Mighty Warrior: A word from the Lord for you.

by | May 24, 2018 | Christianity Today | 29 comments

You were led into a relationship with Jesus where you no longer fit in anywhere.  What thrilled others left you scratching your head, wondering how they could be so easily satisfied.
You feel the evil and the blasphemy.  You are grieved to see God’s name and honor smeared both inside and outside the church.  You wondered “how long Lord?”  How long before I can take up the sword of the Lord and bring wrath down on demons?
You have wondered what is happening to you.  It seems that everything the enemy has is being thrown at you.  Many have pulled away from you—including those you have trusted for years—not understanding the path that you have chosen.
People made big promises to you that turned out to be a puff of smoke.  You were left empty at the very moment you believed a great breakthrough was coming.
God promised you something when you began this journey; but now it all seems like a cruel fantasy.  You have cried to the Lord “why have you awakened this hope in me if this will never come to pass.”  You dared not even tell your family and closest friends your true feelings.
Do you want to understand what is happening to you right now?  While you weren’t looking, God reached down and did important work inside you. God tested you in the furnace for holy reasons.
A great self-emptying is in progress.  Heaven is asking questions about you and the furnace is answering them.
-He is making you someone can be trusted with great influence and power.
-He is making you someone who has freely received and will freely give.
-He is making you someone who will be so focused and determined that you will never quit.
-He is making you someone who obeys only God—who only goes forth at the command of God—who gives all credit and glory to God.
Let not the darkness of this hour rush your preparation.  Fear not!  It will not be too late by the time of your breakthrough.
Is this the darkest it has ever been?  Does it seem it can get no worse?  Then beloved, consider the intensity of this attack as a sign that your breakthrough is at hand…the devil saves the worst for last, but God saves the best for last.
Isaiah 55: 8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
10 “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
12 “For you shall go out with joy,
And be led out with peace;
The mountains and the hills
Shall break forth into singing before you,
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
13 Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree,
And instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree;
And it shall be to the Lord for a name,
For an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.”






  1. Pamela Payne

    I sent a message on messenger to you

    • Michelle Lusby

      I needed this Mario
      God bless you and Mechelle-always. You are such a blessing!

    • Mary

      Thank you Mario for sharing this on time word from our Lord! Confirmation… bears witness with my spirit! God bless you!

  2. Cynthia Jones

    Thank You so much for the word of God

  3. Dorrie Gillingham

    Oh Mario!!

    How could you have possibly known that the Lord gave you those words just for me!! My husband abandoned me 10 years ago with 1 day’s notice and he left the day before our wedding anniversary. For so long, I couldn’t understand why, they I began to think Abba was protecting me from him and that’s why he left. But being this old (76 yesterday) and this profoundly alone, no family, friends have all either died or moved away, NOBODY should feel this depth of loneliness!

    So your words gave me hope that MAYBE things will either change for me very soon, or He will take me home! Because this just isn’t living.


    • Carolina

      Dear Dorrie, please don’t feel so alone, so yesterday was your Birthday, well, Happy Birthday Dorrie!!? And I will add that you do have family & friends, because when you’re in the Body of Christ, WE are your family…while King Jesus your Friend that sticks closer than a Brother.
      Additionally Dorrie, yesterday was my Mother’s Birthday too, (85 yesterday) and her husband abandoned her 18 years ago, you’re not alone. So LIVE Dorrie, & let Christ Jesus be your Husband here on earth as He is in heaven.

      • Butterfly n

        That is so true, Carolina/Dorrie … I look at 2 Cor. 11:1-3.. The Apostle Paul says: we have been espoused to Christ, this is To happen!! God keeps His Word!!
        .. My minister husband is with Jesus, so now I am espoused to Jesus. But do you know, I forget to consult Him over everything? And that’s how Eve was deceived, she thought she could act on her own, thus she made Satan her head!! Unreal!!! The Apostle Paul feared this would happen to us, too. It did to the Ephesian believers in Rev. 2, so we need to be reminded we are going to be presented to Jesus, but ~ how will we be presented, chaste or deceived ones, not glorifying God?? I Cor 3: says we might have all our “works” burnt up, from doing all kinds of “good works”.. As they were done for other reasons ~ not for love for Him!! May we repent where we need to.

  4. d. g.

    The Lord truly spoke to me thru Mario this day. Only God would know how much I needed those words!

  5. Jim Giacomelli

    Amazing. Just 40 minutes ago I asked God to confirm what he was saying to me. I just checked my email and this article from Mario was there. So amazed as it answered all that God was reminding me of and more. Thank you Mario!

  6. Robert Irizarry

    Great word I am so blessed to have joined this blog you help me rveryday with words of encouragement and truth. Thank you.

  7. Michael A. Druckenmiller Sr

    I think that there are a lot of us who can relate…

    But, then the doubt creeps in and says, but I am a worm how can this possibly be specifically for me…

    And, as soon as I thought that this came to mind…

    Romans 11:4 But what is God’s reply to him? I have kept for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal! [I Kings 19:18.]

