
by | Dec 1, 2019 | Christianity Today | 13 comments

The winter of 1777–1778 was bitterly cold, and the success of American independence looked impossible.  Washington’s men were so poorly dressed that some of them froze to death. When he moved the troops, you could see trails of blood left in the snow from those who marched without shoes.

Contrary to the picture most people have of the Revolutionary War, Americans were split right down the middle about whether or not they should be fighting for their freedom from Britain. Many locals would not aid General Washington when he asked for their help, and he had to constantly beg the Continental Congress for money and supplies.

In one instance, some of Washington’s soldiers braved a blizzard and walked for miles to beg a farmer to sell them some of his crops, in order to prevent the army from starving. The farmer refused. He told them the British were willing to pay double what the American soldiers could offer.

I see no difference between those farmers and today’s lukewarm Christians.  I see no difference between today’s compromised preachers and those who would turn away freedom fighters in a snowstorm.

Lukewarm Christian singers and ‘influencers’ refuse to take stands against immorality and perversion because the world rewards them with accolades. “My, what a ‘woke’ Christian you are! You are so intelligent, tolerant, and inclusive.”

Lukewarm Christian, you have no idea the harm you are doing to America.

To be sure, the world rewards you for your silence and for your tacit acceptance of homosexuality. They will flatter you. BUT IT’S A TRAP.  How true were the words of Spurgeon when he said, “It is a very ill omen to hear a wicked world clap its hands and shout, “Well done” to the Christian man. He may begin to look to his character, and wonder whether he has not been doing wrong, when the unrighteous give him their approbation.” In plain words, Spurgeon is saying, “If the world likes you, there’s something wrong with you.”

Jesus said, “If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as its own. But because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you. Remember that I told you, “A servant is not greater than his master.” If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you…” (John 15:19-20a)

If they hated Jesus, how will they not also hate you? And what on earth are you doing, thinking it is good to be liked by everyone?

It took guts, vision and foresight to oppose English tyranny. Many of the early colonists were simply willing to be dominated in exchange for the comforts of their oppressors.  In the same way, because the world rewards preachers with temporary success, they will abandon their brothers who are risking everything to expose the growing tide of evil in America.

Thomas Paine addressed the folly of those Americans who opened their homes to British soldiers in hopes of rewards after a British victory. He reminded them that those who easily surrendered their homes would be the most dominated if England won.

And what do you suppose you’ll gain, oh lukewarm Christian, by being a friend to leftists? Your reward will be to have the most controlled home in the neighborhood.

This is no time to be silent! It is a time to rage against the dying of the Light! Each day that you remain silent is one day closer to a hellish world for your children and grandchildren.

The Left has not held back a single item in their agenda to remake America. They mean it when they say that our freedoms must be removed in order for their brave new world to be born.

The pathetic heresy sweeping America known as the ‘Daddy-God’ myth that drives your lukewarmness is nowhere to be found in the Word of God. The sad truth is that the Laodicean rebuke is more fitting for America’s modern materialistic church:

14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: 15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— 18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.”

It all comes down to this: Jesus is trying to get back inside His church in America.  The next verse confirms it:   20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”

America is not yet irretrievably lost, but it will not be won by the tepid crop of make-believers that shuttle in and out of our churches. The knock on the door is Jesus.  He wants to talk about your training, over dinner—your golden transformation from tepid faith to fire and glory. He means to make you into Satan’s worst nightmare.

Those shivering freedom fighters at Valley Forge had no idea that a miracle was coming in the Spring that would transform rag tag troops into immortals. Neither can you imagine the mighty army that the Holy Spirit is training, equipping, and empowering to transform America.  Will you join us?



Mario’s new book will awaken you to your assignment in God’s work to save America. It’s $15 each or $12 for ten or more. Get a signed copy plus free shipping by clicking here. 




    I’m not sure what you mean by the daddy God theory or doctrine? Please explain so as to avoid confusion. Thanks, Dennis Murray 

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    • Darlene W

      Sovereign God is also to be feared and reverenced.He is not just there to dispense blessings.

  2. ruthbohrer

    Appreciate your straight forward and honest presentation of the Gospel.  Too many compromising Christians today! Don’t know if you remember Richard Bohrer.  I am his widow.  We worked the streets of San Francisco together in 1969-1970.  We left the area soon thereafter when Richard attended Bethany Bible College.  The Lord allowed him to found Teen Challenge of Monterey Bay.A friend told me about your coming to Gateway City Church.  Have been following your ministry since and am truly blessed by your lack of compromise.  May God continue to bless the work of your hands!Ruth BohrerSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

    • mariomurilloministries

      Ruth, It’s an honor to hear from you. Richard was a great man. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I am asking the Lord to bless you and yours! Mario Murillo

  3. Noel

    James 4:4b- Compromising with the world results in being an enemy of God.

  4. kingskid48

    I’m all in. No compromises.

  5. M&M

    I’m in!

  6. Louise Scotti

    I couldn’t agree with you more. I am not even on your mailing list but somehow received this message. On the overall, the American Church is stuck in deep deception, as hearers of the Word, and not doers. Our streets are overrun with addiction, homelessness, brokenness and disease. How many Christians are actually taking to the streets to love on these hurt, wounded, lost souls? Do we get to know them on a first name basis, share the gospel, feed them, clothe them, pray with them, love on them? Do we have a plan of attack to win the lost back, to recapture them from addictions, from brokenheartedness, from numbness, learned helplessness and arrested development? As intercessors, are our prayers targeted and laser focused to address their specific bondages and needs? How active are we at creating solutions, at knowing that we are the light of the world called to shine? We must wake up from this deep perilous slumber. We must take action. We must do what we can, where we are with what we have. We must not fear the darkness but invade it. We must.

  7. nick

    Thank you, Mario, for your consistent and constant exhortations to remain true to God and His Word. We need you as much as ever as our culture pushes their agenda more and more into our faces 24/7.

  8. Jayne Farrell

    I’m in! All the way to the END!

  9. TCL

    I’m all in

  10. Mary

    Loved your book. I have had the exact same thoughts. Thought I was over the top in being appalled with what was going on around me. Interesting that your writing was divinely inspired.
    In your explanation on ‘grace’ in your book I can tell you are using the Roman Catholic idea about grace. Most Protestant churches have adopted the RC definition. The Eastern Orthodox Church, a group of the original Christian churches started in the Middle East , has a different view; probably the authentic view as preached by the Apostles. They also believe in ‘heaven now’ and don’t believe that the crucifixion of Jesus gave us all a free ride there. Look up their theology and a lot of the illogical behavior going on around you will be understood.

  11. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    MARIO, What a message—-and HOW DESPERATELY WE NEED TO HEAR IT!!!!!

    I remember in the 1970’s and forward, it was “common” for GOD to be referred to as “the Big Man Upstairs.” I am ashamed that I fell into that trap also. I had walked with the Lord closely throughout my childhood, and then married an unbeliever and it Almost Destroyed me! A terrible divorce and my broken life with a tiny child who also had to Endure HELL from her father, her step-mother and her older step-sister! Sadly, our lives were not an isolated situation…..we were just two of MANY!!!!

    I too in my ignorance and my floundering condition actually referred to my Heavenly Father as the Big Man Upstairs. I repented of this a few years ago when I actually matured enough to see how disrespectful it was.

    I am SO THANKFUL for YOU and your messages. AMERICA—RUN TO JESUS!!!!!

    Most sincerely,

    Marsha Carol Watson Gandy



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