The Secret Reason

by | Jun 24, 2019 | Christianity Today | 28 comments

These are the ugliest days I have ever witnessed in America. They are capable of trapping the child of God in a web of anger, depression, despair and exhaustion. Satan’s plan is to destroy your sleep. He is fiercely pursuing your peace. He even wants to use your love for God against you.

We have entered a season in American life that is the worst that Christians have ever known.  There are forces crashing against our spirits that are unheard of by prior generations. Satan wants to keep you angry, depressed and exhausted. He wants it for a different reason than you know. He is using fake news, political correctness, and the insane behavior of people around you to crush your spirit.

It is ironic, but, it is those who are the central core of God’s people—those who hold to their convictions—who are under the greatest attack. They are being assaulted by the withering lies of the devil, and these attacks seem to come from every direction.

This remnant is suffering from isolation: Since they are not at home in the compromised church, they feel isolated and even punished, for dropping out of the shallowness.

They are also under attack at their jobs, where their stance against immoral living makes them a target of outright hostility and false accusations of being judgmental, or hateful.

They are the special target of Satan for a reason that is hidden. They are marked by evil to be attacked more viciously than lukewarm believers.

A verse I’ve read for decades recently revealed to me the secret reason for Satan’s attack upon you. Satan is trying to crush the spirit of the ones whom God has chosen to endue with power in these last days.

What the devil fears most is your destiny, your assignment in the Kingdom of God. If he can preemptively end your calling, he will.  Martin Luther said “Satan only attacks those he fears.

Here is that verse: in Luke 21:34, Jesus said, “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap.”

To me, that means the trap of missing my assignment by letting these end times vex me to the point of ineffectiveness.

In this message, I will show you three things to do that will enable you to conquer all the fears, feelings, and emotions that are under attack. You are here for a very important reason. Satan wants you trapped, so that you will miss the day of God’s power. Satan wants to keep you from reaping the harvest you were promised—from experiencing the revival you have yearned for—and from receiving the outpouring you have expected.

But know this: God has more than provided for this attack!

The enemy of your soul knows your calling, and wants to keep you trapped by emotions, and yes: by addictions! Many Christians who are on fire for the Lord are shocked to discover that Satan has been trying to use their broken, discouraged spirit to trap them in drugs and alcohol. They are shocked to find themselves reeling under this temptation after years of fiery dedication to Christ.

It’s a trap! The devil wants you out of commission on the day of God’s power…but now, we will rip the mask off this attack and defuse the bomb that is threatening your emotions. It is time for a special miracle to take place in your spirit in these last days!

It is time for an infusion by the Holy Spirit of supernatural emotions! The three things I will ask you to do are tied to one single victorious and defiant declaration…

This declaration will—if you let it ignite in your soul—not only save your life, but give you power you never imagined.  It will make all of the difference in the world to your health physically and mentally.  There is one declaration that will pave the way for you to conquer anything that the future holds.

What is the declaration that must come roaring out of our spirit, that would give us the upper hand over all of the insanity of these last days?

Declare this, in the Name of Jesus:


You are declaring that you are happening to the end times when you do these four things:


1. Become catalytic. A catalyst is any substance that changes what is around it without itself being changed or consumed. The hellish events of today cannot change you or consume you.

2. Look at God. He gives special grace for these last days.  Grace is not just favor.  It is not just forgiveness.  It is the combined power of the resurrection and the righteousness of Jesus Himself.

We read in Daniel 11:32b, “…the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out exploits.”  We often hear that verse quoted, but we may be failing to see the real good news contained in that promise, and its direct bearing on what you are going through right now.

Because you know God, you are protected from the corruption of these times.  Because you know God, you will be stronger than these times.  Because you know God, you will not merely survive these times, you will exploit them.

3. Declare God’s power over your physical health. He will restore your energy. He will oversee your immune system and guard your heart so that your resistance to disease will be awesome.  Obamacare cannot begin to match the benefits of what Christ is offering to you now!

Psalm 103 says, 1 “Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: 3 Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, 4 Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, 5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

Isaiah 40: 31, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

James 5:14, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.”

You do not have to dread long lines at an emergency room when you claim Christ as your doctor and the guardian of your health!


  1. Let supernatural emotions remove your fear of bad news, headlines and threats.

It is time for the people who quote, “Greater is He Who is in me than he that is in the world,” to also confess “Greater is He Who is in me than what is happening in the world.”

Psalm 112:7-8, “He will not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.”

God wants to give us supernatural emotions.  Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed upon You, because he trusts in You.”

John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

God wants you to walk in the knowledge of His supernatural protection. “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world, but that you protect them from the evil one.”

-John 17:15)


Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

What shall we say to these terrible, evil, stressful things?  We shall say:


Is this an arrogant boast, or worse, a delusional boast?   Absolutely not.  You must take your position in the heavenlies. When the anointed of God take their proper stance in the heavenlies, the circumstances of the last days must bend to their destiny.

