by | Oct 26, 2019 | Christianity Today | 12 comments

A massive number of Christians are experiencing a strange miracle.  And we are discovering that this was predicted—in detail.

The Holy Spirit is separating them. He has selected them for special grace and power to accomplish mighty acts at the edge of history. They will be uniquely equipped to face the sophisticated evil of our time. But it all begins by making peace with the Holy Spirit and restoring His rightful place in our hearts and in the church.

Take a close look at the book of Acts and you will see the disarming down-to-earth way they related to the Holy Spirit. While they revered Him deeply, they had a sense of His nearness and His involvement in their day to day operation. They behaved as if He was close by and they could almost see Him. Most of all, they anticipated His instructions.

 Acts 13:2 “As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” 3 Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away. 4 So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus.”

Millions are now hearing the same call: “SEPARATE TO ME!” The Holy Spirit told David Wilkerson about this coming separation, and how pockets of prophetic people would huddle together across our nation.

He said, “God-hungry people are saying among themselves, “This is not it. There is something more. The bigness and the sensationalism of it all has left us empty and dry. We want more. More than entertainment. More than big, showy buildings. More than a shallow celebrity gospel. We want deeper values. We want to see Jesus. We want spotless robes of righteousness. We want to go back to doing things in total dependence on God.”

Many of these people were chased out of churches that were once fiery, Spirit-filled churches that had taken on a new ‘seeker-friendly’ format. They saw their church now focused on church growth, down-playing the presence of the Holy Spirit, and only designed to attract outsiders. They felt punished for wanting a move of God.

They are fed up with the world system—especially when they see it operating in the church.  They can’t stomach the glitzy entertainment centers anymore. They believe we have no time to play games.  They are frustrated that church is catering to the lukewarm members.

They are done with egocentric preachers with grandiose, expensive and carnal visions that having nothing to do with soul winning or revival.  They accuse these preachers of being distracted—even derailed from their first love.   Disciples are abandoning “attraction” churches, and something revolutionary is happening inside them.  God is starting a fresh movement.

David Wilkerson explained more of what he saw coming: “God is revealing to all praying people that a glorious new work of the Spirit is about to break forth. God is going to shake everything that can be shaken. He will tear down the old political, backslidden, ecclesiastical system. He will disown the formal, super-church structure. He will chase out of His presence all who are engaging in self-promoting ministries.”

The praying people he mentions will force changes.  They are a new breed for a new need. They are frustrated, hungry, and their numbers are growing fast.  They are coalescing around certain truths: fasting, repentance, and holy surrender to Christ.

Smith Wigglesworth saw this separation coming way back in 1927.  He predicted the same group of people that  David Wilkerson described: “All the people which are pressing into and getting ready for this glorious attained place where they shall not be found naked, where they shall be blameless, where they shall be immovable, where they shall be purified by the power of the Word of God, have within them a consciousness of the very presence of God within, changing their very nature and preparing them for a greater thing, and causing them to be ready for translation.”

Both men believed that this gathering unto the Holy Spirit would begin after a great falling away.

Wigglesworth said, “We have to see that these days have to come, before the Lord can come. There has to be a falling away. There are in the world two classes of believers. There are believers which are disobedient, or I ought to say there are children which are saved by the power of God which are disobedient children. And there are children which are just the same saved by the power of God, who all the time are longing to be more obedient.”

I know that the moment predicted by these two men is upon us. Every day, I receive another account of frustrated saints who have been suddenly driven to hours of prayer. Many are fasting. A vast number are about to find each other in a true outbreak of holy fire. Millions of believers across America feel they are being separated to the Holy Spirit for some amazing, yet unknown, reason. David Wilkerson talked about a “work” within us. Smith Wigglesworth talked about “pressing in.” The image is clear…the Holy Spirit is stirring souls across the nation. They are done with the overuse of big screens, skinny jeans, and fog machines.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal! But mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds!

These frustrated saints are being pulled away from fleshly things, even as a spirit of prayer is overtaking them. They are surrendering to a special work of the Holy Spirit. A fresh work of the Holy Spirit has begun, and the impact will soon be widespread in all the earth!


