by | Mar 15, 2020 | Christianity Today | 19 comments

Pray with intense focus: Pray, knowing that God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. But what should we be seeking in prayer today? There are 3 things that have been burning in my heart to ask for. Here they are in the order in which I believe we need to pray for them.

1. The local church. Why would I mention this first? This current hysteria threatens to hit the local church hard. That is not good on more levels than you may realize. Satan wants to weaken churches in America for several important reasons.

Pray against the temptation to develop the habit of staying home from church after this is over.

 Pray that believers will continue to financially support their church now, even if they are compelled to stay home.

Pray that state governments will not use this as an excuse to persecute the church.  Few things are more dangerous right now than the state drifting from justifiable health guidelines into police brutality. Only a fool doesn’t know about the growing outright hostility toward Christians in the Blue states. Their mouths are watering at the prospect of shutting down churches. They are looking for any excuse, and we must rebuke all demonic power and ask God to cause the fire of revival to fall on churches everywhere. The disruption of churches in America is from Satan. Pure and simple.

Worshiping together is a key to Christianity. Matthew 18:19-20, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

Remember: We are the only movement in history where the founder attends every meeting.

If there is a chance for you to worship with others and you opt instead for worshiping alone or as the hippies among us love to say, “I will commune with nature.” You may find some blessing, but you will not receive the full measure that the power of agreement provides.

Hebrews 10: 25 urges us: “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day (of the Lord) approaching.” House meetings are being touted as a substitute for corporate worship. And this not a problem if the motives are pure. Often, however, these meetings are led by leaders who are engaging in self-promotion. They are doing it because they did not get the recognition they felt they deserved in a church setting.  This is a lot like socialism: it sounds good, but it has never worked because the true motives are wrong.

I believe that something good can come out of this. Maybe we will remember the joy and satisfaction of simple church…before we got all slick and professional.

We must also pray fervently for the persecuted church around the world.

2. That America will repent. Americans who pray today had better repent. Every mouth that prays today must begin by asking for forgiveness. Any kind of asking that comes before repentance will offend God’s holiness. We are a nation of great wickedness. We have thumbed our nose at God. We have murdered the innocents and destroyed marriage. We celebrate things that God abhors.

Daniel was not guilty of the sins of Israel and yet he repented for them. In Daniel 9:4-5, he wrote, “And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made confession, and said, “O Lord, great and awesome God, Who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments,  we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments.”

The one thing we do not want to see is this: 2 Chronicles 28:22, “Now in the time of his distress King Ahaz became increasingly unfaithful to the Lord.”  If America smugly assumes she can ask and stay unfaithful to the Lord—or worse, become even more unfaithful—that would spell certain doom.

3. Pray that God will show mercy and curse this virus. Do not ask with pride, spouting your, “rights and privileges.” Humbly declare, “We are not deserving of a national miracle, but we humbly beg for Your mercy.” In this prayer, we must remember that all the nations of the world far less able to fight this pandemic.

I am a firm believer in miracles of healing and in the power of God to drive back disease. But I have never seen miracles break out when the voices calling upon God were charged with pride and entitlement.

Our Father and our God, have mercy on us this day as we turn from our wicked ways. We do not ask for comfort and ease, we ask for holy desires and the resolve to fight on in order to share the Gospel with the world. We forsake all those things that have become our idols. We condemn perverse and unnatural desires that have aroused Your anger against us. We pray in the name that is above all names—the Name of Jesus!




  1. Evang. Roger Culwell

    Amen they want to stop the church and the assembling together, we need to assemble for several reasons, today just proved what fear could do, not the virus but fear, does anyone know anyone who has the virus & billion people on earth and very few have died of the virus, but the fear shut down all the mega-churches, and most others, not the virus but FEAR, and funny how only a few actors and congresspeople seem to have it, ones who were behind trying to take down Mr. Trump, and I gave a word if the Church didn’t forsake self-control and give control to God, for Jesus is the head of the church not man, the ones who built on man would fall, if they didn’t give God control, but through fear they not only shut down the church, some could not give online this morning, whether clinch or what ever I don’t know, but could that also been and attack on the church, we are required to pay our tithes and give, some are being hit hard by this when their meetings are canceled, thats how they live, the church is for the sick and we must pray and stop them from closing down the church or canceling meetings, for this is about stopping the church, while true the church is with in we still need to meet congragate together, and theresna work that needs to be done together, and the laying on of hands, this is all about some others still wanting to take control of America, fear is what has shut us down, not whopping death toll, JUST FEAR, and a media pushing it, some even attacked me this morning, could that be because they don’t want people to know their pushing this fear, to cause America to shut down so some others cat try to take over, but the thing is we must repent and get ahold of God, God can turn this around I think maybe he just wants to see how bad we want it turned around and how much we will trust and obey his word, and turn back to him, fake gods are coming down, and we will either find the true living God Yahweh or wish we had. REPENT AND TURN IS THE KEY.

  2. Marilyn Nichols

    Praise God for his mercies upon America and those who dwell there in Father wash and cleanse with your blood Lord Jesus that You so graciously she’d for each and everyone. In Jesus Name. Amen!!
    Thank You So Much!! Thank You!!

  3. Ava Hall

    We attend Wind and Fire in Rochester, Mn. We had church today and may have been the only one open. Our size is small, usually 20. We experienced High Praises and the presence of God was very strong and mighty. Pastor Mordi said he would notify us by Friday if we would meet next Sunday. Thank you for the prayer points to pray, Mario. You are loved and we will stay connected to you with expectancy. In Jesus Name Jon and Ava \o/

  4. Randall Verarde

    We see the crisis but what’s the opportunity? I’m not a prophet or pastor, but I can see God using this moment to transform entitlement Christianity into humble seeking, even as he chastises the wicked. The promise we all like to quote (“no plague will come near you”) has a preface: “Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place…” Im focused on the because. Thank you, Mario!