Their emotions must be at peace. And they must find their strength in the joy of the Lord!




  1. Rachelle Shelley Mordick

    Dear Mario Please could you come to Amador county we need you’re words you’re Anointing I’m 45 minutes from Sacramento you speak Truth these words will strengthen the body of CHRIST in our inner most being we need you’re help we must hear and heed the call of GODS WARRIORS. GOD BLESS YOU AND PLEASE COME GOD BLESS Shelleymordick@gmail phone 209-790-9166 Praying to hear from you .

  2. Ava Hall

    \o/ Amen and Amen! Jon and Ava. Rochester, Mn.

  3. kristymctee

    I also have a “secret reason” … for what has been puzzling me since Trump’s election. Why is the opposition so crazed about it? What are they really looking for with their endless investigations?

    Answer: The presidential election of 2016 was heavily rigged on multiple fronts to tilt the results for Hilary Clinton. That is why she didn’t bother to campaign in swing states. That is why everyone expected her to win, even tho Trump was packing rallies in arenas around the country. THEY HAD THE ACE UP THEIR SLEEVE. Until they didn’t.

    God foiled their plans in response to the outcry and repentant prayers of His people. How He did it I don’t know; I just know it was Him. They have been feverishly looking for the crooked mechanism that bested their crooked mechanism. They don’t believe in God, so the real reason will elude them, is hidden from them in plain sight.

    They will double down in 2020. They will build towering weapons of deceit and censorship and spend lavishly on them. They are issuing blizzards of subpoenas in search of dirt to throw at Trump and anyone close to him. Many are in grave danger for their very lives.

    Beloved, everything that is hidden in darkness will come to light. God will show the intercessors and watchmen among us what they are doing so we can declare specifically against them and pray. They think they are opposing Trump or the Republican party or this or that conservative commentator or nonprofit. They are opposing God.

    • Desertstream

      Well put, Kristy

    • kingskid48

      Well said.

  4. Carolina

    For over 6 months my husband & I have been attacked by the evil of this present darkness, on every level (health, finances, loved ones, at our home, on the job, within the IT of our computers and all devices) also by every usable person or world system tool, it has been just one thing after another.
    So this that you posted today is good news to us Mario!?
    Eight months ago I posted this message on my webpage and I find it a revealing confirmation in light of what you wrote here today…I hope this helps,?

  5. Diane

    Believe it! 2 Peter 1:3 Because by his power He has given us everything necessary for life and righteousness, through the knowledge of him who has been our guide by his glory and virtue;

    • mackeysback

      YES, Amen sister Diane BELIEVE IT!! Peter knew by his experience that God Himself had already given to us “EVERYTHING” that pertained to Life as in His Life alone and Godliness that would allow us to See Spiritually what’s presently happening in the Invisible spiritual places in the Heaven lie’s and react accordingly to that portion of these heavenly virtues that as we put them on GROWING upward into Him then we are Entering His eternal Kingdom which is presently being supplied to us so that DAY doesn’t come upon us as a trap or snare having been consumed with all we see going on in this world. LOVE it NOT Why? because it’s NOT of the Fathers as it is of the World and we have conquered the World having overcome it by our most precious genuine Faith in God In Christ “IN” You Amen

  6. Sharron

    Mario My eternal THANKS for your heart to revive our…hearts through words charged by the Holy Spirit of God. Leadership in the Army of God are taking a hard hit right now! Jesus is on the frontline with you Brother Mario.❤️??✝️


    wonder why many pastors are interested in shopping and play Golf, instead of interceding and lead prayer for the congregation, cities , states and the nation. Our Nation is under attack by the Democratic party. God bless you and your ministry for doing what you are doing for the nation.

  8. Patricia Hough

    I first heard you preach Mario Murillo at Calvary Community Church in San Jose, CA in 1971. I’m thankful to have found you again online so many years later. Thank you for staying faithful to the Lord and continuing in the ministry.

  9. Lindy

    Thanks brother Murillo. Very encouraging. It sure is a battleground just trying to stay afloat let alone be a catalyst for change at times.
    Yes he has been robbing me of sleep, but I still stand on Gods promises regards sleep.
    Yes, under attack in other ways too.
    But we all are.
    The Day of His Power! Praise God!
    Let’s lift one another up in prayer – lets pray for all who are in Christ and who are living for Him, throughout the world.
    You are so encouraging brother Murillo.

  10. Peter Fall

    Great word Mario. Made my day!

