No one who knows me well, has asked that question. They know better than that. They know what I am going to do. I’ve even had friends call from great distances and say, “I know what you’re going to do!” More on that in a moment. I want to get to something else.
What happened in Chico was Satan. Paul wrote, “Therefore we wanted to come to you—even I, Paul, time and again—but Satan hindered us.” (1 Thessalonians 2:18)
When people make up rules on the spot, you know that is Satan. When you are told you can’t have a gathering, but there is a car race going on in the background, that is Satan. When not a single case of Coronavirus is recorded within 200 miles, and you are accused of being irresponsible, that is Satan. When lukewarm churches oppose soul winning and miracles, then you know it is Satan.
The good people of Chico were robbed—not by a virus but by hate and fear. They were robbed by leftists prematurely spreading a panic. In my opinion, they were targeting Christians. Even now, Casinos are still open, while at the same time, churches are ordered to close. As if Casinos have some magical protection that churches don’t.
Satan wants to stop all of our crusades. Satan knew the momentum that would be generated by this crusade. Here is what really bites: Not one person would have gotten sick from the virus, but a lot of people would have been healed of serious diseases. I believe that cancers would have been healed, along with many other truly life threatening sicknesses.
But more importantly, the worst sickness of all would have been healed—sin sick souls! I just got off the phone with one of our board members. He was telling me how a friend he has been inviting to church for many years, but who would never go, had agreed to come to the Tent in Chico. Only God knows how many other souls would have come.
I had to calm down a fire-breathing army of soul winners who were all set to return to Chico today and hit the streets. At this point, they would have been unduly endangered, trying to pray for people. They would also be in direct defiance of the government’s orders. No, the devil may have won this battle. BUT NEVER AGAIN!
Do you still want to ask what I am going to do now? We were born in the fire of student riots. We waded through tear gas and protesters. During the A.I.D.S. epidemic we never backed down. Ten more epidemics have come and gone since then. What are we going to do?
We will not relent. We will reload. As soon as the ban lifts we will win more souls than ever. We are going to expand our outreach to the Highway 99 Corridor. Every aspect of our outreach will intensify.
I know the Coronavirus is a real crisis. I agree that getting America to lay low will help blunt the epidemic. I am not in disagreement with the call to limit this virus. I do not oppose the safeguards that are recommended now by health professionals.
Here’s what I do oppose. I oppose the Left which is creating a parallel crisis of fear and panic. They seek to divide and blame and inflame mindless passions. But, what else is new?
My other issue is this: closing down churches while leaving other places where people gather wide open does not look like an effort to stop a virus. It looks like an effort to stop the church. And what will California do after this virus passes? Will they let up on the church or have they created a pretext to stop the church any time and for any reason they want?
I remember how, during a major drought, they raised the price of water with a solemn promise that when the drought ended prices would return to normal. Instead, right when the drought subsided they invented one of the most insidious surcharges I’ve ever heard of. It’s called an elevation charge. They charge people for how high the water had to flow to get to them—even when there was zero evidence that it cost them anything extra to deliver the water.
This is an hour when discernment is crucial. The church must abide by rules that protect the public and help stop the pandemic. But the church must also be aware when being shut down is not happening because of a virus, rather, it is happening because the Left wants to shut down churches and stop the Gospel.
But they will fail.
“So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. The Redeemer will come to Zion, and to those who turn from transgression in Jacob,” says the Lord. (Is. 59:19-20)
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This is what “Warriors do”… Blessings!
I read Daniel seven today and versus 21 to 25 really stood out to me I’d like to get other peoples thoughts on this. Is this where we are, or where we are heading? I believe so, but I’m not well schooled in this area. I pray your will be done Lord.
It is DISGUSTING the way the liberal Left and Democrat party has politically weaponized this pandemic!?
As if Joe Biden would even be remotely “in the know” of the ways, means and definitive information about the Coronavirus that are currently ONLY given to the actual President of these United States and his Surgeon General. The fact that Bernie Sanders opens his big pro-Communistic mouth and says anything about the current President Donald Trump, and his fluent actions taken regarding this global illness mess, should make every cognitive American shutter at the ignorance and hubris of such a man.
