In times of acute spiritual warfare, God often allows those He has chosen for a special work to feel a kind of frustration. Maybe you can see that something radical needs to happen. Maybe you see things others don’t. You survey the church scene and see that what Satan has sold so many believers is merely fool’s gold. You’re convinced that this feeble generation is not taking up weapons that are ‘mighty to the tearing down of strongholds.’ Instead, they pursue money, cheap grace, and safe spaces.
You can see how teaching that is shallow and flattering is the perfect greenhouse for dulling reality. It kills urgency. Taking a stand has become a distant fantasy to many. But, what about you?
You see how the faith of so many has grown flabby. You can’t bear to see how many Christians don’t even know what ‘the weapons of our warfare’ are. They don’t know our authority. They have no marching orders. They don’t know what to say to this generation. Most of all, you feel a deep urgency, but you are shocked that the people of God are oblivious as to what is coming next in the plan of God. They are clueless about the threats to our nation and our freedom.
Peter recognized when government crossed the line. Acts 4:19 “But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to Him? You be the judges! 20 As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.””
Peter also understood what to do when government tries to ban the Gospel, (the high priest replied,) 28 “Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this Name? And behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Man’s blood on us!” 29 But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.”” (Acts 5: 28-29)
Those who hate America are coming after our freedom. They will force feed our children the Antichrist agenda. That is, unless we wake up to our purpose and our destiny.
Although I am calling you out for special power in this hour, we must be alert, not alarmed. Don’t let the threatening clouds grip you with fear. Let them light a fire in your soul!
You see and feel all of this for a reason: God is frustrating you divinely. It is one of His greatest gifts. Why? Because it delivers you from the mediocre by implanting in you an insatiable restlessness—a restlessness than can only be quelled through prayer and obedience. Is God selecting you to give you weapon-grade faith and boldness?
You simply can’t stay where you are. Something must break! My advice to you is…do these things:
1.Be filled or refilled with the Holy Spirit. You must have fire, or you must have fresh fire. The courage to face the onslaught of hatred that will be thrown at you can never be met by human power. To say what you need to say and to obey when you need to obey, cannot come from human motivation. You must have the same Spirit that has fueled world-changing saints throughout history. God never meant for anyone to preach or to lead without the power that the infilling of the Holy Spirit brings. Pray in the Spirit. Pray in tongues. Be bathed in prayer.
2. Make room for signs and wonders. Our culture will not be reached by mere words. They must see proof of the power of God. God means for you to provide that proof.
Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 2:4 “…my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5 that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”
The authority you need won’t come cheaply or instantly. (Read my blog on the price of God’s miracle working power
3. Get ready to do something for God that will boggle your mind. God is selecting people and working in them to impart unmatched power for attacking evil. Habakkuk 1:5 “Look among the nations and watch—be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you.”
He is creating people who can turn the tide of wickedness. He doesn’t care about your age or your education. He searches for someone who is travailing over the evil and will die unless God fills them with power and purpose. Someone who wants to be in the fight and who wants to be in the thick of it. Isaiah 6:8 says, “Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”
4. Prepare to pray in a way you have never imagined. God is pulling you out of the damaged religious crowd into special intimacy with Himself. You are not going to pray like you have in the past. E. M. Bounds wrote, “To say prayers in a decent, delicate way, is not heavy work. But to pray really, to pray till hell feels the ponderous stroke, to pray till the iron gates of difficulty are opened, till the mountains of obstacles are removed, till the mists are exhaled and the clouds are lifted, and the sunshine of a cloudless day brightens—this is hard work, but it is God’s work, and man’s best labor.”
What do all of these things I am asking you to do have in common? Every one of them involves a leap out of dead religion. They are a courageous declaration of war on the godless ideologies that are destroying our nation. They are an irrevocable decision to be in the middle of God’s greatest acts in history!
Thanks Mario for recognizing the core remnant of Kingdom power and what they’re dealing with right now. “Divine frustration,” describes it and I would add to that great analysis “righteous indignation,” to top off the inexorable results of what we feel inside due to the acts of wickedness and violence we are witnessing today. It can be staggering, in spite of it we will march on.
Happy Independence day!??
Once again, you have read my mind, or my spirit, Pastor Mario. As someone who recognizes that my only righteousness is IN HIM, my heart is heavy lately with the load of wickedness in this generation. We hear, read, and see things that stagger our consciences. We couldn’t have imagined this wickedness years ago, people debasing themselves in the ways they are, and worse yet, insisting on spreading their vile activities and attitudes far and wide. But we were warned in Scripture that this day would come, and the battle is the Lord’s. I think Christians either have been battered so much that they are numb and are tuning out, or they prefer to remain uninformed and oblivious. Some of the unsaved are more aware than some in the Church. It’s time to be filled to overflowing, and to take up our shields.
You have spoke my heart. As a leader of a ladies prayer group within the 3rd week I began to have the worst spiritual warfare I have ever experienced in my over 47 yrs serving our Saviour. I have had the worst evil come against my mind. A spirit if jezabel has come and overtaken our prayer group at times . I have cried out to others to pray and watch but only one see’s it. It has driven me to my knees and I almost walked away but God spoke and said “be still”. I yearn for the church to wake up. We are crying out for Father God to give us a ear to hear His voice and to prepare us for what we are about to face. I cling to read what God is telling you just as I did with what he told David Wilkinson. Thank you for being an instrument in these last days as we listen to the real true prophets that God is raising up.
Wrestling in prayer for all and that many will join the ranks this weekend in Sparks for the soul of the nation!
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I have given up on dead religion and feel exactly as you post daily; however, the enemy’s attacks against my family have paralyzed me and I am in this weird limbo.
Deb Miller: Glancing through titles of articles on Blog looking to respond to someone’s question, trying to find article. “weary ones” lana vawser go to her website and “enough is enough” by geraldine coleman that website has some great encouragement=DON’T GIVE UP, i’m singing that song all the time “turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace. Priscilla Van Sutphin on that site has some great encouragement, she sends out tremendous news worthy and encouragment bulletins to ONE PRAY FOR, PRAYER, PRAYER, PRAYER!
ARISE AND SHINE! My thoughts be in the Word, speak, sing, pray, roar, shout the WORD but the most amazing Worship CD have #, 1. “Robin Mark Revival in Belfast (robin is a man) and his Come Heal Our Land; Even So Come by Kevin Prosch; I Bow Down by Daphne Rademaker, Hungry CD”; King of Saints” is also great. Have Worship on where ever you go 24/7.
Walking closely with Jesus Christ, we will exhibit His Divine Emotions within ourselves. We feel what He feels and He feels what we feel. Also, Righteous Lot was vexed with the filthy life style and conduct of the wicked around him. Our citizenship is in Heaven where we are seated with Christ in Heavenly Places. Our groanings are getting evermore intense…
I couldn’t understand my restlessness until I read this blog….My prayer life has been different – and the frustration level of watching this culture shift and swirl has heightened. Thank you for helping me see – to helping me have the courage to move forward boldly.
Last Sunday morning I heard the L-rd say, “I am shearing my sheep.” I have been researching sheep to see how this is to be applied. Anyone else get something like this? If you know what this means, please share.
Oh, Wow, this is so good!
I have really needed a “kick in the butt! ”
Thank you, Holy Spirit! ?
His Remnant must be Revived! Praise God!