  11. Darlene W

    Your posts are such encouragement and a blessing.Things going on in this world truly grieve my spirit.I too have felt isolated and attacked.It brought confusion ,frustration and the utter feeling of defeat.I clung to God ,at times not hearing His voice or knowing His love.But gradually He brought me to a place where the emotions weren’t relentlessly trying to pull me down,they were still there at times but I could discern a spiritual shield around me.The enemy would try to rage but I was able to pray and ignore.We are not ignorant of his devices.All he has are smokescreens and lies.He is a defeated foe.So now I feel the holy Spirit leading me to gain a deeper understanding on the rest of God.That secret place where we are so in tune with God’s heart and will that we pray His thoughts into our nation and the world and He fights the battle.That place where as He is so are we in this world.filled with His joy ,peace and strength.We are more than conquerors as we remain focused on Him and know who we are in Christ Jesus.The price He paid was so great.God bless you ,Mario.I am so thankful God lead me here.

    • Mark Stripling

      Darlene, great thoughts!

    • Desertstream

      Darlene, go to your secret chamber, shut the world out behind you, let everything go, surrender all, wait in His Presence, and enter into His rest.

      • Darlene W

        Thank you for encouraging and instructive words.God bless you.

  12. Mark Stripling, Ransomed Ministries

    Very timely word, Brother Mario. A bad report in some circustance of life can sometimes be crushing to our spirit. Satan loves to use those moments to rub salt in the wound, hoping to bring despair, and even to take us out of service. God says not to be ignorant of his devices. Thankful that Jesus says he will never leave nor forsake us. That in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. Thank you for encouraging us in Christ, as we see the day approaching!

  13. Frank Mack

    Mario, I believe this should be the slogan for all attendees of the upcoming Living Proof World Convention: “The End Times Are Not Happening To Me. I Am Happening To The End Times.” A supernatural shift will occur when those explosive and transforming 15 words make their impact.

  14. kingskid48

    Discouragement can sneak up on us if we get our eyes off of the Lord, and focus too much on the news of the day. I turn the news off more and more and find something inspirational. Never in my life did I think I would see the kind of evil we are now seeing. Who ever would have thought that people would become confused about what gender they are, and that that confusion would now be made into a school curriculum to be forced onto school children all the way down to Kindergarten. If anyone here is not aware this is happening, please education yourself and get involved at What they are teaching the kids now is nothing short of vile. If we do not stand for righteousness, the upcoming generation will have no knowledge of what is true and healthy. This is a plot straight out of the pit of Hell to destroy humankind in these last days. Don’t kid yourselves. It is that serious. Our church is awake and is informing the congregation, but how many more are? Find out if your church is involved in the fight. As far as I know, so far, this is only California, but I am not certain, and you can be assured, if we don’t stop this madness in California, it will spread across the country. God has us here for such a time as this. God bless Pastor Mario for his encouragement, knowledge, and Godly confidence.

  15. mackeysback

    Discouragement can sneak up on us if we get our eyes off of the Lord, and focus too much on the news of the day. I turn the news off more and more and find something inspirational. This as I copy you is the Best advise possible as in don’t “TOUCH” the Unclean poison of this world be as it ALL Comes from that same Lying tree of the knowledge of what can only appear as good but it is also evil and man continually feeds upon it to “Poison” his very own Soul Amen

  16. Linda Palmer

    Thank you for speaking the truth, Mario, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Let us all stand firm, in our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, until the very end!

    God bless you, Mario!
    Linda Palmer
    Boise, Idaho

  17. pastor Jeff Daly

    right on brother! God bless your work and anointing to advance His Kingdom

  18. Jana D.

    I printed this one as well as sharing it. I really need it. Thank you, Mario.

  19. Ron Giovanetti

    Glory to GOD and thank you ????????

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  20. Surfcourier

    After Charles Finney received his Baptism with the Holy Ghost, he was a HAPPENING to everyone he looked at and at every church he preached. Lorenzo Dow would ride into town on his horse, step up and begin to preach with a loud voice on the town square. Soon the people would cry out and fall on the ground wondering what HAPPENED to themselves as they were instantly changed. Brother Wigglesworth would be riding on the train reading the newspaper, and look over at the people seated across from him when something strange would HAPPEN as people would begin to weep in that Presence he carried. Robert Murray McChaney would carry the Revival Presence with him to a dance hall. And something strange began to HAPPEN as he gazed at each of those ladies who wanted to have a dance. They were seized with conviction and cried out to the Lord for mercy as the man of God crashed the dance party. All through Church History, the Power and Presence of the Holy Spirit active and working in the Servants and Handmaidens of the Lord has brought a personal life changing HAPPENING. As Mario has shared with us, we are the catalysts that bring a joyous HAPPENING to all who will hear and believe our Good News. No bad report, no false news story, no intimidation, no threats, no persecutions, no fearful sights, no calamities, no pressures from outward circumstances, and whatever HAPPENS relating to these end times will ever take away our Light, our Influence, our Power, our Joy and our Victory in Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

  21. Marilyn

    The end time is not happening to me; I’m happening to the end time. PTL




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