by | Jun 11, 2019 | Christianity Today | 45 comments

The results of this post are almost unheard of.  Read it for yourself…



By Mario Murillo

There are Christians who hate Trump.  Let’s call it for what it is: hate.  It is their hate—which is very strange for those who name the name of Jesus—that dulls their ability to see the inaccuracy of their comments and their myopic views.

One sanctimonious ranting Christian said, “There’s nothing Biblical about Trump.”  Actually, there’s nothing Biblical about that statement.  The prophet Daniel served Nebuchadnezzar.  Daniel recognized the role that this pagan king played in God’s unfolding drama.  The church’s ability to work with Trump is totally Biblical.

Now, I must clarify something, lest I incur the wrath of Trump supporters.  I am not calling Trump a pagan king—I’m sure he is much more moral than his enemies realize—I am saying that if Daniel could work with ‘Nebbie,’ how much more can we work with the Donald.

I have tried very hard to figure out what causes believers to hate Trump.  Our side won a long overdue and miraculous victory at the polls, and yet these believers choose to aid and abet the other side.  Is it because their favorite “Christian” didn’t win? Is it a case of sour grapes?They didn’t require any President to be a squeaky clean pastor, until Trump.

Yes, his tweets can be a bit much.  And okay, President Trump is not as smooth as Reagan…but, maybe we don’t need smooth right now.

Here is something else that is really strange, (hypocritical is more like it): why didn’t these guardians of morality speak out against Obama?  T.D. Jakes even attacked Franklin Graham for questioning Obama’s Christian Faith.  Jakes told him not to judge a brother.  Hold that thought as we explore another question…

How could you not question Obama’s Christianity?  Obama begged the question by dropping the Christian-card whenever it suited him (something Trump never does).   Meanwhile, Barack fought for same sex marriage, late term abortion, gave billions to Iran, and was the most Biblically hostile President in our history.

Click on this link to see a list of 89 acts of hostility toward Christians:  

Back to Jakes.  So why do so many Christian leaders—who said it was wrong to judge Obama—judge Trump?

Trump is not a pastor.  He is a businessman who loves America.  As far as his faith?  I am not qualified to determine his spiritual depth, since I’ve never had the chance to meet the man. But there are many photos of Christian leaders laying hands on the President, praying for him, and he is cooperating.

“He is like Hitler and the church is being fooled,” said another comment.  At this time, those of you who are wearing tinfoil hats, please remove them, and listen.  Hitler never had 98% of the media against him.  Trump has never called for a new constitution.  Hitler never tried to protect Israel.  I could go on and on.

Maybe if Trump had been the first President to address the March for Life.  Maybe if he had chosen an on fire born-again Vice President.  Maybe if he had rescinded executive orders that banned federal funds from Christian organizations.  Maybe if he overruled the Johnson Amendment that banned the free speech of pastors.  Maybe if he had moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, and shown himself to be a true supporter of Israel.  Maybe if he had put someone on the Supreme Court who helped Christian bakers to exercise their right to freedom of religion.  Maybe then you would support him.  Oh wait…he did all those things…

God has done a miracle and the enemy wants to make short work of the amazing breakthroughs we are witnessing by dividing the church.  Instead of being a religious outlier you should be thanking God, praying for and supporting the President. And voting for righteousness, and against the enemies of freedom.

1 I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in high office, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dedication (to God). 3 This (is) good and acceptable before God our Savior, 4 Who wishes all men to be saved and to come to a full knowledge of (the) Truth. – 1 Timothy 2:1-4



  1. Nick

    The ‘holier than thou’ churchgoers came out in droves almost immediately after the election to vehemently denounce our president, as if the alternative to Trump was better ?!?! Wow, talk about hypocritical delusion on the part of so-called Christians. The only thing that can open their eyes to the truth of America’s enemies from within is God himself. Sadly, the church as we know it in America has never ever been this divided before. Prayer is the only thing that can heal this divide.

    • Mark Andrew James

      Remember that Jesus said the wheat and the tare would grow up together and the tare or in this case “FALSE” Christians would only appear as real as long as the wheat was still in an immature state of their development in Christ “IN” them but once the “Head” of the wheat begins to show itself then the tare for what it is “Reveals” itself for what it is Antichrist, counterfeit, imposters that the Lord is exposing today as He descends upon His elect bringing a separation so the tares Spiritually will absolutely be consumed by the FIRE of His Glory as He alone Comes to be Glorified in yes “IN” as Within His Holy Ones Amen

      • kristymctee

        I have received two words from the Lord about exactly this. First word was “The Great Bifurcation has begun; you are seeing it.” One was while I was musing on the 23 rd psalm. The Lord said “Stay here in the green pasture with your Shepherd. You know His voice and you will not follow another. Know that I will never direct you into the chute that leads into the slaughterhouse.” The chilling thing about that chute for animals destined for meat is, there is no alternate exit, and there is no way to turn around.

