Jesus compared the generation of men who hated Him, to children playing in the streets:
“But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions, and saying:
‘We played the flute for you, but you did not dance;
We mourned to you, but you did not lament.’
“For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Behold, a glutton and a wine-drinker, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’” (Matthew 11:16-20)
Jesus accused them of manipulating facts, because their attitude was: ‘We will tell you what is real. If you don’t eat or drink you have a demon. If you do, you are a glutton and a drunk. We are always right and you are always wrong.’
When the nation should be rallying together, setting aside politics, and backing the President, the hate- filled Left can’t help itself. They want us to dance when they say dance and to mourn when they say mourn. Their knee-jerk reaction is to say Trump is wrong, no matter what he does. Perhaps there is no greater oxymoronic phrase than ‘leftist-logic’, but here goes.
The ‘Leftist logic’ of Comey and Mueller says: Russia manipulated an election with only 150 thousand dollars worth of Facebook ads, while Mike Bloomberg couldn’t do it with spending just under one billion dollars!
Now, for some even crazier ‘leftist logic’: According to Christina Wilkie, who writes for CNBC, “In just over a month, three pillars underpinning (Trump’s) argument for reelection have all collapsed”:
Her first ‘pillar’:
“President Trump’s re-election campaign was designed under the premise that the economy would be strong through November, but that’s not true anymore.” -CW
Wow. When I read that, I thought, “How much of the loony-left-Kool-Aid must one drink in order to make such a statement, let alone publish it?” Wilkie apparently has a crystal ball, and can see into the future, all the way to November, and knows what the economy will be like then!
The Left never gives Trump credit for the economy. When it is doing great, they believe he has nothing to do with it. But if it goes bad—for any reason, even the most insane reason—it is his fault. They believe America will punish Trump for what the coronavirus alone did, and forget everything else he has done.
Sorry, Christina! But no fair-minded person can possibly blame Trump for coronavirus damage to the economy. That is just plain nuts. There is a case to be made for blaming a former President, but we will get to that later. The worst part is what Wilkie is saying about Americans. She is degrading Americans by saying they are so unfair and ignorant that they would change their mind about Trump because coronavirus hit our economy. If an asteroid hit the earth, Christina would blame Trump for it.
Second ‘pillar’:
“Trump also planned to make socialism a central focus of his attacks. But without Bernie Sanders to run against, this argument becomes a lot less potent.” – CW
This jaw-dropping claim makes it difficult to know where to begin.
At least, Bernie is able to frame and finish a sentence. And unlike Joe Biden, Bernie does not say things like, “150 million Americans died from gun violence since 2009” or, “We must re-elect Trump” or, “When I am elected in 2 years” or scream, “You’re full of s***!”
Christina is wrong. Socialism is still in play. Biden has already veered left and will take up the socialist mantra to try and win Bernie voters. In a debate with Bernie Sanders, Trump would have had to combat a true socialist and make the case for capitalism. With Biden, all Trump has to do is let Joe talk about it.
There is no doubt that Biden is going to be the nominee, because when the Democrat clown car careened out of control, he was the only one who didn’t fly out. Not only that, but it doesn’t look like veering Left will work for Biden, because ‘Berners’ have said they are so angry, they would rather vote for Trump than Biden. We can only hope…
And thirdly, according to Christina:
“Trump campaigned on “draining the swamp” of big government. Now he wants Americans to trust in big government to fight coronavirus and save the economy.” –CW
Listen to that! If Trump didn’t bail out hard-working Americans, the Left would use it against him in the election. Now they want to use it against him that he did help them! Do you see how that works?
And finally, there’s the idea that Trump didn’t act on the coronavirus crisis soon enough. Really? The fact is that Trump started on the prevention of this virus when he was running for office in 2016. He told us China, not Russia, was the greatest threat. He told us that we were too dependent on China. He wanted to slam the door on their influence over us.
Here’s the Left again: “You didn’t act soon enough to stop the virus. And stop picking on China.” Again, do you see how that works? They still want it both ways
Then they called Trump a racist for calling it the ‘Chinese Virus.’ How hypocritical is it for the Left to defend the most racist nation on earth by accusing Trump of being racist when he makes a totally scientific observation: The virus came from China. Many of the leftist news outlets were calling it the ‘China Virus’ months ago, and it was apparently ok then, and wasn’t racist—until Donald Trump started calling it that… See how it works?
