Friday July 5th, Saturday July 6th, and Sunday July 7th Mario Murillo Ministries held the Living Proof World Convention in Reno/Sparks area at Spirit Filled Church with Pastor Roger Canary.
It was a radical move for any convention to only have two speakers, Perry Stone and I. Not only that, but we decided we would ‘shotgun’ every night—meaning we would both preach. The big question is, Can today’s audiences abide two messages AND an extended worship time?
That’s the thing about listening to the Holy Spirit. When it makes no sense in the natural, it always works perfectly in the Spirit. In over 50 years of ministry, I have not seen a convention roll this smoothly and with so much fire. I have also not seen an audience with this pure of a motivation. There was zero fluff. It was total surrender to the Holy Spirit.
The urgency of the crowd made it necessary for us to begin each session 30 minutes early. The hunger of the crowd pulled on the speaker to deliver the deep things of God. I was reminded of a phenomenon known as super-conductivity—when at 450 degrees below zero there is zero drag on an electric current, allowing for the purest flow of energy.
There was zero resistance to truth by the audience. It allowed us to preach the deep things of God. Their heart for God pulled the presence of God into the room.
Two dynamics will mark this gathering for all time. The first is this hunger in the people for God and truth. The second is the desperate hour of our nation.
The Spirit of God was warning, empowering, and directing, all at the same time.
The Lord laid the task upon me of driving home the point that the American church cannot escape her pivotal role in saving America. The enemies of God are too blatant and too demonically driven for the church to ignore. There is no deferment in this war for the people of God in America. No one gets a pass.
My next task was to destroy the lies that disqualify us from effective warfare. We are out of time and out of excuses for our lethargy, division, and ignorance of God’s Word. The Spirit of God verified my obedience in preaching, with undeniable signs and wonders breaking out among the people.
Still, there was a churning that foreshadowed more power and fire yet to come. Something holy and life- altering was rising in our midst. It was left for Perry Stone to ignite the revelation that would touch off the glory.
Perry ripped the mask off what Satan is doing to Americans. He explained—better than anyone I have heard—how the spirit of antichrist is addicting Americans to drugs in order for them to be numb enough to accept socialism and the complete abdication of all personal freedom to the State. It is this drug-addled stupor that would let them take our firearms, our rights, and our Bibles.
“But,” Perry said, “there will be an outpouring!” That declaration touched off an explosion of Glory! It infused us—it was a quickening of body, mind, and spirit.
Soon, he was calling many to come forward to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. It was breathtaking to see dozens charge to the front, and before they knew it, they were mightily baptized with glorious tongues of fire. Perry told me later that he had not seen a crowd receive the Holy Spirit so effortlessly.
Whatever lesser goal brought these people to our convention, it was now undeniable that they had forever left the realm of being merely “blessed” Christians, and were now beginning to form an army—an army with power, resolve, and clarity. We all knew we would never be the same.
I am looking forward to seeing the same outpouring of the Spirit in Fresno, and then—on to Los Angeles!
This is great,so good to hear and very encouraging.thank you
This is great,so good to hear and very encouraging.thank you
amen ptl, a hungry heart will not go unfilled, the little effort to receive the Baptism shows a hungry person for God. Be Blessed praying
Keep at it, my friend.
The tent meetings, this convention with Perry, your blogs, and more, are making a potent impact. But there’s more! There’s a dynamic undercurrent that your obedience has created. Your tenacity to “do the work of the Lord” calls the Joshua Generation off the bench and back into the game. The Joshua Generation (baby-boomers—our age group) succumbed to the world-view that age benches us from innovative contributions to life, work, and ministry. You, my friend, whether you’re aware of it, stand toe-to-toe against that mindset.
When King David was an old man, he declared the same message to his generation that you’re sending to yours. It reads, “David summoned all the leaders of Israel… All the Levites who were thirty years old and older were counted…In accordance with David’s final instructions, all the Levites twenty years old or older were registered for service” (1 Chron. 23: 2-3, 27). As John Wimber once said, “Everyone gets to play.”
