Over one million Californians are about to get this message: In our Tent, the chains of sickness, addiction, and despair are broken. In our Tent, the rules of the street die. In our Tent, you will find the life you were born to live.
Five cities: Chico, Roseville, Modesto, Fresno, and Bakersfield will be the focus of God’s love and power in 2020. An army of prayer warriors is about to launch targeted intercession to break the power of Satan. Soldiers are in training to put boots on the ground. These prayer-covered workers will soon touch California’s most forsaken: from homeless camps, to crack houses—everyone, from the down-and-out to the up-and-in will receive our witness. Our workers will not bring just food and clothing, but will bring the anointing, to heal and to set captives free.
Now, I must tell you about the battlefield. What the Elitist Left Regime has done to the people of California will stand as a disgrace for the ages to come. California is the poster-child for why America must defeat Leftist ideology.
My hometown is a prime example. God made San Francisco beautiful, but the Left has made her ugly.
I have fond memories of San Francisco—the one I knew as a child. Today, you can’t walk on the streets anywhere without the risk of stepping on human waste, a dirty needle, or being physically attacked.
As a child I would go to Market Street to watch the Easter Parade, and on New Year’s Eve, families enjoyed the fireworks. Today, Market Street is a living nightmare.
For a mile in front of what once were elegant stores, now lawn chairs sit, filled with people who look half dead. The smoke from legalized marijuana is mixed with city-provided needles for drug addicts who line the streets. Alcohol is rampant and is mingled with physical degradation, creating a cloud with the stench of death. And you know what? The current District Attorney believes that San Francisco is still not liberal enough.
The streets of Los Angeles are an apocalypse of around 45,000 gang members. There are nearly 60,000 homeless people. For the first time in history they found leprosy on the streets of Los Angeles. They have spent a billion dollars on this crisis, but to no avail. It is believed that over 1,000 homeless people have died on the streets of Los Angeles.
And still, local Democrats want more illegals to come. They want to provide free services to them, but are utterly failing to take care of their own citizens. L.A. and S.F. are ‘sanctuary cities’? Sanctuaries from what?
This dystopian landscape of California is the legacy of the Democrat Party. Decades of abuse and depraved thinking have unleashed this misery. The party has incorporated atheism into their platform, and the result is a disaster for the cities they control.
While I was in the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, N.C. the exhibit of Billy preaching in the Eastern Bloc countries brought me to tears. Communism fell in these nations, not long after Billy preached there. Not only that, but it fell in the exact same order of Billy’s visits. I thought what a miracle
Then I thought why not such a miracle for California? Los Angeles has a great store of the buried treasure of past revivals. From here emerged the greatest outpouring since the Book of Acts: Azusa Street. The greatest evangelists of the 20th Century have held meetings here: from Aimee McPherson to Billy Graham. From here, the greatest youth revival in American history was born—the Jesus People Movement.
Tectonic plates push against each other with unimaginable force, causing earthquakes in California. In the same way, spiritual tectonic plates of good and evil are colliding, with even greater force. Something has got to give. The miracle lies in the great Central Valley.
Highway 99 is our assignment, for a reason. Millions who live along this corridor have been uniquely punished by the government. The quality of life has dropped drastically. But the big difference is that Central Valley families haven’t bought into the agenda of the radical Left Coast. Something is stirring here!
I hear the rumble in this valley of millions who are sick to death of the whole mess. They don’t want what their kids are being taught in these schools. They don’t want drag queens reading to their children. They don’t want any part of the medicated, mentally dulled elites who compose the government of California. They don’t want this disaster to continue. They yearn for hope.
It is like the earthquake of Holy Spirit power that struck Israel when John the Baptist and Jesus Christ arrived. Their message of the kingdom of God revolutionized Israel. When the leaders sought an answer for the sudden stampede toward righteousness, Jesus explained, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12).
You are the heart of this mass invasion along Highway 99 in California. Your prayers, support and love have taken on muscle. Demons are going to feel the impact of your faith. The diseases that are oppressing many are going to be healed because of your partnership. Every soul saved under this Tent is part of your harvest.