It was Obama who defended China and expanded our reliance on China. The Obama administration is why we are at the mercy of China for our pharmaceutical and medical supplies. Want to know why we are short on tests and masks? Hello!
Biden is defending China right now! China! The nation that got so mad at us for stating the obvious fact that this pandemic started there, that they threatened to kill Americans by cutting off medicine to us.
While America is trying to come together to fight a common enemy, the Left hates Trump too much to try and help him. Please, help him, by draining the swamp in November! Take back the House, make conservatives a strong majority in the Senate, turn blue States red, and re-elect the President that God gave us for just such a time as this!
…and above all, PRAY FOR OUR PRESIDENT AND OUR NATION!! ??☝???
Great analysis on what is really going. I will pray for our nation & pray for our president
Prayer for the world to be rid of disease including anti american democrat party.
Yes I pray for the evil that permeates our world system. those who call good evil and evil good [like it says in the Bible]. I always hope for the best to come out of what they meant for evil…[God can make that happen also] I pray for the protection [by pleading the blood of Jesus] of the righteous leaders of this world -be it in Canada or USA or wherever they may be. I pray that no plagues will come near our dwellings [agreeing with Psalm 91] and/or our places of education, employment or socializing. I give God praise for His many blessings, and even though there is darkness in the world and great darkness over the people -HIS PLAN will ultimately succeed. Halleljah and ‘come Lord Jesus’ – when the time is right and we have welcomed many into the kingdom Harvest. Amen
Christina Wackie is the typical Media Puppet. The more she babbles the worse it gets. She is an obvious virus of lies and deception far worse than the Coronavirus. This just motivates me to vote for Trump even more.
Great perspective Mario!
Every American President since Nixon has been slowly but surly selling America out to China,
whether that was their focus and intention or not, that’s how we got into this particular mess.
For example:
I just received several boxes in the mail from American companies I order from. Practically every item was stamped made in China and some items were completely useless due to such poor craftsmanship. So I have to return these items due to far too many manufacturing flaws.
Factor that TACKY reality into the medicines and medical supplies and important hospital implements America receives made in China and any fool can see, it’s a no brainier we’ve got to DISCONNECT with our economic reliance on a country such as China!
The looney Left has absolutely ZERO capacity to cognitively comprehend their own sick hubris and aversion to PR-Trump & all of us who voted and supported him into office.
They cannot ‘see with their eyes, hear with their ears, perceive with their hearts so that God would heal them’. This entire problem is beyond their scope of intellectual apprehension, let alone, their spiritually bankrupt sensibilities.
And for those who do what they’re doing who do know to do right and refuse to do so, their outcome has already been predicted by Jesus Christ HimSelf.
China is a good place to never get any product at all. Their scissors do not cut. Their nail files do not file. Their meds are tampered with and watered down. I want nothing from China or Mexico or the middle east. Puerto Rico is another bad actor.
A lot of us are even more inspired to vote President Trump 2020
Kim Clement guaranteed Trump will win no matter what..I believe it..If not we have no America ever again and Obama will once again be the Prez behind the scenes or manage a new term with crooked evil Hillary.
And here I thought the covid19 was making Trump a shoo-in. CNN praised Trump, Gavin Newsom (governor of CA) praised him. People are praising Trump. No matter how much the demonic left scramble, their illusions are breaking. Brothers and sisters keep praying!
Reblogged this on nuggets4u.