        Jesus said, “He who does not gather with Me, scatters.” A bifurcation is a split of something into two -not three or five, just two. The teaching of the wheat and the tares is a perfect picture of what God is telling us to observe: the difference between two kinds of people, becoming evident before our eyes.

        What should we do? Jude 21-23 says “Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference: and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire (or the chute! – my note): hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.”

    • Pontnack Linda J.

      Amen my brother, I agree.??????

      • mackeysback

        What an excellent Spiritual lesson you give here with the bifurcation as with Jacob and Esau as also Issac and Ismael or as far back to Cain and Abel or Satan as the god of this world and our God in the face of our Lord Jesus the indwelling God or Christ Within us Amen and thank you brother for the parable of distinctive truth

      • mackeysback

        Earlier I wrote “Thank You” brother, when it might have been Sister…..either way, thank you as our Father is causing the Head of the wheat which is and can only be Jesus to appear in us as the tare must be either snatched as you say Out of the All-consuming Fire of our Fathers wrath or be completely consumed to their end. God HELP them to repent is our prayer for their souls Amen

  2. Jill Vaughn

    I have had complete peace about Pres. Trump. I have and am praying fervently for him. The reason I do is because I prayed and asked who God wanted me to vote for. The Lord showed me at length every thing that we now know about Pres. Trump in his role in this nation at this time. He showed me what would have happened if he hadn’t won. Ugh!!! It was terrible. We now know that too. Then dear brother Lt. Mark Taylor shared his prophecy about Pres. Trump and it was like what the Lord shared with me.

    • Mark Andrew James

      In mid-June of 2016 the Lord spoke as in Trumpeted Loud to both my wife and me that Donald Trump would be our next president according to His will alone likened to King Nebuchasser to be a conduit used by God to discipline His people while they were being held captive by Babylon just as it is today only it is a Spiritual Wickedness called Mystery Babylon or those foul filthy souls that make up this false narrative called the Christian church which is to be the soul or body of our Jesus as is the Christ God FORBID Amen!

  3. Ivan

    Great and perceptive writing! I always enjoy reading your posts because you have wisdom and say what needs to be said. I really don’t know how anyone can say they are Christian and support the left, because they are against everything the Word teaches. Thank you for your voice in these times! Ivan Sent from my iPhone


  4. tjgwynn

    I live in Canada & we need the so called Christians to wake up here as Canada has Obama II determined to destroy our nation. We are living what America has just come through. I would love to have a bold & courageous leader like President Trump. We had a so called”Christian” leader before this one yet same sex marriage laws were passed on his watch. Abortion is legal in this nation right up to birth which he never dealt with, never even discussed it on his watch, along with a lot of other things he did that we are just finding out now. These wolves in sheeps clothing are in both our parties & yet the Christians are leaning Conservative which is just a little more Conservative than our Liberals that are in power. Their leader is weak (a puppet hand picked) & there are red flags every where about his leadership. They won’t even let Christians run in their party! How much more do these people need to see to figure it out? We do have one man who has risen up, who is bold & courageous full of common sense/wisdom who lets Christians run in his party. He does not claim to be a Christian but his main supporter in his party is a strong Christian woman who is running the race with him. This man is the only one willing to open the abortion issue for discussion so let me think…..
    Thank you Mario for speaking truth, it is a rare commodity! May God richly bless you.

  5. Tim Lukens

    Amen Brother! You’re called as a Watchman, to the Church. Be bold and courageous! Our prayers are with you!

  6. Lindy

    >>”Back to Jakes. So why do so many Christian leaders—who said it was wrong to judge Obama—judge Trump?<<" Exactly!
    It is always God's anointed who are criticized and attacked though.
    (Trump was anointed by Him to be President of USA.)
    It was smooth sailing for Obama.
    Then God turfed him out and put the one whom HE had chosen in his place.
    Then BAM! all hell it seems was let loose!
    There were even some horrible celebrities like Cher and others who "threatened" to leave USA and come here to New Zealand!! (I thank God they didn't come here, though you people probably wish they had! lol!) Every one spat the dummy! (Especially Hillary, so I hear!)
    It was a supernatural outrage! Beyond any I have ever seen in reaction to someone voted in to rule a country.
    Because Trump is a firewall to all nations protecting what liberties we have left.
    The "kings of the earth"ruled by satan, (Psalm 2) were furious that just as they were about to pounce and do a complete takeover – (which is what having Hillary in would've amounted to,)
    God pulled out His Trump card!
    How much longer we in the "free" world can enjoy freedom of worship and other liberties, I do not know. But I am praying President Trump continues on as president after the 2020 election.
    PS I have never found Trump rough, I have always liked his no nonsense, out spoken rhetoric.

