Separating what is true from what is false about Coronavirus is difficult, because this is a new pathogen. I am the last person to ever recommend risky behavior, so I did a lot of homework before coming to the conclusions you will read here.
The best information I could find tells me that in 80% of the cases of those who have actually contracted the Coronavirus, the symptoms are mild. Out of 350 million Americans, as of today, 17 have died. And, in almost every one of those cases, there were serious pre-existing health issues.
In the field of viruses, I trust Doctor Marc Siegel as much as anyone. He has been on the frontline of several of these kinds of incidents. He said, “I have never seen a new virus or bacteria handled as well by our public health officials as this one, with sober attention paid to identifying, isolating and tracing contacts of known or suspected cases along with restricting travel as best they can.”
The bottom line is this: That by no means is an excuse for reckless behavior. We are still facing an unknown outcome. We must be vigilant but not terrorized.
At the very least wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. That means using soap for longer than 20 seconds. And avoid touching your face.
Now, let’s talk about the agenda of evil. Bill Maher said two things that indicate the Left may be trying to promote a panic. He said that he hoped the economy would tank so that Trump would not be reelected. No, I am not making that up. He wants people thrown out of work and millions of Americans broke, just to get rid of Trump.
The other thing he said is even more breathtaking. Maher said that one good thing that can come out of the Coronavirus is that people will “stop liking Trump.” Yes, the Left is that far gone.
When you see hysteria being stirred up, all you need to do is look for who that benefits. If our economy is being devastated, who benefits from that? Look for those who are rooting for that to happen just to put the blame on Trump.
However, the greatest evil is coming from Satan himself. I believe he is trying to destroy the momentum of the church—a church that is just now shaking itself out of complacency! He wants panic to keep you out of gatherings where the fire and glory of God is flowing.
It is certainly not my intention to make this sound ‘super-spiritual.’ But, I can’t think of a better and safer place for you and your immune system than a Holy Ghost meeting! What better place could you be, than in church praising and worshiping where the anointing is strong? Come on now. Instead of hunkering down and turning your home into a bomb shelter, grab the family and get to the house of God!
Talking about soul winning—now is the time to get a friend who is in the grip of fear and take them where the healing waters flow. Declare, “Washing your hands is important, but washing your soul is infinitely and eternally better. Come with me, I promise all your fears will vanish.” The sick will be healed. The pastor, prophet, evangelist, teacher, or apostle will declare a word over you that will bring joy, power and boldness! Stay home? Never!
That God-ordained conference must go on. That Sunday and midweek service is more important now than ever! Why sit at home to avoid an infection, when you can go to the House of God and get an infusion? Hallelujah!
The television news is attempting to pour human wisdom and dread into your spirit. Why not rather meet with a vessel of God who will rightly divide the Word of Truth and tell you what God says about your health, your future, and your destiny?
We must refuse to allow a human-based panic to cause us to become an underground church before the time. Come together with the body of Christ, because:
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of self-control. (2 Tim. 1:7)
And finally, these powerful promises:
You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night…nor of the plague that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction that surprises at noonday. Though a thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, it shall not come near you. Only a spectator shall you be as you witness the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place, there shall no evil befall you, nor any plague come near your dwelling. Psalm 91:5-7, 10
Bill Maher is the modern day Haman. He has a problem. He has a noose around his own neck that keeps getting tighter everyday. He is just too blind to see it. Talk about the devil’s evangelist. He is worse than the corona virus.
As usual, the Media uses anything to make Trump look bad. Their sophisticated witchcraft is spewed out daily. Like crocking frogs, they vomit out their filthy lies.
Correction: croaking frogs
Amen, megagenius I totally agree. Maher has a very tight noose around his neck.
Definitely spawn of Satan. He is part of the Satanic red shoe club.
Interesting. I shared with someone this week how the panic around this particular virus could lead to the church going underground.
