Things are going to get even crazier. Yes, there is little doubt that we are going to see a scorched earth political campaign from the Left. They will be carpet bombing the nation with propaganda. The flood of fake news, character assassination, and criminal activity during the election season will be worse than anything you have ever seen before. At a certain point, it may look impossible for our side to win. However, I know we can—because I know God wants to do a miracle.
I have sought the Lord. I have spent much time praying, studying, thinking, and writing. Last night it hit me. There are 5 things we can do, and if we do them I know Trump will be reelected. Here they are:
1. Realize that there are more of us than you know. There are millions who love Jesus and who also love America and who support our President. It is not necessary for you to engage in endless debates or try to change anyone’s mind—all you have to do is to get those who are already like-minded to become active.
Activate them by telling them what is at stake. They must know that the Democrat agenda for America is the Spirit of Antichrist, pure and simple. It is the instrument by which virtue, freedom, and justice will be removed and our cities turned into institutional hell holes.
Ask if they are registered to vote. Ask what they plan to do, and make sure they vote. Talk to them about studying a sample ballot so that they will be prepared to vote correctly. Talk to them about early voting. Make sure they know where to vote.
2. Talk to your pastor. Make sure you don’t threaten to leave the church if you don’t get your way! Just gently ask if he or she would consider instructing the Body on what is at stake. One fact should outweigh everything else: THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HAS DECLARED WAR ON CHRISTIANITY. You are not lying or exaggerating when you tell that to your church leader.
Spiritual leaders need to know they are not ‘getting political’ by being vocal about the election. It’s the Democrats who have gotten anti-God. It is a natural extension of a preacher’s calling to destroy the works of Satan which, in this case, is the Left’s plan to drive the church underground.
3. Educate yourself on the issues and take public stands. No, I don’t want you glued to cable news, but you should be able to defend the reasons why you are pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and why you support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Yes, you can win debates and change minds. When your child comes home from school a victim of leftist encroachment, you should know your parental rights. I have found that many of the ideas of the Left are easily defeated by the Truth. Young minds often believe the silliness liberal teachers are spouting because they have never heard an opposing view.
Write letters to editors. Call in to radio shows. You’ll be amazed at how much noise you can make, and how many minds you can change.
4.Know that by taking stands against delusional leftists you are not being unloving. Paul knew when to stand up for his civil rights: Acts 16:36: “So the keeper of the prison reported these words to Paul, saying, “The magistrates have sent to let you go. Now therefore depart, and go in peace.” 37 But Paul said to them, “They have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans, and have thrown us into prison. And now do they put us out secretly? No indeed! Let them come themselves and get us out.” 38 And the officers told these words to the magistrates, and they were afraid when they heard that they were Romans.”
Paul knew his rights, and he wasn’t concerned that he might appear to be unloving. He forced a political change in that city.
5.Understand warfare intercession. Prayer can’t be polite in this election cycle. It must be intense. It must be targeted. It must be deliberate and very specific. It must discern what is happening. Arthur Matthews wrote, “Principalities and powers in heavenly places have mustered their unseen array, rigged their Trojan horse, infiltrated society and opened the gates for a flood of evil to take over.”
Once they have been alerted to that inescapable fact, the soldiers of Jesus must set themselves to unleash heaven upon the powers of evil. Tragically, most believers are ignorant of the invisible battle. Edith Schaeffer said that “there is a deadness, a blindness, an insensitivity among many Christians, for they refuse to recognize the war in which they are involved.”
The good news is that Jehovah only needs a handful of true intercessors to thwart Satan’s plans in this coming election. However, it is imperative for you to understand your duty and your authority. Again, Arthur Matthews wrote, “Barriers are not moved by God’s omnipotence until the believer takes the initiative and stands his ground in the heavenly places to engage the powers of evil that are directly the cause of the ground-level troubles, and resists them in the name of the Victor of Calvary.”
When the enemy came to steal Israel’s water, Moses took action to cut off demonic power at the source: Exodus 17:8: “Now Amalek came and fought with Israel in Rephidim. 9 And Moses said to Joshua, “Choose us some men and go out, fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand.””
So long as Moses held up the rod over the battle, the Amalekites were defeated. You know the rest, Aaron and Hur held up his hands until victory came.
Hold up the standard of God in prayer. Hold it over the demons that are driving the Left to their insane extremes. Let your intercession disrupt them. Watch as God divides, confuses, and neutralizes the strategies of devils! Watch as He pours out His Spirit upon America in a Great Awakening—and we will see a miracle in November 2020! Hallelujah!