A people so full of hate and destruction, they will do anything to destroy this nation, P. said they must not let the people decide this election, it will destroy their plans, RHB put up a link where this was evened planned years ago, its not the coronavirus that is the real threat its still the Dems the main plan here is to spread wide-scale panic, empty the store shelves, so people will riot, and tare things up and possibly kill, so they can call ML, they tried everything to stop President Trump, and it didn’t work, strange the virus is so deadly and bad, but it seems to mainly hit Trump haters here, and again strange actors, ball players, congresspeople, but they are immune from it none have died, [ could it be they never had it, they had the Trump hate virus instead] theres a much bigger plan here, and the left are pushing it, [its called the Hate Trump virus, only deadly to the leftist who want to destroy this nation any way they can,] and will do anything to do it, stop the Nov. election. Yes the virus is real but its not what is the deadliest to this nation, they kill more babies, and elderly with flu shots every year than that virus ever will here, because God Yahweh and Jesus Christ is our protector, but the Dems are the killers far worse than any virus, they are a killer of the nation to, of freedoms and right’s, of the true Church of the living God, the Holy Ghost and Fire, the power and presence, the way this country was founded, family they way God designed it, which is the only way it can produce and survive, they kill everything they touch, just look at their history, we haven’t had a good Dem, since JFK, things turned for the worst when they killed him, and they were behind the killing, and have been killing every since, and now they are in panic mode stop Trump no matter what the cost even of many peoples lives, even risking the whole country, just so they have a chance to Stop Mr. Trump, causing wide spread panic thriugh the news and media, even tracking to make it look like it moving on a concord jets speed, when no one actually hardly knows any one with it, some have hundreds of thousands of followers and do not know one soul with it, its because it is not doing here what it does in other countries because of our GOD, but they have scared people so bad with their false reports, they are emptying the store shelves, and doing what scared people do, playing right into the hands of what the evil bunch want, TIME TO SOP AND LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE HERE, WHATS IT ALL ABOUT, STOPPING THE NOV. ELECTION. if the virus runs its coarse and many were to die God forbid, it will not do near the damage this evil people will do to us and the nation, what was done first by the CDC shut the church all most down, stop the meeting of the Evangelist, to stop the ones who are spreading the Fire of the Holy Spirit, why they know the supernatural is the only way Mr. Trump could have won their rigged election, so they are trying to stop the people of God, thing they can stop God, but as long as we have a prayer we have our God, and I believe with all my heart the devil has started a mighty revival for God, because people scared and scared people pray, and turn to God, remember the devil is not to much on the intellectial department he got kicked out of heaven because he thaught he could be greater than the one who created him, and he thought he had the last election, and destroyed the church, remember we couldn’t say Merry Christmas, or Jesus Christ in public, but the people of God cried out and our God Yahweh heard our cry’s and answered and Mr. Trump was the answer, and just look what he has done for the country and the churc, and Folks thats why these reprobates are so mad, and doing all they can to spread this panic, if not even the virus it self, so they can take over, its all about taking over and stopping the Nov. election, look past the virus and at what they can do here, it gives oher the chance to control America mainly the G. its really about a take over, if the fake news and these actors and congress people and ball players were not the ones pushing it, it might be different, but they have been behind every plan of the Dems to stop Mr. Trump, so with me I hear that bell ringing ding, ding, ding, red flag, this is a plan to take over, they just jumped on the virus train, and I wouldn’t doubt they are driving it, and it doesn’t appear as obvius, they are in desguise incognito, but we must wake up and see its still a plan to stop the election, and that Dem virus will kill more people than the Coronavirus ever will here. So Pray and trust our God and stand with Mr. Trump.
Dear Lord is bringing “rival” to the nations, we pray for our leaders for the sacrificial lamb who died on the cross to heal and destroy “evil” and contempt that these democrates have over our nation, which under God. God will smite and destroy the works of the enemy. So we must challenge these enemies that our President Donald Trump is being attack so we can live strongly and have peace and remove socialism that is causing this move towards the end but God will prevail and reveal to us the victory that our nation under God will come together, even if the democrates like it or not. We believe one nation under God and pray for our country and for its protection against any power to control that’s not in the will of God will be stopped and we stand firm in the faith to fight for what is right before God brings judgement upon us to stand together or not that we forget to do what is right but to love one another and share it with truth and faithfulness and in hate or in sickness or death to any nation above all who believes in Gods word and to keep it alive on a daily basis as we all come together in agreement for sinners to repent and to forgive but also to love eachother, and for are beloved President of the United States, amen.
Yes! My thoughts all of it! You put it in words for me so thank you! and we the prayer warriors are not giving up! We are the Church so can still be the Church outside the building there’s more room any way! Thank you we meet a lot of people on social media, just like this and it’s wonderful to read and see how many of us there are!??❤️ God bless you?
Thank you sis. you be blessed too.
President Trump was on the CoronaVirus back in January 2020
While the House Leadership DemoKKKrats fiddle with signing Impeachment Documents with their personalized engraved “taxpayer” Monte Blanc pens ?