That is so sad, and treasonous, when a people want to see there on nation destroyed because it is turning back to the real God Yahweh and Jesus Christ, and hate the man, that is strengthening the country, to try and keep them from destroying it, they want what ever bad that can to happen to destroy the progress the nation has made toward good, and God, they EVEN SAY IT OUT LOUD, admitting they want the nation really to be destroyed, because if you don’t want to see move forward in a good way, you want it destroyed, and it is movining in a good way, but not to them because their mission is to still kill nd destroy, and Mr. Trump’s is to save this nation as our is and turn it back to the living God Yahweh and Jesus Christ and the bible, they want to know whats wrong, that one little Wor Bible Word, we have turned from follow it and all these eveil’s in Deu, 28:18 and down will come upon the nation and people if we do not honor that Word, and obey it, there are consequences to not following that Word and satan see’s us turning back to that Word and he can’t have that, for that will destroy his works and his Army , powers of darkness and the Dems who are working for him as much as any power’s of darkness he has a hugh army in them, and the whole mission is to kill, still, destroy, and they will still all peace if they can, peace and safety is only found in Jesus Christ, and thats the only place thats safe, the Fire of the Holy Spirit is stronger than any virus, and we are all going to die, the thing is are we ready, dying should not even be scarry, we as true Christians just get promoted, we are all going to live for ever some where, the Question is where, if we have Jesus Christ and obey his word our home is in heaven but if not its in hell ,it’s a shame when we have a people trying to take over this nation who wants nothing but to destroy, to the point they might even help the virus get here, because they resent losing a rigged election so bad, that they hate a man so bad they want to see him dead, rather to destroy there evil plans, and not following the word of God brings destruction on a nation, especially when a nation has been dedaciated to the Lord God Yahweh, they stand for abortion, same sex marriage, sextrafficking, Pedphil., all kinds of evil that bring curses on a nation, and they want to control this country just look up, thats what is wrong now they been controling this nation way to long, its time we put God back in control of this nation and the Church, and the Holy Spirit will take care of any thing bad if we just let him, for he has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind, this past week when those Tornados ripped through Tenn. we had no power, no way to communicate, I went to the ER and they said 14 were dead in Cookeville Tn. at the time it was still early, and my heart about stopped, because that was where my girls and grandbabies lived, but thank God his line is always open, and he said they were ok, it hit all around, but they were ok, then peace took the place of the fear that tried to rise up and it would be many hours before I heard from them, but finally you hear and they are ok, but the comfort that only the Holy Spirit can give, he is our everything and he is who we need more than anything on this earth to be guiding and comforting us, the fire the enemy has tried so hard to put out and get rid of, is igniting again, and exposing the darkness, and a reprobate people who are pure evil, who hate God and his people and this nation, and we must wake up, they say I dehumanize the Dems, No they dehumanized themselves when they voted to kill newborn babies, I just speak the truth and lie not, and the only answer for all the evil and the fear and the virus’es is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and fire, he can burn up any virus, we just need to turn to him.
Good to hear from you. Don’t be such a stranger. The fear mongers have got nothing but a heart full of hate. There’s a whole lot more going on than what goes on in Washington, D.C., New York City and Hollywood. The media acts like they are the center of the universe as little gods in their studios.
The Holy Ghost is on the move throughout the world. Hallelujah! I thank God people are finally waking up and coming to an understanding of the times. May this virus be cursed in the name of Jesus!
May this virus wither and die amazingly, never to be heard of again. Do it today Lord…All things are possible with you!!!
Great word!
You nailed it!! Praise GOD!
We are, indeed, “one in the Spirit” – worldwide!
“Let the nations rage and the heathen imagine a vain thing. The Lord sits in the heavens and laughs”. Psalm 2
By all means, we walk circumspectly.
No presumption or taking lightly our privileged covenant with The Most High- but – we walk , BY FAITH ( not fear) and are empowered by His Grace and His Holy Spirit alone! Zech. 4:6
If God be for us, who can stand against us”? Nothing. No one.
The harvest is ripe and I’m praying against this virus to claim any before their time!
Jesus is Lord!!
There is an answer for Mr. Maher as there is also for millions of others in America who seem to “think” that they know what it would take to make a change in this nation. Oh its not the kind of response they would ordinarily make but it is the answer to all that ails us.
I recently spoke about it here, I hope this helps:?
Gods word says that NO PLAGUE shall come near my dwelling or those of my household…Psalm 91. The Word also says we “will watch and see the reward of the wicked.” I believe God when He says that “by the stripes of Yeshua we ARE HEALED”! Also that He has “GIVEN us a FUTURE and a HOPE”. So I will not fear the LIES of the Devil coming through the Main Stream Media or any other source. Glory, Glory, GLORY TO GOD!
This is so good. Mr Mark. We appreciate you and your team. God bless you!
Sent from my iPhone
Excellent perspective from God!
What have I to do with American Politics??
On Sat, 7 Mar 2020 08:01 Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Separating what is true from what is false > about Coronavirus is difficult, because this is a new pathogen. I am the > last person to ever recommend risky behavior, so I did a lot of homework > before coming to the conclusions you will read here. The best i” >
A lot because its our Biblical duty to be involved…and I know William can do it.
Psalm 68:1
“Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.”
No one out here is even concerned. I have noticed full carts but I think it’s actually normal. People may be aware but there’s no talk no rush. Quiet here. Not even one case here.
Sent from my iPad
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself!”
The left wants to be the savior. To be worshipped. Its greatest enemy are those of us who are of faith. They hate G-D, they hate us, they hate what is normal.
What is needed is a spiritual revolution. Something that sweeps the nation. Not a virus but G-D himself.