I have never been more proud of my fellow warriors in the Central Valley of California. I thank God for Frank Saldana and the core of our elite warriors at Inner City Action. I thank God for Pastor Jim and Kristine Carpenter from The Bridge in Marysville. I give God the glory for Pastor A. J. and Claudia Nunez from Covenant Worship Center in Fresno. I am honored to have the help of Bishop Steve and Kelly Perea from Christian Worship Center in Manteca. There are so many more I could name, but please forgive me if I failed to mention anyone.
Look at the graphic that shows every tent crusade for Living Proof California. Let it fill you with expectation and a spirit of prayer! Can you feel the urgency of this tour? Does your spirit witness to the rightness of what we are about to do?
I want you to notice the Night of Miracles that we have planned. These are nights we go into the cities where the Tent will soon come. On these nights people get a taste of the fire and supernatural power that will be in the Tent a few weeks later.
How can I help but put out a call for soldiers to rally to this divine cause? Let God speak to your heart! There is a place here for you. There is a miracle waiting here for you. You will see God use you in a way you have never imagined. No matter what the level of power of your gift, let me tell you, it will go to a new level. Do you fear witnessing? I assure you that an inner fire will make you as bold as a lion. Not only that, you will return rejoicing over the lives God has used you to save. Come along beside me and become the Christian warrior you never imagined you could be.
I can’t overstate the urgency of prayer. Please, begin praying for us right now. Ancient devils control these communities and they will not easily let go. It will take fasting and prayer. It will take gut wrenching intercession. No one knows better than Satan what a Central Valley Awakening will do to the rest of America. But God is infinitely greater than Satan.
God will give us the breakthrough. He will give us the victory!
Join us for the very first event in Chico. Here’s a one minute video invitation from Mario
Mario, I was a teen (late sixties) when I lived with my grandparents in Vacaville, CA next to the Nut Tree.
Grandma & I would go to the city of San Fransisco every weekend and shop around the Market Street area. After that we’d go to the Fairmont Hotel for lunch, on some occasions we’d go to The Wharf for sea food it was kind of a special ritual my sweet granny & I had. The city of SF was such a special, cool, place and so beautiful. To know this about San Fransisco and L. A. is just heart breaking. What were these liberal left leadership nincompoops thinking??? How could any collective group of people be so ignorant & careless as to allow this kind of tragedy to take place on their watch? Even if they are secular humanists with no love of God or man, it just doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand how to prevent this from happening! The blatant stupidity that comes from the strong delusion that God sends those who do not have a love of the Truth, but enjoy unrighteousness.?
Additionally, my state has been invaded by Californians now, they are bailing out of that CA environment and moving to my state by the thousands. Every other car on our streets has CA plates.
We’ll keep praying for miracles & souls in your central valley tent meeting ministry.?
Mario, I recently spent a night and a day in a prayer battle against an “ancient demon” stronghold. There was a moment I wanted to quit and surrender. God brought me to II Chron. 31 and 32, the story of Hezekiah, Isaiah, and Sennacherib. Hezekiah has just brought great spiritual reform to Israel. They are back to God, God has blessed. Now satan comes to attack him through Sennacherib and the Assyrians. “Sennacherib was come, and he was purposed to fight.” Sennacherib threatened the people, bragged about his successes, mocked God, and said for generations he and “his fathers” have taken all they came against. Undefeated, he said. They indeed represent “ancient demons” who have ruled long, with great success. “Who was there among all the gods of those nations that my fathers utterly destroyed that could deliver his people out of mine hand, that YOUR GOD should be able to deliver you out of mine hand?” God set aside 11 verses of chapter 32 to let us hear satan boasting of his power. It then took only one verse to declare his destruction. Demons are all big mouthed, and big talkers. Hezekiah never panicked. He first stopped the fountains “Why should the king of Assyria come and find much water.” God spoke to me that I must identify what was feeding and nourishing this demon stronghold, and “stop the fountain.” It was spiritual, not natural. God then showed me the source of the stronghold and how to pray. Hezekiah told the people, “Be strong and courageous…there be more with us than with him. With him is an arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.” Devils spoke to me, tried to make me surrender, told me the stronghold was too old, was undefeated, and too powerful to be stopped. At one point I wanted to quit fighting and give up. By the help of the Holy Spirit and confessing the promises of God, by calling on the help of the Angel Armies, and by keeping a picture in my mind of Jesus interceding for me, Hell finally backed down, and the situation resolved for the glory of God. I was exhausted, but rejoicing in Christ! Your story is spot on. Entrenched devils believe they are invincible. But, as Hezekiah and Isaiah (May God place “Isaiahs alongside you!) “prayed and cried to heaven,” “the Lord sent an angel” who destroyed all the mighty men, leaders, captains “in the camp of the king of Assyria, So he returned with shame of face to his own land.” Ancient demons can be beaten, but they do not surrender easily. “There be more with us than with him!!!!!” God stop the fountains that nourish demonic evil in California. Demons that boast nothing can stop them, that they will spread their evil all across the land and take America. The faith and determination of modern Hezekiahs and Isaiahs is about to send them home in shame! GOD, FIGHT THIS BATTLE! Let God arise, His enemies be scattered!