    • Mark Andrew James

      Amen and Amen as Truth prevails…

    • Donna

      Amen Lindy! It amazes me that so many people in other nations see the truth about Donald J Trump more clearly than many in the church in America.
      You are exactly right … Trump is a firewall to all nations! We love him and support him, and I am so thankful for brothers and sisters like you who stand with us. Justice and Restitution are upon us, praise the Lord!

    • D Williams

      Amen Lindy !
      Our President is a firewall.There are many who see things as they really are.Thank you for standing with us for 2020 election.

  7. Wilma

    Brother Mario, Thank you for speaking the truth and calling out the Preachers that seem to love wickedness more than Righteousness or Holiness. The latest one was when President Trump visited a megachurch whose congregation got offended by the prayer of their pastor for the President. Even worse the Pastor caved and apologized that he hurt their feelings. That was just too much. God help us.

  8. kristymctee

    Why did a certain brother, who has always impressed me with his zeal for the lost, apologize after praying for our President, who actually came to his church on a Sunday morning asking for prayer, and who is under a 24/7 firestorm of satanic opposition? Please tell me, because I am losing all respect for this brother.

    • Lindy

      What church was that please? Why not ring or email and ask why he apologized. I am pleased President Trump visited a church and asked for prayer! Not surprised – just pleased.

      • kristymctee

        The church was McLean Bible Church in Mclean VA

        • Lindy

          Ok thanks, I’ll look it up.

        • Mark Andrew James

          I saw President Trump walk with this man across the stage requesting prayer when you could See in his appearance that he was “Humbled” and humbling himself to be there with supposedly Gods people or can I dare say “The Body of Christ Jesus our Lord” Well, this so-called shepherd of the flock of God was so very timid you could See and feel his fear of having to address a congregation that was very possibly Anti-Trump as they were Anti-Christian as is the Anti-Christ spirit that was ever present within this building as if they were praying for Adolf Hitler which by the Way would have been a good as in Godly thing to do in his day if man would just Humble himself in the very Presence of God Seeking His Face alone confessing the error of his or her ways so that God alone could Hear the BREAKTHROUGH in one’s heart and bring healing to not only the Land without but the very Soul(s) of those WITHIN where Jesus Christ Himself “MUST REIGN ” until He has put all enemies under His Feet. And the very last enemy will absolutely be the DEATH STATE of man’s present being as his soul Must Come out of this wayward life of spiritual prostitution and death to her who is to belong only to Him who is her Life as is our Lord. Beloved we/you/me “MUST” Examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize about yourselves, that Jesus Christ Himself by His precious Indwelling Spirit is in you?—unless, of course, you fail the test! And I hope that you will find out that we do not fail the test! 2 Corinthians 13:5-6

    • mackeysback

      I saw the video of President Trump walk with this man across the stage requesting prayer when you could See in his appearance that he was “Humbled” and humbling himself to be there with supposedly Gods people or can I dare say “The Body of Christ Jesus our Lord” Well, this so-called shepherd of the flock of God was so very timid you could See and feel his fear of having to address a congregation that was very possibly Anti-Trump as they were Anti-Christian as is the Anti-Christ spirit that was ever present within this building as if they were praying for Adolf Hitler which by the Way would have been a good as in Godly thing to do in his day if man would just Humble himself in the very Presence of God Seeking His Face alone confessing the error of his or her ways so that God alone could Hear the BREAKTHROUGH in one’s heart and bring healing to not only the Land without but the very Soul(s) of those WITHIN where Jesus Christ Himself “MUST REIGN ” until He has put all enemies under His Feet. And the very last enemy will absolutely be the DEATH STATE of man’s present being as his soul Must Come out of this wayward life of spiritual prostitution and death to her who is to belong only to Him who is her Life as is our Lord. Beloved we/you/me “MUST” Examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize about yourselves, that Jesus Christ Himself by His precious Indwelling Spirit is in you?—unless, of course, you fail the test! And I hope that you will find out that we do not fail the test! 2 Corinthians 13:5-6

  9. Suzanne

    Thank you thank you thank you for writing this. It should be read in every church in America. God Bless you for speaking truth. May this open many ears.