Is it any wonder with the kind of political nitwits that are tromping all over this issue, that they would use it for a weapon toward or against the Christian church house and their gatherings.
It doesn’t surprise me.??
What we are seeing in the Dem’s is actually a drowning group of ppl. Ppl attempt desperate things when in that state. The more things like this, (shutting down Mario’s tent mtgs) the more they show others their true nature. God will not be mocked or shut out/down. Watch what happens! It will be greater than we can imagine….I live in a “blue,/never-Trump GOP” state. Am seeing a transition occurring, slowly at 1st, now picking up speed that I’ve not seen before. Because the enemy has the “microphone,” so to speak, (main stream media) it sounds like defeat, but is not. What I just said, can “sound cheap” when in the throes of battle, but victory is assured anyway….
May u see, feel & know, the richness of Jesus today, in ur own personal life!…?
Standing with you!
AMEN! ☺️
My sister (MD and PhD in microbiology) on the Altar Guild at her church was part of a decision to meet out of doors, so there would be less germ spread. And not to serve wine. Also as you probably know, Perry Stone is doing his Warrior Fest online, with a word that revival will start thru the lens of a camera.Will pray for your initiative. I speak a door for greater revival for you and your ministry. More souls saved. What satan meant for evil, God means for Good. Haman will die on his own gallows. The Lord will be glorified. Bless you.Sharon Sarles
In Acts 13: 6-12 there was a guy named Elymas who tried to hinder the deputy from hearing the gospel. Divine judgment fell on him and he was blinded. This is a warning to the California Left antichrists.
Mario will just beat the arrows on the ground until there is total and permanent victory.
See 2Kings 13:14-19
Let the church arise! Let our enemies be scattered! What shall we say then to these… If God be for us. Who can be against us! Praying for you Mario and team!!
I thought you were heading south. Isn’t Chico north of where you were?
Does not matter. It is G-D, not man, who is leading this. And there will be more rise up. On every stronghold of the adversary. Not just college campuses but cities like Boston (over 64 colleges and universities with over 500,000 college students) but NYC, Washington DC. Every major city in the US.
This pandemic will peak about the first week in April. And be on decline with the staring of May. Warmth, sunshine and being outdoors will heal and refresh. Look at Florida and compare with where the disease is the strongest. The American people will rebel against being put under house arrest. Teenagers are already ignoring the bans and roaming the streets.
This disease will hit the hardest in the major urban areas where there is high population density and poverty. The homeless are very likely to be victims but then so will most democrat voters. The disease will weaken the left. And open doors for G-D.
It’s as obvious as it can be. They are using this as an excuse to shut down churches. And Pastor Mario is right, they will see this as a precedence and try to use this tactic again, each time easier. But as always, the devil has overplayed his hand and underestimated Pastor Mario and those who are committed to Christ. With God on our side, we not only can’t lose, we not only will prevail, we will see even more souls saved and more sick healed and delivered than if satan had not pulled this dirty trick.
Brother Mario,
Come to Chico anyway and we will walk the streets with you and pray. We’ll meet at the Fairgrounds and each group take a different street and cry out to God for the deliverance and repentance and salvation of the area. We can pray with people to be healed and set free one-on-one!! ???
Don’t be surprised if we do!