TY & God Bless–Sharing on FB & Tweeter.
We are standing, praying, speaking out, and trusting God that Christians will rise together “for such a time as this.” Thanks for your words of encouragement.
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This parable Jesus taught to the leaders of his day needs to be applied here by us who understand what is at stake in 20/20 regarding what Mario has instructed in this Blog article. If we apply this parable to those who say they’re Christian’s but don’t fully understand the Democrat agenda that is against them for their future, it will help the rest of us to better seek what is lost.
(Matthew 15: 4-7)
So He told them this parable: “What person among you, who has 100 sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the 99 in the open field and go after the lost one until it is found? When they have found it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders, and coming home, calls his friends and neighbors together, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, because I have found my lost sheep!’ I tell you, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who don’t need repentance.
Each person counts just as every vote counts.??♀️
Excellent Blog!… But, let me remind everyone of this…
It’s not just Trump, It’s also House and Senate Seats held by never-Trumpers, rino’s and shedders of innocent blood…
If we gain the presidency (again by God’s Grace alone) and lose majority in House and Senate we are just as lost as not having a man forgiven of God in the presidency.
At least if Righteousness holds the House and Senate (by two thirds) we can over ride a presidential veto…
Don’t let the smoke screen against Trump make you forget the larger picture. We need all three!
We *MUST* have a National Revival!
If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
We have remained silent, we have failed to vote righteously, and as a whole the body of Christ has accepted lies about a man who has sought God through the counsel of Godly Men, and I believe He has accepted Christ, and compromised the faith and become complicit in the sins of the demoncratic party anmd their wholesale shedding of innocent blood.
Judgement must begin in the house of God and it surely will, and I fear that not a single one of us is guiltless!
Full heartedly agree with every word of this blog. I am currently involved with a group of pastors that are going from one district to another praying for all governmental leaders, but also providing voter registration at these church meetings. We are getting politically involved, motivating Christians to finally take a stand for what they believe in, through their actions, through their vote. The church needs to wake up to understand that we don’t have to take this, that we have a vote, a godly right to take action, to stand up for righteousness.
We pray all the time for President Trump. We are certain that he is ther for a reason and that God old the devil shananigans away from him.
We Canadians are in election mode also and the biggest liar the Liberals ever produced is trying to retain power over Andrew Sheers who holds high standard and christians values.
We seek your wisdom Lord in putting in the place of goverment power the most righteous person to achieve your will dear God.
I believe
What a powerful and most needed message for “such a time as this”!
Thank you and thank you Lord !!! We praise your Holy Name!!!!
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you for this post and encouraging us to pray and that we can still have victory. He has been teaching me more and more on prayer for about ten years now. I am steadily learning. I have been actively praying and am many prayer groups on my Facebook page and am starting a blog here at WordPress under the title “Clovenfire21” under the Christian Living category. Please pray for me, especially my children, and grandchildren, they are being targeted by the enemy I know, in retaliation against my activities and prayers. I have read about the attacks on you also, praying for you also, I know the enemy is a liar.
Thank you for this message
May God bless you abundantly
Our vision: Planting Churches around the nations of the world as we minister to people who have no hope.
2019-09-15 6:33 UTC+02:00, Mario Murillo Ministries
Amen!! watchman on post here!! We serve a Mighty God who “traps the wise in their craftiness so that the plans of the deceptive are quickly brought to an end.” God is showing Himself STRONG in this Season–He is a Man of War!!! PRAY
The political world is a manifestation of the spiritual. The less godly Americans have become has opened doors for the left to push us towards neo-paganism (rather than socialism). Eventually the left will do a mass conversion to Islam as it is the replacement for socialism/communism in the collectivist continuum.
Look at how the left wants to engage in banning things to the point that it is starting to resemble the mark of the beast. If you do not bow down on issues like LBGTQ, guns, abortion, even eating meat AND climate change then you are to have your business shut down or have you fired. You will not be allowed to buy or sell.
It may be that we have looked at Revelations wrong. That Babylon and the Beast are not governments but religions. The Great Babylon is the orthodox Christianity (not just the Catholic church but the east church as well plus the Church of England and maybe even Lutheranism). That the Great Babylon will be defeated and destroyed only to be replaced by the Beast (Islam and Islamism which is the political side).
Better Trump would follow Mario that the twitt blonde he has given his trust to. Paula is not the right person for the job. But them he has hired many wrong people and removed many right people..Still needs to clean house in W H and remove Jared and Ivanka now. They are both dems and know nothing of the real America we have lived through…Get them and Paula out of there now…Pray this happens please.