  10. Carolina

    Mario and Bloggers,
    It does my heart good to witness so many views that have been made by interested readership!…(856,000 views) WAY TO GO MARIO!
    Equally valiant and encouraging are those of you from Canada and New Zealand ( tjgwynn – Lindy) who have the Christ centered impetus and drive to speak out from their own countries and offer up their prayers and righteous opinions regarding our American President!…WAY TO GO FRIENDS!
    Our Lord is on the move…?

    • Mark Andrew James

      Oh yes, He is on the move so let us Hold on to Him alone to See the Glory of His coming as He Comes to be glorified in His Holy Ones called the Elect Amen. Can those dry bones Live? Thou knowest Lord and His response is “SPEAK” Loud to these bones to Come forth Now from the four corners of the earth and “WATCH” as God alone cloths them with His Life His bone of His Flesh as fear begins to descend upon this world Amen

      • Lindy

        Amen! brother Mark James. Looking unto Jesus! HE is our hope. We all want the freedom to preach the Gospel in the meantime though and that is why it is great when God gives a little more time (as Trumps’ presidency provides.)
        You are right. We seek a heavenly city. We are not of this world, and Jesus really IS coming so soon! By having people like brother Murillo speak out on issues facing America it may help extend that time by Trump winning the 2020, as Christians read his posts and consider.
        But for me, here in New Zealand, his presidency is holding back the evil forces that seek to ruin and dominate every life on the planet, incrementally, through Global Government.
        But time is the essence and it is so we the church can win more to the Lord.

        • Mark Andrew James

          Yes he that wins over “souls” into our Lords CAMP is wise I most definitely would say Amen

    • Lindy

      Thank you. I felt very urged of the Lord to pray Trump win the election, and added fasting with it. I “heard” (just two days before the election) “Overturn, overturn! I will overturn and give it to him whose right it is!” I KNEW then that Trump would win. I also saw an interview months prior of him on YT from when he was a very young business man being interviewed by one of your well known interviewers (female – forget her name.) He was deeply concerned about America and had some good ideas for how the economy and other things could be sorted and was a bit frustrated at the state of affairs. The interviewer closed by saying, “Who knows? Maybe YOU will be president one day?!” He laughed and said, “I don’t think so.” She said, “If things continue as they are, would you ever consider running for president?” Trump, “I don’t know. Maybe. (Then I think he added:) I haven’t thought about it.”
      He has always had the best interests of America at heart and the Lord sees him as one whoe “right it is.”
      BTW: Whats with people all saying (as if apologizing for commending him): “He isn’t perfect.” It’s like a catch-cry or something. What has he done wrong??
      So, they dredged up a bit of locker room talk from 30 years ago before the what?
      He has been married to Melania and been faithful to her many years and is a wonderful father.
      I don’t get it. So he called someone “a fat pig” (or similar) – as I recall it was a fair comment, especially as she was calling him names and carrying on with impunity.
      He isn’t perfect. So Obama was?!
      We need to back those who have our best interests at heart.

      I am in a socialist country where it is now illegal to share the Gospel with Moslems or any one of any other religion. My Prime Minister (bless her heart!) is a 30 something, Marxist brainwashed, lady who came to power and who rejects Trump out of hand.
      But there are thousands here in NZ (not only among Christians) who love Trump and what he is doing and who know that he is protecting us here in NZ and worldwide, from a total Globalist government.

  11. hisfool

    I very recently had an interesting dream regarding Donald Trump. My wife and I were in the Oval Office meeting with him, it was just the three of us. He welcomed us in, and shook our hands warmly, and we chatted for a few minutes. He then said to us, “I am establishing the office of Chief Intercessor on my staff, I would like you to help and be a part of this.” I immediately thought of a friend of ours and his wife in the DC area who are powerful intercessors and minister on an international level and told my wife we needed to call them.

    • Lindy

      I saw a photo of President Trump coming out of a prayer room, where he and others were praying, with tears in his eyes and a very soft expression. He has a Bible study and prayer with friends/aides every morning too. I would hearken to that dream. I believe you should contact that couple and ask them to offer their services to Trump in regards intercession.

      • hisfool

        Actually I have already sent him a copy of the dream along with my impressions and what I was feeling as it happened.

    • Lindy

      That’s good that you sent it to them.

  12. Jeanie Turner

    May I suggest that people claiming to be Christians and hate the President are likely luke warm? A very dangerous place to be at any time, especially now! I believe judgment is coming and they will not be protected.

    Our God Reigns, Jeanie Turner ________________________________

  13. Shoshanna M Zimmerman

    The down side of having religious freedom, and opportunities in the market place, is a Christian community that act like pampered brats. As long as the church has money rolling in, they can stay asleep isolated from reality. Then here comes Mr Trump not going along with evil, a real wrecking ball, who has uncovered the deep state. The soft Christian church that has been a asleep for decades, is now in shock.