Sent from my iPhone
Well said brother, Thats the whole thing not one outbreak anywhere near a church that I know of but yet the Church is the main target, anyone with any discernment knows this is all about stopping the Church from rising to it’s place in God where it use to be, satan must stop the church, for the church is stopping him, but as I wrote yesterday, I believe this will backfire, because one, scared people turn to God, a national day of prayer is called, causing the church to unite together in prayer more than ever, and scared people PRAY, and turn to God so could satan just have made another terrible mistake, that will cost him big time, because his worst night mair is a praying united church, so if some preach the way they should many scared could turn to Christ, and a lot of souls could be won by satans stupidity, the Dems couldn’t shut Mr. Trump down or win any battle, so a man made virus was brought in to take out millions, but could that just turn around for the better for Christ, and the church, I believe satan jumped the gun again, and has only shot him self in the head, for many will unite and pray, which is his worst night mair, remember he got kicked out of heaven so he is not the sharpest tack in the box, God has not allowed Mr. Trump or any of us to go through this for nothing, and I believe there will be one more great awakening, it just dosen’t make sense to me that this is the end as some say, when the church is on the rise again, so I believe the gates of hell shall not prevail against us, the enemy make have just awakened a sleeping church, he is in a panic, and over playing his hand again, I was told I was crazy am I we will see, time for the church to unite tomorrow and turn this whole thing around. Be Blessed sir
In truth I see an Awakening Giant though small in number so 10 shall send a thousand to flight, the church shall be seen as outnumbered but as in the days of old the servant’s eyes were opened to see the armies of Heaven surrounding ready to fight and do battle, the enemy was blinded and led by the prophet back to their own country and so shall it be, they shall be led back and not harmed but every word everything they’ve tried to do will fall straight to the ground and made of no effect ,made of no use. They have surrounded the church and have not realized that they are surrounded by the armies of God, therefore, we do not need to fear we need to know that the day of Elijah has come
I am in riverside County California.
I am not in a specific town that has a declared case or outbreak of coronavirus ?.
We are having church but we are adjusting and being flexible with strictness in our services.
Stop assembling?
It better be God if we do.
I drove around tonight at 9:00pm and local supermarkets are packed with cars.
Fast food places are busy and a sports bar Buffalo Wild Wings had a packed parking lot.
Seriously how can they freak out about church meetings when all of these other places are like giant Petrie dishes filled with stressed out mouth breathers and angry helicopter moms ready to throw down for 1 ply generic toilet paper?.
These retail store environments are out of control and literally toxic.
Shutting down church is Imbecilic if there are no legitimate reasons.
We need to tell people in our churches if they are sick with flu like symptoms stay home.
We will record the services for them and make sure we call them and help in whatever way we can.
Be careful with physical contact handshaking,hugs etc and build a practical awareness that makes people aware of the potential harm that can be done through carelessness.
Without creating fear.
Nursery workers must take there jobs seriously and no room for being lazy about standards.
Bathrooms with multiple stalls should be monitored and kids must be accompanied by there parents.
All cash given in offerings should not be handled by people with underlying health issues.
What other things should be put on this list?
This guy is so blunt— and clear thinking. He was scheduled for a tent re revival in Chico, CA. It was canceled due to the virus mess.
He’s explains this so he started the article with— “What happened in Chico was Satan”. We need this kind of borrow line, no apologies for this time.
Total agreement!
Releasing Psalm 9:9 over Highway 99.
“All who are oppressed may come to you as a shelter in the time of trouble, a perfect hiding place.”
Thank you for your stand. I agree with you. God is greater and stronger tha any attempt of the enemy. Sometimes He gives the enemy enough rope to hang himself, or in the case of Purim, Haman built the gallows to hang Mordecai but was instead hung on it himself. Selah! May it be.
DUET 28:7 The Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.
Genesis 50:20
But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.You tried to harm me, but God made it turn out for the best, so that he could save all these people, as he is now doing.
Standing with you and expecting God Himself to deal with His enemies with swift action that reveals His goodness AND His severity in a moment.
I appreciate you sir!
Cheryl Meissner
Sent from my iPhone
Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
Are u in chico ?? What time and where is service tonight??
The Fairgrounds cancelled us out. So sorry our messages didn’t get to you. Mario
Most people who get the Corona Virus are not even reported, because sometimes they don’t even know they have it. BUT they can carry it to the elderly and the compromised who are very vulnerable for really bad symptoms that can kill them. Care about the elderly and the compromised immune systems and trust in GOD.
Mario. Anyone who knows your heart is with you in this and is praying for success for all your team. I don’t have to tell you to keep your eyes on Jesus! We all are! God Bless you all.