati, and we’ve NEVER found a good church here (the last one we were members of stated “we don’t worship God here; that’s for you to do at home” and then the pastor told us in the choir, “don’t get ’em running around too much because then they can’t reach for their wallets.” Needless to say, we got up and left and never returned. We’ve not attended anywhere since, and that happened many years ago. We know Cincinnati has been termed “the graveyard of evangelism” for many decades, but if anyone knows of a good church for us we’d sure like to know!
Praise the LORD John and Barb…
King Ahab went to Damascus and saw a foreign altar that was attractive and he said to himself I’m gonna build one just like it in Jerusalem. That way many people will come because It’s nice, easy and user friendly. Not like the one in Jerusalem that requires sacrifice and blood.
So he copied it’s fashion and dimensions and sent it to the high priest Uriah to build it.
2 kings 16:10-17
Mario Murillo is right on target with this issue of mega churches .
Pastors like Ahab have traded an altar that demands sacrifice of broken and contrite heart, at the altar. An altar that demands confrontation with GOD and traded it for a lifeless and powerless sinners prayer.
Brother Murillo, I would be most appreciative if you could give an example of a mega church that would fall into the category you mention. There are some very large churches in the spirit-filled, evangelical movement, and I would be hesitant to name them for fear they do not fall into the category you name. I attend a very small spirit-filled church in the West that truly is praying and believing for revival. Our pastor says revival is coming from the church. They will bring it in.
Praise the LORD Jan.
You know it’s not just pastors but it’s really the people that seek out mega churches or churches that do not demand much from the heart.
It’s people that want the blessing from GOD and the flourishing that belongs to the tabernacles of the righteous BUT…. But do it want confrontation with GOD at the altar.
You want to know Jan, ….. look to the altar. If a church has an apostolic altar that demands confrontation with GOD, a sacrifice of a broken and contrite heart.
The Bible says, “remove not the ancient landmarks our father have set,”
The ancient landmark of true REPENTANCE from the heart.
Thats all I have to say.
Take care and GOD bless.
People who have been there don’t need someone to tell them how recognize it.
I have a heard time with this statement “Evangelical and Spirit-filled pastors performing same-sex-marriage ceremonies.” How can a genuinely Spirit-filled pastor perform same sex marriages?? What is the threshold for being Spirit-filled?
Should be hard time, not heard time. Could not edit??
Not filled at the time but having claimed it in the past.
That’s what the Spirit has been telling me also. The church is being shaken and only those who love truth will be left standing. And they will be the ones privileged to reap the great harvest of souls to come. ‘Come Holy Spirit and pour out your power, your servants are ready!’ In Jesus name…
Keep preaching it brother, those who have ears to hear are listening.
Your Message is always on the Front Line of what GOD is Saying ☦ ?✝️
Wow. Well, this is what we feared, that the Church would not learn its lessons, just as America did not after 9/11 and still is not. I know that if I find myself in any church that is ordaining homosexual “marriages” and/or supporting abortion, they won’t see my dust, as the saying goes. I pray with all my heart that our church does not fall. Thank you again for your bold stand, Pastor Mario, and your faithfulness to proclaim the hard truths.
I agree, ‘kings… That prophecy Mario spoke of, I think was in1986. It described a time of a great plague, how the nation would be shaken, and New York City. And believers would start back into radical praying and serious Bible reading, and repentance would be the word from men of God. And then afterward there would be a great Awakening to sweep America and the world. I tell you, this whole ordeal has shaken me. I can now pray with greater fervency and feel much closer to my Lord. I’m troubled that still there are some that cant let go of fleshly lust. But we can know that there are dealings going on people’s hearts and hopefully many are getting their lives right. Enjoy reading your comments, kingskid48.
I’m just looking for clarification. It is not the size of the church that’s the problem, it is what’s being preached? Are you ok with a congregation of 15,000?
Pastor Cho had one million members in South Korea and it was revival. No its not the size it’s what’s being preached and what is being glorified.
I think a good example of mega churches can be seen on TBN. There was a famous pastor from a church on FOX News
a few days ago stating all you have to do to be rid of fear is to seek after peace with God. So we do it ourselves is what he was saying, not relying on Jesus or the Holy Spirit. He gives us peace. We can’t just get it by doing it ourselves.
I think a good example of mega churches can be seen on TBN. There was a famous pastor from a church on FOX News
a few days ago stating all you have to do to be rid of fear is to seek after peace with God. So we do it
We do it ourselves. Jesus gives us peace thru the Holy Spirit. We dont do it ourselves.
I wish I could say that I’m surprised, but shocker–the carnal church failed to apprehend the significance of the times–again. This was just a shot across the bow.
Amen Jeff.
When I get my check at end of month I will get your book.
Diane, we should be getting another check soon. It will certainly help. We can then honor the Lord with the firstfruits of our increase by helping true men of God such our friend Brother Mario. God then promises to fill our barns with plenty.
I just started getting your blogs or whatever the correct term is and watched the recent live stream with Lance Wallnau, which I enjoyed very much. While I agree America, pastors, and “us” citizens have allowed this country to enter a downward spiral, is it correct to say the coronavirus is a judgment of God poured out on us, because I think that is what I am hearing?
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