  14. michellethurman2344

    Well spoken. Remember, Nicodemus hid his faith in Jesus and the Jews, God’s chosen, were the ones who crucified Jesus because He made them uncomfortable. Today in America we have a nation of kindergarten Christians who just want things to be fun. These are the ones who say you hate homosexuals if you take a stand against homosexuality. What would they do if they were a Christian in Iran or Africa, Korea or China? They are Christians as long as it costs them nothing and that’s what they will end up with…nothing. Here, in America, the time for soft words and a comfortable pew is past and Trump is exactly what we need to wake us up before it is too late. So, WAKE UP AMERICA, we are almost out of time to turn our nation around for Jesus!


    Just wanted to let you know that I have been following your Blog for months now. I absolutely love it!!! I guess I would have to say I am probably in total agreement with everything you say. And, praise God for the ministry that you are doing in California. I have been keeping our church informed of the meetings and we have been praying. Gloria

    —————————————–From: “Mario Murillo Ministries” To: Cc: Sent: Tuesday June 11 2019 11:21:14PM Subject: [New post] SEE WHY

    mariomurilloministries posted: “The results of this post are almost unheard of. Read it for yourself… CHRISTIANS WHO HATE TRUMP By Mario Murillo There are Christians who hate Trump. Let’s call it for what it is: hate. It is their hate—which is very strange for those”

  16. kingskid48

    Another one that I really needed to read. I too, am stunned at the so-called, “Christians” who are filled with hatred for President Trump. Many of them appear to be hanging onto Obama like he’s going to come riding into D.C. on a white steed and save the nation from this horrible big, blond monster who is forcing people to get jobs and come to America legally, accept raises in pay, prosper the economy and all those horrible things. Worse yet, trying to save babies and preserve religious freedom. You cannot reason with them. Hatred has blinded their eyes to the truth. When you encounter them on the net, it’s best to ignore or block them, unless you enjoy wasting your time trying to get through to them. I can’t tell you what a blessing to the Body of Christ you are, Pastor Mario. Thank you for helping to keep us on the straight and narrow.

  17. beehopper

    This is what I want to say but could not put into words. Yes, Trump isn’t the perfect saint. But he is open to the things of the Lord and he doesn’t bend to his peers or surroundings. He know what his mission is, to make America great and does not budge from that mission.

  18. Kathryn Erskine

    So true!! Thank you for your wisdom and i do thank God for what Trump has done ans is still doing!

  19. Keisha

    Amen Mario! Thanks for boldly speaking the truth! God Bless You!!!

  20. Surfcourier

    Yes, and ironic that Christians (and those so called) are not on the same page together. I went to a Baptist church that the Holy Spirit came down upon, so much so, that all those Baptists were filled with the Holy Spirit and that Body of believers was so transformed that all were in perfect harmony and unity together. Fast forward that church group into todays world and get a show of hands Mario, from those who are thankful to have the current President and are praying fervently for him each day: the whole house would raise their holy hands and say amen. We know why. The wonderful Holy Spirit in every believer was bearing witness in every heart that this was the good and most sensible responsibility. If one dose of today’s toxic liberalism finds its way into the church, it will muddy the waters of the Holy Spirit and create a mental disorder and disharmony everywhere it goes. Hence, how much more the critical need of a Holy Spirit Outpouring today to bring every born again one into unity under One Head, Christ Jesus. They will have true discernment, understand the times, know how to pray, and be of one Mind.

  21. Pam Young

    You are so right Mario! Praying ? for our nation

    Sent from my iPhone


  22. Jon silvester

    Supporting President is an easy one for me; Obama and Hillary were opposed to almost everything I believe in and Donald Trump supports almost every thing I stand for. Christians who oppose Trump should ask themselves this question; what would this Country look like if Hillary would have been elected? The courts, foreign policy, social policy, religious liberty would be totally different. This Country would be much further down the road to a largely secular, socialistic style country, that would have little tolerance for anything Christian. Wake up, people!!!

  23. Helen Louise Ruch

    As always your comments are right on. Only wish you could be on every single TV station and shout this information to the world. God bless you for standing for truth, when there is so little to be found these days. We need you and your voice.
    May GOD bless you abundantly in every way.

  24. Kevan Prati

    Very, very well-said, Mario.
    Maybe these Trump-hating Christians would benefit from a meditation of Dan2:28a – …but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries…(ESV).
    As you pointed out in this blog, much has already been revealed.
    We must stop complaining about why God put Trump in office and start (keep) praying for him.




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