YES and AMEN! Great word. Blessings upon you and you will get to have the “Tent Revival” and God is going to show Himself Strong in California! Tom
Thank you so much for your newsletter each day. Thank you for taking a stand in for speaking truth. May God bless your ministry and you and your family.
Dear Lord is bringing “rival” to the nations, we pray for our leaders for the sacrificial lamb who died on the cross to heal and destroy “evil” and contempt that these democrates have over our nation, which under God. God will smite and destroy the works of the enemy. So we must challenge these enemies that our President Donald Trump is being attack so we can live strongly and have peace and remove socialism that is causing this move towards the end but God will prevail and reveal to us the victory that our nation under God will come together, even if the democrates like it or not. We believe one nation under God and pray for our country and for its protection against any power to control that’s not in the will of God will be stopped and we stand firm in the faith to fight for what we believe is right before God brings judgement upon us to stand together or not that we forget to do what is right but to love one another and share it with truth and faithfulness and of the enemy of hate be destroyed and in sickness or death to any nation above all who believes in Gods word and to keep it alive on a daily basis as we all come together in agreement for sinners to repent and to forgive but also to love eachother, and for are beloved President of the United States, amen.
I believe everything Mario said, but my concern is we don’t start getting into name calling like the left does. Its one thing to come against what a person is saying or doing but entirely different when we come against their character who they are. Even the bible speaks the difference between calling someone Raca being in danger of the council, and fool they shall be in danger of hell fire. I have found myself on this bandwagon calling the left and Obama all kinds of names and accusations when he was president. I have watch Fox news almost every night for years. In the last three years started noticing how Fox begin calling names like the fake news did. So i did the same thing and feel justified until the Holy Spirit said, whats coming out of your mouth sounds the same as unbelievers. I had to repent and ask forgiveness and could see my heart wasn’t right when I spoke. Now I try to get understanding what and how would Jesus speak in this situation. He called black, black and white, white He wasn’t afraid of hurting people’s feelings either. He also realized these people are going to hell for eternity if their hearts don’t change and His blood paid for that change. We are the light of the world when things start going south were will the blind, hurting, and deceived ones go?
Our behaviour calls for humility and acceptance of our corporate sin. The sins of the fathers(past and presenent leadership in america )come on us judicially and requires our aknowledgement in the courts. We must aknowledge sin as though we are partakers of it even if we didnt do it. Though we are not individualy responsible for them we are a collective part by juristiction and location and rule. So very wise council by the holy spirit you have been given to hold a tongue on judgement for we judge our country which we belong when we judge others. It has been said ,”the rain falls on the just and unjust”. However Mario is an apastolic leader and brings light to the hidden darkness for the revelation and call to repentance first in the house of god then to the world. Even jesus had harsh words ,”you brood of vipers, your father the devil, etc…” but were mainly directed at the household of supoossed faith. Mario brings a clarion call of awakining to the church, wake up my children you enemy is apon you! We of course realize our fellow americans are under a derisional power of unholy spiritual force. Pray, pray, pray as fellow americans for our corporate sin and gods holy fire to enter this battle. Love wins, we fight for us all, left and right! God bless
God put President Trump in office for such a time.
My support of President Trump has not wavered at all. Not even a sliver.
I’m with trump all the way
Thank you so much for sharing your God-given insight. May God bless you and your ministry.
Everyone needs to watch this video. The people responsible for what is happening to this country and the world need to be discovered and held accountable. May God reveal every name and bring them to justice.
All good logical talking points as usual. Let us the church awaken. This is all that needs to happen now. Can you not see and can we not perceive that this is a shaking for awaking. A clarion call to Gods people who are called by His name. On your faces children, humble yourselves unto repentance for the past administrations have caused offences and judgements to arise before the lord. No more religon and no more apathy. Its become an achilese heal to us. Let us return and restore our reaer veiw mirror for our past has returned to nip our heals and overtake us. Repent, return, and restore what was lost. Rekindel the fires of furious love and call out to our love that he will hear this sound and heal our land. “If my people” … is where it has to start. We are at war and God is the only one who can clear the air of derision over this land. Let us call on him and let us beleive He is already shaking and awaking a land asleep under heavy delusion from the powers of the air. Lets be the first to awake and bake with the fires of heaven. Did He not say before “buy from me gold purified by fire”. Its time to act not watch helplessly or resort to critisizm. Father even now has put everything in place for this great awakining. Pray all the more and do return to your old ways of living. Burn more than ever, and tell the truth with love like never before. God is ready to act on our repentance and move on our movements. Armor up and advance, this is life or death for a nation and a world. In this season pray in your houses until your fire is restored and then fear not for God will show us whats next. Then we must advance for His power will be with us.
amen brother.