  5. Christine Martin

    Really good exhortation to the church as a whole.  Thank you Christine

    • megagenius

      I can’t find one Post that is not most excellent from Mario. We love you Mario. You are the BEST.

  6. alanmittan

    Brother, amen and amen,

  7. Marilyn Benoit

    God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and a sound mind.
    Put on the full armor of God daily (Ephesians 6) so we can stand against the attacks of the devil;

  8. kingskid48

    Excellent word, Pastor Mario. Thank you, as always.

  9. Dina

    I do not and cannot believe this is about the virus. That is lame. What is really going on?!

  10. Mark Stripling

    Pray for us as we pray for you. My wife and I had scheduled more days of ministry in prisons for 2020 than ever before. We had seen more salvations than ever in 2019 as God has been on the move to harvest lost souls, with the anticipation that more will happen in 2020. Now all has been cancelled until further notice. We pray that God will avenge us all and make the devil pay for these delays in the harvest!!! We are seeking the Holy Spirit for alternate methods, possibly through DVDs, to continue the ministry of the Kingdom in prisons. We pray for all soul winners who have been hindered by this spirit of fear unleashed by hell upon our world. We have no spirit of fear, but of power, and of Love, and of a sound mind. Our trust in in You, O God!!!


    Appreciated this today, Mario. Thank you!

  12. Carolina

    Mario is always on the side of heaven!
    I so find agreement with this post, and would add that I’ve been vying for national repentance for several weeks now…For those still in a quandary regarding this virus issue and many others,
    I hope this helps?

  13. josbassettsmith

    This is excellent Mario. Thank you for being a true voice of God. Blessings Jos Bassett-Smith New Zealand

    Sent from Samsung tablet

  14. Dwayne Desmarais

    Father has sent his messengers with a warning to come back to their first love for some time now, and they have been basically ignored. Many have been called in this hour to stand firm against the status-quo and to be fierce warriors concerning the complacency within the Church as a whole. The virus is not the pandemic, but the casual viewpoint of sin that permeates a people drunk on the wine of indifference.

    They see chaos ensue, yet they cry out: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die” (Isa. 22:13) “Love me, bless me, heal me, but don’t challenge me!” As it states in (Isa. 22:12) the Lord asked the people to put on sackcloth and weep and wail. So today we have been instructed to do the same. Jeremiah pleaded with the people to cast down their idols, that destruction was coming, yet the leaders took offense. They could not see in the natural what was being prophesied in the spiritual. Elijah asked the people in (1 Kings 18:21) ***How long will you sway between two opinions? if the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him*** This is sobering! The people did not say a word!!! (sound familiar?)

    This is just another phase of the Church being prepared for cleansing. Removing the wheat from the chaff…the vile from the precious…the pretender from the righteous. How can we heal a broken world when we as the Church are in need of healing? If we want to see the glory of God enter the sanctuary of every church building, we must first accept God’s rod of correction. How is it we accept the world when it warns us: ***Beware Of Dog*** Danger! High Voltage*** Warning! Thin Ice*** Yet we ignore the warnings from heaven!

    ” See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven? (Heb.12:25) Why has this virus gotten the attention of the world when the influenza that cripples the world yearly with deaths ranging between 250,000 to 500,00? Cancer causes on average, 9.5 million deaths globally each year.

    4 million by Diabetes yearly…Cardiovascular Disease a whopping 17.3 million deaths globally per year… What is it with a virus that has only produced approx. 8,000 deaths so far? Fear and panic! “Oh my God, it’s Coming towards us…RUN!!! Fed by a leftist media propaganda machine that would of made Joseph Goebbels proud! It is obvious we (as the Church) are ill prepared for this kind of spiritual warfare. Most of the Church has no grid for warring in the heavenlies.

    God is in the process of removing everything that is null and void, and bringing it back to the cross. God will battle on our behalf, if we submit to His perspective on what is transpiring. The shaking will only increase, if we do not repent and become the agents of change we were created to be. Our Father is looking for fire breathing world changers, not wimps waiting to be rescued…will we arise from our slumber and stand on the wall sounding the shofar? Will we recognize a fire is coming that will glorify or burn, and decide which side of the flames we want to be on?

    We must heed the word of the watchmen, and perhaps God will hear from heaven and heal our land. (2 Chron. 7:14) or ignore the words, and be judged…We are on the cusp of a mighty move of God, and their is always chaos before He moves. When light enters darkness, confrontation is inevitable! Will we stand and fight, or shrink back? (Heb. 10: 37-38) Many are being called in this hour to raise their swords to the Lord of the Hosts and never be put to shame. It may only be a remnant who will answer the call, but it will only take a remnant to assure the Word of the Lord does not return to Him void. (Isa. 55:11)

    This is not for the faint of heart, nor the nominal Christian. It comes with a price many will not be willing to pay. ***To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life!*** (Jn. 6:68) You have ruined me for anything else…be blessed…..><(("<

  15. Dwayne Desmarais

    Thank you Mario for being
    obedient to be a true mouthpiece for the Father in times where words are minced to appease the masses. It is a blessing to see bold messengers stand in the gap and not sway left nor right…May Ruach Elohim continue to cover you as you tread on fallow ground with a life changing anointing…be blessed…..><(("<



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