  8. Michael A. Druckenmiller Sr

    A further thought:

    There are so many issues in our lives today… Whether in church or out of church we are hard pressed to shut up, sit down and not make waves…

    Jeremiah 20:9 If I say, I will not make mention of [the Lord] or speak any more in His name, in my mind and heart it is as if there were a burning fire shut up in my bones. And I am weary of enduring and holding it in; I cannot [contain it any longer].

    But, Our Lord does not want an uncontained and destructive application of His Dunamis, no like a skilled miner He wants precision holes drilled to a specific depth with the Dynamite packed just so, so the the wall comes down and not the whole mine…

    • Evan. Roger Culwell

      Boy you been reading my mail. amen

  9. Wm. F. Albert

    Thanks Brother Mario for confirmation on what’s happening as I move further to SPIRITUAL transformation into the Image of JESUS CHRIST in my heart. I thank GOD for helping me to take off the old man (self) and putting on CHRIST in my heart. Thank you FATHER for helping me take up my cross to follow YOUR SON JESUS! And my cross is taking off the self..who is my worst enemy.. transformation! As I move toward less of myself and more of JESUS CHRIST..it seems the less friends and family I have. I wasn’t liked when I was in the world and liked even less following JESUS CHRIST! And now those who are yet to come to CHRIST the unsaved,foe,strangers are closer to me.. their need and my need for JESUS CHRIST brings us together hopefully to ONE SPIRITUAL BODY In JESUS CHRIST! Brother Mario may GOD continue to keep you a Blessing in JESUS NAME and keep you covered with HIS HOLY GRACE,LOVE and PROTECTION! AMEN!

  10. Carolina

    Way to go Mario!!…This article word spoke directly to my precious Husband who for years & years adopted this Isaiah 55: scripture into his heart.
    I’m remembering the great words of John the Baptist, when Jesus came into John’s picture of his earthly life & ministry – he told his disciples who were concerned about how Jesus was attracting away so many of John’s followers,
    “I must decrease that He may increase.”

  11. David Larson

    A timely message straight from the Lord. Thank you for sharing it Mario.

  12. Brianna

    Ty Father God for your words

  13. Carol Biedermann

    Hello Mario Murillo. We met several times in Prescott AZ at Living Faith church. I would like to know if you are Pre or Post trib. Thank you sir Sincerely Carol

    On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 5:58 PM, Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: “You were led into a relationship with > Jesus where you no longer fit in anywhere. What thrilled others left you > scratching your head, wondering how they could be so easily satisfied. You > feel the evil and the blasphemy. You are grieved to see God’s name” >

  14. chiclivingoutside

    Oh, my dear, I needed this word very much! I have been put down and laughed at and made fun of and betrayed and scoffed and you name it! It has and is very ugly and lonely and intense. So much so that my husband wants to spend time with his friends more than me. He is an alcoholic and sometimes he says he doesn’t need me or anything to do with me. I know that The Lord wants me here and it is hard. Thank you for this word pastor Murillo.

    Please stand with me in prayer for the salvation of Christopher Dale Peters, my husband. and for the reuniting of my sons Fred, Kris, and Mike. Thank you with all my heart! God Bless you, Mariam

    On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 4:58 PM, Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: “You were led into a relationship with > Jesus where you no longer fit in anywhere. What thrilled others left you > scratching your head, wondering how they could be so easily satisfied. You > feel the evil and the blasphemy. You are grieved to see God’s name” >

  15. Selah Vita

    my my my, this nailed it for me…it’s like you read my mail…thank you so much for this word…i thought i would never fulfill my destiny and/or asked, did i misunderstand that i even had one?
    i think i got my answer…many blessings and thanks!

  16. Dusty Dwyer

    Thank you Mario! I needed this more than you could imagine! You are always a blessing to me and all of us in the body!!!

  17. Paula Peterson

    Thank you for encouraging me Mario. Someday soon I’ll share with you how you fit into the SOON Victory!!! ???

  18. Joy Wright

    Thank you! Spoke to me.

  19. Barbara Cecil

    Thank You Mario for this right on time word, So encouraged my heart, this is exactly where I am, Trusting, waiting, believing for God to open that door to my assignment, my destiny. It seems like forever, but deep in my heart of hearts I know God’s got this, Amen Thank You for your faithfulness Mario, Blessings to you and your ministry.

  20. Penny Sheahan

    “On Eagle’s wings He brought me there
    Now I must breathe much different air
    Far below the sheep content
    His higher way my heart’s intent
    I don’t care what man may say
    For I must walk this higher way”
    Penny David Sheahan

    I’m so happy to have confirmation. I often feel alone! You let me know I’m not! Bless you a ton, Mario.

  21. trevon@hotmail.com

    “Well Done” good and faithful servant speaks of being cooked all the way through.

  22. Debra

    Timely word! Thank you! ?




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