What God did last night can’t be described as just ‘a good meeting.’ This is something far beyond a good meeting. Dinuba knows—I mean the whole city knows—that something supernatural is happening in the tent!
Not only did they jam the tent, they filled it to its maximum capacity. We had taken the precaution of bringing two truckloads of chairs. We didn’t anticipate that we would need all of them, but as it turned out, it was barely enough.
Now, due to the excitement that tonight’s meeting has generated, we will have to make a third trip to get more chairs. Tomorrow night (Monday, October 7, 2019) has been announced as a miracle service. There is absolutely no doubt that an army of God’s people will scour the area to bring in those who need a miracle.
The way God’s people took the challenge, I fully expect them to be just like those who sought out the Lord: 54 “And when they came out of the boat, immediately the people recognized (Jesus), 55 ran through that whole surrounding region, and began to carry about on beds those who were sick to where they heard He was. 56 Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well.” (Mark 6:54-56)
The sermon that came thundering out of me tonight in Dinuba was the most forceful challenge I have ever unleashed on an audience. I began with a question. “Who knows when it will ever be this way again? Whatever you do, you must do now. Whatever changes you need to make in your schedule, you need to make them now.”
I repeat that challenge to you: The worst mistake you can make is to think this meeting is about Mario Murillo, or worse, to think it is a good event rather than a once in a lifetime encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever you do, you must do now. Whatever changes you need to make in your schedule, you need to make them now.
Churches are unified. Workers are abundant. We are on a site granted by the city of Dinuba, California itself. That is extraordinary favor!
Our greatest crime would be a partial response to a total blessing. Pastors, I must exhort you not to seek self-preservation. This is way bigger than just your church. God is up to something far greater than church growth. You must seize the moment when God has placed the arrows of deliverance in your hand:
2 King 13: 15 And Elisha said to him, “Take a bow and some arrows.” So he took himself a bow and some arrows. 16 Then he said to the king of Israel, “Put your hand on the bow.” So he put his hand on it, and Elisha put his hands on the king’s hands. 17 And he said, “Open the east window”; and he opened it. Then Elisha said, “Shoot”; and he shot. And he said, “The arrow of the Lord’s deliverance and the arrow of deliverance from Syria; for you must strike the Syrians at Aphek till you have destroyed them.” 18 Then he said, “Take the arrows”; so he took them. And he said to the king of Israel, “Strike the ground”; so he struck three times, and stopped. 19 And the man of God was angry with him, and said, “You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck Syria till you had destroyed it! But now you will strike Syria only three times.”The king of Israel made a partial response to a total harvest, as did Simon Peter:
Luke 5:4 “When (Jesus) had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” 5 But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.”We must fully obey the Lord.
We must let down all the nets. Let down the nets of time. Let down the nets of influence. Let down the nets of zeal.
We must know the hour of our visitation. This meeting will either be remembered as a massive breakthrough or as a tragically missed opportunity—missed because we allowed unimportant things to be more important than the things of the Kingdom of God.
After my initial challenge to those in the tent, I went on to speak to those who were unsaved, telling them, “You need to know when God is sending you help. Come forward now in total surrender.” I was told that 150 came forward to be born again, but, as always, only God knows the true number.As the Word of God says, when His Spirit comes upon you, you will never be the same:
1 Samuel 10:6 “Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man. 7 And let it be, when these signs come to you, that you do as the occasion demands; for God is with you.”
What happened tonight is going to make history. I guarantee it! My greatest challenge will be getting to sleep tonight. This is because a vibrant, fiery army is out there at work. They are going to bring the sick and lost to the tent. I will be kept awake by the thought that what was once just a vivid dream about Highway 99—the Corridor of Glory—is now a powerful reality, and is in no way daunted by the ‘impossibility’ of revival coming to California.
Stay tuned! God is just getting started!
Mario, we were praying for you and this gathering yesterday afternoon at 3:00pm. You’ve been in our thoughts, minds and prayers. Whatever you want to call this move of God, it is clear it is here, it is available, and it will be SPECTACULAR! 2 Kings 13: and following was THE scripture that inspired my Husband over 20 years ago. To STRIKE the ground many more times than 5 or 6.
And because he did, open opportunities for Christ to work through us in His service have been on going for 20 years. So many open doors, so many elevated floors, from one level of glory to another…with God ALL things are possible.
Blessing is upon You,
We love you ✝︎
Praise God! This news is so exciting!
Thank you very much
May God bless you abundantly
Our vision: Planting Churches around the nations of the world as we minister to people who have no hope.
2019-10-07 10:14 UTC+02:00, Mario Murillo Ministries
Hope you got some rest Mario…HE’s doing.it Again tonite…and MORE…Praying for the Miracle service tonite…!!!!!GO JESUS!!
On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, 2:14 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “What God did tonight can’t be called a > good meeting. This is something far beyond a good meeting. Dinuba knows—I > mean the whole city knows—something supernatural is happening in the tent. > Not only did they jam the tent—it reached maximum capacity. We t” >
All the way from Red Bluff to the end of Laval Road in Arvin ,California shall be a corridor for the glory of God.Nothing will stop this.Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee;and the light shall shine upon thy ways.Job 22:28
Brother, this is awesome! We are preparing for our meetings in Warrior with great anticipation! It is happening!!
Hallelujah! I was awakened at 2:00am this morning to pray with great intensity for our nation and President and that justice will prevail and all lies be exposed. So glad to hear that the local Church is energized.
Just a quick testimony. When I was praying for our God of Justice to intervene in our current affairs this past week, the next thing I hear is that a candidate experienced a heart attack. The LORD takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked but people need to get right with God in this hour. I sense the urgency of the hour. We may be on the verge of the Book of Acts revisiting us.
Praise God for what He is doing!
Praise you Jesus for the anointing that will fall tonight. Thank you Heavenly Father for making a way for us to be in relationship with you. Bless and strengthen our brother, your servant- shepherd, Mario as he brings forth the message. Holy Spirit, thank you for being our ever-present guide as we walk out our purpose in the world. GLORY TO GOD.
Such good news! I believe Revival will begin in California and sweep our nation!
How beautiful is this, how I longed to be there. Lord knows. May miracles continue to abound, may the Lord quicken your mortal flesh for the continued work.
In Jesus name Lord have your way, your will be done in these meetings.