What I like about Mario is that he does not ask for money. He asks for prayer. For volunteers.
I like that, as well, Greg. 🙂
God Bless your heart Mario. I am with you in Spirit and in prayer. I can’t join you physically as I am 74 years old with cancer and don’t live in America but I know you will succeed. The Lord is using you mightily.
Denise Loftus
Denise, be healed in the name of Jesus our savior, our healer! And all agreed and said AMEN!!
In agreement for God’s river of glory from Chico to Bakersfield , for the pulling down and overthrow of demonic powers in that region and for signs, wonders and miracles to set captives free.
Blessings, Who do I contact to volunteer to help at one of these Events? Send me contact info.
In Him Gloria
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you for volunteering. Use this link to give us your contact information. https://mariomurillo.org/contact-page/
You guys may already know what is going on in Fresno, but just in case you haven’t heard here is a portion of an email I just received day before yesterday from a friend who is an alumni of Agape Force and still lives in Fresno, where our base was in 1971 and 1972. Here name is Annette.
” I’m in the middle of 21 days of prayer and fasting with my church and many churches in Fresno. Every night for the 21 days at a different church. We started it last year and there were plenty of people showing up. But this year the churches are packed out and even the entrance of the church buildings packed with standing room only! This is so exciting to have over 60 churches participating in United prayer and fasting together for 21 days.”
We are still praying about trying to come join you guys in Modesto while you are there in May.
What the liberals have done to San Francisco, L.A. and the rest of California is almost too horrible to believe. If our parents and grand parents came back now, they would think they landed on another planet, or in a Third World country. Even in the Central Valley, it is not a lot better. The nauseating smell of pot overwhelms those who are brave enough to drive around town after dark and roll down their window. Go to a nice restaurant anywhere in town, and homeless are living in the bushes and behind fences-everywhere. We used to make an occasional trip to San Francisco, and it was always a very special day…shopping, lunch on the wharf, sightseeing. Now, I wouldn’t step foot in the city unless it was an emergency and there was no other choice. I thought I heard someone say on the news the other day that California is one of the favored states to retire in. I surely must have misheard that report. People are fleeing California. The only people who can afford to retire here are the Pelosi’s and Newsom’s. They have driven all decent, middle-class families from the state…most of them, anyway. Friends of ours have sold their homes and businesses and moved to states like Montana and Idaho. They are playing tricks with the voting records here and everybody knows it. If there is a fair election in California, it will be a miracle. The miracle is coming, led by God’s faithful servant, Pastor Mario. I can barely wait to see what God does. Saving California, and then, America, will be one of the greatest miracles of the ages.
Aww bless you prayer Warriors. I will be joining you in Prayer. I live in No California. Lake county. My heart cry’s and battles in Warfare/Intercession for the drug epedimic here. I belong to a Mom’s group praying for our kids who struggle or have struggled. Let the Lord and Sweet Holy spirit set the captives free. Heal our land Lord.