I do agree that we should not walk in fear as children of God. There will be an end-time plague that spreads across the planet, but this is clearly not it. Some of us around here have recently had the RSV Virus, and it is ten times worse than the way this Coronavirus sounds, yet it’s not even in the news. I am wondering if it is true that this is an effort, perhaps by certain groups, to try to bring down Trump’s economy. Nothing would surprise me from these leftists and globalists. Literally, nothing. But God can take anything satan thinks he has in his arsenal of “tools” against God’s people and turn it for good. God could be using this to teach us how to prepare when something really dangerous does come along. So, to that point, I do have this observation. I think the churches should be informing us more. Should that not be what they are there for? The church should be the place we run to when anything of concern comes along, I would think. This goes for politics also. Of course, worship is the most important thing, but I am saying, apart from that, should they not be giving us the most information, advice, guidelines, etc,? They can’t tell us who to vote for, but they can tell us to be aware of what is going on and to pray for wise choices, pray for our state and country and to pray for our leaders (instead of saying they don’t care who is president). What good is it for the pastors to tell us God wants us happy and to find our destiny in life, if they do not also warn us that the the wolves are at the door, and we could be six months away from electing a communist to lead the United States of America, or a doddering old man who will be a puppet for globalist powers. Then, where will we be? Not worshiping freely for much longer, to be sure. We are not supposed to do the one thing, and leave the other undone. Trust God to keep us well, of course, but do not be presumptuous of His Grace and protection. I recall that the worse virus I ever got, I got while working at a Christian ministry. It was Spiritual Warfare. The Enemy was trying to hold me back. We are in a battle, whether we want to acknowledge it or not, whether we are aware of it or not. A good plan of action might be to pray Psalm 91 over ourselves and loved ones every morning, and each one put on the Whole Armour of God before we take a step outside.
Ok, so why haven’t more Holy Spirit Filled Medical Professionals stepped in and commented?
Well, I’ll do it, and I’m rusty at medicine as a retired RN x 10 years.
Pastor Murillo, I actually cringed when I read your post saying coronavirus is a “new” pathogen. No it’s not. Just look up in Wikipedia (not the Medical Books/Journals that many lay people cannot understand). There are actually 7 strains (genetic variant or subtype of a microorganism) of coronaviruses.
I totally agree with you that persons with compromised immune systems are the targeted for increased morbidity and mortality when infected with this virus.
We followers of Jesus need to intercede for these folks–not join in the hysteria of evil principalities that want to provoke us to panic, land not join in FAITH of what GOD can do when we place our trust in HIM.
Thanks for this post Pastor–I need this jolt myself to pray for our neighbors that have weakened immune systems (that many times are weakened by fear itself).
Sandi, yeah, it’s new. Here’s article entitled
Disease caused by the novel coronavirus officially has a name: Covid-19By ANDREW JOSEPH
FEBRUARY 11, 2020
The virus that causes the disease has been known provisionally as 2019-nCoV. Also on Tuesday, a coronavirus group from the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, which is responsible for naming new viruses, proposed designating the novel coronavirus as SARS-CoV-2, according to a preprint of a paper posted online. The disease caused by the novel coronavirus officially has a name: Covid-19. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, announced the name Tuesday, giving a specific identifier to a disease that has been confirmed in more than 42,000 people and caused more than 1,000 deaths in China. There have been fewer than 400 cases in 24 other countries, with one death.
In choosing the name, WHO advisers focused simply on the type of virus that causes the disease. Co and Vi come from coronavirus, Tedros explained, with D meaning disease and 19 standing for 2019, the year the first cases were seen.
Check it out at
God bless.
Dear Drew,
This is a new “strain” of coronavirus; it has mutated from its original form–but coronavirus is not “new”. That’s all that I meant. And I wanted to mention this detail because people need to be correctly informed.
Thank you for your information on this new strain. It is helping people to be more correctly informed and not buy into hysteria. The medical field doesn’t have all the answers or treatments to fix the problem, but our God does.
I’m not writing to prove myself “right”–remember that I said I am a retired RN and do not constantly keep up to date with the medical science.
Let God, the Creator of all, be the Prover of all things. He says He has given mankind the authority to subdue the earth–and I agree with Pastor Murillo that we followers of Jesus need to take our stand against the fear and hysteria.
As a bedside ICU RN for many years, I had first hand witness of what viruses, bacteria, etc. can do to the human body–it is horrendous. As I provided compassionate care for my patients in the past, I continue to appeal to Heaven for those with weakened immune systems: “Help dear merciful Father God, and let them live and not die!”
Thanks again,
Right Mario… No virus under the microscope has ever looked like this one.
I found this advertisement for the Bradford Convention, at the Bowland St. Mission, April 18th, 1919, Smith Wigglesworth was going to be there. Smith wrote, “I am being much used, and God is helping me rebuke the ‘flu’ demons. Many are healed who apparently were dying. ”
This was the famous Spanish flu that killed thousands. Whatever happened to the deliverance ministries?
Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
Psalm 91 is THE place to be from here on out. We should saturate ourselves with this special Word from God. It is His Divine Insurance Policy to all Endtime Believers. And it absolutely works when we read it, meditate on it, memorize it, and speak it over ourselves daily. I will vouch for it.
It is sad that Bill Maher would suggest that a “good thing” could result from the spread of the Coronavirus because people will stop liking President Trump. For him to make a comment like this is just plain “rude.”