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  1. Dorothea Kreie

    Many of these people were chased out of churches that were once fiery, Spirit-filled churches that had taken on a new ‘seeker-friendly’ format. They saw their church now focused on church growth, down-playing the presence of the Holy Spirit, and only designed to attract outsiders. They felt punished for wanting a move of God.

    They are fed up with the world system—especially when they see it operating in the church. They can’t stomach the glitzy entertainment centers anymore. They believe we have no time to play games. They are frustrated that church is catering to the lukewarm members.

    „They are done with the overuse of big screens, skinny jeans, and fog machines.“

    Dear Mario,

    I can only say yes and Amen to all you write! I feel and sense the same! Just recently I read the book of Bert Farias about his journey to more holiness. At a certain point the Lord told him: „You are now an ambassador of holiness and have to act and dress like that.“

    It is not an unimportant point amidst the whole thing! The trend of sloppy dressing as ministers of God comes from the USA and has affected Germany styles too. I always thought that the message those ministers preach does not fit with the outfit, – worn out Jeans, skirt… „The skinny jeans“ and sexy outfit should talk to christian women too!! It seems that american women want to compete with movie stars in their outfit!! If Paul taught and preached about that issue it should be so today too!…There is so much divorce happening in the church and I guess it is not by chance. Rich blessings to you,



  2. Carolina

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow…?Praise Him all creatures here below…?Praise Father/Son and Holy Ghost…

  3. Larry Meter

    Thank you for this word in perfect season to me and I am sure many others. I and my wife will be preaching in a national conference in Havana, Cuba. People say to me…are you nuts. What started out just going there to share the love of Jesus to 2 orphanages of children (nursery age to 16 years old) now has us going to 4 village churches to preach and then keynote speakers at the national gospel convention that is held yearly in Havanah, Cuba. The Cuban authorities determined the theme is “And The Heavens Were Opened”.
    Many of the girls do not know what it is to have a hairbrush of their own so we are taking 50 to 75. A hairbrush is so precious they lock them up at night. The children don’t have beds but take an empty rice or bean bag and stretch it over sticks elevated from the ground. The smaller children will get a simple toy but they will ask that it be locked up at night so it doesn’t get stolen or broken. For the young boys we were able to buy a bat and 2 baseballs and working on baseball mitts.
    To all that see this my whole point is…don’t underestimate what God can do with you. Just know He wants to use you in ways that you have never dreamed of. To my wife and I being a delegate speaker pales in importance to being a sponsor for these orphanage children. I am still coming to reality of how impoverished these children are.

    Larry Meter
    Larry Meter Ministries

    • Darlene W

      What a beautiful testimony Larry meters Ministries!

  4. kingskid48

    I have felt the call also, to spend more time in prayer, as I see what is happening to our great country. My desire is to see all of His churches allow the Holy Spirit to take over and have His way. We have a great church, but I do see a tamping-down of His influence from what used to be in years past. If we allow Him to move as He wishes, the sinners will come, just as they used to, and they will go forward and be saved and delivered. I pray that the pastors can begin to see this again. Come, Holy Spirit.

  5. Noel

    Thank you for re-posting this message! It is always timely!

  6. Darlene W

    Exactly. Separated.Intensely pressing in to the unknown.We are on the brink of something. A new era.You can just feel it.

  7. Carolina

    I’m not sure how you meant your comment, but honestly believe that Mario Murillo would be sad to be viewed as a “celebrity” type. I would add having his books with signature is a privilege due to Mr Murillo’s long term 50 yr ministry commitment. There’s something to be said here for posterity.

    • Carolina

      I don’t know how this happened but this I’m pasting here is what came to my email inbox from MMM as a comment response from a blogger to this posting and my response above was supposed to be directed to that comment blogger, not to myself?…

      iamseatedwithhim commented on SEPARATE TO ME.
      in response to mariomurilloministries:
      Autographed copies!? Wow, that’s exciting! How wonderful to be in possession of a celebrity copy!

  8. D Williams

    “I’m not sure how you meant your comment “. Maybe it was meant as a lighthearted compliment.




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