Perhaps you’re not aware of how your obedience makes retirees uncomfortable relaxing in a lazy boy while drawing retirement. Maybe you do know it. Either way, your ministry is greater and more far-reaching than one could imagine. The meetings and ministry impact a nation. But the wake of your momentum also pulls a generation back into service whose world-view sat them down. You cause them to “dream dreams“ again. Perhaps they didn’t know they “were registered for service” until… Until they see one of their own making the grandest impact of his life in the mature season of life.
Stay at it. It’s working. More than you know, it’s working!
Dare to do what the Spirit of God directs, causes others to dare to dream & do what He is directing their hearts to do. Truly, Nothing is impossible with God… Thank you all for having the guts & courage to seek, trust, & obey the promptings of His Spirit…
AMEN Mario and Perry!!…a double AMEN for the righteous right on work.?
Hallelujah!!!! How encouraging!
Thank God, thank God!!!
God answers prayer.
Dear Mario: Jimmy & I love what is happening with your tent meetings. Now that people from many churches are fired up, consider giving them something specific and powerful to do together again. Are you familiar with our intercession musicals “If My People” and/or “Heal Our Land?” They are interactive ministries involving singers, musicians, pastors and the congregation in worship and targeted prayer for the nation. IMP was done all over Great Britain and the U.S. in the ’70s, raising many thousands of. intercessors for the nations. One leader at IHOP said that he believed IMP bought America an extra 20 years from God. Well, that is long past. People need again to be taught how to pray effectively and powerfully in this time of incredible spiritual warfare. We worked with the help of spiritual warriors such as Derek Prince in structuring the thing.
Years ago when it was done in Houston, the city’s passionate pastors and leaders came together, did the musical and, besides raising commitment to ongoing prayer for their city and the nation, hit the streets and distributed half a million gospel tracts directly to Houston homes. After all, the cross is the place where our spiritual lives begin; where the Holy Spirit can empower new believers and turn them into warriors. IMP answered one pastor’s heartfelt question: “I want my people to pray for our country in a way that makes a difference! What do I say after I’ve said, “God bless America?” IMP showed him.
Jimmy and I are in our late 80s, so we aren’t physically able to be involved with these presentations, nor are we interested in any financial benefit; we just want to see God’s people raised up against the spiritual forces that are tearing apart our country and the world. It might be a great follow-up to your meetings that you could suggest to the people who are responding. You can get our website: and see what we are about.
We are praying for you! Jimmy & Carol
To Carol Owens,
I just got off your website listening to some of your album samples and love your style and musical approach. What a blessing you must have been within the Body of Christ all these many years. Though I’d not heard of you & your endeavors before I read your comment to Mario, I certainly know of Pat Boone and his love of Jesus as well as knowing Godly talent when I hear and see it…You & your husband surely have it! Plus you & your husband are just as attractive looking NOW in your elder years as you were in the younger ones.
This is thrilling to read. I would have loved to have been there, to say the least. What a blessing for the folks who were. I pray they all take the challenge and become a mighty force against the encroaching evil in this country.
may i ask for the fresno and la dates? thanks!!!
There has been in a change in Fresno dates: August 11,12 Covenant Worship Center Sun 6PM Mon 7PM
1461 North Chestnut Ave Call 775 238 3473
Praise the Lord Pastor, it is happening!
I am so blessed by your blogs and commitment to the Lord’s work, as well as Perry Stone. I wish you could come to SA Tx, I’d love to hear you personally but know that I am praying for you and your team. May our Lord continue to bless you ???
Yessir we are waiting and watching for you to come through Madera into Fresno ?????????
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
I visited a Ukrainian Church and they had about four speakers in their Sunday morning service. They were very earnest in prayer too. These people know about persecution and hard lives, and they really live for their Lord.
I love both of you ministers of the true Gospel… As I said before I was healed at the Pasadena Civic Aud. in So. CA in summer 1978 as a Mario Murillo Healing Service that was profound. A severe back injury result of a car accident that I suffered with for over 7 months was completely healed in an instant, never to return- and I was nowhere near the stage!
LORD Jesus continue to bless your respective ministries, all for His Glory alone, AMEN. ‘’