Trump 2020 land slide
Thank you Lord Jesus for all your blessings
Here’s my take on Biden. I don’t think he’ll be elected but I don’t think the Democrats plan intends him to stay President. Why would they put a man whose mental capabilities are in question?I think we’ll find out when they announce his running mate. Because whoever that may be, if he is forced to resign because of health the VP takes over. That will be the person that the Democrats want in that position all along. What do you think?
On Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 1:25 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Jesus compared the generation of men who > hated Him, to children playing in the streets: “But to what shall I liken > this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and > calling to their companions, and saying: ‘We played the flute for” >
Regarding Biden for President of The United States, be aware that Obama is just waiting to take over again. He has never accepted the fact that he is no longer president. He and Hillary Clinton are behind the Deep State, secret state with Billionare George Soros’s money to support it all. These 3 are most evil, the devil’s workshop. Our job is to bring our God into everything, everyone’s life to support our God’s plans. We know that from years back, God’s plans were for Trump to be president, to change and make America the land it once was, not a socialist, evil plodding nation that it was becoming before Trump, but we all must prevail, turn to our God for everything, help our churches help others, be kind to each other, make our world better and better. God will deal with the evil Liberal Democrats and I believe there are good, honest Democrats who would fight for their real place in this world, not for the Liberal, Socialist way of life. RUSS, above comment was more eloquent, but 2 Chronicles 7:14 is The Scripture we/all need to read and heed: “If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their LAND”. (This scripture has been taped on first page of my work/date book for years – still the best one)
Reblogged this on free73735 and commented:
Good article Mr Murillo. The storm is indeed here.
I’m one of those who are going to be running on the GOP Ballot in the June, Indiana Primary for Congress. If the Lord brings me victory in the primary, I’ll be going up against a Pro-choice Incumbent. I am Pro-Israel, Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, and Pro-Law Enforcement. The church needs to show up to the polls in the Primaries and General. Christians have to get off their ‘blessed assurances’ and pray for, support, and vote for those who will stand for Christ in government! EACH and EVERY election is important, folks. We can’t sit on the sidelines ‘trusting’ that all will be well…if we fail to use what God has given us. Pray for my campaign! And…saints…support true Christians with your prayers, money, and votes…but DON’T forget to Tithe to God’s house FIRST!
Haggai 2:6-7. “For thus says the Lord of Hosts: Once more, (it is a little while) I will shake the heaven and earth, the sea and the dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of Hosts.” The shaking is among us. The glory is about to be among us!! People will begin to call on the name of the Lord as they have not in decades. Comfort zones will be shaken, false churches and preachers will be shaken, prayerless people will be shaken into prayerful people. A great harvest is on the way. (Mario, get ready for what God is about to do in California!!!) Many churches will now be transformed into that glorious church without spot or wrinkle. Flaming ministers will now preach fearlessly. I believe that God is about to receive great glory for what he is going to do. The blood of the Passover Lamb Jesus is going to deliver us from this plague. Jesus, you are King of Kings and Lord of Lords. “He loves us, oh how He loves us!”
Those who do not support Trump are being led by the god of this age. They have NO idea what they are doing or who they are listening to. Sadly, many of those occupy church pews and ‘appear’ to be Christian. Then there are those who KNOW that Trump is God’s choice for the hour and support him, every way they can. If WE who are called by His Name will humble ourselves ……… we all know the rest ………….. praying we finally make it the first prayer priority as the scripture promises, then He will heal our land when we obey this scripture.
Thank you
Pastor Mahamba Wa-ibera Evariste
On Sat, Mar 21, 2020, 6:23 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Jesus compared the generation of men who > hated Him, to children playing in the streets: “But to what shall I liken > this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and > calling to their companions, and saying: ‘We played the flute for” >